V jotThe Etaisfanan. Salem, Oregon. Thursday MoT 18. 1850 iA : AtTI If .1 I! 450 Merchandise 455 Household Good For Sals WHITE enamel cookstove for wood or coal. Nearly new. Nels Olen, 2009 Laurel Ave. Ph. 1-0503. RW Gas range 13 oil. Ph. 36657 be fore t a.m. after P.m. GOOD Wilton rug 9x18. rose color. Bicycle. 3Z leror on ivinnwona unvc WaionAL Chairs. Ph. 42761. LIKE New 2 bedroom kU, new gas range, gas circulator heater, -tnlseel. household goods. Rt S. Box 176 Sa lem. Straight east on Center St. Ph. 22B64. OLDER type- washing machine, new roller. Call 2-1290. BABY hlghchair, used 1 mo., $7. fold- lng couch It pad, $8, table radio $3, ' 10 lac panel curtains, cheap. Table & 4 chairs, tit. Attr. utility base and matching cabinet with glass doors, blonde wood, a bargain. Ph. 37305. HOGG BROS. 1 115 So. Commercial fOR THE FINEST -LINE OF COM PLETELY REBUILT AND GUAR ANTEED APPLIANCES IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY AT A PRICE WITHIN YOUR BUDGET I , FREE DELIVERY 10 DOWN 14 MONTHS TO PAY THE BALANCE Hogg Bros. "115 So. Commercial Linoleum $3.95 VALLEY rURN. CO. 283 N COMT 458 Wanted. Household Goods ALL CASH TRADER LOUIE PAYS HIGHEST PRICES Household goods, furniture, bric-a-brac appliances, rugs, silverware, aisnes QUICK SERVICE PHONE 3-855S 3055 Portland Rd. USED FURN .. immediate appraisal highest prices.' Valley ' Furniture. ,289 N Commercial Ph . 27471 GLEN WOODRY. Ph. 3511. 458 Building Materials CEDAR SIDINQ x6 C xB C 60.00 M 70.00 M 85.00 M 14x10 C ... 93.00 M Flush Hardwood Front Doors j ! Birch Mahogany Duall T ?-0x6-8. 1'" ; 29.95 ea I i-tab Roofing, 210 lbs. 7.73 sq, Plywood, 4x8 .24 sq; ft. sneetrock, . .05V so. ft. Window frames (new) i - 50 Discount I SERVICE LUMBER CO TOT McClalne St. Ph. 2882. Silverton NEW PICKET FENCE 8 ft. sections. Ph. 3-1369 .If Yoiv Need Lumber and want the finest Quality obtain able at prices you wont believe - possible, let the WEST SALEM SAW MILL bid on that new house. Speci fied orders filled Sc delivered. 1050 Wallace Rd. Phone 3-9593. Additional Classified Ads on Page 17 THURSDAY'S BROADCASTS J Pacific Daylight Time Kilocycles: KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490. I FM: Meggqctea -- KOIN (Editor's not: The Statesman publishes tn rood faith the orocrams and times as provided by the radio stations, Banir -wmjioui nouncauony wus newspaper cannot m respoasioie lor tns ccuracy herajn). j 1 1 1 TP IOCR I 00:00 M Vl 00:15 - i'"n. rr n ts- u rw r orn. Nesa IThtiekeeper Mm. w5?a ta rn u sniN m xiv U tr.wf k Hodge Poigel IHoiiee Podge arm News iK-eep smuin, ft Hemingway tBresk Gang KOCO Klock Vacteod -News lOld ftongi Tex Hitter KOIN Kfocl fXarly . Btrd vashbum Ni ITop f Morning KKtLMi ffe 'eunter TamUjr Alur 1 r yvi rjv iidv I churca'Harmony nna Kiwi IV. 11a jj. South ' Shi Brea Clb N.W. Bfe' MetedWne V sow 1 ouinti amncnv 1 ajtfr e tirtak.!Club U m - - ROIM BOW ; W.nrt V Wirr.ll lAnnt Join. trln Tt.nl1 ln C,,nrf. Second Cup Second ntwi ws- eiars ox KtLM&len Hard n. m Harding u iwvu msc s iei OP y Mac's Melodj KOfN 'Big Sister Ma' Perkins KGW Marg. Wh at I Cavallarro KES ladles Se ed I Ladies Hi I .1 Seate f 4 KSEM Ladles F KOCO,? Mac's Melody HU ' Mrs. Burttsn KGW Doub. Ndlhin SPtWCX Betty Clock KSLM 1Top Trafles 'wood-feMu air Ladles Fair I fMa' Melodfi J IPerry Mason 9 I m poua Nothing Nf Wlc -Lindlahri I-t IffwoM Musi J I- m koco s M Kom & 'wojd Musi GbmeyGet It acleodNewsi oster Mew I Read aukhafe fcssatiews BasebaS MelimrMaglc Wu'ririrt In TnT) tBaseball ' Migic Melody Magic fmm KGVl t Jl KBLM M asebafi II KfOCiT Magic L.uw i sv Backsw KEX fST In II J5 nsi.m uaseDaii J8m"VJ '" iviiiiyr" "rcaiure amrw"rivn ours rl Marries tt'orti' IPttin BiiFV rrnnti.. tow in JMy Stewart Jay Stewart iBfide & CroosBaKaZteriKlernan Bseball .Base wagic Hody iMag rsntnasi a BavelfHht, Travle ck ATJate ;4 KSLM Itilton Lewis ' IHerrtlng Itfusic U Want Musk I At. Godfrey (Art Co KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Woman s Sec. Life KB, tepre out of LlfeSquih el Jim . 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Slralg kex m rowStrajhtiArrof Bir B Biers am layers doss K lAum i:cree ot us iostar Ckeen Hornet iGrefn 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Bb. Heater endlelight N.W2 N CansBeli Suspense Suspense treen Guild leadlines Home- edict n ongs of wiligh lay ho Plavsiouse Perry errjt In .1 m KSLM M xjf) """""'1 ie -.m IGwt m f 1 mh g jj M KSLM4 " I 1 koco a i mm ar- aw aji Com4 Counte unterspy Clyde Track Lowell Clyde Beat (Track 1490 ia Jack Smith Sinatra eniNews Amateu kHoutAmatcur 31en HardriV. iFutlon Bandstand Bandstand f. b. i. w. mL Father Knows FaUr .VKlrti. 3 iFuilon Levi Bandstand bong Shop ISpnfl Shop tHr KILM4 I I I I KeCOlBai I I K WN f S m I Love a Myit mwlreel 1 IK Baseball ; lahall 1 3 5 Star Final Political . I Sam HV1 Morton DovfheyB peponeg R ipjtetrneaol ,g Ft Ne F eba lodie Foster News Concert Hour KOAC $M K.C Thursday 10. to ant The News and Weather: lOJS Especially for Women;' 110 Th Concert Han: 12 iM The News; 12:15 p.m. Noon Farm Hour; 10 Ride Vm Cowboy; 1J3 Variety Tlie; 2.-00 Horn Garden Hour; 2 JO Memory Book Music; 3.-00 The News; 3 15 Music of Marters; 4M University Hour; $.00 Children'! Theatre; 3:13 On l 7-TTkldlMelod. h av news m to M'.csnu ivmj gOIXre I KEX KGW 1 450 Merchandise I 458 Building' Materials Aluminum Roof ins ! Complete stock. CORRUGATED FTvTC- V-Cnuu. wet our quoianona nrsw Saffron Supply Co. 323 W. commercial NO. 1 AND 2 Red Cedar Shingles, any amt Lowest market price. 