. The Statesman. Salem, OreqorL Thursday, Tup 1 ISSQ 17 The Natibn's Top i Gomics DAILY AND SUNDAY Your Home Newspaper GETUPC TOO , YOU'LL BE 4 1 - SUEEPV J tSI win ii 1 akwvlw LL I" mi 'k I PLOND3 (aTnjGHT WHEN fTS TIME VIOGOTO BED I'M NOT t3C f SLEEPY BUT WHEN ITS V TIME TO GET LP I CAN'T i'ir irn i n i rt i atrl . ''Illlfppil' , ' I'M GOING TO A STAY HOME FPOM &aA THE OFFICE TOCW VK and sleep CoO VOUR SLEEPING ; V AT THE OFFICE WHERE . 1.. i I 4 i DID VOUVT"TCW OUT SAVSOME-AJ FDR THAT n I I D1CS TQACT I SVV n ALL.MV FRIEND. - r 1 1 L. SM J . a wnr- mv AND-RUN J THINGS.' DRIVERf( WHERE IS MERE THEV JEEKf THAT l LOOKS LIKE A MEAD.' m fM JUST A POOR EXILE FROM rTYOWN HOUSED MFD POYAL MISUNKS CK1FFKI AjGATUA IS ALLERGIC TO MT TASTE N PIPE TOBACCC AW) TM TOO aD TO CHANGES NOW IM A PRIVATE IN THE ARMY OF DISPUTED JTTl 1 'I liiUU AND ILL KEEP OKI I I FOOUU YOU RDO A WWLE-iTUATSWMyiMWTMlS a popyftrvrriAL:i!iTe -A eWA4-Y0lRe VONIY RXXJN' LITTLE ANNIE ROONZ1 KY GOODNESS GPAOOUS-IOR IU.M0VE BACK W AGATHA ISA SOOAL i YOU CANT LIVE IM YOUR 1 ABDICATES-DOWM-WRECKS A HOM OWN HOUSE MO MCCE ?JrT-rr uHEN MOVES IM ON ANOTHER I U LraAJjywJHERES OWE WCE THIMS ijiT v iiuwiri mmvm i I DOES KEEP ON MOvIho KB .A I JL. u7 LA. CHRISTY WHAT ON fARTH ARt YOU DOtNd HEBE CHILD f 5fl C7Ht lAWER HOME I BUZZ SAWYE3 M25. 5AWVttJ,ANOI 1 JUST HAD TO DROP TOJAY KELLO. 1 -fa 3 .aT" 10W W HE, $AWtR? 5 Mf 5TILL ifc t mi IN lB fWWTJ p Wlf CP fUZ! MOW IHf, I I SWYtR? 5E5TIU I . M 111 TUIT ftlaNlVf f 1 1 SO THIS IS WHETS YOO CEEP secST WAR ( VSAH... PLANS TAXING OFF NOW I i 'v GRANOVOTWEe 7 M Ouiuf 9 1 I PLANES! LV1" "V mMi locxrr hods A TRACRRIFL 11 ' ! m WISESMTO fj ' 77 A STAB W THB CXP CS3T DAT'S D' r I r AND OKI'S D'X ! I MOMMA J Alc--' ' 8A8Y PANg! ) - I- . , . . 1 1 , 1 I WHERE ARB V I TO THE JCFFS3S HOUSS ON 1 I GOIMO, RIPT fOLO RORSE MOUTTAINI yl WORK W-ANYTHINS LIKE OLD FC&5& MOLNTMhU. ' ?, --rrtSS?--! j L THAT VACANT AROUND BUT IT'S IN BAD SHAPE. iCV FPVi, ' S-SI NOBODY'S LIVED THERE IPfevg Az J? i Nl IXM A WRITER LOCKINO FOR ONLY PLACS I KNOW IS v I a can i ren mrriiee m Ins . u li-upc um tea Dki WORK (N.-ANYTHINK3 LIKE OLD FOR3B MOLNTMhUl THAT VACANT AROUND BUT IT'S IN BAD 6HAPEJ E 0 NOBODY'S UVEO THERE Hre comesVOkay HopT V Judy sng, Jl IVn ready- y jCprkyfX 1 think. 1 ' I I CASOIT3 AllTt Cold pihlf Right: ham Y Pig In tedACcklebenies I bed, arr a H sandwich, smoking,and L awaka! r V hoe trickle! I and coffee.) blueberry TV"-1 3Lc 1 vjj? Cockeyed Beef on I ccw cive J I & bun her the LX Incognito. L PLAH AB-132 : ; . A:. Garage I 1 11 1 Bedroom Bed Room II i f .BcolRooa . I: iIllLT. ! Al lfSb la j-jpp Living Room ! : i I irrxu-r ; Dinette . &yir .- ' i i - F '. - ; . ; ;. . t :;. i Porch - LJ s a?uy : 1 Portland Livestock PORTLAND. May 31 -(APMUSDA) SaUbla cattl tSO: active, fully staady: low-good 12S0-UM lb. fed atecra 29iXJ50; common 1145-1TT5 lba. 21.00- 13.00; common-metUum h elf en 10.00- Z3.w; good rraaa oarrcieo cows Z2a S3.7S; medium 19.50-23.00: common 17.0O-lt 00: cannera-euttcrs mostly ISKO: thella down to 14.00; odd head food heavy tausaffa bulla 22.50: medium J0.M-2L5O; common 18.00- lt.oo. labia calvn ; T3: vealera - active, steady; bulX food -choice vealers 20.00 30.00: medium 23.00-23JX); common 