.1 p -1. TIio-Dcrtd'smafli 'Sclm,'. DrogonV SchH-dd?. May! 13; !18S3 The Bible Story-QAN g 'Zdl tor's notst This la tha tirS ef a series from the 014 Testament The text to coadenie from selections ay Houston Harta for ths book. In Oar Imjift. Illustration ay uuy w um vwyj tight, Oxford University Press, inc.) . Europe Travel Nebuchadnezzar kin of Babylon spake unto the master hit eunuchs, that he should bring certain of. the children of Israel to stand-in the king's palace. Among these were Daniel, Shad rack, Meshach, and Abed-nego. And In all -matters of wisdom and understanding he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers in. his realm. . ii Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, and set it up in, Babylon. Then an heraldxried, To you It Is commanded, O people, that at what time ye hear the cornet ani all kinds of music, ye ehaU'fail down and Worship the golden image. And whoso falleth not down shall be jcast into a fiery furnace. Therwfore the people worshipped the Image. At that time certain Chaldeans said to Nebuchadnezzer: Shadrack, Meshach,- and Abed-nego serve not thy gods, nor worship the Image. Nebuchadnezzar in his fury commanded jto bring these men; and said unto them. Is it true, do not ye wor ship the image I have set up? If ye worship not, ye shall be cast Into a burning furnace? and who is! that God that shall deliver you cut of my hands? Shadrack, Meshach, lind Abed - nego answered, If it be so, our God is able to deliver us from the fur nace. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the image. i Set by B rown Beady to leave Monday on study trip to Europe and Pales-1 tme. the Rev. winner w. Brown pastor, will give farewell mess-1 ages Sunday at First Evangelical United Brethren churches. The morning service will be com munion. - From Portland by air the itin-1 entry will be through 15 countries in the British Isles, Europe and the Holy Land. The ; purpose of the trip is to make an Intensive I on-the-spot study of the Holy I Land in relation to Bible history and geography and to conduct! evangelistic services in Europe under the asupices of Youth fori Christ. He plans to survey the work of the Evangelical United Brethren church In Germany and! Switzerland. He and Dr. . J. Haldeman and Merritt B. Met-1 ger, both of Edison, Ohio, will comprise the evangelistic team. Dr. Paul P. Petticord, president of Western School of Evangelical Religion, and former pastor and conference superintendent of the! Salem church, will supply the pul pit during the next month. Brown plans to return to Salem July 24. The ascension of Christ to Heaven, 40 days after His resur- V rection, will be commemorated Thursday, known variously as As cension day or Quadragesima. ... - ; : L A feature of the observance, principally In Catholic churches, will be the extinguishing of the paschal candle, lit on Easter Sat urday to denote the presence of Christ. It will be removed from the church after the last gospel Thursday, to be used again In the blessing of baptismal water on Pentecost - Saturday. In addition to regular services, St. Vincent de Paul churdk will have a 40-hours devotion from the 8 ajn mass of exposition Tuesday to the 9 turn, mass of reposition Thursday. The devotion, being observed continually somewhere in the archdiocese, marks the beginning of St. Vincent's 25th anniversary celebration. The Rev. George OTCeefe, pastor, said the service would place a spir itual emphasis on the anniversary functions, most of which will be In July. - t . - K -- - : ;-;-;-.. .. - The church will have devotions Tuesday and Wednesday at - 8 p m. and all-night adoration Wednesday night under auspices of the Holy Name society. , - , St. Joseph's Catholic church will have a regular Sunday; schedule of masses, at 6:30, 8, 9, 10 and 11 sun. , Plans for services at St. Paul's Episcopal church have not ' been completed. Jliree 2)a on Sunda Then these three men were bound, and east Into the furnace. Then Nebuchadnezzar wsi astonished and said unto his coun sellors, Did not we east three men bound into ths fire? Lo, I see foor men loose, walking In the; midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth Is like the Sen of God. Nebuchadnezzer said. Ye servants of the most high God, ... ' m i i l A A A MawA. aasma 44 come lortn. men anaaracn, mesnacu, uu nucu-utU k TY711 TTA of the fire. And the king's counsellors saw these men, upon I AniltV AVlll JlOnOr whose bodies the fire had no power, nor was an hair of weir lifnfliprfl -a. Cmo ... a .i a xr,An,ar ,.m RWc4 h the God who de- ITlUlllCro 111 VdlUTt11 llvered his servants that trusted In i him. .:. ' I Nebuchadnezzar saw a dream which made me afraid. And I told the dream before Daniel, saying: I saw a tree, and the i height thereof reached unto heaven: the beasts of the field had shadow under itj and all flesh" was fed of it And, behold,! an holy one came down from heaven. He cried aloud, Hew down the tree: nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth, even with a band of iron and brass; and let it be wet with the dew of heaven, jsnd let his portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth. Let his heart be changed from man's, and; let a beast's heart be given unto him: and let seven times pass over kim. . .: : ii ' . V V : ' . : I Three "days" in one will be observed tomorrow In connection with religious services Mother's day. Rural Life Sunday and 4-H Club Sunday. The first will be the most prominent In a majority of churches, with sermons and music to center around the, "mother" theme. Churches have been asked to recognize the role that the 4-H movement takes among young people, many of whom will attend It is closely connected with the Rural- life emphasis, i . . . - - - tt SaBemtn CBnnnircIIiieo me Statesman News Barries AMITY. May H Amity churches will observe Mothers day Sunday with special grams, music and sermons. New chimes records .win be played at the Methodist church (Sunday school at 8:4a a, m. pro-1 unless) otherwise notedj ASSEMBLY 0 GOD CvanceUstU Temnle Park and Mar in memory of the late Mrs. J. A. ket. ll am, 7 pun. Sunday. 1U Larson. The sermon at the Baptist church will be "The Prayer of Faithful Mothers." pjn, Thursday. Central S15i N. Commercial, Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m, trt p. tn. Sunday. ! Daniel said. The tree that thou sawest. It Is thou, O king, that "art ! frown and become stronr. This Is the decree of the most High: That. they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling Shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make thee eat! grass as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth In the kingdom of men, and fiv eth it to whomsoever he will, , I i Whereas they commanded to' leave the stump of the tree roots, hy kingdom shall be sure unto thee, after that thou shalt have known that the heavens do rule. Wherefore, O king, break! off , thy sins by righteousness, and thine iniquities by, shewing mercy to the poor; If it may be a lengthening of thy tranquillity. All this came Upon Nebuchadnezzer: he was driven from men till his hair$ were grown like eagle's feathers, and his nails like, birds dawsj And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzer lifted up mine $yt unto heaven, and mine understanding I re turned to me, and I blessed) the most High, whose j works are truth, and those; that walk in pride he Is able to abase. I Suburban Churches The Ckael day school : SATURDAY'S BROADCASTS : ' ' i : ! ' : ' - ' ! Pacific Daylight Time ANKBNY COMMTJNTTf Ankeny schooinouse, UDertyBuena Vista road. Sunday school IS a, ax SerrloM 11 a. bu p. n. AUMSVnXB BCTHKX. BAPTIST AunuvUla. Sunday acnool U a n. Services 11 a.m.. 7 JO p.m. Sunday. T 44 n, m. Wednesday. A UM STILLS WKSLKTAIf Aumsvllle. Sunday school if a. n. Services 11 a. m, t: p. m. Sunday. BROOKS ASSEMBLY OF COD One-ha If block eouui of btooks I arhnnL SundaT school t:4B a. m. Senrlces U a. ra. T:S p. m. Buaoay. 