The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 25, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    g The Rcrlesmcm, ScJenV Orocjoii, Tuesday, July tS, 1SS3
Senators, Loop Leaders
' Ope Tonight
McNulty to Face Bears in Opening dash
The Salem Senators, stm unable to make any semblance of xaovt toward first dirisioa berth la
the Western International league, return to their home stomping grounds tonight to open three game
cries with the loop-leading Yakima Beers, Came time for the opener la t:l o'clock end on the mound
Ray McNulty, the curve-balling
righthander whose last outing was
snappy 3-1 win on four hits over
Wenatchee last eek. Ray will,
be After win No. 7. His opponent;
Is expected to be either Bill Brad
ford or Dick Zrner.
The Senators lost all three games
at Yakima last week by whopping
scores as Mgr. Joe Orengo's fu
ture San Francisco Seals contin
ued their drive to repeat as league
With the Bears for the series, if
fcls injury has healed sufficiently,
win be Lou (Mad Russian) Novi
koff, a combination o! slugger and
baseball funny man.
The full count tor the Salem
Yakima series for the season now
stands at seven wins for Salem,
10 for Yakima. The Senators have
'won five and lost two to the Bears
here at home, but at Yakima it's
been two victories and eight set
backs. - 1 .
Following the three-game stand
with the Sears, the Tri-City
Braves, another WIL pain tn the
win column for Ad Liska's troupe,
come in Friday night to finish out
the week with four-games. The
appearances of the Bears and
Braves ere the last of the local
season for those clubs.
Cuban Giants
Trip Trotters
A nassed ball In the ninth In
ning produced the run which last
night gave the Brooklyn Cuban
Giants a 6-5 victory over the Har-
lem Globe Trotters in an exhibi
tion game played at Waters park
before a turnout of 1000.
The game itself was almost a
sidelight to the snappy pepper and
shadow games the barnstorming
. bailers rendered for the benefit of
the customers. ; -
ViUWH mi luuiuuau ww wwn c
bis comical talents during the; eve
ning. The teams totalled 17 hits be
tween them during the contest,
outstanding Individual performer
being the Trotters' Dale Simpson
who hit four singles in four tries.
Trotters 200 030 000 5 14 5
Giants 100 000 Ml 4 IS
Bankhead and WheHer; Mitchell
and Chapman.
Seattle May Get
Gold Cup Classic
DETROIT, July 24-(jPHStariley
Bayres, owner of Gold Cup win
nir Slo-Mo-Shun IV, said today
it is my intention" to take the
speed boat classic to 'Seattle next
It will be the first time since the
Gold Cup race was inaugurated in
1904 that it ever has been held
west of Detroit.
The winner, under rules govern
ing the race, may hold the follow
ing year's classic at his home yacht
dub. Sayres said he intended to
have the race run on Lake Wash
ington, where Slo-Mo-Soun IV set
- world's record of 160.323 miles
per hour on a straightaway last
.month. : ' . . j ?'
This, that, etc: h
Nary a thing wrong with Tex SalkeldY last Cstic production at
the armory it was a beauty for action. But his effort of next week
(August 2) from this distance
1 looks like Tex- real gem of the
past half-dozen years. At long
last the village has . two "local
lights" to follow In the fight game
In Dean Abney and Eddie Kahut
And both are booked for 10 round
ers in sharing the main event next
week. Against opponents who rate
as anything but pushovers for the
youngsters too. Neither Longview
Paul Kennedy or Portland Al
Cliff need an introduction to
fight fans in the local Ferry Street
Garden, as they have been here
before and have yet to be accused
by anyone of producing a bad
fight. The two negro boys are of
the caliber that will prompt every
ring weapon both Dean and Eddie
Oiave. I :- - "
vnrcn is just won me iuuv. . ,
filberts want, tor they're now beginning to Wonder Just how promising
the fferson and Woodburn lads really are. . . . One of the bigger
. features of the current semipro tourney at Silverton, along with the
good crowds, fine ball games, etc., is the breaks, both good and bad,
the teams are eettine on balls hit into the outfield. The surface of the
outer rtaches of McGinnis field is hard, and on numerous occasions
batted balls have bit and bounced crazily to go for triples and home
runs. Then the other night in the Reed sport -Roseburg clash Bill
Hanau&ka lofted a high fly to right field that should have been an
easy out. But the ball hit a light pole wire and Bill went for a triple.
