Y:fcl; ' ' i .. . t - , . . ........ . . - . . t i . 'i . i t 'The Slcdes-ica. Sotem Cf7od," Saturday. -May S3; 1C33 LDS Delegation ! Due inPoruand About 100 members of Salem's Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints art to be in Portland Sunday for the quarterly Oregon stake conference. Only service to be conducted her will be Sunday school. . -..;; ... John E. Salisbury, Salem bish op, said the conference will hear from two visitors from the general church authorities in Salt Lake City,. ;:. ; , ' BarthtoBegm Pastorate at Calvary Sunday First service as pastor of Cal vary Baptist church will be con ducted Sunday morning by the Bev. Omar Barth, who 'arrived in Salem Friday morning after an uto trip from Pennsylvania. He was awaiting last night for the ar rival of his household goods, to move into the parsonage, Just re decorated. 1 With Barth are his wife and -year-old daughter, Barbara Ann. A native of New Jersey Barth gained his bachelor of arts degree t Wneaton college, Illinois; bach elor of divinity from Eastern Bap tist Theolbfical seminary, Phila delphia, and is to receive next month- the master of sacred theol gyidegree from Temple university school of theology, Philadelphia. He served as student pastor at Clinton, NJ, and has lust comple ted eight years as pastor at New town Square, Pa- where a new sanctuary and education unit were dedicated only two weeks before his departure. Mission Trip Reports Due Pictures and reports of an evan- f elistic tour through the West ndies will be presented at Free Methodist church Wednesday at 7:30 p.m by a four-man team of the Young People s Missionary so ciety. The men, all YPMS regional directors, are the Rev. Stanley watkins of Portland, Ore., the Eev. Mervin Russell' of Riceville, Iowa; the Rev. Charles Kerestly of Knoxville, Iowa, and the Rev. Howard Rose of Tyrone", Pa. They .have just conducted a series of : one-night rallies : In the Domin lean Republic as part of the soci ety mid-century youth crusade. Speaking this Sunday evening at the church will be D. D. Ran dall o.Medford, representing the American Sunday School union, according to the Rev. John N. Walker, pastor. Youth Gives Prograin Young people from Bethel Bap tist church of Salem will present a special program at Kingwood Bible church Sunday at 6:30 p.m. Petticord Set ForlstEUB ' Speaker at both services Sunday at First Evangelical United Breth ren church will be Dr. Paul Pet 1 1 e o r d, ' president of Western School of Evangelical Religion at Jennings. Lodge. . The pastor, the Rev. Wilmer Brown has left for Europe to par ticipate In Youth for Christ serv ices. He will then go to the Holy Land for an intensive study tour. Dr. petticord Is a former pastor and conference superintendent of Salem. First church. He will also Cirlfevangefel Slates 2-Weeks Series Salem in Rene Marts, 10-year-old who has amazed many cities 'with her preaching j during "the past three years, will h In Salem for two weeks beginning May 28, the Rev. Walter Sj Frederick, pastor; of Evangelistic Temple, announced Friday. I - While the girl will preach at 7:45 each night except Saturday at the Temple, three Sunday mass meetings will be featured. They will be May 28 at Salem armory, June 4 and 11 at the senior high school auditorium, all at S pan. Rene is the (daughter of, the Rev. and Mrs. Jack Martz, evan gelists, and began singing in their meetings at the age of three. She has been across the United States 12 times, around the world once and to Europe twice. Groups num bered in the thousands have heard her preach. . , lead the mid-week prayer meet ings for the next .three weeks. ! 1 . V Sallemm (DMimircIIiies (Sunday school at 9:4 a. m. unless otherwise notedj ASSEMBLY 01 GOD EvantellsU Tempt Park and Mar ket. 11 ajn.. lAi pjn. Sunday. 