r Z2 - The CStrtagman, Salem. : 450 T.Iercharidise 73 Fcr Cda, Miscellaneous GOOD I7ii pianos. $79 ea. H. L. Ptff Fum. Co. TlN3AL SFECIMENS of all kind, also genuine Imported and native rem atones. Complete mounting serv ice. GEIGER COUNTERS for uranium prospecting TX-6 $100.00. DIAMOND saw blades, finest qual ity. ,,-$6.00; "-$8.0O; 10"-$10.00; 13" $12.00. SPECIAL: Just received 900 lb. rough Montana a Rate for cutting, your se lection $ $20)0 a pound. SUPPLIES: Books including lapidary handbook (Art of Gem Cutting . $?.00). fluorescent lamps, riker mounts, microscopes, blank mount ings, hardness . pencils, millimeter . gauges. V. D. HILL Corner 99K and Lancaster Drive. galem. Oregon. Hours 1 to -30 p.m. IX) N'T BE a rug drudge Shampoo your rugs at home at one-half the cost Rent Clark Rug Shampoo machine at Howser " Bros 1410 S jL12th Ph. 3-3646 ' ; Phillips Bros. v.l- fertilizers, cow, chicken, horse" and sheep manure. Well rotted or fresh. - Organic Composts and Compost ma - teriaL Dry, pulverized, weed free chicken manure. All sold by yard or i sack. Flagstones and Rocks for : Rockeries. Topsoil and Silt Sand for ' Sand Boxes. Peat Moss. Seeds. Cedar Fence Posts, TeL and Elect Poles, "v Shingles, Lumber, Beanstakes. Wire, i Ornamental Fences, Steel. 'Clothes- line Posts and Iron Railings made to ! order. Yew Wood. Open Sun. through Spring. Phi 3-1458 for DeL 4 Miles East on State St Rt .Box lis. Salem. Oregon. 1VATER Heaters, 42 gal. Double ele i ment. $74.50. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa St fcSED Upright piano, rebuilt and cut down. 8150. 1087 3rd St.. W. Salem. OLDER TYPE washing machine, good condition, new rollers, $20. Rt .Box 508 or phone z-izao. STOP Watches, chronographs Sc other complicated movements repaired with .precise skill. Brown's Jewelry, 420 Court. ' PURPLE PIANO! "You've heard about the purple cow tone hopes he never feeds one -les th a PURPLE plino now And bets your youngster needs one." tTor $95.00 you cant get hurt. Other food used pianos for sale or rent) j I Stone Piano Co. The Valley's Finest Piano Store" 540 Fairgrounds Road Phone 3-5291 10VI2 Sound projector suitable for home or auditorium. 16MM. Devry small filmf library. 535 N. Winter sf. RADIO Amateurs! Factory built C.W. transmitter. Write for details. Paul 'Van Sea vj Jefferson. Ore. OR- Trade: Ford type tractor, plow St ; cultivator I mounted under tractor. 1x20 ft trailer house with sink and stove. Ph. 24982. BLUE Organdy formal, size IS for . sale Ph. 42937. - . klRBY Vac cleaner. Little over year old. Little used. Ph. 27752. see at 231S S. Com'l. bOQD Used 6 mos crib. Ph. 21397. BARY shoes, copper plated, ph. 2-7836" liiEO Electric ranges $19 93 and UP : i Yeater Appliance Co.. . 5 Jhemeketa St. Sewing machines priced to suit your budget Reconditioned St guar , anteed Ralph Johnson Appliances Ph. 33139 BEAT YOUR HOME electrically with , Westlnghouse or Wesix . automatic , electric heaters Veater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa tRY Poultry fertiliier. Ph. 22861. Lee's Hatrherv OH TRADE: Trailer, 'will' handle 1 horses or 3 cows. Will trade for beef and pay bal. Barbers' Mkt, Turner. . tHILCO 4 band radio, good. Car top . luggage carrier. Ph. 3-9504. Additional Classified Ads on page 21 SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Daylight Time Kilocycles: KSLM 1390. KOCO 1490, FM: Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KGW 100.3; KEX 92.3 (Editor's note: The Statesman publishes in good faith the programs and tines as provided by the radio station, bat because offtimei programs are changed w ltaout notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible for the xearaey herein). HOUR ! 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW! KEX) . 