1:4$ p. m. Thursday. CLEAR LASS EVANOtXICAX, UNITED BRETHRSn ' WheaUand Ferry rd. Bunflay seaooi U a. m. Serrlcea 10 a. an. Sunday. Kilocycles: KSLM 1390, KOCO 140, KOI 970, KQW 20. HEX 11M OLA COMMWlTt eloes 11 a. m. Sunday. ) - FM: Megacycles KOIN lOl.lrKGW 100.3; KEX 92.S (Editor's note: The Statesman pnbllihcs In (oed faith the prosrams and times as provided by the radio stations, hot because offtime programs are ehanf ed without notification,17 Lhl newspaper canaot be responsible for the accuracy herein). i- DOUR 00:0Q 00:15 00:30 00:45 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KCW -KEX News Newel:" -Hodge Podje Dawnbeat Timekeeper IMarch Time News " I I iwt Meiooies went, jvieioaies KOIN Klnrk KOITV Klock KOIN Klock Hodge Podse I Hodge Podge Hodge Podge I Dawnbeat Dawnbeat Dawnbeat 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Hemingway Tex Ritter KOIN Klock Hear This Roundup Boy Rise, Shine " News News Hear This Bob Garred iRlse & Shine Troplcana (News (News Top O' Mora ITop Trades JZx. Service (Cona. News . I Sam Hayes Coffee Time KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Barg. Counter Radio Kids -News Fred Waring Hits I ISalon Melodies IHsven Rest IRadio Kids I Let's Pretend I Fred Waring Hits Haven of Rest I Proudly Hall JProudly Hail j Junior Miaa IJunlor Mlaa IXd. McConneQ d McConnell I Home Demo Musical rOCK COKNXRS BAPTIST State and Elm a. Sunday 10)1001 0.-41 a. m. Servleea 11 s m, t JO p. Bk Sun- j day. T:w pjn. nursoay. rTltnTLAND EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN . S miles east of Salem. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m. 1M p. a Sunday. ALBERT MEMORIAL BAPTIST I Hayesvlue, one mile north ox SOX I underpass. Sunday school 1:41 aJa. Services 11 ajn 1M pjn, Sunday. T JO pjn. Thursday. j . KETXXR CHURCH OP CHSII 1030 Dearborn. Sunday school u a m. Servleea 11 a.ra, 1J0 pjn. Sundayi I 9 KSLM N.W. News IBinC Sings IPastor Call IDick Hsymea KOCO Science (Defense IMusic Room Music Room koin Theatre (Theatre " J Grand Central Grand Central KGW Mary Taylor I Mary Taylor IP. Cavanaugh News - KEX Musical i Musical Toyland Toyland m KSLM News Gospel Sing " Barn Dane Barn Dane T ll KOCO Clark Gable Navy Res. Concert Concert III KOIN Stars Hlyd. Stars Hlyd. Give e Take Give At Take I W KGW Orchestra OrchesUa A. Andrews A. Andrews j ; KEX Stars -. Stars I - I Stars 8 tars j 11 KOCO Aunt Sophie KOIN Fam. Party KGW Lassie KEX Go To Met Aunt Sophie Fm. Party Bnudwar - I Go To Met Go To Met Jan Garber (Pursuit Young pre. (Put. Teachers I pursuit Young- Ore. !Go To Met 12 KSLM Top Trades. KOCO At Opera KOIN News KGW -Farm Home KKX Go To Met INewt -(At Opera (Col. Feature Farm Home iGo To-Met (Gay M's (News I Meet Missus Marine Band IGo to Met. Homel Run lies Brown IMeetj Missus : Marine Band IGo to Met. 1 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Baseball Salem Ret. Handyman Story Old. New (Baseball JSalem Res. (Out of Life IStory I Horse Raoes j Baseball Sat. Matinee iKirkham News Orchestra Treasury 1 Baseball Sat Matinee Kirnnam wi Orchefitra rreasttry pjn. Wednesday. KFTZER COMMTJHTTT Euzabeth and Churchdaie. aunaay school -M a. at. Services 11 a m iT:4S p. m. aunaay, tm p. as. we oayi atEIZEB FAITH LUTHERAN 4AOS N. River. Sunday school l: a.m. Serylses 11 a.nx, pjn. Sunday. pjn. wennesnay. LABISB CENTER COMMUNTTT (EvangeUcal UnlUd Brethren) nm miles east oi Brooks. Bunaay school 10 a. m. Service 11 a. m. Staa day. I lUBERTT CHURCH OF CHRIS Liberty church. Sunday school 10 a. m. Service II a. m. Sunday. CHURCH OF GOD 79 Vista a vs. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m. S p. m. Sunday. MA CLEAT COMMUNTTT Macleay school. Sunday school a.nu 13th and Leslie. Sun- 10 a.m. Services 11 a.m.. T:4I pjn. Sunday. T:4A pjn, Tuesday and Friday. BAPTIST J ' BethelCottage and D. 11 a. m. T JO In. m. Sunday. . ...... calvary LiDerty ana Miner, nam. TJO p. m. Sunday 1M p. m. Wednes day.. , First liberty and Marios 11 a. m. 1 n ra Sundav. n. m. Wednesday. fnunanael Hasel St Academy, lrl a.m., 7:30 pjn. Sunday TM pjn. Wednesday. - Bible Fellowship Memorial hospital chapel 11 a. m. Sunday. Southern Summer and Hood. U a jn 7 20 pjn. Sunday. CATHOLIC -St Joseph's Cottage and Ctaemeke- ta. Msssea 6:30. S. S. 10. 11 a. m. Sun- day. Devotions TJ0 p. m. Sunday and TlHUIV St. Vincent ee Fauv Myrue ana Co lumbia Masses 130. 8. 10:30 a. m. Sun day. Confessions 4:30-1:30. 