..-T-'eV jestotW dtivL' OtigorC-Tixmidaf, llat'2-' ISSO 450: Merchandise 470 For Sola. Mtocellmieous USED Dectrlo ranges $19 3 and up Yeater Appliance Co. , !73 jwmtwu at. Phillips Bros. . Fertilizers, cow. chicken, horse, and eheep nianur. Well rotved or fresn. Organic Comports and Comport ma terial. Dry. pulverized, weed jfree ; chicken manure All told by yard or 1 tack. Flagstones! and Rocka tor R o e k r f e sat. Sand tor Sand ' Boxes. Peat Mp. Seed Cedar Fence Porta. Tell and Elect Poles. , Shingles. Lumber. Beanstaker Wire. Ornamental Fence. Steel Clothes F line Posts and Iron Railings made to order. Yew Woodi Open Sun. through Spring. Ph 3-14S8 for Del. 4 Miles SSton State It Rt .Box 118. (1am Ores-on. t WATER Heaten. 42 gaL uouble ele ment? $74.50. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Cnemekcta St. 15 DOWN will install in your home a White Rotary portable sewing ma chine. Balance asy monthly pay mnts. Overhauled, guaranteed. Ralph Johnson Appliances, 355 Center. Ph. 83139. I . . ' . (lS DOWN will install in your home ; a Singer Rotary (portable sewing ma x chine. Balance jeasy monthly pay ments. Overhauled, guaranteed. Ralph Johnson Appliances. 355 Cen ter. Ph. 33139. I ; ' 1 SEWING machine. 1 typwriter and desk, several picture frames, 1 dres-I ser. mission si USED Electric washers $19.95 and up Yeater Appliance Co. ; 375 Chemeketa St. HOME Freezer, genuine deepfreeze 1129 50 and up. Yeater Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa ! IX) NT BE a nig drudge. Shampoo your rugs at home at one-half the cost Rent a Clark Rug Shampoo machine at Howser Bros 1410 S i CSED - Electric I refrigerators $48$4 and up ! - . i Yeater Appliance Co.. , (JSED Sewing machines priced to suit your budget Reconditioned 6c guar anteed, rtaipn jonnson Appliances Ph. 33138 BEAT YOUR HOMEelectrlcally with Westlnghouse lor Weslx automatic electric heaters veater Appliance t-o 375 Chemeketa! : Silversmith's Special - Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc. i 25c Any 6-C teapot resilvered $6.95 Brass items polished, lacquered May special on other Items, too I AVFJC PLATING CO. 1430 S. 12th St. I Ph. Salem 3-7772 Ijmr.E S Seat Booths Upholstered Seats. 8 - Small 3 Seat Booths Plain Seats.- The Spa 382 State St. OIL Circulators at greatly reduced prices I -- Yeater Appliance Co- 375 Chemeketa St. fEWIN3 MACHINES, used $9 Si and up Also new Free Westlnghouse $89.95 and up. I YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 173 Chemeketa St. Ph. 34311 .Walling Saiid & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock . For roads St driveway Cement. Ready ; mix. Concrete. Garden Sand Bull : dozing drainage and ditching ' yd shovel St drag line. Phone 3-8249. Additional Classified ' Ads on page 2JL THURSDAY'S BROADCASTS . . ! Pacific Daylight Time Kilocycles: KSLM 1390, KOCO 1490. KOIN 970. KGW 620. KEX 1190 FM: Meg?ycles KOIN 101.1; KGW 100.3; KEX 92.3 note: The Ernes as provided by the hanVwiinut notUicaaon, Ms newspa; Mcufftcyaeretsu. 00:00 I 100:15 brn, Neits ekeeper News m ilOVR i I -l 8-4- K KBLMf M COIN Klock Hodge Ppdga lodge Podge Farm Nes Ceeb Smiling Kemingwiir IB re 4k Gang HOCO Klock If WHIM SA ndy pkel OIN Klocl Macleod arlv Bird Old Bongs .vashbiirn if Kf UN I RK wsitftept Korral arg. Counter .Tamil Altar roc fw ildwM c(KinHl'Hrmativ m s. ... .ar r ons. MievM IValle cKews VKGW M South! Siflndlg SdHth.tShin S mwr jST ' Brealfl Ctab break, fciub 9 KSLM KOCO !ik N.Wj. News. (Garden Melody Time Melody fWendy WareeiAunt Jenny - - secona -ubj second ews t Stars of len Hard IHf Harding B II KOCO I ac's Melody -Mie s Melod 1 I iiKorN ig Sister M Perkins larg. Wlaftlng Caallarro dies seated JUitaes Seated I 9 M . Ladles Fair adws fl Fair H 1 KO0 ! Mac's Mfilod; tac Melodj I sOINA Mrs. Budton 11 Perrl Mason m Kvn CUo ub. Ntthl Joulfc tty qrock flc Llndlahrl A) "raw t op Trifles wood ft Muplc acleo Ne if m lOme j oster mews Roadl ukhfte Baseball f - Basebal IF.woal MusiC Pet It I IRoadfo Llfaa Magicf Mefdy Magic ffelo Nona,fNQ3iTiere ueir Hinders ; BacksrareWitelStena Dallas KEX - . 1 In Hollywood In Hollywood m. KB I.N JMSWC m kocq 1 a ' if arntiair iu lagic Melody MsgiK rkham Klrkaam . Feature rl Marries IPortl gh Pin B y Stewart . tfay 7tert iBlde A Ml MUM . IJH Bsebal 1 IBasebal sepi M.glc Mdy Magtt .1 5. I pi Kiiaui n. Kiosiirey raveiers Travtle Ick A Date Field A I tKBLM KOCO KOIN KGW ! . KEX i lilton Lewis IHenilngitay Lisic u want musk in W " ' FT 1 rt. Godfrey lArt tf!orey lomananfiee. lUIe Ba1ut. ore oft o4LifeSquKrellCage 5 K KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW . KEX i ralRhfarrow!Strfehta Iter's Bedlam Byer1 i-- ,r' . r.iri n oss news uus tnow 'HMntley ENe Nr hree of Us rostSer reen nornei lurewi tffrneta U iiArmstVn , U. Arrisstron 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW : ib. Heater N.WiNtn nndlelitfht r?an(ftiishl Suspen Suspeiu'xfhotographefa6otographer Screen Guild iScreen Guild - IDr. Kildare Dr. Klldare c,q"nellom . .. . ar leaicinar isonn or Twiliel lfOC(sf M Muaic Jackfet If oi7 M Playhotte VlavnAitu Perry Com CounteMpy IPaau'S Coirn (Counterspy Clyde tfrat .Clyde Beat Qf Dugout bDo Basebau r IN Lowell Thomaayaek Sml ' Kail m Sinatra. Ktrsten KEX ft Amateur Hour lAiteur Slen Hardy HaseDau F. B. L Father Knows Author. Critic lAut r. KFVMTI Love t iRcwiireel Kt0 Baseba BaMall Star srtn. Sou if Worl m HiVes orlpn Do1 -raooi InteUneuo KSLWH NwffWdy Mel KOCO 1 y fir ylNJ ks J e I mi m Ttultttn Lewis KatltVr Kndr ftutto 1 I 1 II I I Roi m si U VKGWI ! LA I rtef To Midnight (To Midnight (To Midnight To Midnight KOIN KEX meioaies iMeioaies ' I Handstand (Bandstand t Foster News (Wax Museum I Wax Museum tWax Museum Concert Hour (Concert, Hour Memos (Memo KGW KOAC 550 K.C. Thursday 20.