g-Tb. Cgs&sa. Caaau Ortca Tuesday, ; T'jy 1 1SSJ H SOCIETY CLUBS MUSIC At Random - Little Black Becipo Book Yields Formula for Most Any Sort of Dishes By Maxlne Bares , ' Statesman Woman's Editor My dear little old black notebook, which contains so many old and true recipes, comes to my aid at home as well as at the office. Here are some recipes picked at random: - ' The first, a good relish for spring meats or to use in saiaos: BEET RELISH 2 cups diced beets : " I Y cup horseradish cup sugar 6 tablespoons vinegar Z- Mix and let stand overnight In refrigerator.; ESCAIXOPED SPINACH 8 cups cooked spinach : ! 1 egg slightly beaten 2 tablespoons melted butter cup milk 1 tablespoons minced onion Vi cup breadcrumbs teaspoon salt . I Pepper Sieve spinach, add other Ingredients, except butter and crumbs. Place in buttered baking dish; sprinkle top with crumbs and butter mixed and bake In moderate oven until crumbs are done, about 15 minutes. Serves . i MACARONI FAPOOSE H lb. cooked 4-lnch macaroni Grated cheesa Thin slices ham cup milk Horseradish sauce -Boll macaroni, cheese and horseradish In ham, and fasten with toothpick or skewer. Put in baking dish, add milk and bake at 323 degrees for SS minutes. When done sprinkle with crushed pineapple and serve hot I Birthdays Are Celebrated At Parties ! Members of the younger set are being entertained at birthday par tips. " ; Patricia Test daughter of Mr. dd Mr. Frank Test celebrated her tenth birthday at a luncheon on Saturday at the Marion hotel. A large decorated cake centered the table and favors marked plac es! for the guests. After the lunch eon the group made up a line par v at the theatre. Guests of Patricia were Rox anna Brown. Evelyn Fisher, Jean- riette Stewart Susan and Sally Merrit Barbara and Susan Todd, Barbara Keudell, Janice Suing, Marianne Meyer and Deanna Walker. Conle Celllna u Nine - : Conle Collins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Collins, was hostess for a supper party Satur day night at the Market street home of her parents to celebrate her ninth birthday. A group of her school friends were - invited and during the evening movies were shown. ' ' Sunday Mr; and Mrs. Collins were hosts for a dinner party in honor of their daughter. Covers were placed for Conie, her grand mother, Mrs. Ira Jorgensen, Mrs. Chlo E. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Willud Wirtz, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert DriscolL Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hagemann and Lynn Dee, Miss Patti Ray and Mr. and Mrs." Col lins. - To Honor Birthday Doug Drager, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Drager, will be hon red on his third birthday Wed nesday afternoon at a party at the noma of his parents on ctreet Hnnnrin TViiiff will be his grandmothers, Mrs. Kate G. Bell Mrs. John McCulley is leaving nd Mrs. Rue Drager, Mrs. James this morning by plane for Las Ve il. Nicholson, jr., Jimmy and Eli- gas, Nevada, where she will at xabeth, Mrs. Clarence Hamilton, tend the wedding of her daugh David and Doug, Mrs. Harold Ol- ter. Miss Maurlne Carmlcali to 4 cups thick cream 1 cup sugar V teaspoon salt 1 cup peppermint candy cup sugar cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon vanilla Mix cream, cup of sugar, salt and vanilla and partially freeze. 