The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 25, 1950, Page 5, Image 5

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- Salem Geological society at Its
meeting Thursday night will heap
O. E. Stanley of Portland de
scribe a recent. tour through the
Canadian Rockies. He will show
movies of Canadian national parks
and glaciers.- The ' meeting . will
be held at ; Collins ' hall, on . the
Willamette university campus, at
I pjn. and is open to visitors. -
br. R.' Pinson, Chiropodist, foot
care, Oregon; Bldg. Phone 20704.
XOUng VCKl AVI JUUi iv "
4373 Silverton Rd, ph. 2-6128.
' About a dozen members and
friends of the Be re an Sunday
w i .1... Mat 4Vti rlrn$r riin
ner Sunday ! at the home of the
j Rev. F. C Stannard, 590 E. Mad-
Tona ave. Activities were led by
Albert Johnson, teacher of the
class. ' v;j : ' : Ayi'L
Due to vacations the Goodwill
truck will not make its regular
Fridav Dickuo on July 28 and Aug
st 4 only. Phone 3-9133 after
Kugel, 3-7694.
tickets anywhere,
153 N. High St.
Prof. Freeman Holmer of Wil
lamette university will discuss the
subject "The Hoover Commission,
Big and Little,", in a meeting of
the Salem Rotary club Wednesday
noon at the Marion hotel. Chester
Luther will be program chairman.
Road oiling ph. 2-415f eves. 3-5769
j . -
Lionel E. I Waymire, Independ
ence, charged with driving while
intoxicated; j fined $250, 30-day
Jail sentence suspended, driver's
license revoked for one year.
Emmitt Hayt Henry, Salem
route 8,1 box 784, charged with
reckless! driving; fined $50, driv
er's license revoked for 90 days.
Gilbert M.Vinyard, 2630 Brooks
st, charged iwith disorderly con
duct and carrying a concealed
weapon; pleaded innocent to lat
ter charge, held in lieu of $235
, bail; I , I '"
Phillip Weber, 1645 N. Commer
cial st, charged with failure to
remain at scene of accident, driv
ing wth revoked driver's license,
driving with revoked license plate,
and driving while intoxicated,
held In lieu of $375 bail.
Jack Rainwater, 196 W. j Rural
ave., charged with passing a check
with- insufficient funds; pleaded
guilty, 30-day jail sentence sus
pended, placed on probation for
six months, j
George L Frederickson, 754
Ferry st., charged with reckless
driving; pleaded innocent,1 trial set ,
for August i 5, released without
bail. t -",
Benjamin H. Shattuck, 1337 N.
Winter st., charged jwith non
support; preliminary hearing held,
bound over to grand jury, held
in lieu of $500 bail.
Norman Brown, Portland,
charged with larceny; continued
to July 25 for plea, held in lieu
Of $850 bail. I j
Leta M. Hampton vs William J.
Hampton: Order modifies former
decree by ordering defendant 1 to
pay $35 per month support money
to plaintiff lor two minor chit.
dren. r. j
Corinne Bremmer vs James
Bremmer: Decree of divorce
wards custody of a minor child
and $40 per month support money
and approves property settlement
agreement, i' ;
Glenn Melvin Smith vs Alyce
Arlyrie Smith: Decree of divorce
awards custody of two ( minor
children to i plaintiff and! certain
personal property. I
Genevievej Alkire vs Walter H.
Alkire: Decree of divorce grants
custody of two minor children to
plaintiff plus $25 per month sup
port money) for each child. I ,
Louis Sinclair vs City Machin
ery and Junk Co.: Order dismisses
suit with prejudice as settled with
out -COStS. . 1 . 1 ,
Milton Ri Burger, 22, student.
350 Madrona ave., and Jean Allen,
19, clerk-typist, 260 Lancaster dr.,
both of Salem. - T
Charles F. Lacher, 37, buyer,
and Anna M. Healy, 41, secretary,
both 1081 Parkway dr., Salem.
Raymond tC. Doane, 27, electri
dan. The Dalles, and Rosemary
Dombrowsky, 23, nurse, 844 Mill
st., saiem. ' .
