The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 08, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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    bKW,AJ..,l.l-,W-..,W , I II I I... mi. , 1
Mm. Wendell pcdr Hall, who wcfs Viola Aepp before
her marriage on June 4 at the Rainier Methodist church.
The bride is the daughter of the Erik Klepps of Rainier and
her husband is the son of the George A. Halls of Salem. The
newlyweds will live in Salem this summer and in the fall
(Will go to Myrtle Creek, where he teaches. Gesten-Miller
photo). . ' .'.H ' v
From the South
Stuffed Rolls, Prune Cookies Among
Rocipes Coming from Research Group
By Msxine Buren
Statesman Woman'! Editor
The producers of fruit, who livt in the state to our immediate
south, are very generous in their offerings of recipes using their
products. Here we pass on a few, mostly very good and timely too.
Here's a new one to serve with a salad for luncheon:
cup green olives y teaspoon Worcestershire
, Vi cup grated American sauce
cheese (packed) cup mayonnaise
, teaspoon grated onion 4 finger rolls
Cut olives from, pits into small pieces. Combine with cheese, on
ion, Worcestershire sauce and mayonnaise. Split rolls lengthwise
nd hollow out'centers slightly. FUl with olive-cheese mixture and
press halves together again. Bake in slow oven (325 degrees F.)
bout 20 minutes or until rolls are heated through and filling be
gins to melt. Serves 4. ,
Then there's another olive recipe, this time using the ripe ones:
H cup ripe olives 7 'Vt cup finely chopped celery -
. : 1 (3-ounce) package . Salt and pepper to taste
cream cheese . 1 I to 2 tablespoons milk
Cut olives from pitsTnto small pieces. Soften cream cheese and
Wend with enough milk to give spreading consistency. Add celery,
lives and seasonings to taste. Makes about 1 cup spread,
r Cooked dried prunes, now in the markets in generous supply go
to make these cookies: S
ked prunes 1 cud choDoed blanched al.
3 cups sifted all-purpose flour
1 tea'spoon salt
teaspoon soda
i 1 Manle frostinir
Cut prunes from pits into small pieces. Cream shortenin and
sugar together. Mix in prunes, beaten eggs, flavoring, oats and
almonds. Sift flour with salt and; soda and beat into cream mix
ture. Drop by small teaspoonfuls .onto ungreased cooky sheet,
bout 2 inches apart. Bake in ho .oven (400 degrees F.) 13 to 15
minutes. Frost with maple frosting. Makes about 3 dozen cook
ies. . ,;-!.
k cup cream ' . l teaspoon maple extracts
' I tablespoons butter j , Few grains salt
t cups confectioners' sugar l 9
Combine cream and butter and! heat to boiling. Add remaining
Ingredients and beat until smooth. Add more, cream or milk to
five spreading consistency if necessary.
14 cups cooked prunes
l cup snortening'
Vk cups granulated sugar
s eggs
1 teaspoon maple extract
I cup quick-cooking oats
t medium-sized oranges
l small clove garlic
French dressing
S avocados
Peel and section oranges.' Rub
Salad greens for garnish
1 tablespoon crumbled Roque
cheese French dressing
Inside of small bowl with cut
clove of garlic. Place oranges in bowl and cover with French
dressing. Let stand while preparing remainder of salad. Cut each
avocado Into halves lengthwise and remove seed and skin. Place
one-half avocado on each garnished salad plate. Fill with orange
sections and sprinkle with Roquefort cheese. Serve with French
dressing. Serves 4. '
Recital Set for
Tonight at 8 '
, Mrs. Ronald Craven will pre
sent piano pupils in the second of
a series of spring recitals tonight
at 8 o'clock in the Stone Piano
company. 1 -t-
j Miss Barbara Callowaya voice
pupil of Lena Belle Tartar and a
string trio' of Mrs. Hal DeSart,
violin, H. Lucas, cello and Toni
DeSart, piano will assist, as will
several other pianists. (;
Others who will play are: Janice
Fax. Larrv and Dennis
JoAnn McCoy, Judy Barry, Gary
j and Sue Z wicker, Carol Smith,
Jack Bowman. Janice Roberts.