7-S JO p. m. aaturoay. CHRISTIAN Conrt Street 17th and Court 1040 a. m. Sar- I a m 1-M m. m. Sundsv. First Center ana tugn. u w i m-. 740 p. nv Sunday. S:oe p. ss, weanea- aay.. - CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Ith and Gaines, 11 i m, 7 JO p. m. Sunday. TJO p. ffl. Wednesday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First rtimirta and Liberty. Sunday school 11 ajn. Services 11 a.m., p.m. Sunday. S p.m. . Wednesday. Reading room. US S High rwrrairsi of CHRISB Central Cottage and Chemeketa. Sunday school 10 ajn. Services I'M ajn, 7 JO pjn. Sundayi T JO pjn. Thursday. CHURCH OF GOD first Cottage and Hood. 11 ajn,, T:4I pjn. Sunday. 7:i5 pjn. Wednesday. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIS nr t .a TTia nay batvts Sth and Madison. Sunday seaoot ju ajn. serncea uao ajn, m pjn. Sunday. . LUTHERAN Central (American Conference! Capitol and . Gaines. 11 ajn. Sunday. am weaaroay. K - Carist f American Church V Stat and 18th. B and 11 ajn. Sunday. St John's (Missouri Svnodl 18th and A. services t and 11 ajn. Sunday. Sunday school 10 ajn. I St Mark EvaaraUral tVnlMAAUk N. Ch roh. 11 a.m. Sunday. I METHODIST First Church and State 11 a aa Sundav 1 JO p.m. Thursday. j Jason Lee Memorial Winter and Jefferson. 11 ajru 7 JO pjn. Sunday. Leslie Commercial and Myers. 11 m.. 7 JO i sjn. Sundav. f :1a wi Thursday West Salem 3rd and Gerth. 11 a m. Sunday METAPHYSICAL CENTER So3 N. Cottaae. SJO n m. Tuaarfa and Wednesday, 0 n m. Tuesday and Friday. U:ll pjn. dally. T OPEN BIBLE STANDARD 1333 N. Commercial. Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 11 a jo, 7:43 pjn, Sunday. NAZARENE First I Center and 13th. 10 SO a.m. 7 JO bjb. Sunday.. 7 JO pjn.. Wednesday. PILGRIM HOL7NISS i 140 Carlton. 11 a m.. 7:30 n.m. Sun day. 7 JO pjn. Wednesday. PRESBYTERIAN First ChemekeU and Winter. t:U and 11 ajn. Sunday, 7 JO pjn. Wednesday..; REORGANTZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 17th and Chemeketa. Sundav school 10 ajn. services 11 ajn, 7 JO pjn. Sun day. - ,. 10 2 KSLM KOCO KOIX KGW KEX BasebaU Sat Matinee Handicap ' Song Fest . Tea and IBasebaH Sat Msttnee ICoL Featuie Orchestra Tea and BasebaU Sat Matinee Col. Feature 1 Orchestra Tea and (Baseball .(Sat Matinee Garden Gate 1 fcews ' Tea and 3 4 i 5 KSLM BasebsU (BasebaU r (Scoreboard KOCO Souviner JSouviner Bit o' Jazs KOIN News . Success Memo jsat Sports kgw news iuuest star KSX Jun. Junction Uun. Junction I At Home Sat Matenee (Bit of Jaza IX-Sectlon Bands of Land Bands of Land i At Home KSLM John Flynn , (Hemingway (Bandstand Bandstand KOCO News jChin-uo Curtain Calls I Curtain Calls mix Vnune Isivm Vaunt Tva Vaur Mucin i Vour lUmia KGW ' Bands of Land "Bands of Land 'Bands of Land (Bands! of Land MX flex Koury squirrel cage I Squirrel cage iciifx Cameron KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Review. Rhythm Stand Review. RanchlRhythm Stand Drran Ranch Navy Band IChrtA. Scienoe ITropicana uarn. routes iLaae success uanger Ahead mews t Bands of Land i Bands of Land Bands of Land IE. Peterson Remember i (Special Cvent INavy Hour Navy (Hour 6 7 KSLM Air Fore . " Air Force' Hawatt Calla IHawail Calls KOCO Candlelight iCandlellght News Assembly God koi hi sporu I Memories Goidberfi Goidberg KGW Dixie Jan IDlxle Jars (Dennis bay (Dennis Day KSX ' Bob Garred ' (Home Edition I Mod. Romances Mod. Romanoea MARION FRIENDS Marlon. Sunday school 18 a. m. Ser vleea 11 a. m, 7 JO p. m. Sunday. MTODLB GROVE COMMUNITY Middle Grove school. Sunday school j 10 ajn. i NORTH HOWELL COMMUNITY North HowelL Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 11 ajn, 0 pjn. Sunday. 