1 2 T Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Tuesday. Tun 13, 1950 Mrs. Heider Heads Yamhill Group - Statesman News $trvlc SHERIDAN Mrs. Otto Heider, r. was named president of the Yamhill County Tuberculosis and Health association. Other officers ere: Mrs. Carl Francis of Dayton, vice president; Mrs. Clifford Cal kins, Newberg, treasurer, and Mrs, Charles Davenport, Sheridan, sec retary. Mrs. Roy Freeman is the retir ing president. Following the din tier, a vocal number was given by Marilyn Sparks, and a short talk was by Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar, Harold R. Fuller will assume duties as president of the Rotary club On July 1. William Daly, who wasjnamed president previously, has declined the position. EXECUTOR'S FINAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that LOUIS E. BOOSTER, a executor of the estate of VIRGINIA o. BOOSTER, de ceased, hai filed his final account as such, s and by order of the Circuit Court I of the State . of Oregon for Marion County, July IS, 1950 at 10:00 S 'clock in the forenoon of laid day as been fixed as the time, and the Jourtroom of said court has been Ixed as the place for the hearing of ejections to said final account and the settlement of aaid estate. LOUIS E. BOOSTER. 1 Executor of the Estate of Virginia O. Booster, deceased. flHOTEN St RHOTEN BAM F. SPEERSTRA . Pioneer Trust Building Salem, Oregon Attorneys for Executor. A J. 13-20-17. Jly 4-11 300 Personal 310 Meeting Notices Ainsworth Lodge No. 201 AF AM Stated June 13th; a F.M 312 Lost and Found LOST: Irish Setter named "Irish- Re- ward. Ph. 23876. FOUND: Small dog that got out of car at 111 Chemeketa LOST: Female Brindle, toy bull 8 to 10 lbs. Sat. afternoon near 17th and Cen tcr. Reward. Phone 3-8976 LOST: Brown leather billfold, keep mor.ey. return papers. 111. car resist. card. Reward. Box bus. co statesman 316 Personal ISO REWARD for information leading to contact or witness or neaa on crash on evening April 21. 6 miles , north of Eugene on Highway 99 be tween giey 49 Ford sedan and older model Chev. Coupe. Write Box 800 co Statesman. '. Alcoholics Anonymous Ph 3-9133. P. O Box 724 YMCA Wed St Frl II -30 o m ; WIDOW would like to meet gentleman 50 or 35. Box 806. co Statesman. , SOMEONE OR FAMILY TO CARE FOR AGED MOTHER AT 2270 N. 4TH ST. OR 2. PERSON WANTING TO RENT SAME FURNISHED HOUSE OR 3. Someone to buy pro- perty. phone 39504. TUESDAY'S BROADCASTS v 1 Pacific Daylight Time Kilocycles; KSLM 1390. KOCO, 1490, FMd Megacycles - KOIN f Editor's notes The Statesman nabUshe In cood faith the procrams and times as provided by the radio stations, but because offtlmes programs are changed without notification, this newspaper cannot ba responsible for the accuracy herein). i ,. i i , j HOUR I 00:00 00:15 00:30 00:45 6 KSLM : News SummarylMusic. TimekpriMarch Time INews KOCO t P , West. Melody West. Melody KOIN ! News Koln Klock IKoin Klock tKoin Klock KCW j Hodge Podge Hodge Podge IFarm Time (Farm Time KEX Farm News IKeep Smiling Keep Smiling Keep Smiling 7 KSLM j Hemingway Break. Gang Rise and ShineiTop Trades KOCO ; -sAndy Parker IKOCO Klock News IKOCO Klock KOIN i Koln Klock iMacleod News IGoss News PFred Beck KGW r . Old Songs lOld Songs Kneass News ISam Hayes KEX i Washburn News Keep's Kprral IBob Haten IBob Garred f KSLM Cecil Brown ! Family Altar Rest Haven Rest Haven J KOCO 1" Wlidw. Church IHarmony Shop Hawaii Echoes IFiesta Time 1 KOIM Consum. News Vaile News IGrand Slam iRosemary W KOW v Red Folev Red Folw Hack Berch (Range Rhythm j KEX ? Break. Club Break. Club Break. Club IBreak. Club 9 KSLM j Bargain Countr Garden Guide Pastor's Call Pick Haymes KOCO i Melody Time Melody Time 'Stars Sing U. Thomas KOIN I Wendv Warren Aunt Jenny v ,j Helen Trent IGal Sunday KOW ', Second Cup Second Cup' Hometowners IKneass News KEX . I News Star Today Quick Flash Quick Flash 10 KSLM Glenn Hardy KOCO Mac's Melody KOIN Big Sister KGW Jo Stafford KEX Ladies Seated Tello Tt st Mac's Melody tMa Perkins IC. Cavallero ladies 11 KSLM Ladies Fair KOCO Mac's Melody KOIN Mis. Burton KGW Doub. or Noth.l uouo. or KEX Betty Crocker I Vic Lindlahr Nor'westerners Northwesternere 12 KSLM Top Trades INewa pay 80'a (Home Run KOCO Hollvwd. Music Holly wd MustciNews lJerry Sears KOIN Macleod News IComeiGet It Winner All IWinnerAU KGW Foster News IRoad Of Life Young Family IHapplness KEX M.Agronsky INews I Meet Menjoua Art Baker 1 KSLM ; Baseball IBaseball Baseball Baseball KOCO Magic Melody IMagic Melody IMagic Melody IMagic Melody KOIN s None. NowhereBell Ringers iStrike It Rich Strike It Rich KGW BacasL Wife Stella Dallas ILoren. Jones IWldder Brown KEX Welc. to Hlywd. Welc. to 2 KSLM j Baseball (Baseball (Baseball KOCO ' Magic Melodv Magic Melody 'Magic Melody KOIN j Kirkham News'Kirkham News IFeature Story KGW ! Girl Marries IPortla iPlain Bill a. jav Stewart- uay -tewart 3 KSLM Baseball Baseball Scoreboard Bing Sings KOCO ! Magic Melody IMagic Melody IMagic Melody IMagic Melody KOIN i Kirkham News Art. Godfrey Art- Godfrey 4.rt Godfrey KfiW j Travelers . i Travelers lAunt Mary I Love. Learn KEX t Hollywood Tdy ILife Chance I Barney Keep Barney Keep 4 KSLM I Fulton Lewis Hemingway News ICavallero KOCO I Music U Want IMusic U Want Veterans IPiano Patterns KOIN i Art. Godfrey iArt Godfrey Curt Massey Murrow KGW I Woman's Secrt 'Life Beautiful iDr. Paul Music Tuesday KEX Rhyth-a-tika ISqulrrel Cage (Squirrel Cage ISongs of West 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Straight Arrow StralRht Band of Day Band or Day