The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 08, 1950, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 Th Statesman, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, fane 8, 1950
Terry Cloth Good Fabric for Beach "
Accessories, as Towels, Stoles, Bags
By Sue Gardner '
- There are dozens of gay ac
cessories and handy- items for
your home that you can make
out of terry
cloth toweling
this season. Any
woman who ca
sew, can fash
ion a good
beach costume
out of the
toweling. You
I can make a pair
of shorts out of
two towels,
bath size, and
bra out of
. two washclothes. A matching
stole and beach bag, or the last
two of contracting colors or de
sign, will give you a handsome
looking beach costume.
The popular "dry-off coats
for after your swim are best
when made of toweling because
of its absorbent quality. A wrap
around towel dress, fastened
; with bows and strapless. Is good
or wear after a shower In your
Mrs. Schramm Is
Hostess to Board
Mrs. A. A. Schramm was hostess
Tuesday at"-her country home on
the little north fork of the Santiam
to -members of the YWCA board
and staff.
The morning session was devot
ed to a board meeting, and follow
ing luncheon, the group heard re
ports on Y-Teens by Miss Norma
Wallace and young adults by Miss
Joyce Lamoreaux. Miss Gertrude
Acheson, executive secretary led
xne discussion. J '
Those attending were Miss Ach
eson, Miss Lamoreux, Miss Wal
lace, Mrs. Norman Winslow, Mrs.
Bruce Spaulding, Mrs. Lester Barr,
Mrs, Robert Shinn, Mrs. Wallace
Carson, Mrs. Chester Cox, Mrs.
G. F, Chambers, Mrs. Carlton Mc
Leod and Mrs. William Crothers
and Mrs. Schramm. i
Iva F. Turner
Contest Held1
Three young pianists received
awards of cash in the Iva F. Tur
ner contest conducted this week
end under the sponsorship of the
Salem branch, Oregon Music Tea
chers association.
Ann Gibbens, graduating senior
at Salem high school, won the $20
Iva F. Turner Memorial award
with a score of 92 percent
In addition ,the Music Teach
ers association awarded $5 to two
who tied for the elementary school
ward with scores , of 95 per
cent, Mary Linda ! Doerfler and
Suzanne DeArmond. '
The junior high school pupil
winning the $7 Salem Business enf
Irofessional Woman's club award
was Jane McGrath who made a
grade of 92 percent.
Twenty-two entered the con
test which is given annually for
Cudents of members of the Salem
uslc Teachers association. -
: By Elizabeth Blllyer
mi I m mt
Do you have trouble with slip
covers that slip up? It's so disap
pointing to succeed in making"
slipcovers lit. only to have the
imoot h-a s-upholstery J effect
polled by their not staring in
place. Blame the chair, not the
snaking, and do something" about
It. The fault usually lies in the
fact that cushions aren't tight
enough against the inside arms
and back of the chair. Make an
anchor tor -the slipcover to fin
in -the open area around the
base of the seat cushion. A roll
' of fabric, almost as long as the
measurement of three sids of
the cushion, does very well. It
can be made of leftover pieces
: of the slipcover fabric or of an
other cloth,' sewed into a long
roll and stuffed with fabric
' scraps. Tuck the roll around the
cushion down into the chair.
, Leara now to auaka aare-ftttlng
" alest. eUpeevers yourself with the
ftetp of F.ltsaketh Hlllyer's keeklet
WAY. This booklet is years tor IS
ceats la eoJa and a atamped, sU-
auresaeo emvetope awat to ; M
a MUlyer at sltta MvmMr.
(Copyright 1S50 by John F. DiUe Co.)
Complete Line ef
rigTirinea A SappUegi -
Freo Lessons
Aiteneon Evening Classes
11S1 S. CemmercUI Street
country place. These are most
attractive when made with gay
towels that have attractive plaid
or checked designs. A pair of
ballet slippers for wear around
the house can be made to match
out bf a pair of washcloths.
An attractive shower cap can
be made out of plastic and lined
with terry cloth. Bathrobes for
children- are also easily made of
terry cloth. One of the handiest
aprons I have seen is one made
for I use when bathing a baby.