100 sq. No. 3 t-in clear 60 vertical grain, suitable for roof or falls 3-50 per sq. Large amt No. 2 R. oak Hoop ing, very good. Canadian cedar wall shakes, all colors, with good dry un dercourse 12.50 per sq. Large amt. of lumber 2x4 and wider 25.00 and up. Call 2-1196 evenings Ted Mul ler Salem-Indcp. Rd. ' 1 .Plywood An thicknesses at Salem's lowest prtc- m. carload quantities in stock. CEDAR SHAKES '!.''" lit quality 18 in. painted shakes with shingle undercourse. siijw sq., un palnted shakes 19.25 sq., white as bestos Biding 310 sq. 3 tab, 210 lb. roofing $7 sq. choice of colors. All grades ceaar sningies. 32.50 up. WINDOWS New complete windows all sizes, low priced. Used windows 31 up. wiTTnoBvir wAT.r.nnARt) t thicknesses hard smooth wallboard, used for bath and kitcnen waiia. per fect for floor covering, 7VaC ft. PLUMBING New toilets $27.50, elec. water heaters $69. Pipe cheap. C. G. Long Ph. 2-582L One mile north of KelzerrOR SHARP PHOTOS Lens for 4x5 Immediate Delivery If It's for your garden" or lawn, we have it. Rock tree silt, top sou, ana fill dirt. Commercial Sand & Gravel Supply Co. Phone 2-1968 " LUMBER BARGAINS DOUBLE RUN WINDOWS. 3 styles, minv sizes. One-half regular price. "E" RUSTIC SIDING, 1x6 Sc 1x8, $65 M C Grade x8 kiln dried cedar siding P?EHL "SFA..i?..8' from clear kiln dried lxS's, 42' 12c each. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front and Court Streets, Salem . KEITH BROWN Building Materials on BUDGET TERMS i As little os 10 down on a purchase Of $20 UP to $300. Easy monthly payments KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front and Court Streets. Salem GARAGE DOOR HARDWARE Complete set COBURN overhead gar age door hardware only $29.95. Fits openings -3' to 16' wide. Supports weight from 50 to 400 pounds. KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front and Court Streets. Salem DOOR HARDWARE ; for average, 5-room house only $27.93 Includes: 1 Front Door Latch Set, 1 Rear Door Night Latch Set. 7 Inside Passage Latch Sets, 1 Bathroom Latch Set KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD Front and Court Streets, Salem KOIN 970, KGVV 620. KEX 1190 101.1; KGW 100.3; KEX 92.3 but., because bfftlmes( prorra.msa.xa 1 wr t-t b t v p I (00:fDj O0M5 s?c sh - parch Timp . Iewsi west. .Melody .West Melody Klock KpIN Klock fKD Hft-jn Tim Parml I Time . lKeewS miling Keei RtsskA Shine rfcp Trades ! News Goss Sevfk Fted (Ceck I Sam Bayes I3tb jCarred SCneas-;Nes ooo nazea) Haven Xt Best I Have Of Reat HawallEcbo Grand fBlem Jack Qercls Ftesta I Rose r iary . RanM Rhythm iBTfAkClub I Ureal ,1u, K I IGaiMeniiGuidAlP?tor'8 CMU IDlckHaymeiA MeJcTimafSrVwng cThomas Cup IHometowners iKneass News ' 1 xooaarsMicK as nasn tun as Flash Ortanalitlei I Tell Neighbor IKrac's Melody IMac! Melody . ID si Malone IGuidI Light Remolds Show Georie Murphy iris story 'frue story Qifcen For DayDueei For D, Mflcs Melody Mac's Melody iNdran uraxe eneBxer Day Today's Child, tighfc of Worlfl Ndtthwesl Cr M'a tnwest I Kortfewest Homi Efhil3oi in fNeuvs B Huse Party flou o LUi Pepper Young Map Dvifet Menjous (Art Vlfet Web 'j Beball i IRaKn Melod Misrie Melodv Ifaeit Melnrlv Run pher Party Mness dwkerelBeU R lagers g StHt"HaLch IStriWS'xfllfcIl kc iw lie iv;ua xjwiifls M uir. jonn NX nuuinr, nrau tturruula Vav urc ?1 tr. nr... iRawhall i 'Rs.ok.ll Melody Magic Melody Magic Melody Mulic t lofy MdficJMelody Artj (Spdfrey Lotte. jLearn ' easries Keep W. Stew lie iwa . m& st Star IPiaio patterns t Maeyi ita mm arrow e ueaftt. . us iiraui. irrei Ea IFirtfigMters iBatT ediaisj urna cr IDaScej "I ilStereboald j W Meiodjc : Magic Mr MotzzrcY is ail fiOtnri rg ilAtnt My I Pic AjDateg B-ney Keep y I N1 WanCGfe 8 CageilSdii m Sncl J Ba( Bl Ranch; M Dattce 1 Parada Slow. B Htntlev frilesatrVL mevra Sgs o Itrnet Kin lo Test News I notograther . IPhototftapber i 1 ISkx K3nr els 111 SenaSe ScnzGlllTJ9. Kjldi. JJjL-JCfldare Edition .Gregory H66a73regory Hood Tir aveler rrack 14901! Track 149 i ioi. inu dragnet loL Thea iragnet ilondie . ondie Sports for lrV.U !orts fa rrack i49oy I Track 11 Mr. Keen K Sir. Kn .Idrlch FaihOv Akirich FamlH Iroaxeur apur tmaaoncgomer Bay Blochi Ra tpugout Dole Ba teeulah a MClii Knofri Duffy's TtVtritlu kCobb M iCoqjb aseball Q oiitical a ports Pag oncert Hoar IdnrafelkUeiiMi. leS Ml tat jTo 'nl M I m h- f AIlS I Hgur 9 I.Blik 1 Lewta I QaseSalli I I Uim Brof nl Current? Cholgr djicert H5ur f ih. IMe&diesI r t 3 Wax Museum I Wax Museum IWax . Museum (Concert Hour felemoa I Memos the Upbeat; $ 50 550 Sports Club; HM The News; 1:13 Sincerely Yours; 6 JO Round the Camp fire; 7.-00 Headlines in Chemistry: 7:15 Evening Farm Hour; .-00 Flying Time; :13 OSC Library; 8:30 Vera News; 8:45 The News and Weather; 8:00 Musi? That Endures; S.-43 Evening Meditations; 10-00 Driver Playhouse; 10:15 Sere nade: 10:43 News-Weathen 11.-00 Sign Off.- -i 450 Merchandise 458 Bufldlnq Materials HOWSER BROS. Your power tool rent al heaquarters. , 1418 s iztu st Fn 3-3646. xl0'r. ., a. 1 am' nj flooring, soil pipe and fittings, used galv. pipe, used windows and doors. 1230 Howard si. see cnri. 1 462 Sports Equipment MAUSER RIFLE. $35. Matched, action; 29 in. barrel, on s. zatn. rn. 2-1 izs. X USED Johnson 5 h p. outboard mo tor. S60. 1 used Muncie outboard motor. $13. Howard Maple Sporting Goods. Ph. i 36042. PLYWOOD BOATS," $98 and up. also trailers. 1170 Nebraska. After ft pjn. 164 Bicycles I BOYS Bike, 110. Girls bicycle, good cond. fia. ids s. lain afternoons or eve. . t : I (68 For Rent Miscellaneous" GOOD Downtown warehouse space for rent. inq. H. L. SUM Furniture, en. 39185. - GOOD USED Piano H L. Stiff 0 DRIVE TRUCKS FOR" RENT Blan- kets furn. 187 s. Liberty Ph s-iwez 170 For Sale. Miscellaneous LAWNMOWER. rubber tired. 