i I J 4 ititt M Cutiy Mews DBiiniefio '4 Sentences Meted Out in Circuit Court 97 SaleinAreabys, Leaders To Leave for Scout Jamboree Ninetv-seven Salem area boy and their leaders will get wheeli under their feet tonight for the long-awaited trip to the national B03 Scout Jamboree at Valley Forge, Pa. Send-on at tne Southern Pa cific depot In Salem will be at 8 o'clock, daylight time. Cascade area council is sending three troops, each of which will have a no-host supper tonight in Salem, with members' parents? At 8:30 the groups will begin form' CXUB SLATES MEET , Townsend Victory club No. 17 will meet at 8 p.m; tonight at the borne of Mrs. Olive Rec laway, 1421 N. Church st The ai iliary meets Thursday at 2 p.m. at the came address. Road oiling ph. 2-4151 eves 3-5769 Johns - Manvtile shingles applied by Mathis Bros, 164 S. Com'l Fret estimate Ph 34841 j fclKS. HUTCHING S HOME Mrs. Frank Hutchings 1990 Howard s home from Salem General hospital, convalesi ng al tery surgery. , i 1 B." Tripp barber shop moved from 175 S. Commercial to 225 S. Com'l. Now open for business. Dr. R. Pinson, Chiropod. i foot care, Oregon Bldg. Phone 20704. Spencer corsetiere. Fit guaranteed. Ph. 35072. JOHNSON UNCHANGED J- 1 Harry B. Johnson, assistant 'superintendent of Salem schools, was reported! resting well Monday at Salem General hospital where he was taken Friday after suffer lng a heart attack. - 1 f - 1. 1 Rummage sale, Thurs., Frl.' it Sat, : MO rvviirt Kt Q 1 m tn S n tn. Landscaping and designing. No job too large or too small. Jr. A. Doer- er and Sons Nursery. 150 N. Lan- AUTOMOBILE RECOVERED A 1949 Chevrolet sedan, report ed stolen ; from Portland, was cmiltv to charee of obtaining mon- iound aoanaonea oy cny pouce iey Dy tafee pretences and waived wonaay mornmg in me uw oiock grand jury indictment, given 18 of Berry street. Air-Steamship tickets anywhere. 700 Students Register at OCE Session Statesma Newt ferries MONMOUTH, June 19 More than 700 students registered in the first day of summer session at Ore gon College of Education today. A few more are expected to com plete registration in the next few days, to bring the student roster to. one of the highest totals in the last 13 years. R. E. Lleuallen, registrar, an nounced the tentative figure which includes a group of 30 Oregonians, who will tour Europe under the leadership of Prof. Charles Noxon, OCE geographer. The . group will visit places of interest on the con tinent as part of a workshop course carrying academic credit More than 100 course offerings are listed at OCE, with 20 visiting educators from 12 states joining tne resident faculty. Special work shops are offered in physical ed ucation, art in the elementary school, teaching of the language arts, elementary science and the European group. i Births CLARKE To Mr, and! Mrs, Paul Clarke, Stayton. a sonJMon day, June 19 at Salem Memorial hospital. . ' . LETOFSKY To Mr. and Mrs David Letofsky, Salem route 4, a aaugmer, Monday, June 19 at Sa lem Memorial hospital. SFECHT To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Specht. 3255 Lancaster dr daughter, Monday, June 19 at Sa Jem General hospital. MOE To Mr. and Mrs. Robert x-ioe, 34cu center st., a son, Mon day, June 19 at Salem Genera hospital. BASL To Mr. and Tt tv. aid Basl, Stayton route 1, a son. iuuuaj, wune iv at &aiem Mem criax nospitaL Four men were . sentenced to jail terms or probationary periods, Monday by Circuit Judge George R. Duncan of Marion county. . Those jsentenced were: , Carl A. Glunz, ,who pleaded O&CTimber Sold at Salem For $142,790 months penitentiary sentence, placed on tnree-years pro Da won. Kenneth J. Bernard, who plead ed guilty to charge of obtaining money by false pretenses, sen tenced to six , months in county jail, not effective until June 26 to give defendant time f to clear af fairs., r - . William R. Gregson. who plead ed guilty to charge of obtaining money by false pretenses,, sen tenced to oneTrear in county Jail, with credit for 229 days served awaiting sentence. " i