0 pjikWednesdayt PRATUM IM MANUEL MENNdNTTS Pratum. Sunday school S Jl a. m. Services 11 a. m, 7:43 p. m. Sunday. PRATUM METHODIST Pratum. Sunday school 18 a. m. Ser vices 11 a. m. Sunday. PRTNGLB FRIENDS Baiter rd. west at tSX. Sundav achoel 8:44 ajn. Services 11 a.m, 7 JO pjn. Sunday 0 p.m. Wednesday. ROBERTS COMMUNTTT Roberts school. Sunday school 10 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Mr. reathere Mr. Feathers Ramblers I Ramblers Tlmi Wh " IPlBvtuuiaA 1 R.nrlat mrA " I El .nHiinil Sing It Agata ISuig It Again ISing it AgaJa Sine tt Agala duay wanova 'yiaj uoovi uie upry luie up HoUywood (Hollywood (Maglcisn (Maxi 2- 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Chet Mulkey Dugout Dope V. Monroe Truth or Cons, Loo Ranger (Chet Mulkey (Meet Press uaseoau - luaseoau. V. Monroe (Gene Autrv Truth or Cons. I Dimension X Lone Ranger I Your Busln. (Meet iPreas Basebeu Gene' Autrv Dimension X It R, Nathan 9 KSLM New (Pop Edwards (Buddy Moiino BUI DeSouxa KOCO Bandstand I Bandstand (Dugout Dope 1 Baseball KOIN - Ganrbusters I G an roust era (Art Godfrey i Art Godfrey 1 ' T y jraraae inn raraae IUH Of Riley ! (Life Of Riley KEX- Rayburn. Finch Ray burn. Finch Raybum. Finds Rayburn. Finch 10 KSLM Moa. Whalea KOCO BaebaU KOIN Night Final KGW Sam Hayes . KSX . News - -, : ICroasroada iBasebau (Newt prossroads IBasebaH IBasebaU Ore. Firm inrrtiMin i kMiMin IM. Downer (Orcnestra (Orchestra Itntermexzo (Kent Auditions I Kent' Auditions 11 KSLM Onen House : KOCO Dance Partr KOIN Melodies KGW Wax Museum KEX Let s Dane Open House Dance Party Melodies Wax Museum Let's Dance Dpen House Dance Party, Bandstand Wax Museum Let's Dance I Open j House ! pane Party : (Bandstand (Wax Museum (Let s Dance . koac sae k.e. 10: ajn. The Hews end Weather: 10 as Especially for Women; 1100 The Concert Fri: The News; 13:1$ Noon ram lour; 10 Ride 'em Cowboy: 1 JO 'etc of the' Army; l.-3 Melody Lane; 8 00 BasebaU. OSC vs Oregon: 40 ROSED ALR FRIENDS Rose dale. Sunday school 18 a. eft. Serrlcea 11 e m, T JO p. m. Sunday I SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNIWT Liberty and tladrona, Sunday school 18 a. m. Servleea 11 a. m 7 JO n. m. Sunday, t JO p. m. Wednesday. SUMMIT METHODIST Orchard Heuhts rd. Sunday school 1 11 a, tn. Servleea 10 a. m. second and I (ourth Sundayi. SWEGLB COMMUNITY Swegie school. Sunday eeheol IB k n. berncee nam. Sunday. I TALBOT COMMUNTTT Talbot Sunday school it a. at Ser vice 11 a. m, 1 JO p. m. Sunday. 1 JO p m. Wednesday. TTRNZR ASSEMBLY OF GOD Turner. Sunday school 8:49 ajn. Serrlcea . 11 'ajn, 1:43 p.m. Sunday. I 13 pan. weanesaay ana iriaay. TURNER CHRISTIAN Turner. Bible school 8:4S ajn. Serv leea 11 ajn, I JO pjn. Sunday, 1 pjn. Thursday. ; TURNER CHURCH OF CHRIST . Masonie ball. Sunday school it sun. Beisstea 11 em. 8 JO pjn. Sunday. CONGREGATIONAL First Cottage and Marlon. 11 Shinnav. Knlght Manorial 10th and Terry 11 a.m. aunaay. imcnviL -m BL PaaTs Church and Ctoemeketa. S u a i a 7 school 8:30 ajn. Servleea 7 JO. 84i, ll ajn. Sunday. EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED Bethany Manon ana capiioi nun lfav aehool 10 am Services 11 a.m. 1 7:48 p. m. Sunday. 7:4 pjn. Wednesday KVANCXLICAL UNITED BRETHREN nclewood 17th and' Nebraska. 11 .m.. 7 JO p.m. sunaay. First Manon ana summer, n ajn., 73 pjn. Sunday. 1 JO pjn. Wednesday rSTENDB Hiraiand Avenne caiurcn ana niza- land. 11 am.. 1 JO pjn. Sunday. 1J p.m. Wednesday. . . . Bo am saiCBO commercial ana "mn lnjrton. 11 a.m.r 7 JO pjn. Sunaay. pjn. Wednesday. antvK mrannisT Winter and Market U a. m, t.w In. m. Sunday. 7Jv pjn. weanesaay nil. GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL Calvary Chapel 1143 N. Liberty. Sun ta aohant to am Services 11 ajn. 3 JO pjn. Sundayi 1:45 nightly except Monday ana fcaiuraay. Church ef God 040 S. sznd. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m, s pm. Sunday, c pjn. weanesaay ana Friday. . , rattk nnxl raaernaeleiaoB N. Sth Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. aC, S p. m. Sunday. 8 p. m. Thura- day ana Saturday Femrsanaro 460 N. 19th. 11 a m. T.-4S pjn.: sunaay, i.9 pjn. inursoay Jesus Name Pentecostal 1173 Lewis. Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 11 ajn, 7:43 pjn. Sunday. IM pjn. Wed nesaay 11 J p. nv Unite's Peateeestal 440 Terry. a. me, li4S p. m. aunaay. i:a rnaay. - j INSTITUTE OF RELIGIOUS BCIENCB Cottage. 460 N a. m. Seme 11 a. 10 Sunday school Sunday. JEWISH Tamnle Beth Shaleaa Madison and Broadway. Church school U ajn. serrlcea B pjn. Friday. KTNGWOOD BTBLB 1U3 Elm st 18.8 a. m, 1 JO p. Sunday. 