7:45 p-m. Thursday; Central 31Si N. Commercial. Sunday school 10 a. in. Services 11 a. mu. T:4I p. m. Sunday. The Chapel 13th and Leslie. Sun day school 19 a.m. Services 11 a.m., 7:48 p.m. Sunday, 1:45 pjn. Tuesday and rriday. . BAPTIST BeUuV-Cottme and D. 11 a. m. 1 JO p. m. Sunday. Calvary Liberty and Millar. 11 a. m. 130 p.m. Sunday 7 JO p. m. Wednes day. First Liberty and Marlon 11 a. m. I p. m.- Sunday, 730 p. m. Wednesday. Immanvel Hazei St Academy, 11 a.m.. 7:30 p.m. Sunday; 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, j Bible Fellowship Memorial hospital chapel 11 a. m Sunday. Southern Summer and Hood. 11 ajn, 7 JO p.m. Sunday. CATHOLIC St Joseph's Cottage and Chemeke ta. Masses 6:30. I, 9. 10. 11 a. m. Sun day. Devotions 7:30 p. m. Sunday and Tuesday St. Ylaeent ee Paul Myrtle and Co- SATURDAY'S BROADCASTS pacific Daylight Time A Kilocycles: KSLM 1390, KOCO 1490, KOLN 970. KGW 820, KEX 1190 FM: Megacycles KOIN joLl; KGW 100.8; KEX 92.8 (Editor's note ; The Statesman publishes in goo4 faith the programs and slaves provided by the radio stations, but because offtlnias procrasas are cbanged without notifieaUon, this newspaper cannot be responsible lit the accuracy herein). i ! I' - : IIOUK 00:00 00:15 i 00:20 00:41 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KIX News News "I Hodge Podge Dawnbeat jTirnekecper ' KOIN Klock Hodge Podge Dawnbtjt (March Time News iWnt. Melodies! West. Mlodles I KOIN KlOCk I Hodge Podge ) Dawnbeat I Hodge Podge Dawnbeat 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Hemingway Tex flitter KOIN Klock Hear This Roundup Boys Rise. Shin News News Hear This Bob Garred IRlse & Shine (Tropicana (News INews Top O' Morn JTop Trades I Ex. Service (Cons. Nni I Sam Haye Coffee TL-ne 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN .. KGW , KEX Barg. Counter Radio Kids Newe Fred Waring Hits ISalon Melodies Haven Rest JRadio Kids Proudly Hail I Let a pretena ITred Waring Hits Haven of Rest I Proudly Hail i Junior Miss I Junior Miss 1 Id. McConneQ Ed McConneS I Horn Demo Musical 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX N.W. News Mary Taylor Musical flng Sings efense heatre Lary Taylor Musical IPaator Call IMuslc Room (Grand Central I P. Cavanaugh Toyland Dick Haymea IMuslc Room ' Grand Ctatral Newa- ! Toyland 10 KSLM News ' KOCO Clark Gable KOIN Stars Hlyd. KGW Orchestra KEX Start j Gospel Sing Navy Ret. tStars Hlyd. orcnestra Stars Barn Dane '(Give Take A. Andrews I Stan Barn Dance Concert Give it Take A. Andrews Stars 11 KSLM PUtter ! Jock KOCO Aunt Sophie KOIN ram. Party KGW Lassie f -KEX Go Tot Met Platter Jock ' Aunt Sophie lEam. Party Broadway ICo To Met platter Jock IPlatter Jock ; Jan Garber I rut. Teachers 1 Philip Marlowe Philip Marlowe xoung ore. Young ore. Go To Met (Go To ket ; 12 KSLM Top Traoce KOCO At Opera KOIN Newa KGW Farm Home KEX Go To: Met (News I At Opera (Deep River Farm Home iuo Tcr-iiet 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW ' KEX. BasebaU Salem Res. County! Talr' Story l Old. New I Gay SO'a Home Rua (News ILes Brown (Meet Missus IMeet Misiros Marin Band Marin PsadH I Go to Met. IGo to Met ! (Baseball IS ale m Ret. County Fair' (Story. IHors Race . I Baseball Sat Matinee Kirkham News lurcnesira DTreaaury (Baseban '. Sat Malt-it i lurknam iiws Orchestra rreasury ' 2 KSLM Baseball Baseball (Baseball - (Baseball KOCO Sat Matin Bat Matrn feat Matinee Sat Mat ne ' KOIN Preakncss iPreaknesa Col. Feature Garden Gate I KGW Voices; Events Voices. Events ISong Festival (News KEX Tea and (Tea and Tea and Tea and 3 KSLM Baseban (Baseball (Scoreboard fiat Matm ; KOCO Souvlner Souviner Bit o' Jazs Bit o' Jaza i KOIN Newa (Success MemolSat. Sports Ix-Section ! KGW NewtJ (Guest Star (Bands of Land Bands of Land KEX Jun. Junction I Jun. Junction I At Horn At Horn 4 KSLM John Flynn I Hemingway Bandstand ' Bandstand ' i KOCO Newt T Chin-uo Curtain Calls Curtain Calls KOIN - Young Lov Young Lov Your Music JYour Murie ; KGW Bands! of Land Bands of Land IBands of Land (Band of Land KEX Bex Koury lHarry Wlamcr 1A1 Warner (Cliff Caxaeron 5 