00:00 00:15 I- Church of Air I Church of Radio Pulpit (Radio Pulpit lEter. Light lEter. Light B. Box Revue IB. Box Revue IB... Box Revue IB. Box Revue 0 KSLM First Baptist (First Baptist KOCO River Boys I News KOIN News IH. K. Smith Tabernac KOWj Church Home Church KEXt Revival Hour (Revival 9 KSLM Bible Class IBible Class: I Prophecy (Prophecy OCO g'ble (Lutheran (Ave Maria I Ave Maria KOIN To Learning IITo Learning 1 Playhouse News KOW News (Garden Talk J. DiMaggio J. DiMaggio KEX College Choir CoUege Choir Met. of Israel Mes. of Israel 10 KSLM Hardy News Songs j Lutherans ILVtherans KOCO WUdwd Church: Organ Loft i (Sacred Heart IW. King KOIN Platform JPlatform UP. Parade JL. P. Parade KGW Organ (Organ (Mus. Comedy' (Mus. Comedy KEX Sews f World 0? Ours Vespers Vesper J 11 K8LM Concert Hall (Concert HaU KOCO Sun. Service . I Sun. Service KOIN Choraliers Chora Hers KGW , NBC Th-ater NBC Theater KEX Foreign News Frank-Ernest 12 KRLM News . KOCO Serenade KOIN Music Date KGW One Family KEX Hour of Faith Cunningham Serenade (Music Date One Family (Hour of Faith 1 KSLM C KOCO KOIN - KGW ' : KEX Hop. Cassidy Church Music Date More Life Week's World Hop. Cassidy Church Music Date News I Week's World 2 KBLM Shadow , (Shadow (Mysteries I Mysteries KOCO Wonderland ISt Francis Showcase . - Showcase KOIN Serenade INews IBandstand Bandstand fSJ Voices (Voices IStar Harvest (Star Harvest KEX -Mr. President IMr. President (Greatest Story I Greatest Story 3 K8LM r Roy Rogers Roy Rogers Nick Carter ' (Nick Carter KOCO Serenade ISerenade . (Music Music KOIN My Husband - My Husband Bos. BlacUe I Bos. Blaclde KGW H'y FamUy (Hardy Family (Henry Morgan Henry Morgan KEX Lutheran Hr. (Lutheran Hr. (Music, Girls iMusic. Girls 4 KSLM Music (Music ' KOCO . Don Stewart Pon Stewart KOIN Jack Benny v (Jack Benny KGW Glenn Ford , Glenn Ford KEX Research fTo Veta 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW -KEX Mediation Bd. (Mediation Bd. (Murray Show (Murray Show Ministerial (For Living p. M, Serenade (P. ML Serenade Bergen Me. Bergen & Ma iRocky Jordan Rocky iordan 1 'Sam Spade . ISam Spade I Theatre Guild IThea&e Guild I 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW . KEX Air Interview Air Interview ITheater Cheater Ted Date Ted Date News . Tropicana CorUsa Arch. (Corliss Arch (Horace Heldt (Horace Held Theatre Guild Theatre Guild Album Musie 1 Album Musie Wlnchell I Lou Parsons iUfe. Chance Life. Chance I 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Medical High, fiun. Salon Contented -Take-Leave It J. Fldler 0 KILN KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 20 Questions Reverie Miss Brooks Living Pearson 1 20 Questions (Reverie (Miss Brooks lUvlng (Headlines - 0 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX New Reverie Red Skelton Symphony Think -Fast ! Editorially Reverie ted Skelton Symphony Think Fast 10 KSLM KOCO KOIf KGW KEX I Moon Dream (Night Editor Mary Mercer I Intermezzo Moon Dream' sur Final News Reporter 11 KSIM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Organ Melodies'Organ Melodies'Bandstwid IBandstand CatnoUc Hour Wax Museum I Wax Museum I Wax Museum Pearson Nocturne Nocturne Nocturne Orecon. Sunday, May 7 1653 450 Merchandise 170 For Sale, Mlscecrsou ORGANIC . FERTILIZER . O The right way to re huild the soil. 0 Free of weed seeds. Odorless. 6 sacks .... $ 5.00 Bulk 1 ton .... m00 2 tons ....... 17.50 Free delivery anywhere in baiem area Phone 3-8127 INGERSALL Rand air. compressor. to 9 cu ft, used very little. Debllss ' air transformer. 1 Binks and 1- De bliss paint gun, Might-Midget air - sander, drying light, approx 100 ft of air hose. All this for $395. 2 wheel trailer. 