The! .moth wears the apron by
means of a cord that .fastens
around her neck and around her
waist with a pair of snaps. She
lifts the baby. Up and puts him
in a toweL By a slight pull, she
releases the snaps and the whole
towel Is free for wrapping the
baby while she dries him.
You can also make dozens of
clever dolls and animals out of
terry cloth wash towels. These
are easily laundered and clean
for the baby if he throws them
around in playing. . "
, (Copyright 150. General Features
: Copr.) .- -
The new Young Married
People's class of the First Baptist
church will meet for their June
party Friday night at 8 o'clock at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Fleishman at 930 North 12th street
Group Heard
In Recital
A group of piano pupils of Ruth
Bedford will appear in recital at
Roberts studio Friday night at 8
o'clock. The Interested public is
invited. Prof. R. S. Roberts will
assist at the organ. r.
Students playing are betty Jo
Davenport Mervin Brokke, ! Lo
Anne Mundinger, Kay Scherrer,
Marjory Beaver, Gary Jones,
Anita Tbnning, Dorothy MacGre
gorr Henry Bartel, Doris Bennett,
Beth Wendt, Michelle Edwards,
Max Suko, Lawrence Scheelar,
Bob Carlson, Dorothy Cannon and
Nadine Small.
Shower to Fete
Miss Needham
Miss Cynthia Needham, June
bride-elect of Lawrence Orth, will
be feted at a bridal party Friday
afternoon when - Mrs. John Os
born entertains. Bidden are mem
bers of the G. T. club of Roberts
of which the bride-elect's mother,
Mrs.: Frank Needham. is a mem
ber. A miscellaneous shower will
honor the bride-to-be. A dessert
luncheon will be served to twen
ty-five guests and the afternoon
will ; be spent informally.
j , h
skp ct this j 71
tit your food store .MV fcPfy V & Jiff fit M$ I
JUNE 1 to JULY 5 DISPLAY lj. fflivil 0 J
i. V
Stocks Score
Gains Despite
Profit Taking
NEW YORK, June 7-(F)-The
stck -rkp sored fresh gains to
day in th face -f widespread pro
fit taking. .
Fi .lees' were up fractions to
a top of three points or so but were
rider the best marks for the ses-j
slon. At one time gains of one to
four points were will distributed,
with some shares at peak prices
since 1929.
SteeL motor and radio-televi
sion stocks were most' in demand.
Selected railway issues did well
for a while out had trouble hang
ing on to gains.
Business expanded on the way.
contracted when demand' faded.
Sales of 1,750,000 shares compar
ed wltn z.Z50,ooo Tuesday.
The market started on a steady
footing after yesterday morning's
bad spill and later spirited rally,
but minor strain of weakness
soon developed. The decline was
quickly stopped and a brisk rally
got rolling in .mid-morning. To
ward the close the rise stalled and
most stocks closed under the best
prices of the session.
1 The Associated Press average of
60 stocks edged up J2 of one point
to 78.8, just a breath under a four-
year peak.
A total of 1,130 individual Issues
changed hands, of which 621 ad
vanced and 263 declined. .
Portland Livestock
Salable cattle 250; acUve, all slaughter
Classes generally steady; duus un
changed: part load good 1071 lb. fed
steers SO .50; medium short fed and
grass steers Z7.5O-2S.50; common 24.00
28 JO; few medium grass heifers 25.00
common ls.fMKZ3.eo; medium cows
19.90-22.00: common 17.00-1S.00: can
nets-cutters 14.50-18.50: shells down to
13.00; good beef and sausage bulb
220)0-23.00; medium 30.00-21.50; cut.
ter-eommon 17.00-19.00; few good 500'
960 lb. feeder steers 24.00-26.00.
Salable calves 90; vealers steady to
trifle easier; odd head choice 29.00
30.00; bulk good 26.00-28.00; medium
22.00-25.00: common 14.00-21.00.
Salable hoes 200: generally steady:
bulk good-choice 180-235 lb. butchers
21.75-22.00; latter price top; 245-285 lbs.
19.50-21.00: few 155 lb. offerings 20.00:
bulk good-choice sows 300-475 bs.
16.75-17.50: 290-570 lbs. mostly 16.50.