-04 am. The News and Weather: 10:15 - Especially for Women; 11:00 The Concert I Hall; 12 rod The News; J2:15 p.m. Noon Farm Hour- 1 K Ride 'em Cowboy: (1:15 Variety Time: 1:30 Melody Lane; - 20 Home Garden Hour; 2:30 'Memory Book Music; 2:00 The News: 3:15 Music of Masters; 40 University Hour; .-00 Children's Theatre:. 4:15 On 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale, Mlseeaneous STOP Watches, chronograph)! & other complicated movements repaired with precise skill. Brown's Jewelry. 420 court AFMORAYS Harley Pugh Ph .-67WT NO WAXING REQUIRED with PLAS- Tl-KOTE. the cellophane-like finish (or doors or linoleum. Yeater Appliance Co.. 375 Chemeketa St, Stanley Home Products 535 N. Winter. t'SED Radios and , recwds players $9S and up Yeater Appliance Co- 375 Chemeketa St. - - ANDY'S DIRT , Phone 2-8748 Good cleaa top soil, tilt and fill dirt for your gardens, lawns & flowers. Call us first. Office 75? Edgewater : St Prompt del. USE " ORGANIC FERTILIZER y The right way to re build the soil. Free of weed seeds. 9 Odorless. 6 sacks. $5.00 Bulk 1 ton .... 10.00 2 tons 17.50 Free delivery anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous WANTED: Combination wood and gas range, also stair carpet in good con dition. State price write Box 686 Statesman. WANTED: Alder logs, top price paid for No. 1 logs. A. Schneider. 101 Main St, Dallas, rn. 3073. 474 Miscellaneous Sewing lessons Day or evening New Home Sewing Center Ralph Johnson Appliances 355 Center St Ph 33139 WANT TO Buy used cameras & lenses McEwjm Photo Shop. 433 State - Dental Plate Rejnair , TWO-HOUR SER VI CI INMOST ' CAJU Bring or Mail Your Plates for Repair 1 DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST - Adolph Bldg State St Com Ph 3-3311 HOWSEK BHOS. Your power tool rental headquarters. 1410 S 121 St Ph. 33640. 476 Fuel PLYWOOD core log ends: old fir. all 18" delivered. Ph. 3-6491 or call at 779 N. Cottage St. DRY 16" old fir. Phone 3-750T. OLD Fir. Oak. Ash. PH. 3-1458. 8ttsnaan pnbUshetd ftUh the fiNiin tte raOie. stations, hit because off Umec programs ar respdssibi jrch Time yfet. Melody fKOOi KlQfk -:-" at " . Parmrlrri e j IKiifo Smftjng IKeep'Smilir IRise S ffon (8C News Bted I Bbb ffavefi of Rest Blest Time Kang?Sir3 Break. Club 1 Guide Time . (Pastor's Call IStars Sing JHeJen Trent fHeinetowners I (OJtick as Flash IDick Ilaymes C. Thomas unday cup neass News uic as Flash Tod Oftanalltles fTell elghbor Melody Nttc's Melody iac pg Malone KSui Light Reynolds Show Ceo e MurpHi irpe btory Jfrue oiory j 1 Cjifeen For Day Cue For Day Melody; er Day of World Mac s Melody NeVah Drake Tray's Child. Nthwest Nothlfl west Cay 90s frJvs Huse Party Pdpper Young iMOet Menjous asel agic Melody Kay West Kay West Melody Magic hJVVody MagTcgvlelody iW tT I Front Baea & KrAmW Aerf Kiernan !Srebo; lie felod leic Mic iMelody Aft. Goitre ?1 odfrey Int My Date Lose, auearn rney M.e Batnel Keep W BT-u4 Nes rfewi wan Gfiest Sr Pi.To patterns ICkk-t Mattel IEda MHrrow IJfe Bedat. Ll ff Hpaut. IFiifiAters ISdliirrel Kac ArrdtlEfc- B ItanrM IBall rfn.neh BeHlarsl Tiittv r-alK.B 1,2-11 n... j" tw.v. riu Hews II.Sigs oTiesPe-rsi IT'1U Tt c Uika v. rr jti utiPa, - .Cregory HoodlGregory Hood - : tt r! rr TBnesrrraveler HTraveWr Landvtanri B landstand lol Thea loL Thefire Jragnet ifntt iondie londie ports for (All lyJborts liasebaU U If&sebal r. Keen 6 Kolfn iMdrich FatiUy (AferlcW Famllj ISur uvmaieur oour K.MOfgomer Ray Bloch BiasebaU KRat SUtehssU Bieulah puffy i Tl&rerk 3uK s?a cattle H.obb if fobt fttrry iir ITi Midatigbt Lk Brsrwat iNews News es Br Pag Crres3. enoi onceel Hcair B ru?i eMHeMi Me the Upbeat; 5:50 $50 Sports Club; 00 The News; S:15 Sincerely Yours; 4 JO Round the Cam pf ire; -1 0, Headlines in Chemistry; 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: 1:00 Flying Time; :15 OSC Library: :30 Vet's New$; .4S The New and Weather: . -00 Music That Endures; t:45 Evening Meditations: 100 Drivers Playhouse: 10:15 Sere nade; 10:45 News-Weather; 110 Sign uu. ...... . .. . i I EmmP- I j 00:30 O0I5 i 3ft 1 Melod .JOoclc i lie avrades News Jg Q Goss Pppwll Knea5jNeirs Bob Haze a Klock tJBeck Paves Iparred mi m m ilHaven.f Itest I 1 Hfcwai$IEco I H oeand-Slam dig JartTBercg loreaK.- truiD 1 m port! Bfon fThilf' B SRun opher Prty Mness Baker a. 1 IB I I 1 LJ t .1 . I I i owrt? aneytasrU , H C 450 Merchandise 476 Fuel BUY TOR WINTER AT SPECIAL, SUMMER PRICES Green and dry edgings, green 4c dcy lab, fresn cut sawdust. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. S533 '' Summer . Prices on hand picked IS In. slab and old fir block wood. Capitol Lumber'- Fuel Co. eri'W t7-fS tS 0A .A milt sjifaa r f wai a a a v n iiiim a, ui) sb.oo or nanopicned i(r sud. iiu.w lor 2 cords load. Call or writ Harold Anderson, 105 Roberts Ave, Salem. Ph. 2-7751. Sawdust at bargain. West Salem Fuel Co. 16-tN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood 16 tn clean no bark 1 SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL . Pbone: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewater St W Salem.. , Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny Saver Stamps. Ph. 36444. 