: Virginia Campbell guardianship
state: Order confirms sale of real
property interest ,
A. A. Ulvin estate: Order au
thorizes, sale of bonds.
i Richard C. Dolph estate: E. H.
Kelley appointed administrator
and Arthur Roethlin, Lillian Da
vis and Esther Schweitz appoint
d appraisers.
Julia M. Kelley estate: Decree
settles final account and directs
Dr. P. U.
- DoEIarco
-:, cmsopRAcnc
Annourlpes the " Opening
of His. Office ertj
1520 N. Cottage- Street
At Fairground Bood
Hion 2-7CS4
An assumed business name cer
tificate for Silver Inn, a tavern at
4290 Silverton rd., was filed with
the Marion county clerk Monday
by Elmo W. Williamson, 398 N.
21 sU and . Harry R. Minto, . 890
Dearborn." s. . .- .
Locker Special. Lean, young east
ern Oregon Hereford beef,. 45c lb.
Be sure, fill your locker now. Ran
dall's Fine Meats, 1288 State st,
Salem.: Ph. 3-8489.
Landscaping and designing. No Job
too large or too small. F. A. Doer
fler and Sons Nursery, 150 N. Lan
caster Dr. at 4 Corners. P. 2-1322.
. A notice of retirement from the
contracting concern of Miller 2c
llitchjnan was filed with the Mar
ion' county clerk Monday by E.
R- Hitchman. -;
Custom built upholstered settee or
built-ins for your home; Beaver
craft Co., 775 N. Lancaster Dr..
Ph. 3-9414.
Insist on, and enjoy Better Cabi-J
net work by tne Beavercraft Cab
inet It Fixture Shop, 775 N. Lan
caster Drive phone 3-9414. It
costs no more.
Townsend Victory club 17 will
meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. Olive Reddaway,
1421 N. Church st.
.,, i r ". i '
Johns - Manvllle shingles applied
by Mathis Brot.. 164 S. Coml
Free estimates. Ph. 34042.
Spencer corsetiere.
Ph. 35072.
Fit guaranteed.
Ice Krystal Klear, Krystal Klean,
Know extra Kost Krushed or
Kubed. Krystal Ice DeL Ph. 20737.
Mrs. Mary E. Croshaw, 1020
Trade st, last week received news
of the death of her sister-in-law,
Mrs. Mary Croshaw, at Boyd,
Wise, on July 7.
LINN To Mr. and Mrs. Jo
seph Linn, 1010 Wilbur st, a son,
Monday, July 24, at Salem Mem
orial hospital.
JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Johnson, 3910 N. River rd.,
a daughter, Monday, July 24, at
Salem Memorial hospital. -DAVIS
To Mr. and Mrs. Har
old K. Davis, 1168 N. 38th st, a
son, Sunday, July 23, at Salem
General hospital.
SWAN To Mr. and Mrs. Ken
netn v. swan, 4634 Clark st, a
daughter, Monday, July 24, at Sa
lem General hospital.
PURCELL To Mr. and Mrs.
Lester M. PurcelL Salem route 6,
box 342L, a daughter, Monday,
Bsyfolcokat...58y to drive...
' Nw ttytiit New Hi w
Mtb4MMMiM Pwirimw tmtfmm TIb-Tm My
; Me Wlthewt SMfflng ui4 m Chmmi AM. OfHumt Mrf mBiIimIM4) : W1w
SwleiriHMfQiilckSmtlNWtMWMtiMr Swt-r tout ttfM WeBt Uiff
If Valves lifter lw knm U$r, iked Steortofl t-Cr4U4 IM
De Sete-Flymeatli Dealers Present
sraD: Soto end
Care Urged for
Berry Fields
, By mile L. Madsen
' Turn Editor, Th Statesman
After-harvest care' given straw
berry fields - can influence - next
year's production greatly, county
agents throughout the Willamette
valley are telling strawberry grow
ers this. week.'v,-::i ; : y,;.
