The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 08, 1950, Page 10, Image 10

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    IO-The Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday. ' Anqnst 6, Hsfj
Sleeks and Bends
Compiled by the Associated Prey
' Aug. 1
ZD 10 10 10
' Bails tndurt Util rorrn
Het chance AJ unch A.1 A.1
Mondav MJH 102.1 104 J
Prev. Day 95 3 102.1 104J
Week ago 85.0 101 J 104 J
Month aKO 92.6 102.0 103 3
Year aco . S0.S 102.5 103.T
So 1$ 1$ 00
Indust Rails Util Stock
Ket chanc A1.4 AJ AJ A1.0
Monday 107.5
Prev. day 106.1
Week ago 164.0
Month ago 103.0
3fear ago 01.7
H New 1950 high.
48 9H 43 J
48.0 43J
47 J . 42 .0
412 44.3
34J 40 J
uabtt am ni An T.f APl-fTJS-
CA)-Cattle salable 1400; market atclve.
generally ao nigner on ito m
beet cows; canner and cutter cows and
bulls mostly steady to strong, instances
25-50 higher: .food, led steero "ing.
few loads, odd iota nteaium VT
lbffraaaer. 28.00-29.00; small lota -50.
odd bead 30.00; common steer mostly
23.00-27 JO: several lota medlujp-ood
around 750-1038 lb. feeders 20.00-27 M:
odd medium heifers 28.00: common beef
heifers mostly 21.oo-Z4.ou; cunw
common dairy type 17.50-20.00: canner
and cutter cows 18.50-18.00. odd head
18.50: shells down to law. fooa oe
bulla 24.50-25.00; common-meaium sau
sage bulla 21.00-24.00.
John Orville rarr. at the residence
at Salera route 9. August 4. at the age
of 74. Survived by his wife. Mrs. Mary
Q. rarr, Salem; a son. Kicnara n
Tarr. Portland: two brothers. C W,
Farr. Portland, and T. F. rarr. - The
Dalles: two sisters. Mrs. Luna Ander
son. Portland, and Nettie rarr. Long
Beach. Calif.; one grandchild and one
great-grandchild. Member of Jeffer
son lodre 33. AT St AM. Euclid chap-
ter 70. OES. of Jefferson and Ankeny
Grange 540. Services will be held Tues
day. August a. at louw ajn. at uie
Howell-Edwards chapel with the Rev.
Oscar Brown officiating. Interment in
Belcrest Memorial park. Ritualistic
services by Jefferson lodge 33, AT &
AM. v : .
jnHVUTnS :
Kathryn Johnston, late resident of
1070 Donna ave, at a local hospital.
Aurust 0. at the age of 74. Survived
by a son. P. R. Johnston. Salem: and
m laughter. Mrs. T. L Garland. Okla
homa City. Okla. Announcement of
services later by the Virgil T. Golden
chapeL t
Ralph Albert Snyder, late resident of
. Dallas route z. at a local nospitai. au-
fust 5. Survived by the widow, Blanche
nvder, Dallas: daughters. Mrs. Helen
H. "Stephens. Salinas. Calif., Mrs. Eve
lyn M. Hewitt. Salem, and Mrs. Dorothy
B. Hamre. Albany; sons. Paul A. and
Bassel E. Snyder. Salinas, and Ralph
B. - Snyder, Nampa. Calif.: and eight
grandchildren. Services will be held
Thursday. August 10. at 1030 ajn. in
the Clough-Barrick shapel. Interment
In ML Crest Abbey mausoleum.
BFIT - . '
Justice Harry H. Belt, late resident of
380 Leslie st at Bellingham, Wash.,
August 6. Survived by. the widow,
Martha Belt. Salem: daughters. Mrs.
Alex de Schwinitz, Bellingham. Wash..
and Barbara Belt, saiem; sisters, airs.
Xferl ramnbell and Mrs. Will Ormsby,
both of Portland, and Mrs. Richard
vnrill Forest Grove: brother Paul
Belt. Portland: and three children.
Services will be held at ' St. Paul s
Episcopal church Wednesday. August
0. at 11 a.m. under the direction of
- Cflouah-Barrick company.- The Rev.
George H. Swift will officiate.
William Rtanlev. at a Salem eonval
escent home, August 7 at the age of
74 years. Surviving is a aaugnter, aars.
Ray Loche. Biddleford. Me. Announce
iment of services later from the W. T
Bigdon, company.
Portland Livestock
Salen Ilarlxci
400 Agriculture
402 Livestock
f At of tate yesterday)
No. 1
No. 2 .
McCandnsh 1127 S 25th Ph 3-0147
BoNUfcU livestock ouyei Claud iLd-
wrrt Rt 1 Box 8991. Ph S-1144
CENSED Livestock buyer, a. E.
S-ethen 1940 Lanraster dr oh ?-l34S
BULL Service any place. Ph. 4-2947
WRECKINO HOUSE at 403 Marlon.
sawdust furnace, bathroom set, lum
ber flooring, doors, etc Ph. 4 3480.
Ives salable 260: market active, I small
EGGS (Baying)
(Wholesale prices rang from I to T
cent over buying price.
Lanre AA ' JS9
Large A , .50
Medium AA : S3
Medium A , .40
Crack .23
...r ,itv Vi-Mav: rood vealers gen- I
eF.ll 28.0030.00; medium grade. 22,00- f
23.00; good neavy caivea acarc. I " ""
around 400 10 meaiura k lif "ZL T
Colored hens
BONDED livestock buyer. A. F. Sora-
mer. ziao utcmiwt Kd. pn. 42617.
BEAUTIFUL Saddle mare gentle.
reas. Kt. 4. box m. pn. 4Z965.
JERSEY. Gentle. Good milker, call af
ter pjn. Rt. 5. Box 307.'
2 MILK COWS. 1 Jersey. 1 Guernsey.
$150 ea. 1 Guernsey Hereford heifer,
3 mos. 3 barrow pigs $22.50 ea. Inq.
C. L. Plumb. 3s rni. So. of Dallas on
rails citv hwr.
GENTLE COW 0 yrs. old.' excellent
milker, oh. S-3083 aftrr 5 o.m
1 SOW. will'farrow In Sept. ml. E. of
c.ioKi.- market active, steady I Colored fryers
-- . ... ,r . .
to 25 higher; good-cnoice iov-jm j wm
26.00-25: few fat type -o; iw"fir I
J M nn. mnM VM-HDH 1H inwl 20.00- I i
25 lighter weights to 22.00: choice v NOTICE OP PUBLIC HEARING
125 lb feeder pig. Z.W; o-iow u " NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN to aU
feeders 26 .50-27 M. . . persons particularly interested and to
Sheep saUble 1200: market active, the general public that a hearing will
strong; good-choice but mostly good be held before the Common Council
spring lambs 24.0O-5O; odd lot. good- of the City of Salem. Oregon, at the
choica grades 24.75-25.00: . medium cttT to,n on the 14th day of August.
grades down to 22.00; few feeders zzoo. 1350, t the hour of 1:30 pjn. Daylight 108 Pat
good No. 1 pelt yearlinga 21 JO; good Saving Time, to consider an ordinance ua r"
slaughter ewes 7.00-o.uu.