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 3 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem 112.00 For orders please call collect Independence 43 Independence Lumber and' Manufacturing Company Independence. Oregon ASK FOR S & II Green Stamps 18 In. millwood. full 2 cord load 10 Fresh cut, serened sawdust 12 In. clean inside wood PHONE 2-7441 FURNACE Trash Burner St cook stove wood. No Bark. R. H. Allen, 1260 Candlewood Dr ph 2-2382 Elmer Boie Ph.- 3-9453 - 2025 8 12th 1" old Ar, PlocK at planer, no iri. ' walter'Tern HAS WOOD TO BURN , it t mmtrrr4 tint form lnaft n 2-unit lead $11. Also dry millwood and screenea iiwaiui. rn. las collect. 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportunities KARMELK0RN Shop. 138 S. 2nd St., Corvallis, Ore. Going business nets 250 a mo. $2000. Orval Cooley. 2360 State. Salem. . New Ten Unit Motel Apt. Court - Completely furnished six with ref. ra diant heat, each has kitchen, bed room.t living room tc bath, finest motel in town. Best of business. $45,000, $20,000 will handle. Rio Vista Motel. Lebanon. Oregon, pnone sail CAFE. Coast hot spot, land, ldge. liv quarter, . best operation for 2 to 4 people. A. card. Fine reputation. $9000 handles. Might take some trade. Write 766 co Statesman FOR LEASE. 20x28 store bldg. 5s ml. oui on mway nr., a3. per inu. . . I Hohson's Real Estate Ph. 28308 BEAUTY Shop 2 operators, modern. Choice clientele, utilities rem no mo. College town. Hotel Monmouth. Monmoutn oreg GROCERY Modern market doing gd. - business in valley town, stock and lease $15,000. with fixtures 922.000. Statesman Box 761. - $3500 i BUY A PROFITABLE BUSINESS Earn $150-$300 weekly net income. Op erates under franchise of old es tablished Co. Write Box 759, co Statesman. NORTH Dallas Cafe, our equity, $950, plus inventory. Call North Dallas Cafe. FOR SALE: General repair shop, equip ment and good business In suburban location. $350 will handle. Ph. 3-1266. 510 Money To Loan SULLIVAN REALTY CO. Conservative, well-serviced Real Es tate mortgages and contracts to net you S to 67e from l.ooo up, call or phone SULLIVAN REALTYCO. 3365 Portland Road Ph. 3-3255 CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need HI You can pay anytime to reduce net cost! No endorsers, or help from friends I On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment, salary or other personal property up to $300,001 Phone or visit our office today! Hear "Top Trades" 12:05 daily KSLM. 1390 KC'sll General Finance Corp. Lie. No S138 and M33S PHONE 3-9161 138 S. COMT. ST. Office Hours : Open daily 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays 1 ' 9:00 a.m. - 1 0 p.m. AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. U2 S. Church St Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie. M1M-3154 WE Make loans up to 80 of the appraised value on qualifying mod ern homes. Salem and vicinity. Also see us for FHA construction loans. State Finance Co, 153 South High n !st. smcm uregon FARM and CITY LOANS 4 and Tour own terms of repayment within reason Cash tor Real Estate Cob. tracts and Second Mortgagee. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Bide Ph 4-2282 Private Money On Cars. Trucks & Trailer Homes Long or Short Terma Payments Roy H. Simmons 138 S Commercial St Phone 3-9161 4y2 4 y, 4y2 m vri tMimmt nlan. strictly modern homes, for refinancing or : new construction. ALSO TM-K. loans for construction or re financing. 25 year repayment plan, farm loans 4,a. Personal 6c Auto State Finance Co. 153 S High St. S 216. M 222 NOTICE to folks who hate V to "Ask favors" Co-signers are not required at Personal . we'd rather -make you a loan on Furniture Auto or Salary and give you 20 months to repay on our even monthly payment plan come la or phono first for faster service. PERSONAL I Finance Company of Salem $:S State St.. Km. 125 Ph. 2-2464 Lie. No. S-122 M-16S C. R. Allen. Mgr. Office Hours open daily 9:00 a.m.-5 :00 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays 9.-00 a.m.-l 5W p.m. $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 190 Fairgrounds Road Nrt to bank. Free parkin. Pn. 2-7032 Uc No. M389-S29L Floyd Kenyon, Mgr 500 Business & Finance 510 Money To Loan CASH i Up to $1500 Call or phone today PACIFIC Industrial Loans 118 S Liberty Ph 4-2203 FOR SALE: $2875 Contract Payable $48.00 per Mo. to Include Inst, at 8. For particulars See Mr. Johnson. , Ed D. Potter, Realtor 219 S. High St. Ph, 3-3630 or 34379 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted WANTED: Strawberry pickers. Regis ter how. Frank at Millard Henny Rt. ft Box 160. Brooks, Oreg. Phone Gervals. 2342 -or 2344. STRAWBERRY Pickers wanted to reg ister now. A. M. Zahare. Rt. 7, Box 353, l',4 ml E. of Chemawa 4 Corners ar '4 ml S. ATTENTION MusicianslA'oung men Interested In playing 'In Western band, can play piano, banjo, fiddle, steel guitar, accordian See Wayne uonnciy. azu i raae St. aner a:au p.m WANTED: Couple aspund 50 to work on mink farm. Wages $123 per month plus house, lights, water, milk, eggs ana garaen spot, write L k. net Cher. 1815 Duane St.. Astoria. Ore. FIREWORKS Factory qual. lines, quan. discount. Locally I owned and warehoused. Let us stock your stand. Victory Fireworks. 