KSLM Review. Stand Review. Stand Organ - (Chrts. S.nc KOCO Rhythm Ranch "Rhythm Ranch iNavy Band irroplcan, KOIN . Barn. ToUie Barn. Follies Danger Ahead JNews 1 KGW - Bands! of Land IBands of Land IBands of Land IE. Peteraoa i KEX Remember ISpecial Event INavy Hour . Navy Hour I 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Air Fore Candlelight Hi Sports Dixie Jaxa Bob Garred Air Fore I Candlelight I Memories IDlxi Jan Hawaii Call iNewt Goldtern (Dennis Day (Hawaii CaUt 1 Assembly God Coldbersi I Dennis I jay Home Edition (Armed Forces (Armed Farces 7 KSLM Mr. Feathers KOCO . Tim Wat KOIN Sing It Again KGW Judy Canova KEX Your i Business iR. Nathan Mr. Feathers ' Ramblers Playhouse (Bandstand Sing It Again Sing It Again wucy ivnov iui opry . (Magician (Ramblers (Bandstanl (Sing It gain ; luie v iMagic: 0 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Chet Mulkey Dugout Dop V. Monro Truth! or Cons. Lone Ranger tChet Mulkey (Meet Press uatebau BasebaU V. Monro I Gen Autnr t Truth or Cons. iNight Beat Lone Ranger I Re p. St Com. Meet PrctJ j Baseball Gen AU TT I Night Beat " Rep. St Cora. 9 KSLM Newti . Pop Edwards (Buddy Mormo BIQ DeStmxa KOCO - Bandstand Bandstand . (Dugout Dop Baseball KOIN; Gangbusters IGancbusters (Art. Godfrey Art Godfrey KGW Hit Parade IHit Parade . (Life of Riley (Life of Illey XEX Ray burn, finch Ray burn. JTinch Rayburn. Finch Rayburn. I inch 10 KSLM Mon. Vtnalea t News KOCO Baseball Baseball " KOIN Nightl Tinal Or. Farm KGW Sam Hayes JM. Downey KEX News jtntermexio Croisroads touroadl i I BasebaU . BasebaU . 1 . lOrchestr torchestrs. (Orchestra lOrchestni i (Kent Auditions Kent AullUone 11 KSLM DpeaiHous KOCO Dance Party KOIN Melodies KGW Wax Museum KX Lett: Dane 3pen House Dane Party Melodlet Wax Muaeum I Let t Dane ppen Hout Dane Party I Handstand D pen Hojs (Dane Party itianasrana (Wax Museum Wax Museum (Lett Dane (Let's Datue stO.lC 5t k.c. 10:00 a-m. The Kews and Wcsthcr. 10:13 EspedaJJy for Women: 11:00 Th Concert Hall; ISM Th New: II :U Noon Farm Hour; 1 .00 Rid "em Cowboy: l-M Voice of the Army:1 l.-O Melody Lane: J.-C0 Music of Uasiers: 1:30 Catchall. OSC va Oregon: 4:30 Son rs of West: :a Here's Australia: s.-oo ChOdrea't Sport Chib: t rCK) News; S:1S Loaoan Letter; t uinner MKxll; 7 o Crtrxl Opera; S:4S Nw and Weethtrr: UXX Dane ParsCt: 10:U Ntwt, tatJi er; ui4 s:a cx. - lumbla Maase 1M, t. foiSO a. rn. Sun day. Confession 4J0-8 JO. T-tio p. m. Saturday, i ,.t CHRISTIAN Court Strtet lTth and Court 10 wO a. m. 730 p. m. Sunday. nrsx center and men. 10:50 a. m T JO p. m. Sunday. S:00 D. m. Wdna- CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Sth and Gaines. 11 a. m.. D. m. Sunday. 1J0 p. m. Wednesday. CHRISTIAN! SCIENCE First Chemeketa and Liberty. Sunday school ii a.m. services ll a.m., s p.m. Sunday. S p.m. Wednesday. Reading room, its s High CHTJKCH OF CHRISV ventral cottage ana tnemexeta Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 1:50 a.m., 7:30 pjn. Sundays 7.30 pjn. Thursday. CHURCH OF . GOD First Cottase and Hood. 11 a m.. T.-il bjb. unaay. 7:s pjn. wdnsday. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIS OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Sth and Madison. Sunday school 10 a.m. Scrvlcea 11:30 a.m, t M pjn. Sunday. CONGREGATIONAL First Cottaa and Marlon. 11 a.m. Bund a v. i auuent Memenai istn ana rerrv u ajn. sunaay, EPISCOPAL' ft Panl't Church and Chemeketa. u n d a v school 8:30 ajn. Servlcei 7 JO. t:4J. 11 sjn. Sunday. EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED Bethany Marion and CaoitoL Sun. day school 10 a.m. Services 11 ajn., i;tip.D. sunaay. 7:4 pjn. weonescay ET ANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Enclewoodi 17th and Nebraska. 11 a.m.. 1130 P.m. Sunday. rim Manon ana summer, ll a.m.. T:4S p.m. Sunday, 7 JO pjn. Wednesday. raiiNiii ! Hlchlan Avenue Church and High land. 11 a.m 7 JO pjn. Sunday. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. rati taiem commercial sna wain lngton. 