'Then add the remaining ingredients, candy being crushed. Com plete freezing. i ! WALNUT COOKIES 1 cups brown sugar i teaspoon salt -2 eggs - 1 cup coarsely chopped nuts 1 teaspoon baking powder j Flour to make drop batter I Mix all together, drop onto cookie sheet and bake. . Will Fly South For Wedding TUESDAY lnger, Susan and Casey, Mrs. Clay bourne Dyer, Clay and Shan- non. Luncheon for All Church W6men. Daniel Garcia on Saturday, May 13. ' ! . The bride-elect and her fiance are both from southern California. After their Las Vegas marriage they will leave for Palm Springs to spend their honeymoon. The couple will be at home in Gar dena. Calif, at 13315 S. Vermont The Woman's Society of Chris- avenue after June 1. ! tian Service of the Leslie Method- Miss Carmlcal is a graduate of 1st church will entertain all the Salem schools and was formerly women of the church at a May employed at the secretary! of luncheon at 1:30 Wednesdoay af- gtate's office here. For a number wrnoon in uie cnurcn parlors. :ine of years she has been working for ivnuniiwi.iu ciirKcoi uie luncn- tte government in Washington- Z. ii I iv"iu.t;, Mexico ana lately in cauiorf Mrs. . R. A. Montgomery, and Mrs. nia where she is secretary to the J. H. Heidler. Mrs. Charles .Vick it -i.-f.-. m. i-i- -1 l wa..ss mi bco I is in cnarge 01 we woie aecora- pilot for air. force. kJI -?.k .!. nJSll- McCulley will return ""Mn. ThIh " b Plane Monday. B-sv way U(aj jSVWMVe0 Kil4 I Miss Alice Adams appearing in vocal solos. MrsS. M. Zeller of Corvallis, secretary of spiritual life for the Oregon conference, will be a spe cial guest and will bring the re port of the recent Woman's So-1 ciety Assembly held in Cleveland, omo. to Bush Girl Scouts Give Benefit By EUubctk Biuret -To The leaders and mothers of Girl Ecouts and Brownie Scouts in the Bush school neighborhood are sponsoring a benefit affair on Thursday evening. May 11, at Bush chool. The affair will begin at T:l5 with a short program, which will include the -court of awards for Girl Scout badges earned by the girls during the past few months, the flyup ceremony for urownie scout troop 91 to the Girl Scout level, and Norwegian folk dances presented by a Brownie Scout troop from Richmond school. Following the program there is to be a pie social in the school cafeteria. Mothers and leaders have donated the pies to be sold. Mrs. Edwin Keech, Girl Scout chairman for the Bush school aeighborhood, is in charge of ar rangements. All parents and families, troop sponsors and others -interested In -Girl Scouting are invited to at- tena. , Surprise Dinner Party Given - Mrs. mis Alanine-La uy was surprised on her wedding anni versary wnen ner husband enter tained at a, dinner party at the Chinese Tea Garden Saturday night. Pink cala lilies and white Dutch iris provided the decor and tiered cake centered the ta- We. Guests included Mr. end Mrs. Henry Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Brewster, Mr. and Mrs. Al- m Whltlaw. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Wale and Mr. and Mrs. Martin e- Lally. Later in the evening the group was entertained at the home e Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hall la bk. Paul. DeMelay If ethers will held the last meeting of the year on Thurs- . day with luncheon at noon at the Masonic Temple. The committee Includes Mrs. P. D. Baker. Mrs. Ernest Cfaittlck. Mrs. Ted Michel oo, Mrs. Edward Snyder, Mrs. Harvey C It bens and Mrs, Lloyd Inches. ' Do as so many do f or side improve ment uie Rewaol Soap for daily cJeansing you'll enjoy medicated Resiool to soothe pimply irritation. USE THESE TO FLATTER ANTIQUES Much of the beauty of antique furniture lies in the warm, mel low color of the wood. The de sign of the furniture Is easier to duplicate than its finish, which became the rarity it is through careful and constant hand polish ing and the effect of sunlight and age ItselL. Color scheme the room that boasts antique furniture to bring out the subtle wood colors. . With fine faded brown mahogany use caiadon green, slightly green . blue, buttercup yellowy subtle green yellow, any of the pale pastels or deep, rich colors. For the Provincial or rustic type of antique,) such as cherry, pine or maple, use deep colors that are toned down, old school house red, forest green or deep, some- wnai grayed blue. I Collection of Rare Volumes On Display On exhibit at the Oregon State library this week will be the col lection of rare ."Don