4090 N. Riv. Rd Salem, Ph. 4-2365, 2-3216. 604 Help Wanted. Male MAN to cut grass on vacant lot, 2020 Myrtle. I- FRY Cook wanted. The Spa, 382 Slate, m no phone calls. j Learn Heating Business Equip yourself now for good earnings, Start now with world's largest in stallers of home heating equipment Have excellent positions for men to . sell our service and cleaning orders - We thoroughly train you. I Holland Furnace Co. m ; '320 Kearney St., Salem, Ore. I Desirable Opening Position open for 2 men who can adapt themselves to handling personal in terviews. Must be mechanically In clined and capable of working with, out close supervision. Above average Income for the right parties. Appli cations taken Thurs. only 10-12 a.m. 480 N. Church. Opportunity for salesmen with cars. Opportunity for higher earnings, opportunity to sell a better product. Pleasant work ing conditions. Contact Mr. Petersen at Ralph Johnson Appliances. 355 Center. Phone 3-3139. 606 Help Wanted. Female WANTED BY June 5th. healthy Chris tian'man and wife or 2 ladies live in my home, care for me. I can't walk. Please come see me. Mrs. G. V. Ellis, 2270 N. 4th. 610 Sales Persons Wanted WANTED: Used car salesman. Must be experienced: Aooly in person Bonesteele Sales and Service, 370 N. Church. SALESMAN WITH CAR. Must be good closer and willing to make night calls. Will consider energetic, inex , perienced young married man who is desirous of learning salesmanship Drawing account. Apply S a.m. to 12 noon. Willamette Valley Roof Co., Inc.. 30 Lana Ave. NEEDED AT once an experienced ap pliance salesman with car. Nationally known & accepted product. High rate of earnings. Contact Mrs. Peter sen, Ralph Johnson Appliances. 355 tinier. Fn. 3.(1 a. WE Nerd two Real Estate Salesmen Immediately. Phone apply to Mrs, Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN WANTED middle age preferred. Apply between ana 10 A.M.. 349 Jerry street. 614 Work Wanted, female WILL Care for 2 children and teach French if wanted, very reas, by day. WPfK or mo. Pn. 20880. RECENTLY Moved to Salem; desire office work. 6 yrs exp in bookkeep ing, typing, payroll etc. Kef. Ph 39078 before 3:30. 615 Situations Wasted WASHING and ironing. Ph. 34587 BRAND NEW M. E. tiller, lawnwork or garden work. Call before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m. Ph: 2-8806. Ray Mack. M- E. Rotary Ph. 27500. Tilling, M. H. Brown; PAINTING & Paperhanging, Don Lucero. Ph. 355Z2. ROTO Tiller work, any kind, gardens. lawns. Ph. 25773 CUSTOM PLOWING and discing with rora trsctor. pn. Z38Z9 or 37427. CEMENT work. All kinds. Ph. 2-4850' Carpenter work, new, repair Ph 22093 BOOKKEEPING, Typing. Notary Pub lic. CT3 Pine, Ph. 3-5ZR5. CHILD CAHK 183 S. 18th Ph. 2-6876 NANCY'S IDEAL NURSERY. Ph 2-4940. WANT to care for 1 child in my home days. 2071 Evergreen Ave. Ph. 25765. NEW LAWNS, light leveling, mowing (Gibson equipment). Ph. 2-8127. SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired. Scharff Bros Ph. 2-5568. PLASTERING and patching. Very reas, Call 2-0094 eves, or morns, before 8. PAINTING inside and out. Ph. 2-2979. PLUMBING WORK wanted. Ph. 3-8377. HSEWORK. ph. before 8. after 5 2-9901. BABY SITTING by adult. PhT-4367 CURTAINS washed & stretched. 2-3448. THE MODERN NURSERY SCHOOL! Li: censed nursery, English kindergarten teacher nurse In charge. Ph. 5-9075. BABY SITTING. Ph. 205477 DRESSMAKING, alterations. Ph. YARD WORK. Free estimates on new lawns. After 5:30. Ph. 23943. . . K6T6-T1LLER Work. li4S hood. PiC 20594. Exp., large or small jobs. CARPENTER Work Any kind Rea sonable 11B1 Union PH 2-1417 CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping 3-9924 LADY experienced in greenhouse work. or cleaning by hour wants worx. 1840 Court. Ph. 28332 after 4 p.m STATIONERY ENGINEER desirea work in or around Salem. Ivan Ray 1836 E. 8th St. Albany, Ph. $46. 616 Employment Agency" COMMERCIAL Placement Agency 155 S. Liberty Phone 2-1488 Bookkpr. exp. typ-lt. diet. $200 Sten. leg. exp. pref. $200-250 Sc'y-steno-temp. 200 Clerk-steno, age 18-25 140 150 Clerk typ ins. exp. 620 Day and Contract I PAINTING City or country day or Contract very reasonable. Ph. 22192. r. i John Feldschan & Son General contractors. Cement sidewalks, curbs gt driveways. Ph. 38F3 or 42429. "aiera Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads - Clearing. - Ditching . Sewer & Basement , Equipment Rental I IS B-, yds ji . , . io B-k 'vds ir ! D-7 Cat it Dozer D-6 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat St Dozer See us about ditching by the foot Phone days 3-9408 Cveninga 3-8248 or 2-4400 Salem Oregon BUILDING contracting from found a- tion to roof. Free asumatea. 2-4982. - ;j Ph, 600 Employment 620 Day andyContract AUTO PAINTING" Just a shade better by Ray cm kh. call snrocs: Motor, Co. 3-810L 700 Rentals 7031 Sleeping' Rooms. Board ATTRACTIVE Room, priv home, gen tleman 985 N. Summer, pn. 363B8. SLEEPING Room for one or two. Ph. 34335, 790 N. Church. CLEAN Sip rms for , men, H St. C water. 653 N. Hign. PLEASANT Sip nil for gentleman. 