Ml , ! i ? r. ; . . The Statesman Saloni; Oregon.- Wednesday fcno 7. 1SS3 w 15 Buy . . .; To Sell . . . To Rent ? Use Classified Ads! To Trade 800 Real Estate SEVERIN REALTY CO. BOMS - GARDEN - BERRIES and a BEAUTirUTL YEAR ROUND STREAM with TREES. What a act up. Pasture lor horse or cow. 4 Rm house and a rood chicken Hse. A beauuful spot Only $6000.00. Small Dn. Pmt . A most unusual i 3 Bit Home, wun possibilities fo an upstair Apt. or additional Bjl. House is apadous. homey and in op cjUon Lcatl on large lot, nvd St and bus 'line, good dtst. $050.00 It told ooa1. Very attractive BR. home (Possibly 4 , B.R. Fnlrrr ount HiUV Excellent condition Fv!' Bsmt, auto oil furn, fireplace In I R. Nice quiet spot hade trees ar.d shrubbery. $12,500.00. Don't wait on this one. - i . Older type home, with aoartmentiiW cated close to down town dist. $200.00 Ma Income. $15,000.00. with easy 10 A?tine berry land, very good barn and chicken Hse. Good well and s Good Rd. and all routes. $6500.00rr Small Dn. pmx or traue tw Hse In city SEVERIN REALTY CO 81? K. High S Prione 3-4016 4 Acres Ho buildings, excellent soil for Jew ries, surrounding area rapidly build ing up. land value will increase. Ideal to start out with - rent beater. . Easy terms. See Mr. Bourne. Ere. Ph. 3-7217. 1 2 Acres, 3 BDR. rtr bedrooms all on one floor, all i kinds of fruit, nuts, berries, grapes. ! .i. 1 .t1 mirth. 18 000. See Mr. Bourne or Mr. Bennett. Hollywood District All plaster 3 bedroom home with mod ern conveniences. Part basement; tfiillv landscaDed. Located on a rood corner lot. Floor coverings go. This fine home pncea t $8750. Extra loevailable. Eve. call Lee. 3-8342. i F.H.A. Lot Large lot. 750. City water. Restricted Dist Terms. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol : Phone 3-8318 "BEST BUYS OUTSTANLllNG ' Very neat - cute home In Manbrin Garden. Oil heat, fireplace, approx i 1150 sq. ft. fir space, att garage, love ly back yard.nlce lawn St shrubs. Attracuveiy pncea at siu.suy, li A SLEEPER Lovely 3 B JR. home, radiant heat, lots ' of closet space, choice corner lot. . i nice thru be, good soil for garden tf you o desire. Owner transferred. Price has been drastically reduced to 1 12.500. This being exact F.H-A. ap praisal. So you can rest assured It is not pncea too nign. 4 Bedrooms Almost new. wall to wall carpets. elec heat, lots of built-ins. cute kitch en plus nice breakfast nook, 3 car port. Very attractively priced at S85W. very uoeraj terms. Sing for Mr. Bell -vening phones 2-7874 or 3-3558. Acreage & Farm Values 1 acre with almost new S rm home onlv 3 ml from Salem, very good cond. elec heat. well, good soil. Very reasonable. $6250. Liberal terms. Stock Ranch 336 acres, 8 rm home. 3 wells for stock plus .city water. 2 large Darns, large machine shed, cows, tractor, drill. ' ' mower, plows, disc. We believe this a bargain for $16,500. j , 6lz Acres I B rm home. Large barn, chicken house, fruit house, close to prosper ous town. 3 A. berries. Total price $4950. One Acre .Very clean modern home, well, garage, nice yard and shrubs, family or chard. Price has been rednced to $7250. See this one. - Sail for Mr. Leavens, vening phone 3-4735 or 3-3558. A Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 03S Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 or 3-4596 802 Businosa PToprty BUS BLDO, U. rm. 3083 N. Coral. 606 House Pot Sal)' BY OWNER In best location, nearly new a B. r. nome. garage, outside patio At fireplace, fenced In back yard. Will accept late model used car In gd. cond as part; payment. Call Z-534B. 114.750 BEAUTIFUL New Modern 1 Br home East. 1460 sq. ft. floor area. Lot 100x180. Close to bus. Immediate possession. 1 Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. Hlffh Phone 3-4121 rOR SALE by owner, new home, 1887 w. water Et. Why Rent? 3900 buys comfortable, turn. 3 rm. house, st. Improvements In and pd. t Dix. to jo nun. bus service and tore. i . $8000 Buys IV A choice soil, close In. comfortable . 3 B R. home, small barn, garden in. . Vt A cane . berries promise heavy crop. 1 I ' H. E. Corey, Real Estate 3363 N. Broadway Office 3-0553 Day or eve. 2-9138. 