Totem Pole. Rt. 7. Box 239.
404 PouHry end Rabbits
NEW Hampshire Chicks per 100. Week
ly natcnes. East center i. pn. z-zsei
Lee's Hatcherv.
every Tuesday. Fox's Hatchery. 3830
state su f nono a-4969.
Portland Grain
PORTLAND. Aug. 7-(AP)-Wheat:
Cash grain: Barley No. 345 lb B.W.
"cash wheat (bid): Soft whlU 2.13:
soft white (no Bex) 2.13; WhlU Club
9 i
. m . . I.
Hard red winter: uroinary iv
per cent 2J6; 11 per cent 2.19; 12 per
cent zm. . . ...
Hard white Baart: 10 per cent 2.19;
11 per cent 3J1; 12 per cent 3.23. v
TnAm'm nr rMinu! wheat B4: Par
ley 6: flour 0; corn 10; oats 2; mill
feed .
District to a Class 111 business District I amxv& a t rapicu- a quiimni
the following described premises, to- supplies. 2. mi. from Lancaster on
wit; 1 Macleay Rd. Rt. . Box 483. P. 2-7321
Beginning at a point on the East line TROPICAL FISH. Cal. Mann. Battle
or capitoi street in the City of Salem. I Creex Rd. Turner Ore. 7 davs wx
Marion County, Oregon, where the I REG Cocker spaniel puppies. Inq week
JHortn line of Lot 4. Block 89. City of dar after 6 p.m. Sat. Sun-. 1863 N. 19th
.E0-1 ,!tZlr r,Woul1 blXIE-SUSIE Farm Boarding Home for
Kt-f- Vnni. mJZS pets. Phi Salem 2-1118. Rt. 1. Box
vIUSi.-!hc..iNo!5 206. Independence on Salem-Dallas
saw) Sf aAM5 V4 OVIU VOlltVI I fTn
streei, to trie aouinwesi corner 01 a 1 aAiT. trrnv .tT
tract of land conveyed to Heltzel I SiFt,,YY nlce Cocker pup-
Kstate. inc., py Deed Recorded In I "
voi. an, page iu, ueea Kecoras ot .... s. .. 1 j. k 1
Marlon County, Oregon: thence East 412 Fruit and farm PrOQUCQ)
aiong mo aoutn line of said Heltzel
persons particularly Interested and to
the general public that a hearing will
be held before the Common Council of
the City of Salem, Oregon, at the city
hn nn th 14th day of August. 1950,
at the hour of 8:00 p.m. Salem Daylight
Saving Time, to consider an ordinance
to change irom a ias nmaravui
District to a Class III-X Restricted Use
Zone the following, described premises,
Beginning on the-South line of Lot
Seven (7). Block Six (6). University
Addition to the City of Salem, at a
point sixty-five (65) feet East of the
Southwest corner of said lot Seven
(7); and running thence Easterly on
the South line of Lots Seven (7) and
r.icrht 8t of Mid Block, eighty and
six-tenths (80.6) feet, more or less, to
the Southeast corner 01 ii aagnt oj 1
of Block Six (6); thence running
Northerly on the East line of said
Lot Eight (8). one hundred (100)
feet; thence running Westerly and
parallel with the South line of Lots
Svn 7t and Eicht (8). eiehtv and
six-tenths feet (80.6) more or less to
East line of Lydia H. Bowerman
fractional Lot: thence running South
erly and parallel with the West line
of Lot Seven (7) one hundred (100)
feet to the nlace of beginning, all
being in Block Six (6), University Ad-
. diuon to tne city 01 saiem. uregon.
according to the recorded maps and
plats of said Addition now on file
and of record in ine omce ox tne
Recorder of Marion County, Oregon.
Citv Recorder -
Salem. Oregon A.8-9-10
Estate tract, to the Southeast corner CUT Gladlolas with greenery. $1 dor.
thereof; thence North along the East 705 n Winter
IS -f!4 .H.'""1. Estate trsct, to OUR First truck load of Calif Elberta
rTrf-rT;' " ,n I peaches Just arrived. Fine, canning
- .- 1 niiantv Hirrttan t.joer wks. w.aiem
t-reex. to tne aoutneasi comer 01 a 1 jl . . 1 . . r-r -
tract of land conveved to John A. I oALliJ Kt grass oc Austrian pea
straw. S10 per T In the field. 2'
miles due east of pen 4 corners. Rt.
a. box 124. saiem, Kay r ana
Fletcher, et ux.. by Deed recorded in
Vol. 304. pag 393. Deed Records of
Vf . sn m.nw tf awah 4V..u XTn. k.
a ion? tne East line of said, rirtrlur 1 1 ui bau jsaica ran oc vcicn uuj,
tract, to the North lin of th w. h I grass hay Ac clover hay. No rain
Willson Donation Land Claim; thence I on this hay. Carl Fisher. Rt 6. Box
Easterly along the North line of said I 4Z1A. uaraen ita. near rratumj
DonaUon Land Claim to the North I ..
east corner thereof, said point being 414 Farm Equipment
ure nwi uicask wilier UK W1T aUld
FIu Cit .nd"! r! f.wv GIBSON Tractor and Sale. Service.
Comp.SyaedecorTedVor. "?lBU"S; -128.
page 254. Deed Records of Marion CLINTON Motor ; Sales and Service,
ronntv OrHnn- th.r.. cn,.,v. i.. I Howser Bros. 1410 S. 12th Ph. 3-366
aiong tne .East line of the last men- UAHUN Tractor witn disc, snoveis,
mower, rubber tired trailer and other
implements for tractor. Fine condi
tlon. Ph. 24316. 250 E. Ewaid Ave
tioned tract, to the Southeast corner
thereof; thence Westerly along the
South line of said tract, and an ex.
tension thereof to a point on the North
-line ox an ailev In Block: 2. Knlrht'i
Addition to Salem. Marion County.
isregon. wnere tne Nona line of said
alley would be Intersected by the
Easterly line of I.ot 4. Rlruk 9 .m
miiKlltB AUU1L1UI1 U Bald line Were 1 7 IIUI a . .Hl. UIIH.Ul. na.w
425 Auction Sales
projected Northerly; thence Norther
ly along said projected East line of
Lot 4. Bock 2. to a ooint v)im aairf
line would intersect the Easterly ex
tension 01 tne worth line of Lot 4.
oiocK os. aaiem, a Dove referred to;
thence Westerly along said line to the
place of beeinninr. SAVE ANTJ FY.
cept that part of said premises lying
xjuieriy ot tne center line of Mill
household articles. We invite you to
bring your consignments to us.
1025 Lancaster Drive Ph S-1221
City Recorder
TUB.. AUG. 9th. 8 P.M.
5 miles N. on 9SE
Side oven electric range
White enamel washer
4 Vacuum cleaners
Singer sewing machine
i,m nr..n a -om I M tc W refrigerator
W 9 I.-I11UI1IC UlUCllV
Chest drawer.
