m hk it i I notice or g aim ." NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on I Taesday, the U day W September, lasa at 1S o'clock AM Daylight 402 linafl Tune.- at toe frout and west cloor ol im voun n us ra mkm. tUtioa County. Oregon. I will sell at WANTED: 500 feederlambs Immediate eubUe urtwn to the highest bidder, ty. Russell Hicks, Rt 1, Box 455. Ph. for cash, the following described real 4-2072. If prooerty: - lu.. LE: Vary gentle 3 yr. old ; 1 KAL. & i: X- a the South line of a County road. 130 04 feet North 89' 30" Wert and SO) feet SouUi 23 East from the ITinlhi art cornor of the J. B. Keizer Ti-W South.. Range Wert of rkvutMn una uaim - rxu. j. ui the Wulameue aaenaiaa, County. Oregon: thence South 0 28" East 1H.TT feeti thenca South 00 30- fast. 120-00 feet to the West tine of a County road: thence' North 0 v.) along the West line of the CJZ V'. ffaVlPu; fciLtitAN Goat, neavy milker, fci. al o - " . i 4 - "VVi Wf kr said I Jar, to, the text. 112JM feet to its ! BtAUTU-UL . point of tangency on tne bouw "' of the firrt above mentioned County - Z j. wwk bq Sfl West. atonx th south line of said road. 4b3S feet To tae poon ox being a portton "J""- I NEW Hampshire Chicks per 100. Week. JJ.SS WarSn Co? y Center St. ph. 2-2861. h Si. x i - TRACT II: Eerinning at a pofht on Knrth lina of the J. B. Keller I . Donation Land Claim No. S7taTown- t South.. Range 3 West rftoe wuiamena Meridian, bum ih , J Oregon, that i is 20U4 let North aa 30" West from the Northeast corner of said Claim; tbnc North av 9u west, along us no ": of said Claim.; 2357 feet; thence South O 28' East. 132.77 feet; thence South 89 30 East. 75.67 feet; thence North f 2T West. 122.7! feet to the South Una) of the County road; thence North 89 30 West, along the South line of said County road. 31.57 Et; thence North V ' EmUJW feet to the poini 01 sckuuiuik. vuuk m tirtinw ai Section. 2. Township 1 fimrth r S West of the Willam-1 ette Meridian. Marion County. Ore-1 lruW' d 152 feet South f 2T East from the Northeast corner of the J. B. Keizer Donation Land Claim No. 37. tn Tnwnahln TSouth. Ranee 3 West of the Willamette JJj Marlon 1 35 laal SSiS.a. I iSrS I 28' East. MM feet: thence air F.t 75 fff feet: thence m9 west, wajw ieei; tnence flona 1 West of too Willaaaetta Meridian. 1 Mariesi County. Oregon. . I aar-r TV- Vjxriniiln at a nointl that la 225.47 feet North 89' 30" West and 248.n feet South 0 2T East from the. Northeast cornor the . B. .Swelaer iMunm ana i TJVmfZS; SSoJZtt HM i: l! ISSk 5l TOOT faet: I thea Nortrt a- as West, 94.00 feet; I thenca North 09 30 West, 7547 feet I ta the saint of beglnnirc. being a portion of Section X Township 1 South. Range 3 West f the Willam ette Meridian. Mariom County, Ore gon. TRACT Y: Beginning at a point eat the East line of the J. B. Keiaer Donation Land Claim, No. 37. in Tewnahip-1 South. Kange 2 West of the wTnamette Meridian. Marion County. Oregon, 288.77 feet South 0 2S East from the- Northeast cor ner of said Claim; these South 0 28 East along tha East line ai said Claim, 5440 feet; thence North 09 ti JSZ1 SVE',"1. an ft'J- I South 39 15040 feet to the point aeelwntng. being a portion of Sec tion 2. Townshio 7 South, Range 31 Wejt of the WiUaaaette Merkli. Marion County, cireeoa. TRACT VI: Beginning at a point an' the East Une of the J. B. Keizer . Donation Land Claim. No.- 37. in Township 1 South, Range 2 West of , the Willamette Merkban. Marina County, Oregon. 232.77 feet South 0 2S Kst from tfao Northeast cor ner of said Claim; theace South 0 28 East along the East line of said Claim. 54.00 fe-t; thence North 82 30 West. 158.00 feet: thence North 2S West, parallel with the East Une- of sakt Claim. SaM feet; theawe South SO 30 East, 15040 feet ta the point of TbexfnninsT. be ma! a Portion of Section 2, Township' 7 South. Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian. Marion County. Oregon. Said sale is made under execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of , atarton. to- me directed in tne case ox: PRISCTLLA FRY SHATTUC, Plaintiff, WILLIAM HUGH KHATTUC. - Defendant. Dated Arwast 2nd. 1950. DENVER YOUNG. Sheriff Marlon County. Orexoa D of First Publication: August 4. 