Kinvi Mrs. Mehl : 4,y,.. - . lO-T TV D n t r.AS At a candlelight serv- Tea At Lei AlltfUSt Aan kahler. daughter of Hr. and lrs. Herman Kahler. became the bride cf Harold Glenn Ketil, son f Mr. and Mrs. Abe tleiL T.ev. FendaU Faul read the service. The soloist was Mrs. Gerald Lokaa and Mrs. Ellsworth Wilson played the organ. Given In manias tay her father, the bride chose a- white slipper satin wa fashioned with fitted bodice, yoke of lace corrdnj ta a point at the waist line in front and bade, and full train. The fin gertip veu oi imported illusion i trimmed with lace and held in place by a crown of lace over satin. She carried s bouquet of shaded pink rubrura lilies and atephaooti. Mrs. Ed Adams was the matron of honor for her sister. She wore pale pink sheer over taffeta gown and carried a cascade bou quet of deep pink gladioluses and wore a headdress of small pink ----- Ul a. h Jt . waw svti iTZi- r- r-H,n-r 12.000. Oreeon raises more mint i.SSra - SS bridesmaids. They wore taenucai ' lira. Kirry X. Wieda&r and Mrs. Jose Koritz of CorvaSIa were the winning north-south teara. at tie weekly duplicate tournament c2 1" C while ' en the otlsr. sLU cf tha boards lira. Lenore Park and Lira. Charles T. ToxUzzr tied with tin. TTsrd Grahari tad Ei!-VSX. Dannen of Erownsville. Cohere Zuc;tta . McCoskrie of CorvaHIs, W. E. Kimsey and Mrs. Walter M. Qiao," -and lira. Ruby Anderson tl f tlit, D&reXhj Usszny cX Jowasvi2e. da lone Haw ard and Daniel Finson, both of Silverton were married at a quiet ceremony Saturday night at ft 'clock in the first Christian church parxaoars, the Sev. Arthur Charles Bates o3datiag. i-Th'e 0 tgfareaca, Salem. OreyeivTrliayV'JUiTsst I?, I33r-If ) ' U I i t'- j j H : j , 1 Sir. and lira. xnZiaaa X. TUSU lips, jr., "have invited a few friend to a barbecue supper on the patio urftay night. The word "naradise" wai first used :y jXenophon, Greek' histori- an-an; general, reierring to of Their Electric street nome Sat-J Persian, enclosed park or pleasure. ground. Ey IX2e I Uadsea IX3ANON, Augv 17 While the extremely hot' weather did j tampea the brow k fafled to ! dampen the spirit of the more tham 160 women wha attended the Lebanon Garden dub's ISth armoal Herb Tea. The- event was held in the gardens of Mrs. A. G. Kortz at 587 Walnut st. and 17 varieties of herb tea besides an herb-blended punch were served. little sandwiches and cakes also contained herTss both within, and without. At the herb bazaar. , held in conjunction with the tea. mintJ eeranium. jedes and var ious vinegars were aelunc Dreary. While Indiana's acres- or mint outnumber Orezons by almost bert Looney. Jefferson, told the visitors during the jrograra hour. For years, she said. Michigan topped all other states in growing mint, but m 1919 Indiana went to the top with 18,700 acres, and Oregon came in second with 14, 500 Michigan fell to third place Oregon produced 1.819 pounds of aunt oil and Indiana but 1,4Z. gaU vary AJinsiense va .1 country In 112 in Massachu and Mrs. Benjamm-C3iristensen,lsett MrSm Looney told, but it pale blue sheer over taffeta gowns and carried Douqueu ox ycuow gladiohises and wore a headdress of tiny yellow rosebuds. Dorothy Nenfeld and Joyce Schroeder light ed the candles Xleen Christensen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Christen aen of Corvallis. wat the flower was the ring bearer. Bill Adams, brother-m-law of the bride, was the best man. Bill Wilson, Sonald Wiebe, Delbert "fredericka and Melvin Kahler were the ushers. Mrs. Kahler chose a sheer navy blue over taffeta gown with white accessories and a corsage of gar denias and pink rosebuds. Mrs. Mehl were turquoise and white silk print with white accessories and a corsage of gardenias and pink rosebuds. -. " . A vceentian was held in the Mrs. bam aaem didnt come to the west coast in a commercial way until 1909. While some types of wild mint are being grown here, most of the mint now planted faa Oregon is of mgltsn origin, Mrs. Looney said. She said that rust had infested Willamette valley mint badly this summer and In order