130. Ph. 21711. Silversmith's Special Knives. Forks. Sooons. etc. ISc Any 6-C teapot resilvered $6.85 Brass items polished, lacquered May special on other items, too A VEX PLATING CO. 1430 S. 12th St. Ph. Salem 3-7772 I Hf. garden tractor and plow, $225, Ph. 2-4319. FIVE good $16 tires and tubes. $30 ea. Ph. 2-0556. j - ' . "ANDY'S DIRT Ph. 2-8748 Plenty of gd. clean dark top soil, silt fill dirt & pit run gravel. Plant mi. out Wallace Rd. to sign "office". 757 Edgewater St. Anderson Bros, THOR C-ladlron, 1950 model, $55. Ph, LARGE Power mower, like new $80, Buckeye used 1 summer, guaran teed. 343 n. comx 24 LB. Dayton computing scale, $35, valley Furniture, zm w. twi t - LARGE S Seat Booths Upholstered Seats. 8 - Small 2 Seat Bootns ria in Seats. The Spa 382 State St. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous LATE MODEL Souix polisher. No junk. Must be priced right for cash. Call Mr. Bird. 3-wea or 3-c7i eves, Watch. Clock and Jewelry repairing, V. G. Prescott. 810 N. 17th. Ph. 2-4811. 474 Miscellaneous Sewing lessons Day or evening New Home Sewing Center Ralph Johnson Appliances 355 Center St Ph 33139 WANT TO Buy used cameras & lenses. McEwan Photo Shop. 435 State ; Dental Plate Repair two-b;oub service in most CASKS Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER DENTIST Adolph Bldg State St Com Ph 8-3311 HOWSER BROS. Your power tool rental headquarters. 1410 8 12 St Ph. 33040. 476 Fuel Elmer Boje Ph. 3-8453 2025 S 12th 18" old fir. clock & planer, no trash. Sp 1 eciai Regular $8.50 loads of 1 dry slab now $7.50. Also special prices on dry 4. 35533. dry ft stab. Oregon Fuel co. pn KOIN 970, KGW S20. KEX 1190 00:30 IMusle 00:45 Music - Air I Church of Air Church of Air (Mutual Music Mutual Music (Fellowship (Fellowship Tabernacle Home Music Hour Revival Rout (Music Revival Hour I IGospel Singer Canaries I Sun. Service (Sun. Service Rom. Hl-Ways!News NBC Theater NBC Theater I Piano Play. I Piano Play. (Juvenile News (Music Date Quia Kids tParade Hits Juvenile U. N. (Music Date (Quiz Kids (Parade Hits Private Eye Dream Musie Svmphonette Adventure (Prophecy I Private Eye I Dream Musie ISymphonette Adventure iProphecy : I News . ( Congress I Don Stewart 'Don Stewart Amos N AndyAmos 'N Andy I Harris-Faye ; ( Harris-Faye ISerenade Serenade 1 I Stop Musie I Stop Musie (Songs of Times WOO Plus 12000 Plus ISun. Salon IFranie de VolTranie de Vol Contented IWhUtler Whistler ' JakerLeaTS It (Bob Crosby (Bob Crosby -I Chapel (r. Melons (Mr. Ualone Top This , Top This 1 te : (Bersen Ma. iRren Me isympnony Symphony . I Wlnchell U Parsons Guest Star Reverie I Jack Benny (Best Seller Hann. Cobb (News . Reverie (Jack Benny Orchestra (Hann. Cobb I- IMoon Dream IMoan nrHm I Hr. St. Francis Champoeg Day line but -True iCatholic Hour I Orchestra - Orchestra 450 Merchandise 478 Fuel GOOD IS edgings $3.50 load. Also fresh cut sawdust. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 35533. - ' . West Salem Fuel Co. 1S.IN. DRT OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRV PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood - IS la. clean o bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES ' DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Pbone: Salem 3-4031 Also pick up wood at IS25 Edgewater St. W Salem. - - Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny Saver Stamps. Ph. 36444. 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 3 UNIT LOADS Delivered to ialem $12.00 For orders please call collect . Independence 43 Independence Lumber and -: Manufacturing Company Indenendence. Oreron Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 37721 or 36024 Bone dry second growth fir V : 1 ASK TOR S &.H Green Stamps IS In. mlUwood. full 3 cord load $10 Fresh cut. serened sawdust U in. tile an inside wood PHONK 1-7443 HAND PICK-b 16" greVn slab wood f 10 for 3 cord load. Oregon Fuel Co. Ph. 35533. DRY WOOD. Phone 2-4276. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 3-7721 or 3-8024 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACE & HEATER OLD Fir. Oafc, Ash. PH. 3-1458. FURNACE Trash Burner it cook stove wood. No Bark.; R. H. AUen. 1260 Candiewood Dr. ph. 3-2383. 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportunities Income Property One of Salem's best located Trailer Courts, sll modern trailer conven iences, nice home for owner. Ideal for semi-retired couple wanting home with nice steady income. See owner. 1009 so. zist. TlO UNITS $42S PER MO. INCOME S duplexes, 10 rentals. 10 utility rms. bath, garages, and elec. ranges. V. blinds, owners utilities approx. $10 mo. priv. meters, frontage 820 ft. room for more bldgs. $32,000. Will stand $20,000 mtg.. will accept house In trade to $8000. . GROC. STORE - EXCH. FOR APT, BLDG. OR FARM Croc, store with 3 gas pumps, lncl. fixtures.' equip.' Sc bldg. (1680 sq. ft.) (Concrete Blks.b 3 yrs. old. 2', Acres, 3 R. living quarters 6c bath, also S rm. old house & bath. Nets $350 mo. Price $13500 plus stock Inv. Allen C. Jones, Realtor 231 N. High. Pho. 3-58JS day. eve. or Auto court. 10 units plus liv. quarters for owners $15,500, r7000 TO $10,000 DOWN, EXCEL LENT INCOME. GARAGE AND SERV. STATION. $12,500 INC. BLDG. CONSIDER FARM TRADE. REST. AND HOUSE, INCLD. BLDG. oun. $13,500. TAKE SOME TRADE. CAFE. CHEAP, CLOSE IN. WILLAMETTE REAL. ESTATE 172 S. LIBERTY PH. 3-5113. SALEM BY OWNER: G beer, eas numn ft cabins J Stock t f ix. . tures in a fast growing community on niway m. ki I, cox 143. fn. 2-4319 FOR SALE: Country groc., gas, meats, etc Doing good business, modern liv. quarters. $2500, bal. like rent. Geo, Gardner, Baliston. Ph. 3264. PLENTY OF GOOD CUSTOMERS patronize this downtown cafe. If von like to cook we've got Just the place for you and your husband. Complete ly equipped. Additional business can be obtained. Ask Mr. Ruberg how. SJvuu. .terms. t Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor 328 N. Commercial St: Tel. 2-5211 Eve. 2-S686 GARAGE lr 3 pump service station for lease. Call 5052 MrMinnvill TO LEASE Service Station gallon pasis pn. z-9213. BY OWNER: Coffee shop hi way WSL snows exceuent ousiness, seaung cap scity 40, fully equipped. Ph. owner -vm ior appointment NEED PARTNER in new Patent, must travel, income $50 to $150 per day, capital $5000. Interested parties write H. Shermer. Rt. 9. Box 78. HARDWARE STORE, sport Roods, etc. No. Lincoln county. Ore. High grade clean stocks. Owner retiring. Sell at Inventory cost and lease building, furniture ft fixtures for $125 per mo. Including fine living quarters. Attrac tive store, fine loc. Gross $50,000 year. Two can handle. Fine franchise lines. Est. four years. Estimated in ventory $13,000. $10,000 cash will han dle. No agents. A real opportunity. Writs Statesman Box 733. SIO Money To Loan WE Make loans np to 80 of the appraised value on qualifying mod ern homes. Salem and vicinity. Also see us for FHA construction loans State Finance Co, 1S3 South High St.. Swlem Oregon FARM and ClTV LOAMS " 44 sad Tour own terms of repayment wtthia reason. Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgagee. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bide. Ph 4-2283 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. i 13 S. Church St Ph. 1-3457 Parking Aplenty Lie- M1SS-8154 Private Money On Cars. Trucks & Trailer Homes Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons 138 S. Commercial St Phone 3-9161 CASH . NOW -$25.00 to &500.00 Satem's Urfect and oldest home-own. - -JtlaMU17 OUCn IDODCJ WOCO Mill n4 lei You can pay anytime to reduce net cost. Nfl MrlAM-M mb stain - wi v. vi siis iivui $.1 lernus I On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500.00 va Kuxxuiurc, uvcsvocK, equipmeni. saury or ower personal property up n ttAA iV 1 s MlAM- M rla4 .. ft e wB i W finis WUf Vlllt. UlUelFI Hear "Top Trades' 12 Mi daily KSLM, U9 Sll General Finance Corp. Lie. No 813S and M33I PHONE 3-8161 138 8. COM'L ST. 4V2 4V2 4V2 M YEARS repayment plan, strictly moaern nomes. xor refinancing or new construction. ALSO MLA. loans for construction or re financing, 23 year repayment plan. Farm loans 4a, Personal it Auto aosns. State Finance Co. 153 S. High St. S 318. M TTZ. CASH ' Up to $1500 Call or phone today . .PACIFIC Industrial Loans 118 8 liberty Ph. 4-3203 $ CASH S Hollywood Finance Co. X 1380 Fairgrounds Road Nrrt to bank. Free parkins. ' 3-7033 Lie. No. M3S9-S2SL rs. Flo 1 Kenron. Mrr. tr.'AT2..iV. ph, l-ilil. 512 Loans Wanted W'AiT3: $0uCO on home worth i0,000. Man employed by same national com pany last 18 years. Age 42. Want in terest at 3 pr cent. Writ Box 723, Statesman. 600 Cmploytnent 602 Help Wanted COMFORTABIJE Home for retired or part time working man or woman in exchange for companionship to eld erly man, 8 to 9 daily. Give refer ences and age. Write Box .739 co Statesman. i, . 604 Help Wanted. Malo EXPERIENCED- SALESMAN for retail hardware and plumbing supply Ji irm. ttererences. taiesman box bs WONTTeM-UL' opportunity. $lS to (2d in a day. No experience or capital re quired. Permanent.. Write today. Mc NESS COMPANY, Dept. B,. 3423 Magnolia St., Oakland 7. Calif. SVEHSEAS' ; TXMESTIC JOBS f $1.00 brbifrs ORIGINAL CONSTRUC TION NEWS BULLETIN "WORLD WIDE" PROJECTS. CONTRACTORS k JOB LOCATION How-When-Where to Apply It Application Forms. GLO BAL REPORTS, P.O. Box 8B3. Holly wood 28, Calif. CONStRUCTIOrt JOBS SUriing Alas ka, overseas, U. S. Further details, send name, address today. A -332, Box m, inoxviiie, xenn, MAN with exp. in automotive field or office management to invest serv ices and some capital in, 'well est, firm that has just secured distrib uting franchises of several leading lines of parts access, i Box 731 . Co Statesman. 608 Help Wanted. Female MIDDLE AGED lady to keep house and care for sn elderly couple. Room, board and wages. Phone 5317 or write box 144. startt WOMAN wanted for light hswk. and partial care of children. To live in, - with board, room ft wages. Ph. 3-9368. PRACTICAL NURSE" J. Help with light housework. Call mornings. 693 North Li peny GIRL or woman between age of 20 35 to assist with housework and care of children. Live in. no school girl. Phone 3-794S. , 610 Sales Persons Wanted S Dl tributors. New OUTDOOR FLUORES CENT LIGHTS sweeping country. En ormous demand from Kail stations, stores, night-spots, drive-ins. auto agencie. Every business your pros pect. No samples to carry. No invest ment. Powerful sales helps.! Make big money. Writs W. H. LONG! CO- Chi- cago 10. ill ADVEftftSfNA feflX MATctES Sell UNION I ABEL Book Matches di rect from factory: Daily commission In advance plus merchandise bonus. FREE big selling Catalog page after Bage of lull color covers, cull, sell ig Information that show your cus tomers you represent s big company. We tell you who to see what to say for big profit orders. Write today. Monarch March Co.. Dent. 68. Mon terey at Tully Rd.. San Jose, Calif. SALES-MINDED man desiring to learn fine year "round business. Contractor ' of home improvements. Must be will ing to start at reasonable nay. Ph. 3-3462, 1Q to 13 a.m. Sat. Mon. 612 Work Wonted. Mali" HANDY MAN. 1840 Court St. Ph. 3-8332. GARDEN PLXWLNePhone25763af- ter 8 p.m. Ask for-'Al. i EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, high . school and business college grad. Box 728 Statesman. 