The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 08, 1950, Page 14, Image 14

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o,.r7J....rnwY7n mw
Locals Snatch
Nightcap, 7-5
Marshall Winner 6-1;;
Two More Tilts Tonite
- By Al Llghtner -Statesman
Sports Editor
The town Senator and Victor
la's Athletics finally got with it
last night at Waters field for the
first time this season, putting an
end to four consecutive rained out
dates. But: the best they could do
was break even in the double-
header The A's breezed across in
the nine-inning opener, 6-1, and
the Salems came back for the split
on a 7-5 nod in the seven-inning
The games were the only ones
played: in the circuit last night,
rain having washed out all others.
So Mgr. Ad Liska's club is still
eight games behind the leading
Tacoma Tigers this morning, and
half , a rassle behind the, second
rlace Yakima Bears.
Another double bill with Boss
Martv Krug's Canucks is booked
for tonight at seven o'clock; end
ing the series. For the Salems it
will be Johnny (Butch) Tierney
seeking his 10th victory - of the
campaign in one f of the clashes,
and Dick Waibel, after his fourth
win, in the other., 'Victoria's pit
chers will be, Joe Mishasek, the
ex-Hollywood ' Stars capable, and
TAwrui" fioyes. a newcomer, to
Free-wheeling Mr. Marshall,
certainly no stranger to the Wat
ers premises with his snappy slid
cr pitches and huge wad of chawin
terbadcy stuffed in one cheek, had
no ' trouble at all subduing the
Ealems in last night's opener. He
gave only three hits and the lone
run off his slants was unearned
Thankfully the league isn't full of
Marshalls, or Salem would hardly
ever win a game. Big Jawn has
f licked Senator teams so regularly
In past years in the loop it s be
come a foregone conclusion that
he 11 win when his name is men
tioned. He'd cop 30 games a year
If he could face Salem nines alone.
Bill Osborn happened to be
Marshall's victim this time, and
fortunately enough "pz" wasn'
,( having one of his better nights
f Had he been Von, as the saying
goes, chances are he'd have lost a
heart-breaking toughie. As It was
he gave up 14 hits, three by Mar
shall himself. "
A four-run third inning, during
which the A's - biffed five hits,
was Osborn's worst stanza.
Bob Cherry belted home Salem's
V)Uf MIUT ... M.V 0...M. ......
fly-out to left after Orrin Snyder
had gajned life on an error and
advanced to third on Mel Wasley's
solid single to right.
Osborn's loss was his fourth of
the campaign, against three vic
tories. He walked only one and
fanned three. Marshall walked two
and whiffed five. i
The game was reeled off in
hour and 35 minutes, exceptional
for nine inning tilts these times.
w . . a
wonnny rsurax weni ine route in
the nightcap to rack up his fourth
victory against as any losses. He
was staked to a 5-1 lead In the
first. Inning and had only to hold
it This he did despite a few storms
1, i it -
an Hum? me way. jnnn wa wun
er than the blue yonder in walk
ing nine and wild pitching twice,
but had enough batting support
and the timely double plays to
keep him comfortably ahead from
the first inning on.
The Vies nailed him for an un
earned run in the first, but the
Salems bounced back with one of
their best, innings in weeks by
pounding Lefty Jim Propst for
four hits, two walks and an error
for five runs. Propst, is the pert
southpaw who was with Portland
earlier this season.
Tall Ron Smith, a 16-game win
ner with Salem's 1942 team took
over the A's hill chores in the sec
- ond and gave up but one run In
the next four heats as he deliver-
r a a une reuei sunt, uut it was
that run and another gained off
Lefty Jim Hedgecock In the sixth
' that proved the winning differ
ence. The Athletics nicked Burak for
three runs In the sixth and one In
the seventh.
Wally Scott. Cherry. Dick Bari
tie and Wayne Peterson, all with
two hits led the Solons' 10-hit at
tack In the second game. The A'a
managed seven hits off Burak, but
were guilty or an old Salem trick
leaving potential ?runs stranded
i on the sacks. !
It was Bill Beard's bases-load
ed double in the first off Propst,
scoring all three runs, that pro-
viutru ine nig waiiop, ,
The games were attended by
only 247 paid admissions, lowest
of the se&son for Salom hut k
village police-sponsored "Third
Base Club" and its first night at
the park threw in another 300
free" kids to make things much
more lively in tne seats.