1950 Da., of Last Puhlication: August 25th, 1950 A 4-11-11-23 pt THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUN TY OF MARION No. 14051 t the Matter of the Estate of .FRANK E. XVANS. Deeeased.) NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL, PROP - ERTY NOTICB is hereby given that the mdersigned Executor of the Estate of F RANK eTeN (oecesaed. y"Z Of an eraer duly Msued out. oi tne t wmn wsn n uae bi m ut w ra r l the County of Marion, the 30th day ad I DHLS. Bed size coil spring At mat July. 1950. will sell at private sale and trea s. very good cond. ph. 3-0447. for cash, at the office of Law Tenca N. I COLEMAN Oil circuiating heater. Ph. siarton County, Oregon, rrom and after the 25th day of August 1850. at 104$ o'clock a. tn. thereof, all the right title and estate which tha said FRANK S. EVANS, at the time of his death, ad in and to the following described premises, to-wit : - Beginning at the Southeast cor ner of the premises heretofore con veyed ta Frank E. Evans and others by deed recorded in Volume 121 ea page 391 of the Deed Records for ' Marlon County. Oregon; thenca North St 12 West along the South ' line mf said premises 25 feet; thence Northerly parallel with tha East Una of said premises not to exceed 10$ feet; thence Southerly OS 12 East 205 feet of the East line of said premises: thence South- . erlv not to exceed 160 feet to tha , place of beginning. Save and Except therefrsm the I last 34 feet and the South 20 feet . which at hereby iiatrvtd for road ways. . i Said aala will bo tads for cash and subject to confirmation of tha abova entitled court BJ$&B Traded High Kfiratar mt tfacr att -at rin K. Irtni, DecS9$9L Lawrence n. brown Attorney for Executor - 919 Mvuw lie rinMin .Salem. Oregon jury 11-28 A. 4-11-1$ I have been appointed executrix of rUlU- 1U Ft p. 1 11 1 i in-- the wul and estate of Lydia V. Lcabo. deceased. AH - persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present them, with proper vouchers, within six months from date hereof, to me. at 412 Pioneer Trust Building. Salem. Oregon. Dated and first published Jury 22. Its. Pearl Lcabo VanCleave, as such Executrix. - Paul R. Hendricks.- ' ' Saiem, Oregon. Atty. for Executrbc . : July 23-29 A. 4-11 300 Personal 312 Lost and Found LOST: 418.00. at Shoe Dept.' Sears. Reward, Turner. P. O. box 193. LOST: la Mission BotUxa area. anu black & white cocker, answer to name of Pokey. Reward. Ph. 2-5959. LOST: 3 blankets in plastic container - between Fair-view Ave Jr Lancaster Dr. 1 electric. Substantial reward. Ph. Mrs. Miller 2I2.- 31S Personal PtUVATE Home care for the haadV . capped child. Registered nurse to charge. For xafon nataon wnte Boat 9? StstT!aji. & LONELY, write Ruth L WadaTaa old reUbia ehib. Box 437. Vancouver, Wash. j XLCOKOUCS Anonymous. Ph. 3-6U3. PO Eg 7?4. YCA Wed. Frt 830 pm. L SOnii.G.x.i or f friy to care for a red mother at 70 N. 4th St or 8. P a wanting to rent same far- . tt imbed house or 8. Somaane to buy property. Ph. 23304. inn-i i:jt' : 1UU AriCUJlUrC lirestock Arab xulie, also s yr. 4i weu Droareo. saddle mare. Cecil . Edwards, ph. BONUfcD UIVtSTOCK Mccanausn im s at& fh 3-147 laand a Lrravel supply Jo.. --' Sjy JPt."- R Bo WJOR PH S-1144 ------ - " ... LICENSED Livestock buyer. H. C. S-.en 14Q l-nrner -dr oH ?-1S44 BUL.L Service in oUce. Ph. -2S49. BONDED livestock buyer. A. F. Som- mer. 2130 Chemawa Rd. Ph. 42517. si it. i . v,i it drelaixi St.. Wood&um. Ore. Saddle mare. e. aentie. I - reas. RU 4. Box 484. Ph. 404 - Poultry and Babbn rrlZll ...... "t.S - J - ""SSJ 32 a-.j. vm i taatu., mi State St. Phone 3-4969. PAVG Highest prices for rabbit skins. West Side fur Co, Salem. 453 Petg MOORE'S 'Tropical Fish equipment supplies. 3 mi. from Lancaster on Macleay Rd. Rt. ft. Bo 483. P. 2-7321. TROPICAL FISH. Cal. lUaa. Battle Creek Rd. Turner Ore, t dm wk. To Give away; 2 black male J mos old dogs. Rt. a. Box (97. Orchard Heights Rd. 412 FruH and Farm Produce LANr U 4c7b. Plenty f berries. teve Berry Ranch, Rt. 9. Box 360. Salem. Ph. 42414. . CUT Gladiolas with greenery. (1 doz. 7S5 N. Winter. iOS Baled Hay. will vetch at oats! P?- PBed- Ketoer DisU ph. 1 . 3-4"" eg- 3-567. LOGANBiRRlES. U-pick. 3c. RL 3. j.