SUMMONS Walnut bed suite
X J aUsWJatLaoaklL X aWJ oVsl I WoTlol Wotlkof X M I Tr) tViaft tfMtviif rnuvt ax ei.i. I a TWliiv mHnt Ar Triattrfl
I - waa . u rwui vi UIT; aJ Id L4T 111 I w p r
Oregon for the County of Marion, Kneehole desk
Dorothy A. MacMillan. Plaintiff, vs. I 9 x 12 wool rugs
Kilocycles: KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490. KOLN 970. KGW 620. KEX 1190 Doniid BrMacMma thv Z Tabie S
In the name of the State of Oreron
you are hereby required to appear and Nesco El roaster, like new
answer tne complaint 1 ilea against you Walnut end tables
Pacific Daylight Time
FM: Megacycles KOIN 101.1: KGW 100.3; KEX 92.3
450 ' Merchandise
453 Building Materials
450 Merchandise
472 WantoxL Miscellcmootis
PIANOS. Woodry. Ph. 3-5110.
CUK10S.Woodry. Ph. 3-51 lu.
CHAIRS. Woodry. Ph. 3-5110.
C F-STS. Woodry. Ph. 3-51 to.
v j . r l: - , i chests, woodry. yn. a-oiiu.
Immediate UellVCry I SMALL Appliances. Woodry. Pn. -lin
If tt'a tnr tmir sarden or lawn. YkliriC. Woodrv. Ph. 3-5110
nave it. rock tree silt, top sou. ana I Mu'lral lnstrumenu. woodrv. r-n. a-aiiu
. fall dirt. lliF.;Kji. Wood r-r. Ph. 3-5110.
cribs, woodry. rn. j-aiiu.
ELXrfRIC Heaters. Woodry. Ph.3-5110
RKFR1GEKAT0RS. Woodry. Ph. 3-5110.
Sand & Gravel Supply Co.
Phane 2-1964
DlMlNG Sets. Woodry. Ph. 3-5110.
RANGES. Woodrv. Ph. 3-5110.
Building Materials
! on
Budget Terms
WASHERS. Woodry. Ph. 3-5110.
RUGS. Woodrv. Ph. 3-8110.
BF.LLS. Woodrv. Ph. 3-5110.
UHESSERS. Woodrv. Ph. 3-51107
SFWING Machines. Woodry. Ph. 3-5110.
A. little ... 10 down on . purch. rSlG Tachle Woodrv Ph 3-5110
Of S20 up to S300.
- Easy monthly payments
Front and Court Streets. Salem
MIPRORS. Clocks. Woodrv. Ph.3-5110.
LAMPS. Woodrv. Ph. 3-5110.
500 'Business & Finance
510 Monory To Loan
PRIVATE Money to loan. Ph. 20794.
705 Apartmonfr For Romt
600 Cmnlovment
CLEAN 3 RM. court apt, fum. or.un
furn. For couple. 1664 S. 13thJ ,
4 RM. upstair, furn. apt. At bath. 1805 '1
602 Help Wantod
Now available In Old Line Co. estab
lished in state for many years. If
you h&ve a record of quality per
sonal production and an ambition to
head an agency you may obtain a
top contract with bonus for quality.
Write in confidence. Our men have
been Informed of this ad. Write Box
929 co Statesman.
rietn Wanted. Mai
OPPORTUNITY for A-l auto mechanic.
See Verne. Teague Motor Co.
Roofing - Shingles
3 tab composition roofing, choice of :
colors. 210 lb. weight 07 sq. All 4
grade, cedar shingles 03 up. C. G.
Long. Ph. a-5821. 1 ml N. of Kelzer.
Carload Just arrived! Most sizes in
.tock. c. G. Long. Ph. 3-5821. 1 mi.
N. of Keizer.
FOR SALE No. 4 Common Lumber,
WANTED: Small used fireproof saltR
. & steel filing cabinet, rn.
474 Miscellaneous)
Dental Plate Repair
Bring or Mail Your Plate, for Repali
MEN Needed for hop machine work
day or night, register now at Mis
sion Bottom Harvesters fiant. mi
N. Salem on Wheatland Ferry Rd
or call 3-18RB.
WANTED: Experienced vulcanizer or
a person who would lixe to learn
the vulcanizing trade. Box 030 co
l DISH Washer. San Shop. Portland Rd.
EXP. WOOL presser. Kennedy City
Cleaning works, iz state si.
pn slimi 606 Help Wanted, Female
WANT TO Buy used camera, it lenses
1x4 to 1x8 $33 per M. 2x4 to 2x12 033 hmwsf.r BROS. Your . power tool
per M. F.OB. Mill, will deliver at
cartage cost. Independence Lumber
0c Manufacturing Co.. Independence.
tjre. fnone z
rental headquarters 1410 S 12t !t
Ph 3364
LADY Bookkeeper. Some typing. Ap
ply 0 30 a.m. to iz noon, wiuamette
valley Roof Co- Inc. 30 Lana Ave,
BUILDING? Get our free estimate for
cabinet work, windows and frames.
Reasonable price.. Loll'. Cabinet and
supply, raone 4-Z78Z.
Placement Agency
Sewing lesson.
Day or evening
New Home Sewing Center
Ralph Johnson Appliances
ICC rm.wm. c Ph M1M
FREE fill dirt. See Emil Valish eves. -, , o-v.
155 S. Liberty
Sec-y. 23-33. exper.
462 SporU Eonipment
1535 N. Church.
Steno.-Clk., 40 hr. wk.
Legal Sec y. exper.
Phone 2-1480
4195 to $200
12. 14 and 10 ft. hunting and fishing
ooau ana trailers, ina neb. St. 4 to !
4b Fuel
168 For Rent Miscellaneous"
Ph. 3-9453 2025 S. 12th.
15" Old Fir Veneer Cores
$175. up
SI hr
.$1 hiu
Summer Prices
Corns, oor.. 5 da. temn. .
Clerk typist. 5 da. Dallas
Clk. Tvp.. receo.. $150 to $160
Key punch opr., 5 days . $150 to $160
Gen'l off. sec. ... $175-200
Ass't bkkpr. 25-35 $200-$225
Pavroll clerk r - S150
GOOD Downtown warehouse space for on hand picked 10 In. slab and old fir
rent. inq. H- L. suu Furniture. Ph. block wood.
anas. -! t i r...i r
l.apilOI 1-iUiiiiJCi: - a.- uci
U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan- Pnone 3-(zi or
keU furn. 197 S. Liberty Ph 2-9061 OLD FIR. OAK. PHONE 2-1458
470 r or bale. Miscellaneous
WANTED: An experienced housekeep
er 6c cook in comfortable nome. ;
adults, no laundry, good salary. Ex
perience & references required, ph,
FACTORY built trailer, all steel frame
and body, like new. RU 5, Box 177.
Ph. 3-1411.
HOME Freezer, genuine deepfreeze
$12930 and up. Yeater Appliance Co
375 Chemeketa
Old and Second Growth Fir
Delivered to Salem $12.00
For orders please cal) collect
Independence 42
Independence Lumber and
Manufacturing Company
Independence Oregon
WANTED: Saleslady, under 35 for
established jewelry store. Some typ
ing experience, permanent position.
reference required. Phone 3-5510.
