The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 08, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    ' -
Tnt rtsrtgncm, Ec&wn, Onrixi, Thcrsday, Juna t. ISS3
Set Dates for
Announcement of dates lor sum?
weddinei contlnut to high
light the news' on the social agen-
Mi Huston Beta Date
wixidin bell will ring on Sat
urdey. July 29, for M Us Harriet
JlitJWn na lucnnra hiuiwiikiu
whone engagement was revelled
in the early spring. The couple
win vchanffii their vows at an
adenine ceremony at tht Tint
t -Mbvtrlan church at I o'clock
with a recoptlon following at the
home of the bride-elect's parent,
Mr. and Mm. Oliver D. iluaton.
Di-Chestcr W. nammm ww per
The couple will Uve to Portland
rir their murriace. where he
! tiffitirM In the advertising bus
tness. The benedict-elect la the
son of Mr. and Mra. Clarence Laird
of Portland.
Imiul Ntintlala
Saturday. Aueutt 12 haa been
rtmrn the date for the mar
riage of Miss Carroll Jean Gragg.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
C Ciragg, and Ensign Taul Theo
Awi Kartchnla. ton of Mr. and
Mra. Paul T. Karschnta of St.
Paul. Minn. Both have been sta
tioned at Norfolk, VlrglmawUh
the navy and will be wleajwd thti
luratwr. - - ,
The engaged due yUn to arrive
In Salem an July U and remain
until their mania. Tht rer
mooy will take place at the first
Presbyterian church at 1:30 o'clock
with a reception following, at tht
home of Mr. and Mra. Gregg on
North Capital street.
Their engagement was announc
ed In February and Mr. Karschnla
plans to attend college in tne zau
. a iult Weddlna
Invitations were in the mall
this week to the wedding of Mis
Barnis Rozell Dllllpger, daughter
f Mrs. Berenice Kugler. and Ger-
rt G. DrbalL which ; wUl take
tlae on i Sunday. July 2 -at the
First Congregational church. The
I o'clock ceremony will be follow
ed by a reception in the fireplace
Iaean-Elr Rites
plans have been completed for
the wedding of Mias Mary Fran
ces Ely. daughter of Mr. and Mra.
6. K, Ely. and George R. Duncan,
Ir,Bon of Judge and Mrs. George
t, Duncan, all of Stayton, which
" win be an event of Saturday, June
" : :
I . -
., . , ..... ,.
I'. '
Faculty-Reception, Class Reunions to ,
Highlioht Willcxmette Commencement
' ; i '" '" By Jeryme EngUsk , .' - ; , ;: i '
, ; v JSUtmnim Society Idttor ;- - !i ..' .
' One of the hiehlighti ot the Willamette university com
mencement festivities this weekend will be the annual reception
IS be given by the faculty of Willamette university on Saturday
night honoring the graduating seniors, parents of students, alum
ni, trustees and friends of Willamette. The affair will be held at
Lausanne hall from 8:30 to 10:30 o'clock.
Greeting guests at the door will
,s YOKOHAMA, Japan Col. Codl W. Nist 1st Cav.
Gamp Drake, Japan, areetina his wife as she .arrived in
Yokohama aboard the USNS O'Hanx Col. Cecil W. Nist'g
hometown is Salem. (U. S. Army Photo).
Mrs. Adams to
Head League
Members of the Salem Women's
Army-Navy League met for a pic
nic luncheon on Tuesday at the
home of Mrs. Raymond Olson.
This was the last meting of the
season for the group and after
election of officers a social hour
was enjoyed.
Mrs. George Spaur is the out
going president and presided at the
meeting. Mrs. William Hugh Ad
ami was elected president of the
league .for the ensuing year and
serving with her are the. follow
ing t vice-presidents, Mrs. Richard
Reynolds, regular army; Mrs. H.
G. Malson, regular navy; Mra.
Thomas' M. Wood, national guard;
Mrs. Dale Bever, army reserve;
Mrs. Lynn Hammerstad, navy re
serve; and, Mrs. H. C. Saalfeld,
airforce reserve; Mrs. Donald M.
Fisher, secretary; Mrs. George
B agnail, coaresponding secretary;
TounlstrM. dinner aaceUnc Gold.
a Pheasant, a jn. ...
sojourners, uiaa enait. Bum wo
man s ciuDaouse, i:u pjn.
Marrr Tlmaa club wtth Mxf. ZjrW
Shepherd. ISO Duncan Ave. dewrt
luncheon at 10 pja.
Salem chapter. OES. Matoue Tom'
pie. S pm initiation.
A number of Salem people will I and Mrs. Sidney W. Schlesinger,
drive to Stayton for the nuptials,
whlch will take place at the Im
maculate Conception church at a
9 o'clock mass with Father Mat
thew Jonas and Father Leander
Schneider officiating. A reception
will be held in the parish halLJ
The couple will live in Stayton
and in the fall Mr. Duncan will
enroll at Willamette university. He
has been attending the Oregon
College of Education at Monmouth.