He then scored the winning run, ruining Roseburg and Pitcher Bus
Sporer. Come to think of It, former Senator Bus never was very
lucky. . . . .',.'" j v-: ; '"'--1 '
Wilson's Lou Bad Break for Attendance ;
, Mare taaa a aaere Shades' raaai have eseaswd traea Seattle
Gen. SCxr. Eari Saeely waea his prtaa rtteaer Jlaa VUsea was
finally licked the ether night after U straight conquests. For It's
are to be VTilsaa who taalght opens thv Seattle series at home
- with the lea rue-tea ding- Oakland. Were the star fllnger arriving
home with II In a row and a tie for the Coast league victory
string record, he'd pat U.tOt Into the Sicks sialism yard all hy
himself. Going far a reeerd af 17. aad against the loop leaders
weald have done it.
As it now stands, Wilson may do an about-face as have others
i who have had long win binges stopped before him. .There have been
! cases wherein a pitcher, after finally being licked, goes completely
haywire and has an awful time getting back into the groove. One
good example is under way right here at home. After getting off to
his spectacular start, Johnny TJerney finally was licked and has been
having a time of it ever since. Then araia WUsoa may be one who
wiU now start right oft on another bender that wont end until he's
won IS more. - ' '
At any rate that loss probably cost the Seatfles from 5009 to TSOO
auciiudutc 1VI uivir acnes tuuiuwiivu luiuvit.
' Continued a next page)
Walliek, Sakata, O'Riley,
Double Main
Armory Mat
' The mat for Is expected to fly
In double portions tonight at the
Ferry Street Garden aw Match-
maker Eldon
Owes presents
his twin-headed
asata event to
eap the weekly
, bleep program,
The card looms
as es of the
best Owen has
been able to in
stall herein
-weeks. -
Onehslf of
the doable maim
will be aa all-
aneanle clash Involving Irish Jack
O'Riley, the tattooed Aussie mad
Mad Man Mel Peters, whose pre
vious two appearances in Salem
have amounted to wins over the
two Yaaul Indians, Chief and
KM. Owen wants to ftod out ;
Oilers Top South Commercial
Pheasant Crew Upsets
Leading Suppermen 2-1
The top-spot Salem Supper Clubmen dropped their second game
la 13 City Softball league starts last night at Leslie as they were sur
prised by the Golden Pheasant crew, 2-1. The second game of the
City loop twin-bill saw the Handle Oilers knock over the South Salem
wrrmt! wttbnatiowax
TakSM SSSS ISahaa 41S313U
wenachs 573 S Vararr 51
Tacoma 65 41 3 Victoria 41 BUT
Trt-City 54 45 5,4 Spokana 415818
Monday result : At Vancouver It.
Waaatctaa ; at Victoria A, Spoksna S.
Only gaaaes scbooUWd.
Oakland H44 I San Fran 97 61 18 ',i
Hollywd 68 80 S I Portland 53 6S 18
SeatUa S9 SB 14! Sacrmnto 47 73 mi
Umdi nmlb At Portland 1. nouy
woo ti at Seattle 3. Oakland 7. (No
Detroit 5 31 .Wahnstn 40 46 15's
NewYrk&SSS HiCWcsco J75S
Ckrb HX SlPhUaaetp SSSSSSMi
Boston 5139 61 St. Louis 30 58 26 ',i
No gamos Monday.