614 Work Wanted, female"- SITUATIONS Wanted Child care girls only. 392 Trvon Ph. 22807. HOUSE Cleaning, ironing by hour, call 3-5122. 615 Situations Wanted HOUSEWORK by the hr. 8 hr. day. Ph. 2-9381. SEWERS and septic tanks installed' and repaired. Scharff Bros. Ph. 2-5568. fURNITURE Repair, cleaning or re- finishine. Call W. A. Jeppe Ph. 2-0298. WANT plowing discing not less than ,i A. Also want garden spading, day worn. trn. t-uoz WILL rough dry family wash, also mens shirts washed as Ironed. Rear of S79 m Market St. T - CHILD CARE, non-drink or smoke.' day or hr. 385 S. Elma. i SAWS FILEBBY MACHtNt. Cut clean: er. truer, faster. Pick up and deliver. Phone 2-2722. i CARPENTEk WORK. ANY HKO, REASONABLE. PH. f-2723. i ftABY SITTING by adult. Ph. 3-4367. "' RE-ROOfTNG and shingling. Ail types . iwu. ct ui uKure your joo ann save you money. P, W.v Cooper and Sons. Phone 3-2358. ' i - CAN TAKE 2 more Invalid women. Good food, pleasant surroundings.! Ph. aw ....11 . r a . . t i. . , 6URTAINS washed & stretched. 2I3448. THE MODERN KTJRSERY SCHOOL. Lt- censea nursery. nglisli kindergarten teacher at nurse in charge. Ph. 3-9075. CAN TAKE 2 more easy; to care for b uouege, Monmouth. BABY SITTING. Ph. 20241. DRESSMAKINCr,' alterations. Ph. S-667f. ako work. Free estimates on new lawns. After 5:30. Ph. 23943. 1 ROtO-TttXER WORK. 1145 HoodTPh. jcxp, large or smau Iqds. CARPENTER Work. Ani kind Rea- nniDit UBI union Pn 3-1417 CHILD CARE. 1180 Shipping. 3-9924 TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re- moving. ins. operator. WK. guar. W. H. McAllister. 840 Trade Ph 2-1498. Plowing Sc discing. Al Moss Phi 92957. CUSTOM PLOWING and&disclng with eorq tractor, pn. Z3829 Or 374Z7. CEMENT work. All fclnda. Ph 3-4850 "M.fc RAf ART TTTi VMrl e r. DeHut. Eves. 3-8333 Carnenter work, new, repair Ph 92093 CHILD CARE 183 S. 18th Ph 2-6876 HSEWORK. Ph. before 8. after 5. 2-9901 REPAIRING, remodeling, i rooting , Ph 3-1339 or 21218 BOOKKEEPING. Typing. Notary Pub lic, zv j nne. pn. 3-583 LAWNS aUrt to finish, light trac on rubber with dozer. Ph.-2-8127. ME Rotary Tilling M. H. BROWN, PHO. t-7500 Tn i.tvn- A - Tltf rn t . . , IUH. ' BABY SITTING by adult Ph. 34367. vj 1 uttji:, w lawns, pn z-zoo. PLASTERING Patch Work A Specialty pnone 3-3073 BABY SITTING, adult. 2-0954. ' NANCY'S IDEAL NURgEftY. Ph 3-4940 LET US modernize your home, arches, crop ana cove ceilings, any color and texture finishes, all work, redone over old finishes, to see model borne, call 2-3548. PAINTING -DECORATING FREE ESTIMATES, PH. 3-3720. 2-7497 616 Employment Agency COMMERCIAL PT.AnrrjrMT iratvrv OFFICE AND CLERICAL POSITIONS. KIW MAPlAGMNT - tJTTl PAfUPNSTFr-HST 153 S. LIBERTY ST. 1 PH. 2-148$ 618 Education PIANO LESSONS. Beginning popular. ail ages. 854 Norway. Ph. 1-C737. 620 Day and Contract Brennan Tree Service Insured. Power saws, free estimates. Ph. 2-3748. i Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. K EXCAVATION CONTRACTORS Land Clearing ditching 'Basement 8t sewers Roads and dams Eauioment rental Have us give you a free estimate on inai joo you are planning. Ph, 3-4691 day or night, 600 Employment 620 Day end Contract Salem Sand & Grave! Co. Contract Work - Roads . Clearing Ditching , 1 Sewer St Basement - Equipment Rental . 13 B-',i i yds 10 B-i yds D-t Cat & Dozer D-S Cat Dozer ' D-4 Cat at Dozer See us about ditching by the foot, -Phone days 3-9408 Evenings 3-S248 or 3-4400 . saiem ; Oregon A OTP PAINTING lust a snade better by Ray ETTER. Call E brock Motor Co. 3-610L 700 Rentals FOR RENT: Large ground floor room. " Ferry St, suitable for office or store. State Finance Co, Tel. 3-4121. 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board VERY nice bedroom. 