The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 11, 1950, Page 3, Image 3

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Strikes Called
At 8 Storage
Battery Plants
WASHINGTON, July 10 -(flV A
strike hit eight auto storage bat
tery plants across the country to
day. The International Brotherhood
of Electrical Workers ( AFL) said
3000 workers walked out of Na
tional Battery company plants.
The company has headquarters
In St Paul, Minn. Other plants
re at Dallas, Memphis,' East
Point, Ga., Zanesville,3hio, Lev
enworth, Kas., Marlboro, Mass.,
and West Salem, Ore. - .
A union, spokesman said the
workers want pay raises of 20 to
25 cents an hour, eliminating dif
ferentials among plants. He said
, the last company offer was for a
10 M -cent Increase. ,
Employes did not strike at the
west Salem plant of the National
Battery company Monday, plant
manager George H. Lewis, said
last night, r. . , ;
Lewis said the plant had a con
tract with its 40 : workers, which
was approved by a committee rep
resenting the local union.
Lewis said the contract expires
June 30. 1951. "and as far as he
knew there would be no strike, at
his plant. It produces about 1,000
storage batteries a day.
Navy Seeks
To Active Duty
' (Story also on pare 1) '.
The message received from
Washington, D. C, Monday, in Sa
lem said the navy desired) appli
cation by naval reserve officers
and enlisted men for active duty
, assignments primarily afloat and
. overseas. The ; obligated period
would , be-, for not less 4han six
months with a guaranteed period
-of 12 months, if desired;
-The order applied to officers of
the unrestricted line, aviation and
non-aviation, supply corps, dental
and civil engineer corps in the
grade- of lieutenant - commander
and below; and medical corps and
limited number of line electronics,
communication and intelligence
specialists in grade of commander
and below.
Enlisted men from the rank of
seaman to chief petty officer are
eligible including general and em
ergency ratings of sonarmen, ra
darmen, fire control ; men, elec
tronics technician and others.
Officers interested are to sub
mit applications direct to bureau
of personnel, attention PEBS B-1I.
Aviation officers should include
flight time and aircraft types
flown in past year. Enlisted men
may report to the nearest naval
recruiting station for processing.
Winner Shows Smashed p Jet'
S i
I . .
About 500 map "quadrangles'
covering a fourth or an eighth of
a degree each way are completed
by the U. S. Geological Survey
each year.
bw&MimmmmmmmaWKmfttnni rows
Alan Barbee, Salem, winner of Jet division In the model airplane
contest at Waters park Sunday, Is shown holdinr the remains of
his winning ship. The wooden plane splintered In a final round
crash, but not before clipping off 121.52 miles an hour and the state
championship. (Photo by Lea Conr, Statesman valley editor).
Deer Causing
Loss of Crops
At Scotts Mills
SILVERTON Four large deer
were hanging in Silverton's locker
plants Monday and strawberry
growers in- the Scotts Mill area
were busy calling a meeting for
Wednesday night at 8:30 at Odd
Fellows hall there.
The deer were killed in the Rus
sel Nelson strawberry field in the
hills above Scotts Mills. Four other
deer were killed there last week.
Deer are doing thousands of dol
lars worth of damage to straw
berry men in the Scotts Mills and
Silverton Hills area, growers re
port. Particularly are those who
raise certified plants suffering
from the damage. .
The meeting will ask the state
game commission for a special
open season on deer and members
of the game commission have been
invited to attend. Also specially
invited are strawberry growers
who have suffered loss from deer
in the fields.
Nelson reported that he, as well
as many others, had put up eight
feet high fences all to no avail.
Murder Count
Dismissed in
Toledo Killing
TOLEDO; Ore, July 10 - W)
First degree murder charges
against Harry Thomas, Newport,
Ore., taxi-cab driver, were dis
missed by Circuit Judge Victory
Olliver here today.
He was released from jail after
a hearing on a motion by his at
torney, Nels Peterson of Portland.