14.00-21.00. i Salable hogs 300; active early, K?wt rather alow with aome bids 23 cants lower: early bulk rood-Choice 187-230 lb. butchers 22.00: steady; few small lots 'biedium-Kood 21.50-73: lixht smooth sows under ' 300 - lbs." up to 170; bulk good-choice 3SO-450 lbs. 16.00-50; tew medium down to 13 JO. Salable theeo 500: active, sonnff lambs fully steady: . old crop clipped lambs unchanged; few clipped slaujrh ter ewes steady: bulk good-choice 88 100 lb, spring lambs 26.50-27.00; few medium 26.00: common down to 23.00; Rood S0-93 lb. clipped lambs 21.30: medium 20.00-21.00; odd head good shorn slauxhter ewes 8.00-50. small lots good 70-84 lb. shorn feeding! hmltt 1 Ml-M HA. - 1 Nonci or rxabino Notice la harebv frtve-a that a heaita Ing upon lhe petuion for the rm provement of Shady Lane Avenue un der Chapter 354. Orecon Laws. 1949. will be held in toe County Court Chambers in the Courthouse In Salem. Oregon at 805 AM. PJ.T, June 10. By Order of the County Court. Ap. 27-J-l. Portland Grain PORTLAND. May 31 -(AP). Cash wheat (bid): Soft white Jii',4: soft white (excluding Rex) 22i; White club J22 ik. i Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.22 li: 10 per cent 3J24; 11 per cent 22': u per cent Today's car receipts: Wheat 23, oour l. corn w, mui teea z. Stocks and Bonds Com pried by the Associated Prete A NORTHWESTERN PLAN This boose destined by Tbomas, Grain ger A Bur, architects. Arcade BIdg.. Seattle 1, Wash la especially suited to s narrow lot. A full basement provides for; a recreation room with a second fireplace. Combination living-dining room pro Tides an unbroken sweep of more. than 38 feet. This was selected as Plan AB-132 by the American Builder, trade magazine. 30 Church St, New York 1, N. Y, for its economy of space utilization. With- oat garage, the house covers an area of 1440 square feet. i - ' May 31 ' BOND' AVEBAGES f l tft IS 10 IS I Rails Indutt 0U1 rorgn Net change unch . A.l unch AJ Wed . 94J 102J 104.8 7S.l Prev day 4S ' 102.4 104.8 74.9 Week ago 93.1 102.5 104.7 74.7 Month ago 95.4 102.4 104 J : 74.6 Year ago 89.7 101 J 102.8 88.8 "New 1950 high. 1 -aaaaaaaw STOCK AVXEAGFa 30 13 IS 88 Indust Rails Util Stocks Net change AJ D2 AJt A.l Wednesday 111S 43.7 47.S 79.1 Prev day .,, ,-111.8 43S 47 J 79.0 week ago 111.3 44.1 47J ma Month ago 108J 433 46.1 . 77.0 Year ago 84.7 . 33.6 39.1 68.7 New IBM high. Many scientists classify this as an era of electronics, successor to the industrial turnover that came in the previous decade. New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, May 3MflVToday's closing quotations: AmA-.n r 1 1 DSL Am Power & Lt 21 Am Tel & Tel 160 Anaconda 32 Bendix Avia . 48 Beth Steel ZVA Boeing Air 29 Calif Pack 2 Canadian Pac 15 Case J I Gen Electric -r 49 V Gen Foods 51 Gen Motors 90 Goodyear Tire 55 Y Int Harvest Int Paper Kennecott . 28 Radio Corp - Rayoruer 4 Rayonier pfL Reynolds Met Richfield 4S Safeway Caterpillar t -t Chrrsler 70 Cons Vultee 15 Continental Can 39 Crown Zel 86 Curtis Wr 9 Douslas Air 79 Dupont de Ne 79 libby Mc N & L Long Bell A 43Mont Ward 41 Nash Kelvin -57 v8 26 61 Sears Roeb Co Pacific . 