1050 Norway. Pn. Z547. BY Day, week, mo. 539 N. Winter. LGE. slping rm. on 1st fir. 1880 Cen- ter. Ph. 3-8550. . WELL f urn. sleeping rm.. close in, H C wtr, men only. J37 Center. RM. FOR RENT, close in. 388 N Win- terPh. 3-8142. . , TWO go ood clean rooms. Double bed. Break ast dinner privileges. Pbone 38388. ROOM FOR RENT. 805 Union St. ROOM for rent. .565 N. Cottage. lttML clean rooms. H C water, kit. chen privileges. Call 754 Ferry St. FOR GENTLEMAN. Close In bJ2 N, Winter. Call after a-wi p.m. or aun, n.v.iN attractive rooms, reas. priv, ent. Only 6 Iks. of State bldgs. Bus at door, pn. iiwi. n v-n-mr. LIGHT, attractive room, close in, single man, SZO. w in. ONE ROOM HOUSE for housekeeping for man. Ph. 24839. 1343 S. Com'I. . uiriNrv for invalid.' Dleasant sur roundings, good food. Also apts. Ph, PLEASANT sleeping room. Nice loca- cation; 1360 State. 70S Arxrrbnents tot Rent nmu nrr,A fir i rm. aot. Private bath, utll furn laundry facilities free. 3 people. Employed counl pre!., $. j 3"IVNTFurn first ilr. VJOTTOni fllHN 3 room apt and bath. 3J4 N. Capitol St. rlEW Clean ! rooms end"Tath," fur- MlKston., .... niched. 3.10 KTif-l't V rum arl t. ullutles furn.- no objection to naoy. Ja ""'r SiiturriCpU prTTbath. Hi heat. 718 rerry nTc Futn. apt.. Just redec.. good loc. 1075 N. Capitol, pn. j-uiuo. FURN. Apt. with rcfrig. for rent, "Call at 5Z2 rn. cnarcn. 3"RMTfurn. apt. 590 N. 12th. 4 RM, front apt,, nicely furn. Emp. couple preferred. 643 Union. 4 RMS. will' lease or rent by month. 1996 S. Com'I. 3 RM. FURN. $30. Ph. 2-4649. fURN. J rm. apt. 404 S. High. $40 in cludes utilities. Ph. '3-7506. UN FURN. 3 rm. apt. 585 S. 12th. 3 RM. turn, apt, pri. bath, refrig working couple pref. 1473 N. Com'I. NEW APT. Hollywood dist.. partly furn. Adults. 1047 Madison. Ph. 2-3465. 3" RM: FURN. COURT apt. 1664 S. 13th. 2 RM FORN APT. util furn.. Uundry, Driv. close in. $40. Ph. 26905. CLEAN 3 RM APT. Priv, bath 6c furn. Clean 4 rm. apt. Prive bath. furn. Close to state bldgs Be new Shopping r.nt.r Ariiilt. Ph. 27024. a RM FURN APT, Private bath and priv entrance. 959 S. 12th. 3 RM FURN modern apt. Rent from June 15-Sept. 15. 917 S. 13th after- noons or eves. . . FURN. apt- Business couple, near bus line. Ph. 3-6607. ATTRACTIVE, mod. unfurn. 1 or 2 B.R. apt., auto hot water 6c heat turn. Walking dist., adults only. Statesman Box 750. NICE 3 room furn. apt. for 2. $50. 910 Norway. ONE large housekeeping room and kit cheaette -for one utiL, close in. 940 Mill. . . .' fiEAUTlFUL Georgene Gabies. 90? SI 13th. 1 B.R. apt unfurn. except for refrig. fc range, auto, laundry, walk ing distance to state bldgs, bus at corner. LIVE Better at the - Ambassador. $50 to $75. 550 N. Summer. 707 Houses For Rent 3 RM Cottage at 2123 Myrtle (Holly wood Dist). NEW 1 B. R., elec heat, ideal 22nd. working cpl. 275 b. NEARLY New all elec 1 B. R. house and garage, $60 mo. a mi E. of Pen 4 Corners. Ph. 31125. 4575 State. 3 RM. CABIN located 4 mi. north of Salem on hwy. 99. Next to Highway Speed Shop. Call or come after 6 p.m. 2-1133. $55 Md. 2 B.R.. hdwd. flrs.. auto. fir. furnace, excel, garage, wired for range. Good neighborhood. 815 N. 17th. Ph. 2-7709 after 5:30. i B.R. HSE. Ph. 3-8745. IN SILVERTON. 1 bdrm.. mod., newly redecorated, unfurn. except, for elec. hange i washer, $40 per mo. See at 123 A Fiske St. CaU owner 3-7921 Salem. 5 RM Hse 5 blks from Ladd St Bush Bank. Inquire 565 N. Cottage. 1"B.R. HOUSE. Call at 2270 Hyde St No drinking. WHY RENT? Must sacrifice 3 B.R. home. $750 down. call ; 28771. . v 4 RM; MOD HSE wired for range. 2855 Evergreen. ' $ RM HOUSE, newly decorated. Middle age or elderly couple. Kt. l. box 709 Wanted to Rent WANTED to rent or lease building suit able for furniture or livestock auc tions. Must have parking facilities. Ph. M. Armstrong. 2991 Newberg. Ore. Address Star Route, Box 18, New- hers'. COUPLE WANT to rent small furn modern house wnn approx. a acres. Call 20411 between X and 4 p.nn 710 Wanted To hent. Houses MINISTER. Wife and small dau de sire 2 Of a rm. nome, r-n. whj. WANTED: 2 bedroom unfurn nouse. Permanently local ea coupie. Jicei. references. Ph. 38427, X B.R. UNFURN. HSE. emp. cple. No children, no pets, jwoaei coupie. nei- r.niwt if desired. Ph. 20769. MARRIED COUPLE; yr old child desire 2 B.R. house, close in. Ph. 3uz. 714 Business Rentals BEAUTIFUL OFFICE for rent. Sally Bldg corner liberty St Court. Pn. 33711. APPROXIMATELY 1000 ft warehouse space and small office to lease mo. 1003 S. Cornl. 800 Real Estate $1200 IVi A suburban North, terms. Auto Court 3 units plus 4 B. R. mod home, full price $21,000. Terms or will accept trade. Sacrifice Qjrade A Dairy Good modern ' buildings, completely stocked 8c equipped. Excellent soil. all can be irrigated. Will accept home in part payment. H. E. Corey, Real Estate 1365 N. Broadway Office 2-0552 Uav or Eve. Z-5138. 3-3816 TRADE FOR TRAILER z oeoroom nome with utility room. eiecinc neat, insulated ana weather" stripped. Extra room in floored attic Owner will consider trailer for part ox equnv. run once se.sso. Terms. GARDNER'S SPECIAL 2 bedroom home on 90x300 foot lot. Over 300 select rose bushes, bath house, variety bulbs and shrubs. Chicken house,. A very good subur ban property for only $7,650. Terms. LISTINGS NEEDED 1 . We have a number of requests for. 3 bedroom homes with basements in tn good districts up to $1900. 