Allen and Wayne Simmons, Pat
Perrin, SKarert- Covert, Nancy
Weeks, Valdene Aebi, Barbara
Smith, Carol Stettler. Marlva
Clark, Sharon Johnson, Maxin
King, Anita Tonning, Helen
Booth, Natalie Cunningham, Celia
Weaver and Barbara Bennett.
YWCA Camping
Advantages Told
Camp Westwind, YWCA camp
near Otis Junction promises excit
ing new adventures for girls be
tween the ages of 10 and 17 this
summer. Special features will in
clude horseback riding along camp
iraus ana aown tne beach and a
deep-sea fishing cruise. r
Girls will take part In the trad
itional salmon bake on the beach,
nd on the more serious side wUl
worship together. The camp pro
gram includes one . week sessions
running July 7 through August 4.
Complete details may be obtained
from the Salem YWCA, '
Sweet Home Tea
Benefits; Library
; SWEET HOME The Federat
ed Woman's club of Sweet Home
gave a tea Saturday afternoon at
the bom of Mr. and Mrs. Milton
weaaie tor the benefit of th
Sweet Home public library. Pour
ing were Mrs. Sig Sand, Mrs. John
T. Russell and Mrs. E. B. Red
mond, library board members, and
mrs. uonam tiermes, who is li
A highlight of the afternoon
was a display of Chinese art, rare
and valuable pieces contributed by
members of the fine arts m-nnn a
division of the Woman's club, who
nave Deen studying Chinese cul
ture. Frenche's. of Albanv and
Monner's gift shop of Lebanon also
loaned articles for display.
Mrs.t Stewart Weiss, former
member of the library board, now
icMumg ai raim ueacn, ueoii
Was present at the tea.
Fifty Years (
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Noble
will be honored on Monday, June
12, In celebration of their 50th wed
ding anniversary. A reception will
be held at Mayflower hall begin
ning at 8 o'clock to which their
friends and relatives are invited.
There will be dancing to the mu
sic of Julius Moen's orchestra un
til 12 o'clock. ,
Bella Henry came to this coun
try from Ireland when six years
old, and with her parents settled
in Belle Plaine, Iowa. Mr. Noble
was born in Ames, Iowa. The cou
ple was married at Belle Plaine
where they lived until moving to
Salem in 1930. They live at 263
North 13th street.
Mr. and Mrs. Noble's children
are Mrs. Rex Cain, Salem, Mrs.
Charles Farber, Grants Pass, Ja
mes G. and Earl R. Noble, both of
baiem. mere are seven grandchil
dren and nine great grandchildren.
Alpha Xi Deltas;
At Anderson's
Mrs. HJalmar Anderson, enter
tained the Alpha Xi Delta alum
nae at her Turner home on Mon
day. A buffet supper was served
with an informal evening follow
ing, special guests were five Nava
jo girls from Arizona, who are
spending the summer at Chemawa.
The girls, who entertained' the
group with songs and dances in
cluded Grace BeJoe, Esther Cele
veland, Marie Brown, Jean and
Dorothy Begay. ;.t '
' Special guests were Mrs. John
Anderson of Oakland, Calif, and
Miss Jane Froman. Alumnae pre
sent were Mrs. Lloyd E. Darling,
Mrs. Allison D. Froman, Mrs. R.
W. Tavenner, Mrs. William D.
Galloway, Mrs. William E. Healy,
Miss Eleanor Stephens, Miss Ver
na Keppinger, Miss Elise Schroe
der, Mrs. Benjamin J. Kerns, "Mrs.
Eugene Laird, Mrs. Rollin X Lew
is and the. hostess.
Unit Initiates 1
New Members
A meeting of Capitol Unit1 9,
American -Legion auxiliary was.
held on Monday night at the Sa
lam Woman's clubhouse with
Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, pru
dent, presiding. The regular busi
ness meeting with committee re
ports was lollowed by nomina
tion ot officers for the coming
year. Initiation of new members
was held with the candlelight
ceremonies conducted by past
presidents with Mrs. Leon-Brown
inducting the new members. Those
initiated were Mrs. E. A. Linden,
Mrs. Fred Thompson, Mr. Ma
tilda Gray, Mrs. Oral Steppe, Mrs.