Thomas had beea held in con
nection with the death of Dale
TulL jr., 25, of Salem after a gun
fight on a Newport street last
Thomas and his ex-wife, Mrs.
Lola Thomas, also were wounded
in the exchange of bullets.
He recently was acquitted on a
charge of assault with a deadly
weapon in the shooting of his for
mer wife, who was shot four
Thomas pleaded self defense.
The deer manage to get inside, fre
quently over, the fences, be stated.
j fs- Oljlil P"j jI !t-4
6-PASSENGER, 2-DOOR lltfl OW" ,
Stati ami heal taxtt, any, axtrm 'jf ' .. "" ""
Mot v vrf iBoMy h orWy miwWm "
am t. rilffifiMH Ik trentpeftetfoe cfcersee
CoapveUy lowpiioeeoot)ir ' ', --hllllllj "'
tuSekaket ChaleaCuatmeiBe4ela 1
z ? a.) V.
v . Q
M if
You get brakes thai automatically adjust themselves
Glare-proof "black light instrument panel dials
6-cyKndtr "gas-miltagtchampion" tngina of
higher compressSon Automatic chok VariabU
ratio "extra-leverage steering A brand now kind
of coil-spring front tnd suspension Luxurious
upholstery Lounge-width seats with real hip room,
leg room, head room Tight-gripping rotary door
letches Capacious trunk A fin choico of colon;
The Ngws Over Oregon
By The Associated Press
PORTLAND, July 10 A tourist
stopped in a bank's parking lot,
stuck his head In a window, and
i "Get your money ready. IH be
back to get it in a few minutes."
Bank tellers looked uneasily at
each other. It was the same bank
that was robbed June 15. Some
one called police.
When the tourist returned, there
was subdued excitement and. a
policeman on hand. The surprised
tourist explained he only wanted
to cash a check.
ASTORIA, July 1Q Two men
bound and gagged an aged Chi
nese couple here last night, then
robbed them of life-time savings
of 2000. Wing Kee told police the
men forced him at gunpoint to
open his home safe. Not until
today did they manage to work
free of their gags and to call for
LA GRANDE, July 10 Vernon
La Forge, 23, Joseph,- Ore., was
killed yesterday in the collision
of two automobiles near Elgin,
north of here.
i . e
PORTLAND, July 10 The Port
of Portland announced a $1,500,
000 plan today to improve dry
dock facilities here. It authorized
issuance of that amount of bonds
to finance dredging and construc
tion of a basin at Swan Island,
large enough to hold two float
ing drydocks.
ASTORIA, July 10 The first
commercial-sized catch this year
of albacore tuna Was reported here
today. Jack Teutschman, Knappa,
Ore., skipper of a 35-foot boat,
brought in 545 pounds of tuna,
caught 85 to 100 miles southwest
of Tillamook county.
LA GRANDE, July 10 Still an.
other crash came today in spray
plane operations over southeast
ern Washington and northeastern
Oregon pine forests. It came at
take-off. The pilot. Hap Alanso,
and passengers Frang Banner and
Sonny Robinson, walked away
unhurt. Previously, six were killed
and a seventh pilot was missed and
presumed dead from crashes in
the mountainous area. Alamo's
plane was on an , inspection tour
connected with the spraying oper
ation. i
- ' i
ROSEBURG, July 10 Fire de
stroyed a sawmill planer at the
L. E. Sullivan and Son Lumber
company a mile north of Roseburg
last night. Owners estimated dam
age at $18,000. . !
Mi v -
PORTLAND, July 10 -) Wayne
Long, accused of killing a man and
robbing a bank within 24 hours
of his release from prison last
month, left a Jail hospital; bed to
day. He was transferred to a cell,
to await trial. Long was wounded
by a hail of FBI bullets June 15. s
PORTLAND, July 10 Burglars
cracked a safe and made off with
$1000 from a northeast i district
cleaning plant here today.!