St. Louis 50 H JTewTork48 S
PhUadelp 51 38 CksafO 3S44S
Brooklyn 46 S l,1cinctaiaU
Boston 47 38 S IPltUburf 33 5417'i
Monday results: At Pittsburgh 2,
PhlUdelphla 1 (called end sixth, rain)
The volt in electricity is named
for the Italian scientist, Alessandro
Votta, who died In 1827.
" lwaT i fttli isan ) NaaaastaBai
Peters . . .
Event Caps
Bee Tonight
hew faugh the bearded Peters
really Is, aw has scat him against
The ether half actaally la s ro-
match ef a stxxlbig no-fall draw
cot loose here a few weeks hack.
.Lee CTae Crippler) Walliek sj
the Jaa-Asnertcaa star atreag'
Mr. Sakata get tegether tn this
one. .No eae aetaaUy has handed
WalQck a cearbscing beating in
the local ring staee he began eei
tng here months age. Ha asaaHy
is disqualified for axtng his head
eraektag aiU stirrer held. That
mad taking waachea at the ref
Two esse-fall prill sas start
things eft. In the tt epea
Aee Abbott SHiwtoawn ex-eei
bey from Texas gees against
George Drake, another aeweeaa
er kaewa as The Cataas Kid.
Then la the ether It will be Dan
no (Flash) McDonald opposite
Ma Chants Salvager Flares.
Merchants, 7-5.
It was Stan Parton and not War
ren Miller Who twirled the Phea
sant victory. The Supper Clubbers
could do little with Parton's serves
and he gave but five hits, two by
Al WickcrL Dick Hendrie's
single, an error and two walks.
the last to Wlckert farced In the
only run for the losers in the
opening frame.
Jack "DeboWs single, Orv Mull's
double and, a grounder to the in
ai . t i .
neia upon: wntcn potn runners
scored when an error was made.
amounted to the Pheasants' tallies
in the third. Jim Rawlins yielded
rour nits, i
In the Industrial loop the Maple
Dairy bounced back from its upset
toss or last week to smaah Hall
mark Cards lS-g with two huge
Innings. The Teamsters Union re
mained a solid second behind the
leading Maples by blanking the
Post Office Clerks 7-0 on Micheel's
one-bitter. Hal Barnwell's triple
in the first frame sent the Team
sters on their way.
The Supper Clubbers are still In
first place In the City loop with
10 wins and 2 losses. CamDbell
Rock Wool is second with 9-3 and
the Pheasants are third with 9-4.
In the Merchants-Oilers finale
last night Enoch Maerx checked
the South Commercial club to four
hits while the Randle crew was
nicking Leon Mlchenham for nine.
The Oilers tallied four times in the
second Inning and added three
more in the third for their win
ning margin. :
Tonights i plar in City loon:
Paper Mill vs. 12th Street Mer
chants at sine, following an ex-
hlbition featuring Campbell Rock
Wool and a Lebanon team. In
dustrial; Clear Lake vs State Un
employment and Post Office Car
riers vs. Naval Reserve.
m ess S T 2S e
ooo sos e e i e
Mlcheel and C. Beck:
and Kruefer. ;
Hallmark '
Mapla Dalrr ;
1 S
COS T 13 U
Jones ana oense; singer and Stelger.
Suoper Club
' 4
082 i
- RawUaa and Henerjr; Parte and Al-
ley. . .
South Oonxaa. ISO 408 a $ 4 4
Randle Oil 00 SOS T S S
Mickenham and Youag; Mini and
Gfa Pictured
Red Banners
MOSCOW. July 24-tfVPravda
printed a photograph Sunday
showing American war prisoners
being inarched through the streets
of Pyongyang, North Korean cap
ital, carrying pro-cnooznunist slo
gans. . .
The picture showed the prison
ers carrying a banner which read
The straggle eg the Korean people
for unity of their homeland is just
cease Immediately armed In
tervention la Korea. i
. Soviet dispatches from Korea
said North Korean forces were
continuing to advance. They re
ported the capture of the city of
Kunsan. west coast port.