Elsie Devers, Mrs. C. W. Jorgen
son, Mrs. Vada Lee Hill, Mrs.
Glen Holman and , Mrs. Lillian
RiehL -
A, group of songs was present
ed by Edith Fairham Gunner, ac
companied by Gladys Blue. A gift
was presented by the unit to Mrs.
I. N. Bacon, -president of District
ta appreciation of her assist
ance and work. "
The social hour was in charge
of Mrs. T. J. Brabec with Mrs. A.
D. Apperson and Mrs. T. E. Bork-,
man pouring. '
A cooked food sale will be held
at Stevens old store on Court
street June 15 with Mrs. John
Wood, finance . chairman, in
charge. The , executive board
meeting will be held on Tuesday.
June 13 at the home of Mrs. Helen
McLeod, 770 Belmont st.
Contests Draw
Large Number
Some 18 musicians entered the
Salem Music Teachers associa
tion's annual syllabus examina
and 29 entered the auditions Fri
day and Saturday at Willamette
university music hall. Aurora
Potter Underwood of the Uijlver-j
sity of Portland was adjudicator.
Participating were: Dee j Ann
McClaughry, Sally Tonz, Samara
Ramp, Val Leta Hay, Lynne Hig-i
ginbotham, Mary Linda Doerfler
Jimmy Hart, Harriet Hooper, Suz
anne DeArmand, Joan Fitts,: Veri
non Eggebraaten, Ethel Blanchard.
Karlene Quistad, Judy Klempel,
Ann .Hansen, Ann and Jean Ha
worth, Susan and Billy Bush,
John Wood, Lane Olson. Naydeen
Taylor, Marilyn Blakly, David
Loutrtn, Patricia Whelan. Maris
Malbon, David Merchant, Marilyn
Taylor, Sherrill Brinkley, Ramona
Powers, Nancy Otto, LoAnn
Wolf, Natalie Cunningham, Celia
Weaver, Marilyn Goode, Mac Bak
er. Wayne Simmons, carol pet
tier, Karen Johnson, Wayne Mer
cer, Betty Jo Davenport, jacx
Moore, Shirley Doerfler, Max
Morris, Doni DeSart, Berna Dean
Sittser, Jane McGrath. ' : ;r
Sirs. Fred Nye entrained for her
home in Waco, Texas on Wednes
day morning following a six
months visit in the capital at the
home of ' - her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles T.
Martin, Jr.
Senior Girl. Scout
Troop Formed ;
Troop 4, Salem1 District Girl
Scouts, became ' the first Senior
Girl Scout troop In Salem Tues
day evening. The Impressive cere
mony was held at the home of Mrs.
Armin Berger on Mountain View
Drive. . .,; ,-'-.-
After the presentation of the
colors. Mrs. H. M. Rinrinii i
of the troop, awarded the Senior
Scout pin to the following: Joan
Bale, Ann Berger, Charlotte G ru
ber, Sandra Larson, Lo Anne Mun
dinger, Carol Randall, Catherine
Robbins, Peggy Barker and Diane
Davis The color guard Included
Judy Bale, Roberta Amundson,
Carol Williams and Karen Obrest
Refreshments were served fol
lowing the ceremony by members
of the new Senior Girl Scout troop.
Among the guests present to con
gratulate the girls were Mrs. B. J.
Cleary, chairman of Salem district,
Mrs. R. B. Stringham of the Salem
The'Sttrtesracnx Salem. Orecon,
It' '!( " '
Grand Officers Guests
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Faught presided over the regular
meeting of Hanna: Rosa Court,
Order of Amaranthi on Monday.
Royal matron Maud Hortcin, and
royal patron William Pritchard,
executive committee; Mrs. jwalter
Spaulding and Mrs. F. E. Man beck
of the Santiam Area Board-
made their official visits They
were accompanied by several other
grand officers. All past and pres
ent royal matrons and patrons
were honored during the evening.