iRing Crosby I Dance Parade Goss News " Little Show j Huntley News News Three of Us iFoster News ICarmen Dragn ICarmen Dragon Green lldrnet Green Hornet tSky King Sky King 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Gabriel Heater IN.W. News Candlelight Luigl Bob Hope Headlines ICan dlelieht ILulgi i Bob Hope IHome Edition 71 KSLM Drugs Twilight Johnny Dollar Matale , Cour.terspy Time Songs Music Jackpot KOCO KOIN Johnnv GW iMaisle r KBX Counterspy 8 KSLM i Monte Crlsto (Monte CrUto KOCO Bandstand Bandstand . , KOIN ! Lowell Thomaa Jack Smith KCiW i 1 Man's Family (World Nw KEX Defense Time Defense Tune 9 KSLM i KOCO i KOIN ; KGW . i KEX ' Glenn Hardy Baseball Theatv Ron. Colroan Town Meeting Fulton Lewis (Baseball !Theatro ! . Ron. Colman Town Meeting 10 KSLM I Love A Myst.lNewsreet KOCO Baseball IBaseball, KOIN SUr Final V St World KGW Sam Haves Downey sk Ke porter intermezzo 11 KSLM News IMidn. Melodies Mldn. Melodies Mldn. Melodies KOCO To Midnight To Midnight ITo Midnight (To Midnight KOIN Organ Melodies 'Organ Melodies' Bandstand (Bandstand KGW roster News (Wax Museum (Wax Museum Wax Museum KEX Concert Hour Concert Hour Memos Memos ! KOAC 55 k.c Tuesday 10:00 g.m. The News and Weather, 10:15 Especially for Women; 110 Concert Hall; 12.-04 News; 12:15 p.m. Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Ride. 'Em Cowboy; 1:13 Variety Time; 1:30 Melody Lane; 1:43 Reading is Fun; 2:00 Especially for Listening; 1 30 Memory Book of Mm lc; 10 News; 115 Musat Masters; 40 Oregon Reporter; 4:1$ Hymns; 4:41 ! 400 Agriculture 402 Llrestock LI CENSED Livestock buyer. H. E. Snethen 1940 Lancaster flr pn 2-1345. WANTED: Light weight single or double horse trailer, good condition. Write Wm. J. Monk. Rockaway. Ore. RIDING Pony, about 800 lbs. gentle but spirited. 8 yrs old. 150. m. zzwra. FOR Sale: Good team black work horses. Geo Newland, Falls City. Ore. FOR Sale: Entire herd of Purebred and Grade cattle. Have DHIA rec ords. L. D. Roberts Jr Rt. 1, Box 141. Turner. Wanted All tvne livestock Ph 4-2617 BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer C C . McCandllah 1127 S 25th Ph 3-8147 BONDED livestock buyer Claude Ed ,wrds. Rt. 3. Box 899E. Ph. 3-1141 404 Poultry and Rabbit FAST Growing Cornish Crops fryer chicks Gehring Hatchery. Silverton. NEW Hampshire chicks available every i Tuesday. Fox's Hatchery. 3830 State St. Phone 3-4969. 425 Auction Sale Auction Every Thurs, 7:30 pjn. furniture an household articles. We Invite you to bring your consignments to us. EAST SALEM AUCTION 1023 Lancaster Drive Ph 3-1221 FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE AUCTION Tue., June 13. 8 p.m. GLENWOOD BALLROOM ; 4'i miles N. Salem on 99E Large lot lnc: Montage Deluxe electric range same i as new Older Hotpoint range Maytag washer M St W washer Electrolux - Hoover - Sanitizer and : Eureka cleaners 2 davenports Monterey daveno set Laundry tubs e Bed set complete 2 lino, rugs St 6 x 8 inlaid Swing rocer and ottoman 2 extra swing rockers Shower stall Trunk it pc bleach mahogany Duncan I Phyphe Dining suite, new 'Drophead sewing machine Fish rod and reel Hi chair el lot restaurant dishes 5 PC metal bridge set mahogany 18th century bow front china cupboard e Duncan Phyphe cocktail tables 3 pair table lamps 7 pc maple dining set e Tricycle ; Tool chest, tools e Telephone table and chair e Step and end tables '.Modern Chartruese chair : Bleach mahogany kneehole desk 29x12 Woolshire rugs 2 6x9 Woolshire rugs i New daveno set Throw rugs - bath seta . Lawn mower Chests of drawers Davenport table Library Many other Items. - 'GLENN WOODRY. AUCTIONEER Ph. 3-5110. Pays Spot Cash or sells on commission. KOIN 970. KGW 620. KEX 1190 101.1: KGW 100.3; KEX 92.3 'Russ Morgan I Mac's Melody iDr. Malone Reynolds Show Tell Neighbor Mac s Melody Guld. Light I George Murphy Seated True Story ITrue Story Ladies Fair IQueen. Day IQueen. Day Mac's Melody IMac's Melody (Mac's Melody Perry Mawn iNorah Drake Brighter Day Nom. Millionaire Millionaire Hlywd. Kay West IKay West Baseball Magic Melody Tunefully Front Page I Bride & Groom Bride & Groort Arrow :B Bar B Ranch! B Bar B Ranch Answer Man ISam Haves News (Tune Time ICandid Mile Candid Mike Penny Singleta 'Penny Singleton romances iKomances IMelody R'ndup Night Song iPhil Marlowe (Funny People Rex Maupin "Melody R'ndup 'Bandstand IPhil Marlowe IFunny People Rex Maupin Dollar Behind Story David Rose IDugout Dope IBaseball (Satan's Wainia' Satan's Wainln' Cavalcade ICavalcad ' The Press The Press jFavorite Story Favorite TStory Baseball Club la Big Town Music Memo Baseball Beulah Big Town Monitor News News Here's to Vets News (To Midnight ILes Brown I Lea Brown Sings 1 Sports Page ICurrent, Choice . Concert Hour Concert Hour Evr. Command; S 00 Children's Theatre; MS On the Upbeat: 5:50 550 Sports Club; 6:00 News; 6:15 Dinner Melodies; 80 'Round the Cam pf ire: 1:1$ Eve ning Farm Hour; :00 Artistry Clas sics; 1 30 U.S. Navy Band: t:4$ The News and Weather. $:l0 Musis That Endures: 1 1:43 Evening Meditations; 10:00 Homes on the Land; 10 OS Sere nade: 10:41 News-Weather. 400 Agriculture 404 Poultry cmd Babbits RABBIT Hutches. 3815 Brooks St. NEW Hampshire Chicks $16.50 per 100. weekly natcnea. tast (.enter Bt. pn. 23 ONE-YR-OLD liens. Carl Fischer. 2-2861. i.ee: Matcnery It I. o, cox a. ra. oisoo, i mi cast on Garden Rd. RABBIT FRYERS, dressed on order. Phone 2-0629. 408 Pet A K C Reg. Pomeranian puppies. Eng lish Bulldog puppies, neas. iting land's Kennels. 