(Gen. MacArthurs ceanmuol
ques have reported the North Kor
eans in possession of Iri, Kumje
and Chonju, smaller, towns to the
east, sontheam and south.!
An editorial in Hod Star, Soviet
army ttewxpaper, declared , the
"Korean people are firmly going
forward to victory.'"
Vitamin B-12 is important In
Ihatchabihtr of poultry eggs.
Out of Meet
Portlands Top Gaston;
More Games Tonight
The strong Archer Blowers of
Portland continued unbeaten and
Eugene ousted Corvallis from the
proceedings as mat annual Oregon
State Semi-Pro Baseball tourney
resumed firing tonight at McGin
nis flekL !
The Blowers asfly knocked over
Gaston, 8-1. on the smart two-hit
hurling of Glen Hlttner. It was the
first setback for the Gaston club
in two tourney starts. Though held
to two blows by Corvallis Steve
Franko, Eugene nonetheless em
erged with a 1-1 verdict ever the
Benton county crew. The win was
Eueenes first of the meet against
an earlier setback and the loss, be
ing the second for Corvallis, drop
ped the entry from the double el
imination affair.
The Eurene-CorvalUs mix was
the thriller of the evening tot a
small gathering of 400 fans. Cor
vallis took the lead with a run in
the first Inning viae walk, a single
by Carl Gustafson and a run-
scoring double play. Eugene came
back with one tn the second and
another in the third off Franko.
Jack Smith's single tallied the first
Eugene marker and Don Kirsch
registered the other as he singled
infield and scored on ah infield out.
Don Reed of Eugene gave Corvallis
five blows. ,
Three double plays helped the
Eugene entry.
A three-run outburst in the third
put the Archer Blowers on the vic
tory road. A walk, a triple by Bob
Santee, a single by Bill Carney
and an error produced that flurry.
Singles by Walt Kirsch, Bill Mc-
Chiskey and Carney gave - the
Blowers two more in the fourth.
The Portland ers added single
markers hi the fifth and sixth. The
game was called at the end of the
sixth because of the Blowers' seven-run
Tuesday night at 730 two once-
beaten clubs Roseburg and Banks
dash. At 9 It will be Reedsport
opposite Cheney Studs to complete
the second round. Reedsport and
Cheney won their Initial frays.
. lOa 800 S J
n ooo
Frank and Howcfc heed aea Smith,
Gaston 10 ass I t S
eis 211 s is e
Susee, Richardson (S) aad Voorhias;
Hlttner and Scott.
Nears Record
By Ths Associated Press
The Yakima Packers were Idle
last night in Western International
league action but nonetheless saw
their top-place margin upped to
three full games as the runnerup
Wenatchee Chiefs lost to Vancouv
er's Capilanos, 11-6. The Victoria
LAthletics stopped the Spokane In
dians, 9-6 in the only other loop
game played.
Sanoy Robertson hurled bis 10th
straight hill victory for Vancouver,
Robertson is now only two wins
away from the record for consec
utive pitching triumphs the 12
set by Frank Nelson of Spokane In
1948. Jim Keating, Robertson and
Dick Sinovic hit homers for the
Caps and Walt Pocekay duplicated
for wenatchee. Victoria's win
jumped that club into seventh
place Over Spokane.
Wenatchee 003 010 002 6 10 1
Vancouver 014 023 02 11 11 0
Ferrareae and Len Neal; Robertson
aaa. Heisner.
102 001 200-8 11
014 001 03 9
Aubertin and Rossi; Propst and Ron-
Senalcr Sunk
(Averages are aa a eat):
B H Pet. BR Pet.