Salable sheep 400; spring lambs weak
to 50 cents lower; old crop shorn
lambs and yearlings weak: shorn
laughter ewes about steady; bulk
good-choice 90-105 lb. spring lambs
25.50-2S.00: medium-good S2.OO-25.0O:
few medium old crop lambs and shorn
yearlings 18.00-20.00; odd head good
140 id. wooied owes bulk good
choice shorn owes 7.50-8.00: common
medium 4.50-7.00; several small lots
64-78 lb. shorn feeding lambs 19.00-50.
Portland Grain
PORTLAND, Juno T -(AP)- Cash
wheat (bid): Soft white 2.22; soft
white fno Rex) 3.22: White club 2.22,
Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.23;
10 per cent SJS; 11 per cent 2J3:
u per cent ia
Today's car receipts: Wheat S3,
barley 1, flour 1, corn 3. oats 2, miH
feed S.
hou AWTMotirr or tmi coca-coia
For lios
'!' . .. 1 ... ''. f .'"Mi "" . -- ,MV'" ;.. "-". . '' M , r --. - ?. ,:. '..
i . ' .-..-. 1 .
; (Dfiity (DMitiman'fiesI
BTKON ' : - ' ' - '
Frederick 8. Brnon. sr. late resident
aI 1AAI f ......... -, M. I LmivIUI
June a.- Survived by widow, Stella L.
uynon ot saietn; tore aauKnlcrs, Mrs.
r. C VonGortler of SeatU. Waah
Mrs. Charles E. Low of Brooking,
and Mrs. Ivor Neal Stewart of Klam
aih Falls: two sons, Fred 8. Bynon.
jr- ana oeorge rsynoa. ooia oi
Salem; 11 grandchildren, Including
Fred S. By non HI. and three great
grandchildren. Servicea will be held
Friday, Juno a, at 10 JO ajn. atClough
Barrick chapel. The Rev. C E. Brick
wedel will officiate. Interment at Mt.
Crest Abbey mausoleum.
EKnXMNO """""
Mai.' Leander T. trpeldln. late real-
dent ot U1S N. Slat st. In Japan
April 21, at the ago of M. Survived
by parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Er
peldlng of Salem; brother, Leonard
(Bud Erpeldlng of Sweetwater, Tex
and two sisters, Mrs. Clarence Ootfln
of Shaw and Magdalene Erpeldlng of
saiem. Announcement oi services jaier
by the. W. T. Rig don chapeL
Ernest A. SosteL lata resident ot
UO , Strand ave. at a local hospital.
June S, at the ago of 43. Survived by
widow, Margaret uensiey itostej oi
Salem, and brother, Bert Kostel of
Central Point. Services will bo held
Portland Produce
PORTLAND. June T -(AP)- Butter-
fat tentative, subject to immediate
change: premium quality, maximum to
Ji w l per- cent acicmy oeuverea in
Portland. 61-64a lb,: first auallty. 58-
62c; second quality. 57-60c.
Butter wholesale F.03. bulk cubes
to wholesalers: grade AA, 93 score. 60c
lb.; A, 82 score, 60c; B. so score, esc; C.
core. ooc. Above prices arsrstneuy
Cheese Selling price to Portland
wholesalers: Oregon singles, 56-39 ,ic
lb.; Oregon 5-lb. ktaf, 41-41 'ic.
Eggs tor wholesalers: A grade, large.
32,br43c dot.; A grade, medium. 40c;
Stocks and Bonds
Compiled by the Associated Press
Juno 7
i 30 U II M
f Indust Rails Utll Stock
Net change unch A J A.4 A 2
Wednesday 112.0 42a 47.S 78.8
Prev day 112J) 4ZJ 47J 78.6
Week ago Ull3 43.7 473 79.1
Monts' ago 109.5 43J 463 77.6
Year ago 83.S 3L1 39.0 59.8
New 1950 high. '
Rails Indust Utll forgo
Net change D.l
Wednesday 94.C
Prev day ., , 94.7
Week ago 94 J
Month ago 95 J
Year ago 89.4
D.1 A.l unch
102.2 104.8 74.9
102.3 104.7 74.9
102.3 104.8 75.1
102.6 104.4 74.5
101.6 102.2 69.7
Walter Gruenfelder has been, by or
der of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Marion Count, appoint
ed Administrator of th Estate of
Mehrin Gruenfelder, deceased. Any
nersona ha vine claims aaalnst said
estate are requested to present them,
with proper vouchers, to said Admin
istrator at 2819 North Front Street.
