The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 01, 1950, Page 12, Image 12

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    . Hh." T?if!ElrtnKipJ Saltm.'
From Tha Oregon
Pedee Scliobl
Held Friday
Statesman New Bervtca -
, PEDEE Ivan Parker of Ore
gon College of Education was
speaker for the eighth grade gra
duation Friday Mrs.- Jack Wells
was pianistIrs. C. 14 Burbank
gave the invocation, and the Rev.
Fred Durdle pronounced; the bene
diction. Graduated were Elaine
Hankiris, Clarice Stepper, Rus
sell Wells, Orval Stepper, Dennis
Clark, Marie Wellmai, Joyce
Trueax, Judith Anderson, Ken
neth teurbank, Calvin McBeth and
Carol. .McGonigaL I
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller
, fLoisSiddall) of West Salem are
parents of a nine pound son,
James Siddall, born Mays 21 at
Salem Memorial hospital. It is
their first child, "ftie baby is -the
great grandson of Mrs. .Mollie La
cey of Pedee. 5
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Siddall Sher
man of Salem are parents of a
new son born May 23 at Salem
Memorial hospital. It is their se
cond child. Sherman' attended
local schools before moving to
. Salem. (
Mrs. Sara- Maddux returned
home this week from a trip to
i Los Angeles where she" attended
the funeral of her brother, Dan
Bartel. She was accompanied by
her brothers, Dick Bartel of Salt
Creek and Herbert Bartel of In
dependence. -Visitors
at the home of Mrs.
-Mollie Lacey Monday were Mr.
and Mrs. John Simon's. of Helena,
Mont., and Lyman and Maud Si
mons of Salem. V - -
Mrand Mrs. Arthur Clark and
family were honored with a par
ty atjthe. Jack Wells home Wed
nesday following a jprayer meet
; Ing. The-XHarks , ate moving next
week to "their new home near
Dallas. The Glen Edwards fam
ily have" purchased the Clark
farm and will move there soon.
Gervais Grade School
Signs New,Teachcrs
iRtatriimaa Nwf Service '
GERVAIS Gervais . g r a d e
school closed Monday under the
principalship of Mrs. Dollie Cum
mings of Woodburn. Mrs. Clara
JBtange, Miss Caroline Zuber and
Mrs. Marjorie Niesen - are the
" The teaching staff for the fall
4erm will be Principal Mrs. Ves
tal W. Matter of Salem for the
seventh and eighth grades: Miss
Eva Kessler of Woodburn, fifth
and sixth grades; Miss Caroline
tuber, third .and fourth grades,
and Mrs. Marjorie Nleiisen of Sa
lem, the primary grades.
The first broadcast of a pres
idential inauguration was of Cal
vin Coolidge's in 1923. The first
telecast of such an event was that
Jn 1949 of Harry S. Truman's.
. ' y foi 7
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Oregon, 'Tturtdtry. June' ty 1850,
Statesman's Valley
Miracle Baby
Little Dennis McKenna. wearlnr
-. y s
v- 4 s ' - t ?
; sv , . ..-' ;, ;
yawns contentedly after arriving at his parents' Brooklyn home.
Bond was a present from employees at Adelphia hospital in New
York City where he was born last December j 17 weighing 27 ounces.
I Termed a i'mlracle baby" and given only a 1.000 to 1 chance of
survival, Dennis now weighs H pounds. (AP Wirephrto to the
St. Marys Grade School
To Graduate 50 June 5
' lUUinua New Srric
' MT. ANGEL St. Mary's grade
school will graduate a class of 25
boys and 25 girls, at commence
ment exercises in the school aur
ditorium Monday, June 8, at 2
p. m.
The address to the graduates
will be given by Rev. Gabriel
Morris, OSB, principal of Mt. An
gel Preparatory. Rev.- Damian
Jentges, pastor, will also speak.
Valedictorian is Anita Wilde and
salutatoriari, james Scott. Mar-t
lene Diehl was selected for histor
ian and Ernest Kimlinger will be
the announced. Diplomas and hon
ors will e awarded by Mrs. Ag
nes booth, county school superin
tendent. "
Musical selections will be given
by the school band and by Anita
Wilde, Louann Schaecher, Arlene
Fessler,. Laura Schmitz, Shirley
Mucken, chorus by the grades
4 to 7 and the graduates farewell
Those who will receive tthe
eighth grade certificates include
Robert ,Brodesser, Kenneth Buch
holz, Robert Butsch, James Fess
ler, Robert Fronk, Donald Frey,
Raymond Grwfsnauer,' Edward
Hubar, Thomas Keegan Ernest
Kimlinger,. Sylvester Kbttre, Har
I r...