35 Glenn Woodry Furniture Mai, iihjs . Summer. ENGAGEMENT Ring, baby stroller, Gibson guitar. 3930 cnerrv Ave. GTRL'S CLOTHES, sizes 4 to 14, good cond.. cheat). Ph. 3-87G7, BABY CRlBS, 6 yr. size $8; 8 yr. $12.50. Ph. 3-1604. 1784 Claxter no. alter p. GUAR Bend ix washer Sc Simplex lron- er. cheap, quick sale. pn. zi74ii. aw N. Summer. " - WHITNEY Collapsible baby 1645 buggy. good condition. SIS. Winona Court. Optar, f4.5. 6 38 In. f .1., in Graphex cress shutter. Speeds. 1 sec. to 1200 T Sc B Graphex solenoid synchro nized, on lens board, reaay to use. $45. half new cost. Ph. 3-4757. GIRL Scout uniform, size 12; oil cir culaunir heater: cnnas piay pen girls Jr bicycle: kitchen cabinet with bins. Rt. 8. Box 97 Parkwav Dr.. W. Salem. 3 blks N. of Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 27370. 1 100 TREES. Trimmed, suitable for logs Sc poles. ' mi s. 01 Middle urove Sch Hse. W. A. Zwemke. GOOD Used pianos $75 ea. H. SILENT Sioux oil circulator including stove board and pipe A-l shape, a real buy at $18. Glenn Woodry Fur niture Market. 1605 No. Summer, Phillips Bros. Fertilizers, cow. chicken, horse, and sheep manure. Well rotted or fresn. Organic Composts and Compost ma terial. Dry, pulverized, weed free chicken manure. All sold by yard or sack. Flagstones and Rocks for Rockeries, Silt, Sand for Sand Boxes, Peat Moss. Seeds, Cedar Fence Posts, TeL and Elect Poles. Shingles. Lumber, Beanstakes. Wire. Ornamental Fences. Steel Clothes line Posts and Iron Ratlings made to order. Yew Wood. Open Sun. through Spring. Ph 3-1458 for Del. 4 Miles East on State St Rt .Box lis. Salem. Oregon. WATER Heaters. 42 gal. Double ele ment, $74.50. Yeater Appliance co. 375 Chemeketa St STOP Watches, chronographs Sc other complicated movements repaired with precise skuL Browns Jewelry 420 ourt. 1! Pianos! . tuanos: Just ZSf&m -r- a large shipment of newt" -atepUnos. $395 and up ope Piano Co. "ThetVaJleiv's Finest Piano Store 1540 rmknds Rd. Phone 2-5281 W buggy, 1 year old. 1645 Ber LATE 'MODEL 6' Warren meat case, perfect cond. Price reasonable. See at 985 Garnet or ph. 3-4094. UbD Electric washers $19 95 and up Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa St. NEW Daveno $49.50. Fully guaranteed. good covers, don t miss the Darzam at Glenn Woodry Furniture Market. 1605 No. Slimmer. - HOME Free,zer, genuine, deeptreeze $129.50 and! up. Yeater Appliance to. 375 Chemeketa . DON'T BE a rug drudge Shampoo your rugs at home at one-nau tne cost Rent a Clark Rug Shampoo machine at Howser Bros. 1410 S 12th Ph. 3-3646. USED Electric refrigerators $49 4 and un. Yeater Appliance CO STS Chemeketa St. HEAR the New Story t Clark Spinet. Makes all others obsolete, jaquitn Mtinle Co. 846 Cascade Dr. Ph. 34641. DRY Poultry fertilizer. Ph. 2286L Lee s Hatcherv ; USED Electric ranges $19 85 and up Yeater Appliance Co.. 75 Jhemeketast. USED Sewing machines priced to suit your budget Reconditioned & guar anteed. Ralph Johnson Appliances Ph. 33139 MAHOGANY SPINET PIANO. SAVE 1300. PH. 34641. HEAT YOUR HOME electrically with Westinghouse or westx automatic electric heaters Yeater Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa fiELUXE Coldspot refrigerator, very nice cond., an outstanding buy at Just $89.50. Hurry, this won't last. Glenn Wbodry Furniture Market, 1805 No. Summer Silversmith's Special Knives, Forks. Spoons, etc. .25c Anv 6-C iteariot resilvered .$6.95 Brass items polished, lacquered May special on other items, too AVEK PLATING CO. 1430 S. 12th St. Ph, Salem 3-7772 S - LARGE; 6 Seat Booths Upholstered Seats. 8 -! Small 2 Seat Booths Flaw Seats. The Sna 382 State St. - PIANO Accordians. Save 30 to 50 846 Cascade Drive. Jaquith Music Co. Ph. 34B41 OIL Circulators at greatly reduced prices Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa St. SfcWlNG MACHINES, used $9.85 and up Also i new Free westinghouse $89.93 and up YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chemekt'ta St. Ph. 34311 ! Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads St driveway. Cement. Ready- mix. concrete, uaroen san. tsuii dozing, drainage and ditching. ' yd shovel & drag line. Phone 3-9249 NEW Linoleum rugs $4.25. Glenn Woodry Furniture Market, 1005 No. Summer. BRAND NfiW KRESkV OIL BURNING FLOOR FURNACE FOR. 3 ROOM HOUSE. $75. USED 7 IN. SKILLS AW GOOD COND. $50. USED ELECTRIC POWER PLANE, GOOD COND. $60. 4573 STATE ST. PH. 3-1125. BABY shoes, copper plated, ph. 2-7836,' A TMORA YS Harlev Pugh Ph a-C(61 NO WAXING REQUIRED with PLAS-TI-KOTEL the cellophane-like finish tor floors or linoleum. ' . Yeater Appliance Co. 373 Chemeketa St. JOHNSON Outboard motor $30. Glenn Woodry Furniture Market. 1603 No, Summer.; S"tanlev Home Products 535 N. Winter! FISCHER GRAND PIANO CHEAP. PH. 34641. FOR SALE: Riding garden tractor. Ui d less than a week. Will take half price. 1895 s S. 12th St.. Salem. Ore. 4SD Radios and recur da player ' I8J3 and up. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa St . ANDY'S DIRT Phone 2-8748 V Good clean top aotl. silt and 0. dirt for your gardens, lawn St Cowers. Call us first Office 757 Edgewater St Prompt del. 120 BASS PIANO ACCO&DLaH it CASE. PH. 3441. USED sewing machine, good cond. Guaranteed bargain. $29.50. Singer Sewin Machine Co.. 130 N. Com'l Complete set drums and trap Xor danco work, $100. Phono 3-487. 450 Merchandise 172 Wanted. Miscellaneous BABY'S Play pen, ph. 2-7123. WATCH, Clock and Jewelry repairing. L G. Prencott. 