Outfielder Pete Tedeschl
All Even, Bnl li
gecoad Game: '- ! -'. i '
VletarU S glm
Playwr AbHPsAPUm AbHPoA
Vannl j
s 1 O UavliloJb 4 14
IBCOttJS 111
Krnbgjo a I 8 0 Snyder jf Sat
Tnpsnjf SIS 0! SSI It 1 OiWasleyJc 3 8 1
Moore 4b 4 111 Beard.c I t
Dunnja 3 0 0 J BsrUa.ib I I I
Vthrwx.e SIT 1 PetermnJb S S O
Iropat 0 0 0 OiBuraap 8 0 0
Smlth.p' 0 8 ,
TRonning 119 01 f
llrdgck.p 0 0 0 0)
Totals 19 7 IS S Totals S 18 21 U
Tanned for Propst ia 2nd.
y Doubled for Araita la ith. .
10 IMS 1 S T
' Sakm
BIO 001 X V 10
Losing pitcher Probtt.
1 T4S41S
4 IS 4 1 1
i o ail l l
MS T I ( I I
WUd pitches. Burak. Left oa bases
S. 8-7. Errors: Cavlflio. Thompson,
Kronbarg S. Two-bas hlU: Baard.
CharrT, -Moore. RonnLoir., Peterson.
It una batted In: Beard a, Bartta, Patcr
son. Cherry. Ronnlng. Vannl. Scott,
Moore. Sacrifice: Scott. Double plays:
Stfsoa to CavlAUo to fiartl Hi.
They Finally Got Into tbcal Action
.,"- v
nr.i . . . . 1 i-t.
water iieia "
Victoria' Athletics after the A'a
season here. Just to make sure
Wednesday at their hotel. Sitting (1-r) are Catcher Al Konning, Fltcner Jim rropst, irainer ueorge
WUklnson, Outfielder Edo Vannl and Mgr. Marty pur, sr. Standing are Inflflder K. Chorlton and
flrst-sacker Jimmy Wert, who used to play for Salem. The A's and Salems finally got together for
oatue last nignt, rain ana a 11, ana
... - . 1 a . ...
Rods' Ho Boll Sa
Wight at Hollyvjoc
The "hot rods? return to Sa
lem's Hollywood bowl Saturday
night for the No. S auto racing
program of the local season and
the third for the souped-up road
sters. Time trials start at 8 pin,
with trophy dash, heat sprints and
Class B and A main events fol
lowing. The "A" main will bo a
30-lapper, according to Promoter
Charley Heitz.
The "rods" presented two rac
ing programs here at the start of
the season and then moved over
to let tfee midgets have a two
week run. The two types of rac
ers will alternate, programs here
throughout the season.
Salem's Max Humm won the
opening program's main event but
Supper Clubbers Meet 12ths'
Tonite; Corvallis Crew Slated
. The Salem Supper club outfit Is
march through the City Softball league chase tonight as it tangles with
the I2th Street Merchants at 9 o'clock on the Leslie lot Opposing hurl
ers will be red-hot Jim Rawlins for the Suppermen and Lynn Mc-
Daniels toeing the rubber for the
12th Streets who currently have
one win In four starts. . ,
i The Supper clubs have racked
four consecutive wins to date with
Rawlins the moundsman in each
i An exhibition tilt Is set for 8
O'clock, the Paper Mills of the city
loop clashing with a Corvallis ag
gregation. i Both Industrial league games
duo last night were washed out
by rain. Tonight's Industrial pro
gram sees Post Office Carriers
meeting the unbeaten Maple Dai
ry at 6:30 and the Teamsters col
liding with Paper Mill at 7 on the
lower-Leslie diamond. 1
out of the local lineup and home in
San Francisco to bo with his seri-
ously 111 father. ,
T7as a Sjrcggle:
Timet 1:48. Umpires: Lacevettt and
First Oama;
Hanich. Attendance: S47.