Salem. Marion County. Oregon with
in six months, from the data ot this
Date: May ttl. 1950.
Administrator of the Estate of
Melvin Gruenfelder, deceased.
Herbert W. Carter
Pioneer Trust Bide,
Salem. Oregon
Attorney for said estate
First Publication: May It. 1950
Last Publication: June 15. 1950
My 18-25 J. 1-8-15
sorvo Coca-Cola
Ihb natural parfnor
of good things to oat-
G BottU Csrfca 25
rUa Depea .
cox r ant it
Thursday. Juno 8. at 2 p jn. at the
W. T. Kigaon cnapei wun wo nev.
M. A. -Getzendaner offlciatinf assisted
by the Rev. Dudley Strain. Interment
at Jacksonville. .
Vaughan Keith Msedonald. lata resi
dent of 4380 Madeay rd, at a local
horalt. June 7. Survived by wife.
Catherine Macdonald. Salem; sisters.
Mrs. Sarah Martin. Ottawa, Canada,
and Mrs. Marlorio Barton, U liver, a.
C.; and a brother, Joseph Macdonald,
New York City. Announcement of
services later by Clough-Barrick
chapel. - j j
SHOLT7ND - 1 f
Mrs. Ethel Burris Sholund. late resi
dent of 404 S. High si, Juno 7. at a
local hospital. Survived by nieces, Mrs.
Lois Eastman. Altadena. Calif., and
Mrs. Airs E. Cain, San Francisco;
nephews, Paul F. and W. O. Burris,
both of Salem, J. H. i Burris, San
Marino, Calif., and Max H.. Burris,
Eugene. Services win be held from
the Virell T. Golden chapel Friday.
June 9, at 1030 aja. Interment at
City View cemetery.
John Warrington, late resident of
139 N. 4th sU at a local hospital
June 7 at the age of 78. Announce
ment ox services later oy noweu
Edwarda chapel.
B grade, large, M-37e dox.
uve Chickens (wo. l ouaiiiy. r.o.u
lanta): broilers under 1 lbs. nominal:
ryers. 2'-3 lbs. 25c: S-4 lbs 29-
30c: Toasters. 4 lbs. and over, 29c:
liffht hens under 4 lbs 15-lBc: over
4 lbs.. 17.18c: heavy hens, all weights.
ic; old roosters, all weights, li-uc
Babbits (average to growers) : live
white. 4-8 lbs, 22-24C lb;; 5-4 lbs.. 18
20c: colored. 1 cents lower: old or
heavy does and bucks, 1014e lb.; Fresh
dressed fryers to retailers 50-64c; Idaho
inrers and roasters. 45c.
Fresh dressed meata (wholesalers to
retailers: aouars per cwt) :
Beef: Steers, good. 500-80V Id.. S47
49.50: commercial. S4S-48: utility. $40
44; cows, commercial. 540-42; utility,
S37-3; canners -cutters,
Beef cuts (good steers): Hind auar
ters. $58-61; rounds, $5458; full loins.
trimmed, $70-75; tiiaaeies, $38-42
square chucks, $43-47; ribs, $40-42.50
foreauarters. $3842.
Veal: Good. $48-50: commercial. $40-
7; utility, S38-40.
Calves: good -choice,
rhercial, $37-43.
$45-57; conv
Lambs: Good -choice.
$48-50; com
$49-41; good
merciaL $45-40: utility.
choice springers. $53-54.
Mutton: uood. vu ids..
down, $23-23.
Pork cuU: Loins. Na 1. 8-12 lbs
$52.50-56; shoulders. 16 lbs. down. $35'
37: carcasses. $30-31: soareribs. $41-44.
Wool: Valley, course, medium grades.
50-56c lb. average at country bi
DOints. i
Mohair: 50-56c lb. on 12-month
growth, F.O.B. country shipping points.
uouciry-Kiiiea meats:
Veal: Top quality. 3S-40c lb.; other
grades according to wetghl-cjuaiity with
lighter or Heavier 3338c.