456 N. Church . . Phone 4-2293 Murphy & Kent, Realtors Eves. Humphreys 27985; Anderson 21744 800 1 Real Estate COURT. OR APARTMENT SITE ' 78x120 lot In Zone 3 with small 2 bedroom house, new- automatic washer, for quick sale. Price S5000. i , : .? j ! I ACRE on Fairview Ave. with garage house, total NEED 4 BEDROOMS Full basement and furnace, hardwood . handle. - i. --- ; - - . $1100 DOWN Win buy 2 bedroom home block from bus Une. Your whiskers win not be gray when you have this house paid for. The total price la $4700. I l' ' -. 40 ACRES A to trade for 3 bedroom home, up five acres of land. There la 23 acres of river bottom land. Soma Terms. Nearly ,new . name, mliXlng parlor, win also seu ior aiuuu. 4 BEDROOMS Walking distance downtown. Price $12,500. i T OT 44x165 very close in on N. High St. $10,000. . WM. BLIVEN & CO. nr.AT. f?tatic rns stvfry purpose, insurance for EVERY NEED Phone 2-3617 I 647 North High Street Evenings 3-8293 47 ACRES located 2i'. milea from Dallas. ity water system. 2 poultry houses, 39 A. In cult, 20 A. In crop, some tim ber, year around stream. Price $10,500. . 258 acres in good location, good Improvements, nearly all seeded into diversi fied crops including A. of strawberries, 3 year around springs. Priced at only $132 per acre Including all crops. 18 acres close In. extra 4 bdrm home, all plastered, large LR. DR. K. B-ina. wired for a range, utility room, pasture, all good soli for any kind of farming. Tms place is equipped with some machinery. Full price only $10,500. Would consider trade for 4 bdrm noma in ttaiem, Geo. W. Hubbs Co. I N J. Zceb, Mgr. 1853 No. Capitol Evening Phones ENGLEWOOD New 3 bedroom house this beautiful home and explain it's long at $15,200.00. Approx. $4500.00 to a.ve. i-uii, ; . NORTH EAST New high school close rms Kitchen, all on one floor. This small cottage has elect, heat, wired for range, dandy garden spot, beautiful lawn. Let me show you this. Call Dale Johnson. Eves. 2-8316. SMALL BUT GOOD Nice little one bedroom house on i acre, garage on pavement Close to schools ana pub, snapping center, suau.uu tau Kenny Mill. Eves. 3-1770. SEVENTEEN ACRES . $12,500.00 A real Subdivision possibility, close to school on bus line, near iiufh"i nwr, a xooa ucai ior uie HUFF REAL ESTATE 341 CHEMEKETA . 2165 N. 4TH Older 3 bdrm. close to Highland Sch.. excellent bus service, nice yd. Price $5,500.00. Cay, Peter H. Geiser. 4-UNIT COL. STYLE APT. -This apt. Is in excellent condition location is close-in. lge. corner lot. 3 gar- ages. All apts. pay own utilities, shows good return on inves. To See Call Earl West. FINE ENGLEWOOD HOME 3 bdrm. on one fir., wall-to-wall carpet in liv. & din. rms, L shape kitchen with B. nook, fireplace, .hdwd. firs, full basmt, auto-oil heat, dble. garage, corner lot. Call Roy Ferris. Grabenhorst Bros., Realtors 134 S. Liberty St. Phone 2-2471 Evenings and Sunday caQ Earl: West 2-0608; Roy Ferris 2-8010; Peter Geiser 3-9968 TODAY'S BETTER BUYS We have a '3 bedroom suburban home north on 2 ',4 acres to trade for house 'of equal value or less in .Salem This place is well worth the $10,500 which is ask,ed. HOSPITAL DISTRICT Large 3 vear old all plastered 2 B.R. home. hwd. floors, auto, oil heat, yard and 75x150 lot. Full price only restricted dist.. roomy garage, lovely $7950' with $1500 dn. bal. 4. HAYESVILLE 3 yr. old 2 B.R. plastered, h. w. floors, fireplace, elec. heat, att. plastered garage. 100x150 lot, fenced back yard. Should go GJ. at $8750. EAST SUBURBAN A very fine 3 B.R. home on well land- scaped a acre lot. All large rooms, plastered, h.w. floors, piped oil heat, knotty : pine upstairs with built in " bunk beds. 3 fireplaces, full base ment. Price $14,500. iy2 ACRE NORTH S room house, garage and chicken .house. Was $6500. now $5950. You should see this one. Eve. ph. 2-1009. NIGGER FISHERMAN WANTED Well furnish the stream and throw in 50 acres of land with it 5 rm. modern house, chicken house for 400 hens, barn for S cows, tractor, mower, rake, drill etc. You can milk the cows.' gather the eggs and then go back to fishing all for $9500. Eve. ph. 2-1009. IDEAL DAIRY 71' 'a acres within 4 miles of Salem. Barn for 34 head 'mux cows, mux house complete with all equipi In cluding walk-in cooler. Modern house, machine sheds, chicken house. All ground in alfalfa and vetch. Shown by appt, only. Eve. ph. 2-1009. SULIVAN REALTY CO. 3365 Portland Road Phone 3-3255 Eve, ph. 2-3727 - 2-8013 - 3-7508 ; NELSON NEWS FURNISHED $6300 N 17TH Mod. 4 rm. home. Elec. heat, Attic space for bedroom up. new iteing. Elec Range, Overstuffed furniture. Rugs. Wash; Mach. etc. Englewood District. $6800 3 BDRM OFT STATE Comb. L. R. Se D. R. (14x27) 1 bdrm & bath on 1st nr., a norm up. a yrs. old. Good buy you will agree if DOWNTUWH UMSUMAIMV. ix,i- Why not have your office in an insur ance man s ouuaingr nan way a--tween Hollywood and downtown business district, across the river from West Salem, and 5 blocks from the new Capital Shopping Center. Plenty of parking space in front and on paved alley in the rear. Use the old house on big lot for -temporary office. For details check with Mr. Schmidt . WANT SMALL FARM i FOR SMALL ACREAGE ac ' East. 4 bdrm home, W. elec range, hwd firs, bsmt., barn, chick, hse.. gar, ,i ac. strawb. Price $10,000 Trade on 10 acres or more. GET SET BEFORE THE BRIDGE Make yourself a subdivision lust around the i corner from