The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 20, 1950, Page 10, Image 10

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10 The Statesman. Hkilam. Oicaon, Tuctday. Jun 20. 1950
IPraMii H&.ee.ordls'
Robert Dale Rogers, McMinn
ville route 1, reckless driving,
lined $100.
J. C. Phillips, Salem route 7,
reckless driving, fined $150. ;
Gustave J. Nordling estate: Ap-'
praised at $1,342.27.
Rose Kimball guardianship: Or
der authorizes sale of real prop
erty. '.- i
Melvin Gruenfelder estate: Ap
praised at $21,168.25; order au
thorizes disbursements for ex
penses and support of heir. . j
Charles H. Boydston estate: Or
- der approves first annual account.
Brown E. Sisson guardianship:
Guardian authorized I. to execute
note and mortgage with ward's
wife for purchase of .real prop-
William C. Fleming, 61, railroad
employe, and Alice Bundy, 59,
housewife, both of Salem route 3,
fordon James Nightingale, 21,
corps, Sublimity, and Patricia
McGovern, 19, clerk-typist, 875
Breys ave., Salem.
George B. Adams, 21, student,
Ealem route 8, box 400, and Diana
Arpke, 21, student, Portland.
L. E. McCaleb, jr., 21, lumber-
. m . . a
man, muiudouui rouie i, dox so,
and Virginia L. Scott, 17, student,
William Coleman Loftis, 29, con
struction worker, and Porothea L.
Knouse, 29, stenographer, both of
Eilverton route 1. j
Joseph B. Emmons, 22, Construct
ion urnrlror IRAQ V Cnmrns, ct ;
and Jean Galbreath, 20, waitress,
720 N. Commercial St., both of
William Jay McDonnal, 23, of
fice manager, 917 S. 13th St., Sa
lorn ant Ifoolnnn. T.k1H It
fendant given sx-months suspend
ed sentence on charge of non-support,
placed on probation for three
years. ' v.-.-. ".
in the matter lof application of
Jean Bristol Quinn for writ of
habeas corpus: I Decree awards
custody of minor child to petitioner-
and directs respondents Julia
and Carlos B. Hanks to deliver
child immediately to petitioner;
respondents Hanks file notice .of
appeal to supreme court and
granted stay of execution on1 cir
cuit court decree.
South Keizer
Road District
Election Set
With no protestors appearing.
election for formation of south
Keizer Special road district was
set for July 21, at a Marion county
court hearing Monday. The elec
tion also will pass on a levy of
10 mills for road improvement and
maintenance. j
Area included! in the proposed
district is that .of! Hicks-Jones and
Arnold subdivisions, east of Cherry
avenue and north of the alumina
plant The program calls for im
provement of some streets and
maintenance of others.
The election was set in time
to get the levy, if approved, on
this year s tax roll.
i Those eligible to vote must be
registered voters, own property in
the district and have resided in
the district for 90 days.
The court appointed Rudy C.
Holden as chairman of the special
election board.
southern Pacific company vs
John S. Friesen: Default order and
judgment for plaintiff of $473.24
and $484.38.
Paul A. Porter, OPA adminis
trator, vs Coos Bay Farmers co
operative: Plaintiff files notice of
appeal to state supreme court from
Judgment of April 21, 1950, dis
missing suit.
Norma A. McDowell vs Floyd
R. McDowell: Decree" of divorce
grants plaintiff custody of minor
child and ratifies property settle
, O. E. Price vs Rose Ward: Or
der grants default judgment of
$963.88. to plaintiff.
Dorothy and L. J. (Ace) De
mers ys William G. DeMain: Order
denies motion of defendant.
Carl C Beatty" vs Marie M.
Beatty: Degree finds plaintiff not
entitled to payment of rental for
use of premises by defendant since
divorce decreet that plaintiff in
debted to defendant for $372.50 as
division of .proceeds from sale of
nutos. ' I I1' I
Mary D. Leupe vs James E. P
Leupe: Decree of divorce grants j
plaintiff custody of two minor
Patricia Shrull vs Lester S.
Shrull: Default of defendant en
tered. Kathleen Cox vs John Lee Cox:
Decree of divorce grants plaintiff
custody of minor child and . $75
monthly support money. '
Florence Hayden Rounelin vs
Allan Rounelin: Decree of divorce
restores plaintiffs maiden name
of Florence Waisanen. , . i
Juanita Cross Curry vs Wayne
A. Curry: Degree of divorce grants
plaintiff custody of minor child
and $50 monthly support money
and confirms property settlement
John W. Merrifield vsJ Alta L.
Mrrlfield: Defendant's motions
to make complaint more definite
allowed. , ' ; ;
William Dingman et al vs state
unemployment compensation com
mission and Irwin -Lyons com
pany: Decision reverses decision
of SUCC and holds plaintiffs enti
tled to unemployment benefits for
stated period.