- 733 42701 LOTS of Boysenberries 5c lb. U pick. I S" Iwnr - ml It. Brooks. BEANS it Cucumbers. Tues U Sat 825 K. 13th. - I !. GIBSON Tractor and Sales Service. How kt Bros. 1410 S. 12th. Ph. 3-3846.I CLINTON Motor Sales and Service. I Howser Bros. 1410 S. ITth Ph. 3-3648. 1 l- UNIT Yarding shovel. New Gehl I ensilage cutter No. 40. New John I flai i a efdla hkiwar 1 MeOar. 1 raick-Deerine manure spreader. LIS 1 none eiectik. motor c comueuaator. I 40400 ft of 0x18 timbers. WUl take I irveatoca zor any. -n. uuo. ao. 4 1 Bml06T Sooth of Airport ea old I Tsrner Rd. j 42S Auction Sales . Auction Every Thurs. 730 tun. Furniture and k-ehold aruclei. We invita you to ' EAST SALEM AUCTION 1029 Lancaster Prtvo Ph. S-1U 1 - Scotty's Auction House - mf. East en Center St. Salem' Sat.. Angust ft. 2 sales -10:30 ajn. S 7:30 I you. - ... 2 electric' stoves, 4 washing marri'het. a rexTigerators. a sewmg mactuiiea. - port at chair acta. 20 doz. fruit Jars, gaiam toots, new noose pants m ou. 7 new shingles No. 1 bundle, 2 ears, 1 truck, new potatoes Toy 100 lb. bags. vegetables, fruit Chickens, rabbits I . fryers. Phone 26274. Cot Jtraest X. " Scott, Auctioneer. . , - 450 Merchandise 455 Hortzsehold Goods for Sals TJSEDkelyinator $ ft. refrig. 940. elec tric hot water heater 800. Electric L c H range table top 30 gaL $50. Phone 3-7346. "MB Locust ELEC range, wtCcomb. $7574800 bdrm nu n. a .b. $30. Beautiful chair bto. luse. S-M7S.I FRIGID AIRE refrig. $ cuTft Very good .g . . . -TXT. RANGE. 4-bumer table top, $83. Dm ttb s sth. Ph. asiis C J C I Jew U1U kJC I tbuOt a"Mranted sewing maehmes. 811 i tn. Famoua Bams brands, j Terma if desired. Ralph Johnsoat Appliances. 355 Center St Ph. 33139. Linoleum $3.95 f ALLEY FURN CO 283 N COMT. Used Fnrn. Cheap TRADE TXXMS V No. Coml 2-7TT2 u a"w "WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE SPECIALS AB Apt. size elect range Lata model M.W. Elect ranee asJaf sA S7S.0O 1 ' - I totpotnt etec range, while top szsja 1948 M.W. Dehixa elect range: light At timer . $18943 Late model Mnntag Datcheas white wood range $294$ I White Porcelain gas range: , light Ar timer - -$23.00 110 Volt Universal apt size elect Stove SZ4.B3 Gree tub washers . . each 854. Coolerator ice box. late model $1949 Crosley radio-phono. 1941 model $3445 Oil circulator heater. 2 rm. size $XLM ISIontgomery-Ward Wanshonse 45S Wearied, Hoxtsenold Goods! USED FURN, tmntedlata appraisal, highest p cea. Valley rurnlturaT Xi M Cott ttnerrial Ph 17472 dkJ6H WOOURY Pb. 35X10, t 1 m r rt n . . I ae CmiOinq gategaOlS Plywood Wallboard an thicknesses at lowest ixices. in. plywood for flooring 17 lie ft 514 la. 4x8 plywood $245. V in. insulation board 4x1 sheets. 8e ft Waterproof hardhoard $240 per sheet C. G. Long : ; P. BJC?1 I mPe north of WHzer orKrtzer W a- 1 WRECKING HOUSE at 405 Marion, sawdust furnace, bathroom set hir n - cr m xjq r tg. aoors, etc m. 4 zwj. 1 CEDAR PICKET FENCES, fence elec St telephone poles. Ph. 2-1458 ' Phtmps Bros, RU 8. Box 118. 4 mi. I out state St. . ' DdaJXDIAlE DEL. 4300 ft- NofT" flooring. 2000 ft. .wt 3000 ft. aleet. , oak. SUM ft SL No. 2 oak, 90 sq No. 2 cedar shingles. $7. per sq cedar a Gutter 25e It pine shelving $125. ; Common lumber 30 per M. 150 sq. Canadian cedar wall shakes arimed then painted. Wa sell only the best cau us evvjungs. pb, ZU90 zed Mailer. . :.. . v - . Worry f " FALSE TEETH -? ; -dipping or Irritating? Dent he smbarrassed by loose f aba teeth slipping, dropping or wobbtmg when yon eat talk or laugh. Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH eat your Siatea. This pleasant T"erhr Ives a remarkable sense of added comfort and . ecantyby hoi ding plates mora firmly. No gAnrxny. sooey. nasty taste or feel. sne. It's axkaixae (non-acid). Get FAS- T ra at any drug store. " T450 Hercliaiiillse p 4S3 Building Malarial T- Tllivrv Immcaiate UCIIVCry tn for your garden er lawn. we have It. Rock free silt top aoU. and tor it. Roc frea allt. top txu out. . p Commercial ! ' V L P " ' ' ' BOWSER BROS, lour power tool reat- ai heaauamra. 141 & 12ta St Ph I iC3 Masicd histn&sestS OLDS Trumpet,, Jika new. Beasonabla I Ph. J0774. 4S2 SporU Equlpmtnt 12. 14 and 14 ft. hunting and fishing boats and trailers. 