810 N. 17th. Ph. 3-4818. WANTED: Alder logs, top price paid ror no. 1 togs. a. scnneiar. iux auin St. Dallas. Ph. 3573. .;: 474 Miscellaneous Sewing lessons Day or evening New Home Sewing Center Ralph Johnson Appliances . S55 Center St Ph 33139 WANT TO Buy used cameras Sc lenses MCKwan pnoto snop. 43a state Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mail Your ' Putes for Repali US. HARRY S EM LER. UEMT13T Adolph Bldg 8Ute A Com Ph 3-3311 HUWSCH BROS. Your power tool rental headquarters -1410 8 12tav St Ph. 33646. 476 Fuel Summer ! Prices on hand picked 16 in. slab and old fir block wood. Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 or 3-6024 SLAB WOOD. 2 cord load mill run. $8.00 or bandpicked 16 siao. $10.00 tor 2 cords load. Call or write Harold Anderson, 103 Roberts Ave.. .Salem, Ph. 2-7751. Sawdust at bargain. Elmer Boje Ph. 3-9453 - 2025 S 12th 16' old fir. block & planer, no trash- DRY 16" old fir. GOOD 16" edgings $5.50 load.. Also $53o fresh cut sawdust Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 35533. West Salem Fuel Co. le-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER "TODS Old growth block wood 16 In clean bo bark . SCREENED SAWDUST j RURAL DELIVERIES " DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone: Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 EdgewsUr St W Salem, i 1 Highway Fuel! Co. Clean sawdust wood green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny Saver Stamps. Ph. 36444. ; 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem : $12.00 For orders please call'1 collect Independence 42 Independence i Lumber and Manufacturing Company Independence. Oreon OLD Fir. Oak. Ash. PH.. 3-1458 ASK FOR i S & H Green Stamps 16 in. mlllwood. full 2 cord load $10 Fresh cut. serened sawdust 12 In clean inside wood PHONE 2-7442 ;! FURNACE Trash Burner St cook stove wood. No Bark. R. H Allen. 1260 Candlewood Dr. ph. 2-2382. 500 Business & Finance TURN Your Mortgage or Contract into cash. We buy them. Also Private money to loan on First Mortgages, Burt Picha, Inc. 378 . jiign st 502 Business Opportunities COFFEE SHOP by owner, : seats 40, on busy hiway 99E, doing good business, sell or trade lor ranch or home, fh 2-9342. Duplex BRAND NEW In Englewodid Dist. cor ner lot, 2 bdrms in each unit, tile bathroom. Insulated amd weather- stripped, very cute. Should rent for $150 per mo. Ready to move Into in about 2 weeks. Total price $14,500. Evening phones 27674 or 33558 Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 3035 Portland Rd. Ph. 37820 or 2-4596 Little Gold Mine UNIT APT. hse, close; in, tip top cond, 3100 per mo. income. $7850 completely furn. By owner. Ph. 2-7830 SALEM Apartment house, pay 175 down and in 10 years ' Will own it, or will rent Box 752 Statesman. 510 Money 16 Loan $ CASH I $ Hollvwood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds : Road Next to bank. Free parking. Ph. 2-7032 Lie. No. M369-S291. Flovd Kewyon. Mgr. Private Money On Cars. Trucks & Trailer Home Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 S. Commercial St Phone 3-9161 FARM and CITY LOANS 4U and 1 Your own terms of repayment wltala reason, casn tor Real Estata con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bldgii Ph 4-2283 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. US S. Church St Ph. 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie M1M-3154 NOTICE to folks who hate to "Ask favors Co-signers are not required at Personal we d rather make you a loan on Furniture Auto or Salary and give you 20 months to repay: on our even monthly payment plan com In or phone first for faster service. PERSONAL Finance Company of Salem 518 State St.. Rm. 125 Ph. 2-2464 He. No. S-122 M-165 C. R. Allen. Mgr. WE Make loans up to 80 ot the - appraised value on, qualifying mod ern homes. Salem and vicinity. Also see us for FHA construction loans. State Finance Co.. 153: South High at.. aiem Oregon SULLIVAN REALTY CO. Conservative, well-serviced Real Es tate mortgages, and contracts to net you S to 6 from $1,000 up, call or pnone SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3363 Portland Road Ph. 3-3255 CASH . NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-own-. ed loan company offer money when you need HI You cam pay anytime to reduce net costl ? No endorsers, or helo from friends I Oa car, trucks, trailer home to $500X0 on rumiture. livestock, t equipment salary or other personal property up to S0UU.UUI t Phono or visit our office today! 'KSLM, near Top Trades" Uflt daily &b SI! General Finance ''Corp. Lie No SUS and M33t PHONE 3-9161 136 S. COM'L ST. Office Hours Opea dally tAO a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays ' 9:06 a.m. - 1 -00 p.m. CASH Up to $1500 - Call or phone today PACIFIC Industrial Loans lit X Liberty - . Ph. 4-2X3 510 Money To Loan 4!4 : 4 7 412 to YEARS repayment plan, strictly modern nomes. tor', refinancing or new construction. y ALSO FJI.A loans for construction or1 re financing. 25 year repayment . plan. Farm loans 4,s. . Personal St Auto loans . J State Finance Co. 153 S. High St '. I S 216. M 222. 515 Investments $11,000.00 MTG on 1940 acre farm for sale, wait Minier rnone 33136. ! 600 Employment S04 Help Wanted. Male INSURANCE Inspectors age 22-28. car essential, must be able to type. Apply Mr. Mitchell, room 319 Oregon Bldg. May 18 and 19 after 10 a.m. LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR of National or- f anlzation needs 3 aggressive indus rion young men between the age 23 to ' 45. Sales experience helpful, but not necessary. Car required. Ap ply Marion Hotel. ! Friday from 10 -to 11:30 a.m. or 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. onlv. ask for Mr. Baumeardner. MAJOR OIL CO. has ervice station for ieae. nign gaiionage. iau o-0(0. EXPERIENCED upholsterer to work for dept. store. Phone 39191, ext. 43. 