Leaves Hospital
baby finery and a savings bond,
old Kraerrier, Dale Looney, Peter
Manion, Lee Roy Richter, Ro
manus Schaffner, Charles Schae
fer, Lawrence Schefers, Raymond
Schmaltz, Gerald Schmitz, James
Scott, Clarence Tate, Thomas
Traeger, Thomas Unger, Eldo
Murphy, Aileen Anderson, Dor
othy Dibola, Ruth Ann Dieker,
Arlene Fessler, Kathleen Gott
sacker, Rita Ann Hauth, Shirley
Mucken, Louann Schaecher, Lau
ra Schmitz, Ingrid Sika, Anita
Wilde, Marlene Diehl, Margie
Drescher, Marguerite Hauth, Mar
garet Beyer, Catherine Ilg, Mar
lene Prosser, Marie Piatz, Margie
Snider, Rosemarie Fennimore, Rita
Purdy, Tillie Klein, Dolores
Schultz, Ruth Wagner and Mar
jorie Wurdinger.
Murel Cluck, 848 D st., was ar
rested Wednesday by a city police
detective on a Marion county dis
trict court warrant charging him
with cashing a check on insuffi
cient funds. Cluck was being held
Wednesday, night on $500 bail.
Middle Grove
Gvic Group
Makes Plans
Statesman Newt Berries :
the new - communitv rlnhhmis
were presented by George Hardy
Duuaing committee cnairman, in
a meeting of the Associated Com
munity clubs at Middle Grove
Friday. r
The club voted to endorse the
nronosed school hand Istuo. T.m-
ory Goode arid John Anglin, sr.
were appomted on the hospitali
ty committee. Mrs. Cleo Kennen-
ger was appointed to select and
coacn taient. lor the fall talent
show. '
Monday, May 29, women of the
Associated Community clubs ser
ved dinner to those attending the
Guernsey show at the state fair
grounds. Proceedsjjwrll j be fur
nished kitchen equipment f or the
clubhouse. A jitney dinner will
be served at Middle Grove school
Friday, June 2, at 6 p. ! m. Pro
ceeds will ko to the buildin fund.
! Appearing on a prograrn pre-
seniea at Friday's meeting were
the first grade, including Jerry
Lambert. Charles WvatL; rtennJ
Miller, Randy Hammer and Fred-
cue bcnaier; first and i second
grades, including Julie Blankon.
ship, Harry Lee Scharf, I Johnny
Anglin; , Lorelei Holman, ; piano
soios; rnytnm band directed by
Harry Lee Scharf; Suzanne Ang
lin. assisted bv Patsv EnHn ni-i
cordion solos; folk f dances, fifthr
ana sixin grades; Yvonne Miller,
violin solo; Indian song and dance,
Wayne Johnston, Kareri j Patter
son, saily Meyers and Steve Pat
terson. '
Bible School
Starts June 5
: " ; ': ' ' r t
SUtetman News Servica
Corners BapUst church will open
its aauy. vacation bible school June
5 for a neriod of twn wooirs frnm
Monday throueh Fridav. Th wn
be classes for all ages from four
years up. An invitation is extended
to all children ofthe community.
Thfe Rev. Victor Loucks will be in
charge of the school. : ; . ,
Mr. arid Mrs. Charles Walker
accompanied bv Mr. and Mr r.
cil Walker, left for Seattle on 55a t-
urday where they will visit their
daughter and son-in-law, Air. and
Mrs. Henry Schuette. 1 3 -Eric
Rentschler of Alhnnv ind
Vernon Baxter of Portland visited
in the home of their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. " Rentschler
over the week end.
Friday. June 2. will be the tins
ing day of Lincoln school (Four
Corners). There will be a picnic at
the , school on that day j for the
school children onlv.
Teachers not returning in tVu,
Lincoln school for the fall; term
include Arthur V. Myers, who will
De supervisor of six Salem subur
ban schools, Mrs. Robert Carson
Miss Evelvn Smith and Rovd Hil.
lesland, whd have accepted schools
eisewnere; Mrs. Frank stone,
school secretary, will work in the
administration office as Mr. Mv
ers secretary. I .
Rnvn Hilloclan1 inrilr Vi 1 flra
Y boys to Smith Creek camp for
the week end. Those eoin? were
Gerald Bayse, Jerry Gilming, Ro
bert Kipper, Darrel Rickman, De
wey France, Beryl Davis, Henry
Mauk. Craiff Scott. Garv Peirnoint.