3-3816 Statesman Classified Ads ' Call 22441 Classified Advertislnf Per !int tEe Three) Insertions, per line; 48 7 insertions, per One month per f (Ontsid 9t Salem, each UM JSa) alinlraua tw lines. Ccuit I words to Une. i ' ; Readers tn city htiefs 41ne Its The deadline for classified and reader adrertialng ta 8:43 P-m. dally Only emergency "losT ads wtll be accepted after that hour.. The Statesman reserves the right to rtject questionable advertising. It Further reaervea the right to place all advertising under the proper classification. , , The Statesman assumes no' fin ancial responsibility for error which may appear la advertise ments published tn Its columns and In cases where this paper Is at fault win reprint that part of an advertisement In which the typo graphical mistake occurs.? A "BlhvT Ad an ed eontatntoa Statesman box number for an address la for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter The States man la not at liberty to divulge Information as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Blind ad. 800 Real Estate JUST FINISHED Now la tie time to buy and this la a place,; oinina: room. Kitcnen. atucnea Price Includes a seeded lawn. Hurry, , you this new home In the Englewood I - WEST A beautiful 3 bedroom home- on a quiet uouDie garage, wail to wall carpet, traverse roas ana arapes, me snower stall besides bath tub in main Cath, Dining room, breakfast space in kitchen, beautifully decorated and well painted. Shown by appointment only.) $19,000.00. Call Dale Johnson, eves. 2-8316. ' : ! SMALL FARM BARGAIN 20 acre berry and fruit farm. 4 room house, farm buildings, stock and equip ment. $8,000.00 $2500.00 down. baL Phone- 4-2786. j SPORTING $9,000.00 buys good long established sporting goods business. No blue sky In mis ae&L win inventory more than Eve. ph. 4-2786. $2000.00 FULL PRICE For this small house on a large lot. Living room mi yuxauo. walnut ana cnerry trees, call Les. Moms. PERFECT CONDITION $8350.00. 2 bedrooms. Living room, kitchen, nook. bath. Insulated throughout. Wired for Electric range. Lot 100x117. All in very nice town except for small garden. Lots of flowers and shrubs. Call Lea. Morris. HUFF REAL 341 Chemeketa Street 2 FIREPLACES - 4 BEDROOMS AND 10 ACRES -'-!.- ' ' : - And that's not all there's another fireplace In the yard, all year creek, plenty ox mat trees ana snruos and sowers. House has modern conveniences ana there's a barn and chicken house. About half the tract in cultivation, bal ance good pasture. Best of all this place la but a short way out of town on good road. Priced right at $9950. Terms. j THERE'S ONLY ONE FIREPLACE f IN THIS HOUSE But It has 3 bathrooms. Imagine a living room 14 feet wide and 26 ft. long. This along with a lovely dining room, an ultra-modern kitchen and 3 spacious bedrooms all on one floor. Here's 1600 sq. feet of new bouse de signed and built for gracious living. Price $16,000. Terms. DID YOU EVER IN RED Here's a 2 bedroom house (yes. it's painted red) with combination Bvlng-dinlng room, and a good sized lot. Eight Hundred sq. feet floor apace and priced , at only $6950. Can arrange low down payment. . 1 JUST THE PLACE I FOR THE LITTLE GIRLS AND BOYS Five rooms and a large lot out on Route 8, with plenty of space for garden. I School bus stops in front of house. Wired for electric range. Fireplace and same fruit trees. Note this price ) YOU MAY HAVE You may have this house as It Is with 3 bedrooms and no garage, or with i2 bedrooms and garage. Quite new and modern. Close to bus and schooL " New price $6850. Terms. AN OLDER HOUSE With 3 bedrooms, a lovely sunroom, living room, dining room, and a modern kitchen with large breakfast nook. Only one block from good bus service. $7500. Terms. DENTON & REALTORS 344 State Street 1 . Evenings Call Mr. Voorheea 3 i , . j i COUNTRY HOME Beautiful mod. English style home with 8 Ige. rms, brkft. nook. unHn. attic, lge. basmt. all fin. with lge, rumpus rm. At fireplace, shower & bowl laundry rm. etc dble. garage, beautiful shade trees. 