1170 Neb. St. 4 to 1 pjn. " - - KRA1G 3330 Fairhaven Ave. SPECIAL, and one 3O.04 S porter. After ft JO pan. 1256 N. 21st St. tS8 For Rest. Miscellaneous GOOD Downtown warehouse space for rent Xnq. H. L. Stiff rurniture. Ph. cxxD USED Piano H L. Stiff , U DRIVE TRUCKS FOi RENT Slan- kets fura. 197 S. Uberty Ph. 2-9062. 1 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous 2 STEEL garage doors," almost new.' Sixe Txt. $50 each. Ph. 37830. CLOSING OUT dua to lease expiring. All equipment at fixtures for sale. Wr?,5 'S? M1 Ph. 33471. SUlfMAGX. CaliLDound after 25 yrs. in saiem. Buy shoe roller saates. ice skates, books, white elephants galore. TbUTL. WTL kSat. 2090 N. Church. FACTORY bum trailer, an steel frame and body, like new. RU ft. Box 177. Ph. 3-141L ' - SKIRTS, sweaters, dresses, raincoat. suit at formal, excellent condition. size lo-ix. inq. 1750 N. conage. HOME Oeezer. Kenuine deeor aiis5e and op. Yeater Applianoe Co 375 Chemeketa PERT EX 8 mm magazine loading movie camera with torrent head! . standard F 1-0 lens and 1 long teiephoto lens, like new. Cost 814SSS sell for 895. ph. 37881 after 4:30 p.m. IPSEP Spinet Piano. Ph. 3-441. 20. dAL. Sprayer, ttetrjc crawW T disc, plow. Rt. S Box 364. oh. 38 F 8. USED Piano Accerdian 83044. ph. 3-4641. ' FREE Grand Pianos. We wUl give away two Rosewood Square grand nianoa Beautiful cases. You pay haul- tng only. Jaquith Music Co, 044 UMcaoe ur on. a-ii. ELEC Range, good cond. $75. 1297 taeTi. ph. . - o WAXING REQUIRED with PLAS- TwCOTE. the ceilophine like nn for fktors or linoleum I t Teeter Appliance Ca ' ITS CTfaemeketa fSt CrIESf TYPE freerer. 14 cu, ft. Used 1 yr. 8280. Ph. 3-4284. IXoJLD Eitctnc washers 818.8. and bp Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Criemeketa fit GOOD UaM pianos 'Fnrn. Co 878 ' aa H. Sttff l"SEO Radios ,$943 and aw. f- Yeater Appliance Co. fyff fir T7S rTwrnaaara St edge snampoo at one-half the cost Beat e Clark Bug Shampoo I isi nine as newsar stroa itu a ltth Ph. 3-S040 '; fl 84444 sad tn . : . .. Tester AppSonco Co. 1 ' 273 Chemeketa St OHY Pass SartUlxer. Pb. 228&L l7s t Hstcherv . USED oewmg macnines prtcod to suit ' your budget ftecondxtioned Bt guar antaed. - Ralph Johnson Appliances . Ph. 33139 ItKAl YOUR HOME etectneally with ; westlnghouse or Wesix automatic i electric heaters faster Appliance Co 1 075 Chemeaeta I Hay For Sale . 1ST GRADE EASTERN ALFALFA. PH. 43. SILVERTON. waiiin- riflnn v l.ravsl I r j I Carushed Rock a. i i - - - For .roods di lvo way . Cement,. Seady. doaxne. draxnaga and ditching. ye. I shovel at drag Baa. Phone 3-9249 0ED Electrta ranges 819 85 aada? , Yeetcr Appliance Co S7ftjSreSt ' gr-jf-jkir HA''STES, nsxt ep. Also new - Free I yteiTapplianc CO. 2T9 Chemeketa St Ph. $4211 ANTIQUES, 121. Garnet, Pt. 3-402S. -HARVEST BAGS. oh. 2-1877. oTL Circulators al greatly reduced prices Tester Appliance Co. 373 Cbemekna St LAWN FERTTi.T7.Kas. turkey drop pings Ac peat moss. Fugstones, patio rock, garden rock, wall & fireplace 1 rock. Hand split rustle cedar picket zences. teaay to sex up. maae to order. Rase treBe's tc garden stakes. PhilHps Bros. Ph. 31458. Rt 8. box 118. 4 miles oat State St. WlLKNTf HOStEBf LAbtES A MfcfS. GUARANTEED. CALL 2-0570. Andy's Dirt & Gravel r r 7' . us c TJ r To 7797 7. NEW SERVES, GAS REFRIGERATOR 8-Ft DeLuxe, Model BN-eoo. $13.00 discount for slight scratch en top of door, regular 837940. Terms. PRO PANE GAS Appliance Company. I 1 en rv st. 1 NEW ROPER GAS RANGES for tank or botue gas. $14740. with light and timer. Sold on monthly payment plan. Only five stow available. PRO PANS. GAS ac Appliance Cocapany, J4 rerrv et. NEW GENEHAL WATEA KATH for : tank or bottle gas. 20-gallon, wfth in r, f, stater (jontroi. Lrnry one m stock 8.9.78. PROPANE GAS St Ap pliance Co 349 Ferry St. PAYNE FLOOR FURNACE for City Gas. new, with automatic controls, 812745. Model S0-FFF 50.000 BTU "r AppU- 100 M ft tiner. 2nd growth fir. Phone 23800 ev enings. ' USED Elec porta ie Rotary sewing machine. Good sewing cond. Guar anteed. $3950. Singer Sewing Ma chine Co. 130 N. Com!. ELEC Wood, gaa ranges low as 83.09. Jec, wood. gas. OU heaters. ' ft piece blonde living room set end tables, drag saw & four blades, printing press - will trade house radios, car radios, car ecces end tables, tables at chairs, beds, springs Ac matt. All these items are cheap, ice boxes. Hardman Bros, ft1, miles north of Salem on Port hlway. Open - t j . . 