Vannl H 8 1 S OGvisllo ibt 1 i 4
Krue lb i ill IPetrsn ID 1 I M
KrhbrgSbl 1 1 Snyder rt 4 0 10
ThmpsalfO 1 1 frWaiWy If 4 1 4 0
Chrltn f S J S l'Chrrr cf S O 4 0
Moor St a t 3 M VClilan e S 0 S O
ouna n 4 1 I 3 uartio id l 111 I
Ronninge4 1 0 Scott a 1 1 I I
MarstU p 4 I 1 3 Osborn tltll
Total 40 1417111 Total SO SIT 8
Victoria : 104 eio bob 14 i
Salem 009 000 10O 1 S S
Pitcher: IP AB K Jt 131 SO EB
40 14 8 t I 1
. WUd Bitches: Osborn. Left on
Victoria S. Salem 3. Xrrors: Peterson
S. Dunn. Two-8aso hiU: Xronberg.
Runs batted ia: Kronberg, Chorlton.
Moore 3, Dunn. Cherry. Sacrifice:
Moore. Stolon bases: VansO. Xrue.
Double Uf: Chorlton to Marshall to
Dunn. Gavlclio to Scott to Bertie,
Dunn to Moore to Xrug, Bartle un.
assisted. Tfane: Umpires; Hanich
saa ukcoreiu.
i CHICAGO. Juno T-(AVMarch-
moct Schwartz of Stanford uni
versity will reprosont the Foelflo
U Li
DodgersRegain Top Berths
j..m t.M tmrmrm ioi WMni
. .
ana saiem senators were rouea u
the A's existed. Photographer, Don
1 . -1 - 11 I Ia.UIi. wI a a.
nope to no it cua muii
'Sri-- ;; ,;i a ::-v
lost out to Bandy Francis in the
second meet. They are expected
to bo among the "from 17 to 20"
racers Saturday, according to
Heitx. Others due for the driving
action Include Kenny Baxter,
Frank! e Osborne, Len Sutton, Dar
Moore, Ernie Koch, Bill Hyde,
Frankle McGowan, Crash Tim
mings, Jack Greiner and Corky
There will bo a number of Sa
lem owned "rods" In the meet.
McGowan, Greiner, Heitz and Bob
Pendergraff own local buzz bug
gies, as does Don Waters, All
equipment Is expected to be in
tip-top racing shape following the
brief layoff during which owners
and mechanics have had time to
work them Into perfection.
expected to continue its unbeaten
Rain Strikes
WI Schedule
Rain wiped out all but the Sa
lem - Victoria engagements in the
Western International league last
night. Victims of the weather were
the Vancouver-at-Tri-City. Wen-
atchee-at-Tacoma and Spokane-at-
xaKima tuts. Yakima and Spokane
wm piay a twin-bill tonight as
will Til-city and Vancouver.
SEATTLE, June 7 (AV Ed
"JPorky" UUver, professional a
Seattle's Inglewood Golf club.
won't be playing In the U. 8. Open
at Ardmore. Pa- this Saturday.
He telephoned associates today
that ho had Qualified as first al
ternate in the Texas region, but
all 13 Qualifiers from there -de
cided to play in the tourney, so he
wont see any action at Merlon.
Tcday'i Pilchsn
American League Chicaro at PWla-
aeipnaa iinif-vim ta- sweu
ner (3-8). Detroit at New York (nifht)
Hnutlsrrvan ) R-tm Kt
Louis at Boston-Starr (1-1) or raania
i-t -wm anooos ueveiana at
Wsshinatoa (nlrht) Lemon tO-3) ve
uwe or weta; u-.
National League Brooklyn at Pitts
burgh laiaht) Podbiclan (3-1) or
Branca. 11-11 . . Qumbts (U) w
Werle - (3-3)- Boston at 8U Louie
(nlshtl Sain CO-3) vs Brecheea (3-3).
New York at Chica-4Cennedy 3-S)
vs Lads (1-1). Philadelphia at OnCin-
nan mifnij junnsan i-mi n mi
coast on the college all-star coach
ing staff for their game with the
PhiUdelnhU Eagles at Soldle
Field August 1L He joins Bead
Coach Eddie Anderson of Holy
Cross and Bobby Dodd, Georgia
1 Tech, on this yeax'a staff.
TnlrnatianAt lcArn ma thai
" -.r . " .k. I
01 weir " im iuan 1
Dill sneaked up on seven of 'em
-- wvwv
. .it.. .'fliAi.,
Portland Rained Again
Twinks Widen
Bt The Associated Press
rw a (rain rain threw a mnnWv
wrench Into opening of the Pacific
rmtt luni. uvIm htwi Port. I
land and Loa Anirelea at Portland.
The -teams will try to get in a
single game tonight at 8:30.