7 JO p. m. Wednesday. To Predominate At Silverton - Staiaeman News Service SILVERTON. May 12 Moth er's dav will form the theme of most Silverton church services Sundayi mornine. In some, the? theme will -be carried throughout the dars programs. ! .'Sunday at 8 pjn. all churches will combine for a union Mother's day and closin of Music Week program , st the Eugene Field school auditorium. The Sundav night choir, directed by Justin Dyrud, director of music in Sil verton schools, will be comDosed of more than 75 voices! from the different church choir In the city. The Rev. Arthur Charles Bates of First Christian has announced for his sermon topic, "Mother." The Rev. S. L. Almlie f Imman uel Lutheran will talk on "God and -Motherhood" and the Junior choir will sine. The Christian Missionary Alliance church will have a special Mother's day pro gram by the Sundav school at 11 o'clock. The Rev. Joseph A. Lu thro of Trinity Lutheran will soeak on "Mothers Love and Teach" and Mrs. Luthro will di rect the. junior, choir In two an thenw. A. women's trio, Mrs. Har lan Moe, Mrs. Donald Burch and Mrs. Alden Clementson will sine Mother." Immanuei Men's club meets Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the church with the Rev. Mr. Luthro as speaker, and the church coun cil meets Thursday at 8 o'clock. Trinity Sunday school teachers with the board of education will meet Monday night at the Mar lin Voiding home to discuss plans for the vacation Bible school, June to 16. Elder H. R. Gay, manager of the Oregon Book and Bible house, Portland, will speak at the wor ship hour Saturday morning at Seventh Day Adventlst church. An early morning Mother's day service has been set for 8:30 at the Methodist church Sunday. The Rev. Ben F. Browning reports this was done st the request of the many mothers who wished to at tend church but at whose homes reunions were being held during the day. ! Dallas Youth Rally Toniel -- - ... it DALLAS, Ore, May 12 Ed win S. Johnson of Seattle will speak at the Dallas Youth lor Christ rally Saturday at 7:30 pjn. in the senior high school audi torium. . -I : I Johnson was the evangelist at the recent widely publicized re vival at Wheaton college. f-,. An accordion duet, male quar tet and other special music will be presented. Gene Brickwedel, Salem Youth for Christ leader, will lead singing, and Gary Rlsh er, Salem, director of the rally, will be master of ceremonies. Leslie Parrott Selected Dean azarencs Bap 1st; Presbyterian Men Select New Officers New president of the PresbV' terian Men's club of Salem First church is Peery T. Buren, at torney, elected Tuesday night. He succeeds Paul Bale. Other new officers are Charles Layport, vice president; Frank Earnest, secretary, and Robert Stanley, treasurer. SALVATION ARMT ! Z4i Bute. Sunday school ID a.m. Ser vices 11 ajn 7 JO pjn. Sunday, 7 JO pjn. anursaay. SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST jennson Memorial Hood and Bum mer. Sabbath school 0 JO ajn. Servlcs U ajn. Saturday. SPIRITUALIST First S48 N. Commercial. 7:10 p.m. Sunday. UNITARIAN rru.owiHTy YWCA. 7 JO njn. tlrst and third Sua. aaya,i UNITED BRETHREN Bint (Old Constitution 1143 Mission. Bun- day school 10 ajn. Services 11 Am, t jo pjn. Sunday. 730 pjn. Wednesday. WE 8 LET AN METHODIST 13th and MUL Sundav school IS ajn. services u bjsu 7 Ju pjn. aunaay. Silvorton Churchos ASSEMBLT OF GOD Front at. Sunday school 040 a. a Services 11 ajn, 7, 8 pjn. Sunday, pjn. Tuesday and Thursday. CATHOLIC St. PaaTs Pin and Orant. Massse B. It a. m. weekday. .JO Sunday, 8 JO a. m. aaturoay. 1 CHRISTIAN first ! Park and 1st. Sunday sonool f :4S a. m. Services U a. m 7 JO p. m. sua' day, " " ; i CHRISTIAN AJTB' MISSION ART AIXIANCR 808 N. 2nd. Sunday school 18 a. m. Servleea U a. nw 7:4S p. so. Sunday, i:a p. m. wenneaosy. CHRISTIAN BCIXNCR J ard and Lewis. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a m. Sunday. CHURCH OF CHRIST 1 ' ' MWA hall. Bible das 10 ajn. Serv ice ii ana li.