Frank Hickman, who had plead ed guilty to charge of non-support. A total of 6,340,000 board feet given six-months suspended jail of timber on O&C land was sold sentence and placed on probation at oral auction here Monday for for three years, S142.790. I Edwin L. Darling, one of 17 The timber is located on about I vouths arrested early this montn 95 acres of railroad grant land in on charges involving a long string our tracts, administered .by the of burglaries, pleaded guilty to a federal bureau of land manage- charge of burglary not in a dweil ment, in Yamhill and Tillamook mg and was sent to the state hos- counties. uismci i oresier a. r. pital for 30 days observation. coums oi aaiem conauciea me sale. Willamina Lumber comoanv en CiV.tA J- UAMM iered a high bid of $24 per thou- Old It? IU JLfCHlll anyl w H DSft (VM tAar1 foot! C? of Douglas fir for a total purchase A mIi iiH?irsvifri price of $121,920. Hurl Brothers I fVII IL'MJ Utl V iil III Logging company of willamina made the highest bid pany of McMinnvllle was top bid- The spruce budworm will be der at $12.75 on a small parcel in the target today when airplanes Yamhill county and Murphy Tim- begin at dawn in the Heppner ber company of Portland entered area of Oregon to spray thousands a high bid of $20.75 on Douglas fir of acres of the state's valuable in Tillamook county. timber land. 1 f . The sale Monday brings the to-1 The nlanes will fly from 75 to tal amount of timber sold in the 200 feet above the solid blocks of Salem forest district since July 1, timber, spraying DDT to control 1949, to about 62,000,000 board the budworm. George Spaur. state leet lor si,00S.400. forester, said Monday. Four nun rour additional tracts in this dred fifty thousand acres of, for district located In Clackamas, ests are due to pass under the low Yamhill, Marion and Benton flying planes before the million counties 'will be. offered for sale dollar project is completed. . by sealed bid today at the Port- From 20 to 30 take-offs and land office of the regional admin- landings each hour will take place istrator, Collins said. The timber at some of the airstrips in the totals about 3,000,000 board feet Heppner-Kinzua-La Grande area. and is onered at a total minimum John B. Woods. Jr., forester in f WUlamina . m i ' S, Drive Today lng at the depot, load their 12 patrol trek carts with all unit equipment, as well as the totem poles which will be the northwest regional symbol. The tour will take the boys through such spots as Yellow stone .national park, the Mark Twain country In Missouri, church on June 25 in Cincinnati, Wash ington, D. Cr, and ML Vernon. The jamboree will be from June 27 to July 6. Return will be through New York, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago, Denver, Salt Lake City and San .Francisco, with arrival here on July 14. Jamboree troops and their pro grams tonight are; 13 Silver Falls and foik dist ricts, supper at First Congrega tional church, 5:30 pjn., scout master Louis Robinson of Valsetz. 14 Cherry City (Salem) dist rict, supper at First . Methodist church, 6 p.nu, Scoutmaster Char les Brunk of Salem; court of honor to grant Eagle badges to three members Jack Versteeg of troop 20, Bob Cowan and Donald Amort of Explorer post 16. 28 Calapooya and Marion dist ricts, supper at First Christian church,' 5:30 pjn Scoutmaster William Baldwin of ' Lebanon, court of honor. Two assistant leaders will be with each troop. Other officials going with the boys from Salem will be W. W. McKlnney of the council executive board; Clarke Lethin, council camping and activ ities chairman, and Gordon Gil more, council executive. Both Mc Klnney and Lethin 'will serve on the sectional staff, and the former will attend national council meet ings., ; Permits Issued For 3 Houses Three new houses were on the list of building permits . issued Monday by the city engineer's of fice. Authorizations went, to P. S. Friesen, $7,000, 2260 Englewood ave.; Ness and Ness, $6,000, 2590 N. 5th st, and Frank -Wasser $8,700, 1210 