State vs Carl A. Glunz: Defend
ant pleads guilty to charge of ob
trining money by false pretenses,
given suspended sentence of 18
jronths in state , penitentiary,
placed on probation for three
State vs Edwin L. Darling: De
fendant pleads guilty to charge of
burglary not in a dwelling, sent
to state hospital for 30- days' ob
servation. P -State vs Kenneth J. Bernard:
Defendant pleads guilty to charge
of obtaining money by false 'pre
tenses, sentenced to six months In
county Jail, effective June 26.
State vs William R. Gregson:
Defendant pleads guilty to charge
f obtaining money by false pre
tenses, sentenced to one year in
county JaiL with credit for 229
.days served awaiting sentence.
State vs Frank Hickman: De-
Statesman Newt Service
Liberty The young men of
the Liberty Christian Church of
Christ will honor the fathers on
Tuesday night at a father and son
banquet at the church on Skyline
road. The banquet will be ser
ved at 7 pjn. and a special pro
gram-is nianned with Howard
Hutcheons, of Oregon City, deliV'
ering the main address.
Brooks Mrs. Charles Taylor
and small daughter Charlene Fay,
of CrandaU, S. D., arrived last
week to spend a month visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil
Loomis. Mrs. Taylor is the for
mer Delphine Loomis.
Liberty Farmers Union, Lib
erty local, will meet at 8 p.m.
Tuesday, June 20, at the Grange
hall . here. Lyle Thomas, state
secretary, will speak at the meet
ing, which Is to be the last till
Keizer The Ktlzer Sewing
club spent the day quilting Mon
day at the home of Mrs. Roy Nel
son with Mrs. Elmer Ideen as co
hostess. Mrs. Lin a Niman and
Mrs. H. W. Irvine were visitors.
Next meeting will be a covered
dish noon luncheon at the home
of Mrs. Oscar Naren, 2630 Blos
som drive on July 13.
Macleay Mrs. C. F. Cooper and
brother, Jess, will leave Tuesday
for a visit at Klamath Falls. Mr.
and Mrs. William Hook of Coos
Bay were week end visitors of
Mm. Hook's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Macleay Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Johnson. Edith Wilson and Clahe
Brown, members of the Waldo
Parade or No, This Sheridan Miss Is Unhappy
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Landlord Locks
Census Office;
SEATTLE, June 19-P)-A land
lord's "closed door" policy In con
nection with the census bureau
office at Caldwell, Idaho, had the
Pacific Northwest census supervis
or puzzled tonight.
.-, The supervisor, Gene H. Harris,
tut-tutted that the whole thing
appeared to be "an unfortunate
misunderstanding." ;
He said he had been advised by
Caldwell District Supervisor H. B.
Bray that locks on the; census of
fice door there had been changed
by James J. Gilgan, jr., owner of
the building in which it is housed.
Gilgan told newsmen earlier he
had' arranged the "locKout" be
cause he hadn't received his May
rent Harris said he was told by
Bray the landlord, instead, wanted
the June rent in advance.
-Which is right I don't know,"
the Northwest supervisor said. "I
referred the matter to David S.
Phillips, administrative officer of
the census bureau at Washington,
DC. He was supposed to get in
touch with Gilgan."
Harris went on to say that under
government regulations, no ad
vance payments of any kind are
made. Vouchers, which come from
Washington, DC, are mailed after
services are rendered.
This would rule out any June
rent at Caldwell in advance. If
Gilgan has failed to receive his
May rent Harris added, it must
have been due to a mixup in the
main census bureau accounting of
fices. I 1
I think the situation will be
cleared up very soon," he said.
After alL we've got to get those
locked up records."
Stolen Car
Aid to Police
VANCOUVER, Wash., June 19
rJP)-If they had picked a better
car two young men wouldn't have
landed in jail on car theft charges
so quickly.
Police said Pete Mscichowskl,
20, 1 and a younger, companion
drove off with a jalopy from a
used car lot A few feet away the
brakes failed. .The car crashed
into a cleaning shop, setting off a
burglary alarm. Hardly before
they extricated themselves, the
boys were in police custody. Msci-
howski was accused of. automo
bile theft his companion! was held
for investigation.
Nurses Home
Said Needed
Lack of housing facilities Is
costing the state heavily in over
time pay to workers at Eastern
Oregon State hospital at Pendle
ton, Roy Mills, board of control
secretary, reported Monday fol
lowing his return from an inspec
tion tour of the institution.