606 Help Wanted. Female WANTED: Congenial companion ' to make her home with aged Christian lady. Ph. 3-9740. EMPLOYED mother desires ladv to care for 2 children, days. Call 2-1435 eves. SECRETARY to the Director of Ad- mtssions. Willamette Universitv. Ad- mihistrative ability essential. Call for appointment 3-9266. ext. 21. EXPERIENCED beauty operator want- ed. Call 3-5033 HOUSEKEEPER for adults. Bd., rm'. and wages, can 3-893Z after 5 p.m. GIRL or woman between age of 20 Sc ; to assist i with housework and care of children Live In. no school girl. rrmnt 3-7949 i WOMAN , to cook plain meals for 4 teen age boys, light housework. 10 days or 2 weeks while mother is In East. Ph. 31481. EXPERIENCED woman for making slip covers in Dept. store. Ph. 39191 ext. 43. 610 Sales Persons Wanted OPENING FOR one experienced Real estate Statesman. Apply In person, Reimann Rrial Estate 201 South High Street Are You a Salesman HAVE YOU BEEN SUCESSFUL IN , DIRECT SELLING? If you can not answer yes to these questions do not read further. If you can answer yes we have a position youhave dreamed about but has never materialized. The organization offering this position has enjoyed 76 years of successful international op eration. The man selected will be of the highest caliber: Basic qualifica- tions: Previous high income, late model automobile, be 25 years of ace . or over and demand Immediate high Income and future security. Oiir men average from 2400 to $1000 ner mo Leads furnished. No canvassing for mose wno can qualify, call Paul W. Llghtner, Suite 201, the Senator hotel. Wed. thru Thursday. 9 until 12 for appointment only. SALESMAN with car to represent us in territory adiacent to Salem. Apply 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. .Willamette Val ley Roof Co. Inc. 30 Lana Ave. 614 Work Wanted, female DESIRE JOB as PBX opr.. receptionist, typing, light bkkpgj or cenera loffice. rn. Mrs. Stevens 3-3437. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. typing ana DOOKKeeping 1 machine. Phone 37257. ! Situations Wanted CHILDREN'S sewing' and typing, my nome. fn. J3I3. gov Shipping. CEMENT work done, free estimates. Phone 2-7163. MAN with large family wishes work of any xmo. Ph. ZB564. MAN Wants day or hour work, anv PAINTING inside and out. Ph. 2-2979! PLUMBINGWORK wanted. Ph. 3-8377! IRONING Jc cleaning By hour, good liBAwn Mftxf Mfr in--' t. reierences. asw Mission. garden work. Call before 9 a.m. or af ter e p.m. Ph. 2-8806. Ray Mack. HSEWORK. ch. before 8 after 5 2-QO01 HIGH School girl wishes housework peginning June 6, Excellent with chil- ren. p.p. Box 120, Wood bum. BY SITTING, adult. 2-0954. BABY SITTING bv adult Ph 4.4.K57'; RE-ROOF&fG" and shingling. All types vi roots, iei us iigure your job and save you money, p. W. Cooper and pons, r-none z-zaoa; CURTAINS washed Ar rtret-hw The modern nursery school. Li- censed nursery. English kindergarten xeacner ir nurse in charee Ph S-907S BABYSITTING. Ph. 20247. DRESSMAKING, alterations. Ph. 2-6678: YARD WORK. Free estimates on new lawns. After 5:30. Ph. 23943. ROTO-ttLLtTTWoRK. 1145 Hood. Ph. Q394. .xp large or small jobs CAKP ENTER Work . Anv kind Rea aoname 11H1 Union Ph 2-1487 CHILD CARE. ..1180. Shinning 3.M?1 CUSTOM PLOWING and discing with roro tractor, pn. Z3BZ9 or 374Z7. CEMENT work. All kinds Ph 2-4850 Carrenter work, new, repair Ph 32093 REPAIRING, remodeling, roofing Ph. 3-1339 or 2-0218 i BOOKKEEPING. Typing. Notary Pub lic. vo pine, pn. 3-azoa. LAWNS start to finish, light traci on i u..ri wiui unwr. rn c-cici TILLING. M - TtLLlR Garden Sc lawns f nh 1-2128 CHILD CARK 183 S. 18th Ph 2-6876 PLASTERING Patch Work A Specialty Phone 3-5072 NANCY S IDEAL NURSERY. Ph 2-4940. WANT to care for 1 child in my home nays. Z07i Evergreen Ave. Ph. 25765. 18 YR. BOY must have work soon, any King, can drive true. Ph. 37767. HOUSEWORK by hr. by dependable young lady. Excel, ref. rn. 25254. 7 v a p.m. Mrs. Balodis.' , WASHING and irorang. Ph. 34587. 620 Day -and Contract Wanted for T D 14 Clearing, road building, grade work. by hour or contract. Phone 2-2095. Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. EXCAVATION CONTRACTORS Land Clearing & ditching Basement Sc sewers Roads and dams Equipment rentals Have us give you a free estimate on that Job you are planning. Ph. 2-4691 i John Feldschau & Son General contractors. Cement sidewalks. euros Sc driveways. Ph. 38F3 or 42429. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work loads - Clearing - Ditching Sewer St Basement Equipment Rental' 15 B-i, yds 10 B-', yds D-7 Cat St Dozer D-6 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat 3c Dozer See us about ditching by the foot Phone days 3-9408 Evenings 3-424 or 2-44O0 Ssltpm Oftfafon AUTO PAINTING lust a shade better by Ray ETTER, Call Shrock Motor to. S-SIOJU . s . 70Q Rentals 702 Sleeplnq Boomsj Board BOOM tor rent, MS M. Cottage. 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Booms. Board FURN1 Bedrooms with light house keeping factlitiea.- $6-$9 wk. Ph. 27740. 383 N. Summer. SLEEPING RM priv. ent Gentleman. 635 N. Summer. VACANCY for girls. Cooking privi- leges. use oc enure nous. Modern, close In. 643 N. Winter. Ph. 34372 or 39460. 1 CLEAN attractive rooms, reasonable. priv. ent Only blks. of State bldgs. Bus stops at door. Ph. 27481. 