-u ajn. 7 JO pjn. sunaay, CHURCH OF GOD ! Xnd and A. Sundey school 10 a.; m. services u a n. i & n. sunaay. p. m. Wednesday.1 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIS OF LDS Knights of Pythias halL Oak and Mill. 11 ajn. and 1 pjn. Sunday. LUTHERAN I x Calvary 810 Jersey: Sundsy school 10 a m. services u a. m, sunaay. n. m. Thursday. I Isjissaanel N.i Church st. Sunday school is a m. service ll tn. sunaay Trinity xnd and A. Sunday school 10 a. m. services: u a m. sunaay. METHODIST ' I J ' " - ! Main and riakA Sunday tehool 8:a a an. Services 11 lb. Sunday. Mare nam Sllverton-Marauam hlali' way. Sunday school 18 a. nv Servtee U a, m. Sunday.; PILGRIM HOLENB8S ' 841 S. Water. i Sunday school 0:48 A m. Service Ham. T JO p. m. Sun aay. t j9 p. nv weanesaay. SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST - Park and End. Sabbath school 8:48 a, m. Serricee ll; a. nv Saturday. I J8 Bk sa wadneaosy. - )i May meeting of Salem Minis terial association will be Tuesday at 10 a.m. In First Congregational Church. . : ' i Island Serenade: 4:11 Bone of West: 48 Here's Australia: SAO: Children's Theatre: 8:14 On Uobeat.-i 8 JO SSd Snorts Oub: 00 News: 830 London I TTRXiOl METHODIST Letten 0J0 Dinner MftlodJeet 10 Turner. Sunday school 10 IA Set- uraon opera; a:s fews ana weeicen I floe u AJn. Sunday. s -vm uanc raraae: is:a Aesra. weatn-1 en Una La Off. i IXTNA COMMUNITT Your Savings Are Safe tist Services to j . i . . Honor Mothers Mothers will be honored Sunday at First Baptist church. At the 7:30 pjn. service awards will be given the ; oldest . and youngest mothers and the mother with the largest family present, i- Certificates will also be present ed Sunday i evening to 40 persons who completed the Scripture Truth course through the Moody Bible institute correspondence school. They include: Mrs. C. ! F. Bath, Mrs. E. H, Baron. Goldie Bell, Mrs. H. E, BoselL Shirley Bosell, Mrs. Daisy Bonser, Mrs. Frank Beckwlth, Mrs. Barney Bull, Mrs. Earl Bull, Mrs. Walter Collett, Arthur O Davison, Larry Delk, Mrs. L. A. Dunn, Verle Fields, John Gilman Mrs. Bill Graham, Ruth Graham, Everett Herbert, Alice E. Hum phreys, Mrs. J. W. Humphreys, essle. May Humphreys. Mrs, Ralph Hussey, John Jelden, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur T. Koehler, Mrs. Ted Lind. Mrs. A. G. Lindstrand Mrs. Edward Lucas, Mrs. Floyd McClellan, Rosanna McMeekin, Mrs. Lewis Morey, Mrs. .Agnes Ross, B e v e r 1 y Salisbury, Mrs, Henry Schmidt. Mr. and Mrs Chris Seely, Marceil Stewart, Mrs, Alta L. Wells and Mrs. L. L. Wil liamson. Pastor Anderson will bring the message of the evening. What Does the Bible Teach About the Inhabitation of the Other Planets." Dallas Churches APOSTOLIC FAITH Church and Court. Sunday school 0:30 s. m. Services 11 a. m. f JO p. m. Sunday. 8 p. m. Thursday. ASSEMBLT OF GOD Birch and Stump Sunday school s:4S m services ll a. m.. i :a pjn. sun' ay. 7:48 p. nv Wednesday. BAPTIST First Washlnaton st. Sundsy school f :4S a. m. services ll a m, tjq p. nv sun day. 7 JO p. nv Thursday. CATHOLIC St. Phinin's W. Washlncton st. Masses 8:11 a m. second and fourth Sundays. 10:18 A nv nrst, third and strut Bunaays, CHRISTIAN First Jefferson and Clay. Sunday scfiooi 1:43 a nv service u a m, io p. sunaay. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONART AIXIANCR Shelton and M11L Sunday School 8:48 anv Services 11 A m,s7:4 p.m. Bun CHRISTIAN SCTSNCB 410 MilL Sunday school 0:48 A m Services 11 a nv Sunday. 0 p. nv first ana tnira weanesaayA nrrrsrn n mm Levens and Mill. Sunday school 10 a. nv Servleea ll a av, sjo p. Sunday. CHURCH OF OOD 1018 Ash. Sunday school S: Servleea 11 a iil. 7 JO p. nv i Portland Youth 3ere fbrProgram Young people of Bethany and Villa Ridge Baptist churches In Portland will present a mission ary ' program at Bethel Baptist church here Sunday at 7:30 pjn under an exchange arrangement among a group of Oregon Baptist churches.