Dinner Honors
Field Auditors
! Members of the Willamette
chapter, 21, Oregon State Em
ployees association, were hosts
tor a dinner and square dancing
party Tuesday night at the Vet
erans hall. Honor guests were
the field auditors of the public
utilities commission, who were in
, Salem for a two day meeting. Af
ter the dinner folk and square
dancing were enjoyed with Miss
Lucille Wilson the caller.
! Mrs. Blame Ericksen was host
ess for an informal buffet lunch
eon, on Wednesday afternoon at
her South Cottage street home in
compliment to the wives of audi
tors, who were here with their
husbands for the meetings. The
Ericksens have had as their house
guests, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Con
way and children of Ontario. Mr,
and Mrs. Clair Miller of Eugene,
formerly of Salem, were also in
Salem for the meetings and visit
i tag with their family.,
I.-'-. ' v .
Mrs. Johnson is
Elected President
The auxiliary to the 369th En
glneeni and 409th Quartermasters
met on Monday night lor election
of officers. The new staff for the
coming year win be:
Stirs. Iarvold Johnson, creaident:
Mrs; Dale Bevers, vice-president;
ftirs. Jonn uaireii, secretary: Mrs,
James Zigler. treasurer; Mrs.
Oeorge Barr, lalaon officer; Mrs.
view, uiDson, mstorum.
A covered dish is planned for
June 28 at Dallas park at 630
o'clock, for members of the auz-
lary ana tnelr Xamilies,
it i , j j
! tin. Archie BJelde Is leaving for
Vancouver, B. C, on Sunday for
av three weeks stay with her slater.
Kit. w. h. k. Donerrj.
Y tPlHCm 15 TOPS!
My 4 UfiV aWljjae
My rettvre Is
Grecafo&y Ereell
... . -
Mrs. MeKfat Sm!:!i
411 Cxwthorce
On Etiquette
, By Roberta Lee
25th Reunion
Dinner Held
A group of men of the Salem
hieh school graduating class Of
1923 gathered in Salem Wednes
day to attend their 23th reunion
dinner at the Senator hotel. This
was their first get-together since
their high School graduauon.
Attending the reunion . w e r e
van White of Washington, D. C,
Edgar Tibbetts, Dr Joseph Davis
of Portland. Robert Kitchen of
Eureka. Calif., Paul Glrod of Eu
gene, Ross Harris of Delake, Mar
tin Redding of Hills boro, Vernon
Perry. Jack Minto. Frank Shafer,
Hugh Adams, Clarence Hamilton,
Charles Hagemann and George
Hester, all of Salem.
Q. What is the correct way to
eat corn on the cob?
A. If the whole ear of corn is
served, it should be broken in
two; using a napkin to protect the
hands. Season and eat only two
rows of kernels at a time. If pos
sible, use only one hand to hold
the ear.
Q. If a girl is having only
simple. Informal wedding. Is it all
right for her to write invitations
by hand to her close friends, rather
than mail engraved ones?
written on her personal stationery,
are Quite all right.
u.i 'Wnat is the simplest man
ner Of : handling an introduction,
and lone that is always in good
taste? .
A. i Merely, "Mrs. Jones, Mrs.
Brown "
(f. ' TJ
On Junt 10 . . . tell
Dad he's
a wonderful
; guy with a
Hallmark or Norcroit
Father's Day Card I
The nice thing about
Father's Day If s
the one time we
don't hesitate to
let dad know wt
think he's King.
jAjxJ for really
royal gifts, set our
handsome selection.
fofc Gifts
SS3 Court Slratt
be Dr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson,
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Sherman,
Mr. and Mrs. Lestle Sparks, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Jory, Dean and
Mrs. Melvin Geist, Dr. and Mrs.
Roy Lockenour, Dr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Witney, Mr. and Mrs. John
Lewis. Dr. and Mrs. Robert .
Gatke, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith,
Mr, and Mrs. Herman Clark and
Mr. and Mrs. Murco RIngnalda.
Dr. Helen Fearce and Mrs. Eg
bert S. Oliver wUl Introduce the
guests to the receiving line which
will Include Dr. and Mrs. G. Her
bert Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Tink-
ham Gilbert and Russeu; Tripp,
who has served as president of
the student body the past year.
Assisting about the drawing rooms
will be Mrs. Robert' Fenix, Mrs.
Chester Luther, Mrs. Kenneth
Lottick and Mra. Arthur Bates.
Mrs. Baxter te be Here
Mrs. Bruce Baxter of Pasadena,
Calif, wife of the late Bishop
Baxter and former president of
Willamette university, will be
among the guests at the reception
and will receive her friends in
formally about the rooms.