1796 Chemeketa. SLEEPING Room Sc board in a widow's i home. 492 N. Summer. ' HM. for gentleman. Priv. ent. Ph.2-4427 NICE, clean rooms, H t C water, kit chen privileges. Call 754 Ferrv St. TWO good clean rooms. Double bed. Breakfast dinner privileges. Phone 3R388. PLEASANT slping rm. for gentleman. luoo norway. rn. Z4&47. FOR GENTLEMAN. Close in 632 N. Winter. Call after 3:30 p.m. or Sun. : COMFORTABLE rms.. priv ent. Also trailer 2-1879. house. 334 N. Winter. Ph. SLEEPING rooms for one and two. Ph. 34335. 790 N. Church. 705 Apartments For Rent 2 RM. turn, apt., newly dec., close In. CtEAN, well t urn. mod. 3 rm.. 1st flr. apt. Extra B.R. available. 472 N. Lib erty. ALL NEW 3 rm. & bath apt. Fireplace, all new furnishings. $65. see from a to 8 eves. 1880 N. Com'l. LOVELY 2, bdrm. apt. in duplex. Elec. range and refrig. Close to bnopping Center and bus. Ph. 28731. 1 FURN. court apt., close in. Call 2-0714. 3 RM. furn. apt.. $40 mo., utilities in cluded. Call after 6:30 pjn. 2505 N. Sth. FURN. APT.. 3 blks. from City Center. Ideal for couple. Immediate posses sion. Call at Woodry Furniture Co., 474 S. Com I. 3 RM. APT., widow preferred, unfurn. or partly furn., 325 mo. 154 Columbia, CLEAN Furn, .apartments. garage. 2455 State St. Come 10 to 6. ONE. Two, Sc three room apts. close in. reas.. bus by door, available at once. Write Box 753 co Statesman. NEW Furn 3 rm it bath. No children. n?0 Mission. 3 RMS. i furn., ground fir., priv. bath. refrig 2310 N. 4th. NICE, very large 2 rm. apt., 'a blk. bus. good 10c, Daoy vj.jv. tome uiu see. $37.50 ? Ph. 3-8S19. FURNISHED APT priv. hath. at 522 N. Church. NICE 3 room furn. apt. for 2. $50. 910 Norway. NICE 4 rm. furn. court apt., close In. Ph. 2-0546. UNFURNISHED 4 rms. and bath. "W. Ph. 3-5838. BTSnrrTFUL' Georgene Gables. 907 S: 13th. 1 B.K. apt unfurn. except lor refrlg. 4 range, auto, laundry. Walk ing distance to state Didgs., dus at corner. LIVE Better at the Ambassador. $50 to S75. 550 N. Summer. FURN, 1 rm. and kit, 2 rm. apt. Clean untilltles furn. 1480 Broadwav. reas. ONE large housekeeping room and kit chenette for one utll., close in. sku Mill. 3 RM. first floor furn. apt. to adults. 359 N. Liberty. Ino. 4 to 7:30 p.m CLEAN quiet 2 rm. apt. Middle aged ladv prefered. t43 jerry. 2 RM. furn. apt. All utilities furn. 2605 Maple Ave. - ATTRACTIVE, mod. unfurn. 1 or 2 B.R. apt- auto hot water Sc heat turn. Walking dist., adults only. Statesman Box 750. 2 RM. clean furn. apt. Refng., adults. 570 Union. Ph. 23553. 3 RM. priv. bath and ent, ground fir. 694 N. Com'l. 707 Houses For Rent 3 RM. HOUSE on bus line, elec. water heater, wired lor range, fn. oJ mnminps. NEW 1 B.R., elec. heat, ideal for work ing cple. 275 S. 22nd. SMALL 1 B. R house, Keizer Dist. Phone 24259. I 2 RMS., lights, water furn., $25 mo TO Fairhaven, 2 ROOM Modern furnished cottage. Phone 39630. , 3 RM. FURN house with Datn. -ujo Portland Rd. 2 B.R. mod. furn. hse., lVa A. oo. 3520 Brooks Ave. ror directions rn. 3-1656. NEW 2 bdrm. house court style. Elec tric heat 6c range, narowooo iioors, insulated. Insulated. 2238 Maple Ave., call 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 3 RM. house with shower. 1834 N. Winter. ONE 3 B.R. mod furn. house with house, not Ph. 25993. acreage. Also ; 2 smaii mod. but furn.. Close in. 708 Farms. Tracts for Rent Possibilities For You ! 25 ACRES nearly all In cultivation. large barn, 4-bedroom home, would make excellent strawberry farm. More acreage available. Full price $4,850. Terms. 15 miles from Salem. M. L. No. 1943. L For Future Value ! u ACRES on Lancaster' Drive sur rounded by fine homes, very weu drained land. Now planted to fil berts. $15,000 with terms. Reimann for Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-9203 Eve. at sun. z-zb, z-i4i, won 709 Wanted to Rent ims RM: house in city, north, mid die aged couple, state employee lueai School) reasonable rent. Ph. 2-3551 9 m m trk s n m. weeKaavs. COUPLE and 18 yr. old son need by June 8 suitable nouse, moderate rem best of refs. Ph. 37767. 7JQ Wanted To Rent. Houses RENT or lease with option to buy un furn. 3 B JL nome m gooa res. aisi, Call 20795. WANTED . 3 bed room mod. home. June 1st responsible party box im a R. R. Furn house near gride school, 3 smaU children. $45 to ssa. preier So Salem. Ph. 42744. RfttARtT. nartv wants, clean. 2 B.R unfurn. hse. by Juiy isl box w, Statesman. 2 BJt. ursL. or unfurn. Ph. 3-4123, O. T. Logan. 714 Business Rentals BUSINESS Room H L Stiff TO LEASE: 1000 ft warehouse fpacc. small office space included. $35 mo. Call in person at 1003 S. Com 1. 800 Real Estate TIMBER 1.000.000 FEET saw logs, 30 to 40 in ches zooo ooies 11 to ai incnes es timated 250.000 feet of alder 160 acres of land. Cat show all down hill logging. Certified cruise. St us for details. $60oo.oo. BETTER THAN AVERAGE SUBURBAN LOVELY 3 bedroom home, full base ment, lvi acres, well equipped out buildings, chicken house, etc. Beau tifully landscaped. Well assorted family orchard. Close in on paved roaa. 99500.W. some termj. , Hutchison -Danrelson REALTORS 453 Court St Ph. 2-3629 Eves. 3-6373; 3-3620: 3-8833 802 Business Property BUS BLDG, liv rms. 2083 N Comt VERY FINE location on this up down duplex, only few blocks to state bldg. Sc shopping center, corner lot. basement, oil heat $9,500. DUPLEX SOUTH SALEM NEAR LES LIE SCHOOL. LR Large BR nice but. up and t B&, LR-. Kit bath, down. Basement oil furnace, tuee cor. tot Only $6850. convenient terms and bargain. Larsen Home & Loan Co. Exclusive Listing - Personal Loans 164 S. Coral. Ph. 3-3a; Eve: 2-4661 800 Real Estate A BEAUTY! ' I 1 bdrm. nice Live, rm, Lg kitchen, nook. oU heat. Hwd. fls. Brand new. $8000.00 terms, $ blks. to school. West .Salem. Call Dale Johnson. L '" . ' - ' .' USTINGST ' ' ' ' . ! i W need listings for Income property, especially close In. Call Dal Johnson. . BRAND NEW ! - I : $9850.00 This New home with fireplace. DR. Kitchen with lots of Built-lns, Bath, lots of closets. Large garage, forced air oil furnace, large lot, CALL KENNY HILL. s LOTS OF LOTS AH prices, and ' every direction. Some as low as $50.00 down with BaL at S1U.W per mo. including om mi lall lonni. hill. i . SPORTING GOODS STORE $9,000.00 Buys all stock fixtures, and equipment. Long lease, low rent Ltvina? Quarters if desired. 