Hogs: ught biockersL zs?30c id.;
sows. 20-23c.
Lambs: Tod auallty yearlings. 42-44C
lb.; muttons, best. ISc-ISc; rough heavy
bucks. 12-14C.
Beef: good cows. 33-34e lbJ canners-
cutters. 30-32C.
Onions: 50-lb. sack Ore. western ye I
- V, " " -i-l"'-","", 'M' " "'' ' " ( "
V4-H.P. Electric Drill
Witt. 26 Attachments
Complefo Set, Just 1 O
!.'. - -
Compact utility drift withi 10-pc filah pd driN $t
Vis to Va'i doth buffing whel grinding whel; rubber
sanding disc; sheepskin bormtf 6 tandpapr disai
template); attachment adapter; paint mixer and drill s!d
handle, racked in handy carrying case. See it todayl
Dunlcp Va-in. Drill
-1 New Design) For Heavy Jobs
Priced low, Just 1 29.95
Uebhretflkt eleeifaMHB Iraatei
iff rMeMst psWCiSeaMsl 94bW
Wfsar swilek, 7-A. mr4,
lows. No. 1, medloum. $15-50: large
11.65-75; Texas SO lbs. wax. S3.50-75;
Calif, yellows $1.75-2.00: reds S2.25-35.
Potatoes: Ore. local long whites. No.
1. S2.75-3.00: Deschutes russets, cold
C3 )
Notice hereby is given that, at the
school district bond election hereby
called, to bo held at the following poll
ing "places:
For School FJecetioa Precinct No. I.
consisting of Marion County election
precincts nos. 7. it, zc. ana so.
Highland School. North 6th Highland:
For School Election Precinct No. Z.
consisting of Marion County election
d rennets nos. sz. so ana oo ana pans
of 69. 72, and 128. Washington School;
IBS Lansing Avenue,
For School Election Precinct No. 2.
consisting of Marion County election
precincts nob. b. , ia. zi. zz, n. aa ana
42. Grant School, North Cottage &
For School Election Precinct No. 4.
consisting of Marion County election
precincta noa. i, iv. za. zi, za ana sh,
Englewood School. North 19th St Ne
braska:! For School Election Precinct No. B.
consisting of Marion County election
Sreclncta Nos. 2. 10, 1L 12. 16. 17. 23,
and 31. the Pubic School Office
Building. 460 North Hirh Street:
For School neceuon Precinct No. a.
consisting of Marion County election
ai a nisi nil aiAai m. s aa vn wra ann an
wi wauvw aiui ep -m w v aw ww aaa w,
Richmond School, Richmond At Mill
For-School Elecetton Precinct No. T.
cons is tine of Marlon County, election
precincta nos. u, is, z. sz, m ana i,
Leslie Junior High School. S. Cottage
at uewara;
ror scnooi zaecuon precuct no. b.
consisting of Marion County election
precincts nos, 49. es. u ana los ana
parte of Nos. 154, 156 and 164. Salem
Heights school. 34S3 Liberty Road;
For School Election precinct No. I.
consisting of Marion County election
precincta Nos. 54. 57. 63 and Dart of 166.
Lincoln School, .South Elma Ss Beck
For School Election Precinct No. 10,
consisting of Polk County election pre
cincts nos. l. z. ana ana part oi a,
the West Salem School, 1117 Third
in. and for School District No. 14CJ,
Marion County, Oregon, on the 19th
day of June. A. D. 1950, between the
hours of 2 o'clock P.M. and S o'clock
P.M. there will be submitted to the
legal voters thereof the question of
contracting a bonded indebtedness in
the sum of one million dollars (t 1.000.
000.00) for the purpose of providing
funds with which to acquire, construct
reconstruct, improve, repair, equio and
furnish school -buildings or additions
thereto, and to acquire property, real
and personal, appurtenant thereto or
connected therewith, in and for the
said school district.
The vote to be by ballot upon which
Shall be the words "BONDS YES" and
"BONDS NO", and the voter shall place
a cross (X) between the words
"BONDS- and the "YES or between
the word "BONDS" and the word
"NO", whichever Indicates his choice.