to save the crop much of the mint had to be cut earlier than vsuaL flea beetle and strawbexiy weevil were "also severe this season, she added bait- mg was being done in mint fields. I Mrs. V. E. WDsoav president of the Lebanon Garden club, was also chairman of the tea. Mrs. fhurrh naxlors. and Mrs. J. B. Boeder cut the presided at herb V cake and Xaverne VanCylce and uhl serrin Mrs. Mel Kahler seryied thepunch. wen Miss Barbara Gamberg and Assisuns woj rrr Miss Kita Kenyon. Mel Kahier, Mrs. Meivm Two gardens besides the Kortz Mrs. Mervyn Courter and Mrs. J garden were open to the visitors. Ronald Wleve. . v In the gardens of Mrs. Oliver For going away the bride wore Gunderson 100 varieties of mint a gray suit with white accessories were viewed, growing In her gar nH whit orchid. dens, and a similar number of The couple are bom graduates of fuchsias were admired in the gar- the Dallas high school rne dtkm laen ox jots, isruce nsiey. is employed at tne staie oureau of labor in Salem and the groom at the Mehl Lumber company in Dallas. ' Following a wedding trip to Ne vada, the fcouple will be at home at 508 Ellis street in Dallas. : Valley Obituaries Of f Irpra TVIeet Byd Kirk Greasadckle AUMMw..rT-- - 1 - SILVERTON Boyd Kirk Officers of the Salem Memorial Grossnickle, 7, died Tuesday-at hospital auxiliary, gathered for a Silverton hospital. He had been - .pedal meeting on Wednesday at a resident here for the -past nine the home of the president, Mrs. years. . : - Malvin Rudd. Plans were made Grossnickle was bora In Iowa, . th eomine vear arid at the uec . lasu. seotember xne firct meeting in project of the auxiliary will be; riicnissed. A rummage sale is niannni far the latter part of SMtember and committee chair men were appointed by the pre denL Attendins: were Mrs. Ed ward Goeckner, a past president. Mrs. A, C Haag, Mrs. A. J. Bedc er, Mrs. C Ronald Hudkins, Mrs. p. C Anderson and Mrs. Rudd. FOUX COXNEKS Mrs. 8. H. Cable was hostess at on all day meeting of the White Cross divi sion of the Four Corners Baptist Missionary society this week in her nome. They finished a quilt and began another one and roll ed bandages. Working were Mrs. Elmer Baker, Mrs. Don Jacobe, Mrs. Eldon France, Mrs. Harry Hammond, .Mrs. M. Hermiston, Mrs. Cecil Snook, Mrs. E. A. Snook. Mrs. Roy Thayer, Mrs. Victor Loucks. Mrs. W. R. Gould, 1 Mrs. Oliver Rickman. Expected la Salens far the weekend will be Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White and children, Jeff rey and Richard, of Rochester, New York, who will be guests of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. 'Kenneth Potts. The Whites are making their head quarters In Portland during their visit to Oregon with his mother, Mrs. Clarence White, and at Lake Oswego with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tamj Willis. LSS4 GXXLS FOX 27 JOBS HONG KONG-t?) -There's no shortage of girls wanting to be nurses in Hong Kong. When the -Tung Wah group of hospitals wanted 27 girls to take a 4-year nursing coarse, 1,354 girls ap plied. The lucky 27 will be chos en after examinations. Surviving are the widow. Mar Grossnickle, Silverton; sons, John, Victor and Wilbur, all of Silver- ton, Arnold, Driggs, Idaho, and Robert, Oregon Cityr daughter, Mrs. Lena Van Camp: brothers. John, Salem, Harry, Des Moines, lowa, ana unaries. st. raul. Minn.; also IS grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 pjn. at the Ekman Funeral home. Interment will be In Valley View cemetery. Canada la the world's leading producer of asbestos. SURPLUS STEEL Large stock, of surplus plstos- ansSaa-fets ... some are rusty. Evy few ton now at our low price! ushd f:?h W to 6" random lengths you pick what yon was . . . mi ma3 orders on t?Js Hem. - - -- W W a WW OH I II a eenpleto stock of new briasen warehoBse steel. j r Kwr Lii w w t t Hair Grows 5 t c 5- s FASTDt TH1CXE2 KZALTKSX WJA tho New INTERNAL Troatawawt Basic to all hair grow t h stimulation, with or without other methods. j , Today we can take with our foods, speci fic amounts of newly discovered