13 Nat Dairy N x Central Northern Pac 20 Pac Am Fish Pac Gas Hec 34 PT4T -110 Stan Oil Cal Studebaker 21Sun Mining Penney J C Transamerica Union Oil Un Pacific Un Airlines U S Steel Warner Bros 59Woolworth 20 32 23 47 34 f ' 45 W 55 69 34 11 17 27 : - 88 , . 16 33 48 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tht Walter Gruenfelder has been, by or der of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Marion Count, appoint ed Administrator of the Estate of Melvln Gruenfelder. deceased. Any persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them, with proper vouchers, to said Admin istrator at 2613 North Front Street. Salem. Marion County. Oregon with in six months from the date . of this notice. . t Date: May 18, 1950. WALTER GRUENFELDER Administrator of the Estate of Melvin Gruenfelder. deceased. ! Herbert W. Carter -J Pioneer Trust BIdg. i , . Salem. Oregon Attorney for said estate First Publication: May 18. 1950 Last Publication: June 15. 1950 18-25 J. 1-8-13 Portland Produce PORTLAND. May 31 -(AP)- Butter- fat tentative, subject to Immediate change: premium quality, maximum to jo to I per cent acuity oeuvcrcu ui Portland. 61-4c lb.; first quality. 58 62c; second quality. 87-80c. Butter wholesale F.O.B. bulk cubes to wholesalers: grade AA. 83 score. 66c lb.; A, 82 score, owe; B, so score. 58c: C. 89 score. 56c. Above prices are strlckly nominal. Cheese aeUinC price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. SO-SS'.sC lb.: Oregon 5'lb. loaf. 41-41 ic. Eggs to wholesalers; A grade, large, 40V-41c doz.: A grade, medium, 38li 39c; B grade, large. 35-360 dox. Live chickens (No. 1 quality. f.o.b. planU): Broilers under 3 lbs. nominal: fryers. 2l-3 lbs, 26c; 3-4 lbs.. 30c; roasters. 4 lbs and over. 30c: light hens under 4 lbs, 14-lTcj over 4 lbs 17-18c; heavy hens, all weights. 20-21c; old roosters, all weights, 11-1 Sc. Rabbits (average to groweri): live white. 4-3 lbs, Z2-24C lb.; s- IPs- is 20c; colored. 3 cents lower, od, or heavy does and bucks. 10-14c lb. rsh dress, ed .fryers to retailers 50-54c; Idaho fryers and roasters. 45c Fresh dressed meats I wholesalers to retailers: dollars Per cwt : Beef: steers, good. 500-800 lbs. $46- 49; commercial. $46-47 JO; utility. $40-43; cows, commercial. 8W-; utility. jb- Look and Learn By A. C. Gordosi 1. Where is the lowest point of dry land in the world? 2. Who was the first President of all forty-eight states? 3. How fast does a message travel along the nerves of a hu man being? 4. What Is the diameter or a Denny? 5. How many legs nas centi pede? ANSWERS 1. The shore of the Dead Sea, Palestine; 1,290 feet below : sea level 2. William Howard Taft, 3. About 400 feet a second. 4k Three-forths of an inch. S. This varies according to the kind!, usually between 40 and 50, and not a hundred as sometimes supposed. I HOW OJJ A5RTH CAM 1 61T'MVSE'F EUCTFD Mnvrv) ef ircv ic t . i vi t i , ti a CRltT OT FOLKS OOVifJl IUTHtrUP sor'iETHirr- ,ra00LS"-LET W6 SCRATCH W HA0 A Yt cvCCfi LHIw I FER THUTTY MJNUTES-I AlflTYc irKXJGKTUPj NOTVUN YcT? I STRRTED OFF SCRfiTCWfJ' AfX THtNKJti' DJT TH SCRATCHifJ fTdT w m m it x 39; cannert-cuttert. $34-38. Beef cuts (rood steers): hind quar ters.. 856-58; rounds, 853-55; full loins. trimmed. 867-72; triangles. S3S-4Z; souare chucks. 842-45: ribs. $57-84: foreo Barters. 838-42. Veal: cood. 848-01: commercial. 