3 ac of ground. Shown by appoint ment only. Price $23,500. Call G. B. Grabenhorst, Jr. I SOB 94TR STREET Here Is a aood 3 bdrm. home. lite. llv. basmt, sawdust heat, Phiiliplne Mahagony woodwork, excellent location. Priced to sell. Do not disturb occupant. Call Roy Ferris. ' I " ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Lovely 3 bdrm. home, den with frieplace, llv. rm. din. rm. finished In PhiHpine Mahagony, kitchen & bath tiled, lge. utility rm, hot water radiant heat, in sulated t weatherst ripped, dble. garage, sprinkling system, landscaped. Price $18,800. Call Peter Geiser. t . - i 'j Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors 1 jl34 3. Liberty St Phone 3-3471 i Evenings and Sundays call v - Peter Geiser 3-9968. Roy Ferris 3-8010. Earl West 3-0608 808 Houses For Sals NICE 3 yr old - home, 3 bedroom, hardwood floors, double plastered ?arage. Paved driveway, large lot 4x198 north. Close to school, auto oil furnace. Has everything. $14,000 unfurn or will sell furnished. By owner, call 34253 evenings for ap polntment. BY f OWNER: 3 B R. hse.. LJL. kit. bath, garage. 3350 Livingston, off NEW 2 B.R. hse Ph. 26757 eves. ENGLEWOOD DIST. 3 B.R. home, base ment: Equity $1300. Bai $3750 at 6 , Ph. 37498. B usiness APPfNO MACHINKS AL1 MAKES adding machines ad - typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Roen. 456 Court. Phone 3-6773. APPLIANCE SERVICE fiendix, Kei vina tor and Hotpoint Sales 'and Service. Ralph Johnson Ap pliance. 355 Center St. Phone 3-3138. Y EATER Appliance Co.. 375 Chemeketa en,' 3-43U. AT TOUR DOOR SHARPENING DEptTER, 1140 Center. Phone 3-t833 AVTOMOBIL8 RKPAIB , Complete . Chevrolet service, Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co.. 810 N. ComT. BUFLDINQ CONSTRUCTION - KEMODELlNG. repair for. the finest In workmanship at the lowest cost. Call MILLS CONSTRUCTION. 37023. Ralph M. Scheidel & Ceo. C Reed. Build on yout lot or ours. Building service. Phone 38279. " TKMENT CONTRA (Ti OR ' . ' DRIVEWAYS. sILwaXKA. f6UW DATIONS. snything concreteTPh 34850. CEMENT WORK CEMENT Work done, ph. -ftiil CHIMNEY SWEEP CHIMNEY sweep. Nerthn Ph.3-44it PETgCTTVE AGENCY Jas. A. Williams. 147 N. Liberty 3-0731. ELECTRICAL SERVICE Electrical Wiring or Service. Vibberf Electric. Phone 3-9031. rXTtNTTCRE REFTHT3HTNQ SPECIALISTS at refintshtnf modern r antique furn Lee Bros. Ph. 3-T001 LAMBERT-BROCK. 664 Norway. 3B36T. HKATINO Ju.on's, 379 N Com! Ph. 1-4U1. HODSI! PLANS COWING house plana. Ph. Msll. HOUSKHOLU PRODUCTS 1 h iu.Wi. r.. " 4449J 1 - e . wm aa sjiss - wiwvhvib) stest ssrasi tet St. -Salem Ph 3-5393 Free del INSURANCE foe W. UutcKUoa (Ire auto, liabil ity Ph 333f At'NORIES 5elue Serve-ieli Laundry Ui Jei tenwn St Ptt I-M53 MWNMOWHtT - 1..... 1 j.1 New - power and hand mowers Call Hsrrv w seott I4T So ComTSt LAWNMOWfR SHARPEN1NO , NO PARKING womes or lugging!? downtown. D-acter et your door Serv . -r 1140 Onter. Ph S-fSH3. ih;htinq nxTURia MJeon's exclusive UgbUng store. 3M H ' Hleh Sfatw Hotrt Ride 9-9411 MATTKESil Matt Capital Bee, Co. Ph Mt'SK LKSSONH Spanish and Hawaitaa guitar, snaa Ooua oanjo. eta U33 Court. Ph. t-U6. 800 Real Estate buy. 3 bedrooms. Large Llv. rm, fire garage. l ways just on juicncn. only $10,750.00. terms. Let me show district. Call Sale Johnson. Eve. Ph. SALEM street, nice surroundings, 1ft baths. $45.00 per mo. Call Ray Davis eve. GOODS the asking price, can nay vavis. room, kitchen, one bedroom, utility ESTATE GO. Phone 2-2577 WANT TO LIVE HOUSE? $4800. YOUR CHOICE BUT IT'S NICE DENTON - 4007 Phone 3-3683 Mr. Brennan 3-4848 . ' f WITH CREEK rm. din. rm, kitchen, hall & bath full 808 Houses For Sals BY Owner: Well built family home 3 yrs old; 4 large BJt.'s dble plumb ing, full basement with oil furnace, fenced back vard. 1 blka to Enele- wood Sch. Price $12.900. Call 23718. 6WNER WiU seU 4 bedrm home or trade for 3 bedrm. Close in. 3360 N. Church. MOD 3 B. R. home. Open each eve after 8:30. all day Sat At Sun. 165 3 B. R. Home. 15x28 comb. LR & DR. new wall-to-wall carpeting-. Lovely kit. lge breakfast nook. Approved r ma commitment, riu 2-1043. Directory NURSERIES Land sea Dinx St deslmlne. t. A. Dwr. tier A. Sons. 158 No, Lancaster. Ph. I-13ZX PAPKR1NO PAINTING PAINTING & paperhangmg..Free es timates B3f snippine pn .3-9513 PLUMBING SUPPLIES Capital Bnrgaln House. 