EXP. SILK finisher. Kennedy City
Clestnine Worlcs. 1245 state St.
WOMAN or girl over 18 to help with
housework & children, live in, good
wa ees. Ph . 3-9440. !
700 Rentals
Falrrrounrl Rd.
SUB. Apt. 50 per mo. Ph. 2-2946,
NEW partially furn. apt., priv. bath.
aauiu. aiso 1 sept. 1st. 1047 Madison,
APT. completely furn.. emp,
rtose In 666 S. Summer.
3 MMS. well furn.. priv.Jath. close in, '
anmv wi cottage.
MODERN unfurnished 1 B JL - apart-
ment. elec. range. H.W. floors, very
flesirabV. Pent SflO. Ph. 3-3777.
FURN.. a RM., I fir. $30 mo. 1397 N.
wn i.. ffln 5 p.m.
k'UHN apte.. very close in. trailer hae.
paN. ifw union. Z-9835.
ALL NEW furn. house. 3-9 S. 25th. Per
fect for 7.
FURN, small apt, priv. bath, adults.
lass a. tqm i. .
707 Houses for Rent
YEAR Old all elec. unfum. 1 B. R.
house & garage with utility room,
$60 mo. No pets. Located It ml. E.
4 comers. Stop at 4575 State or
oh. 3-nrs.
MICE 1 B.R. unfurn hse & carace. S60
per mo. Good loc. Also 2 B.R, un
furn apt, garage, hot water heat. Ph.
z-i.-wia netween ..m. Be 5:30 p.m.
KM. cottage furn. Inquire 1343 S.
NICE CLEAN 3 bedroom home with
lull dry basement. Located In 1st
class residential area N.E. Available
Aug. 10th. See Mr. Bourne at 1M0 N.
1 B.R. HSE., large L.R., kit. nook Sc
bath, heat water 0c garbage service
fum. X60. Ph. 2-7642. ,
ON Mill Creek. 2 bdrm. home, fire
place. hwd. floors, double plumbing.
. full basement auto, oil heat, elect,
water htr, separate garage with
fum. screened sleeping rm, spacious
landscaped erounds. 2491 Trade.
SMALL 2 BDRM. house, elderly cou
ple preferred. Inquire 900 Kumler St.
2 RMS. and bath, electric heat, wired
tor range. w per month. 1037 3rd St.
NEW 2 B.R. unfurn hse. no children
or pets. S65. 648 Breys.
2 B.R. FURN. hse. adults, no pets, no
drinking. 480 N. 24th.
ALL Electric. 1 B.R. house, no children.
clean. S51 N. 21st.
300 GAL. Sprayer, Cletrac crawler. 7'
d isc pi ow. Kt. 5 Box 364. ph. 38 r B.
Tl-KOTE. the cellophane-like finish
for floor, or linoleum.
Yeater Appliance Co
375 Chemeketa St.
UNFURN 1 B.R. home for
couple. No pets $60. Ph. 22819.
ALL NEW fur. house. 319 S. 25th. Per
1 ect or 2.
708 Farms. Tracts for Rent
SALESLADY, must know music and 1 40 ACRE Berry farm, 4 mile, from
be able to play piano. Wills Music I town, about 10 acre, berries, fair
trtn I nAIIU) Kr Flam
WOOD, also wood sawing. Ph. Z-4Z7B. RELIABLE WOman to care for 2 chil- 240 Acres stock or dairy farm, fait
dren & do light housework. Ph. I nouse. gooooam. now vacant, o. A.
4-2274 or 3-5781. 148B S. Com l, ph. 3-6524.
WOOD RANGE. John J. Robert. Sc Co.,
Ph. 3-9623. -
OIL CIRCULATOR $35. Ph. 2-4915 or
see at 2310 S. 12th. .
SHOWER BATH complete. Universal
elec. Plate, like new. Ph. Z-83B3.
CHEST TYPE freezer. 14 cu. ft. Used
I yr. 3280. Ph. 3-4Z84.
USED Electric washers $19 95 and up
Yeater Appliance Co.
375 Chemeket. St.
Stiff Furn.
S75 ea H. L.
Maple arm daveno Be matchlr:
fee table
I'SED Radios and records players
$9J5 and up.
Yeater Appliance Co.
375 Chemeketa St.
DO NT BE a rug drudge Shampoo
your rug. at home at one-half the
coat Rent a Clark Rug Shampoo
machine at Howser Bros 1410 S
12th Ph 3-3040
USED Electric refrigerators $48 04
and up
Yeater Appliance Co..
373 Chemeketa St.
DRY Pouitrv fertilizer Ph. 22061. Lee's
Highway Fuel Co.
Clean sawdust, wood green or dry.
Stove-Diesel oils. Ask tor penny
Saver Stamp. Ph 36444"
S & H Green Stamps
Hand picked mill wood 2 cds $10
Sawdust dumped or convey eu
12 in clean inside wood
PHONE 27442
WestlSalem Fuel Co.
Old growth block wood AO In. clean
nm oarn r
Phnn.- Salem 2-4031
Also ptck up wood at 1523 Edgewater
l w galea.
EXP. WAITRESS, apply in person. 1964
n. capital.
WAITRESS. Apply at Iwans Beauty
Salon. Vi mi. S. of 12th St, Junction RITc dm. .,.thi. i,,k, .
709 Wanted to Rent
on 9E. Ph. 2-6121.
GIRL to stay nights. Take care of
children while mother works. Ph.
608 Pickers Wanted
write Walter Anderson. Hubbard. Ore.
HOUSE or downstairs apt. Box S34
1 B. R. furn. or unfurn. apt. or duplex.
Can give rets. ph. 3-9631.
Hf ,pi! "c.r'sUt"KPw 'J? SrJS 710 Wanted To Rent Houses
wood, water, & straw 15 mln. drive
from Salem on Browns Island.
HOP Pickers wanted: Good clean
camp, cabins, tents, light, fum.
store, restaurant on ground. Regis
ter now. Picking starts early Aug.
Mitoma Hop Farm, Rt. 1 Box 260,
independence. i
BEAN PICKERS wanted. 15 A. Va mi.
W. of Pen Annex. Phone 4-2448. Ray
Summer Special
2 cord green 16" slab $10. also green
.dnn. biock. arv wooa oc saw
dust. Buy now. Pay later. Ask about
xne mommy payment uu, i L
Oregon fuel co. Phone 3-5533 iEiu Sales Persons Wanted
FOR Sale: 4 ft. Cord wood. Betnei
Park. Brook., pn. z-ioo.
BEAN PICKERS wanted. Heavy pick-
lng. 4 mi. N.w. of Keizer. rl. i.
Pearcy nursery, Rt, 2, Box 190, Ph.
YOUNG COUPLE with 1 child would
like 1 or 2 bdrm. house to rent, closo
in or in West Salem. Phone after T
o'clock evenings 21290. -
BUSINESS Man. wife ic baby desire 1
or 3 B. R. unfurn home. Best ol
references. Ph. 29961.
