. . .. ,4 ';.. . Mt. Angel Prep Graduation Set For Friday IteliMH Nwa Berrica ,. I V MT. ANGEL, June -1 Mt Ar?el prep School will graduate class of 34 seniors at the annual commencement exercises in the high school gym Friday night, June 2, at 8 piiL, diplomas and honors to be conferred by Rt, Rev. Abbot Thomas Meier, OSB. - The Rev. Damlan Jentges of Mt. Angel will deliver the address to the graduates and there will I also be talks by the Rev. Gabriel Morris and the Rev. Martin Pol- V lard. Don Amort will give the Valedictory and Norbert Wellman the salutatory. " i ' I ' JFive medals are to be present ed to yet unnamed students as special honor awards for general excellence, Christian character, aJMetfcs, Journalisip and dramat ics. . I ... ' , I. ' , The graduates are Donald Am ort, James Fournier, David Eb fcer, Norbert Wellman, Paul Diek er Norbert Aicher, Robert Bochs- ler, Lawrence Beyer, Joseph ot ter. Donald Gribsenauer, Gllman Fennimore, Donald Till, Edward Traeger, Arnold Bielemeier, Jos eph Bielenberg, William Scott, John Paysano, Roy Alvick, Rich ard Ebner, Larry Feldman, Gor-i don Blgler. Darrel Rehm, James Bentz, Robert Gottsacker, Robert ' Manauska, Stanley Heidt, Paul Buchheit, Marinus Optiz Philip Weissner, Terrance I McCormick, Alfred Beyer, Donald Hauth, Charles Witt, Philip Keagbine, and JKoDert i nomas. . i - Memorial Day Babies 1 Born at Silverton ! SILVERTON Two JMemoria: D?y -babies were bom at the Rfl. Vert on hosnital TiiMHar s mnn tn Mr. and Mrs. Savmond Matiror e Molalla and a daughter to Mr. ra airs, jluis Kropi of Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Alcium May of wt. Angel are the parents of daughter born May 29 at the Stl verton hospital. P Look and Learn "'By A. C Gordoa .p. J: 1. Can you place the following ws - uooa nope, Horn, and 2. What material ts nwwt 'mm monly used for -makinff weJtrhbt? 3. What ancient people intro duced the use of an alphabet into Europe? -r . 4. Does the President-of the U. . nave, the right to Introduce bill into Congress? i- - - v 5. How much is a "section' of landT I J I ; . ANSWERS ' . ' -r. I 1. The southern extremities of Ainca, bouth America, and Flori 2. Brass. 3. The PhoeniciansJ 4. No. 5. 640 acres. itnelWreed Plane Geiir V It J ;2 I - i t 7 VA WASHINGTON, Jane 1 Lt Comdr. M. W. C&fcie of KnoxviUe, Temw inspects. In Washington, the nose wheel assembly from the Navy Privateer patrol plane shot down over the Baltic sea by Rus sian fhrhters on April 8. He said navy experts who Inspected the landinr gear concluded the plane must have exploded before hitting the sea. (AP Wirephote to the Stttesan.) Jefferson Hi Students Get 1950 Awards T BUtnmia Newa Serrlee JITFERSON Donald Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence MUt ler. was a four-time winner when school awards were distributed by Superintendent Pat Beal at high school graduation ceremonies this week. Donald, as valdictorian, and Nancy BeaL salutatorian . of the senior class,' received the placque award as outstanding students of their class. Nancy's average was U and Donald's 1.4. Donald also received the scholarship award to Oregon State college .and the Readers'- Digest award. The latter is given "in recognition of past accomplishment and in anticipa tion of unusual achievement to come. Donald also received the music scholarship award, chosen by his classmates over the four year period. : Other awards included the in ter -class trophy won by the jun iors over the seniors 119 to 113 points and the Beal batting trophy went to Dean Davidson. Awards named by members of the senior class over the four-year period were: Girls "Athletic association, and