Otha Rouse, Vernon Vogt, Dick
Lukens, Kenneth McClain. Driv
ing the boys up to the camp were
Oliver Hickman. Eldon France. C
O. Gilming. I ; v
City Transit lines
. Effective June 1,1 950
New routes and timetables become effective June ,
1950. You can obtain new information i folder from your
; drivers Or the City Transit off ice".
, On the same date 60-day trial operation of new
'far plan will be placed in effect. Under this plan passengers
living close to town will be enabled to ride for a round
. trip fare of 15c. Two tokens .will be sold and one token,
entitles rider to one ride from the fare zone limits to Court
and Commercial. The other token is for the return- ride. NO
TRANSFERS will be fssued on this reduced fare. The regular
10c fare will entitle passenger to transfer. i
The method cf fare collection will be revised as fol
lows. INBOUND to, Court and Commercial passenger will
pay fare as he enters bus. OUTBOUND frbm Court and
Commercial passenger will not pay fare until he leaves bus.
Following are the routes and beginning point of the
reduced fare zone on each route. ,
Highland Ave.
Fairgrounds Rd.
Market St. - I
Park-D ,
Four Comers
State St.
Mill St ..........
12th St. U
So. Commercial
Keixer l- i.,,',. , !,.
: "Out 'df
I '.'''.". s
' ,? i ' "
fit ' :: ? '. .
Si r ' , 'VV' "
Huge clouds of smoke and flame
inrougn tne imperial oil Vo storage depot at North Bay. Ont Ex
ploding drums of gasoline and .naphtha sent clouds of smoke 2,000
feet In the air. Damage was estimated at $500,000. (AP Wlrephoto
M ine sutesman.)
VaMey ODItelituosiries
Mrs. Mary Seellg
MT. ANGEL Funeral services
for Mrs. Mary Seelig, a former Mt
Angel resident who died in the
Hillsboro hospital last Saturday,
were held from St. Mary's chtirch
here Monday. The Rev. Damian
Jentges officiated at the requiem
high mass, and graveside services
were in Calvary cemetery.
Pallbearers included Alois Keb
er, Joseph Faulhaber, John Schall
berger, all of Mt. Angel, Joseph
Aicher,- Woodburn, and William
Hermens and John Kendell of
Her son, Joseph Seelig, and
young grandson of Niles, Mich.,
flew here for the services. Other
visitors here for the funeral were
Elmer Verboort, Mrs. William
Verboort, Mrs. Art Verboort, Mrs.
Leslie Verboort, Mrs. Walter Van
Dyke,- Mrs. W. Van Dyke, .Mrs.
Bill Hermens and Mrs. John Ken
dell, all of Verboort, Oregon; Mr!
Wilfred Verboort, Woodburn; Sis
ter M. Schilastica Infeld, OSB,
Queen of Angels Convent, Mt.
Angel; Sister M. Thelia Seelig,
Sister Walter Seelig, and Sister M.
Roswitha Seelig, Holy Names Con
vent, Marlyhurst, Oregon.
Mrs. Seelig the former Mary
Infeld, was born in Gissell, Swit
zerland, March 31, 1870, and came
to Mt. Angel 50 years ago. In 1904,
she married Christian Seelig. who
died in Mt. Angel in October, 1942.
After her husband's death, she
made her home with her daughter,
Mrs. Elmer. Verboort of Verboort,'
continuing to live there after her
daughter's death in May, 1949.
She is survived by her son,
Joseph Seelig, four grandchildren,
Helen, Joseph, Patricia and Louise
SeJig of Niles, Mich., son-in-law,
Elmer Verboort, and a sister, Sis
ter Scholastica Seelig.
Aloysius Ben
MT ANGEL Aloysius Bell,
Hood a Church
Hood ft Broadway
j.Hood A Commercial
Summer A Market
D St. t Pacific Highway
.12th A Center
.12th aV Chemeketa
.12th I Chemeketa
.12th A Chemeketa
.12th A Oak:
.Owen A So. Commercial
luth A High
.Bush A High
-Hood A Commercial
.12th A Chemeketa
Control ' i
shoot skyward from a fire raging
whose death Saturday night at the
Silverton hospital followed an ac
cident at the sawmill of the B. &
j-R. Logging Co. Saturday morning,
was born in Scotts Mills May 23,
1927, the third youngest of the
ten children of Mr. and Mrs. Jos
eph W. BelL
The family soon after moved
to Mt. Angel and Allie attended
St. Mary's grade school and Mt.
Angel Preparatory. He entered the
army in July, 1945, serving two
years in Japan and, was awarded
the Victory medal. He was dis
charged in January, of 1947, and
returned to Mt. AngeL Soon after
he began his work in the sawmill.