1. o it, a J""" " 'I"'- VpJ"; . . s k oarv ui a: uvwiic, iuuwi wu-i bin. Excellent rond. $50. U. L Cal- I 'bralth. A-msviile. Ore. I ' ' TRADE 1 iHr mifnr ' inm tAnta. s ortine goods, most everything. No money required. Bring me tha salable items you no longer need at swap zor something useful. Trader Louis 3055 Portland Bd. :Cft7SbSa::?s without Painful narVacrte soa"t wait try Deaa'a PiTH. a aiOd . Uaad 1 1 11 f I' k - - - e yssrs. Waiia tasse aawtaaa mas rive fcsssv nlirf. IB auks af tLkhwy tab,, aad futsra C4 Xisaa-a Fula tsdayl est aUsc. atnaa aad strass, oven. ski I Ma. auasn sssni iag or axpasat a cold insirtiiia slaws dswa kidasy faaa. tarn. Thai aw had assay folka to asss Sjtuaag a-roy WkajMsa Pg aiaats er frseas-t pssssass -trlwlt j j1r',-), aTwrTlTms" 45tT " hTefch'andrse 470 For Sols, Miscellaneous SINGES Else walnut cabinet sewing roach (new) wiui sewing stooi, a drawer sewing cabinet, tewing course & attachments. Only $1350 down, easy terms. Singer Sewing Machine Co, 130 N. Com! 472 Wanted. MlaceHgpoti $50.00 PER THOUSAND truck scale paid lor 24- to u smau uougiaa i tt idk suitable for pili&f. Hih prices paid for barkie poles and piling call Al bany 1287 or writ Standard Pole at Tutn co. for price nsta. Trader liOtue needs thousands of Items odds ami ends or complete house holds Ph 3855a 3055 Portland Hd WCX)DEN Bunk beds. Good cond. & reasonable. Ph. a -6354. 474 Miscellaneous Dental Plate -Repair TWO-HOTJB SERVICE 04 MOST Brtnf or Mall Tour Plates for Repair OL BARRY SEMLCR. DENTIST Adoloh Bldg Stat at Com Pit S-S31t WANT TO Buy used cameras at tenses MrFwnn Photo Shoo. 43S State BOWSER BROS. Your power tool rental headquarter. I4it izt t. ! P 33S44 Sewing lessuna Day or evening New Home Sewing Center Ralph Johnson Appliances 353 Center St Pa. 33139 47b f uel vrwrn BOJZ Ph. 2-B4S3 2025 S. 12th. 15" Old Fir Veneer Cores Bnv Now for Winter DRY 18- pjTwood cor. wood. Ph. 2-4491. I 779 N CottSVe. ' WOOD, also wood sawing. Ph. 2-4278. Summer. Prices oa hand sicked If la. slab and old fir b,ock f0 , . Camtol Ltimher - Fnel Co P11"1 Tf . XJO' Phone 3-7721 or 2-8024 0J Fir Oak. Ash 3-14&8 ir- wood Old and Second Growth Fur 3 UNIT LOADS Delivered to aalem 812 SO Tor orders please can collect Independence 42 Independence Lomber and Manufacturing Company . Independence Oregon Highrray Fnel Co. : Clean sawdust wood green "or dry. 8tea-Dlessl oils. Ask tor. Pansy Saver Stamps Ph. 36444 i ASK FOR "7" ! S & H Green Stamps Band picked tnfll wood 2 cos $14 Sawdust dumped or conveyed -12 tat dean inside wood PHONE 27441 - ' West Salem Fnel Co. IS-DL DRY OR CRTtti SLAB WOOD DRY PLANES ENDS 18 lav SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Alas ptck bp wood at 1523 I FOR Sale: 4 ft Cord wood. Bethel Park. Brooks, pn. z-uts. 500 Bnsiness & Finaxice SC2 BntfnetS OpDOrtnsIS FOR SALE: Small fountain hmch. WQ1 take house tn trade. Ph. 3-sssz. tffANT-MAN take' local business. Wffl- ingness and honesty more important than experiepce. No selling. Good for . S100 weekly to right man with rapid Increase. Only $300 cash genuirad. Give phone, past occupation, address. P.O. BOX 253. Salem. !rORLEASE to responsible party. High volume service station a fully equip ped garage in Mill City. Ore. Good. established business in service, gaso line at dleeeL Win lease service sta tion separately or garage and service station combined. For further Infor mation call C J. DalzelL Union Oil Company of Calif. Salem. Ph. 37878. KAj?ME1''UH SMd: iS ranis. Asking price only 83000, witn school starting again tn one Q ral Cooler. 2300 State. Salem. TO LEASE; meat mkt.. grocery vef tables, fruits dr. SCO food lockers. good ptrstneas. ph. 301 rails tnty. AUTO garage Ac aerv. station for lease. well equipped, good loc. Write States atfTBox ,l3" SMALL groccry loe. Write Stat store well equioDed. statesman box six GROCERY store, gas .At cabins. By Owner. Priced right Exceuent iocs tton. nh. 2-4319. Rt f Box 145. SXaVlCE STATION tor rent, HoHy wood dist Ph. Mr. Moore. East U06. Portland. FOR Sale: Wllma tc Elsie's Cafe in Newberg doing good bustneas. Ph. 311 or 43BX. - - 1 McTiMlirf kKnn Tl . nf.HAWiwm a, anw .... Funy equtpoed. small llv. quarter, I yr. Icaar. $1989. Allen C. Jones, Realtor 221 N. High Ph. 35838 day or site S10 Money To Loan No Need to Shop: around If you want extra cash, extra last tor seasonal needs because 1M SOLD ON YOU i rm eaiiea tne zs SSAn III I ! 