McNulty 28 8 J4Seott 138 S3 .214
Allison 6 2 J3Tantey
it sua
se an
U 1483
Cherry 202 88 .291 Uka
Waaler 331 3 usuwrn
Drew 311 89 -TO Bank
Laaebersr 4 1 .25 Spaeter
228 53 j3Va)aBuaa
X S J808
MCJVUltT S 4 43 33iBrak S as
Tscrney 13 89 124 Lw 1411 IT
usu a a 33 ievaieirana e O a S
Oaborn 8 8 43 44'Linebers 0 IS
caeteuo 1419
Cap Pitcher
Bad wires cseU he
Tke raaaaawtry.
Bit Early
The bis nhaiB rams don't asatally
the 124 aeunds ef lack these anglers had Sunday at fvrnchester Bay a big nut may be tn progress.
The five chiasoka aad one silver were caught on fresh bait by (1-r) Don Walker, 1SS N. Winter si,
Floyd S. McXaU, Trailways Caie eperator aad etsht-year-eld Gary McNaU. an of Salem, They report
the hay as much Improved for
Stars Defeat
Portland 2-1
PORTLAND, July 14-rP)-An
error at third base in the ninth
inning allowed Hollywood to score
the winning run tonight as-the
Stars set down Portland, 2 to L In
a make-up Pacific Coast league
The Stars set It up when Gene
Handley walked, went to second on
a sacrifice hit and stole third. He
streaked homeward as Frank Kel
leher's line drive went through
Portland third baseman Hillis
Portland pitcher Vince De Bias!
allowed only three hits In going
the distance. His teammates reach
ed Hollywood hurier Gordon
Maltzberger for six but could man
age only one run.
Portland's lane score was Mickey
Rocco's homer in the sixth.
Only other Coast league game
scheduled tonight saw the leading
Oakland Oaks whip Seattle 7-3.
Hollywood (2) (1) Portlaad
Sauerjn 4 0 3 Oi Marqez m. 4 1 3 0
Handley .2 2
RevenU X
Gonnanr 2
Keneherl 4
PraakUtS 4
Sandlck.e 3
ONeilj 2
Mltzbgr.p 2
Antnell,m 1
m AuiUm
Totals 27 3 27 10 Totals 33 SUM
Hollywood 000 000 181-4
Portland 000 001 OBS 1
Pitetaer: 2P AB BHtSBBSO
DeBura s mil 4 s
Ma ltxberrer S Bill 4
Hiai l.ayaa. Suma batted In
Ttocoo. Gormaa. Two bat bita Mar
que. Laym. Gormaa. Home turn
Bece. Stolen baM Handley. Sacri
fice bits OTicO. AatoaeUa. Doable
ntavs Rocco to AasUa to Roooa:
Aastta to Bastaaka to Rocco. left oa
bases Hollywood 4. Portland S.
Umpires Rungle, Toung. Gordon
and Orr. Time 1:98. Attendance
2263. - , i, )
Oakland 420 100 0007 18 1
Seattle , 001 000 002-1 IS S
Gettel and Malone; Davis. Btckaaus
(3), Gerheauser (9 and Sheety. '
season when electrical storms are
likely to be frequent mini an apt
time to point out that many farm
animals are' killed unnecessarily
by lightning every year. One of
the great ha yards, engineers say.
is the wire fence. Yet that danger
can be greatly reduced if the fence
Is grounded every couple of hun
dred feet. Large shade trees in the
pasttuo add to the beauty of the
landscape and normally help to
Pccpla In f ha know
clwayt call for
Wood aft SSDveirfioini
but Still Plenty
start this early ia the year ever
flshlag this year. (Dea ana afeete).
Phils ' l$n joy Biggest Gain
By Jee Falls j
NEW YORK, July 14 -UPh Major league baseball attendance Is
off about 12 per cent or almost a million and a half from last season.
Only three teams the Philadelphia Phillies, Detroit Tigers and Chi
cago Cubs are ahead of last year's figures.
Flam Shocks
-(JPy-ln only 50 minntea, the
aaOUa's tea-naked asteer.