Evergreen ave. . Other permits were issued to Martha Hager, Alteration of store and office at 1225 S. Commercial st, $200; Paul C. Hansen, alter house, 795 N. 15th st. $1,200; and C. F. Davis, alter greenhouse, 1910 N. Summer st, $50. ICrupa Band Will Appear in Salem Friday Gene Krupa, who has been termed the nation's greatest swing artist and his orchestra will ap pear at tne crystal Gardens on Friday night, June 23, it was an nounced Monday. The first "name band to be In Salem for more than two years, the Krupa group has built up wiae-spreaa reputation lor lasn loning music specifically for aancers; witn stress on solid rhythm or beat Krupa, himself called one cf the finest drummers in the bus iness, helped Introduce swing music, wtia Deunj uugaouui u i r (t coil U 7 Complete) Venetian ' Blind Renovation We wash, paint resist retape and repair all kinds af Venetian Blinds Elmer The Blind Mem We pick up and deliver Phone 3-7328 0?uwUtc Stoyj TONICMf 9130 P;H. Hear .. Humphrey Bogart's - v Favorite Story "The Brushwood Boy r Tcmmy Dorrey, back to 1924. He is convinced that "drummers shouldn't bury the tune they should play it melodiously." ',' ' M; :v" Fence posts are best cut In the spring and seasoned over the sum mer. ---; ' '" : 3 Lb PHONOGRAPH RECORDS Classical Popular--Western Sale lasts through June only Pick out your records NOW make a down payment-pay balance in 30 days. Includes all foreign and top domestic labels No returns-no refunds OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TILL 9 Downstair Oregon Udg. 3-8632 Comer Stats , and High bid of $32,161. charge ported. of the undertaking, re- Guard Planes Land at Salem Irene Dunne in Britain; Presented at Court KEW, Eng., June 19 -m- Holly- Eleven airnlaho. wood Actress Irene Dunne, who participate in air national guard can) to E,I?lan t0 Play'role ana air force maneuvers, sun-iris- "A tum mv.iuwo, ui iic iuj ed Salom MonHav with a mnrnin. tips for the part at a Sunday tea visit They made landings here ere- She was presented to King because of fog at Portland airport " . c "u uccU "ui. out of which they were scheduled wa? e first that Brit to operate ain reigning monarch has met Ten F-51 fighters from Walla an American actress in, private Walla airru-ir-t' venter th mon I uuienw euvers, arrived here about 8 a. m.. commanded by Lt CoL Gordon Doolittle of Portland. A B-26 ar rived shortly before noon. All left about 12:40 p. m, FOB SALE To Settle Estate DwellinTrt 2765 Brooks Are. Must B ld! Place Bids at "PIONEER TRUST CO. . .. . . TERMS ; . i . 1 351 midget en no. Slj" Sh marfiets Capi!Dl 7E ARE TjEEFIIIG' This Week. Stop; la end Choose the Cut and Six You Prefer. MIDdE CUSTOMERS are pleased customers and there art) thousands of them. ARM AND BLADE SMALL ' Beef Doasis T-Done Steaks BRAISE OR STEW ; PURE. FRESH Boneless Cubes Ground Beef u, 49c I u, 47c RUMP AND RIB ; RING OR Donclcss Roast Long Dologna a. 59c fr 39c THE TENDER FAMILY HOME RENDERED - Skinless Pure Lard Franks. 2u.25c 45c 4 n 45c LOIN , LEAN STREAKED Dccon .Baclis Joul Bacon !-5c ;:'fc:;23c. PUR CAPITOL ST. MARXET IS OPEN UNTIL 7 P.M. -TODAYS AIID SATURDAYS UNTIL 3 P. M. ; , mas National Prizes PLUS Local Prizes ICYCtE. For Top Car-Saver In This Area 3 Pairs of Roller Skates For Runners Up Official Cap Collecting Station HARRY SCOTT BICYCLE SHOP 147 S.N Com'l. Dr. Pepper BOTTLING CO. SALEM, ORE. and a Hip Only DeSoto rfves you all tkese outstancb'ng -features ! SMART NEW STYUNS e KEW HARMOMZMa MTEXI0RS KB 12-IKCH BRAKES FOR SURE. EASIER SHANKS HGM-COMMESSiOII POWDtMASTER EXGM e TV-TOE HYDRAUU0 SMffT LETS YOU DRJY1 without snrrwa i ' : ' WATERPROOF MURTKM roR Qmcx starts n WETTEST WEATK3 SGUPF-REStSTANT CYlSSaVALLS L0N6ER-UFE VALVU SiSSER CLASS AREA EAST. sHocx-nta STEERIN8 FULL-CRADLED RSI AMA2X8 OPEMTMt ECONOMY NTw UK' "" i tmry WmImmIiv BhS "SSSfcSMi.6-" IfSBSSSSBSl . m mm m DODVS thp U mi fcl a Rm fssls. Ws st 6s mm U yssn. J 1 9mm A MSOTOSSffOM TOW tc3D:0T0c-.J FLYr:oimiM - - - W.L. ANDERSON INC. CS9 Marlon EtrMt Scdsm i r1