Mrs. Davis at Geryais Lodge Statesman Newi Service BROOKS Mr. Helen Davis of Seaside, president of the -Re-bekah assembly of Oregon, made her official ' visit to Harmony Rebekah lodge 75 of Gervais, at the Quinaby hall last week. Other assembly officers ; present were Mrs. Catherine . Olson of Astoria, assembly chaplain, and Mrs. Lola Osborne of Portland, assembly marshal. Mrs. Margaret Jones, noble grand, presided over the regular lodge meeting. At the close of the meeting the lodge presented the president with a gift. The program included welcome song, solo, Flora Schlag, with Mrs. Sorenson accompanist; reading by Mrs. Margaret Campbell: trio. Mrs. Calvin Mason. Mrs. Oscar Bear and W. R. Massey; piano solo, Amy Pomeroy; duet, Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Zornes; talk by Mrs. Davis, and benediction, the Rev. Vernon Zornes. i " Visitors were present from As toria," Seaside, Portland, Wood burn, Salem. Silverton, Stayton and Monitor. Refreshments were served to more than 100 members and guests. i ADDITIONAL DUTY Umpire Reg Thornton shows haw umpires of 100 years ago minded hats of players, during Cricket Club's 100th anniver sary game at Cobham, England. t W. A. Scott Feted By Children ' Statesman News Service INDEPENDENCE W. A. Scott was honored with a lawn party on Father's Day at this home here oy his children and their families. A no host luncheon was served at noon. .- ..!. Families present were those of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Scott of Falls City, Mr. and Mrs. John Zehner of Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Zehner 6f Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Scott of Independence, John Scott . and David Rainer, all of Indepen : dance. -?-: j. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Scott have ' left for a trip to American Falls, Idaho, and other points. Garden Club Plans Show at Brooks ' Statesman Newi Service BROOKS Mrs. Harry Bosch was hostess for the Brooks Garden club in her home for luncheon. ' Mrs. Ambrose Jones, Mrs. Pete Moritz and Mrs. Harry Basch were I i appointed as . the , committee to 'make arrangements for the rose show. Plans were discussed for the 100th birthday anniversary party of Mr. B. F. Ramp, which the Brooks Garden club is spon- ; : soring. ' - Mrs. Mary McClure of Salem was a visitor. The next meeting will be at the home of Mri. R. L. Davis;. ;. j--; 1 Valley Obituaries Estacada - Bob Baxter Reed has been selected by the high school teachers to represent Esta- cada high school at the annual Beaver State '. sponsored each year by the American Legion. He is the son of Mr, and Mrs. willard Goodman, and will be a senior next year. r DOLLARS DOWN THE STOP THEM Crane DRAIN? WITH... Via?-cd Precious water wasted costly re pair bills yes, dripping faucets are bard on your pocket book. Call halt to this needless expense now by let "ting us install Crane DiaUttt faucets. Easy to operate modern, chromium plated, too. Stop in today and find out bow easy it is to add new imartnen and efficiency to your present fixtures with DUUtst. There is a Crane DiaU ttt faucet to fit every fixture in your home. Statesman News Service Gerre P. Smith SILVERTON Funeral serv Ices for George P. Smith will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at the Mem orial chapel of the Ekman Funeral home with burial in Miller cem etery. The Rev. S. L. Almlie will officiate. 1 Smith was found dead Sunday morning from a gun wound which officers believe was self -inclicted although investigation as to pos sible causes were carried on throughout Monday. - m 'otto MIDGET' SPIN CURLERS far period neckline curb far tasfgr, far faster I i iSf mi 'III IEnl I Special Value 1 6 Midget SPIN Curlers In a Handy Tonl Refill Kit 1. TJ Harm Prmannt wkkk IwdudM gtW-acttng To) rH waving lotion to ghro ym tefv natural-looking wav navgk fo m complete pararaoont. avlar prica $1.00. 2. Tnl Midget SPIN CvrUrs-tttof o-podallyaotiignodto tot yarn wind the kartott MckliM klr wlckly. Msily I Osiy Tool at thorn. . . KaaalarvahM Sfe 3. Tenl Crvme Shamp to gtv y . eaft-watoc Utawpoolwg, vm la Itardost wator. ' ' " Rglr rio sf : IU0 valuanow all thrN only $033 rp n jFOf THRIFTY BUYERS A7 . mm u 14S 14. IISEXTY mm mmmmmw m. m 1 A mm MM.pric.,.,Ir O O o A Model) deifn'4! . comfortable) if yW4 ' J Both :XA:(Y-XxtX u ate Pfcrtibnk,, 1 r i f' w nrt , cKer for il I t I I heye0m8 l'' '".xcigt. if :. 1 5f.- 9 e0mpirtn' for .nw ' ortment of eotorTft fnd hoos. fmm ' b1n' ndfsbrics. WW. of y an .maxlng ;i,5 ' PWCD 58.50 OM o dALFM'C r- - i V Ik i i :"? I . J ' 1 i ' I a. , --, V ' 1 I j 71 t t I