3575 Winola Ph. 25954 RIN GLANDS Boarding St .Training Kennels. Bathing, trimming, groom ing. Pick up and deliver. Shipping crates made to order. 357S Winola. Ph 25954. 36859 2 KITTENS free. 21802. 405 Marion. 410 Seed and Plants PANSIES. Choice selection. 75c doz. Adams 4090 N. River Rd Ftt. Z3Zie. 412 Fruit and farm Produc RED Heart strawberries, you pick. F. W. Hens. Rt. 7. Box 381. Ph. 21184. STRAWBERRIES. U-pick. bring own containers. 14c lb. c. M. Bart run. Rt. 2 Box 399 F on Chemewa- Ouinabv Rd.) STRAWBERRIES, you pick or we Pck and deliver, pn. z-ssuz. . Farm Equipment MODEL D John Deere tractor on steel. In good shape. Sell cneap. mcij. norse mower In good shape. Carl Fischer. Rt. 6. Box 421A. Salem, Ph. 31588. 450 Merchandise 451 Machinery and Tool HAND Grip electric planer $60. Also Z'i gal. spray ouint complete wiui i H. P. motor $50. ph, 3-1125. See ment. Bargain prices. B7l Wallace Rd. W. Salem. ' 455 Household Goods For Sale BLEACHED Walnut twin bed set, ex- cellent cond Reas. 983 Htgniann Ave MONARCH Mailable wood St coal ran $25. Phone ZZ1Z8. BEAUTIFUL 1950 Model Airway Sini- tizer vacuum cleaner.- used only 3 weeks, sell for a cost. 1968 Broad wav. WESTINGHOUSE Radio phonograph comb. $100. 471 Rosemont Ave, eves. Used Furn., Cheap TRADE TERMS Valley Turn. Co. 285 No. ComT -772 Linoleum $3.95 VALLEY FURN CO 285 N COWL ONE 5 FT. Hot Point refrigerator in good cond. Price S75. 1545 N. 16th St. OFFICE DESK and swivel chair, both for S50 on ouick sale. Ph. 3-74H3 REUPHOLSTERED pillow back swing rocker. all new material, iwks mjs- lon. Ph. 33775. A 2-YR OLD Montag double rfven electric range. 140. A coiaspot ret. $60. A Cravlor sectional daveno. so Call 29928. 1791 Park Ave. LATE MODEL Singer vacuum cleaner good cond. guaranteed, 'i price sj.u terms, singer aewing iacnm 130 N. Com'l. ROTARY ELECTRIC cabinet sewing machine, complete with attachments. Good condition. Bargain fby.WJ. terms Singer Sewing Machine Co. 456 Wanted. Household Good GLEN WOODRY Ph 35119 ' 1 . 'J. L IL.M. mm. . . . J. ALL CASH IKAUtH LUUll f AXt HIGHEST PRICES Household goods, furniture, bric-a-brac appliances, rugs, suverware, aisnes QUICK SERVICE PHONE 3-8558 3055 Portland Rd. USED FURN.. immediate appraisal, highest prices. - Valley Furniture. 2se N. Commercial. Ph. 17472. 458 Building Materials OAK Flooring: 10.000 ft. No. 2 Oak. good grade, also No. 1 shorts. 90 sq. Cedar wall shakes, large am4. Cedar shingles on hand. Low priced lumber and siding, call evenings Ted Muller, Salem Indep. Road, ph. Salem 2-1196. LUMBER it SHINGLES, fence posts, elec St telephone poles. Ph. 3-1458 Philips Bros., Rt. 6, Box 118.: 4 mi. out Mate t BOWSER BROS. Your power tool rent al heaquarters. 1410 S. 12th St Ph 3-3640 ' Immediate Delivery If It's for your garden or lawn, ws have it. Rock free silt, top sotL and fill dirt. Commercial Sand & Gravel Supply Co. Phone 2-1966 ReTth BR6WS ; Building Materials on Budget Terms As. little os 10T. down on a purchase of $20 up to $300. Easy monthly payments KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front and Court Streets. Salem CCD An srbLSG MxS C 60.00 M 'jx8 C . 70.00 M J-x8 C 83.00 M tfxlO C 95.00 M Flush Hardwood Front Doors Birch Mahogany Duall 3-0x6-8. 1V 2995 ea. 3-tab Roofing, 210 lbs. 7.75 sq. Plywood. 4x8-4" . H sq. ft. Sheetrock, 'am .0514 sq. ft. Window Frames (new) . 50 Discount SERVICE LUMBER CO. 707 McClalne St. Ph 2882. Silverton FOR SALE: About 1000 feet, used 6 in. siding. Price $35. Call at .2305 N. Liberty St. 462 Sports Equipment TRADE 9 M M Browning h. p. for field glasses. Ph. 21260. 11 FT. PLYWOOD B6AT. ' PERFECT COND. $50. 457J STATE ST. PH. 3-1125. 1.64 Bicycles" GIRLS Bicycle, food condition, Morningside or ph. 4-2783. 950 168 For Rent Miscellaneous" TRAILER Court closest to Pauhis Bros Cannery. Across the street on South Side. Roth's Trailer Court. Ph 2RRRV HOT in your trailer? A few choice, shady spaces left. ,i hr. bus service, mkt. close. Flrcrest Trailer Park. sw is. River Rd GOOD Downtown warehouse space for rem. uiq. u. i. sun 1 urniture. Pn, .Jill 83. fiOOD USED Piano R L" Stiff. 0 Drive truckS for KENF"EIaT kets furn 197 t Liberty Ph 2-9061 WHEEL chairs, hospital beds Si ex ercisers. Buren 37775. 745 Court. OARAGE. 743 Court St Max Buren Phone 37773. 1 lir t.T LanUJ. ' OSS. CHAN Dr.O.ChaeJD , . . LAM CHINESE HERBALISTS III Nertb Uberty 'v Upstairs aaeva Jaa'a, IJ7 N. Lib erty Olftce epea Saturday enly IS a.aa te 1 p i . 4 te 1 sm Cansmlta Uosl Blood pressors an 4 erlae tests are free el caarf. Practtcei since lilt. 1 ' 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous OWNER leaving state, must sacrifice same as new appliances and turn, for fraction of new price: 10 cu. ft. de luxe Hotpoint refrigerator, like new, cost $400, sell for $195. 1950 model Bendix automatic washer, paid $239 4 months ago, sell for $150. G-E electric range, same as new. $125. Bed suite 5 pc. with Beauty rest box spring mattress, give away for $120. This is like new In every detail. Call at once 2070 Jelden St. in Salem. Ph. 4-2350 for directions. BATHTUB, Doors St windows. 983 Highland. 200 H.P. Ranger airplane engine & mount, complete with all acces, $150. Other surplus airplane parts avail able, readily adaptable to other uses. Call 23615. Salem Air Service. BOYS Sport coat, 14-16 yrs, girls Win er coat & bucks o yrs., clothes manglej perf cond. Call 37736. UNIVERSAL Washing machine, good ahape. JO. Also l electric churn, and 100 feet " rope. Reasonable. Phone 20815. FOR SALE Major oil company leased service station in Dallas, Ore. at in ventory price of stock and equip ment. Inventory will be very low. Good business established. Contact Warren Doolittle. 