He was a member of the Knights
of Columbus, VFW and Eagles.
Besides his parents, he is sur
vived by nine brothers and sisters,
Miss Mary Bell, who teaches in
Verboort, Oregon, Mrs. Frances
Gilbert, Woodburn, Mrs- Emma
Bristow, Nampa, Idaho, Edwin at
Donald,. Mrs. Anna Schaffner, Mt.
Angel, Richard, Salem, Mrs. Car
lene Joerg, WIUaminB, and Joseph
jr. and Johnny at home.
Columnist Dorothy Dix, hospital
ized several weeks for a diabetic
condition, is almost fully recover
ed, her physician said today. Her
doctor said the veteran writer is
sitting up and doing fine."
' I
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"J. 1
11 '
iMmpiMN -j : ill j ' 'k
o rtOBt toiu !
ii-Aaa io saum I I I
WMb ywHP ifcTjHfcA '
XTe are nuking this offer to et foa to trr Sonorbt&k llstgirioe,
the rxtra-fmh tftd for bread sad recetabte& StMoybaok is made
ohr im limited quantities oo
thai nuhed from producer to vsreboase to your toreThat't why
yoe alvsys get Sannybsak Msrftriae atrs4resh--extrt foodl
Spring Valley The Spring Val
ley Missionary society will hold
its final meeting before a summer
recess at 8 p.m. Thursday at the
home of Mrs. Roy Hammer, Salem
route 1. Husbands of members are
invited to the final session.
Gervais -Mrs. Fred Hall enter
tained fofnhe birthday annivers
ary of her husband Saturday eve
ning. The guest list Included Mr.
and Mrs. Sumner Stevens, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Steger, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Jones, and Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Dean, all of Gervais: Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Bjelland and Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Wants of Wood-
burn.. ; i . , - , .
Brush College -Mr. and Mrs.
Fred McKinney and Lee Hart, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Fields and son,
Freddie, left' for eastern Oregon
Sunday to visit relatives.
Delake Twenty-eight works of
Menalkas Selander, Oswego artist,
will be on exhibit at the Gallery
by the Sea here until the night of
June 24. The works Include water
colors and paintings.
Middle Grove The Associated
Community clubs of Middle Grove
will gave a Jitney dinner Friday,
June 2, from S to 7:30 pjn. at the
school. The public is Invited.
Your Savings
Are Safe
l AltM MQtRAti $ AV1NQI affA'NT
S00 State Street
Conscientious, Dignified
Service '
545 North Capitol
mau order for stores to yaar I
Local talent will give a program. .
Funds wul go zor' the cluohous
fund. t ' ,
Sllverton Dr. E. A. Teter. who
was brought to the Silverton hos
Eital - for treatment following A i
eart attack a week ago, was r-
though he is still at the hospital.
Salem Heights Mothers
Will Honor Teachert
'-"t'": - ' i ; -s
1 8tatennan Newt Serrle '
lem Heights Mothers club will
honor the teachers Monday, Juno
a, at a teachers luncheon at the
school lunchroom at 12:30 p. m.
Mrs. Fred Cords, room mother
for Mrs. Gladys Farrand'i, first
grade, is the chairman, assisted by '
Mrs. Hale Mickey. Marion Miller. .
principal, announced that report
cards will be given out Tuesday ..:
at 2:15 p. m. .., : . -;
Television receivers in dtieg
somewhat remote from the trans
mitters effect reception by erect
ing 'aerials on high masts, some
even 100 feet.
i 1 " ' 1 i ; i ,
IBANK BKAVZN8I Most atUcki tn )uit aeld
AdigesUon. Wbca U itriket. Uks BU-ni
(bleu. Tbty contain Um tMtMt-scUnt
dlctnM knows to doctors tor tha relict
Martbum, sss aa4 sUnUar tfutrau. SStV .
Telephone- f41Jt
TeL S-S72
ft US mm 4 ttmm m tmfHm
You'll h to impreswd with the
ricb lioea trxiure of this sutiooerf
fsowus. estkmaUy-koowA
tlammcrmill Bond! Aad imsRin
geniflc it beautifully imprinted with)
your full name sod sdarru for
only 29c! You'll want to order j
several sets for younelf, for eifts.
So hurry! Thit offer it limited'
Your cooperation will make this' plan e success. We
appreciate your patronage and sincerely hope the new re
routing plan and new zone fares will better serve you.
Ride the Bus No Parking Fuss
A . M jlf ffit esaitfcsaga Frist
s lf i
- '..!- Vll : : . .....