145 Center SC PL I'M BIN G GENERAL repair and pumps. De catur wiaerr a. com L Ph. 3-6Z23 REPAIRS, wwrr mnei train niunin. w. n. oKcwis Slumping. Phone 346O0 Judson s. 379 No. Crm'L Ph. 3-4141. " n. ancwii flumping, lnone 34B00, PII M PA - Stealer Supply Co. Phone 3-8031. AWU AND GRAVEL WALLING SANfl In rinitfti M Crushed rock. For roads and drive way. Cement Ready-mix eojjnrete. sana. ouuaozjng orsinare a ditching. i yd. shovel and drag hne. SAWS emSaw Wks. 1293 N. 6th. 3-7aci SIKPTir TAWK i VACUUM Call us collect. Todds . Septic Tank jwnrt, ojq Ljrsen St. Ph 2-0734 HV F HameL Scptie tanks end lines cieeneo. guaranteed work. 1143 8th kciKES &.nti, r k. -I -J ai. w saiewi. fn i-74Q Rip-Rooter service on sewers, drains! 81 WER mVlCaf sim at., w. saiem. Ph. 3-9468 m raur harp cut tint bUd Cteant trwrxii uaruivva" " ' 11 " " rke'a Sewing Mac Rcpaiura, Your n ome or mi op. pn. a-42ZB. COMPLETf Repair Service. All kakea Free estimate - Work GiurantMd. ttaipn jonnson Appliances, ph. 3-3l Ail makes repaired! tree est Sinai 9 M Co. 130 X. CowVl Ph. 3-3511 IGN8 A SHOW CARDS R U Etfgtrorn Co, 840 Court. 8-34S3 PRAYING and pruning. L. W. Caudle. Ph. TodLs" Howser Bros. "Your power tool reetal neadquartera. 1118 E. 13th St Ph 2349 Brennan Tree Service. Phone 3-3748. rinlTlAN ELI-lDI -.LMER The Blind Man. Ph. 3-738 WATCH REPAIRI.NO "Claude Mis. 348 N. Com! Ph. 3-453? r ATHfcS STRIPPING RCE estimates T Pullman. 3-t5g"C 9VM.L DRILLING R. J. wrT. 4240, Sunnyvlew. Ph. 4-234; C H. 5avmlen. 560 Water. Ph .83711 jNErlD & sonl5? Brooks St. ph. 3- Well Dr liana DomesUcl Irrteattoa. inaustruu. u. a. noouison. uitxn rrantt baiexn. rn. s-uss. 800 Real Estate NELSON NEWS 3 BDRM CITY VIEW HOME English cottage type, located on hCl mud Dwuaunt city, cumace neat. With basement. Priced to sell. $7350. - VERY GOOD HOME ' NEAR HIGH SCHOOL S rm bsmt. Substantial owner built home. Picture windows, attractive fnlace. hwrl fin. wall tn wall run 'L. H D, S. Lota of closet space. ijen oc Dorm rougr.ea in osmt; aiso fplace in bsmt. Large lot on bus, near -stores and schools. $13,500 will take arood car as Dart cavment - GOOD HIGHWAY BUSINESS, $4800 Fountain, lunch, and variety business. building fixtures and inventory, u you cant use it, tell some , friend about this chance to get Into a nice little business of your own. Tourists are making it better every day. ACREAGE OWNER WANTS FARM 3 ac East. 4 bdrm home. W. elec range, hwd firs, bsmt. barn, chicken hse gar ,i ac strawb. Price $9850. Trade on 10 acres or more, i BEAN FARM EQUIPPED 20, acres between Aumsville Sc Stay- . ton. 4 bdrm home, perma. water v rights, sprinkler system, cows & ma chinery. Price $8400. Take X bdrm home as part payment. NELSON & NELSON Multiple Listtne Realtors 703 N. High Phone 3-4823 808 Houses Fog Sale OWNER Transferred win sell 4 year oia 3 Dedrm nome, soso. iarge tot. good location, rn. zarese NEW 4 bedroom house $7500. A. E. Heasley. 2305 N. Liberty. I New Home -j just completed, best of construction. has 3 bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, bath & utility room. Has a very economical central heating plant, hardwood floors Attached garage, lot 90x118 ft one block to bus north. A good value at $9100.00 F.H.A. terms. . - G. A. Vicary or Mabel Needham, Rltrs 341 State St Phone 39201 Fairmount Hill all view homes in oldest and most beautiful district of our city now being built by Don Gardner, builder of exclusive homes. Best of materials and construc tion. Only a few availa ble. $20,000 to $50,000. Call Don at 2-8120 and see for yourself, or Larsen Home & Loan Co. 164 S. Coml St. Ph. 3-8389. eve. 2-4661 $7650 CLEAN modern 3- ER home dose to St. Vincent School. $650 down - bal. $75.00 per month. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 1 183 S. High Phone 3-4131 Check These Values I. LATE BUILT WELL STYLED. 3. L. & D. RMS. COVED CEILING. 3. 3 BRMS. DOWN RM. FOR 3 UP. 4. MODEL KITCHEN UTIL. ROOM. 5. ALL KDWD. FLRS. VEN BLDS 6.3 CAR GARAGE CONCRETE DRIVE. T. LGE. LOT PAVED STREET. 8L RESTRICTED DIST. NEAR SCHOOL. 9. REDEC. INT. NEWLY PAINTED. 10. BARGAIN PRICE $9850. II. IMMED. POSS TERMS. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com! St. - Phone 3-8389 Home and Income This Is a good old homie home with 3 three-room furn apt. Lot 75 x 150. Owner lives in one, -. other two rented for $33 and $42. Sawdust fur , nace. $8400. Close to Memorial Hoe pltal. Will take in small home on trade, call Art on this one. Madsen Realty Co. 1326 State Phone 3-5580 Only $5350 Roomy New 5 Rms. Lge lot $1200 to $1850 dn. North. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE 172 S. Liberty Ph. 3-7U3, Salem SACRIFICE: Nearly new 6 rm home and trailer court on hlway. Owner, Kt. 7, box Z28J. saiem EXCELLENT LOC. Lovely 3 BJL home. full basement, nook, fireplace, saw dust furnace. See between 5 dc 9:30 p.m. 760 Stewart St, FURN 3 ROOM house on paved sU aood location, will consider good house-trailer ' as trade-in. 1263 E. Rural. BY OWNER: cozy 1 B.R. hse.. com- letelv mod. S3350 cash or S3650 on erms. Ideal rental. 3330 Winola Ave- Ph. 23528. Highland District $10,900 A good clean 4 bedroom Eng. type home with double plumbing, nice basement, oil furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, an extra large lot with fruit - Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Phone 2-3849 Eve. 2-5360 American Colonial $10,500 Modern four bedroom home, on extra large lot double plumbed, large utility room, piped furnace. fireplace, large living room. Terms $2000.00 down, balance like rent Call . Mr. Frederickson. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Phone 2-3849: Eve. J-32W $1100 EQUITY on small mod home on "A A. Good TO rt well. Ph. X6317. 6& 6P SALEM'S OUTSTANDING SUB. HOMES, ranch type with 3 BE, beautiful Hdwd. at TUe floors, a Die. plumbing with all tile bath, A real kit with nreaxfast noox. extra ige. flrepl.. patio with-barbecue pit 3000 aq. ft. floor space. 1 acre ground with fruit frees. Yours for only $18, r$oo. - - i STATE ST. HOME. 2 BR. mod, dble. phimbtng. full basement. Oil heat, lge. lot, $1400. j F 10 INDIVIDUAL UNTTS. close to CAP ITAL BLDGS. Ac SHOPPING CEN TER, each have LR, DH, Kit, with breakfast nook, batik, tirepl.. new elec. ranges. real deal for $55,000. CLOSE IN N. CAPITAL ST. Creek lot 50 x 200. lge. home has 2 rentals with Income $130 per mo. phis lge. living - quarters for owner. $23,000. 4 BR. MOD. ROME, basement Crept oil heat will sell for $1000 diu. Total ; price $8500. 4 BR. home South near Jr. High, base ment, oil heat, corner lot. $6850. SUB. HOME EAST on Sunnyvlew. 2 BR., Tile floor, wired, for range, $4000. Small down payment Acres Hear AtsmsvlBev t acres cult, . good 4 room home, wired for rge, , elec pump, $4000. U acres one mile from Roberts, has i S small houses, good weU.- paved I road. $3750. I . . .. ( j- . ; ' ' Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 164 S. Com ! 6U Phone 3-8389 800 Real Estate I BUILD RENTAL UNITS A corner lot 52 8x129 J to alley, No. Church St $3100. Ideal location for rental units. 4UaNSON RESIDENTIAL. OH Very tine location on 99E. Hlway located This property extends from 89E to Lancaster Dr. witn 150 rt frontage on each. $18,500. Owner will consider taking house In trade. KIGGINS. i ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT - t BJt. Home, paved St and on sewer, H.W. firs, extra storage space. $10,300. KIGGINS. i Fine 10 A. close-in No good 3 BJt plastered home, bauble garage, good barn at cnics: nouse. aoout a. in crop, xaraiiy zruit, a spraurs in pasture, a con, tractor, brooder, over 900 chickens you can really make aa excellent buy on this., call CRAWFORD i I NORTH WINTER ST. Within walking distance! of downtown, .home (could be 3 at extra bath at minimum expense) fireplace, basm t, auto oil furn., double plumbing, double garage asking $10,500. CRAWFORD. i I i BURT PICHA, Realtors 379 N. High St Eve: Crawford 806 Houses For Sale bdr home with bath. LR. DR. K. cooking elec. garage, lot 65x100, close tn Hollywood district Priced only $3,800. homes on large lot, 103x104. In one of the finest locations In Salem, one 3 bdr. home. LR. DR, K. and 2 new 1 bdr homes with garage. Two one bdr homes rent for $50 per month each. Owner lives In 3 bdr. home. Close to churches and shopping center, bus by door, paved streets and aide walks. This property la priced for quick sale, Only $13,500. Duplex, in a good location. 1 apt with furnished. Small apt rents for $43 per Part basement Priced ,at only $7650. 4.63 Acres with 4 bdr. home, full basement. LR, DR, K. B-lns. Bath, V-blinds. dble garage. Small barn and machine shea, poultry nouse, smau une ox machinery, family orchard, school bus by door. $1,000 dn. $50 per month including 8 Interest Priced at only $6,500. 