Refreshments were served at thfl.
dose of the meeting. -:
Mrs. Gordon Halstead and daagh-
ter, Mary Kathrynr of Portlard
have been visiting several days in
the capital at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Sim
Fill this coupon out and bring it with you to
Schooi oj? 2)
- It Is worth S5.00 a summer term, in tap. acrobatic, or m
oau room aandnc. '
Experience. If any
EnroU and Star In On of These Beginner's Classes
10 A. M. Friday
June 9
4 P. M. Saturday
Jun 10
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Branches at McMlnnTiH. ML Anol cmd Stayton
I B B B B B B SJ B B 8 8 8 8 8
S I A complete set de- I- ' I
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rectly from the manufacturer for this sale. Yon can save J J
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.mm. .. : ....
ruTTi rsssgx CWk SPORT SHIRTS .
( "Jfef 4 HensSlacIis' . SiWM ,
I matdung glasss. A 1 ffUV; 3 ' - MUJJ gabardin... prints, knit - bottom, mr-
I 1J5. f IU8t Pllrm" 1007 Wm&H ry stylo. Values to 6.00. '
(SX&tf 1 Y wool gciardino. ell colors. f5 5)fi9
l (9) Vvl HoUYWOOd styl-R 1895- tRlli Choic &
r XlVV choic . . Q) cnxr,
V fV(VYIi US Oh. trothor. what "a deal Ian . . II
XWXKm ha.foryou.Lookatth.Ml . . 7
v-2?c J-7 H jr . . , m choice: : . ic- s
II r Hannlrprrniprc 11 f Fancy Argyies, KeV. fet.:7e. ' L xwAxv-?'.
ill m - waaawaM x- l A rnr I no 1 v s li
I 53 piece .et sonric. I It ry a big buy . . . no luniL f randoms, white, grey, all sizes. V
I lor 8. Lovely pot- 1 Buy a dozen ... b. prepared for I ; Reg. 29c pair. gf
I tern. Reg. 17.50. now a big blow I v -S pairs liUU l!f J
I only- " tZWJ Work Sox. medium weight, white. ytii
I 95 i - lit t&.'zlz: 1.00 9yJ'
I ZZDJ I LI Links, knits, extra fine quality. S
V J Values to 1.00. AVL g f - 4 S
Tour choice - TO C f
mm M , Cyidren's ? liKfc Training
v Dresses illf ; '
?LmJ--C C? 'A Uouuful lot of loyely 31 Fin. quoUty.
Tl CrUr I atyles. color and fabrics. ' r? I doubl. croteh. f1 .
I OOySS 50CKS Xfi:f:i0f.l3i 3,prlc. groups all les. -fwl ' f J--x. I all colors. jO C
I Hearv weiaht cotton I WK! ; : ll'l than reaular wholesal. M 'zJZr f - JLxL.
HI J plaids, argyies, Su- I Vfic; H
III I permen cmd Hoy JM&T 1 . A JUsi hftj I'
II" Rogers." Rj. 39c fW QQa 4 IA J At -V Plus quaUty. doubl. construc-
II d f - v Uk JLnViJ f h7 y I II 'ftton throughout hoary comb:
Vhz i??(S, I dfotton tfl TT
III I 6 pairs 1.00 1 I MM I V A U 1 Beg. Vi V
III - ii ni -no- - : ' II
I I Sweat'shirls ( Flaslic Aprons ) CAPS ) ( BLOUSES -
III Hum t!ir nil ... . . Man nnrt irrrllM H H srMflnl nrmm. &av. If
III I desians on fronL I ta. v Lli Z I in tan. nd. laded I ors and tabrics. Hea.
III I - - I WV-. UU U1DKI HI I . . I - , -i Hi
ill y y V y? A -u- i J
W tj ' . mwm
I construction. White 1 t r I I J j 1 ) I . I I lUlUlp 1 I
J I only. Reg. 1 $1X0 V I I I ' s - ' v Jt tfa thing f ihooo
: t C. l J j (t ' v
v- - - m- ' . . . . i 3iof5i.oo 7
--- " - - " ,r '- - ... 237 K03TH USERTT . - . V y f