uie new bridge. A dandy 24 ac tract on Wal lace Road available at $18000 on easy terms, now. " Nelson and Nelson Multiple Listing Realtors -702 N. High St. Ph. 3-4622 Severin Realty Co. Excellent 4 unit apartment Hse.. well located, large lot, $200.00 Mo. In come. $13,500.00 with $2500.00 Dn. 2 B. R. unfinished house, good lot, located close to 99 E. North. Plumb ing is roughed in. completely wired. outside completed. $3975.00, $450.00 Dn. , " - A very fine 3 B. R, home, full base ment, S. D. Furn. nice shaded lot soma fruit ; and berries. Richmond Sen. Dist. $8750.00 $1500.00 Dn. - 24 A. Farm S Mi out on B9. AU In cult. Good bearing walnut orchard. Very good improvements. Ford Trac tor and equipment. $16,500.00. Severin Realty Co. 212 N. High St. Ph. 3-4016 Eve. J-089S. 714 Business Hernials BUSINESS Room. at. 1 St-t.. 800 Real Estate price $4250. $1350 will handle floor, dining and living room. $2000 will V 2 bdr home. HDW floor' In LR, grav barn, good well, 3 acres of permanent Phone 3-3031 ' ' . 2-6862 2-0526 unusual construction. let unusual features to-dav. Tf urn n't !,. $5000.00 will handle. Call Dale Johnson. In. Owner leavinc ata Tutr .a T suDaiviaer. tail j&enny Mill. Eves. 3-1770 PHONE 2-2577 BEST BUYS Terrific Home Buys Older type 1100 sq. ft. choice loc, elec tric heat, fireplace, attractively pric ed at $7300. Owner may consider trade for acreage. Almost new possession June 1. 'Approx 800 sq ft. elecTrlc heat. Home in very good condition. Lot large enough to build another home in rear. Total price only $8400. Liberal terms. Kingwood Heights, almost new very cozy only 18 months old. FJIA. terms. Paved street. Circulating fire place. Total only $9250. J Reduced to $8750 very good home in Englewood Dist. Full basement, forc ed air oil furnace, weathers tripped & insulated, nice lawn 6c shrubs. double garage, TM-K. terms. Owner transferred. Nice little home in small town, very modern, insulated Approx. 3'i yrs old. GJ. loan ap praised at S5300. Englewood 3 B.R., 3 bathrooms, 2 fire places, lovely back yard, goldfish pond spacious living St dining room. select location, hdwd firs, paved street, built-in garage. F.H.A. terms. Total price only $13,500. Large family 4 BJt.' home. Quiet street, wall to wall carpet in living St dining room. Electric heat, 2 yrs old, 2 car port. Enjoy city conveniences St stfll live in the county. .Total price only $8500. Liberal terms. Evening phone 27674 or 33558 Do You Want an Acreage or Farm? 136 acres. 73 under cultivation, modem 8 rm home. 10 acres berries. Several large outbuildings. Well equipped. City water plus 3 wells.. This would make a good stock ranch. Total price $16,500. i ' 62 acres near a very prosperous town. Extra good buildings. Diversified farming, 2 larg brooder houses for custom hatching. - Willamette soil. 3. One we are proud to show. Total price only $23000. , .. 3t acres. Modern elder type 3 B.R. home. Joins city limits of nearby town. City water, family fruit, barn, double garage. Priced at only, $5250. S acres with new modern homo North, garage, well with electric pump. See this one at the reduced price of $5800. Evening phones 34735 or 33558 Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 or 3-4596 FOR SALE: 2 acres 6c S room in city limits of Mill City. Ideal for rooming house. Water, quick sale. $4250. Will take late model sedaiv old home. Phone 3771 Cook. i I 802 Business Propertr LGE. HOME CLOSE IN ON N. CAPH-I TAL St. haa income of $155. per mo. plus spacious living quarters, for owner. Creek lot, $25,000. DUPLEX ON 15th & Chemeketa, older type home but in good repair, baae m t- Oil heat, garage, only $9,500. ONE OF SALEM'S- BETTER APT. BLDGS. 16 units, au brick, furnished, brick Se tile garages. Very best lo cation. $82,000. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 184 s. tom i st. pn. 3-38. eve. a-eei TAVERN Location Hermiston, Oregon .Near the McNarr Dam. Site & the Union Pa cific Railroads new Division Point. Corner location on Main St.- In the Union Bldg. Washington trade on the week-ends, seats 40, poiaer room nas 3 tables. 50 o 60 kegs pr. mo. plus big bottle 'trade. Refrig. back bar. Large walk-In cooler. Other Incomes. Price SZ2.iXK.uu tain is w nsxu vmrtj. Call Mrs. Huff. 'EASTERN OREGOW . - i4 mM ofl Restaurant with beer licenses. Good trade, on Main Hiway. Latest Equipment. Owner ' wants a larger place, will taae tsaiem Property in trade, what have you? CaU Mrs. Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. rnemeketa St. Ph. 22577 j GROCERY, service station, garage and If jm. nouse. wm una oomt in saiem : m trade. 287 N. Main. Ph. 140, In- I dependence.' ore.-.:... i 800 Real Estate 802 Business Property BUS' BLDG, liv. rms. 2083 N. ConVL 804 Suburban WHY BUY A CITY LOT FOR 8150O WHEN FOR A VERY LITTLE MORS YOU CAN BUY THIS NICE ACRE AGE FOR ONLY $100 DOWN AND $25.00 PER MONTH. TO RELIABLE PARTY. IDEAL TO BUILD A START- 1 ' ER HOUSE. REMEMBER YOU CANT CASH THOSE RENT RECEIPTS. EX CELLENT AREA THAT IS DEVEL OPING RAPIDLY. SEE MR. BOURNS ON THIS ONE. EVE. PH. 37217. " ! Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140rrCapitol ! Ph. S-fOi $'4 A- mod. 3 BJl house. 