UNFURiNTSHED 2 or 3 B. R. with
basement and yard, adults. Best ol
saiem reference?. Phone 26722.
UNFURN. HSE. for young couple with
in next a-wecKs. not over oo. can
WISH TO RENT 2 or 3 B.R. house by
Aug. 15. $43 to lis. Locally emp. ac
countant Be family. Will guarantee
good care, furnish references 0c do
some redecorating. Ph. 3-3175 day
Z3704 after 5 p.m.
(Editor's aote: Tne Statesaaaa pobUshe. tm good faith tne program, and m the above en tSed rt J..
tines as provide by the radio stations, but because of fames program, are within fu7wki from the ri,7e 'mw
chanted wlthoot .otificaUon. thtJv .ewspaper cannot be responsible for the ttmv&S,ytt
accuracy herein).
you fail to appear and answer plaintiff
Ship clock
Duncan Phyphe table
Child's rocker
Occasional chairs
KSLM News Summary Music TlmekprMarch Time INews
KOCO 1 IWest. Melody I West. Melody
KOIN New. Koin Klock FKoin Klock Koin Klock
KGW Hodge Podge -Hodge Podge IFarm Time IFarm Time
KEX Farm News I Keep Smiling Keep Smiling Keep Smiling
Andy Parker
Koin Klock
Old Songs
First Edition
Break. Gang
I KOCO Klock
IMacleod Newa
lOld Songs
(Keep's Korral
(Rise and ShinelTop Trade.
News I KOCO Klock
iGoss Newa , H. Babbitt
Kneass News I Sam Hayes
IBob Hazen I Bob Garred
Cecil Brown I Family Altar Rest Haven
. Wildw. Church (Harmony Shop Hawaii Echoes
ConsumrNews IVaile News (Grand Slam
Family Show I'amilyShow I Jack Berch
Break. Club Break, Club IBreak. Club
Rest Haven
(Fiesta Time
IScandia Muslo
IBreak. Club
for want thereof will apply to the Z swto- rockers
hflv .ntitUH. rmirt .U. I wing rocKers
ui I a, rcmwsrit
prayed for in ner complaint to-wit: 1 1 rirw-v.
a or decree forever dissolving the f ;:., "
marriage contract now existing be- ? PrffifJi ."ISLw
tween plaintiff and defendant, award- ? t,?? t chair
ing to the plaintiff custody and control fuI??, vfJ..;
of the minor children. Robert Austin 5J5 rneUl bridge ,et
MacMillan and Jaclyn Sue MacMillan. Chrome smokers
and for such other and further relief 5ubberiUr Uwn "owr
as may Mem Just and equitable. olf, set
This summons la served upon you by Taylor Tot
publication thereof by order of the BabT buggy
Hon. ueo Duncan. Judge of the above iaoie rauio
entitled court, made and entered on e Weed club chair
the 10th day of July, 1950. directing Vanity
that such publication be made in the Bed At coil spring
Oregon Statesman not less than once Used mattresses
each week for four consecutive weeks Oak dresser
irom date oz the first publication I Many Misc items
USED Sewing macnines priced to suit 5Q0 BusinCSS & Finance
your budget. Reconditioned Be guar
anteed. Kaipn Johnson Appliance.
Ph. 33139
502 Business Opportunities
HEAT YOUR HOME electrically with
Westlnghouse or Wesix automatic rrv Small fountain lunch. Will
eiectric neaiers. i eater Appliance -o. .ye house in trade, rn. z-Hz,
.1 in v,nemeiceTa I r
Looks I
Don't Pass This Up!
Ftabliahed cafe, best location. low
Hav For Sale
4663. S ILVERTON. .
GOOD opportunity to man who can sell
. - .i .i i tr aiirr a i 1 1 1 .
mail subscriptions m rural area. Must I nurpvurvr ..tK . . . . r
h. mort nennlirv. Evnerienoe GOVERNMENT emp. Wth 0. r. ol
helpful but not essential. See Mr.
Clark (Circ. Pcpt.i. The statesman,
EXP. Tire salesman, salary plus bonus,
ljocai distriDutor. car xurnisned
steady emp. Write 930 co Statesman.
WE NEED 1 saleman for our sale.
.force. Good earnings from start. Ap-
plV 9 to IZ. KQom 101. 439 CQUTT St,
daughter desire 2 or 3 B.R. hse, g
care, references. Ph. 2-0474.
WANT to rent house in exchange fof
carpentering, painting etc. 3960 Cher
rv Av.. or ph 2-8257
2 B.R. HSE. with range ic washer furn
Be yard, py sept. 1st. call z-1479 ai-ternoon.
EXPERIENCED real estate salesman, j 719 Wrmtnrl To Rernt Antsu
. Advertisine nald. Statesman. Box B36. ' l "anIBa 40 nenl P
-bargain Countr (Garden Guide Pastor's Call
Melody Time Melody Time Btars Sing
Wendy Warren Aunt Jenny Helen Trent
Scandla Music ISecond Cup Second Cup
I Stars Today Quick Flash
Dick Haymes
JMyrt, Marge
Cal Sunday
I Kneass News
Quick Flash
KSLM Glenn Hardy TelloTest
Russ Morgan Tell Neighbor
KOCO Mac's Melody Mac's Melody Mac's Melody Mac's Melody
Big Sister
Tune Test
JMa Perkins
ITune Test
IDr. Malone iGuid. Lleht
IReynold. Show (George Murphy
Date of Brat publication Julv 11th.
1950. '
Date of last Publication Aurust ath.
Attorney for Plaintiff
city Hall
ir ii m
Juii-iotS. a i-o 455 Household Goods for Sale
Auctioneer Phone 3-5110
I Pay Spot Cash for Household Goods
450 Merchandise
USED Electric ranges $10 85 and up.
Yeater Appliance Co..
S75 Chemeketa St.
SEWING MACHINES, used .&5 and UervICE : STATION for rent W
up Also new - Free Westtoghouse S1CE RATION l?"-?0"
$095 and up,
373 Chemeketa St Ph. 34311
ANTIQUES. 1210 Garnet. Pt. 3-4026.
HARVEST BAGS, ph. 2-1877.