488 N. 18th. WITH or without limited kitchen privi leges. Employed couple or employed ' ladies. Ph.3-4608. j - , H C WATER, priv. ent men only. NICE, clean rooms, H C water, kit chen privileges. Call 754 Ferry St. FURN.i Sip. rms, H St C water, men only. 653 No. High PLEASANT sip. rm, very close in, 26. LARGE heated room with 3 beds. 865 N. Cottage. ' i ' - ..-i i SLEEPING RM, for gentleman, ',.bl to bus. $4 wk. Ph. 3-4423. Room board. 495 rt. Coiuge. RM. for gentleman, close in. 633 N. .winter. Ph. 3-7054 after 5:30 P.m. WELL. turn, sleep, room., close in. II & C. water. Men only. 737 center. PLEASANT sleeping room for' gentle man. 1050 Norway. Ph. 2-4547. HOLLYWOOD, ph, 2-6093. 2035 McCov TWO good clean rooms. Double bed. ; Breakfast dinner privileges. Pbone IN WIDOW'S home. 3 sleeping rooms. $13 and S14 per,' mo. 493 N. Summer. 703 Wanted Rooms. Board - IN PRIVATE refined home. Ph. 3-3797. 70S Apartments f ot Rent 9 RMS. All utilities turn. Bendlx washer, 3 blks Capitol bldg. 590 No. Summer, Open a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun- day. or Phone .; Z-47Z3 FURN. Trailer house. $20.00. 1968 N. Coml St. ' 1 RM .dc Kitchenette f urn. Utilities furn. Reasonable. Ph. 263091480 Broadway. NICELY furn. 2 B.R. apt., refrig, priv.' ent.. adults. Call - after -4 pan. 1775 n. Front: pn. z-tooh FURN 3 rms Sc bath including utili ties. in Silverton, to couple. Refs. req. See Sun p.m. at 808 Reserve St. or call Owner 2-0015 in Salem. 3 ROOM Unfurn. ground floor apt, , private bath and entrance. 4 blocks so. of Ladd and Bush 'Bank. 310 Beiievue St. Ph. 3-9404 LGE. Furn. apU pvt. bath, 5 blks. Ph. '3-5838. NEW 3 rm. and bath, partly furn., reas.. iocs Madison, pn. z-bobt. DUPLEX Apt, new, gas heat;' corner Rural and university. Ph. Z-8Q4S. JrURNISHED' apartment for rent. 522 N, uiurcn 5t. 4-RM. furn. court apt. Elec heat, close in. Ph. 2-0546. : a 3 RM. furn. apt, elec. range, priv. bath and ent, bus by door. $40. pn. Z-0Z6Z. 4-RM. furn. apt, completely redecorat . ed. priv. bath event. Call 3-5991 after iz:30. 4-RM. furn. apt, private bath, close to state nse. shopping center. Adults only ra, after a: 30 p.m GOING EAST latter part of May for sue weexs. wouia suo-reni smau nice furnished apt. Close in. Write Box 734, statesman. 2 RM Furn apt. Priv bath. 404 S. High. 840. includes utilities Ph. 3-7508 X UNFURN 4 rm. apt. Keizer Dist. Ph. 3-8141. sun., pn. z-zbis. NICE furn. apt. Just redecorated, good loc. 1075 N. Capitol. Ph. 3-8706. VERY LARGE I rm. furn. apt. Bus ',i blk.T good loc. Ph. 3-8519. 3-RM. unfurn, priv. ent. tt bath, Inq. 945 S. 12th. i- BEAUTIFUL. Georeene Gables. 807 S. 13th. 1 B.R. apt unfurn. except for refrig. k range, auto, laundry, walk ing distance to stale bldgs, bus at PULLMAN basement apt. for woman. ' Close in. Auto, heat, refrig. You must see to appreciate, call 3-0400 NICE 3 room furn, apt. for 2. $50. 810 Norway. ; fRM. APT, close k. $25. Inquire 229 Chemeketa. j fRM. FURN- Ist;flrv low rent. 1397 N. Coml, 3 RM. unfurn. apt. Close in. Ph. 2-0726. NICE clean 1-room light housekeeping apU. $25 for 1. $32.50 for 2. No smok ing or drinking.: close in. Utilities furn. Ph. 2-3577. 8Z3 N. com I. CLOSE IN clean l-rm. housekeeping apt. 633 Ferry. . I - -3 RM. basement apt. Clean and mo priv. ent.. close in. pn. 3-8861. WEST SALEM 2 rms. furn. Ph73-75S4. 3 RMS. bath, furn, priv. ent, garden space. 'adults only; on mis, pn. z-W4i. SMALL, APT, completely furn, close in. Inq. H. L. Stiff Furniture. 39185. VERY attractive mod. unfurn. 2 bdrm. - apt. Close in, heat, auto, hot water, garbage furn,' Box 860, Statesman. Attractive furn. upstairs apt. pril ent. bath, emp. couple. 1009 N. 5th. LIVE Better at the Ambassador. $50 to $75. 