11 a.m.. 7 JO p.m. Sunday, I pjn. Wednesday. i FREE METHODIST , Winter and Market 11 a. m.. T:30 pC m. Sunday. 1 -3M pjn. Wednesday. FULL ; GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL Calvary Chapel 1143 N. Libertv. Sun. day school JO ajn. Services 11 ajn., 2 JO pjn. Sunday, 7:43 nightly except Monday ana baturasy. Church f God 040 S. 22nd. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m., S p.m. Sunday. C pjn. Wednesday and Frldav raiut oosvei xaasrnacie laoa n. stn. Sunday sciiool 10 a. nv aernces ll a. m., S p. m. Sunday, I p. a Thurs day ana Saturday. Fonrsanar 490 N. 19th. 11 am. 7 ho pjdo. Sunday. 7 :3 p.m. Thursday , Sunday school 10 ajn. Services li a.m., 7:4 pjn. Sunday, 7:41 pjn. Wad- nesaay United Panteeottal 441 Ferry. 11 a. m., 7:41 p. m. Sunday, 7 :4S p. m. mQy.; . . . INIT1TUT1 OF RELK3IOUS SCIXNCB w n cottas. Sunday school 10 a. m. seme ll a. m. Sunday. JEWISH TtBDlt Beth Iholom Madison and Broadway, cnurcn school 11 ajn. Services 8 pjn. Friday. KINGWOOD BIBLE 1123 Elm st 11:41 a. m 7 JO n. m. sunaay. 7u p. m. Wednesday. LUTHERAN Central (Amerlcaa Confercna) Capitol and Gain, ll ajn. Sunday. am. Wednesday. ennse i American Church i state and lei a. s ana ll ajn. Sunday. as. ann't iidissoun 8 modi iBtn ana a. services i ana u a.m. sunaay Sunday school 10 ajn. hi. Mark Eraaealleal mnliMtSI Ml n. uiumi u a.m. sunaay. - IfTTVOnftV ' First cntirch and Sjat. 11 ajn. Sundav 7 JO pjn. Thursday. Jasea Lee MemerUl Winter and Jefferson. 11 ajn.,- 7:30 p.m. Sunaay. Leslie CoTimercial and Myers. 11 am, ,730 sun.. Sunday, fie pjn. inurtaay i 1;- West Salem ' Srd and Gerth. 11 a Sunday -..! ;. - ... f lirT4Pnvir sr. rswrrsi 3 N. Cottig. 3 JO p m. Tuesday OPEN BIBLE STANDARD M. Commiwil Knnili wVui ts ajn, semcet 11 ajn, 74s pjn Sunday NAEARENE first : Center and asth. 18:60 a.m. 7 JO pjn. suuuaj, -iv sun. TCvanesoay. sTT r;rw nnrrvtis . M 1 Carlton. 11 ajru. 7 JO pjn. Sun. oay, m pjn. weaneaaay. sBESBTTEKlAN First I Chemeketa and Winter. 9:43 and U ajn. sunaay. i jq pjn. Wednesday. REORGANIZED CHURCH OP JESUS CHBJST Of LA TTEBi 111T I1TVTI 111a ana Chemeketa. Sunday school 10 ajn. Service 11 mm 9-aa b m. Sim. SALVATION ARMY zi Btaxa. sunaay school it a.m. Ser vice 11 ajn, 7 JO pjn., Sunday, 7 JO pjn. xhurtcay. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Joknson Memorial Hood and Sum mer. Sabbath school 8 JO ajn. Servlcet 11 sun. Saturday. - . -v- SPTXTTUALIST First s S4S N. Commercial. 7 JO pjn. Sunday. CNTTARIAN FELLOWIHTP YWCA. 7 JO pjn. first and third Sun day. - ... UNITED BEETBEXN Ftrrt (Old Constitution) 11U Mission, fua dav school 10 jn. Service 11 JU 7M pjn. Sunday. 1 JO pjn. Wdaeeasy. WKSLZYAN MXTaOOIlT UJi and IZLA. Sumay school 11 BA. Scrvioe 11 a r . .1 wO pjn. Sunday. ... 1 1 It The Bible Story AMOS 1 '. - bUi rkls la th ttth f s eerlet from Ue Old Testaaseat rh text is adeM fra salectieas by Hwstn Hart for th bk, . Im Oar tstMe. Haatratleas fey Ovy Rw tut frens th kk, Cepy rifht, Oxford Unlvsrsity pre, Inc) J - Hear this word thst the Lord hath spoken tEainst you, O chil dren of Israel, saying;, You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities. Seek the Lord, and ye shall live. Seek him that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morn tag, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The Lord Is his name. Forasmuch therefore as your treading is upon the poor, and ye take from him burdens of wheat; ye have built houses of hewn stone, but ye shall not dwell in them; ye have Planted pleasant vineyards but ye shall not drink wine of them. , or I know your manifold transgressions and your mighty sins; they afflict the just, they take a bribe, and they turn aside the poor In the gate from their right. . . . , . Hate the evils and love the good, and establish Judgement In the gate: it may be that the Lord God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant of Joseph. . .' - , v ": ' ' . ': Hear this, O ye that swallow np the needy, even to make the por of the land to fall. Baying. When will the new moon be rone, that we may sell corn? and. the sabbath; that we may set forth wheat, inakliig the ephah small, and the shekel great, and falsify ing the balances by deceit? That we may buy the poor for silver, and the needy for a pair ef sheesT . ; :' ; . . I will turn your feasts Into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation; and I will bring up sackcloth upon all loins, and , baldness upon every head; and X will make it as the mourning of an only son, and the end thereof as a bitter day. . i The days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine In the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord:. And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the. word of the Lord, and shall not find It The eyes ef the Lord God are noon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth: saying that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the Lord. For, le, I will command, and I will sift the house ef Israel among all na tions, like as corn is sifted In a sieve, yet shall not the least train fall wpon the earth. All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say. The evil shall not overtake . In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that Is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will build it as in the days of old. And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and Inhabit them; and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God. GKurcIies Plan Confirmation AtSilverton SILVERTON. Mav 1ft A rnn. cert by the Swiss BeE Ringers at s pan.,. sunaay, May 28, and an other concert June 4 with details not yet complete, have ! been an- nounceaior r irst ennsuan church. At the church's communion serv ice at 11 son. this Sunday, the Rev. Arthur Charles Bates, pastor, will speajc on A Treasury of Faith." Public examination iof tha mn. firmation class will be held Sun- J A. A mm' uay ai me ii o ciock service at Immanuel Lutheran church.. ; The Rev. 5. u Almlie will give his annual Ascension day sermon, "He Ascended Into Heaven". Yrunt Married Couples club will meet mursday at 8 o'clock at the Mar vin Dahl home. ! At the 7:30 Sundav niirht moot. ing at Trinity Lutheran church, bniriey unompson and Dean Li lo ner will give reports of the recent Luther league convention at Ta coma. The Rev. Joseph Luthro has announced confirmation on May 28. Fellowship dinner will be Sunday Immediately fallowing the li o ciock worship hour. Hosts and hostesses are Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bergerson, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Kallis. Mr. and Mrs T.uri- vig Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. William Bloch. . Clean-uD day In Evens Vallov cemetery will bm on Saturriav XTav 20, by members of Trinity church. me worKers plan to come early and have a basket lunch at noon. Suburban Churches AVN STENT. COMMUNTTt Ankeny schoolhouse, Uhrty-Buna Vista road. Sunday school 10 a. i m. Sanrlcet 11 a. to, 8 p. m. AUMSVILLS BETHEL BAPTIST j. ,.(M.MHti. Sittit ehnnl IB . ; rft. AHJlHVim- .v j ------- - - I. Services 11 a.m.. 7J0 P m. Sunday, 1:41 p. m. weanesoay. AUMSVnXB WESLETA1S A ...w.r4MA (until Tinnl IS S. m. Service U a. nu f:4 p. m. Sunday BROOKS XSSEMBLT OF GOD rn.fiif block south of Brooks school. Sunday tchool t:4 a.ra. Services U a. m, 7:44 p. rn. Sunday. 7:48 p. to., Thursday.- CLEAR LAKE EVANGEUCAX. UNITED BRETHREN Wheatland Ferry rd. Sunday tehool 11 a. nv Services 10 a. m. Sunday. EOLA COMMUNITT Eola. Sunday tchool 8:41 a. as. Ser vices 11 a. m. Sunday. ' FOUB CORNERS BAPTIST e..t. Tin., svimriav eenool B:4S a. m. Service 11 a. m, 7io p. m. Sun aay. 7 a jfi-m. imtrwamj. FRUTTLAND EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN ! SI i4Ua a tat a Ultt MllTgSlV sVntVll af lUKVt w. w -r- 10 a. m. Services 11 a. nu 7J0 p. m. Sunday. HALBERT MEMORIAL BAPTIST ' HayesvUM, on rnu Bono a mmm, underpass. Sunday school 0:43 a.m. (zmifmm ii am.