OIL Circulator, at greatly reduced I Prime downtown Salem location. 54
al KSLM Ladies Fair (Ladies Fair (Queen. Day IQueen. Day
,1 I KOCO Mac'. Melody Mac. Melody iMac's Melody (Mac. Melody
I 1 KOIN Mrs. Burton Perry Mason (Norah Drake (Brighter Day
I I KGW Doub. or Noth. Doub. or Noth. (Millionaire (Millionaire
' KEX Betty Crocker U. B. Kennedy LVorthwestrners iNorthwestrnera
. KSLM Top Trade. flews (Gay OO's IHome Run
1 I KOCO HoUywd. MuslCIHoUywd. Music New. I Orchestra
I t KOIN New. Come Get It Winner All IWinnerAU
I Sss KGW Foster News IRoad of Life Young Family IHappiness
KEX News INews iMod. Romances Mod. Romances
1KSLM Baseball (Baseball ! ' I Baseball Baseball
KOCO - Magic Melody IMagic Melody Magtc Melody (Magic Melody
KOIN Nona. NowhereBell Ringers IStrike It Rich (strike It Rich
KGW BacKsL Wife Stella Dallas ILoren. Jones iWidder Brown
KEX . Welc. to Hlywd-Wclc. to Hlywd.Kay West Kay West
R IL KeHev hl hn h nrd.. jtr thi I Rebuilt, guaranteed sewing machines,
I - . . . . ' j l aiK . . n VAmAiia n a mm hr,n1.
yirciuit court or the state of Oregon
i oa county,- appointed Adminis
trator oi ine estate of Richard t-
Dolph, deceased. Any person having
.minis against aaia estate are request'
ed to present them, with nroper vouch.
lers. to said Executor at 301 Pioneer
jus mag. witnin six monuis from
me aate oz tnis notice.
Date: July 25. 1950.
$15 0c up. Famous name brands.
Term, if desired. Ralph Johnson
Appliances. 355 Center St. Ph. 33139.
Linoleum $3.95
Used Furn., Cheap
ValTOy Furn. Co. 283 No Com! t-7471
Administrator of the rff GREEN Uving rm. suite, very good
Administrator or tne Estate of 1 ... Wini, cai-ra vt n.rrv
Magic Melody
Kirkham News!
Girl Marries
Jay Stewart
Magic Melody
Kirkham Newt
uay Stewart
Baseball IBaseball
Magic Melody (Magic Melody
Hilltop House Tunefully
Plain Bill IFront Page ,
Bride Be Groom Walt. Kiernan
KSLM Baseball IBaseball (Scoreboard IBlng Sings
KOCO Magic Melody IMagic Melody (Magic Melody I News
KOIN , Kirkham News Art. Godfrey (Art. Godfrey (Art. Godfrey
KGW Travelers I Travelers lAunt Mary I Love. Learn
KEX Hollywood Tdy ILife Chance I Barney Keep Barney Keep
$45. 3560 Winola, Salem Hta, Harry
WJ Parsons.
2 BED Room suites, one blonde, one
walnut, high grade furniture; also
deluxe stroller. Ph. 2-4453.
First Publication; 7.2S 9x11 BEIGE Wilton Alexander Smith
Last Publication: 8-13 rug & pad. White enamel washing
macnine. noui excellent cona. fa.
DELUXE model elec. range, 1570 N.
Richard r TVtlnh.
301 Pioneer Trust Bldg.
Salem. Oregon
Attorney for Estate
300 Personal
312 Lost and Found
"48 NORGE refrigerator, automatic de-
f roster. 3 year guarantee, no acratcnes
$250. Ph. 3-4346 or 3-9273.
K8LM Fulton Lewis Hemingway News ISam Hayes
KOCO Music U Want ' (Music U Want (Veterans - (Piano Pattern
u . An. uooirey Art. uoorrey icurt Massev 1 News
KGW i Woman. Secrt "Life Beautiful (Dr. Paul Music Tuesday
av.j j unytn-a-tiK. oquirrei cage -squirrel cage iMerrie va.
KSLM Adventures 1 Adventures I Bobbv Benson IRnhbvRenann
KOCO 12th St. Hour 12th St. Hour iBmg Crosby (Dance Parade
KOIN - Larry LeSeur (Little Show Huntley News News
KGW Three of Us (Foster News (Orchestra Orchestra
KEX - Fun House IFun House (Space Patrol Space Patrol
LOST: Phi Sigma Kappa ' sweetheart
pin. rn, z-skjb after 5. Reward.
310 Meeting Notices
KIDNEY shape davenport chair, 9x10
wool rug and pad, breakfast set, cof
fee table. 1511 N. Church St.
ELDRIDGE Sewing 'machine, good ma
chine, good condition. 25. 362 Jerris.
! - KEX
Gabriel Heater LN.W. News 1 Answer Man 'Sam Hayes
Candlelight (Candlelight (News ITune Time
Romance I Romance (Candid Mike Candid Mike
Penny Singletn Penny Singletn (Charles Boyer Charles Boyer
Headlines IHome EdiUon Report People IE. C. Hill
Tea for 3 (Time Songs Melody R'ndup "Melody R'ndup
Twilight . (Music Jackpot Night Song (Night Song
Concert Concert Drchestra j Orchestra
Malsia IMaisie ILife in Hands ILife in Hand.
Counterspy . ! Counterspy s Orchestra Orchestra
Monte Cristo Monte Cristo Behind Story "Orchestra
Bandstand (Bandstand (Dugout Dope IBaseball 1
World Tonignt (Stepping Out Satan's Waitin Satan's Waitln J
iman.xamiiy iworia news wno aia inatr iwnoaa
uefense Time IDefense Tune (Press Gents
Who Said That?
KSLM Glenn Hardy Fulton Lewis Favorite Story (Favorite Story
KOCO Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball j
KOIN - Theabe Theatre - iGary Moore Gary Moore
KGW Ron Colmaa I Ron. Colman (Big Town (Big Town
SEX Town Meeting I Town Meeting i Monitor News Quartet i
KOCO Baseball '
KOIN s Star Final
KGW News
KBX Final Edition
U St World
I Intermezzo
Rich Quick
I Orchestra
'Sports Par
Concert Hour
(Rich Quick
(Base bail
Current. Choice
Concert Hour
KSLM News II Love Mystery (Midn Melodies Midn. Melodies
KOCO New. I To Midnight To Midnight To Midnight
KOIN Orgaa MelodlesiOrgan Melodies! Bandstand iBandstand
RGW Nws n Wax Museum (Wax Museum Wax Museum
KKX Concert Hour Concert Hour .Memos Idemos
KOCO 450 k-e-Teesday 10 .-00 ajn.
The News and Weather. 10:13 Especially
for Women; 11 0 Concert Hall: , 12.-00
News; 12 as pjn. Noon Farm Hour: 1 .-08
Ride Tm Cowboy; 1:1$ Variety Time:
1 -30 Melody Lane; 2:00 Especially for
Listening: 2:30 Memory Music; 3.-00
New.: 3:13 Music Masters: m Oreg.
Reporter; 4:11 FavorU Hymn.: 4:43
U. N. Story; 3:00 Children's Theatre;
5:15 On Upbeat; $:50 550 SporU Oub:
0Ka News: 0:15 Dinner Metodies: 0J0
Round Campfire; TJ5 Evening Farm
Hour; SHW Artistry in Classic.; 0:15
Campus Visitor; 0 J0 To Be Announced;
$ 45 The News St Weather; 9:00 Music
that Endures 0:45 Lift up Thy Voice:
10:O Serenade; 10.-43 The News and
WESTINGHOUSE white enamel elec
trie range, 4 burners & oven $40. 362
Jerris. .
Alnsworth Lodge No. 201, AF
FOLDING baby buggy $15. Cost new
S35. 36Z Jems.