activities, Doris Ha worth; citi zenship, Eulene Loftis; athletics, Jim Grimes; school spirit, Lucille Bentley;: perfect, attendance, Vir ginia Freitag. Virginia lost only 10 days in four years' school at tendance. Mildred Bailey was next with only 104 days absence and Neil Stephenson with 11 missed days in the four years. Nancy Beal received the band award. Awards given at the general school assembly went to the fol lowing: Band, presented by Clar ence Watts, bUrectorl-H&ancy Beal and Don Miller, five years; Doris Haworth and Jim Prokop. three years, and Margie Chrism an, four years. UAA (presented by Mrs. LaRowe) - Donna Armstrong. Barbara BlackweUL Ernestine Lambert, Rowena Bobbins, Melba Sweeten, Shirley Welson and Pat Orton, small J's; Mildred Bailey, Shirley I Welton, Barbara Arm strong, .Dorene Borst, Veloris Mit chell and Evelyn White, big O's; Marion" Behrends, Willadean Cole, Shiriey Higgins, numberal "52 Donna Oldenburg. Jo Gates, num eral "31"; Janet Adair, Charlene Borst, Greta Cameron, Jessie De- Vaney, Ruth Hart. Darlene Ha worth,; Louise HelmsAnn Hodges, Peggy I Laurie, Florence Marlatt Deloris Meyers, Meryle Sheffield, Nina Specht. Delores Stephenson. Frances Tierce, Pat Kilgore, num eral "53 ; Edna Campbell, Eames tine Lambert, Rowena. Bobbins and Melba Sweeten, exchange cer tificates for numeral. J A Wards also went to Shirley Higgins, Donna Armstrong , and Paula Smith, yell leaders; Nancy Beal,! Margie Chrisman and Mar- lene McCaw. chorus. Letters have also been awarded to the following members of the grade school softball team: 1 Car, McGuire, . Jack Higgins, Robert Beal,i Harlan Neil, Tom Daulton, Dan Mprris, John Wright, . Larry Wells. Eugene Tiefke, Neu Spen cer, Norbert Fries . and , Lyle Adams. ages Fire Two Homes ! Near Amity r. Statesaua News SarrUe 1 AMITY Fire Tuesday dam aged two homes In the Amity area before being brought under , con-1 trol by the Amity lire aepartment. i The most serious damage occur red it the J. G. Cronln residence on East Nursery street where the roof caught lire while the family was entertaining dinner guests. Nearly the entire , roof was aflame before the blaze was no ticed. .Neighbors carried house hold goods to safety while firemen extinguished the blaze. The dam age -was covered by insurance. I Personal property In the attic, was I destroyed. i Fire Captain Harold Shields suf fered minor face burns and was I treated by a McMinnville physic-1 tan. The Cronin s will live tem porarily with the Bernard Kosta family who were dinner guests when the fire broke out. ! Another roof fire, resulting in only minor, damage, occurred the same day at the John Stowlk farm home. The family had) the fire under control when the fire de-l partment arrived. ,"I!:):..1,,:! ?!t;':;' v:1; " f 3''r W.siosBi4Sa!em- The Nation?s Top Comics 4 DAILY AND SUNDAY in Your Home Newspaper BLONS3 Eighth Grade To Graduate At Sunn vside r i - Stateunaa Nawt SerTlc SUNNYSIDE Eighth grade! graduation exercises will be held at Sunnyside grade school Fri day, June 2, at 8 pjn. Mrs.- Vivian Hoenig.: Marion county rural school assistant sup erintendent, will give the address. The Rev. Merle Green, pastor of the Rosedale Friends church, will pronounce the Invocation. Larry Heckart is valedictorian and Natalie Klienschmitt is salu tatorian. Eileen King will read the class will, and Howard Dutoit will read the class prophecy. Mrs. May Brown Is the upper grade teacher and Mrs. A. A. Larson taught the primary grades. Both teachers expect to return next year. MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES 'A wa set cider, atraM ana1 (train, onfw exertion. axeaesH