Quixote" volumes belonging to Miss Nell Unger. Portland librarian, whose hobby it has been to collect them. This display, which Is open to the public, is located In the second lioor zoyer of the Library build ing, and has been arranged in connection with the showing of the Spanish motion picture. "Don Quixote," which will be shown at the State, theatre on Thursday afternoon and evening, May 11, under the auspices of the Salem Branch of the American Associa tion of University Women. The collection can be viewed Tuesday, Wednesday and ehursday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p. zn. In addition to the books - there axe stills from the motion picture and of an earlier production which starred eoaor Chailapin, the Russian basso. ' i Don Quixote." written by Mi guel de Cervantes Saavedra in Spain in 1605, has appeared In nearly every country, been trans lated into nearly every language and has been printed id thousands of editions. Miss Ungers collec tion contains volumes printed in England, Spain, Japan, Mexico and the United States. The illus trations vary from the modern type of abstractions to the ro mantic French and English style. each artist giving his own inter pretation, i! Oldest Book Printed In London The oldest of the books on dis play was printed in I London in 1820 and has engravings by Ri chard Westall. Another small but equally interesting volume ' was done in 1834 in England and has IiXteen designs and etchings by ueorge Cruikshank. Both artists portrayed the famous Don against typically English backgrounds There is also a reprint of the 1743 translation of Peter Molteux put out for the "Nonesuch Edition" in London. Its twenty-one illustra tions by . McKnight iKauffer are in black and blue and almost com plete abstractions. Mvira - Is rrrejntw1 h n SwMla Woman's club. Mrs. IUz I .,:n .i.ii.k.j i o: fi rI5iKI! - . I . 1 10K9 - 111 . .j swegi Road Garden club, with Mrs. I 4 " wuuse juiusixauuns Meivin LaDua 7 jo pjn. I possess a quaint charm, and a rH-lJtH1 iH'lu T11?- three-act play by Salvador Novo. T-:J11 "TJ luncheon. I ' written and nro. viwuwiL ajuiwrs uu social en- I ; 'm- . . . Urnoxm club. Muonie Temple. 1:13 1 ducd in Mexico in 1947 and was D.H1. I chAurn tat 4-Ka PqIqm A bV; A 4c AATJW ; board metlng with Miss Mlcn ritw i - Constance Weinman, route T. S p.m. 1 1X1 Jexlco c"y i , iiieri uc iwo mooern iransia tions published in this country by the Limited Editions Club and CLUB CALENDAR Queries about Household Dust, Decor And Stockings Aro Asked by Readers By Soe Gardner (Q) "I have been trying to eliminate as much household dust as possible, with, the result that I have, a r , very bare look ing house. Is there any '.way I can make my home more pre sentable with1 out the Irritat ing effect that dust collectors have on me due to my aller gies?' (A) Try us ing the new chemical in which you can dip fabrics to prevent, their collect ing dust In your home. Tba che mical is mixed with water and can be used on many fabrics, carpets and other Items that would gather dust even in - a small quantity before, you could vacuum It out of your home. (Q) "Can you recommend a good sturdy everyday, stocking Sreferably in nylon. that a ousewife can wear during the week? My stocking bills have gone up alarmingly and X don't get half the use out of a pair that I did In the prewar days." (A) You are probably wear ing stockings that are much too fine for daily wear. Stocking manufacturers have pointed out that before the war, most women wore 30 and 40 denier stockings for everyday, but now they try to get the same wear out of 15 denier stockings. If you will ask for the sturdier service weight stockings for your shopping and daily duty wear, and keep the fine weights for good wear, you will find your stocking bills much lighter.. (Q) "Can you suggest a good decoration for my kitchen walls? I want something that does not