3-4619 days; 2-6045 eves. Sc weekends. LATEST Model Electrolux vacuum cleaner all attach. This cleaner can not be told from new. only used few tiwes. Cost $69.75. will sell for $39. 1966 Broadway. DRY Poultry fertilizer. Ph. 22861. Lee's Hatrhenr FRUIT Punch for weddings St parties made to order. Punch bowl St glasses for rent. Puritan Cider Works, W. Salem. .. GOOD Used pianos. $75 ca. H. L. Stiff Furn. Co CURTIS Air compressor Va H. H. mo tor. $145.00. 6-30 gal lub. oil tanks with pumps. $130.00. will sell-separate $25.00 each. Kitchen range, burns wood, oil or butane gas. $30.00. In quire Wavside Inn 2 miles south of V ' 1 K 'II x 1 1 j mi . .i ... . i . ..... BUILT Well davenport St chair, used 1 yr. Damascus elec cabinet model sewing mach., '47 Hotpoint wringer washer, 2 30" folding cots. Ph. 2738 uregon city on toe.. in, collect Lianas UsfcD Electric ranges $19 95 and up Yeater Appliance Co. 75 Jhcmekcta St. STRAWBERRY barrels in bloom. A sure supply of good berries. Ph. 31458, USED Sewing machines priced to suit . your budget Reconditioned .& guar anteed Ralph Johnson Appliances Ph. 331:19 . HOME Freezer, genuine deepfreeze $129 50 and up. Yeater Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads St driveway. Cement. Ready mix. Concrete. Garden Sand Bull oozing, arainage ana aliening. - yd shove) & drag line Phone 3-8249 ISED Radios and records players $9.95 and up Yeater Appliance Co.. 375 Chemeketa St SEWING MACHINES. usdi9 9S and up Also new Free Westinghouse $89.95 and up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa St. Ph. 34311 NO WAXING REQUIRED with PLAS- Tl-KOTE. the cellophane-lilts finish for floors or linoleum Yeater Appliance Co.. 375 Chemeketa St. ANDY'S DIRT PHONE 2-8748 Good clean top soil, silt and fill dirt for your gardens, lawns Sc flowers. Call us first. Office 757 Edgewater St. Prompty del. Sew and Save WITH USED SEWING MACHINES White Electric Portable. Singer Electric Portable. Montgomery Ward Elec. Portable. Standard Treadle. White Treadle. Willamette Treadle. Vertical Treadle. BARGAIN PRICES TERMS IN REASON All machines overhauled and guaranteed Ralph Johnson Appliances 355 center St. Phone 3-3133 HEAT VOUR HOME electrically with Westinghouse or Weslx automatic electric heaters. Yeater Appliance Co 373 Chemeketa FOUNTAIN Grown, not irrigated cer tified Burb8nk seed potatoes. Puri tan Cider Works. W. Salem. Staniev Home Products 535 N. Winter FATHER'S Day Special.. aby Shoes Bronzed. $2.95 a pr. Avek Plating Co.. 1430 s. iztft WATER Heaters. 42 gal. Double ele ment. $74.50. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa St, DON'T BE a rug drudge Shampoo your rugs at home at one-half the cost. Rent a Clark Rug Shampoo maehlne at Howser Bros. 1410 S 12th Ph 1-3644 USED Electric refrigerators $4$ Se and up. Yester Appliance Co.. 373 Chemeketa St. - LARGE 6 Seat Booths Upholstered Seats. 8 - Small 2 Seat Booths Plain Seat. The Spa 382 State St. USED RANGE, fully auto., dble oven . S19S. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Tront Sc Court Sts.. Salem USED Electric washers $19 95 and tip Yeater Appliance Co.. 375 Chemeketa St. FERTILIZERS, well rotted manure. Or ganic compost, seeds, ceet moss, ton soil St sand. Flag stone St all types of rock lor rock gardens. Metal fencing ' St railing. Cedar picket fence, cedar posts, pn. sum. Frumps Bros., m 6. Box 118. 4 mi out State St. OIL Circulators at greatly reduced prices Yeater Appliance Co.. 375 Chemeketa St. MUST SACRIFICE new 7.2 Cu. Croslev deeo freeze. Ph. 25037. f RIGIDAIRE. good cond. $40. Call be fore 9 or after j. Ph. 23509. 849 S. 12th GIRLS' BICYCLE, $25. 346 W. Washing ton. Ph. 3.M56. GIBSON upright freezer. 8 cu. ft., ex cell. cond. 4 miles S. of United Grow ers cannery at Liberty to Bunker mil Rd. znd house on ngnt. Rt. Box 370. Ph 42418. Salem. MOH. EXT. DIN. TABLE, dresser, bed Ph. S6619. BABY BUGGY, good cond. $15. 1533 Mill St. after 5:30 p.m. LIKE NEW Westinghouse roaster oven $25. Ph. 34205. SMALL wood turning lathe tools, $20, Motor If wanted. Ph. 34205. $ HAND MADE Calcutta bamboo sur casting poles, $15. Ph. 14205. MOVING: disposing of wash try and stand, chrome dinette set. double bedstead, clothing, household goods, rummage, in garage at 1800 N. 23rd GOOD DIRT, .you pay for handling on y at 2065 s. High or call 22134. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous SPOT CASH Highest prices paid for your usea rurmiure. appuances. rugs, radios, dishes, trailers, sporting goods, anything of value. Phone 35110. Glenn ' Woodry Furniture Market or brir.g to 1003 is. summer. nnionnnoiDS (PILES) FISSUU FISTULA PROLAPSE end ether Rectal Disorders Ne Hoaplt-Ulx-Uoe Dr. II. Reynolds Clinic Naturopath-RtcUl Specialist 1144 Center St Ph. Mill r gj. 450 Merchandise 474 Miscellaneous Sewing lessons " Day or evening New Home Sewing Center Ralph Johnson Appliances 355 Center St Ph 33139 HOWSER BROS. Your power tool rental headquarters 1410 S izu st Ph 33646 WANT TO Buy used cameras St lenses McEwan Photo Shop. 435 state Dental Plate Repair two-hour service in most casbb Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. HARK I S EH. DUN 1 131 AdolDh Bldg 8tate St Com Ph S-S311 FIR OAKS nursing home. 24 hour Lair, rnuiir FISHERMEN St HUNTERS Aluminum camp St sleeping trailer with interspring mattress, built-in ice oox, table, spare tire Sc wheel, almost new. has 12' boat Carrier on top, boat almost new (inc.) For sale or trade see at 965 N. 15th St. Phone 2-5240. 