Bud formation for the next crop
takes place from sometime . in
August until late fall in the Mar
shall strawberries, Leon Garoian,
Clackamas county J agent, . told
growers in his area. . :
Topping fields is practiced when
there are destructive pests to con
trol. In the case. of. strawberry
crown moth, which lays eggs on
the old leaves, topping is very im
portant Topping, when practiced,
needs to be done immediately af
ter berry " harvest Late topping
usually results in a decrease , in
fruit yields the following year. In
many areas, strawDerry growers
report; topping has been a stand
ard practice for years. However,
in other localities it is losing favor.
Cultivation of fields following
harvest should be shallow, county
aeents are telling Willamette val
ley growers. The real purpose of
this is to control weeds and deep
cultivation tends to destroy valu
able feeder roots. i
Although use ' of fertilizers ' do
not always show the same results
in all fields, common practice with
a number of Willamette vauey
strawberry growers is to apply
around 200 pounds of treble super
phosphate per acre in late August
or early September. The fertilizer
is placed in bands in the soil about
four or five inches deep.
In early spring, additional fer
tilizer such as 16-20 is applied to
produce adequate top growth
where this is necessary. First fall
rains provide adequate moisture
to make the late summer applic
ation of fertilizer, available to the
plants. .
Where irrigation is practiced,
fertilizers ; can , be applied earlier
than where there is no irrigation.
In the former, applications can be
applied soon after harvest is com
pleted. Applications of water timed
for August and September will
make fertilizers available early to
the plants.
Growers are also being reminded
that it is necessary to keep bait in
fields so long as adult weevil are
present Eggs from these late wee
vil, hatch into white larvae which
feed on the strawberry plant roots
all winter,! causing heavy damage,
Don Rasmussen, Marion county
extension agent reports.
July 24, at Salem General hospital
WOOD To Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Wood, Aumsville, a son,
Monday, July 24, at Salem General
y my to mf
wiling hrtwfan Urn 114m rmk
I Operailaf
TT FAY! TO BE IGNORANT Starrlnc Tom Beward. Every Wednesday srifht erer ail CBS SUtfeoa
W. L
Each Book
1 i i . ji in , - a,. MA -i j;i
Readlnr a book will add another feather to the caps ml these and 1Z ether Salem youngsters bow
participating In the Salem library's summer reading program. Open to all children, the program will
continue until July 3 L An impressive total of 53 books read by Billy Gile, 10, of 12444 State st.
makes his bonnet full of feathers with a long- tail, as he sita at far rirht Seated from left, Raymond
Utterback, 13, 109 Senate st; Charles Gates, 10, 1126 Third at; Pamella, 9, and Mkhele, 7. Wyatt both
of 1272 Franklin st; Mary Gaylord. 9. 1374 Mission st; and Billy Gile. Standing at left, Michael
Gates, 8. 1126 Third st; and John Anderson, 9, 2060 S. Winter st
Blood Donors'
Call Issued
Because blood supplies again are
running low in this region, every
person who can is asked to donate
blood when the Portland regional
blood center's mobile unit comes
to Salem this Thursday. This ap
peal came from the local Red Cross
office Monday. ,
The unit is to be in operation
between 6 and 10 p.m., psonsored
by the local navy reserve, at the
naval reserve center on Airport
road, off State street.
We wish to express our sincere
thanks to all our friends and
neighbors for their kindness, words
of sympathy, and floral offerings
during the illness and passing of
our beloved wife and mother.
Caxton McMurray
Lt. Cot & Mrs. Nolan Page
tor Smf. Ulw
SMfl lta Tm
Marion Street Salem
a Feather in His
Crater Lake
Road Project
In Progress
Widening and regrading of 7.5
miles of the Cascade Gorge-Prospect
section of Crater Lake high
way is now in progress, with no
material delays of travelers. State
Highway Engineer R. H. Baldock
announced Monday. , j
Baldock said short delays have
occurred where 7,5 miles of con
struction is in progress on the
county line-Bend airport jsection
of the Powell Butte highway.
Construction also continues on
the Dobson-Bonneville section of
the upper Columbia river highway,
with traffic getting through-every
hour on the half hour under pilot
car operation. This road is open
from 1:30 ajn. to 6:30 a.m. every
day with no Work on Saturdays
or Sundays.