F. C.MDepeU7 pjn?" AU ELEC. washer with pump. Ph. 3-68827
316 Personal
458 Wanted. Household Goods
IF LONELY, write Ruth T. W.rf
old reliable club. Box 607. Vancouver. I
A0??PvnUVT'V..:l-81?- FULL-Size pUy pen. off-floor type.
USED FURN, Immediate appraisal,
highest prices. Valley Furniture. 20$
N commercial pn Z747Z
GLEN WOODRY Ph ' 33110
L SOMEONE or family to car for I A CHINA Closet. Mrs. James L. Bright,
area motner at ZZ70 N. 4th St. or I Kt. 2 uoz szs. w oodDurn. Oregon.
z. person wantinf to rent same fur-
nished house or 458 Buildina Materials
D?9AN ,& .Duncan Idanha Garage. CEDAR PICKET FENCES, fence posts.
Sold July 1st. Not responsible for
ouis irom mat aate.
I v 1
Dr.T.TXasajiJX Dr.G.CmaavNj)
zf 1 Nertb Uberty
Cpstair. above Jam's, 237 N. LTs
erty. Office epea Saturday eady 10
ajai to I pjet, S to 1 avsa. Cemmlta-
ttea. Bleed pressure rtM (
are free of charge Practiced store
elec St telephone poles. Ph. 3-1458
Phillips Bros, Rt. 6. Box 118. 4 mi.
out state St.
HOWSEB BROS. Your power tool reat-
ai neaquarters. iaie s. uta ol. ra
IMMEDIATE DEL, 4500 ft. No. 1 pecan
lioonnr. aouo it. aiecx nut n. si ect.
oak. 5000 ft RL No. S oak. 00 sq No.
a ceoar sntngies, i. per sq cedar
i uutter zde n. pine sne iving sua,
Common lumber 30 per M. 150 sq.
Canadian cedar wall shake, primed
then painted. We sell only the best.
Call us evenings. Ph. 2118fl Tod
"Old at 40,50,60?"
r.!an, Yca're Crazy
kSs seal
av sale. Try
MKunMk rm mmilMmlilrf rut
raaoava lnHat eadya lack ft Irao
walcb ataar an aa4 mM "14." Try
Oatrst TaaM TabaMa fear yeaaaw iminf; thle
MI ear. No - aaqoalatsdr aaaj .
At aB drua stores even here In Sa-
itm. at jrea accyer a..
Wallinff Sand & Gravel Co lea vaiiabie. Doing $100 per
vr aiiiiift uauu u vridvci Vu. day;Stoclc and fixtures Included in
Advertising paid. Statesman, Box 030.
614 Work Wanted, female
NICE 1 B.R. unfurn. apt. before Aug.
18. Call 2-5098 eves.
Crushed Rock
For roads St driveway. Cement. Readv
mix. concrete. Garden Sana. Bull
dozing, drainage and ditching. ' yd.
snovei Bt arag unc pnone 3-?4
price of $6400. Call Louis Lorenz.
Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors I
477 Court St, Phone 2-4115
tLZr hv v n. OH Mrs. Wright. Argo HoteU OFFICE ROOM-, TTOC
He)nces.Wph,3l969i.xp WOman 714 Business Rentals
615 Situations Wanted
LARGE ROOM Ferry St, suitable foe
Office or store, near new 200 car
parking lot. -
State Finance Co.. 153 S. High
fciS Room tt L Stiff.
Owner. Priced rlghL Excellent loca- T A TTVTT'TTXTr' TJ A T17 T?1Vm iiusiAitj
tlon. Ph. 2-4319. Rt. 7 Box 145. xiiivy - x rta. a-4xcs.i.ivy OFFICE Space, entrance Llvesly Bldg
redec. ph. 3-9801.
ONE STORE space, on ground floor,
at 1993 Fairground. Road. Phone
Sedgwick Phone 3-5919
westingnouM I wood dist Pn. Mr. Moore. East 1100. BABY sitting by adult, ph. 3-43677
Sacrifice Sale
Yeater Appliance Co.
375 Cnemeareta St.
ROAD GRADING, tile ditches filled.!
street maintained. Ph. 3-8035. John
CEMENT WORK, free est. Ph. 2-7163.
WOULD Like to bid on your painting.
your paint or ours. M. u. cotten-
oerg rnone jiq. hoii n. lain.
WASHING Be ironing. Ph. 34587.
800 Real Estate
pings Be peat moss. Flagstones, patio
rock, garden rock, wall Be fireplace
rock. Hand split rustic cedar picket
fences. Ready to set up. made to
order. Rose trelle s & garden stake..
Phillip. Bros. Ph. 31458. RL 0. box 118.
4 miles out State St.
foot frontage. Excellent lease with
option. Department variety store.
nthw 4ntrcta fnrrM disnosal. 115-
000 each takes inventory, fixture., CURTAINS washed It stretched. 23448.
equipment, improvement, ana lease, i -- TTVTT'TlTn
Contact Mr. Janicek. 237 N. Liberty. rAliN llJNly
saiem. ynone i-uim, eve. . ,n Sai,m. nh S-7M?
East Nob HIH. S Urge IoU from fl.OOe
to SI. 500.
Largo view lots South, $1,200 to $1,500.
I 4 Bedroom
CHECK THIS SYCLE Bar work wanted. Reasonable Tjirra home close In North on corner
nftidor Ph. 2U5o40 ,3 .... Income property. Reasonably price!
CALL 2-0576.
accent trade, owner. Ph. 2-3040. j FrurT an i . Sw riisr
WANTED to conUcta couple to run BOOKKEEPING. Typing. Notary Pubi
Andy's Dirt & Gravel
Ph. 2-8748. can us first. 757 Edgewater.
lie. 1509 N. 4th. Ph. 3-5285.
m rate on a nercentaee basis. Must
'':; ? "vxrr.iHii.n care ir3 s
please; see Mr. uourne av iiw
18th Ph 2-687R
Furniture, appliances, tools, sporting I BORDEN milk route for sale at Al
IDEAL child care, ages 2-0. Ph. 24940.
CHILDREN Cared for. day or week.
pn. ZQ15Z. 4240 Portland Rd.
goods, most everything. No money
required. Bring me the salable items
you no longer need Sc swap tot
something useiui. .
Trader Louie 3055 Portland Rd.
5.5 CU Ft G. E. refrigerator, like new.
sea, see at iw4 cascade ur.
oven. 050. 1920 N. 24th.
"left han3
USED 5 panel doors, 1218 Franklin
w saleml.
DOUBLE Laundry tub size 20'x20" Be
metal . stand, also Apex washer in
good condition. Phone 3-8397 or call
at zzio Broadway after 5 p.m.
MEN'S New wine color Corduroy
jacket, size 38, $15. Never worn,
Ph. 22366.
hanv. 1947 Int. K-0 truck. 10 ft. Van.
Clark Moreland, Rt, 3. Box 1038. Al
bany, ph. 2674R1.
510 Money lo Loan
Up to $1500
Call or phone today
Industrial Loans
111 S Liberty Ph- 4-2203
Insured. Phone 2-3748
HAY Work fast, efficient ph. 3-6364.