840- 46: UtlUtV. 136-39. : calves: rood -choice. S45-47; commer cial. 837-43. Lambs: eooa-enotce. ssa-ao: commer cial. 845-46; utiUty, 39-40; good-choice springers. S53-A4. . Mutton: cooa. to ids. aown. sz-za. Pork cuU: Loins. No. 1. 8-13 lbs. S53-55; shoulders, is lbs. down, sas- 9T.9o: carcasses, sz9.au-ju.3u: sparenps. S4Z-46. Wool: valley, coarse, medium grades. 50c -36c lb. average at country buyer points. ; ' Unh.tr f. TH -an 11-month growth. F.O.B. country shipping points. country-kitted meats: Veal: top quality, 3S-41c I04 other grade accord inn to weignt-quanty with lighter or Heavier 33-jbc. hocs: licnt Diockers. za-c io: sows ZO-Z3C. Lambs: top quality yearlings. 40-44c lb.; mutton, best, 16-lSc; rough heavy . 1 . 1 r Beef: sood cows. 30-34C 10.: canners. cutters. 2S-32C. . onions: so-ib. sack ore. western yellows. Nok 1. medium, $1.35-50: large, $1.65-75; Texas 50 lbs. wax. $X50-73; yellow. $2.50-75: Calif, yellows $1.75- 2.00. Red t2 SO-73. ' Potatoes: Ore. burbanks. No. L S3.50- 75: Deschutes russets. No. 1A. 83.75- 4.00; 25-ib. sack, ja-1.00; is ids.. &. 65c: bakers. No. 1. 14.75-90: No. bakers. $325-50: Klamath No. 1A. S3J5- 4.0O: Idaho russets. No. 1A. S4J10-3S: 5-10 lb. sacks. 82.40-5O; new crop Calif. long whites sjj, few lower,, b. ms-ss. :- i Bav: VS. No. t green alfalfa, truck or ca riots F.O.B. Portland or Pugct Sound markets. S33-3S ton: -VJS. mo. mixed timothy $44 ton: oats and vetch mixed hay or uncertified clover bay nominal! v SZ7-30. depending on Quality and location, baled, on 7 Willamette Valley farms. I Salem Market Quotations f As of late yesterday) OTTKRFAV Premium ' No. No. 8 BUTTS Wholesale Retail . X . .4 SCae fBuvhttl ( Wnalaaala prices ranges from 8 to 1 cents ever Durtna ertc.) . Large AA , 'J8 Large A 1 ' M Medium AA ; . j JU Medium A j M Crack ' M W . .16 . 41 , M . 20 . J3 . .10 . J2 . XI .02 . J88 POULTRY s A Leghorn hens B Leirborn bens . C Leghorn hens A colored bens B colored hens C colored hens A colored fryers . A colored fryers . C colored fryers A old roosters B old roosters C old roosters UVKSTOCS 9 TaSey Fat dairy cows: , . Cutter cows , , , Dairy heifers- , 1 , ,.. Buns 3. , . ISO to 1430 JAM to 17.00 18j08 t 2248 Good veal. 158 to 300 lbs J 09 to 26A8 Good ealvet ea to 348 Spring lambs to 25X0 300 Personal 312 Lost dnd Found LOST: Brown billfold at Liberty Thea tre. Keep money, ra. mno, o. d, Hibbs. j . . 316 Personal ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Ph 3-9133, p. o bos 734. tula wta rn. 8 JO O .m 400 Airriculture 402 Uvesloclr 1. CDZRNSXY-DURHAM cow. lust eentla. easv milker. Whites Ranch. mile east from Turner. ' . . J frestL nch. 1 GOOD family, milk cow. $130. 2 saddle norses. one witn saaoie ana orraie: geese and ducks. Rt. 2. Box 289. Dal- ; las, mi. w. oz rioneer Loop scm left side. - WnnttKl All type DwstocH Ph 4-W17) BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. C t McCandnah 1127 S 25th Ph ' 3-8147. LICENSED Uvestock buyer. H. E. Snethen. 1940 Lancaster or ph 2-1343. BONOibU iivestoek ouyer Claude Ed ward Rt 2 Boa 899E Ph S-114- "SORRELL' STUD, light mane and tail. 1 Morgan. Possie Tyle. Ph. ' 42965. SALE OR TRADE: 2 Guernseys ju fresh, one to freshen any day. also one Hobtein and one polled Hrr ford - bull. 2130 Chemawa Bd. l'4-f miles East of Ketzer SchoL Ph. 42617. ' GENTLE GUERNSEY family cow. Good milker. Ph. 31384. Rt. 3. 