The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 20, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    ' eV-m '. f mi i w.- fMiij OrL TuitJar. Tuna 23. 1I3
. . . . . . t i wrrr Mix Criime Hanson oi Ki- it. oione, woo wui om munca
HniiriOn-Snnith, not' North-Dakota ahtf airs. Ken- Saturday. Mis Betty Lukes will
iMwvjwi i eth wrieht. - I be hostess Thursday night in
After a wedding trip the eoupie I compliment w ine onae-eiect.
will be at home in Salem. For
traveling the bride donned a nr u Mrs. William I Phil-
green wool gabardine suit witn up. were among those in Tacoma
white accessories and a corsage l for the weekend to attend the
of red rose.
Vows Redd
Guests Bidden
To Luncheons,
And Dinner
1 By Jeryme English
statesman Society Kditor
Entertaining during the summer
months Is more informal with
beach parties, picnics and buffet
on the agenda.
t.imbMns at the Lake
Mrs. Donald C. Roberts and Mrs,
Trank Prime have invited twelve f
of their friends to a nmcneon,
boating and bridge party on Friday
at their summer homes at Devils
Luncheon will be served at the
prime home on the picnic grounds
overlooking the lake, and later
the wests will go by boat across
ine la&e W V19 nuuaw fun
several hours of bridge.
Mrs. Prime Is also entertain
tag a few of her friends at lunch
eon and boating on Wednesday
afternoon and Mrs. Roberts will
be hostess for a similar affair on
Thursday. Mrs. Roberts also en
tertained a group of friends last
Friday at the lake.
Bidden to Dinner
Mrs. Glenn Brledwell was host
ess for a buffet dinner on Satur
day night at her Silverton home
In compliment to a group of her
Ealem teacher friends.
Guests of Mrs. Brledwell were
Miss Beryl Holt, Miss Ada TRoss,
Miss Ann Boentje, Miss uia uiaric,
Miss Lillian Davis, Mrs. Leag
Hogue. Mrs. William Smith, Mrs,
Tom Wolgamott and Mrs. T. W,
a - v ' -rifcwi!W.iwwii ii uitnviivmmmmmtimmmmitm1--maimummtmmiimi n iirii iin i -una
. Mr. and Mrs. George K Duncan, jr. (Mary Ely) pictured
just before leaving on their honeymoon following their mar
riage on June 10 at the Immaculate Conception church in
Stayton. The brid is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Ely
of Stayton, and the groom is the son of Marion county Cir
cuit Judge George R. Duncan, and Mrs. Duncan of Stay
ton. (McEwan photo.) ' . '
Plans Told for
i Miss Patricia McTJovern of Sa-
Last dinner aaeetlnr of the sea
son until fall for the Salem Toast-
mistress club will be held Thurs
day night at the Golden Pheas
...rm jth mi.. I Jem. daughter of James Joseph
Marie Bosch to be installed as McGoyern of Topeka, Kansas,
president. Miss Ruth Jaynes will Jbnnerty f Sfl7LaatTn
C .a.fictro .ni r-irr nounced plans for her marriage to
teclude MrsV Sur BbT Mis, J". JC5L' S.S
, wBenda Glass. Miss Lorraine Meu
ey. Miss Constance Weinman and
Mrs. W. P.Hillpot.
B CUubeth Hlilytr
If it hasn't lost its shape, most
metal furniture can be made
young again with new paint But
whether or not the Job is a suc
cess depends on what you do to
the furniture before you paint
it. First of all, remove all the
loose paint and rust you can
with steel wool. Then apply
paint remover to too thick or
blistered paint and wipe and
scrape the paint off. Apply rust
remover and proceed in the same
way. Rust preventer comes next
and for a short cut, mix it with
metal primer V2 pint to 1 gal-
Ion. The metal primer can be
tea lead which comes ; ready'
mixed. You're near the finish
now and ready to brush on two
coats of enamel made for outdoor
use. But dont paint when the
ground or atmosphere is damp,
or when the sun is hot. If you
do, paint may blister because the
surface dries before the thin
ner evaporates, and vapor forms
unaer tne paint.
There's a -4ee f farmUar at
"V" wwm twte as aic
"T ? "J-!1 wr" tltI. ftftl tor
i iuii(tLF lava fcw
- nuq aac (MMI 100U J0m MW kW
L?.fr l11"" h. Aadresa MIm
HiUjreT at tala unaw mmA
rloM is cents in cola, please, with a
and Mrs. James Nightingale of
The ceremony will take place on
Saturday, June 24 at St. Boniface
Catholic church at II a. m. with
the Rev. Father Mai officiating. A
reception will follow the nuptials.
1 The couple wiu live in aaiem
after Jus release from the air
force. He recently returned from
duty in Alaska and is now sta
tioned at McChord Field, Wash.