476 Fuel BUY FOR WINTER AT SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES Green and dry edgings, green St dry slab, frean cut sawdust. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 3-5533 Summer Prices on hand picked 16 ln. .slab and old fir block wood. Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. pnone 3-77ZI or a-eozt West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 16 ln elean e oars SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOTE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4011 Also pick up. wood at 1525 Edgewater St W Baleaa, 16" Wood" Old and Second Growth Tir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $12 00 For orders please call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Indeoendence Oregon For June Only Double" SH Green Stamps 16 In. millwood. full 2 cord load $10 Fresh cut screened sawdust 12 in. clean Inside wood TRI-CITY FUEL 2575 Mission Ph.2-7442 OLD Fir Oak. Ash PH. 3-1458 Hand picked 16" creen slab. 2 cord S10. OREGON FUEL CO. PH. 35533 Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust wood green or dry Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny Saver Stamps. Ph. 36444 Elmer Boje Ph S-9453 - 2025 S 12th 16" old fir block planer, no trash. WALTER FERN HAS WOOD TO BURN Clean 16-in. millwood. uniform length. z-unit lead 111. Also dry millwood and screened sawdust. Ph. 2253 Dal las collect. DRY fire wood for sale. Excellent cooTt stove wood, either delivered or can be picked up. Prices in lots of 2 cord or more will be furnished on inquiry. Independence Lumber & Manufactur ing Company. Independence, Oregon. fnone 4Z. FURNACE Trash Burner St corok stove wood, No Bark. R. H. Allen. 1260 Candlewood Dr. ph. 2-2382. 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportunities FOR Sale: Grocery store, gas pumps. camns bc packaged beer, wide front age on 99E with unlimited possibili ties. Ph. 24319 Rt. 7, Box U5. FOR SALE: Major oil company leased aervice station in uauas. ore., at in ventory price of stock and equipment. Inventory will be very low. Good business established. Contact Warren Doolittle, 3-4619 days; 3-6045 eves. & weekends. , OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE OVER Major gas station and oil business, best location between Portland and Eugene. Last years net of $12,000. , can be substantially Increased - peak season just ahead. You'll need $8000. to $10,000. rash. Ask for W. D. Marsters with Ohmart & Calaba Realtors 477 Court St. Phorie 2-4115 - 2-4111? BUS Bldg and house, terms. Ph. 29529 FOR Sale Salem Emblem . shop. Inq at zi9 rerrv or 2.:o gSvTC STATION for reht, Holly- wood dist. Ph. Mr. Moore. East 1106. Portland. New Ten Unit Motel Apt. Court Completely furnished six with ref. ra diant heat, each has kitchen, bed room, living room St bath, finest motel In town. Best of business. $43,000. $20,000 will handle. Rio Vista Motel. Lebanon. Oregop. Phony 3611 BE INDEPENDENT $5800 today buys the best neighbor hood grocery in Salem. Over $2500 stock, walk In cooler, all eqpt St fixtures, owner must selL Terms can be arranged. CHAS. HUDKINS & SON REALTOR 250 N. High Phone 1-4129 FOR LEASE N ew Service Station. Due to expansion program. Major oil com pany has two new service stations tor rent, bee c. c. 5igeaj795 Fair- SERUn E rounas Road. Phone Z5526 VICE STATION AND MODERN LIVING QUARTERS to lease, small inventory. Phone Hubbard 1413. SALE OR TRADE: Commercial proper ty, tavern, 2 houses, well located St doing good business. Take home or motel, will assume $18,500 courtesy tQproners. 804 Broadway, Boise. ld GROCERY, service station and living quarters. Doing good business. Ill health forces sale. Price $2500, plus Inventory. Good district, close In. DENTON & DENTON REALTORS 344 State Street Phone 2-3663 510 Money To Loan Private Money On Cars. Trucks St Trailer Homes Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 3 Commercial St Phone 3-S191 WE Make loans up to 80 of the anoratsed valine on Qualifying mod ern homes, Salem and vicinity. Also see us for FHA construction loans State Finance Co, 153 South High St Salem Oregon $1500 TO LOAN. Ph. 10794. Old? Get Pep, Vim With I RON I akts supplMwowtf CALCIUM, VITAMIN Bt HEN, WOMEN "i. Itl ksomd. Taka OMram. oataiua taal eftaa n dd afur 40 by txxjia ld uH bmmmm ek in traa: 1)M mMu, Vltm la Bi. TbooMads mom fl ptp. yr tmumm. Tit Onm Tmii TabMe TODAY. CM latradeetory mm torn tat mif to. At all drug stores everywhere In Sa lem, at Fred Meyer's. ' i t t;'k! t -tt 500 Business & Finance 510 Money To Loan 4V 4V2 4V2 10 YEARS repayment plan, strictly modern homes, for refinancing or new construction. ALSO fH A. loans for 'construction or re financing. 25 year repayment plan. Farm loans 4',i. Personal St Auto loans State Finance Co. 153 S High St. S 216. M 222 FARM and CITY LOANS U and $ Your own terms of repayment within reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust BltU Ph 4-223 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. la 8. Church 8t Ph 1-2437 Parking Aplenty Lie M1M-S1S4 CASH NOW $25.00 to S500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when I you need It I You can pay anytime to reduce net cost I No endorsers, or help from friends l On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment. salarv or other personal property up to $300,001 Phone or visit our office today I Hear "Top Trades" 12:03 dally KSLM 1390 KC'sli I General Finance Corp. Lie. No S138 and M338 PHONE 3-8161 136 S COM'L ST . CASH Up to $1500 Call or phone today PACIFIC -Industrial Loans 118 S Uberty Ph 4-$03 CASH Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next to bank. Free parking. Ph 2-7032 Lie No. M369-S291. Fiovd Kenvon Mgr ' VACATION and TRAVEL LOANS ; See the YES MAN Don't borrow unnecessarily, but If you're short of cash for vacation or travel expenses a cash loan from Personal may be the best solution to your problem. Repay when you re turn first payment not due for 30 days or longer. Loans $25 to $300 made on salary, furniture, up to $500 on auto. PERSONAL Finance Company of Salem 518 State St.. Rm. 125 Ph. 2-2464 Lie. No. S-122 M-165. C. R. Allen. Mgr. Office Hours operj daily 9:00 a m, -5:00 p.m. weaneraayi ana oaiuraaya .w a.m.