20 acres with 3 bdr. home, elec w-system. bath, garage, barn, poultry-house. hog-house, all fenced witn woven wire, 30 acres, 3 bdr. home. elec. w-system. house, ft A. Royal Anne cnernes, 2 to 8 acres. Priced at )$8700. j 9 unit AAA motel in beaatiful setting, In the city limits. Doit, excellent d ly furnished. A i For more information contact one of our GEORGE W. J. ZEEB, 1853 N. Capitol Evening phones NEW HOME HEADQUARTERS $800 Down Balance $44 00 M. including Ins. at Taxes. FHA Built. 2 bdnns, nice kitchen 11 v. rm. Da in. nw floors, i yr; oia. immediate possession, owner win seu bi. 1 050 Market .Street S rms, older home fine' lot close to Englewood school $3,000.00. Look It over. Come In and talk It over. . ! Near Ben 8 rms. oil heat, attached garage. Shake i Almost 8 rms, forced air heat and conditioner. age, paved street, near school and trdg. center, see us on uua one wu. itui terms. Business Conditions Force Sale 3 bdrm home on N. 34th modern troughout Owner moving to tnmi. ' BUYING FROM US IS EASY. WX HELP Abrams & Skinner, Inc. 411 Masonic BWg. Ph. 3-9217. Sun. St Eve. Real Estate, Insurance. Mortgage Loans MOD. 8 rm hse. gd gar. 1443 Mission. KXIZER DISTRICT Three extra good buys at present-Call for Information. $14,500.00 - $10,000 .00 F JLA. A sparkling home in and : out Two large lots. Features that you can only find In the 820.000 class. Come and see for yourself. Call Mr. Ander son - Phone 25081. V. Omer Huff, Real Estate $550 Down Buys small 2 bedroom home In city S. Pvd. st. Near bus and shopping dis trict Price $5500. Income One 2 rm hse, two 3 rm hsee. one 4 rm hse. Total rent $86 per month. Price for all four only $4300. Terms $500 Down. Highland District Dandy pre-war 4 bdrm home. Lge din ing rm. hdwd firs, fireplace. Bsmnt Oil furnace. Nice setting. Immediate possession. See this before you buy. C0LBATHLANDC0. 3296 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-Q8I3 $475 down, $49 mo. 2 BJt mod. plastered, hwd. floors, V. blinds, fir furnace, fibre glass in sulation, wired for range, utility, gar age, concrete floor At drive way. Price $4950. Cor Edith & Dover. La- blsh Village. C. H. Ertandson. 2 GOOD VALUES that $1000 down will handle One 3 bed rm. all mod. home with 1 Acre rich garden soil. North $4000. full price. f 4 Bedrm. house, full bsmt. floor fur nace, fireplace $8,500. 2 bed rm. all modem new and 3& acres on pavement near school and store $8500. Lawrence Real Estate Loans At Insurance 404 S. High Phone 3-7508 810 Farms. Acreage For Sale Woodsy Secluded View S BJt Home. lovely beamed -celling. kit, full bsmt, double plumbing, nicely landscaped, yard. barn, chick houee S this on $4 A. only mi. from downtown Salem, berries, nuts, fruit, ttnv were aaklnc Just $15,000. BURT PICHA, Realtors 37$ N. High St Eve.: $ BJt HOME, bldgs. and t A. out Wallace no. ixw an. payt. or state OX Can owner 4-307. C4 A dose in N. XL. almost new mod ern t bedrm bouse. 2 chick houses. 1 A cane berries, deep well and irri gation system. Out Silvertoo Road past Middle Grove school, turn right first house on left Ralph Barry. See our select group of farms before you buy. Many of them stocked , and equipped. Stront Realty 3203 Portland Rd. i Phone 2-5323 (3 blks. N. of underpass on 99E For Sale or Trade I acre tract with t BS hone tat ' Dist win sen or trod for n 2 BR borne as Hollywood Dtst . Geo. D. Alderin,! Realtor 2003 Fair pounds Rd Phone 3-5790 ; Eves. 3-1284 20 ACRE laxm in crop. 7 rm mod house. lust redecorated. Lge bare and chic ken house, fruit, nut trees. 13 miles from Salem on Newberg to Salem Hlway. Price $7500. i down. Phone Aurora 8703. J U. MendenhalL 800 Real Estate ; AUTO COURT SITE close-in No. with mod. 3 BJt Home. statehouse. shopping center. 3 BJt. 2-5390, Johnson 3-7451 Office: 2-3649 806 Houses For Sale" 1 bdr all furnished. 1-2 bdr apt partly no. large apt rents zor sou per mo. springs, sen. bus. raccu at aow. LR. K, bath, garage, barn 42x40. poultry tsai. in cuit. ana pasture urani w . . with lots of trees, located on HI-way 99 X. usiness. an eiectnc, iukuoo, " salesmen. HUBBS CO. MGR. Phone 3-3031 2-8862 2-0528 Lomand siding. Its a dandy $8300 terms. Finished Hw floors. East Facing, large lot. gar St. In East Englewood. Built 1949. Very Farm, snown by appointment fu.uw.uu FINANCE OUR DEALS. 