The Hollywood Stars stretched
their lead to two full games over
the second-place San Diego Padres
as thv whlnnaMl tha nmnrnmi. I
10-1, behind the seven-hit hurling
of Ben Wade. Wade fanned 11 In
nrHn him ftth win. Thm
coming Oakland Oaks again nicked
Sacramento's ceiiar-aweuing stars, i
o-3. Max Surkont of the Sacs sul-1
ered his third setback against ll I
victories. The climbing Seattle
Rainlers stopped San Francisco
again, 6-3 as Hector Brown seat-
tered nine blows.
000 000 DOS s II s
013 030 03 0 11
Surkont and
Steiner; Groth and
San Francisco
. 008 000 100 I f
Ml SOS OCX 8 7 0
Singleton (7) and Partes;
Brown and Warren.
San Diego
000 000 100
300 050 03
a $) and
Sa-afe B Kraue
Tresh; wade and sanaiocK.
Suit Against
Braves Opens
-UP)- A drive-in theatre com
pleted its inning In court today In
a suit against an adjacent minor
league baseball park. The
theatre claims the baseball flood
lights are ruining its business.
The ball park, home of the Trl-
City Braves of the Western In-
. ' . , .t. ...
lemauonax league, aian i get lis
turn today. Judge Sam Driver
continued the case -until later in
the federal court term.
Judge Driver said he thought
the- m lenrla itself to lornn ff ort
at settlement and urged both
parties to make an effort to settle
before testimony resumes, prob
ably within three weeks.
The Highline ' Drive-in theatre
asks $29,000 damages from the
Tri-City Athletic association. It
also asks an Injunction against the
use of the lights.
Ace for Golfer
In Open Warmup
A&DMOKE, Pa-, Jane 7 -UP)
Tommy sold, or Dar ham, N. c.
sank s hole-ln-one today . In prac-
tlcinjr for the national open coif
toornaxnent, opening tomorrow at
the Merlon Golf club. Bold drop
ped his tee shot oa the 133-yard
13th hole, cuing a seven-Iron.
While rnoet of the "a-une i
were h rina diffiemlty aelving the
well-trapped layent, Domg Ford of
Brlarellft N. Y, registered a 35-32
87. three der par for the best
score of the week.
Sam Snead. the pre-toniey fav
orite, had 7L Beat Begaai played
only Ave beleo Into In the day.
savins; his legs for the three-day
eJuu-plopUp grind, j
LAnrxs srMifsas scstATcsi lkaocs
(UnlversltT Bowl)
Team No, 1 (1) Schartf 486, Stalder
403. Lemon 395. Team No. 0 (3) Smith
443. RoaOermal S47. Lutx 435. Vpston
414. Team No. S, (4) XtowUad 449, Cur
tis 373. White 494. Robertaoei 473.
Teem No. 0 Thompson 464, Schie
maa 371. Lowry 37 J, Snyder 335. Team
No, 8(0) Lockea 863. JUlake 814. Do
ver sou Team ho. a (4) Anfro-e 408.
Bcnarrz 317. rurvH 343. jones 439. -High
team series Team No. 9 1787.
Hif n team g-me Team He. s IIS.
Win ltd. 9erle--tea -nveySOL
High Lid. game Alberta Thompson
i Bombers Snap
Brooklyn Rips Pitts
As Braves Nip Cards
By Ralph iRodea
NEW YORK. June 7-MfVThe
New York Yankees stopped the
ferocious Detroit Tigers, 5-4, today
and reclaimed first place in the
American . league. - i Three of . the
Yankee runs came ion homers bv
Joe DiMagglo, Phil Rizruto and
Billy Johnson but It was an In-
neid single by Yogi Berra that
won the game in the seventh inn-
tog. - L . . . '. I
The triumph ended a seven game
Detroit winning streak and dump
ed the rampaging Tigers Into sec
ond place, 22 percentage points
behind the Yanks Vie Raschl went
the distance for. New York. Hal
csis, suuerea ms secona aeieai oz
i - m . a .
the season against four wins.
Thm lhll
went on a batting rampage and
smothered the St. Louis Browns,
20-4 in their Fenway park lair.