amotinr -or exposure to cold aotnetimea alowa oova kidney foae tkm. This nay ised but folks l com piaia mt aasaias barirache. low of pea an4 Ml), h derhee aa4 Jiiilnaai. Cttina p nixhta or frequent naif may reauit from minor bladder irritatioaa due to cold, aarapncM or dietary tndiaeretioaa. If roar djaeomforta are due to thee caoaea, don't wait, try Doaa'a PiUe, a mOd diuretic. Used! aneeeaaf wily ay aailliona tor ewer i years. Wkile these aymptoeea may often otherwise occur, ft'a amaiins bow many times Doaa'a siVa happy relief help tha lt milea of kidney takes snd Altera Snail out waste. Get Doaa'a filte todayl fn rn A- I ' ! mm 'i i i In the Capitol Shopping Center for Your Great er Shoppings Convenience. Starting - saw' Monday , June 5th, HUGHES, KRESS, j MARGWE N'S, SEARS and SHRYOCK'S will be open ; ;"'', oiiMS- and mmm FROM 12:30 TO 9:00 P.M. TUES. . . . 10:00 A.M. TO 6:00 PJVl. WED. . . T0:C0 A.M. TO 6:00 PJVL THURS. ..10:00 AM 'JO 6:0pP.iVL SAT. . .... 10:00 AJVL TO 6:09 P.JVU m II Ir- M Jhfd L I? SO THE NEIGHBORS J , IfM ''-J.. JtU a. 'Sr WILL THINK WE'REr"' )CyJl yJ 'Cr" " I I flvESu EVERVTmMQ MfA Ti-l-l PDtTT THANK I NOrV. IF VCU ) a SHRUNKEN 5IS?, uSr?' fe r&. BOUNDER'S V "THE ME UP.X rfM JJIIr? WiSHltlL LICENSE NUM8EP. SMRUNKEN APtS ui ir t n u I""! : "1 A TOeASt, PUSTV MEM0C1ES j HO WEST r BET YOU WAS A I i HERK WrW I WAS WOKIHG FOR-ONE ' ' " TrUT ARE UKE MASIC p TERRIBLE NICE tfTTLEGRL-j MYOrUlSSESJUSrAFErVL- i " "' I JUST tOVETOfiO TREASURE HUNTlNStVlAK CAfiPETS CARRYING Mt? I WISH I WAS A UmE'GIRL CHAGS WllL BfllMG IT f PLEASE, AUWT !XDAinC-IWEyERnNOAr4Y60U)CJErVELSi BACK TO THE HAPPY OATS 1 WHM YOU WAS A LITTLE' UP 10 DATE FDR YDU- KEU.IE OONT BUTr ALWAYS RM0 A &90fimimX& WHENTWASA UTTLE &RL-IT MAXES ME" FEEL J ' CHAMGE IT frt THE TKATAREMORE WECCOS- " U Xeifa.UKEYDU-X VGLADAaOVEfl JUST J 0 M- W A maaS ft V V laV M ft t" 'Jim. XV aml a." mL ? I am. 1"- Tfcr ":rT lV- mW 1 DICK TRACT LITTLE ANNIE BOONS? 5AWYSST5 OTFVCt N tfiUQW &m$. vouv van arm m ViSSXtH vocwsl von oaucuteq- UNtXPtmPlY. ' m r It , I BUZZ SAW TO ii II II I canrn K8& 6AKES. rm WWJtt5T BY. 4GT5 NOT TIS. Y85, MY KKSELF. US TtSitCS RJt 16 STtU. IM T NAVY. ) WAR. t VKOL K5ttPrrYiAJCtS.J0MH.0OMT KuSX fn MOu J Vtf 1 UWtoTflNOI I am 1 THSSl Tta 1W1 TWUe v ( WATCH V urrTLS V ONE! IT KIN SOME FAMI UV- TlANP ON A PUO&3SO Mem4ggANtP1 - ) PLAJMEM - :' I tocnr MOUS3 fft misBsMma wmiisiiii ii . TRlOtiyHE KIN ALSO TLKN ty PLANS -Ti INTa AN E33 BEATER . A 1 . r CAN OPENER OK A PENCIL. OBVIOUSLY, JUU8 rVOULDNT RISK. 1 W0L0IN8 DES PRISONER IN HER OWN RJPI HCSM .. ANO SHE VvOULDNT want WHAT ON TO TAKE HIM VERY FARrfS EARTH 1KAKES V ViORTH A TRY, HONEY I YOU THINK - :0 THEY TOOK I . 'vTV OESMONOTO f 2j ' JY"" ' THE JEFF ERS "" "V f t-T mTaJEm mwsmssmmmWiawaMasaaa. Q? EH3T WERE WASTING TOO MUCH I HE'S A STUBBORN TIME, SLEEPY 1 YOU'VE GOT POOL-ANO he can rTO MAKE THAT OLD 60AT TAKE IT! BUT I'M TELL, WHERE HE HIO OOlH' TO MAKE THE tAONSYl F"NHIM TALK NOW. OR ELSSm AfiBANWHILB IN TUG JEFFWZS HOUS8 h 3 ' ' ' 522VrTHlSlSJT,BUSTERt E5S rM THHOUSH PCAYIN I JYtff GAMESI I WHERSO - .- . Ll . '' (Those kids) &kft I W.I hope Tiieifheadvcan ! i nre tay 1 U ctow away as much as J I thought I had enough food to k yp tak$ care of that I v?r GASOLC3 ALUCz r Judy has sure brought us noon fr I WWW HOW YE I tKp5f CAN, 6IT FOLKS J D0WNT0TH h IJSJo Give tUER'BOOY IN HOOTIP HOLLER OWE OF TTJRc cODnUOLO KtDTXxS CUT DOMT TELL NOBODY TW fV,SER TILL THEY OTOUTAN j VOTE HOW'S THIS ONE. SNUFFY? OwWWJ TERBrKKY CHfVWtN TErBAOvt' ANT WHAT POLLERS TH' BRiDc r THfTT r OONT CAKE NO 5cN5c ' AT ALL. R100LES ITS A HUttDiriSBia -1 J SALNTT GOOGLS 1 I v a i IS 1 i . . i, 4