- T:SO bjb. Sunday. 7 JO pjn. Thursday. KEIZEB CHURCH OF CHRIST V AOA rUacVutt-w CiinrtaV WVraTll IB SI TVS. Services 11 t.rn, 7J0 9.m. Sunday t pjn. weanctaay. KETZSB COMMUNTTT ' Clxabeth -and Churchdale. Sunday tchool 8:48 a. m. Service 11 a. m, 7 -4S b. m. Sunday. 1M P. nv. Wedne' day. EETZEK FAITH LUTHERAN . k 4506 N. River. Sunday tchool f:48 Sjn. Servises 11 ajn, 8 pjn. Sunday, pjn. Wednesday. LABISH CENTER COMMUNTTT (Evaaftllcal CnlUd Brethren) ! . miL 1a ... a R-nnlrL eirMna school 10 a. n. Srvlc 11 a. m. gun day, j . LIBERTY CHURCH OF CHRIS j T.tKaTv rhuwh lundiT school IB a. m. Ssrric 11 a. m. Sunday. CHURCH OF GOD aa vi4. Citnitav ui)iaa1 ta a an. Services 11 a. m4 S p. m. Sunday. : UinilT COMMUNTTT Maclcay school. Sunday school 10 a.m. MARION FRIENDS . Marlon. Sunday tchool 18 a. m. Ser vlcet U a. m, 7 JO p. m. Sunday. ; MIDDLR GROVE . COMMUNITT ! Middle Grov schooL Sunday school 18 ajn. NORTH HOWELL COMMUNTTT R7n4. Vnw.ll Ciitlltl aoVinal IS jn. Services 11 ajn, S pjn. Sunday. 8 pjn. waanesaay. WW aTTTU tMMaNTTFT. MXNNONTTB Pratum. Sunday tchool SJS a. m. aervicet ll a. m, i : p. m. mwnmj. PRATUM METHODIST ' Pratum. Sunday tchool 18 a. m. Ser- vicee ll a. m. sunaay. sarani i ntrvm Baxter yd. west of 88X. Sunday school 8:49 ajn. Services 11 ajn, 7 JO p.m. a unaay pjn. svvancsaay. tinRKRTa COMMUNTTT Roberts schooL Sunday i tchool 10 SUMMIT METHODIST Orchard Heights rd. Sunday tchool 11 a. m. Services 10 m. m. second ana fourth, Sundays- . SWEGLB COMMUNTTT Swede school. Sunday school IS a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. TALBOT COMMUNITT -n. Talbot. Sundav echo IS a. m. Ser vices 11 a rn.. 7:30 p. m. Sunday. 7 JO p. m, weonctdty. TURNER-ASSEMBLT OF GOD Turner.' Sunday school 8:49 a.m. Services 11 a.m., 7:43 p.m. Sunday, 7:48 pjn. Wednesday and rriday. TURNER CHRISTIAN Turner.- Bible school 9:49 ajn. Serv lcet 11 t jn 7 JO pjn. Sunday, T pjn. Thursday. TURNER CHURCH OF CHRIST Masonic hau. Sunday school 10 ajn. services u ajn, s:3V p.m. bunaay. TURNER METHODIST Turner. Sundav school 10 a.m. Ser vice ii ajn. sunaay. ZEN A COMMUNTTT , Ten. Sunday achool 18 a.- a. Stayton Baptist Pastor Selected STAYTON, May 19 The Rev. Nick N. Neufeld of Brookings has accepted the call of the Stayton Baptist congregation to become pastor. Since the resignation of the Rev, Willard Buckner early in the year. due to 111 health, the church has relied on supply and visiting ministers. The new minister is married and has a son and daughter, both pre school. They plan to locate here shortly after June 1. sinirnAi.R rarKNns Roeedale. Sunday achool 18 a. n services u a. m, tas p. m. anusaay sat vita annirri rnmiUNllI Liberty and Madrona. Sunday achool 18 a. m. SenrlcM 11 a. nx, 7 80 p. m. Sunday. 7 JO p. m. Weaneaaay. - llnd Confident Iivinrj i In Friendly Worship t:4S and 11:09 A3L Two Morning Services "Not Creed If Detached" Sermon by the Minister Jc43 A.M. Church School Hear th Minister over KOCO Monday through " Friday at 7:40 A.M- First Prcsbylerian Clmrch (Tmekets si TTlnter : CLeetec W. HcrmWln. ' " Pastor Silvorton Churches Turner Methodist Dinner on Sunday Statesman Newa servle TURNER, May 1ft The annual garden fellowship dinner of Tur ner Methodist church will be held Sunday after service in the creek side garden of Dr. Robert M. Gatke in Salem. Guests of honor will be the two members of the congregation graduating from Willamette ftm iversity this year, Frank Lockman and Russell Gochnour, two of j the veterans students who have won high honors at the university.? Dr. Gatke has announced that the sermon of the morning will be the third of his series on Chris tian faith. ASSEMBLT OF 60D W STont st. Sundav school t-41 a m Services 11 ajn, 7, I p.m. Sunday. pjn. lucsaay ana inurtaty. CATHOLIC St. Paal's 1 . Pin and Grant. Masses 8, 10 a m. Sunday; 830 a. m. weekdsTs. 