Davis Cup veteran Ted Schree
der was soandly trounced by
National Collegiate Champion
Herb Flam in straight sets, 6-1,
6-2 6-2. In the finals of the
National Clay Coatrts Tenets
meet today.
It was a blow to Sdu-eeder,
top-seeded tn the tourney, who
has hoped to ase his first day
eaarts title as a sfeppiagr aee
to the 1950 Davis Cup team. And
it was his second defeat In little
more than a week. He was beat
en in the semi-finals of the rec
ent Western tourney al Indian
aaelis by Tony Traaert. '
Flam later teamed with Art
Larsen, San laadre, Calif, and
staged ft aearsHaaal rally te
take the saeas sVeahles title.
They defeated the
team af Schraeder
Trabert ef ChmHanaO, S-g,
-4, 6-2.
Some families of chickens are
low in hatchabOity of
protect farm animals. But they're
lightning hazards too and should,
by all means, be protected by fit
ting them with lightning rods.
Just be sure the rod is grounded
la permanently moist sou.
Land Clearing
or ai ranch
PH. 2-2075, EVTNiNCS
00- S.
ra the Coast, hat from the losfcs ef
Sizeable Pecline
Eddie Sawyer's Philadelphia
team, a favorite in the National
league pennant race, has shown
the biggest increase. 146.049. In
138 home games, the Phils have
drawn 520,617. They drew 374,
56 in the same number of games
last season.
On the other hand. Connie
Mack's Athletics once the pride
of Philadelphia have slipped
the most, almost a half million.
The A's, flirting with the Ameri
can league cellar position all sea
son, are off 438,888 from last year.
Detroit has attracted 61,031
more customers while the Cubs are
up 7,875.
(Continued next page)
Pep Goes Tonight
The scheduled ten round bout be
Your Chance To
Take Advantage of Ihe Opporiuaily
b Increase the Value of Tour Prop
erty ' ' BY PURCHASING '
" -jfV Waler Healers
rV Sprinkling Sysleos
it Pumps
Plnmbing Fixlnres
i -
ACT now
Idle Cardinals
Again in Front
Rain Curtails Mix,
Nips QaakerV Rallr
PITTSBURGH, July 24 "-(V
Rain wiped I out Eddie Waitkus
two-run homer in the top of the
seventh tonight and gave the
Pittsburgh Pirates a 2-1 six-inning
trumph over the Philadelphia
Phils, the loss knocked the Phil
lies out of the National league
lead. The contest, previosuly halt-
ea xor 34 minutes by rain at the
ena 01 the second inning, drew
13,431 fans.
The game was held on for an
hour and two , minutes before it
was called. -
The Philly loss put the St Louis
Cardinals two percentage points
in first place.
Pittsburgh got off to an early
lead when Bob DUlinger tripled
to open the first inning and scored
a few minutes later on Ralph
Ktner's long fly to right. Another
run crossed the plate for the Buc
cos in the second.
Richie Ashburn's 11th trinle of
the year scored Mike Goliat with
the First Philly run after play re
sumed in the third.
In the seventh, with two rone.
Waitkus smacked a home run into
the right field stands, scoring
Pitcher Bob MUler ahead of him.
Then came the showers. Under
league rules, the score reverted
back to the sixth the last com
pleted inning,
Bill MacDonald got credit for
his fifth win against three losses.
Miller lost his second of the year.
He has eight wins.
801 0001
118 i
(Called end of sixth, rain).
Miner and Semtnlck; MaedonaM and
tween featherweight champion
Willie Pep and Bobby Bell was
postponed tonight because of
showers. It will be held tomorrow
V.2 reSd u i ctgattte M
thai any
other cigarette!
tkt auTHsas vht i
eawsr ssrei ease e ess ee w
Famous rifle
champion saysi
"Camels certain
ly sears a hit
with my taste I
And they'ra se
mild. Ceel aad
ibf a V
. - -
; 1-.,,:
1 : ' . , . i