686-R.- 404 Poultry and Rabbits GEHRINGS fast rowing Cornish Croos ' fryer chicks Cehrmg aatchery, Sii verton. ' - FRYERS - Phone 3-1568 NEW Hampshire chicks available every ' Tuesday. Fox's Hatchery.. $830 State St Phone 3-4969. f NEW Hampshire Chicks $16J0 per 100. Weekly hatches. East Center St, ph. 2-2861. Lee Hatcherv 85 HENS. Austra Whites, laying 70' i. 81.73 eo. Phone zzvzz. 408 Pets LAB. PUPS. Ph. 3-5810. : MOORE'S TROPICAL FISH. Opening of new aquarium June 3 & 4th. 1 free Peacock Cechlet with each 81 purchase. Bring ad. 3 miles from , Lancaster Dr. ion Macleay Kd. RU 5 Box 483, Ph. 2-7321. RINGLANDS Boarding Ac Training Kennels. Bathing, trimming, groom ing. Pick up and deliver. Shipping , crates made to order. 357S Winola. Ph. 25954. 36859. j ORANGK Canaries, itingyri Ph. 25929. LAST CHANCE. AKC table and white couie pups,, 3795 n. River ho. 410 Seeds and Plants IRIS - some of the better ones at a saving. See this week while in bloom. Order now. for July digging. 930 Cumminw Lane, ph. 2-01C8. PANSIES. Choice selection. 7&f 1 doz!. Adams 4090 N. River Rd. Ph. 23218. SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELECTION NOTICE, STATITOF' OSXGON--" ) CXjUNTYr OF MARION )IL SCHOOL'DrSTRICT No. 24C7 Notice harebv is riven that- at the school district bond election hereby called, to-be-held at the following poll ing plaree: 1 . ror fcehoot tueceuon precinct no.: i. consisting of Marion Countr' election precincts tYtee : 7, 14. 26,- 43 and ' 38. HirhUnd -School, North Stir Highland; lor-school nection pveetnet No. 2. conaisrtna" of t Marion . County- election precincts . NaaJ 32, 6 ard-'66 and parts of 69. 72and112S, Washington School; 169 La nsiagr Avenues ! ror School ineetionrt precinct No. 3. consisting - of Marion-' Ooonty election precincts NoC 8. 9. 13.' 21; 22. 37. 38 and 4X Grant' School. Neett Cottage--St Market; ! For'SchoonEection- Pwcfnct No. 4. uUBUnx ' or 1 Marlon 1 uotmrr election precincts -Nae.' 1. 19.23.- 27. 28 -and 39. fcnglewood School. North. I9uv.&r- Ne- nraska; ror school Election Precinct no. B. consisting of .' Marion County - election Sreelnets -Kos.2. 10.-11. 12.. 16. 17. 23. and 31; the Pubic. School Office Building. 488 North High Street; ror school saecetion Precinct Na. E. consisting t of ' Marion County 'election precmcts mosjj. 4. 9. e. zo. 39 and 40, Richmond i SchooL Richmond i & Mill Streets: . For School Zaeeetion Precinct No. 7. consisting -of ' Marion County , election preeincts mos.-iz. is, 34. 33. and 41. Leslie Junior High School. SJ Cottage r Howard; For School Election Precinct NO. B consisting : of . Marion County - election precincts Kos AS. 46. 48, 81 and IBS and parts of Nos. 154, 136 and 164. Salem Heights SchooL 3495 Liberty,Road; 1 For School Election Precinct No. 9. consiatinx'of 'Marion Countv - election prcemota o. a, st. nsnafsn ot ISO. unooin. ocnooz. , poum jsma' 6t tBeck Avennet , pt -scnooi laeetion-Precinct Nee 10. consaatlng-of- Polk Oounsy leetioor pre cincts naav. 1. z. ana and part of 3, the West. Salem School. 