become soiled or marred with use of the stove, or other autcn en duties." (A) Decorative plates are good decoration for kitchen walls. One of the newest collec tions, to be on the market this mo"th, Is a group of plates with Grandma Moses paintings re produced on them. These color. Jul plates will be easy to keep clean and at the same time , give an artistic touch to your kitchen. (Copyright 1850. ' General Features Corp.) Si lPr WfWM I hrt : 'MisfcGflbcri to Vcd ! i . . Oliver vveaaing . m. Edward cm Reception for Sims Sunday Junior eulld. St. Paul's EolsCooal church, l pjn. no-boat luncheon at parun houM .- . MK'VU MJMM.. AM.. a - . . . ness session. buemnt of Salem Worn. KanQon HOUSe. ine UUDI edl an's clubhouse. S p.m, board meeting OUSll tion was printed in Spain by Oliva De Vilanova and each page set by hand. ii Those liking the dramatic color 1970 N. Church st, and design of Salvador Dali will find his illustrations in the Peter Motteux translation of Random House's Modern Library of un usual interest. i ' Tickets for the Thursday mo tion picture may be secured from the Wills Music Store or member of AAUW. i at pjn. WEDNESDAY Hollywood LJom auxillarv with Mn n. Jb. itoiuana. S B.m. PLXr club, with Mrs. ZtU Obershaw. uu sum street, s pjn. winoiic IMuenters of America. S P.m. Wednesday. Salem Woman's club- nouse. Circlet of rirst Methodist church meetinf WSCS of Jason Lee church 11 ajn. meeUns. luncheon. Wednesday afternoon literarr rroun with Mrs. George Rosaman, 910 North Canitol mtrMt PriclUa sui church with Mra. Alvln Battalion. S030 Id of Christ Lutheran Group to Sponsor Basket Social i A basket social will be spon sored by the Creative group of the Jelden street. 7:45 Dsn. Women's Fellowship, silver tea. juugni Memorial cnurcn, s p.m. Dakota club no-hoat dinner. Salva. uon Army niu, m:av p.m. Ladles suild. St. Mark Lutherai cbr', L.'S1 luncheon at churchTl Salenv- Art association on Satur- tt aWSTu&'TKTSi ?ay. May 20, at the Mayflower pan. i nail, sui mierestea persons are ur . Ivited to attend. -chapter CB. Pio with Mrs. Irene There will be sqwe dancing dam. 307 Sheiton st. Dallas. 7:30 n.m.i and folk dancing beginnina: at 2:30 .Delta btmmi mothers. 130 lunch- nVlnrlr with Neil Rrown ralUnff Aft H sntae kwia I a Delu Gamma alumnae with ur.. uie dns. vnu wu uw ue pru- D. H. Schulze. 230 Hanson avc. s o.m. I vided for those wishing to play. sojourners guesx day, saiem Worn'- en s ciuDnouse 1 pjn. Salem Toastmlstress. Golden Pheas ant. S pjn. Leasue of Women Voters. Mrs. NeU Brown. 1S3S Mission St., noon, box nincn. DeMolar Mothers club. If asonic tern. 1 . 1 1 1 FRIDAY Sedgwick Woman's Relief Corps. No. x mwj-ii v r w nan z pjn. Salem Woman's club meet at club- nouae. s PJn broad meeUng. 1 pjn. (unon-rou coun lary with Mrs. John ered dish dinner. Ladies of GAR with Mrs. Katie In. man. 1443 Mission St.. 12 o'clock no-host luncbeon. business session following; county Medical auxil- Ramage. S JO cov- V By EUsaketh Blllyer Tew w decoratliie cut ha m mr. eesa wHaaat the riekt eeler scheme. Let - cniaketh BiUyer's COLOR SCHEMES roB EVEJtY BOOM keek, let help ymm, teU y iiew te tawt a ckeaa aatd what mi the best aae newest celor schesaes are. AS arew Miss BlUyer at this newspaper ask her for this booklet. F.bcIom H please, and a ataaaped. aetf- Mmu cavetope. Copyright 150 by John T. XXOm Ce.) MY SPENCER IS TOPS! My Uoly tobes My Pestwr Is OrocefuHy Erectf j MyBsKkNeJeReet. CwBTpniaed net ta! Use its sKapeT Mrs. Meivin Smith 411 Uawtherae nM s-5i7s! Chairman and committee mem bers for the party will be: Mrs Roy Nelson, and Mrs. David Ers klne, decorations; Mrs. Emma Drinnon. David Dunniway. Misses Ida Nestell and Alice Matheny, re ception and refreshments. Mrs. Ed Harrison is general chairnan of the affair. '! The Royal Neighbors Sewing club will meet at the home of Mrs B. G. Hoyt. .1905 Maple avenue, on Wednesday for a 1:30 o'clock