7 JO a. m. Saturday.! ( CHRISTIAN First Park and 1st Junday tchool 8:48 a. m. Services U a. m., 7 JO p. my Sun day. i ,. ; CHRISTIAN AJfB ' . MISSION ART ALLIANCE 60S N. and. Sunday school 11 I a Servlcet 11 a. nv, 7:48 p. m. Sunday. 7 .-41 p. m. Wednesday. CHRISTIAN SCIXNCB Srd and Lewi. Sunday tehool M a. m. cervices u a. m. suaaay. CHURCH OF CHRIST - MWA hall. Bible cUst 10 a.m. Serv ices 11 and 11 .-48 am.. 7 JO pjn. Sunday. CHURCH OF GOD 2nd and A. Sundav achool IB a. m. Services 11 a. m, 8 p. m. Sunday. 8 p. m. sTansaay. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LD8 Knights of Pythias halL Oak and Mill. 11 ajn. and 7 pjn. Sunday. LUTHERAN j . vvikj. o uuui j miuui 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. 8 WW,1M1 iff rl..,M InMjI.. ... V. H. ..M ww W . ii m J achool it a. m. Servloe 11 a. m. Sunday Truuty sna ana A. sunaay tcbol 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. METHODIST Main and risk. Sunday; tchool 8;4 a. an. Services 11 a. rh. Sunday. assay liTenon-jaarquam nifn way. Sunday tchool 18 a. i an. limn 11 a. m. Sunday. PILGRTM HOLTNSSS ' 842 S. Water. Sunday achool 8:40 a. m. Service 11 a. m T J8 p. at. Sun day, 7 JO p. m. Wednetday. SEVENTH DAT ADTSNTISW Park and and; Sabbath tchool f:4S a. m. Services 11 a. m. Saturday, 7 JO p. m. Wednesday. Speats on tJonfi on ix)nierence Staftmaa Newt Servle JETTERSON, May iaMarIan Sayre, student at Willamette un iversity, will speak at Jefferson Methodist church Sunday morning about a youth conference she at tended in the east. Miss Sayre will also talk' to the young people's class of the Sunday school. All members and friends are invited. Dallas Churches APOSTOUC FAITH C t'30 a. m SaHm It a m . 1 -tn Sunday. 8 p. m. Thursday. ASSEMBLT OF GOD i- Birch and Stump Sunday tchool 8:48 a m Services 11 a. m.t 7:45 p.m. Sun day. 7:48 p. m. Wednesday. ; BAPTIST First ; Washlnrton st Sundav arhnnl I U a. m. Service 11 a. m 7 JO p m Sun day. 7 JO p. m. ""hursday. . CATHOLIC St, Phillip's W. Washington st. Masses 8:15 a. m. second and fourth Sundays. 10:18 a. m first, third and fifth Sundays. CHRISTIAN First ' Jefferson and Clay. Sunday school 8:45 a. m. Services 11 a. m.. 7 JO p. m. Sunday , ' . CHRISTIAN AND 1 MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Shelton and Mill. Sunday tchool 8:48 a. m. Services 11 a m., 7:45 p.m. Sun day. ' ' ' ' . ' 1 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 410 Mill. Sunday school 8:48 a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. S p. m. first and third Wednesdays. ; 1 Levens and Mill. Sunday school 10. ui. anrwn it m. Ul, .ov p. m. Sunday. . CHURCH OF GOD ' 1019 Ash. Sunaay school 8:49' a. m. Services 11 a. ol, 7 JO p. m. Sunday. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAT SAINTS Basement of city library. Sunday achool 10 a. m. Services 1p.m. Sunday EPISCOPAL SC Thomas Cherry st. Sunday school 10 and It a. m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday, i EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Church and MilL Sunday tchool 8.48 a. m. Services 11 a. m, 7:45 p. m. Sun day. FREE METHODIST ? 224 Mill. Sunday school 8:45 a. m. Servlcet 11 a. m, 7:45 p. m. Sunday. LUTHERAN 'Trinity 210 Washington. Sunday tchool 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. MENNONTTB Brethren Washington and Havter. Sunday tchool 8:45 a. m. Servlcet 10:45 . m.. 7:45 p. m. Sunday: Evangelical Brethren How at. Sun day tchool 8:35 a. m. Services ll a. nu, 8 p. m. Sunday. Grace 207 Jefferson. Sunday tchael 10 a. m. Servicee 11 a. m. Sunday. METHODIST First Mill near Main. Sunday tchool 1:48 a., m. Service 11 a. m., 7:48 p. m. Sunday. PRESBTTERIAN First Court and Levens. Sunday . tchool 8:48 a. m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday. SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST ! Waihlngton and Jefferson. Babbath tchool 8:48 a, m. Service 11 a. m. Saturday. WomanVNmlit