4-2868 $5700 VUJI . ... B . m . nnw SJk It. xrontage on uuowi; ,uiuer type moaern Dea rm. nome, inter ior recently -reaecoratca, nu oaav- i ment, furnace neat, ous at uoor. G. I. Soecial Yes tfe have 3 good ones, call us for Information. H. E. Corey, Real Estate 1365 N. Broadway Office 2-0553 Day or eve. 2-518. 3-3818 808 Lots For Sale $875 Acre Terms DISCOUNT FOR CASH. NEAR SIL VERTON ROAD. FOR CASH. 172 S. LIBERTY PH. 37113 WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE Why Be Broke all of the time paying high rentf Save moneyi- buy one of our nice lota At build your own home. Have It paid for In full within a short time. Re stricted dist $13 down. $13 mo. wat er, elec. bus service, close to schooL General Real Estate 255 Center Ph. 3-3389 day or eve. m jljl . M. 1 1 ,T : x V LOT 75 x135. mi. east of city. $595. um j. Mixiin, pn. a-zt7. 38 CHOICE 60' to 90' loU in Loumar Heights addition. Location blks w. ox com l Just N. of candaiana Heights. Short walking distance to McKinley 8c Leslie schools. - Sewers now Koine; in Pavements this sum mer, Terms. See owner L. W. Rath, pn. mw. BUSINESS CORNER Silverton highway. 130xl34H suitable for barber shop, eating place or etc Growing continuity. For more ln- zormaaon can - General Real Estate 253 Center Phone 3-329 810 Farms. Acreage For Sale LJt with rock fireplace. DJt, lge bright CRAWFORD. 2-8390 Office: t-3843 BY OWNER: 27 cres. S rm. modern uvug, svjw. v. n sju1 ssfcss, 3.83 ACRES near Pratum. Good 3 bed- house. SQ300. Kt. s. box ezs. room ptastcrca oouse. unusa well. water system, 2 large poultry houses. cherries, filberts St walnuts. Long frontage on paved road. Price $9900. ATTBm nfriLjr w rmr DDnrra 2033 N. Commercial St Ph. 20988 or 20181 812 Exchange Real Estate MOVING to Washtortonf WU1 trad our 133 acre ranch near OlympU. about fifteen acres risers d. large bam. S room bouse for farm or home, Frank C. Adams. Rt 4. Box 371 Orympia. Washington. 158 ACRES. 154 cult semi improved. no bill soli. On main road. Near Airlle Polk Cow flitaOt terms. 280 Acres, new grade A, near Corval lis. priced right D, L Hopkina. 148 S. Commercial, rep (H. C. Green. iortiand ) zgess. a am. mod, s yr. e is sere fruit and garden, trade for rm. will sefl. 3340 8. ComX 816 Resort Properrf BT OWNER: 3 lots, t houses, priced te seU one or alL mt Cutler City. P.O. 1 Sox soi. Text, ore. , 850 Automotive 852 Used Car For Sale McKay's Used Car. Center " Home of OK Used Cars ! ' CTfOLET SUBURBAN CARRYALL, 7 PASSENGER. RADIO. FRESH Jto " ii. NEW TIRES 48 CHEVROLET FLEETMASTER SEDAN, UNDERSEAT HEATER AND DE- ' Douglas McKay 35Np. COM-L 800 Real Estate 816 Resort Property NELSCOTT SACRIFICE Ocean View. 11 rm duplex. 2 tile snowers. i zirepiace. - only s jzmj. Frank Parent. Owner. 818 Wanted, Real Estate Have 2 California buyers Want large kancu3 East or Nortneast Burt Picha, Realtors 379 N. High St. Ph. 2-3649 WE NEED LISTINGS Have cash buyers for homes & farms. if . you wish to sell or trade, see us now. Center Street office COLBATH LAND CO. 1883 Center ; Ph. J4552 VETERAN Wants to lease level farm with good house 6c other good bldgs. 100 acres or more with option to buy. I have good wheel tractor on rubber, other equipment Box 829 Statesman. 850 Automotive 852 Used Cars For Sale DELUXE 1942 Nash Amb. club coupe. good cond. make offer. 1437 w. 4th MUST Sell this week 1948 CheV 4 dr sed. See at 290 S. 19th eves after . 41 CHEV. 2 dr. R Ac H. new tires. exc. cond.. clean. S695. Ph 21478 days '5 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan. Phone 2057B. 2355 N. Com'l St. JEEPS 1947 Jeep with H top 1S4T Jeep with full top 1948 Jeep, top power take off Gover nor motor just overhauled. 194$ Jeepster House car. low milage. 1948 Jeep ft ton stake. New 1950 models on display. See and drive the New Hurrican motor. Eisner Motor Co. 353 N. High Ph. 37802 FACTORY DELIVERY 1951 Kaisers and Frazers BUILT TO BETTER THE BEST NEW LOW PRICES TEAGUE MOTOR CO. 353 NO. LIBERTY PHONE 3-4173 Every Day Is Sale Day i AT OUR USED -CAR LOT ALL MAKES ALL MODELS. ALL PRICES We Invite your comparison for price with hke make St model anywhere Herrall-Owena Co. TRADES TERMS N. Liberty Ph. 1-4113 3C OLDS, new wheel bearing, tappet ad, good care. ntr. nne ruDoer, en gine ex frame. Nothing flashy but food steady trans, $150. 