salad luncheon. Hostesses will be Mrs. A. J. Elliott, Mrs. Mary Ack- erman, Mrs. F. N. Hoyt and Mrs Hoyt. Ladles Guild of St. Mark's: Ln. ed for tonight has been changed I theran church will meet for lun. to Friday night. May 12. at the cheon at the church on Wednes- croisan Creek home of Mrs. John day at one o'clock. Mrs. C. T. Ken Ramage at 6:30 o'clock. The date von Is in charge of the devotions was changed to coincide with the and Mrs. Ann Jaqua will present meeung 01 me jueaicai society oni the topic. Friday. I uaketa eiab wiu meet Wednes Steve Aadersea will be the day night at the Salvation Armv guest speaker at the meeting of (hall for a covered dish dinner at the Hollywood Lions auxiliary onl 6:30 o'clock. For entertainment weanesday night at, the home of I pictures will be shown by Gene Mrs. H. E. Rohland. He will talk I Malecki and J. B. Crary will give on "The Atlantic Union." la group of readings. 1 The Marlon - Polk count? medi cal auxiliary dinner meeting slat- Bethels Guests, In Salem Friendship night was observed by Bethel 43, Job's Daughters at their meeting Saturday evening, with Bethel No. 34, Independence and Bethel No. 31, Portland, as guests. -Mothers of Bethel members- were special guests and a corsage was presented to each mother. Escorted and honored were: Miss 4 Clara Brown, senior princess for Bethel 34, Independence; Miss Geneva Mitchell, junior princess for Bethel 34. Independence; Mrs. Ada Moore, grand guardian; Mrs. N. H.-Hiatt, grand first messen ger; Mrs. Ira Mix, guardian for Bethel 34. Independence; Mrs. Carl Bethke, guardian for Bethel 31, Portland; Ira Mix, associate guardian for Bethel 34, Independ- nce: Edward Mum , associate guardian for Bethel 10, CarJ Bethke. associate guardian for Bethel 31, Portland; Mrs. Ella Branner, past guardian for Bethel 1: Mrs. Evelyn Rogers, past guard ian for Bethel 34; N. H. Hiatt, past associate guardian for Bethel 31, Portland; Floyd Adams, past asso ciate guardian for Bethel 31, Port land; Miss Judy Burdette, grand honorary representative to New Mexico. , . The guardian council for Bethel 43" was installed with Mrs. Ada Moore, grand guardian, and Floyd Adams, past associate guardian for Bethel 31 as installing officers. They were assisted by Mrs. Ella Bryant, guardian treasurer for Bethel 31; Mrs. Grace Hiatt, grand first messenger, Mrs. Helen Beth ke. guardian for Bethel 31, Port land; Mrs. Mane Mix, guardian for Bethel 34. Independence; and Miss Laurel Herr, musician for Bethel 43. Members of the guardian coun cil are: Mrs. Charles Boyer, guard ian; Charles Boyer, associate guardian; Mrs. Walter Bates, guardian secretary; Mrs. Francis Graham, guardian treasurer; Mrs, John Miller, guardian musician; Mrs. Carl Snyder, guardian of so ciability; Mrs. Joe Brooks, promot er . of hospitality; Mrs. ' Helen Fletcher, costodian of parapherna lia; Mrs. Lloyd Hughes, director of patrol, John Miller, promoter of finance; and Mrs. Clarence Shrock, promoter of publicity. Miss Judy Burdette and Miss Helen Booth gave a report on the grand session which was held in Coquille, and the Bethel scrapbook which won honorable mention at the session was on display. Plans were discussed for a cooked food sale to be held. The Bethel patrol put on a degree honoring Miss Edna May Manning, honored queen, on the occasion of her birthday. On the refreshment committee were Misses Judy Burdette, Roxie Attend Camp Reunion A group of Salem girls were in Portland for a barbecue and re union of Camp Tammarack on Sunday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. John Goldsmith on Portland Heights. Camp Tammarack is private girls camp located in the Cascades near Bend and is oper ated by Miss Donna Gill of Leba non. Attending the party and in vited to attend the summer camp from Salem were Patsy and Nancy Snider, Glenda Lou McCormick, Elisabeth Walton, Justine Lewis and Jane Barlow. Gilbert re