1 v ' - ! ' 1 j $9850.004 bedroom home, bath lp, and down. 2 car garage, '.i acre. Bus serv ice. CALL RAY DAVIS. ( i HUFF REAL ESTATE! CHEMEKETA V Eves. Ray Davis 4-2786, DRIVE BY THESE 1094 Cascade Dr., 2 bdrm, den, basmt - 1875 S. Church,. 3 bdrm, basmt. oil heat - 628 N., Winter. 4 bdrm. needs work ' 1865 Chjlds Ave. 3 bdrms., American Colonial , 125 Hansen, 3 bdrm., Candalaria Hgts ., 1915 Saginaw, 3 bdrm. Falrmount Hill ' 1990 Grant St. 2 bdrm. Englewood ; 1271 Chemeketa, 3 apts $260 per mo. . Call Roy Ferris. Please do not disturb occupants V 628 N. WINTER STREET 4 BDRM. HOUSE; walking distance from lot 49,a' x 166' to paved alley. Excellent Richard E. Grabenhorst. CLOSE IN SOUTH 1 CONVENIENTLY CLOSE IN. attractive. 2 bdrm. home, spacious, light liv. rm, excellent closet space, top quality hardware plbg, hse. Is insulated & weather i stripped, small It., beautiful landscaped. Price $9,500.00. Call Peter H. Gelser. CANDALARIA HOME GOOD, NEW 3 bdrm. home, built FHA, on paved St., hdwd, firs. 'thru -out. fire. place, full basmt. auto-oil, forced air furnace, lge. lot, attached garage, ln ' sulated & weathers tripped. Lawns will be in. Price $12,500.00. Call Earl West. SKATING RINK 82' x224' CORNER LOT. 56' x 140' bldg.. recently completed, an Ideal business with excellent location. Call Coburn L. Grabenhorst. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. LIBERTY ST. PHONE 2-2471 Evenings & Sunday Call Peter Geiser 3-9968; Earl West 2-0608: Roy Ferris 2-8010 ' Severvin Realty Co. LOVELY 3 B.R. Home, with D R. and Fireplace, very modern, on nice large lot, paved St., and bus line. It is one of our best homes. $14,175.00 with easy payments. FOR THAT comfortable well built 2 B.R. Home, In ideal location on cor ner lot, N. Church, see this Home today. It will please you. WE HAVE 2 very fine acreages, close in, on good roads, close to school and bus. Excellent sub-division pos sibilities. $3150.00 and $5250.00. UNFINISHED 2 B.R. house, close to town on Hiway, large lot. All wired plumbing roughed in, outside com- pleted. $3975.00 with $450 Dn. $45 Mo. - Severvin Realty Co. 212 N. High St. Ph. 3-4016 BEST BUYS Get out'in the country i acres, almost new 3 rm home, barn, chicken house, fruit house, orchard, nuts. 3 acres berries. Terms. Total price only $4950. ) ,. See this 11 acre tract with modern almost new six room home, barn, 2 chicken houses, double garage, 3 acres berries, family orchard. Owner will include electric range Sc oil heat er for $8750. rm home, barn, chicken house, fami ly orchard, city water, joining city limits of very prosperous town close to Salem. Approximately 3',i Af Price well, its low. Only $5250. Owner very anxious to seU. Bent Grass 126 A. with 100 A. under cultivation. Modern 6 room home, 90 A. sowed to bent grass. 40x40 barn with 12 stan chions, chicken house. This will make an ideal farm for you if you are interested in raising grass seed. Priced right at $17,500. Terms. Eves phones 34735 or 33558 Income Bargain Almost new business building. Income $200 per mo. Large parking lot in rear. 2 restrooms. Automatic oil , heat, fast growing location. Very at- . . .1 1 1 J . . 1A BAA Owner will accept home that is pric ed right as part payment " Beauty Shop Downtown location. Modern equipment in very good condition. Reasonable rent, very low overhead. Owner will cooperate to establish new owner. Total price only $3000. Very liberal terms. Guess What? B.R. home In Englewood Dist. Al most new. Living room, dinette, kit chen, utility room Inside house, gar age, electric heat, lot large Wnough to build rental in rear. Just listed at $8400 terms. Tops in Living- This lovely 3 bedroom home ia offered for sale only because owner' has been transferred. Spacious rooms, radiant heat, fireplace,, large corner lot, pav ed streets, new district.-. Nice yard & shrubs. F.H.A. loan available for $10,000. Total price $13,800. Eve. phone 27674 or 33558 Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 3033 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 or 2-4596 TAVERN NEAR THE McNARY DAM SITE $22,000.00. Owner will talk terms to right party. Best Tavern location in the State. Good bar and card follow ing. Other incomes. Net Apx $1500.00 per mo. For more information call Mrs. Huff. COURTS $13,000.00 Down will buy this unit Court Annual income $48O0.ou. pri vate utility rheters. taxes reasonable, good repair. Total price $38,500.00. Call Mrs. Huff. DUPLEX - NEW $14,500.00 - $6000.00 down. Liv. rm. Sc Din. rm. Comb. 2 bdrms. utility rm. Oil heat Nice rental. Call Mrs. Huff. Huff Real Estate Co. 341 Chemeketa St. Phone 3-2577 $ $.500. WELL LOCATED large corner lot five room nome on south 19th. Excellent terms. $10.500.. English type three bedroom home ten years old. me loca tion on bus line; $2500 will nan die. $ 6.500. Older well built four bedroom on soutn ism. xerms. BUILDERS We have approximately 7'i acres, east State Street nicely located for build ing sites: If you are looking for room to build, call us about this, 10 ACRES Nice south location, large evergreen shade trees, old two bedroom house. hi three deck noultrv house, about 1500 laying hens, brooder house for 1000 chix; practically all land in cul tivation. All for $10,500. k 30 ACRES Live stream, fir grove, two acres cher ries, three acres gooseberries, about one acre raspberries; three Deo room house, barn, poultry house, garage Priced at $6500, including crop. 85 ACRES No bldgs. 