3205 Moody. oUow Park off Center or Ph. 37454. MTMBKat OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Asserts ted Press Is entitled exclusively te the use for republication ef all the local news printed tn this newspaper, as well as all AP news dispatches. MEMBER PACIFIC COAST DIVISION OF BUREAU OF ADVERTISING Advertising Representatives Ward-Griffith Cev. New York. Chlcage San Francisco, Detroit ureunretn a rmfin nttii v$ti 0m arwsrwa nwtw a mnrr.i ill sTs.ll OJBsJfc AUilil DsUaMsAsVi J LUiw vliAliUtl SUBSCRIPTION RATE Dally and Sunday By earrirr In dUea $ L20 month .90 month 4.50 six mos, 9.00 year By mail in Oregon (In advance) By mail ta U.SA. eutslde Oregon (tn adv.) 120 month 7 JO six mos, : 14.40 year Available tn certain areas. DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS X. A close loop O.Egyptian - dancing; Elrl .Oonstella- Uon l.SUthtly damp 12. Conference with Indians . 21. Father one of the Bears (Astron.) 13rKeel-bUled , cuckoo IS. Small wirs lXExclarna- Uon 19. Cease DOWN 1. Coln (Swed.) 2. Hawaiian bird 2. At present time 4. Gnarled 5. Part of "tobe- C Half mask (P.) 7. Bog .GUt 9. Brightly- colored fish 12. Pendent ornament 13. Forest 17. Aloft SO. Nova ScoUa (abbr.) 2L Nourish 22. Small rodents 24. Peered 24. Ahumpedl animal CAfr.) 27. Asidelonf Etance 28. Prominence . on crown of tooth 29. Like 30. Witty , saytnrs 21. Typo rneasure SXHlde SS.rrirs title ST. Therefore eShaDow Inlet of sea 40. Step 42. Coin (It) 43. Mathemati cal term - 44. Purpose I V 850 Automotive 852 Used Cars Fox Sale DilUCCTlONAL SIGNALS, SPORT LITE, - $169$ T ' $134$ Chevrolet Col PH. 2-3723 This Time It's HUDSON! Service SALES Parte Home of Good Uaed Cars Shrock Motor Co. Church and Chemeketa St Ph. 3- aft STitntnim lc-t. iU. .er, excellent cond. $1300. No trade. Call Independence 178. Sun. and eve. Monmouth 3110 or Inden. SftJ. 1336 PONTIAC sedan. Good condition. encan. zsi4 w. River Rd. We Are in the Market FOB LATE MODEL CARS ELSNER MOTOR CO. , 3S2 N. High I Salem. Oregon 854 Trucks. Trailers Far Sale 1 "48 Hi T. Chev. flat bed. with Brown. . le. ana 1 Hi T. Dodge flat bed, f with 3 speed trans. Price $1073 each, can 3-3378 eves. Sat. 145 FORD dump truck. Top shape, . $995. Phone 22779. 856 Wanted. CarsTracks ZEEB'S USED CARS BUT SELL TRADE 2 LOTS 2325 Fairgrounds Rd. PVne 2-8434 S58 Motorcycles Indi an CUSHMAN WHTZZER Stop In now for "free demonstration on the new sensational Indian Warrior Bargains on ail makes and models used j. . machines Shrock Motorcycle Sales I 9007 Portland Rrl Phrn. S-lan and in top condition. Will sacrifice. Rt 1. Box 407. Ph. 26171. 860 Auto Miscellaneous WRECKING 1941 Ford 2 dr sedan. If needing parts call Z512S or write 590 S. Lancaster Dr, Salem. Han cock station. SAVE $ $ at firaden's Body A Paint Shop. 9690 Cherry Ave. Ph. 2-20ZZ. Open eves, k every day but Sat. i 862 House Traflers 1942 22 FT TRAILER HOUSE. Sleeps 4. Perry Wade. Fir Crest Trailer Park-. N. River Rd. 1$ FT Trailer hse with steel frame gd tires. 1173 th St. TRAILER COACHES: Kit Unive etal I a8JfE Lake Wood. Traveleze. 10' to 34' refrig. h.w. htr. shower, T 1 .1. rn II Ci jay u ant xiaiicr oaics 2640 Portland Rd. FOR Rent; Cool shady trailer space. Lge mod utility rm, childrens play yard, bus serv, sch St church. State on tne rd to the coast. Phone ZZ34S. TRADE: 2 excellent bldg loU in Dallas, 1) blks to new grade school, will trade for hse trailer. Ph. 3382 Dallas. 16 FT. mod. trailer hse. Butane gas, good rubber. 3340 S. Com'L Week-days Only Sundays Only $ L00 month JO week .40 month 235 six mos. 4.00 year Z0 month 175 six mos. 6X0 year 19. Prophet 21. Exclama- i I Uon of ! : disgust 22. Bulk 23. MichieTOuS I- 1 )erson. 24. SUtlons 25. Vacation i -I spots ; 26. Short, heavy ! sword 22. Fuel i 30. Persona! i i pronoun St. Eat awayi 32. Cylindrical I . grindstone 34. Spiritual 4-e, Tss4ir4ays Am SS.Cwt j 34. Kindred H tribe J . v 39. Antelope ; (Tibet) power (Afr.) 41.UastcnoU trC5l TQM Ttcl Tit t ni ii r wn n Tr a l r TjlE -iduipiiLibbiYLi IT" " " E '111 a Wa . it i; Ii S w I I W 1 b cf ,. y . $si . .