Presiding at the tea table the
first hour will be Mrs. Raymond
Witney, wife of the dean of Stu
dents, and Mrs. Brooks Moore,
counselor to the Wesley Fellow
ship, and pouring the last hour
will be Mrs. R. Ivan Lovell, new
president of the Faculty Women's
club, and Mrs. Dean Pollock, an
alumna and mother of this year's
May queen, Polly Pollock,
Blue delphinium in varying'
shades combined with ocean spray
will decorate the. drawing room
and hallway. The tea tables will
be centered with bouquets of pas
tel spring flowers and candles
Mrs. Floyd Bird and Mra. Elmer
Berg are co-chairmen of the dec
orating committee and assisting
are Mrs. Melvin Geist, Mrs. Dan
iel Schulze, Mrs. Blanche Proctor,
Mrs. Charles Jens, Mrs. Arne Jen
sen,' Mrs. Bertha Johnson, Mrs,
Elizabeth Higbee, Mrs. Ralph
Dobbs and Mrs. W. Connell Dyer.
Mrs. Roy Lockenour, the out
going president of the Faculty
Women's club, is general chair
man of the reception. Other com'
mittee chairmen include Mrs. Re
gin a Ewalt, Miss Olive M. Dahl
and Mrs. John Lewis, invitations
Mrs. Chester Stackhouse and Miss
Lois Latimer, refreshments; Mrs,
Lestle Sparks and Mrs.' George
Martin, hostesses: Mrs. Maurice
Brennen and Mrs. Chester Luther,
dining room: and . Mrs. ' Charles
Paeth, publicity.
Class Reunions Slated .
Several class reunions are on
the agenda during the commence
ment weekend. Over fifty reser
vations have been made by the
class of 192S for the 25th reunion
luncheon on Saturday at the Sen
- . - - - I I '
ator hotel at 1220 o'clock. George
Moorhead of Salem is president of
the class andJors. George Rhoten,
Salem, secretary. The decorating
committee includes Mrs. Theodore
Ullakko, Miss Carmelite Barquist,
Mrs. Ersel Mundinger and Miss
Mary Keefer. .- -v--f- -'J ";. -
The class of 1930 is holding its
20th reunion luncheon on Satur
day noon in the Cherry Room of
the Senator hotel. Mrs. George
Scales, class secretary, is chair
man of the affair. The class of
193S plans to hold a reunion at
the alumni office with Mrs. Rich
ard Phares of Arcadia. Calif, in
charge. - ; - I
The annual alumni meeting la
scheduled for four o'clock . at
Waller hall and the alumni ban
Quet will be at 6 o'clock at Baxter
hall with Dean Robert D. Gregg
as speaker. The Law ! School
alumni will hold their banquet
Saturday night at 7 o'clock at the
Senator hotel. I
Sunday morning the Pi Beta Phi
alumnae of Oregon Gamma chap
ter will entertain with their 'an
nual commencement breakfast at
the Marion hotel at 9 o'clock.
Shirley Richter
A May Bride !
WILLAMINA At a double
ring ceremony Friday, May 27 at
pan. in the vangelical United
Bretheren church in Adna, Wash
Miss Shirley Richter, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Richter of Che-
halis, wash.; and Chan E. Men.
denhalL son of Mr. 'and Mrs,
Ernest Mendenbau of WHIamina,
were united in marriage with Rev,
Holland Walkes and Rev: George
Hayes ozuciaung. f
The bride wore a white taffeta
dress with white accessories and
carried a cascade of gardenias on
a white Bible. Mrs. Robert Bain
ter of Willamina was matron of
honor and wore an aqua dress and
caxneu a nu6gay oi ; garaenias.
DsiVhanpt Y3tMfAV . wlllnmina Iff..
best man, and Cleo Wren, willa
mina, was the usher.
Nina Jean Mendenfcall, willa
mina, who made the wedding cake,
also cut it at the reception follow
ing the wedding. Misses Kisie
Richter and Eleanor Mendenhall,
Willamina, poured, end Donna
Smock passed the guest book.
f; i
Singleton, daughter cat Mr. and
Mrs. Oral . Singleton of Grande
Ronde, was honored Thursday at
a bridal shower held at tne gov
ernment administration building
in Grande Ronde. Hostesses were
Mrs. Albert Johnson and Mrs. Don
Tatom. Miss Singleton will marry
Morris Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs.
I Earl Cook of the Fern district, in
Grand Ronde, on Sunday, June 11.
Hw. , m ., jaw W
Brink a Quart a Bay
Mayflower Sfondard !Mk
Mayflower 5 Milk
Mayflowor Duttcrmlllt
Mayflower Chocolato Drink
Mayflowor Skim Milk
BOD Co ll
IS DAIRY noriTti
' It .
mmi$ plus
ilus WEAK -. .
KrlW Thoto Dresses
X Will Co On Sale
W This Morning At
ixy-da 9:50 A M
!9MmM To Choose
I 7Z" ii- A" 7
, BQSSI3S. r-y
Dig, Glorious Group!
Value plus is right! Hera's a dress feature
that you simply cant afford to mias! finds
' of high-style prints in lovely rayon crepe.
And lock at the price ... not one, but TWO ,
for a, tiny 5X0. All sixes, misses, half-
sizes. Com today. Also a grand selection
of plain colors. . " ,
' . an
M :
m W
JJ2j li O