1 . . . . - . T . out of ft who ask me. get a loan of $29 to $500 en auto, up to $300 on fur niture tt salary. Coma In or phono. beo xactiee. yes jsah PERSONAL . Finance Company . of Salem v $1$ State St. Rm. 125 ' Ph. 2-2464 Lie. No. S-123 M-145. C R. Allen, Mgr. Office Hours open daily 9.-00 mjn.-5.00 I pjn. Wednesdays and Saturdays IM I a i.-i.oo p.m. CASH Up to $1500 Can or phone today PACIFIC fadastriaULoans 119 S Uberty 1 Ph 4-2203 WE Make loans up to 8V of the acDraised value on aaai tiring mod- era homes. Salem and vicinity. Also see us tor raA construction toana State Finance Co. 153 South High St. saiem uregoa . FARM and CITY IX) AN U and ft Your own tonus of repayment wtthla reason Cash for - Real restate Con tracts and Second Mortgagee. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 1687 Court St Ph. 4-223 $ CASH $ Hollvwood Finance Co. . 1900 Fair grounds Bead Next to bank. Free parkins. Fa. 2-7032 Lie No. M369-S29L -Floyd Kenyon. Mgr - - Dr-l.T LaaaJ D - DcjOCutMJ DSS. COAX .LAM cxrotxss irranAfjrra 41 Nertti lAertr ! Caatai-i abeve Jaas. 231 tt. Lib ert- Office even Sataraay aary to asa ta 1 ass. 0 to t ova. Ceasal I ties. Bleed pressure and arlae tests are frea ag caai a. isrf. WW 500 Dnsincss & Finance 10 Money To Loan PRiVATE Money to loan. Ph. 20794. CASH . NOW $25.00 to S500.00 Salem a Larrest and eldest ea loan company otters money when you need ltl - Sou can pay anytime to reduce eat cost! No endorsers, or help i from friends I On cars, trucks, trailer homes to 450040 us rurniture. livestock, equipment. salary or outer personal property up Phone or visit oar office today 1 Bear "Top Trades" 12:03 daily KSLM, Grcneral Finance Corp. , Lie. No 8131 and M33 PHONE 8-9141 136 S. CO MX T AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO, IS! S. Church 8t Ph. 2-3437 Parklag Aplenty Lie M190-1H4 Private Money r i On Cars. Trucks 8t Trailer Homes Long or Short Terms Payments : Roy H. Simmons 138 8. Commercial 8L I Phono 2-9181 S12 Loans Wanted X REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS TOR SALJS WITH DISCOUNT. WANT 88000 PRIVATE MONEY ON REAL PROPERTY. PH. 37113. W1L- REAL ESTATE. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted SOMEONE In Vic of McKlnley' school to aeep ist grade gin after school tin til 3:30 pjn. CaU 23952 after ft pjn. GENERAL AGENCY Now available in Old line Co. estab- liahed in state for many years. If you nave a record or auautv ner- sonal nroductionr'Snd an ambition to head an agency you may obtain top contract witn oonus xor quality. Write In confidence. Our men have been Informed of this ad. Write Box 929 eo Statesman. ATTENDANTS for state hospital. Xx- penenoe unnecessary, starting sal ary $170. 48 hrs week. Preliminary competitive testa given by appoint ment. Apply Stat Civil Service Com mission, 102 Public Service Bldg. 604 Help Wcriitcrd. Male Yonng Men 4-7 -t, . 17 - 45 Are Needed by Railroads Throughout America Train Now at Portland, Oregon for STATION AGENTS - TELEGRAPHERS Positions open throughout the United States Starting Salarv 827740 Plus Benefits - Rapid Advancement GI AFFHUVID For information Contact Representative at the Marion Hotel August 4. only From 11 -OB A ST. to 040 P M. EXP. SPRAY-PAINTER. Phone 3U8T JOBFRINTING and Engraving" Sales man.. Experience preterrea. Appry Statesman 10 a.m. to 12 am. today. OPPORTUN11 Y for A-l auto mechanic. See Verne. Teague Motor Co. MEN. Needed for bop machine work day or night register now at Mis sion Bottom. Harvesters Plant 2 mL N. Salem on Wheatland Ferry Bd. or call 3-1066. MARRIED Man on dairy farm, must Pccxo. Ph. 31038. FALLEE3 At buckets with power saw. 8340 Th oaand. Also experienced choker setters. David Schafer Star Route Box 51 Si 1 vert on. ASPHALT Roof shingler. Home Jm- ptov err lenta Co. 349 Ferry. WANTED: Experienced vulcanizcr a person who would like to learn the vulcanizing trade. Box 930 co sutesman. 