To Be Sunday ; ? i AtJasonLee The annual. Woman' nlaVi. sponsored by the Woman's Society oi vnnsuan service of Jason Lee) Methodist Churrh vHTI Ka Va1i Sunday at 8 pjn. ine program will consist of an address by Mrs. Henry Otto, giv ing the hiffhliehtav nf ih land WSCS- assembly; .special music oy a women's sextet; a solo by Mrs. Glen Humiston; and an installation service led byv Mrs. A Louis Kirby. A social hour will follow. - The following offirra will K insUlledr president, Mn. Joo jviinger; vice president, Mrs. nany uuietie; secretary, Mrs. H. B. Greenr treasurer, Mrs. Roy Lively; promotion secretary, Mrs. Glen Larkins; missionary educa tion, Mrs. E. J. wmiamsj' local church activities, MrS. A. E. Utley; student secretary, Mrs. J. L. Bat dorf; youth secretary, Mrs. Harry . Irvine: children's secret Mr, Lee Haskins; literature, Mrs. W. wmgara; spiritual life, Mrs. Horace Smith; status of women, Mrs. Carl Gies: and aunnlv iw. retary, Mrs. Ray Sylvester. v Bible Qasses Close . The series of weekly Bible class es under the auspices of the Christian Business Men's commit tee of Salem, which have been conducted by Dr. J. R. Turnbull in Bethany Evangelical and Reform ed church, closed for the summer Friday evening, with a lecture on "God's Promise to Abraham and the Jew and Palestine Today." EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE Assembly of God Market St. A Park Ave. 9:45 A.AA. - Sunday School Hundreds attend from Beginners to Bible Classes 1 1 A.M. "PRELUDE TO REVIVAL" 6:15 Youth groups, Vesper Service 7:45 Evangelistic Rally "PRAYING A FOOLS PRAYER" Set. 6:15 P.M. Broadcast - KOCO Rev. Walter S. Frederick, Pastor Idaho is the largest silver pro ducing state. , Church Society Elects ' Statesman Newt Service HUBBARD Mourteen mem- of the Hubbard Community church (Congregational) met in the home of Mrs. Frank Stiles Wednesday. Devotionals were lead by Mrs. Riley Mains. The entire panel of olficers were re - elected for, next year. Mrs. George Lefrler is pre sident; Mrs. Pete Hunt, vice pre sident; Mrs. J. C Morrison, sec retary, and Mrs. Levi Miller, trea surer. .. ... 3BI6 IIIGHTS Calvary Chapel 1141 N. LIBERTY ST. (Between Belmont A Market) v . Bev. Edna Brock -A-MEM CORNER BROADCAST Bringing Special Mtuie Spiritual Preaching ; Wed Thnrs FrLi S pjn.! Sunday School 10 ajn. ; Sunday Morning Worship . 11 ajn; Evening Service 8 p.m. Rev. & Mrs. C, C. Bell, Pastors " Phone 2-8958 T FiUTH TABEBHACLE North Ith at Gaines Greater than Ever Week End Services with Raymond Ray of Wchington ' OLD FASHIONED MEETINGS Salvations Healinrs Prophecy - A Growing Sunday School It A3L So-day 11 AL M. Wyatt preaching v Sabjecl "Where Is the Ark ef Godr Special Next Week Watch this Spaci EVERYONE IS WELCOME 1 Dr. Paul P. Petticord ' President of -Western School of Evangelical Religion will speak at the First Evcngcficcl United Crelfcren Church ' . -r Slarion and Summer Streets Sunday, May 1 S " 11:00 AM. Th Biblical Attitude of the) ! Church Toward Revival" t , 7:45 PJA. "Excess Baggage" r ! Tuesday, May 23 Mid-week service ,1 . . . 7:30 PiA. Study from the book of Ames t Calvary Baptist Church I - Welcomes to Salem ' i Bev. Omar Barth t formerly of Newtown Square. Pemnsyivcmia Everyone is cordially invited to meet our nevr pastor' and to hear his first sermon. v Sun. Morning Service) 11:00 cm. "Oh. Magnify the Lord with Mo" Sun. Evening Service 7:30 pan. . j N " Tile or Doatk" Calvary Baptist Church T . Miller & Liberty Sts. ' C0IIII7G THE 28TH! 3p SALEII ARMORY 3p 1 t mm 'r: - 5, Ilia mm 4 J-'4 A 7V ja ttHtt MARTZ, j8ftnial!oaafry Ibowb f ytor M tklli rrengefisf shown cs jht preoeberf to erect crowds tm tksland. Jfce claims ever 20 fiG9 comrerfs since she be p prtechia J ytm ega. Two yeors ego flit went erosnJ fkt world ss fhaf new she bos 2 overseas fries fe ktr cred7f. il ereef creweT 2s expecfee! fe htar htr pnsth U iUi tJtf If QUICK' Maxaxlno April 17tk FEATUI1ED t- - 7 f - I 9