PORTLAND, July 10 -P) -The
state liquor control commission to
day granted , seven licenses and
turned down bids for 15 because
additional outlets were not! needed
in those areas. Among those grant
ed: Elmo Williamson and Harry
Micto, Silver Inn, Salem, class A
retail malt beverages. i
Th'o Stetoaman, &Jom. Oroqon. TnottcfaYV July If 18S03
TWEEDIE FUEL OILS "Monthly:Pay- plan makes it easy to buy
iuell It keeps your budget straight Now you can pay for your year's
fuel needs in equal payments spread over a year . . . the amount
you pay is based on past use and adjusted to meet actual needs.
No interest or carrying charge. Guarantees you a constant supply of
oiL Helps you level out the "bumps'."
Christmas time.
No more big fuel bills at
No obligation. ; Just let TWEEDIE FUEL OILS survey your heating
costs. They will estimate the monthly payments whfch will guar
antee you heat the year around. Simply phone 2-4151 and 1et
TWEEDIE FUEL OILS. 1174 Edgewater Street, help you pian this easy
system of paying fuel oil bills. They serve all o Salem and vicinity
with Refined and Filtered Standard Heating Oils:
i im an
PHONE 2-4151
- -
n n ' ;
Um ffliy CM i cii( bf
Cwfewi Pq)D Sirini aDimls h
. . ; v ' -
Singing. Star Speaks Mind
Met . w -vrfiW-v-.r'i ri-Yiifi'i'iV"' w Vi"i"w" iwrfw.ww-vfc'ifrrttwiriwMwfc v.Xsjtv-. StowAwlfc
NANETTE FABRAY, who has played lead roles In almost a dozen top
flight Broadway musicals, guards her precious voice with the utmost
care. In a recent interview, she said: "As a singer, I especially welcome
Camel mildness. Camels agree with my throat. And they taste so good I"
on 30-DAY TEST of camel smokcrsi
ot one single Case of throat
irritation due to smoking CAf.lELS
Hundreds of men and women
were in this coast -to coast test.
For 30 days, they smoked Camels
and only Camels. Each -week, noted
throat specialists examined their
throats 2.470 examinations In all
with the abov result! .
Hake your ovn
30-Day Camel
Mildness Test...
in your "T-Zone"
That's T for Throat. T for Taste.
See tow mild a cigaretts can be!
Millions Prove Camel Mildness
in Their Own "T-Zones"
(T for Throat and T for Taste)
Ask yourself which test of all those you are urged to make thess
days is the sensible test? Doesn't it make sense to you that the best
test is a thorough test? Smoking one brand cigarette after cigarette.
pack after pack for SO day si
Not Just a sniff of one brand, or a cas
ual whiff of another a quick Inhale of
this cigarette, an exhale of that. Not just
hurried, one-puff experiments.
, The sensible test, the "no-trick" test
Is to smokeCameIs and only Camels
for 30 days. Let your T-Zone" decide.
Smoke only Camels for 30 days. Com
pare Camel's choice tobaccos for mildness
and flavor." Und out for yourself how mild
a cigarette can be! " ,
than any other cigarette
brand named most was Camel!
This fact was dis
closed In a nationwide
survey, made of doc
tors in every branch of
medicine and in every
State in the Union.
113,597 doctors were
asked this question
"What cigarette do you
moke. Doctor?" The
r - r nvrt 'rt '
This star sportscaster uses his voice hours at
a stretch. He's grot to have a cigarette that
agrees with his throat Bill Stern says: "Of
all the tests Fve heard of, only one makes
sense to me. A pack-after-pack, day-after-day
tryout. Camels won that one!"
"When X smoke,
X have to think of
my throat. It's
Camels for mat
They're mild V
Anna Hcpmn:
"Mild Is right ! X
chanced to.
Camels and ojr!
throat has beea
thanking me ever
agreed with my
throat from the
start - and f en
Joyed the test!,
reports housewife
Mr; Uadalina
Kinney '
rrmwotxai Cyril
Byrma : "I chanced
to Camels Just to
try them. Now I'm
a Camel smoker
for keeps ! They've
got the flavor and
they're mild r . .
:k S 1 .
' ' " t f m m m