Boston pounded a trio of St Louis
pitchers for 23 hits; good for 42
total bases. Amon their blows
were five home rmns and four
doubles. Vern Stephens and Clyde
Vollmer each SOCked two homers
other. Joe Dobson benefitted from
the bombardment and coasted to
W. r-,v I
T . " , , fv gaain-
ed ten hits Including; home runs by
oy oievers mna ttooxie ieo
Thomas. I
The New York Giants romped
to their fifth straight victorv bv
1 pons rung oiz tne Chicago Cubs,
13-4 in the only day game nlaved
in the National league.
The Brooklyn Dodgers regained!
undisputed possession of first
place In the National league by
beating the Pittsburgh Pirates, 9-0
while their estwhile co-tenants.
the St Louis Cardinals, suffered a
10-2 shellacking at the hands of
the Boston Braves. : The Cards
tumbled to third place with the
rnuaaeipma mils taking over
Second, half game back Of the
Dodgers, as a result of their 4-0
triumph over the Cincinnati Reds.
Big Don Newcombe limited the
I l! VVI A A . a mm
reeung nraies 10 six nits wniie his
Fl81" Pounded bonus pitcher Bill
"oiiaio wim waisn xor 12
safeties. Lefty Warren Spahn
scattered eight hits and fanned 10
aruuuus as nw coasiea IO niS
seventh victory and Boston's first
bo season over the Red Birds.
The Braves banged four Cardinal
Pitchers for 18 blows Including Sid
w nu mu vi ui
. . l i
ooe bod Aimer restricted the
eo to seven hits in turning In
niM iounn victory without a loss
ror mils. LltUe Bobby Shantz
became the first Athletic pitcher to
turn In a shutout as he Ditched
Philadelphia to a 8-0 victory over
umcago. xno Washington Sena
tors snapped their seven game los
ing streak by edging the Cleveland
Indians, 6-4. Sid Hudson went
the route for Washington to nick
up ms seventn victory.
Detroit S10 001 000
New York; 100 111 10
Newhouser. White (St and 1
Swift (8); Raschle and Berra.
010 too 010
100 020 02x
, Wynn and Eefan: Hudson and
I St. Lou,
30t 000 001 4 10
307 305 13x SO S3
Doris Una (3). Kretlow f Bt and Lnl.
ian moss (7)t Dobson and Tebbetta.
Chicago . 000 000 000 0 S
Philadelphia 020 001 02x 1 7 4
Scarborough. Aloma (8) and Mast;
nanus ana xvi
New York 101 300 431 IS IT 1
Chicago 010 101 100 4 7 3
Koslo. Jones (8) and Westrum: Rush.
Klippsteln (S), Leonard (7) and Owen.
- ,..
ooe 3oo iso t is s
i Pittsburgh
000 000 000 0 8 0
Newcombe and CamD-nella: lbs
Donald Wateh (8) and Mueller. McCul-
ana came
m m mo- 4 io l
000 000 000 0 TO
I wmcinnau
Miller and Seminick: Ramsbell and
St. Louis
010 450 00010 18
010 000 010 S S
Spahn and Cooper. Staley. Brazlo (4)
-oyer is) nearn (B) mna. nice.
Table of Coastal Tides
Tides for Tart. Oregon. June. 19S0.
(Complied by U4. Coast St Geodette
Survey, Portland. Oregon.)
8t8 ajn.
7:49 pjn.
8:01 au
8:23 pjn.
M am.
IM pjn.
10 H aon.
S:33 pan.
l M in.
10:09 pm.
13:14 pan.
10 J pjn.
l:3e aon.
13:99 pjn.
3:41 ajn.
. 1:48 pjn.
3:34 ajn.
" t.33 pjn.
4:18 ajn.
8.9 i
s.4 :
3:17 pan.
4:57 aon. -0 J
4:03 pjrw S.7
aw ajn. -.t
4:41 pan. SJ
Zlreov; S&isrS Shop
Ycm wCl 2nd all Iho Tory latoot Axtow'o loararod In
our tiop. '..." .K . ' r v - . '.
'.; I h ..' - v......:;. .. :i
Wo choose to feature) Arrow because) mora) men choose)
Arrow than any other brand of e&irts. ,
121 Ncrih
.'KEW.TOHK. Jane 1-VMM-
' NEW YORK. June T-tfV-Mld
Aeweiffct Campion Jake La
Metta and challenger Secky
Graxlano belli
said today they
would like to
fight Sugar Ray
Robinson and
both declared
they eon Id
.knock ent the
welt erweight
king.' ":
LaMotta and
Graxiane will meet In 15-roond
title bent In the Polo rroonds
Jane 28.