Mills said the situation would
be partly relieved with the con
struction of an addition to the
nurses home at a cost estimated at
$150,000. More nurses could then
be hired which would shorten the
Court Allows
Sawmill Men
Jobless Pay
Reversal : of a state unemploy
ment compensation commission
ruling denying jobless benefits to
some sawmill employes at North
Bend was decreed - Monday by
Circuit Judge George R Duncan
of Marion county. '
The suit was ( brought by em
ployes against the SUCC and Ir-win-Lyons,
The benefits were denied for 12
weeks in i 1948 during which the
men were laid off work due to a
labor dispute between two unions
as to which should be employed
to man the firm's lumber cargo
The decision stated that evi-
Jt V 1 1
uciu.c auuwcu uic vmpiwycs were
not members of the unions invol
ved in the dispute, apparently
did not participate in the dispute,
apparently failed to cross picket
lines and go to work because of
threatsand displays of physical
violence. It added that "so fax as
appears from' the evidence tha
dispute was beyond the control of
both the employer and the claim
ants." hours for the present staff. Money
for the construction would be ob
tained from the state emergency
board.." ' -I
Crew of Six
Rescued from
Flaming Ship
19 -(CP)- A passing fish boat
I which came along "just in time,"
today plucked six men from a
flaming logging company vessel m
Hecate Straits, 31 miles west of
here. i
the week 'end was not happy with the Judging. Nancy Burdiek. (left) as Miss America of 1900. holds iJ??Vi 'X
SHERIDAN, June 19 At least one of the entrants In the Phil Sheridan Days kiddle parade here over
the hand of Charyle MeClnre dressed as Miss America of 1950
ren in the parade. -
The girls marched with other child-
madi mom
Th$ building block
bllii lill IUILI1K0 sUTtXlAL ca.
t;cs rtcmxo . kibtuikdm. tx sm
Pnnmt2 Blccli Cr
Scpply Co.
EL 8. Box 910
Salen. Ore. Phone 2-543
Mrs. Almlie Has 1
Life Membership
Stateunaa Newt lervic
lie was presented with a life mem
bership in the Immanuel Women's
Missionary Federation at its meet
ing last week in the Fireside room
of the church. i
A feature of the evening was a
"baby shower" for European child
ren. Numerous articles were re
ceived which will be sent to
children of Europe.
Hostesses for the evening were
Mrs. C. Halverson, Mrs. S. Swan
son, Mrs. Albert Nerison and Mrs.
Olaf Tokstad. The group will not
meet again until the afternoon of
July 20.
Mrs. R. Hammond
Heads Church Class
SUtcsmaa Newi Service
LIBERTY Mrs. Robert Ham
mond was elected president of the
Young Adult class of the Libery
Christian Church of Christ on
Skyline Road. Fred Robertson was
Hills KrArtpe. attended the ata
grange meeting last week at On
elected vice president, and Mrs.
Basil Weathers secretary-treasurer.
Mrs. Larry Reiser was named
chairman of the social .committee.
An outing is planned for June
25 at the Dallas city park. The
group will leave after church and
a basket lunch will be served
Mrs. Robert Hammond is general
chairman of the outing, assisted
by Mrs. Dean Withers and Mrs.
Roland Seeger. Every one is asked
to bring their own service. Coffee
will be furnished.
TAIPEI, Formosa, June 19 -()-The
Chinese nationalist airforce
announced its planes set two com
munist steamers afire and left a
troopship in a sinking condition
Mother Awarded
Custody of Child
Custody of a 7-year-old girl was
awarded to her mother, Jean
Bristol Quinn, Monday in Marion
county circuit court, but the grand
parents, Julia and Carlos B. Hanks
of Silverton, immediately filed
notice of appeal to the state su
preme court.
The habeas corpus proceeding
consumed most of last week in
court. Petition for custody of the
girl was brought by Mrs. Quinn,
against the Hanks.
ed to arrive here tonight aboard
the Sandy S, the rescue ship.
First word of trouble aboard
the 66-foot Nora Jane, a service
boat owned by the T. A. Kelley
Logging Co., came in an S O S
message picked up at the Digby
island wireless station, near here.
The captain of the Nora J
unidentified reported a "bad
fire on board. Half an hour later,
the captain said he and his men
were safe aboard the Sandy S
which he said had effected a
smart rescue." passing "just In
U. S. E.7 RJFi
EUin I r 'Z-
Pasture a,- s
? s jr-
o :t
" n n II
Liberty Str
funerai Service
vv ' t f mcraFP
ii ii a : i i ,
1 EXPERIENCE: Serving the people of Salem and vicinity
twenty-one ! years. . " !
2 BUILDING: Beauty, dignity end reverence; chapel seats
150 people, may be increased to 300.
3 COST: Within the means of everyone.
4 CREDIT: To coincide with the wishes of the family.
5 CONVENIENT LOCATION: South Commercial St.; bus
line; direct route to cemeteries no cross traffic.
Virgil T.
Belle Niles
S. Golden
Phone 4-2257
near the mainland
chow today.
port of Foo-
Your Savings
Are Safe
1 dOR- 1
liAltM j 0 1 R A I S AVINGS I B A H)
I6t State Street
Salem, Oregon
Telephone 2-4131
" ' i j :
If 1
- " - - - : If.-.,:.
Jw 4
Why does rain fall
in drops?
Om f Anarfaa't
!1il WiHih, W.S.A. -
Rgin is derired from the masses of water tapor we wiow ts
clouds. Falling temperature causes this vapor to condense
around tiny specks of dust in the air, forming drops which
fall to earth. .
No! Ideal brewing water must be free
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One of the few places in the world ,
where such pure water has been dis
coTtxed is at Tumwater, Washington.
Here, from deep artesian wells, the
Oljmpia Brewing Company obtains
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rare water that gives Olympia Beer
hs famous delicate flaTor.
- It's the Water
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There's face lifting magic in an FHA loan! Add
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