Miss McGovern and. her fiance are
graduates of Sublimity schools
and she is now employed at the
secretary of state s office:
Little Boy Welcomed
I From Delaware comes news of
the birth of a son. Kirk Alan, to
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Preiss (Jane
Acton) on Monday afternoon in
Wilmington. The little boy. who
weighed seven pounds, two oun
ces, is the grandson of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul IL Acton of Salem and
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Preiss of Van
couver, Wash. His great-grand
mother is . Mrs. J. i H. Phillips of
Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Preiss live in
Newark, where he is working on
bu master's degree in chemistry
and teaching at the University of
PEO Guest Day Tea
I The home of Mrs. Thomas Mc
Neill on Rosa street will be the
scene of a guest day tea with
members of chapter BC. PEO as
hostesses this afternoon. Assisting
will be Mrs. Burton Myers, Mrs.
Lewis Mayers and Mrs. Warren
Baker. A musical program will
precede the tea hour.
Central WCTU WUH Mrs. Miymt
Hlu. 1724 Chemeketa at.. X p.m. -
Dakota Laies ciuo, wnn a. aayim.
. mile east of Liberty on Boone Road.
No host noon luncneon.
Nebraska - dub - auxiliary with Mrs.
Ben Bandau. 1840 west moo nm. cov
i-at rti.h Hinnn 12 JO D.m.
iinitod rommerciai Travelers auxu
try with Mr. E. R. Jackson, route 1.
one o'clock luncheon. -
Oregon Grape Camp, Royal Nelch
bors of America, vrw hall. S p.m.
Salm chanter. OES social atern
club, no-host luncheon, noon. Masonic
r Temple.
Soioumers. salad luncheon. Salem
Viwimi'i pluhhoui. 1 ilS Bjn.
Salem Toastmistresa ciud. a inner
meeting. Golden Pheasant. pjn.
Three link club all day picnic. Mrs,
Blanche Saunders. Gates, leave 10 ajn.
Trail ways bus depot.
stamped self-addressed envelope,
(Copyrleht IsSS ay John F. DUle
Christ Lutheran church was the
scene of a pretty sumrner wedding
on Sunday afternoon, June IS at
2:30 o'clock when Miss Lola Mae
Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard P. Smith, became the
bride of . Vernon E. Haugen. son
of Mr. and Mrs. Hilmer Haugen,
all of Salem. The Rev Carl
Schulti officiated at the double
ring rites.
Enoch Myers was the soloist, ac
companied by Frederick Wilson,
organist. Yellow and green were
the colors the bride selected for
her wedding and the altar was
banked with baskets of vellow and
wnite peonies and gladioluses.
Mr. Smith gave her daughter In
marriage and. her gown was of
wmte supper satin designed with
a portrait neckline, long sleeves
and a full skirt terminating in a
train. A crown of seed near la hA
in place her fingertip length tulle
veil edged in lace. She carried a
Douquet of red roses.
Mrs. Jake Hochstetler was hr
sister's honor matron.. She wore
Honored at
Brides-elect are sharing in much
of the summer entertaining with
parties planned in their honor.,
Te Fete Miss Caraoa
Mrs. Percy R. Kelly and Mrs.
Harry H. Belt will be hostesses
for a bridal tea and shower on
Saturday afternoon at the former's
home on North 17 th street in com
pliment to Miss Jane Carson, sum
mer bride-elect of James Brice
Shaw of Aberdeen, Wash. Guests
have been bidden to call at t
o'clock. -
Wedding Dinner .
Mr. and Mrs. Elnar Saabye of
Santa Barbara, Calif, formerly of
Salem, who have come north for
the marriage of their daughter.
Oregon-Washington National
Guard military revue. Mrs. Wil
liam C. Dyer, jr. and Mrs, Jerry
Anderson were also in Taeoma for
the weekend and the revue.
Party Given for : ni.
John White, who w be mar
ried o Miss Joan Hoiness on Sat
urday at Billings, Montana, was
honored at a party Monday night
when Mr. and Mrs. Al lightner
entertained at their home in Man-
brin Gardens.' Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Cour were the assisting hosts
Bidden were members of. The 1 mar of Elmira.
Statesman news staff, their wires
and husbands. A' late supper was
served during the evening and a
gift was presented to the honor
guest. V j1
Mr. and Mrs, A. Theodore Ko- t
ehler are the parents, of a daugh
ter, Ruth Ann, born on June 14.
She has a sister, Linda Gail, and
the grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Harrv Koehler of Nashville. Ore
I gon and Mr. and Mrs. I F. Ha-
yellow taffeta with matching mitts to Jack Mffler, on Wednes-
and headdress. Sh arHrf nir 1 day night will be hosts for a din-
roses and -white anapdragons. ner Pazty tonight at Chuck's
Bridesmaids were mt Bess Tar- Steakhouse. The affair win follow
um of Turon, South Dakota, and tot wedding rehearsal at St. Mark
apt i 1 a v Bavak h .1. a m m - s a-jn a u
xvuss dune Haugen, sister of the! -J"lcta'1 tmutii uw ww xwr
groom. Their dresses were of mist
green taffeta and thev
matcWnt mitts and hM
ineir bouquets were of yellow
roses and white snapdragons.
Charlon Williams was the flower
their daughter, her fiance and
members of the bridal party.