hair-building substances. (Re search by science staff, Oregon College of Ed ucation 1949-1950.) Samsonade, original ly sold as a wholesome appetizer - now con tains mesa substances and has produced more hair in better than 70 of its recent users. ' If you are one of the future .70 - you may expect (1) less falling hair within one week of first use; (2) new short hairs - (hairs, not fan) starting within two; or three . weeks, on any ; areas of baldness; (3) coarsening, more vital appearance . and sometimes in--creased e u r hness of all hair as It : grows. Will you risk 21 to find out if you are one or me 70? We will gladly sacrifice our $1.85 (the regular price is $1X5 per bottle) to get you to try it once. But please note this sales-builder offer is good only for new us . era who rnatl their, ' cards by August 22. . gl forwarded now with your printed name and address will trir.'yru year 12-cz. bcttla cf SamssaadLa at once, postpaid. Use the space aloe? the eis ;T7fT- e i cAjiinEii meals WEty LTvJ : , - I rx JCi vVt VS '-Pf ...especially when its jo'-jj. A oifm -1! . r j iga bkndu , . rn i. ? ) 4 1 If iumim- .i I . Ill ! r Somboen. - efy oaei aeoaamyf vNW CatGrctoA ' -S .BSttk. .BStk. Cider V4 cjrrl. CampbeHa CliicIicnSoup Franco American SpaghoIIi 2 CampbeQa Tonafo Jcico ed 10 AirUicIi Powdered 1 lb. can Purines Each J390 Niagara Starch 12 os pkg. Hydrex 250 Ccokic: IV os. Waxtex aKJLlLl Ho. Vt For Your Summer Salads and Sandwiches Jnnlici Frcczkn ISk- VosaJSo, Chocolatav Mapls. Sarswbosir fiOTOffS. 230 i - . - ' ' -i Pnrifan 1 EIiiEiallous - D Jhor tu-tono or plain. Toast flkoxn. 1 lb. pkg. . 1 i Uptons Sack TEA Vi lb. pkgs. Tbxa Eaireshiag Flavor 330 Ucauso H't ground to suit your particular brewing W0esjii wfcon you Miy i SCSMTIA r 1 ntuY HELP YOB Will to t MhUnr Cm- 10 lb. aack Cnocolato, ranHla. mint flavora. . 1; -3 pkgs. CaxrpbalTs O 01 Tomato Soup L lor Llfc IGA Itomectnised -Peanut BuSor CJJ, 1 lb. Jar .05 Dall Ilsrca text iSllX Feature o! iho Uebh 0(3A. ", Pcih 5 D:zzs - Canned SprjtslII Your dvoico. Any oos, or all threw No. I Deviled Ilea! a0 Liver Spread wa?, .3150 EIALEYS EZEF STEY7 With, brown gravy. 18 OS. em - - ' a ffp. Haloys .Meat BaSs, 18 os. can - 390 Ball EcUpse Yftnt? Wide JXUiiJ 1 ses. qts. nCPFccUn Fkg. Texwax Paraffin Large pkg. 1S3 :rvo C:::3 Tczh Jaa-U-Wine Chow Main Hedlles jr.. JAN-U-V7CIS No.S Ct:? Sney Vcg. JAN-U-VES battle 25s 4v 35a Ct:p Susy US !. 3 wprCU Ko. t can ,. L , 123 FZZIIIUTS A fi r x u 4I J i THZ GSSATEST WASHma AID ... ....... - EVT3 OFFCEED Quart BotUos 2S SELF POUSHmO rami Ptsi S Quart Ins word "SHOTIir zaoans tho nost rttallry la floor wax; and polish. CStb- yosr Cooes tho finished look wk Sanonis Tho price is reasonable, a ESlo goes orlang Polnclivo Soap 2 bo& stos fMM1LMM.M D.nMMMl 2 reg. 250 bora y U Tho beauty oov used by movie stars . Largs pkg. . 290 'Washes clothee far brightor j FAB cr VEL Largo package Instant Sods ta any water Bonnso i ! Miiionns DIAL SOUP Reg. bar.. Daodorant Soap Ttcrs IGA Sicres Save Ten Here TLrczgh Ilasj Eayirj Power cid Efid:ii! Opsraiica EGUiUL'S iinnnET Weodbsirn, Oregen IndepeadeBea, Oregon HG3TZIZ L.w.tini in . Prices EIIec2ve Friday and Satarday U.S. lib. l : - - :- ' '; r-inrrr io ib.- Yakima Corns at This Special Low Pries Local Grown, SolU 0 Libs. Bed E!po c w3 IPc wTIi 2 lbs. Zn Far your salads or stsf ea fororSs roctpo. wLbyour Cclorxio, Vbs IZpsesd . Cat tou a ci Vl&nnia C each day 00 GGL1ET3- aTebaf , Orareai OFEIf 8TJNDATS rnniiEiis guccehy -v.'. - Oerrala, Oregen csnniM. ensn iztt. V ' Maasflouth, Oregen " ECI3 FC3D inmnET Sda, Oregen ; -. Slaia Sirccl Ilarhel 1229 Stoto 8t Salem Open Sundays . ;'' Fcid Ilarbci 271 N. High St. Salem t LETHIOII'S IIAMET . S9S N. Ceaasaerelal St. Sateas ' i i i . CADTED'S 17 AT1TTET 17th Kxrket Sta, Salem ' (Izdily Tc:d ILrrlici 17th A Center Sta. Saless ETTT.AT3 IIMHIET tit XZgkUnd Ave. Salem m i : mm 1 - .v.V.-. I .y.v of this ad if you Le. t srrn. trr.z:zn 2 Ilk aai N. T7. f fecial Sta rertlasi. Crr- " - CJLXrCAl: i i w I' Ik sr "w S was? j it IX. Eclitla, IZxsaazZX Cra. I