Sttp In and get all th facts
VY will giv you a gonerous
allowance en your present
car. Easy monthly paymenrso
You will be) surprised of how
easily this beautiful new
Do Soto can bo yours
or Her Cap
: t&MXHt ;
- J
. 'i
v . -
, f',T 1 - --4
(Statesman photo.)
Permits Issued
For 2 Houses
Two new houses were listed on
city building permits issued Mon
day. They went to F. M. North
for construction at 1205 N. 24th st.
costing $8,500, and Herman Boesse,
880 Glen Creek rd, $9,500. ,
Reroofing permits were obtained
by the Linen Thread Co., for a
factory building at 2150 Fair
grounds rd, $5,600 and L. E. Bar-
rick for the Clough-Barrick mor
tuary, $800, ;
Permits to alter dwellings went
to Ethel Davis, for work at 1158
SeventhsV $1,000; Don Cooper,
740 Lower Ben Lomond dr., $800;
M. Ebner, 1745 N. 24th st, $700;
and Dr. E. S. Forkner, 376 N. 12th
st, $500.
ufcaDtn yi!D'rii nravs
. :- -v.: p ;
: i - .
-:::-: :.'.-;.::-;.;: ' 2
.::v-.v.:.y.i fl-aB
latest Dsvc!:?s:3t fa Sfaplj&d CccMng
Hie new Zenith T. K. surface unit prorides faster cooking
"tnoro eiUcient heating otct the entire surface area on
each of 7 measured cooking speeds. Each surface unit
tilta up for easy cleaning.
Th Stotecnqn, Salem, Orxyon, Tuesday, July 23 19503
School Board
Orders New
Buses Bought
Salem' district school-board has
ordered the purchase of two new
school buses from Truck. Sales and
Service Co4 it was announced
Monday, by C, C; Ward. , schools'
business manager. . -:. ; i"-
A board committee studied bids
following a recent directors' meet
ing. . It decided to accept the local
Truck Sales firm's Offer for a 54
passenger GMC bus with - Wayne
body, at $5,807, and a 66-passen-
ger GMC bus with Union City
body, at $6,451. - - -
These will replace two older.
smaller buses which will be retain
ed on a standby, basis.- The com
mittee ' decided against ' trading in
the old buses after looking over the
alternate bids which figured in
such a trade-in. . ' -.
Salem district now. has 20 buses,
with the additions. - . r-? "
The school board is preparing
now to call forbids on additions to
McKinley, Richmond and Highland
schools. These bids probably will
be called within a few days, Ward
Jurisdiction in
Bridge Case
Any compromise Involving taxes
due. the State of Oregon on the
Oregon end of the Longview bridge
would bave to be negotiated with
Columbia county and not the state
tax commission, it was declared
Monday by Carl Chambers, in
Mr. Earl C. Sams, Chairman of the Board
of Directors of the J. C. Penney Co. pass
ed away Sunday. Your local J. C. Pen--ney
store will open at 9:00 A. M. and
close at 3:00 P. M. today, July 25, in
'1 . ' ' 1 . . ,
memory of Mr. Sams.
You set itand forget It I The Zenith "Autoouitle Chef9;
oren timer turns on and off automatically at any time
you desire. A complete meal cooks while youVe gone is
ready when you get home!
charge of the assessment and tax
ation division. ; -r
The bridge is owned and oper- -ated
by the Washington State toll "
bridge authority. Taxes now due
Columbia county from the Wash
ington toll bridge authority ag
gregate approximately $70,000 for
the years 1948 and 1949. , if)
' The 1950 assessment of the Ore-
$1400,000, was protested by Wash .
mgton state. At a recent hearing .
before the Oregon Tax Commission
Washington officials j branded the '
1950 assessment as unreasonable,
with indication that the assessment .
might be carried into the courts. '
. Chambers said any compromise ,
of the tax due the state probably -wouid
,not be legal .until court '
action has been launched. .
; V Have You
; Received Your
. Record Club Card?
If not, get it today or the next
time that you buy record.
It entitles you to a free record
or storage album when even
tually .10 regular priced rec
ords are purchased.
. Drop In for more details.
Open Friday Nights Till t
Downstairs Oregon Bldg.
State and High
morn i cou3T