Te llanar Joan Smith
Miss Man one Becke will be a
party hostess Thursday night at
the North Summer street home of
Cm and Joey Hochstetler the ring! her parents, the Karl Beckes, in
uca,?r I compliment to Miss Joan Smith.
Brother Is Best Mast August bride-elect of James V.
. Clarence Haugen stood with his I Shantz. A dessert supper will be
brother as best man and ushers served with a kitchen shower fol-
wcre jaKe nocnstetier and Mar- lowmg.
vin Williams. Groomsmen were Honoring Miss Smith will be
Gene Smith, brother of the bride her mother, Mrs. Stanley S. Smith,
from Huron, South Dakota, and her sister, Miss Joyce Smith, Mrs.
Kenneth Wright. Karl G. Becke, Mrs. Ralph A.
Mrs. Smith chose a navy blue Shantz, Mrs. Bruce Barker,; Mrs.
aress with white accessories and I Allan Bellinger, Misses Beverly
a corsage of white and yellow Beakey. Dorothy McCall. Diane
roses for her daughter's wedding. Perry, Shriley Karsten, Ann Car
Mrs. Hangen attended her son's 1 son, Patricia Fitzsimons, Katie
wedding In an aqua blue gown
witn white accessories. Her flow
ers were yellow and white roses.
;Rie reception followed in the
dining room of the church. Mrs.
Julia Haugen and Mrs. Robert
Smith poured and Mrs. Marvin
Williams cut the cake. Assisting1
Siegmund, Dorothy Pearce and the
Dinner far Ceaple ;
' Mr. and Mrs. William F. Loewen
are entertaining at dinner Friday
night at their home in honor of
their daughter, Miss Norma. Jean
Loewen, and her fiance, Robert
Delegates Leave
For DUV Meet
Several Salem women will be in
Roseburg this week for the de
partment convention of the
Daughters of Union Veterans, Ci
vil war, June 20-22. Headquarters
will be at the Rose hotel and
meetings will be at the IOOF haXL
Mrs. Martha Curran, Albany, de
partment president, will preside.
Mrs. Nellie Hiday, Salem, is de
partment counsellor.
Leaving today with Mrs. Hiday
will be Mrs. Jack Cutler, a past
department president, and Mrs.
Harold Shell. Delegates from Bar
bara Frietchie Tent are Mrs. Kit
ty Green, Mrs. Georgia Woodard.
Mrs. Reva Davidson and Mrs. Me
hsa Persona.
Enjoying a picnle at Mefcama
on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
-n.. lu Ym Trammv
Charles and Timmy, Mrs. Heltx-
el's sister and children. Mrs. B. H.
Wildman. Dick and BilL of Port
land, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Joch-
lmsen. Sally and Suzanne, Mr.
and Mrs. James C. Stone, Cathy
sad Donna.
'. . :': 0-
Slcro Ycur
Frcd:-J3 Furs I!:v1
l Dont take chances en th
I lowly mothl
! Cempleta Srorana en
"the Fremisas
I : - 1 ;
Conscientious, Dignified
545 North Capitol
TeL S-S672
ftl" SOLD AT
. . . In order to make room for
the new and personally selected
furs for the new stocks ... ev
ery fur In the racks now must be
sold at great sacrifice!
You may place) It In
our modern frigid cold
storage until you ned it
this fall. Terms, too. ?
o o o
ycy P6G cSccucs dclzra
AB 70a do b
m. a.... W
Ax ...-'i. . f
pie first etomsel deodorant i l
Ii a pewh-bsrttan dispenser '
nl i" i
A 6TI00 ,
WrJ 11 plat tax
ss J 1 . .
Dorothy Gray
NEW the push-buttos
pacLage that pTes ya
naser-ttn control m
spilling, no squirting,
NSW this cooling, eUomited
liquid deodorant that's
effectiTe just a dash ohfett
dor instaady, checks
Dejiuuralion saJCetr. Haraikss
te iabrks, tais tor nonnsisli-i
State and liberty
"On the Corner
PGE tmpUyt w 1,600 Oregon ptcph
fayt i&m over $6,500,000 ytrlj
PGl eamioyes are your friends and neighbors. Tn see &em aa
the strati; la the store, at cfeureh and eomjnadty fatberiofs.
flksyre Ora-oo people . . . people who live, work and pky fcm
Oregoa . . . people who have a genuine ptaoaal Interest la
this region.
These 1,600 people were paid mors than $4,900,000 taet
year. . , Dofitxi that were iptat la local stores, that bought
local liocnes, that ware deposited in local banks. . Dollars that
kelped this region prosper.
Yes, the bigsest stasis share of your elects dofiar goes tV
trages and salaries. And most of the rest of it stays kx the West
to help this region grow aid prosper. For txsspis, fC2 pail
awt more than S2.4O0.O00 in stale and local
taxes last year, and about f 1,400,000 in
drridsnds to the t5 of POl's 15,000
stockholder-owners who Iht ia the West
Yet, your electrie dollar buys more than
Just electricity. A share of It goes for a
better community, for Jobs and Income to
thousands of your feSow ofdasat, for many
other things that spaa progress for this
region. Anyway you took at it, elsetrk
service k your biest bargain!