- , The Bethel Baptist young peo ple presented a program In Port' land recently. The program Sun day evening will feature several musical numbers and talks on South America, Africa, India arid Japan. The public is invited. unuay. CHURCH OF JESU0 CHRIS? OP LATTER DAT SAINTS Basement of city Horary, sunaay school 10 a nv Service 7 p. nv Sunday. EPISCOPAL St, Thomas Cherry st. Sunday school 10 and 11 a nv services u A nv sunaay. i EVANGELICAL UNITED -BRETHREN Church and Mill. Sunday school 8:48 a. nv Servleea 11 a nv, 7:4S p. nv Bun- cay. FREE METHODIST 224 MilL Sunday school S:49 a nv Services 11 a nv. 7:48 p. nv Sunday, nirnrtiv-THnttv S10 Washlncton. Sunday school 10 a nv Servleea 11 a nv Sunday. MENNONTTB Brethren Washington and Hayter. Sunday school 8:48 a. nv Service 10:45 a m 7:45 p. nv Sunday. Evangelical Brethren Hows st. Sun day school : A nv services u a nv. S n m Sundav. Grace 807 Jefferson. Sunday school 18 a nv Service lit n Sunday. BfETHODIST First . Mill near Main. Sunday school 0:40 a nv Services 11 a; m, 1:48 p. nv Sunday. .i j nilBTTUiAn-nrn Court and Levens. Sunday school 0:40 a an. Service 11 A nv. Sunday, rVatVTH DAT ADVENTIST v : Washington and Jefferson. Sabbath school 8:48 A nv Service U a nv Sat urday. ! 11AUM MOilAi SAVINOI iOANf 1(0 SUU Street SalexB. Oregon TalepbsM S-413t Evangelistic Tenpls Assembly of God Market 8L. Park Ave, 9:45 cun. Sundcry School 11:00 "Mother Doos Hour ParT 8:15 rvm. Youth Groups 7:45 Ths First FItoj rVv 'Mlnuto"- - ':, ''( ' " ScA. 6:45 ZOCO ' A Warm Welcome U Tor 1 . Rev. Walter 8. Frederics. ( ' .Faster NAMPA, Idaho. May 12-(Sreo lal ) -The Rev. Leslie Parrott ' of Salem, Ore has accepted th position of dean of students at V Northwest Naza rene college in Nampa, it was 'Y announced today v by Dr. Lewis T. . ? Corltt,presi- , i K d e n t. The Job! Twill include stu- fdent counseling. , coordination of student ; affairs and Dublic rela- Rev. Parrott tions. Parrott, 695 Court st. took his undergraduate work frem Olivet college in Kankakee. 111., and did his master's work at Willamette university, i r i . Northwest Nazarene Is a co educational liberal arts j college owned by the Church of the Naza- , rene, with about 1,000 students, f Parrott who has been s youth evangelist in the church, will be gin his new work September 1. Cetzendaner Back At Church Sunday The Rev. M. A. Cetzendaner will be back in the pulpit of St Mark Lutheran synod 'meeting this week in Seattle. . The pastor attended his family's reunion st Polo, 111., where hs baptized four nieces and nephews and three young cousins. He al so visited Minneapolis, where ho preached a baccalaureate sermon at Northwest Lutheran seminarr and saw the graduation of his son. uavia. j: SPBMG BALLY By the boys and girls for Everyone! Parrish Junior High School Auditorium ! ("D" Street Entrance) - Sunday 3:00 pan. 0) Guest Speaker Dr. Frank Phillips, Portland Tooth for " Christ Director i Gnest Musician Professor 1 Ronald Lash Sponsored by: Salem Child Evangelism Fellowship REVIVAL Com and Hoar EVANGELIST & MRS. J. J. HUMPHRIES Playing, singing, preaching Every night oxc Monday, 7:43 pan. fat night Singspircrtion with special musical program and pictures of Cuba Everyone Invited Open Bible Church 1232 N. Commercial -Rev. A. C Grimes, Pastor Make j Mothers' Day Rich In Meaning Through Worship 9:45 and 11:00 A.M. Two Morning Servleea "Shorter Boars, Mora Pay" Mothers Day Sermon by the Minister 7:30 P.M. Choir Muslcale The I Choir, directed by Mr. Charles Stowell, In a program ef music. Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, Organist Mr. Thomas Faeer, Gaest Violinist 9i4S A.M. Church fchool ; i i i ' ' . ' ; 1 First Presbyterian Church Chemeketa at Whiter Chester W. Hamblin, Pastor I - . ' - v , ; - ' . , - . v. , .i :: ' TT j&y''ir' The ELAUDT GOSPEL FAMILY f SATURDAY and SUNDAY NIGHTS; Sunday School 10 ajn. Preaching 11 ajn. M. Wyatt FAITH TABEBIIACLE 1 North Sth at Gaines I , i PRISON TO PULPIT nPUTUKf Oppertnnity to hear Evangelist MatUe A." Iiif IT iilj Howard (at this time) 1 CALVABY CHAPEL 114S N. Liberty St. Ph. IS05I (Capitola and Highland Busses to the Chapel) 1 Sunday School 100 ajn. : Sunday Blorning 11:00 ajn. "On that Highway1 (Don't fall te hear this sermon) ! Son day afternoon ZJI pjn. "Prises, Hiss Howard speak big. Prises te: Oldest moiher , present, youngest snelher pres ent, largest family present.; Evangellstte Service 7:45 p. m. "Crashed by a Mighty Hand, Miaa Howard Speaking ; Tnesday: Farewell for Uattie Heward. Fridayx 7:45 pjn, )did-Week Service "The Last Rennd-np'. ; - . - - , Evang. lIattIeA. Howard i , . A. t " . -I ' :- : in i.i(tn' iimw ii 'Sw- IS