2 rM-W houses, well for Irrigation, 3 mL from city limitv N Ralph S. Barry, Rt, , BOX aM-f- Ke' Attention - ... ! Bargain Hunters Owner leaving will sacrifice new mod ern 2 bedroom home in Keizer Dist. Lge corner lot, nice view. Has din " ing rm & liv room, also bsmt 6c furnace. Must be sold by June $6950. .terms. Must have at least, $2500 ca pymt. Less for cash. Call Mrs. Watts, Ph. 3-7236 Mrs. Schultes, Ph, 2-8836 B. Isherwood, Realtor RL 1. Box 243 Phone 2-214T 808 Houses For Sale BY OWNER: S spacious room house. South, close to schools. Bendix wash- f,at.dl3',' ZttTif r"nf included, hdwd firs Se fireplace. Large lot 60x184. Ph. 35353. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, new. has ""l605 square feet and with a 3 room garage apartment. All modern, cost $12500, will sell at a bargain price. $10,500. Located Eleanor Ave., Suddell acres. niufln v . -X- $6850-cLEAW modern 2 RR hn South 9 yrs old With vear aronnit stream. Large lot 62'aXl60. , Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors .153 8. High ) Phone 3-4121 BY OWNER MANBRIN GARDENS 2 bedrooms, fireplace, full basement, auto oil heat, large lot. Lots of win dow area, patio, a comfortable horn for a small family. 420 Manbrin Drive. $450. 2 B.R. HSE. outside finish aQ done. Inside finish to do. $3950 fuu price. Balance $45. a mo. Hobson's Real Estate Ph. 26306 r Real Values Here 3 B.Rm. ranch type, "2 lots, until, fire place, liv. 15x21 din. paving, cats and shower, buy a better home at a ? reduced Price. $1000 down. pr. $9500. Apartment House $ units furn. close in no 3 zone, sell for $9500 with easy terms or consider part trade. New 2 bed rms. $6500 with $1000 dn.. $50 man., lge. lot, kit., dm.. liv untiltty. garage, hdwd, suburban south. E. M. Hunter Real Estate 770 S. Com. ph. 24649. eve. 23491 modern 2 BR home. S8500 CLEAN nrepiace. full basement, sawdust heat. Close to school 6c bus. Fir. place in yard. Immed. poss. $150$ down. Call Stanley Brown, with , State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S High Phone 3-4121- 80 A. FARM, very productive. Perfeci for strawberries. 3 houses. 1 new m ready for plaster, new CMC truck. Cletrac tractor 6c other new equip ment. $10,000 down payment. This is Good 2 B.R. home in Englewood Dist. plant area, cfrvea ceiungs, nawa 11 rs. auto oil furnace, garage, 2 blks to school $8500. New Suburban . Home. 2'i A. berries, 2 B.R. comb liv 6c din rm, near school & . market, t miles to Salem, $8500. LAWRENCE REAL ESTATE Loans 4c Insurance 404 S. High Ph. 3750S " WILL TRADE For small acreage with larger house, neat one-bedroom cottage, has liv, rm, kit, utility, bath, lot 69x133. close) to bus, stores. Value $3500. 3-BEDROOM HOME Ranch type home. H.W. floors thruout lge livrm, din. rm. Up to the minuti full 'cement basement. Automatic kitchen wired for range, tile bath, heat, elec water heater, shown by p pointment. We have other 3-bedrm homes. Priced from $4900 to $14,5o See . Mabel Needham or G. A. Vacary, Realtors 341 State Street Ph. 39201 $8,500 NEW modern 2 BR home no rill auto oil furnace, urge jot. immea. poss., close to school. $1450 down, balance FHA. Call Stanley Brown with State Finince Co. Realtors 153 S. High I Phone 3-4121 BY OWNER. VERY NICE 'r bdrms.. a den, or can be used as 4 bed rooms, all on one floor, over 1400 sq. ft. large living room ft din ette. utility, Youngstown kitchen, street to be paved soon. 2113 Jeldea St.. north off Sunnyside Ave. 1 block east of Lansing Ave. FULL PRICE $3500. Furnished 3-rooriS modern house on large lot and paved street. Near bus and modern grocery and market. 1265 E. Rural Ave. BY OWNER: Attractive 2 B.R. horn. V. Blinds lge. landscaped lot. auto, oil heat, fibre glass insulated. $7900. ,$1600 dn., $40 mo. on O.I. contract. 142 N. Elma. pn. 2-ozob. $3500 Small home on Jefferson St. Lgl lot. uooa garden grouna. susv Down. $4500 Four small houses on 3 lota north. With a lit tie work mesa would be dandy rentals. $500 Down. $58002 bdrm hse In city south. Paved st. SmaU lot. $500 Down. $69502 bdrm home in heart of Fngly wood aistnct. Better see win for $750 Down. HOLLYWOOD OFFICE COLBATH LAND CO. 2286 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 2-0ea Building Sites At Sacrifice Prices! Dickson's Addition We need money NOW for our remodeling prog ran, ing sites at a ridiculously low figura Wa are offering choice nome build hut YOU MUST ACT AT ONCEI Water and Power Uready in. close to shopping center and Dub. ss.aua huiidina- restrictions Lota at a bargain for cash only I E. DicKson DICKSON'S SHOPP1NO CENTER Kmith l?th and 99E Ph. 2-114t CNGLEWOOS DIST. 1 B.R. home".bas- ment: Equity 51500. uai i , Ph. 27496. ! j I $1500 DOWN and $55 per month thia new FHA home south. Has auto oil heat piped to each room. Hardwood . floors, fireplace, attached garage. Lot $7x120. Close to bus. ToUl price $9400. . Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 3. High P"" 3-4131 HSBESn" 3 bdrm. home. JeTZTWflson, Phone 3-7520. , ' BY0WNER: Beautiful 45x150 on Falr. mount Hill. bdrms lge. L.R- tVR, 3 full baths, auto, oil furnace, dble. garage.$9650h2-5441. , fAlRMOUNT HILL VIEW HOME SA- j tern's exclusive residential dutrict. new 3 BR. nice den. large LR with fireplace, all hardwood flrs.. kit. with nook, lovely recreation room In base ment with full view windows. 2 car gar, lot 90x145. see this at $2100. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings - Personal Service 164 S. Coral SL Ph. 3-8380. " o-61 h .