-l :00 p.m. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted WOOL PRESSER For leading shoD with newest eauin ment. Top salary. Must re ooa. State age, experience. No drinkers. Local home rental available. C rionn. New Method Cleaners. Roseburg. Ore. FIREWORKS Factory qual. lines. quan. discount. Locally owned and warehoused. Let us stock your stand. Victory Fireworks. 4090 N. Riv. Rd.. Salem. Ph. 4-2365. 2-321$. COMBINATION fry cook and pantry. prefer under 30 Apply in person. Woodroffea San Shop. 3400 Portland Rd. 604 Help Wants,, Male WANTED: Boys H years or older. Apply Capitol Theater CLEARIN BfDS wanted for removal of trees and wood at Mission Street site of State Blind School. Between Boys and Girls dormitories. Ap proximately 20 oaks 20" Butt 10 small er trees. For information write Geo. Isackson Co.. 1825 S.E. Exeter Drive, Portland 2. Ore FRY-PANTRY combinationrNohlgrens. A-I AUTO Mechanic, clean, well- equipped shop, top wages. Give de tail experience, reference, etc. Wrrta Statesman Box 796. WANTED: Fry cook 30-45 years. Must have had at least 3 years recent experience in general restaurant ser vice. Ph. 29088 for appointment. WANTED: Outside appliance Salesman. Most leads furnished. Must have own transportation. Apply In person. Wcs tarn Auto SuddIv Co. WANTED: Young man for store Sale- man. Apply in person, western Auto Supply C.o. , YOUNG MAN over 18 for dish washer St kitchen helper, mountain resort. Calli4' 1644 after ;o a.m. WANTED: Ambitious couple, middle age preferred for fruit farm, woman to do housework. Must like children, living quarters, wages and transpor tation Ph. 42821. SAWYER for small electric mill. Pip- pin's Sawmill, Independence. Ph. 101-W. LOOK We are Interested In men who are good workers. We do not e-xpect you to be a super salesman. What we want Is your confidence, your en thusiasm St willingness to work. If I can't show you how you can make from $250 to $750 a month there isn't a cow In Texas. If you are inter ested In year around work St getting experience, background St good wages see Mr. Montagne Wed. eve.. June 14. at 8 pjn. sharp. Senator , Hotel. We Need Men Substantial weekly guarantee. To sur vey local heating situation St take orders for furnace cleaning, St re pair service: full time: very good pay. Finest kind of opportunity to gain heating St air conditioning exp that will qualify you for branch managerial positions with world's largest Installers of heating equip. Pays good comm earnings St weekly guarantee. Apply Holland Furnace Co. 320 E. Kearney. Salem. 606 Help Warned, female WANTED: Waitress 25-38. must have had at least 2 years recent experi ence in general restaurant service. Ph. ZP089 tor appointment. XP. FOUNTAIN GIRL, apply Tues. 9-10. 3-4. Lineberry s, 153 in. com i. WORKING COUPLE desire room Sc board. Box 767. Statesman. STENOGRAPHER, shorthand required. Experienced preferred. P. O. Box No. 3, Salem. Oregon. 608 Pickers Wanted STRAWBERRY PICKERS, good pick ing. Louts Zielinskl. Rt. 7, Box 349, 1st hse. W. of Hazel Green school. STRAWBERRY Pickers wanted 3b acres. Rt. 7. Box 265. I'i miles East of Totem Pole. Meet truck at un employment office. Vic Williamson Ph. 31971 . STRAWBERRY Pickers register now. Cabins St camping place, hot St cold water, showers. Benson St Hollin Bros. Star Rt., Box 20. Silverton, Ore. CANE Berry pickers: Register now. 9 acres logans and boysens. Merlin Seaton. Rt. I. Box 146 Wood bum YOU PICK strawberries. 15c lb. Ht. 2. Box 334A on Portland Hiway, 1 mile south, of Brooks. Bui Duff us. fac e "Broken Out?" Do mm many do for skin improye ment tue Kesinol Soap for daily cleansing, you'll enjoy medicated Resinol to soothe pimply irritation. , 600 Employment I 608 Pickers Wanted STRAWBERRY picking today 4 Cor ners Dist. Out State St. to Pen 4 Cor ners, turn right, go Va mi. to Macleay Road, out 3 miles on left. R. M, Livesly, Rt. 3. Box 476. STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. Glen M. Looney, Rt. 7, Box 266. Ph. 31976. KEIZER strawberry pickers wanted. Joseph Berber. Claxter Rd. Ph. 31609. BERRY PICKERS, call eves, or early mornings or at 4190 Brooks Ave., N & E of Aluminum Plant. Ph. 42989, I. Hartman STRAWBERRY pickers. 14 mile E. Keirer Sch. 9 A. irrigated. A. Goldsby (2215 Chemawa Rd.) Ph. 42602. 610 Sales Persons Wanted . SALESMAN to represent Perma-Seal in Lebanon. Salem. Corvallis. Mc Minnville, Albany, new product.' col orful equipment. Amazing demon stration eliminated competition. Call from 8:30 to 11 a.m. or write 343 E. Bush St. WE WANT 2 persons for our sales de partment. Leads are furnished, coort earnings from start. Apply 439 Court St.. Room 101. 