; LaMotta, who won only one
Uinitsteirs IBei
ledlay ddh 1' aialBri'siP 1
lLTho Stcrtotman, Salem, Oregon, Thursday, Juno 8. 1950
Tri-Clty 24 25 9
24 22 7',i
Spokane 23 25 8'4
Vancortvr 19 25UH
24 23 S
Wenatch .23 24 'J Victoria 19 2913,
victoria e-S: At Tri-city-Vancouver.
rain; At Tacoma-wenatchee, rain; At
Yma - Spone. rain.
coast LKAGce
w l gb w L GB
Houywa ?rsSFS33
ffi I -ISaSS0"1 ft S i?
Portland 34 32 s Sacramen 26 44 17', 4
Wednesday results: At Portland-Los
At Oakland s. Sacramento a.
. . T.
Riley, DetVJ oss Advance
In Mississippi Tourney
DALLAS, Texas, June 7-(r-Polly Riley, the gal figured to take
third trans-Mississippi golf title, today took her first step toward
doing just that a 6 and 4 first round,-victory.
Victim of the smooth-swinging
Eyes Repeat
Carey IQddleeoff (above) Is de-
fendlna champion in the Na
tional Open which starts today
at Ardmore, Pa. Middleeoff
will be out to retain the title
but will have competition from
aueh stars at Jim Demaret, Sam
Snead and Ben Bogan.
Golden Rose
Ski Race Set
PORTLAND, June 7 -UP)- A
record number of contestants
44 men and 7 women will com
pete in the Golden Rose Downhill
Ski race at Mount Hood Sunday.
Among the top entrants are Franz
Gabl of Austria. Guttorm Berge
of Norway, and last years cham
plons: Alan Fischer, Portland, and
Sandra Tomlinson, Vancouver, a
C. The Downhill la the final fea
ture of the Portland Rose festival.
la e ?i . 1
ATCarO S OjeCtt
Takes Handicap
BOSTON, Juno 1 -VP)- Hustled
from the start by the veteran
Eddie Arcaro, the Brandywine
stable's four-year-old Cochise
clipped four-fifths of a second off
the track record while humbling
B. F. Whi taker's My Request by
four lengths and A. G. Vander
bilt's Loser Weeper by four and
Half in the $25,000-added Mas
sachusetts handicap today at Suf
folk Downs.
In'ths Ma)or
Wednesday Ab R H O AS Rtd
I Pesky, Red Sox . 8 14 4 10 0
Doerr. Red Sox . 1111111
i uoraon. incuans a e l l 9 i i
I Whitman. Phillies Unplayed.
Kl?h Ctroot
mw t t ty m tmm :vw 'jr. .v.1.11 . :.:--. jfrr-', J J. 'M;'.
A W )?
out of Ave boats with sUbmsoa
out of five boots with Robtnsoa ;
In the ly ferttoa. said, T4 i
lixs io D(M hub Kin, obi w.a ;
20-ronnd bout. I'd knock him out
for sure.
"I floored him three times la 1
our other fights and ho never,
dropped me," aald LaMotta at his ;
Kiamesh Lake training camp,
"Every one of those flghto were
close. And there were no cham
pionships Involved In them. With
my title up If I win from
Rocky It would - bo another
story." - ' - Fl '
Graxlano, who Is working out
at Greenwood Lake, said "III
knock Robinson stiff. Ill take
Nw York 3113 IWashinrt 30 23104
Detroit 2813 1, PhUadelp l291Ji
Boston 29 19 4 Chicago 13 29 IS
Clevland 22 21 SHlSt. Louia 13 271S
Wednesday resulU: At Ntw York 8.
Detroit 4; At Washington 5. Cleveland
4; At Boston 20. St. Louis 4; At Phila
delphia S. Chicafo 0.
Brooklyn 2816 Chicago 2020
Philadelp 28 17 WNew York 18 21 81,
St. Louis 25 17 1 ipitteburc 17 29 11
Boston 24 IS S iCincinati 12 30 14
Wednesday results: At Chicago 4.
New York 13; At Pittsburgh 0, Brook
lyn 9; At Cincinnati 0. Philadelphia 4;
At St. Louis 2, Boston 10.
f ort worm, Tex., goner was jvui.