The polls for the reception of the
ballots cast for or against the conirac
tion of said indebtedness will, on said
day and date and at the places afore-.
aaid. be ooened at the nour of Z o clock
P.M. knd remain open until the hour of
$ o'clock PM. of the same day, at
which hour the same shall be closed.
Bv order of the district school board
of School District No. 24CJ. Marlon
County, Oregon, made this 23rd day oi
May..D. 1950.
Chairman. District School Board
District Clerk J. 1-8
i i
4-In. Bench Grinder
Special Price For Th5 Sole
Dunlop lron34 17.50
1 - a J
IW sl)T4ss WSiVSeSai fcjejeje iW
See k Weyt
pzzzzs&ztcz feu zczc
New York Stock Quotation!
NEW YORK, June 7-(ff)-To day! closing quotations:
American Can -116 Gen Electric L.,-... 48 Radio Corp
Am Pow & Lt 20 Gen Foods I '-, ;, 51 Rayonier ;
Am Tel it Tel 159V4 Gen Motors
Anaconaa szia uoodyear
Bendix A via ,
Beth Steel
Boeing Air
Calif Pack
Canadian Pac
Case J I
45y4 Int Harvest
38 Int Paper
28 Kennecott
41 Libby Me N&L
15 Long Bell A .
45 Mont Ward
43 Nash Kelvin - .
73 Nat Dairy
Cons Vultee
Continental Can
Crown Zel -Curtis
Douglas Air
Dupont de Ne
82 Penney J
storage. No. 1A, $4-23-60: Idaho Russets.
No, ia, maoin; new crop cam. long
whites. $3.00-23, some to $330; size
B. $23-33.
Hav: v. B. no. a green aiiaira. truck
or car lota 7jQ3. Portland or Puget
Vitamin B-12 Plus Folic Acid
Proved Effective in Combating
.Fatiguo Anemia and "Nerves"
"The healing power of the red crystals of the new Vitamin
B-12 is awesome," says the February Issue of Reader's Di
gest. This article tells of the clinical proof and effectiveness
of this revolutionary discovery that successfully battles the
majority of deadly anemias and combats fatigue. RUBI
CAPS, a new capsule, contains a complete high potency B
complex plus 3 megm. of Vitamin B-12 and 1 mg. of folic
acid. i
Trial Bottle of St
Bottle of 108
Combination Table Saw
and Jointcr-Planor
With Motor and Bench
Dunlap 8-in. tilting table saw, 2-fct. cut; tHta (M5 de
greeti 16-31 6x1 2-ln. table with extension. 4-in.
baK bearing Jointer-Planner, Oaftwncm-mode. H-in.
maximum cut and rabbet depth. 19V4-ln. fence tilts 45
degrees. Includes all 'necessary accessories for mounting.
.0-in. Portable Saw
6400 K. P. M. Free Blade Speed
He M 2Vh. efcef 4eV
45 aWgree angle. t keacatf
feci fj
. , 93 Rayonier i)fd 34 V
Tire 94 Va Reynolds Met 23
28 Richfield
45 Safeway
57 Sears Roeb
? Co Pacific
Stan Oil Cal
60V, Studebaker
20 Sun Mining ,
42Transaxnerica 18
. 34 '
. 944
ase 34?1
14'iN-Y Central 12 Union Oil 264
40 Northern Pac 19 Un Pacific 87
35 Pac Am Fish . 12ft Un Airlines 13
8V, Pac Gas Elec . 34 U S Steel 35
1 llO'a Warner Bros,
C .
Sound markets, $32-36 ton; V. 8. No. 1
mixed Timothy $44 ton; oats and vetch
mixed hay or uncertified clover hay
nominally $27-30.; depending on quality
and location, baled, on Willamette Val
ley farms., - ,.,.
Insist on RUBICAPS
Reader's Digest Reports
3.50 Stanley Drug Prodacta
10.00 Portland If. Oregon
3-Drum Deit Sander
Fine Performer 58.95
Direct spiral aea
ssotcr shoft le drive sheft Oeasrol
SecMe aiolor. Wl iree 3-4 Me
fa la . mA 1 aaHBMaVal i
550 N. Capitol
Phone 3-9191
. iwnv wiwywai ; 1 ftlWIW