9:30 to 12 noon. SALESMAN with car. Must be good closer and willing. Will consider en-, ergefic. . experienced young married man who can sell appliances. Draw ing account. A good proposition for right party. Apply 2597 Portland Rd. 614 Work Wanted, female MIDDLE AGED WOMAN unencumber ed, good health wants to live in home St help with housework. Room St salary. Prefer farm. Box 807. co Statesman. 615 Situations Wamted ALTERATIONS, misc. sewing and Iron mg. 1485 center. Ph. 2-3416. WILL CARE for children "in my home. 1240 Lee St. Ph. 29965. CARPENTER Work Any kind Rea sonsble 1181 Union Ph 2-1487 CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping 3-9924 PRACTICAL Nurse wants private home nursing. Phone 2-6697. WILL keep children (aged 2 to 6) in my home between hours of $ to 3. CalJ3-4532. BABY SITTING by adult. Ph. 3-4367 HAY Baling, mowing & raking or you may have use of rake. Ph. 31457. or 31467 Salem CHII.D Care, my home davs. one bJk Paulus Cannery. Ph. 28057. WILL Give good home care to 1 small VILL G child. vaIhiT Phone 25874. WASHING and ironing. Ph. 34587. JOBS with D-4. bulldozing or heavy pie-wing It discing. John Tolmsoff, Rt. 1. ;Box 48. 2 mi. N. of Brooks. CEMENT WORK, free est. Ph. 2-71S3. PAINTING & Paperhanging. Don Lucero. Ph. 35522. ' CEMENT work. All kinds Ph. 2-4650 Carpenter work new, repair Ph 22083 BOOKKEEPLNG, Typing Notary Pub lic. 295 Pine. Ph 3-5285. CHILD CARL 183 S. I81h Ph 2-6876 NEW LAWNS, light leveling, mowing (Gibson equipment). Ph. 2-8127. PAINTING inside and out. Ph. 2-2979. PLUMBING WORK wanted. Ph. 3-8377. CARPENTER work, any kind. Reason- able- Ph. 2-2722. MIDDLE AGED Christian woman will care for small children in my home. Also baby sitting. Ph. 36987. CHILD CARE by High school glFl while rpojher works. Exp. Ph. 35377. CURTAINS washed -"stretched. 2-3448. BABY Sitting, day or night. Ph. 29232. EXPERT papering Sc painting. Ph. 39807. H. J. Woodworth. - Nancy's Nursery College Supervision Sc Nursing exp. Phone 2-4940. 620 Day and Contract" Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing.. Ditching Sewer Basement Equipment Rental 10 B-f, yds p-7 Cat it Dozer P-6 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat St Dozer ee ua about, ditching by the foot. Phone days S-9408 Evenings 3-8248 or 2-4400 aJeoa Oregon AUTO PAINTING Just a snaCe better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor Co. 3-810L 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board 2 SLP. ROOMS. Kit. privileges, bus by door. Ph. 28810. 1250 N. 17th. PLEASANT roorn. for gentleman, close In. reas. 194 N. 14th. Ph. 36032. SLEEPING Room for gentleman, pri vate entrance. Ph. 24427. ROOM. Refrig. hotplate. 2131Center SLP" P. RMS. 795 N. Winter. Ph. 3-" ' Dav, week. mo. 539 N. Winter. 3-5539". BY TWO good clean rooms. Double bed. Breakfast It dinner privileges. Phone 38388 NICE, clean rooms. H C water, kit vicaii awiii. a a at wata, chen privileges. Call 754 Ferry St. PLEASANT sip. rm.. very close in. 262 S. Church SLEEPING ROOM for Christian woman 45 vrs or older with home privileges. elec stove, refrig. elec washer. Near Shopnine Center & bus. 2061 State. NEAR CAPITOL. St. Shopping Cenfe for gentleman, ph. 3-5323. 705 Apartments For Rent 3 RM. and bath 1st floor.' private enL Adults. 604 N. Commercial. SPARKLING new cool, mod brick Excel, loc. 360 S. 17th. FLRN. APt priv. bath, close to state bldgs. shopping center. 194 N. 14th Ph. 36032. CLfiAN1 3 rm. furn. apt, close In. Ph, 2-3188 or 2-8369. rURSTSHED APT. .1 small bedrooms, comb. liv. rm. St kitchen, private bath, near state bldgs. and capl'ol shopping center. 1120 Center 5t. Ph 3-7955. 2136 Fairgrounda Road, anfvirn except for friv A- elec slovi St ec tfovg. no. 'P FuitN APT. priv bath, elec heat, em p lady. 715 Fe 3 KM. APT. furn. inc. refrig., close-in No. $37.50. Inq. Burt Plena, iteaitors, 379 N. High St.3.364: , FURN. 2 RM, new dec. all utilities. $25, 1.107 N Com'l. ITRN 1 RM APT., li blk Post office. No children or pets. 241' N. Cottage. 2 RM BSMT APT furnUhed, H St C u nter rail after 6 o'clock. 1840 Courtv UN FURN. upsUirs 2 rm, apt., wired for elec. stove, prl. ent. - bath. $30 mo. Prefer Christian working couple, no drinkers. 1445 B St. Call mornings. EXCLUSIVE new court apt, range, re- frig., laundry, S60. adults, flj. n-wii 1ST Fir furn apt. priv ent St bath. adults. 359 N. Liberty. tn. aim. RICELY furn. 2 rm. apts. $65 a $67.50 Ambassador ADts.. 550 N. Summer. LIVE better at The Ambassador. $52 JO to $75. 550 N. Summer. NICE Furn. apt. Just redecorated. Good loc. 1075 NL CaDItOl. Ph. 3-8706 bEAUTlI'UL Gaoraene Gables. 907 S. 13th. 1 BR. apt unfurn. except for refrie. ranee, auto, laundry, walk ing distance to state bldgs, bus at corner. FURN APT. all of upstairs fir. suitable for S people, good east aide location. Reas. rent. Ph. Z783B. 707 Houms For Rnt 3 BJL mod, unfurn. house. $60. No pets. Call eves, or Sat. A Sun. 2290 Hazel Ave. I B- HSE, unfurn.. 4 corners, middle aged pref. Box 803. Statesman, rCft RENT:"" Very nice new 1 BA. home. oU ht, fireplace. M Morning clrlo nr nluiiw 4-5785. NEARLY New ail elec 1 B. R. house and garage. $60 mo. liml E. of Pen corners, vn. auis. i jmit. 4 feEORoOtl Mob-a H6L's.: PH. 22828. iDR60 house. $40. tail at 2303 N. Liberty St. , . rBJu UNfVRN BSC avaU about June sbout June I and ghU: 17. 27B5 9. IZtn. 3 ROOM furn. house, water garde- spot. 2441 tee St- 700 Rentals 710 Wanted To Kent Homes 2 or 3 B. R. house, not over $5 pn. g-aqon. 2 B.R. FURN or unfurnlhse. KnglewooA Dit. pref. Ph. 39997. ': 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, best of reft, 1 can. or wmj. MAN AND WIFE With grown Son & daughter needs three B.R. house. Will furnish ref-rences. Phone 26860. 