SIDEWALKS, patios, patching, prompt
service. K. urake. Ph. z-0313.
WILL CARE for aged lady in my home,
no oea patients, pn. 3-3S54.
618 Education "
1333 State St, Ph, 3-5072
620 Dcry and Contract
r-n. jpo. i I WE Make loans up to 80 of the I - t o lor 1 n
JEWELERS Showcase workbench. appraised value on qualifying modJ palem band & IrraVel L.O.
tool., materials and safe. L. G. Pre.'
COtt 810 N. I7th. Ph. 3-4818,
NEW table lamp. $3.95 including shades.
wooary urmture Market, lbua is.
NbW inner-spring mattresses, very
special at $19.85. Woodry Furniture
Market. 1605 N. Summer.
NEW DAVENO $40.85 Special. Woodry
tTirniturc Market. ioua im. summer.
GOOD Easy washer $25. Woodry Furni
ture Market.-1605 N. Summer.
GOOD refrigerator $50. Woodry Fur-
nlture Market. 1605 N. Summer.
PLAIN walnut upright piano $95. Wood
rv Furniture Market. ieos n. summer.
VACUUM cleaner $5. Woodry Furni
ture Mm.. 1605 w. summer.
era homes. Salem and vicinity. Also
see us for FHA construction loans
State Finance Co, 153 South High
St. Salem Oregon
aad 8
Your owa terms of repayment within
reason. Cash for Real estate con
tracts and Second Mortgagee.
687 Court St,
Ph. 4-2zl!3
A. B. CHASE Grand Piano, mahogany.
beautiful tone, an absoiue sacrifice
to sell ' at once. $485. or trade for
spinet. 1603 N. Summer.
472 Wanted. Miscellaneous
$ CASH $
Hollywood Finance Co.
10S9 ralrerounds Road
Next to bank. Free parkins. Ml
2-7032 Lie. No. M360-S29L
Flovd KeriTon. Mar
$25.00 to $500.00
Salem's largest and oldest home-own- 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board
ea wan company oners money wnen
Contract Work
Roads - Clearing Ditching
, . Sewer St Basement
Equipment - Rental
IS B-'i yds
10 B-. yds
D-7 Cat 3c Dozer .
D-4 Cat 0c Dozer -See
us about ditching by the foot.
Phone days 3-9408
Evenings 3-824$ or 2-4400
Salem Oregon
AUTO PAINTING Just a shade better
by Ray LTltfl. call snrock Motor
CO 3-9101.
L. C MITCHELL. PH. 35337
700 Rentals
i"USA"u. J" " you need 111 SLEEPTNC SMS. H St C water, kdfhen
m.' ta air email i aniitriae ii- inn s " a . . i . . . : -
Al. I ,cortL . I RM. Hotplate, ref rig. 2131 Center.
bVny 1287 oVwrit. SUndaTd Pol. St e'iPh A Tda LIGHT Houkeepine rm. 735 N. ChuTch
On furniture, livestock, equipment, i -"-Vpf- " 1 r. 'epui nn.
Piling Co. for price lists.
Trader Louie needs thousands of Item.
odds ana end. or complete nouse-
holds. Ph. 38558 3055 Portland Rd
DAVENOS. Woodry. Ph. 3-5110.
salary or other personal property up I aaiomine oatn. 658 center.
TOOLS. Woodry. Ph. 3-5110.
OTORS. Woodry. Ph. 3-5110.'
to $300X01 I SLP. Rm. for reliable cple. or emp.
Phima nr trlclt tmr nfflea tndavl - I ladles. Kit. if desired. Ph. 3-4008.
Bear Top Trades" 12 5 dally KSLM, ROOM. 1 blk from bus it restaur ant.
1420 N. 4th. Ph. 3-4561.
LARGE attractive room for 1 or 2.
UNS, Woodry. Ph. 3-3110.
TRAILERS. Woodry . Ph. 3-51l7jT
ANTIQUES. Woodry. Ph. 3-0110.
To cleanse skin carefulljr relieve
pimply irritation and so aid hesl
Lur. too these famous twin helps
1390 KCstl
General Finance Corp.'
Lie. No S13S and M33S
PHONE 3-9161 130 S. COMT. ST.
mm t a irriM1. rm i mmi en
US S, Church SC Ph. 3-3457
Parklat Aplefity
Private Money
Oa Cars, Tracks & Trailer Homes
Long or snon Terms paymenta
Roy H. Simmons
I US 8. Commercial St. Pbooe 3-811 1
private bath, elose in. Phone 1-7545.
WELL FURN. sip. rm. close In. H Sc C
water, men only. 737 Center.
CLEAN attractive furn. rm, priv. bath.
nr. du une. leu . inn.
705 Apartments For Rent
X RM Partly modern, partly furnish-
X RMS. Furn. elec range, auto heat.
all utilities rum. Emp. young lady
prer. zg. ipih un st,
3 ROOM Partly funmbod apL SU N,
at only $6,000. Terms.
. $6,950
It bdrm suburban home: Lot 120x164,
Living rm, aining rm, garage, screen
ed porch. $2,500 down. Balance $94
per month.
It's A Beauty '
You won't want to wait when yen
see this beautiful rambling ranch
style home on i acre. 16x23 living;
rm, 11x14 dining rm, large kitchen,
br nk. 2 bdrm., den, toilet, bath,
shower, elect heat, fireplace, insu- '
lated and weatherstripped. hdwd
floors, dbL garage. Exterior briclt
and shake; Interior plastered.
Transp. by door. See It and you'll
agree it'a a BUY at $16,500. Terms.
Murphy & Kent, Realtors
458 N. Church Phone 4-229S
Eves: Anderson 1-1744: Humphreys
2-7985: Kent 3-7475 '
$165 Per Mo. Income
Older home containing 4 furn. apte.
evceL loc, close in, $8300 lull price.
(Income $308.50 Per Mo.
Full price $14,700. 8 furn. apt... plus 1
extra unit witn, fireplace. Close in.
owner, leaving state.
H. E. Corey, Real Estate
1363 Broadway omce i-wu
Day or Eves. 2-5138, 3-3810
3 bdrms, modern, clean inside and out.
Attached garage. 2 lota, close to bus
and school. Easy terms.
Here is an opportunity to , own a
good home only 4 blocks from bank.
2 bdrms. fplace. hwd firs, full bsmt,
saw dust furnace, stucco exterior.
All this for $7500.
Country grocery and general mer
chandise store, grossing 13U,000 an
nually with excellent profit margins.
Almost $200 per month added in
come from Poet Office. New store
building and 3 bdrm home on trout
stream and highway. A wonderful
business opportunity, possible to re
cover cash Investment In first year.
$20,000 will handle inventory and
down payment on equipment and
real estate.
IVt acres about half cleared balance
in gram and hay. well witn water
piped to house and barn. S rm. mod.
home, garage, barn, chick hse.
35 acres, most of it can be good for
fall crop. Pasture with all year
creek. Modem home, barn, chick
hse. etc
1 Multiple Listing Realtors f
702 N. High PbOM 3-3660