Gene Langkop of Dallas.
Keeping pace with the pre-tour
nament favorite was Defending
Champion Betsy Rawls, Austin,
Tex-, and every other well known
entry in the tournament
Miss Riley dropped the first hole
over Lokewoed Country club's par
73 course, but she won the sec
ond and the third, then fettled
down to an easy victory. i
Miss Rawls ousted Mrs. : Bill
London, Brownwood, Tex., 7 and 0
In other atches, Grade DeMoss,
Corvallis, Ore., defeated Mrs. Ray
Fellows, Tulsa, Okla., 5 and I, and
Mrs. H. C. Rledel, Dallas, defeat
ed Mrs. H. N. Coffman, Houston
8 and 7. 1 f
Miss DeMoss will meet Mrs.
Riedel In the second round to
CP'$ Rained,
Play Friday
A . scheduled district Legion
game last night i at Stay ton be
tween Bill Hananska's Capitol
Post t crew I and Staytoa waa
rained ont and has been reset for
Friday at C o'clock.
Hananska announces that ho
will start either Bob Garren, Bob
Stelnbrook or Steve Merchant
against the Stayton dob.
The locals dropped their open'
ins district ttlt to Oregon City. '
Angler Wanted Big
Bass Painfully Bad
(P)- Richard Haeth is a real fish
He hooked s striped bass today
while fishing from an 18 -foot sea
wall near here.' The line broke
and rather than lose the fish
Haeth jumped off the wall onto
a hard sand trap.
: He broke one ankle and Injur
ed the heel of his other foot, t
Unable to walk, Haeth crawl
ed into the surf, retrieved the end
of the broken line and hong on.
Finally someone noticed his plight
ana helped him ut er the water.
He was taken to a hospital where
doctors said he'd be laid op for
from three to six months.
The baas weighed 194 pounds.
.. " 1-' .!
I' - !
iO no
Ploughs o Narrows o Discs v
Small enough to be handy, big enough to ride and easy
"to buyl i . ': ' ' ' -; lr
SATURDAY, 10:30 A. f.1
LoutJen on Burnt Property
G straight ent Center Street 14 saOes mass Lnneaater Drlrt
to end of street r v-'h- '-y'K : '
J53 N. IXberty Street, faUm
feockyy anytime In a rra 4
that eoeky guy anytime, la a gyat I
ring or an alley. I want to flghf i
him more than any other guy
m take him on after LaMatta
win, lose or draw."
- Robinson, who won Pennsyl
vania - recognition a a - middle
weight champion by defeating
Robert Vlllemaln In Philadelphia
Monday night, said ho would like
to got a shot a the while middle-
, weight championship.
. The National Boxing
Hon has riven LaMotta to dayg
lo defend his crown against Rob
insott or face the loss of his title,
That la! If he beats Graxlano.
nao n
Faces Golfers
Snead Top; Favorite
At Qasslc Renewed
ARDMORE. Pa- Juno 7 -0P1
The Merlon Golf dub, with the)
yawning traps that make it one
of the . toughest layouts in the
world, was fit and ready tonight
for tomorrow's struggle against
185 of the nation's finest shot
Thousands of dollars have been
bet that the course will bt crown
ed the victor when the last ball
has been played out of its "cab
bage", rough late Saturday after
noon and the 50th U. S. open
championship is ready for the
history books.
Seldom If ever before since the
classic was begun has the playing
site itself come in for such pro
tournament discussion among the
players and been so fiercely back
ed by its supporters to repel the
assault , of the Sneads, the Dema
rets, the Hogans and the Mlddle
coffs. :".,
At even money, Philadelphia's
citizens and others who know
Merion have wagered their rolls
that the winner of the 72-holo
event does not break par of 280
strokes over the course's rugged
0,694 yards. Much New York
money still was saying tonight
that the brilliants who shoot the
C3's and 04's on the tournament
trail will subdue Merion too.
There waa so much talk. In
fact, about, the layout's ska tine
rink greens and Its so-called .
"death" holes that comparatively
little effort was expended on try
ing , to pick the man who will
com closest to conquering its
myriad hazards.
(Continued on next page) v
Senator Swal:
(flsurea are up to dateO
Lew '.
Valentine -
Marietta. O
was a river boat
building center of the lSOOsj
UTttUTlWI - saj8--ao8i
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