2 BEDROOM modern house .wanted. Phone 2-3495. 14 Business Rental UliS IN ESS Room U U Stiff FOR LEASE business building on 99E. Ph. 37420. , - BASEMENT STORAGE. 1400 square ft!. freight elevator, rn. iJ-38. uown town location. 716 Resort Rentals ON THE EDGE OF THE OCEAN Sea Vista complete housekeeping cot tages. Week or weekend vacations. Depoe Bay, phone 133- 800 Real Estate $7350 Each One, Noi, One So. One soutjh of State St. on 14h. T rms Sc (basement, cor lot. one north -on Hood St. Just off Capitol St. J rms. -no basement. Will trade thla one for 3 pr 4 bedim home in Engle wood dist. $1500 fin, Richmond Dist. Good 5 rm home with full basement, sawdust furnace, fireplace, dining rm. 2 nice bedrms. nice kitchen m nook, back inclosed yard. 8oo. Madsen Realty Co. 1326 State St. Phone 3-BMft Outstanding Values $175 MONTH INCOME 3 UNIT APT. HOUSE ON CORNER LOT. Located close to town. Com pletely furnished. Price $12,750. (Might trade for small home or acre age.) $8950 SPECIAL i NEARLY NEW LARGE Bdrm Home with nice sized basmt and oil fur nace piped to all rooms. 2 car ga rage Hdwd firs, beautiful kitchen. Good residential district in S. Sa lem with nice view. TERMS' $2950 down and $54 per month. This home is leased till Dec. but will pay J oU , $75 month till then. 1070 N. 15th ST. EXCELLENT ENGLEWOOD HOM1 with all those desirable features In eluding 4 bdrms. big basmt, beauti ful yard. Please call office for ap pqirftment to see through this fine . home now. NEW RANCH STYLE 2 Bedrooms, bath, good sized living rm. kitchen. (Finished on the out side - unfinished on inside.) Price' $3950. EXCEPTIONAL BUY. RUSTIC 6 ACRES OLDER TYPE MODERN 3 BDRM HOME in need of some repair. Hag new electric water heater, laundry trays, new electric pump ft well it septic tank. Located north on Clax ter road. Price $53H0 - TERMS $850 down and $50 per month. BILL LAMPARTER EVE PH. 2-3931 OSCAR SEDERSTROM EVE PH. 2-5211 CENTER ST. OFFICE COLBAfTH LAND CO. REALTORS 1683 Center St. Phone 2-455 1227 COURT You can't beat this for a close-in lo cation, soundly built. No. 2 apV house zone, Ige. lot. 4 spacious bdrms. full basmt, auto-oil heat, dble. ga rage, a real value at $12,000. Call Peter H. Geiser. CANDALARIA HOME New 3 bdrm. home with good view. lrg, nv. rm. at am. rm. kiicnen wiin brkf. nook, full daylight; basmt. with fireplace., auto-oil hea 2 car aU tached garage. To see call Earl West. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT 4 bdrm. liv. rm. din. rm. hall fit bat! ath, lw iea tile drainboards, colotyle bath..hdv firs, fireplace, full bismnt. auto-heal uur Desi Duy at an.wuu. I Call Roy Ferris GRABENMORST BROS. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sundays call Peter Geiser 2-9968. Roy Ferris 2-8010, Earl West 2-0608 2, IC1 "RElZEft " DWrTCT" $10,500. 6 room. 3 bedroom moder house. Fireplace, etc. Doutjl garage. Nearly l' acres. Thji place is less than a block froiA, the School corner. ' $10,500. Hazel Green Rd. 6 acres witjk modern 3 bedroom house, nre Dlace. Hardwood floors, etc. $ 8,500. Northeast. 6 acres with mod em 10 room house. Fireplace, some hardwood floors, base ment. furnace. $ 7.800. Glen Creek Drive. A good I room nouse wim tuu oasemens, S.D. Furnace. Lot 75 x 120. $10,500. Neef Add. A nearly new 2 bed room house,, attached garage. This piffle has dining roorfL nook, utility room. Floor fut nace. This is a very neat place, $ 8.S00. University St. room house. Part hardwood floors. fireplacsV basement. Has a $6400 F. H, A loan. Rostein & Adolph, Inc. 110"4 is. Commercial Bt. Phone 3- -?030 Too Good to Be True 90 acres. Santlam river bottom, bull Inge Include. 1 33 stanchion ba fuQ of cows -with the bull thr in. also loafing shed. aU farm eq ment included. Priced at $33 $14,000 down or can be bought 1st stock, you will like this farm. Can Mr. Greer. Beautiful 3 bedroom house. N. near school bus. It is well worth sesso. Wm. Bliven & Co. Realtors 64T North High St. . Phone 3S61t evtntxigs 33283 SEVERIN REALTY COj Improvements and equipment wortk the asking price. Good 24 A. Farm, on 99 E. bearing fruit and nuts. Ex cellent improvements. Ford tractor and equipment. $16,500.00. 8'i Acres, on nice year round creek. gaved Rd. close to town, lovely 4 i.R. home. Berries ready to her vest. It Is irrigated. Cash In right now. $20,000.00 with good terms. Dandy 4 Rm. Hse. Englewood Dirt Nice lot, close to bus and shopping district. Neat and clean. $5000.60. Good terms. New 4 B.Rl Home, ready to move Into. It's a Beauty. (With full basement. Fireplace. H W. Firs, 3 car garage. Located S. $14,000.00. F-H-A. finano lng. i - SEVERIN REALTY CO. 312 N. High St. Ph. 3-4016. Eve: 3-39SJ LOTS OF ROOM Attractive 3 bedroom home with extra room down now Used as music room, nice living room and dining room. Oil furnace, garage. 3 blks to grade school. 1 blk to transportation. Only $9200. $1200 down. ; j HIGHWAY rRONTAGE Fine well-arranged 3 bedroom home with living rm. dining rm, fireplace, utility rm on a very valuable high war lot South. Full price $10,850. $2500 down. j Q. I. LOANS ' We have 3 very good 3 bdrm home that might qualify for G. I. loans. Two at $7900 and one at $6900. Au on hard' surfaced streets close in. CITY HOUSE WANTED For nice Improved 10 acres with I bdrm plastered house, bam. , poultry house. 50 walnut trees, . 30 Italian prune trees, berries of all kinds. Better hurry!" Call West 3-5481 , Murphy & Kent, Realtor M N. Church Ph. 4 23C3 Xves: Humphreys X-79b5; j Anderson .-1744. 1 i v- t j : tt t IMI ' , ir