606 Help Wanted, Ftm3 LADY with bookkeeping A typing ex perience. Please reply giving age ana experience to box yy. statesman. PHOTOGRAPHIC POINTER for Photo ft.iaht.a- plant aTxpcriencea only.- Apply ta person. Arts KraDhv. 325 Court Salem. Ore. WOMAN! gent hsewk. call rnoxxung. 095 N. Liberty. - EARN MONEY at home. FuU. part time. Box 905 Statesman. WANTED: Housekeeper to take com- plete charge, motherless noma witn 2 boys, e At 8. No chjectlon to small child. Ph. 3-5B5Z. f Wll. Uaniif-hirin, Pa. has onan" ing for gen. ofTlce .girt -rnougn knowledge of, typing, shorthand At hdnl office work essential. Apply giving experience Ac references to BnrSJl pn Statesman. GIRL Wanted for housework Ac care of 2 small children. Must ba over 1$ or out of school, uooa wages. inn v st 14- Marker STL brt fial-a ladlaa wanted for full part time work. Salary at commis sion basis. Anita's. State Ac Uberty, WANTED: Girl 1$ or over as usher atta. Annlv Canitol Theatre. finusr.Icr.TIEft, Wages At board. Sun- daya oc - day week, oxx. a a. m- coia. DASH ON IrlS faAGXAKT V(VlGORATxNG LOTION AFTER THE SHA VB COLONIAL CLUB eiinuniG . LonniJ 60c PLUS TAX BJitrDJnstism lslns Schnefcr's Liniment In use in Salem tor over 35 years. Helps thousands of us ers. .Godsend lor muscular pains. 50c and $1.00 WHQISHECmOUTSirUMTtX r I PONT IV03& " aii Mae nzzm loti:3 c:sf.rj tOCnCSTrCB-'TAT sunDunw 25c Ptas Tax 135 11 Ccm1. St. PrcEcripticns Filled 1C99-1950 600 .Employment. I SCS Help Wemteo, female WOMAN or girl wanting a home. Light housework Ax child care. Room, board at wages. Ph. 20880 between I a I pjn.. 6C3 Pickers Wanted l CABIN. 2 trailer or ten spaces avail. m oeaa yarn, tornextus Ba teson. Prsru i. HOP Pickers register now. Ph. 3-7958 or 2-3107. store, cabins, elec. lights, wood, water. At straw. 15 min. drive from Salem on Browns Island. HOP Pickers wanted; Good clean camp, cabins, tents, lights turn store, restaurant on grounds. Regis ter now. Picking starts early Aug. Mitoma Hop Farm. Rt 1 Box, 360, lnqenenqence WANTED: Bean pickers. Start Mon Aug Patch ft mile North Sttnsons store at Lake La Dish or phone Ed. Hynes. Ph. 42778. . i? . 610 Sales Persons Wanted- SELL JOHNS-MANVHXE HOME IN SULATION. Prefer man 35 to 83 yrs. established Salem resident See Home Improvements Company, 349 Ferry St, GOOD opportunity to man who can sell mail subscriptions la rural area. Must have good personality. Experience helpful but not essential. See Mr. Clark (Clrc. Dept.), The Statesman. EXP. Tire salesman, salary plus bonus. Local distributor, car furnished steady em p. Write 930 co Statesman. GOOD Proposition for experienced salesman calling on the trade in Ac around Salem, and Albany. Phone 28510 for appointment 614 Work Wanted. F canals GIRL wants baby sitting by the day, your home. Ph. 20774. EXP. bookkeeper bookkeeping ma- chlne. typing. Statesman, Box 424. 615 Situations Wrxmted PRACTICAL NTJRSTNG. Steady work, live in. CaU Mrs. Wright Argo Hotel. PAINTING - PAPERING Sedgwick Phone 2-5919 gABV sitting by adult, ph. 3-4367. SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired. Scharff Bros. Ph. 3-6568. ROAD ORADtNd, tile ditches fOled. street r,hrt,tMfli Ph. j to. John son. CEMENT WORK, free est Ph. 2-7163. EXP. Salaan na, neat appealing. 30 old, married vet 5 yrs. adver r Ac food sales. Best of refer yrs. ol tr enres. Ph. 2-4863. BOY 17 needs- work. tractor exp. Phone I-987. BABY Sitting Frt. AT Sat eves. Ph. S-72TS after 3. DOCTORS Office assistant Boso. trslned. good rets, box 3Z statesman WILL Care for 2 or 3 children. 2 yrs. nr voimeer. mv home. 1254 Out t UCPEH1EN C ED Driver salesman de- siras posltioa. Grocery, oreaa. to- Haeeo ate. Ph. 952B9. EXP. PRACT. nursed will care for in- valids. stroke a specialty, good xooo. nleaa tr nh. 9-7615. LAWN spraying, let us kill tha weeds tn your lawn, pn. s-siss. WOULD Like to bad on your painting. your .paint or ours. m. l. KwcxMn- be-r Phone 34244. 1450 N. 19th. WA9HTNR c ireni. Ph. 34587 CURTAINS washed A stretched. 