63 acres seeded to Fescue on pavement east sszsu. , Salem Realty Co. . REALTORS 149 N. High St Phone 3-7660 Eve. phones 2-6603 - 4-2226 2-4391 802 Easiness Property DISABLED VETERAN must sacrifice due to health, only restaurant and fountain la town. Also only pool and card room. Price $7000. Make's Cafe. Falls City. fOR" SaLEo 'or trade nice little cafe lust right for 2 Beoole. would consider some acreage. Must bo good. 1895 s M. lzta ox. Miem, Oregon. R00 Real Estate PHONE 2-2377 Dale Johnson 2-8316 -IU.900.0O . 13,000.00 . '.000.00 . 16,800.00 . 12.900.00 18.000.00 7,500.00 - 20,000.00 1 town, close to schools & churches, for remodeling. Price $7,000.00. Call - i ' NELSON NEWS 3 BDRM. CITY-VIEW HOME English cottage type, located on hill side overlooking city. Furnace Jieat. with basement. Priced to sell; $7350. : LITTLE YARDWORK i Ideal S rm. home for working couple walking distance to business dis trict. Fireplace, furnace, insulated. Full basement, garage. Minimum. yard upkeep very Good FOR $10,000 Priced less than building cost. Ex- cellent Construction, Lge. L. R., D. R., Br. nook, 2 bdrms.; utility rm, fine oak firs, throughout, Complete ly Insulated. Elec. heat, 2 blks to school, 1 blk to bus. Short 'i acre. 6 -UNIT APARTMENT HOUSE 3 apartments fully furnished. 3 partly furnished on N Commercial. Neti annually $2295. Price $16000. May take home up to $7000 as part pay ment on exchange. DOWNTOWN INSURANCE MEN Why not have your office in an In surance man's building? Half way between Hollywood and downtown business district, across the river from. West Salem, and 5 blocks from the hew Capital Shopping Center. Plenty of parking space in front and on paved alley in the rear. Use the old house on big lot for tem porary office. For details check witk Mr. Schmidt. OAK TIMBER FOR HOME 60 ac. some of it 14" diameter, psrt of it up .30 trunk without limb. 20 ac. pasture, 17 miles from Salem. $2900. LAND WITH TIMBER 80 ac. near McMmnville. About 40 ac fir 8 to Iajiriches. About 250,00 y feet of Alder and Maple. 20 ae. cleared, Creek and Spring. 14x14 Cabin. Price $3500 cash. I NELSON & NELSON j Multiple Listing Realtors i i" 702 N. High Phone 3-4621 804 Suburban YOUR DREAM COME TRUEli A HOME IN THE COUNTRY! 3 A. or more, close in. no payments or interest for 90 days if you are able to build immediately. L. D, Egbert, owner. Rt 7, Box 408- Y Sll verton Road, '2' a ml. beyond Fair- ETounqs. ABOUT 5 A. with 2 beautiiul erov 800 ft. from city school, 2' mi. frorj fairgrounds out Silverton Road Price $2700 with $200 down. bal. easy. i-u cj. cgoen, m. i, box 4U8-Y. 806 Houses For Sale Let Your Rent Receipts Pav For It! ! 2-BEDROOM home on large lot. It months old. A little finishing worm needed. Very close to bus and schooL $5,100. with $750 down, and $47.50 pf month or Will take salable car. M. L. No. 1789. Reimann for Real Estato 201 South High St. v Ph. 3-920$ Eve. Sc Sun. 2-4628. 2-8241. 4-2874 B.R. HOME. 9 yrs. old., att. Kara si. auto hot water htr., fireplace, v. Blinds, fir. furnace, floored attic, also Chicken house, lot 80x160. 633 Edin Lane. Ph. 22292. QV7RM., dining rm.. 1 bdrm., bath. kit. It nook, fireplace, oil furnace, corn lot. 1815 Waller. BT"5WNEH: 2 bdrmTduplex 2 yra. oil Electrically nested, equipped witn re frig, and range, close to Hollywood, 2 lots, owner leaving state. Priced to sell. Ph. 28731. e. ENG LEWOOD $10,500 MODERN 3 Bdroom home, excellent location, sawdust heat, nice lot, con sider home in Portland. Joe Noonchester Real Estate Phone 2-0103 day or evening PLSTRD Bunglo on big corner. Clot in NORTH I only $8soo. can Agent 25557. i $9,400. NEW Modern 2 BR home Soutf Venetian bunds. Auto oil furnace, lawn in. $1500 down. Balance FHA. Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtor! 153 S. High St. Phone 3-4121 4 A., 2 B.R. HSE.. BARN. CHICKEN HSE.. i A. BERRIES. ACROSS FROM SWEGLE SCH, RT. 5, BOX 104. POSS. JUNE 1 NEW 2 B.R. house. 1773 Berry. tM55. Ph. 2-6757 eves. MODERN 8 dm. house with 6 lots. ft. L. Mickey. Aumsville. Oregon. FOR CHOICE clean modern home, see 9J0 N Churrb St Owner 2-4777 "ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT T 2 bedroom, basement. H.W. floors, .fire place, oil furnace. $8,250. Call 386t between 8 and 8 p m. ; . Good Large Home Englewood Dist. 4 bedrm not old, full basement, auto heat, fireplace, nice back yd. with fruit-trees. Very good buy at $9850. Call Baker or Brower. Large Home on Court St. Full basement, fireplace Sc double plumbing. 6 bedrooms Sc apt., good rental. Double garage, lot 00x120. A real good ouy at 813800. j 3 Acres So: River Rd. 3 bedrm summer cottage, nice setting about 3 miles So. on River Rd. Good view over part ot Valley, all In cult $5500. $1700 dn, baL $50 monthly. CaU Art Grocery-- Stock & Fixtures Good location, down town, old estab lished business. Will sell store buHdg Sc home In connection. If interested call Art about this one. . Furnished 5 rm. home So. 13th St Completely furnished, even piano ac radio, rugs, for SSOOO. Very clean St nice. Call for Brower. i Art Madsen Realty Co., 133S Stat Phone 3658