1111 Third street. In aM'fW Scluol.nutrict .No. 24CJ. Marlon County. Ore ran. on t the 19th day of June. ADl- 1888. between theH hours CX. 2 .o'clock PMl and -8 o'clock PJs. there wtu be sebmitted to the lecal Votes? thereof f the 11 Issn oi eontractaagsas bonomtl lndebaadneas In the stun otnu mttUon doUaSi(SlI)00.- 000 DO) for the onrooae of -nravidlna funds with which 4 aeouire. construct KconstatrcUimprover repair, equio and furnish eetaeol bmldsaipj on, additions thereto. aaad to aauulie- pronertv. real and personaL apnurtctiant thereto ov connected 1 therewVtsu . la andufawrtbar sako acnoos-wustrtctj The wtaa be tnr ballot utmliirh shall be-taevwords "BONDS YES and BONDS NO . andc the-voter snatt plac a cross ai patwm teav words "BONDS" and the'-YES or between the word "BONDS" ' and ta -wore "NO", weisehawer indtaatea has choice. The pouasfor the reception of the ballots east for oragainst the contrac tion of said 'indebtedness wUL oa said day. and date and at the places aiore- saio,- do opened at tne hour of zwroock VM. and remain open until thetiouv of S tlawk Pit of '.the same da v.. at wnicn. nour tno samsnau be dosed. Bv order of the district school board of School District No. 24CJ. Marton county,- Oregonv mad this 23rd' oar; of say. At l. ioo. 1 HARRY W. SLI1T PwinH, District School Board . CUNNXU. C'WARIJ - rastriettClerb-J. 1-a. r 414 Farm Eqnlpmenl - FERGBSOtf-Rear a mower for-a Ford. to good shape. 3445 Market. Ph. zivso. 1943 MODEL B. Allis Chalmers tzactori Excellent condiUon. Cultivation, fer tiliser attach, wheel weights, plowing tandem disc Phone 31381. 1947 1 FORD Ferguson tsaetor At SJCjO. cultivator. HU 37958. 42SAuctto$r. Sales .AUCTION tonight (Thnrsday) June 1st. I'pm. Olenwooq Bsairoom. a mi n.oaien on MEL Ms rtag Washer -Side-oven. electric range aw 3 rvacuum' cleaners 'Modern . davenport suite Kroehier, bieaenco 1 mm 1 1 daveno suite e 3 piece, bleached sed suit springs 9x13 rugs and pads scatter rugs table lamps set'Mersman bleached tables- Duncan Phyfe tier table i suncan Phyie drum tame swing rockers large i lot office furniture.- Including . .3 desks, swivel chairs, eto. : 2 - cane-botsom rockers : isrse -chrome dinette -metal .bunk bed set complete lnnef sntlnc-ntattresses coll . springs used floor-lamps .occasional chairs -Sinner iwlag. machine child s 3 warurooe k eiS piece: breakfast Mt -ft. pottery 1 . 5 5 DtMe-snetal'bndxa set wimi cnaar j pamts ic equipment 1 e many outer , items. . Glen WWdiy, Aiictiorjccr Ph. 35110. Pays spot cash for your ; nousenoia gooos orT sens- on com mission, two saie wex wees; m Counting "tbe tower, the Empire Slatat rariLairrg.tn Jew Yorkt. is10S stoiiesttalL. . must csia si. ?r nptetesim olLsptini $$ Dollars t3 th cash rox yoiy- t ' 1 Bring your misc." At rami tore, to Scot tys Auctton ilooee. I't M us East oul Center St. Satem. Ph. 2-SZ74. Anctioni Every Thurs, 7 JO pjr. Fnrniture ahe) nousenoia articles, we mvite you w feeing your consign saent to us. EAST 8ALEM AUCTION 8833 Lancaster Driv Ph. 2-im ' ' rWnlitoeruata WeSSWSaiiHtlSir : i SO 6OO0 I STWPE0 V TOTrrVOTlfJV yarewakc The care yen rfvtheaBw wCl pay big dirklendi U later Ufa. ThSitiramwrafcliseJ PCXJE? SECXXMT iTrUKKIJl 4VI Dr. S.A. Vhcatley . .. Ovtoznettist ' 1 1 : i uaVnet gocgis C 1 mOMrtSi. rh4wel-44C9 -i-t- -siF,:vi.i... ... nm