2344X PAINTING 44 a e tn taVT n. nh. Ti-7552. - T 1 r - r srnj. Bar work wan tea. weasonaoas rates. H Bros, lus a. izin. VImm 9aTL frLUMBiNG. REAS6nABLE. PH. 38377. RIDKWALKS. Baaecnents. oatios. aatch- tng. psumpt aervice. a. i aa . x-n. 90313. CEMENT work. All kinds. Ph 2-4850. BOOKKXEPDiG. Typtnf. Notary Pub- Be. 1500 N. 4th. Ph. 3-5283. r-Hii.n r rk isa R tsta Ph S-87S IDEAL child care, ages 2-6. Ph. 24940. 616 Employinsitt Agency CX)Mm1CXA Placement Agency 1SS ft Liberty - Phone 2-148$ See'y, 25-35. exper. $195 to 4200 see'v. a-4:au. a aaya , - siaa Steno.-Clk.. 40 hr. wk, $175-8300 Legal See'y, exper. 4175 Com p. opr. under 8 da. temp, $1 hr. Clerk typist S da. Dallas $1 hr. Clerk. Ins. M days 75c hr. C3k. Typ. recep nrte siso to aiao 1 B4C punch opr. ft days $150 to $100 Sales, retail, no exp. nee. $130 up 616 Edncu-On CIVIL SERVICE COACHING 1XS State St Ph. 2-5072 620 Day and Conn-aet HAY BALING. Stationary. John Read. Bt 3. Box 960. Ph. 42591. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Xtoads - Clearing - Dttching : Sewer Ac Easement , Equipment Rental IS B-iV yda l. yea D-1 Cat ids XJ " Ti rt a, tk e See os shout dltxhlns by the foot. Phone days -90$ . -yenings s-8248 or , fjiaxoi a YOUR PRESCRIPTION STORE WHEN Y01J THINK DRUGS THINK SCHAEFER 1899-1950 "It Pays to Trade st Schoofor's Prescriptions Accurately Filled - Evwiythinfl for the Baby lis Original Yellow Front Drug Store. ... rnn nnnric uu-A ukiwa If you really want to get rid of your corns try s bottle of SchaeferV - s Corn Remedy fob Refief ; No Pay HAVE YOUR FILMS PRINTED AT SCHAEFERV When We Finish Your Films They Will last Forever ; OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT The Excelsior trass will sohrs your problem -. ' -" Corns In and sss them today ; r Eosstk Stockings. Anklets, Knee Bands. . . Msri's CAestsrfield Belts . This ie the efflet-1 anslar Tors wm find these yjreBrstie-s ef hUtiest eBality ssul fr- sateed te be exactly lor to be. - - - - SOXJE AGENTS FQK- TZHSLAM. WE AM OPEN EVT2Y SUNDAY FROM 9 A. M. TILL 6 P. M. iTWstglegmcA-aaW CretjdnJ Friday' August .-lS$0---l3 s 600 Employment 623 Day and Contract AUTO PAINTING" Just a shade better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor ; Co. 3-0l0t I BULLDOZING LAND CLEARING, PLOWTNO L. C. MITCHELL. PH. 35337 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board SLEEPING RMS. H Ac C water, kitchen prmiegea. 754 Terry St. RM. Hotplate, refrig. 2U1 Center. SINGLE Slplng rm. H At C wtr. 473 n. unertv. SLEEPING Room for em pi man. near state bldgs. 194 N. 14th. Ph. 36032. Limited n n x o uu ; 12.5 Co-Ft. . Capacity . Cfictvred sbove) 16 Cu. Ft. Capacity 20 Co. Ft. Capacity j 155 N. Liberty Phons 3-3191 "v, i - I - J . """w, ww"' : . - -tV-w-. 1 Sl-pl-sSe r"-.- I j 4 Ehey cfeficaclss when tfisy ore out of season; says money by buying quantities when prices ars low. SpecUrcofirtruc tion detail keeps M-W frsszsrs front $woatin. Counterbal a need lid lifts with ens finger, stays wherever wanted. SsoV them todayt " - . SHOP WARDS ALL DAY TODAY . . . 9:30 A. IX TO 9 P.M. aras 25 c size Lb, Licorice Bridge IILxIure 49 c Lb. Kemedy Store for Maries Cwsxtty. wttst they are sold sad represeded - - - - ' -' tEHtrDIT.'i FOS 11AXION COUNTT 703 Wanted Rooms, Board SECRETARY Desires nice Quiet room' in private home. Best or rexe pn. xiboo .between s at a. 705 Apartments For Rent 2 AFTS. completely furnished close tnv Inquire H. L. Stiff Furniture, ph, 3-81M. BASEMENT Apt. Teas, ph. 3-524. 2 B. K. Apt. priv. bath, auto, hoi water. 940. 225 Chemeketa. NEWLY bee. 4c Furn. 2 rm. basmt ac utilities furn.. ideal for epic. Z598 Brooks st. after 4 p.m. , ' PARTLY Furn. apt Priv ent 13J . Broadway. , SMALL, Sleeping rm. very close In, ZW9 S. Church St- ' 2 KM Partly modern, partly fur- ed. 545 S 15th. Sitverton: Furn J rm. upstairs. close in. 832 mo. Store space 830. Inq. 213 Mill. Silverton. VED Quantity of C1Q (7)93 F0UI1TAIII TREATS Milk Shakes Malted -2047 -25 -Schsefer's- 400-A Real Food Pick-up. Try it next 1y( time you're in. IvC Ws Use Grade A Milk Only 4XX-Sorriothing now 10 Vacation tims again. Many ef you will corns back with pain ful cases of Poison Oak. Just in case, it pays to be pre pared. Uss Hood's lofisn 50c end $1.00 Only at Schasfar's . DZR-MA-h'.OL 50: Phcno 3-5197