announcing the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Marie. , to Leroy Daike, son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dalke, all of Aums- ville. No date has been set for the wedding. . ,-.:, Mrs. Boyle Will Head Mothers Highland Mothers'-club held its last meeting of the year on May 4, in the school auditorium. Mrs. Russell Shipman, president, Intro duced the following officers for next year and presented each with a corsage: Mrs. Arthur Boyle, jr.. president; Mrs. Frank Kolsky, jr.. Vice Dresident: Mrs. S. W. Morn. secretary, and Mrs. Sam Barry,' treasurer. Mrs. Boyle also intro duced her committee chairmen for next year. Marvin Clatterbuck gave a short talk on the coming school election and bond issue. Miss Bentson, spe cial education teacher, spoke on "Readiness for Pre - school Children." The figurines which are pre sented each month to the upper and lower grades having the most mothers present, were . won by Miss Linton's fifth grade and Mrs. Ranetta's second grade. Tuesday, May 9, was announced as the date for the covered dish dinner and square dance the Mo thers' club is sponsoring. Refresh ments were served in the cafe teria by the first grade mothers. Music Program ; At Hillcrest - A Federated Music club pro gram was presented in the new auditorium at Hillcrest school Monday night for the pleasure of the students. Mrs. David Eason arranged the program. Taking part were Jim Todd, Bob McConville and Dennis Hancock, trumpet trio; Wayne Mercer, ma rimba; Dorothy Pederson, Arm Gibbens, Sandra Nordyke and Bruce Goldblatt, pianists; Bonnie Litchenberg, violinist; and Loren Bartlett, saxophone. Williams, Ann Berger, Justine Lewis ; and Eunice - Gunderson. Serving on the decorating commit tee were Misses Darlene Loose, Julie Astrup, Marion Baum, Mary Crane, Joan Lewis and Elizabeth Shafer. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Sim celebrated their silver wedding anniversary at an informal at home on Sunday afternoon at the Salem -Woman's clubhouse. Over two hundred relatives and friends called between 3 and 8 o'clock. The couple's marriage took place in Salem at her father's home in te Hayesville district. They have two children, a son, Richard, and a daughter, Mrs. Daniel Morley of Minneapolis, and a grandson, Gregg Morley. . The rooms were decorated with purple and white lilacs, red tulips and apple blossoms. For an informal program. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Clement of Port land and Miss Joyce Bollinger sang, accompanied by Miss Mari lyn isroer. Among those attending the af fair were Henry Sim. who was best man at the wedding 25 years ago, ana airs. J. jr. sumpter, the oriaesmaia. Mrs. J. M. Cross of Eugene was in charge of the reception. Pour ing were Mrs. C W. Capon of Portland, sister of Mr. Sim; Mrs. J. I aicuonald, Mrs. Koy Key nolds and Mrs. Lee Cross. ' Serving the cake were Miss Ola Grandstaff of Portland, sister of Mrs. Sim, and Mrs. Henry Sim. Serving were Mrs. Dean Jewell, Mrs, Norman Mann. Mra. Frank Johnson, Mrs. Earl Johnson, Miss ixus juanm, miss JUien Reynolds, Miss Connie Cross, Miss Janet Campbell, Miss Barbara Sim. In charge of the gift table were Mrs. Gerald Christofferson. Mrs. Glen DeLapp, Miss Juanita Christof ferson. Mrs. Keith Gwynn had cnarge oi uie guest book. Mrs. Moe to Head Silverton Club SILVERTON Mrs. Harlan Moe was elected president of the Silverton Woman's club at the annual luncheon meeting Monday at Victor Point. Other officers are Mrs. Arnold Burier, vice-Dresi dent; Mrs. W. E. Grodrian, secre tary; jnrs. Mars: Hungate, trea surer, xne outgoing president Mrs. P. A. Loar. Mrs. Glenn Briedwell Installed the new offi cers. Shirley Doerfler gave group of accordion solos. At the business session the club voted to buy a table for the citv park. Chairman appointed for the annual garden tea in July include Mrs. E. A. Finlay, Mrs. Glenn unedwell, Mrs. Erroli Ross, Mrs, I Brown and Mrs. F. Glenn McDonald. Mrs. F. YV. Poorman will be hostess at dinner and bridge to night at ner North Summer street home for members of her club, airs. Homer Smith, jr. will be an additional guest. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Key nolds ana son, Dan, arrived in the cap- mar a m r iuu monaay xrom Everett, Wash, to visit at the home of her moth er, Mrs. uaniel B. Jarman. Sirs. W. S. Levens presided at Bridge luncheon on Monday after. noon for the pleasure of her club Many Attend Symph A number of Salem people will motor to Portland tonight to at tend the Arturo Toscaninl concert with the NBC, Symphony orches tra of 110 pieces. Among those attending the con cert at the Portland auditorium will be Mrs. William Everett An derson, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wis- carson, Mr. and Mrs., Robert O. Brady and Miss Carolyn Brady, Miss Alice Crary Brown, Prof. T. S. Roberts, Miss Jessica Kinsey, miss .uzaDetn jjora. Mrs. James, Walton, Mr. and Mrs. William L.! Phillips. . ; ; Dean and Mrs. Meivin GeisL Prof, and Mrs. Ralph Dobbs, Prof, and Mrs. FJwood Ball, Mrs. Clor- lnda Topping, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Palmason, Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Trel stad, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cham bers, Mr. and Mrs. Donald FreeL Dr. and Mrs. Morris Crothers, Mr. ana airs. st. timo fti ass en gale, Dr. ana Mrs. Maynard Shifter and Mrs. Horace McGee and Miss Ren- ska Swart. Dr. and Mrs. Carl TT. Emmena have returned from a week's trip north to Seattle and Vancouver, h. in Vancouver they attended a meeting of the Northwest Ob stetrical and Gynecological asso ciation. They spent the week end In Seattle as the guests of friends. Chi Omega mothers entertained at luncheon on Saturday at the home of Mrs. H. E. Smedley in honor of the new members. Bou quets of spring garden flowers were used about the rooms and on the luncheon table. Finest gusnnttti work done by experts. Prompt set-rice. Free inspection. Bring in your watch. YouH Like Our SEASONABLE PRICES! For those who cannot get to town, mail us your watch it get a FREE estimate! 443 State Jewelers Since 1927 Under n reef ... the meet complete far service la the etty! Tear fare are pre ceased, repaired and retyled when desired. ' then stared la ear ' ipaeleas. aclestifie storage vault. : sai from fire, theft, dam age. Fally Insured ... Fbae 3-9121 MINIMUM STORAGE RATES AS LOW AS OF THE eiLisn we sami ON TKe , WmWm Modes 30531$ Court DRASTIC nEDUCTlOIIS TO COMPLETELY CLEAR THIS DEPARTMENT , lany-Iont-Iiary! FOR TOUR CHOICE Or THE MOST flmasing Bargains- i AinnVEBS ABY WEEK 1 Hay 8 to 13 Inclusive A Popular Event With Money-Saving Values Dieaton Saw 8 pL Block Plane 5 W Qaw Hammer is c. 3.49 1.49 98c CRESCENT TYPE WRENCHES i" 1.19, Torpedo Level V BakeHte Rack Saw Blfldsta -..'.., 1.39 1.19 5c Garden Shovel Ho 7- Lawn Edger. Bamboo Lawn Rakea. Hand Sprayer Quart Hobo Hangar Garden Han4 Tools Sot of 3 1.98 1.69 1.19 39c 45c 79c 45c Pockel Knives 49c -79c -99c Values 75c to 1.73 v Electric Door Chlmti . 1.95 to 5.93 24 PC Stainless Steel Flat ware. Attractive J (VP pattern. Set fteWJ 24 pc. Stainless Steel Flat war. Fine Quality. Ruhr 11.95 Carving set Reg. 17.95. Sale Stem Waro 12.95 42c -52c Plajiic Tatle ' Cloths Sale 39c to 1.37 98c 5.95 4.59 98c Plastic Card Table Coven. Electric Razor Ironing Board With Pad . Rubber Covered TMt rimtnsri Super Maid f Dripolat 4.95 or Cast Aluminum 8 CUp L.J. SilTr Plate Salt and Pepper. Set 1.95 Special Eveni - La Bonila Pottery . . y2 pmce :i. ;u . tfoodl cm oLsctrlc stzngo oc water heater this year? I Check and bo convinced that our prices arc real values. Step car lCc-23c-50: cocniers-Tc day Corns in and seo the reduced prices during mis sola. 135 North Liberty SPENCER' SUPPORTS Phono 3-S332 Convonieat Parking