550 N. Summer. -- 3 RM. Unfurn. Newly decorated. Priv. bath. 1437 N. 4th. Ph. 3-7773. 707 Houses For Ksnl 3 RM. COTTAGE, wnfurn. except for Stoves, light, water turn, zieo w. 5tn SMALL Mod. 2 rm hse furnished, in city. Ideal for 3. $40.00 mo. Ph. 28851. SMALL House, snug and warm, edge of town.. $30 per month. Apply by letter. Box 738. statesman, NEW 1 bdrm, 24 ft liv, room.' gar. at tached. Immediately available in year lease, elec. range k refrig. furnished; elec. heat. Englewood. Open for in spection Sunday 10 to 4 pjn. $83 per mo. lozs n. zzna si. MODERN 2 bedrooms, fireplace, oil fur nace. hardwood floors, $55 no, 3359 uaraen oaa. -zzo, BRAND NEW 1 BJi, elec. heat. 2?S 3. 22nd. - 2-RM. furn, garage house to working mother with daytime care of child. Bus by door. Boat 737, statesman. OWNER leaving town will sell or lease 4o responsible party 3 bedrm. home, completely modern, one acre- ground. lots ot trult. lnq. IB63 cnilds Ave, 3' B.R. completely furn. house. exccL cond, $80. Ph. 3-4538. 432 Union. SMALL HSE, furn, $60 mo. 319 S. ISth MODERN 1 fiJL house. $60. no chil dren or pets. Inquire 2290 Hazel Ave, ODERN 2'BJL. full basement, mare sleeping space in unfinished upstairs. Newly decoratedi 4250 Hudson Ave. call at 4Z85 E. state. CHARMING furnished small house, emp couple, lawn. Ph. 3-7769, 1 to 7. S RM Furn cottage, adults enly. 195s ruRN. COTTAGES, utilities paid. Ph. 3-4813. , FURN. 2 B.R. house for 3 mos. avail June 1st. Ph. 2-8388 for appt. 7C9 Wanted to Rent MOD. 3 BA home by June 1st. Ph. LOCAL representative for. major rubber Co. desires 2 or 3 bdrm j home. Prefer . suburban but any location considered. Reply to F. .! Wright. Firestone .; Store., Salem. ,. 1. ... 710 Wanted to Rent Houses WANTED for rent or lease with option to buy, 3 or 3 bedroom house, fire place, shower, unfurn,! garage. In er nr. Salem. Please write Georee Sears, is uta Ave., uiympta. wn. UNFURN. 2 or i bdxns. hse. H. "El Muha, phone S-8543. 800 Real Estate; r - u V y 1 Ohmart - .. V j 1-:-" : , " " ' V & Calaba, Realtors UJ I - - I Lee Ohmart . . , ' ' RENT SAVER UJmufmbi,r,?ll';hom..' PrUF fumWied. lovely large lot - $4900. Easy terms. Will trade for city property up to $6000. ev. ... " A LITTLE WAYS NORTH OF TOWN S acres with comfortable X bedroom home, lots of fruit, berries and nuts. - $5600. l a a v j '' AK AT PRATUM qi5 si1l7500. m' Undscpmf' nUt nd herriea. priced for ' . t ATTRACnVE NEW HOME ! ' SZ.Sv" bedrooms. firepUce, auto oil heat, located on hugei lot 80140, on the edge of town South - $9800. , " ' v j BEDROOM HOME'-. FAIRMOUNT HILL DISTRICT Here a a dandyt new 3 bedroom home for luat sii7!tn rti. i, ... extra :large.lthe lot la hugej it's attractive fifenlace think you will like It, we uuuiy r .".'. v TJOS NICEST HOMES I I ! I 7 - Located In the East Moreland Dist A lovely 2 bedroom home, nearly 1500 so. J - .r ce 7 iff?' ooubl oversized lot. A fine modern home for the price of $14,500. j . . , BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE - 12 ACRES -Located Just about 1 mile North of the bridge on the Wallace Road - our sign is up - drive by and see. j , " FARM SPECIAL , . SMALL FARM IN HOWELL PRAIRIE 31 A, all In crop, 14 stanchion barn. 3 chicken houses, machine shed. 1 bedroom house, all buildings less than. 10 years old. This la a good farm for $14)00. j Ohmart & Calaba -j- Real Estate and Insurance 477 COURT ST. PHONE 2-4113 - 2-4118 i Eve. Henry Torvend 3-3633 Ralph Maddy 2-3488 - Pat Kemper 3-5297 CLOSE IN NO. 3 ZONE 4 BJt. Home with upstairs apt. rental, cor. lot. This is a fine business cor. Price just reduced. - KXGGINS. ! NORTH ON PAVEMENT Excellent value, about 6 A. Willamette silt, about S A. in. caneberries, baL cleared ready for planting ex- ceUent strawberry land) well built, 12 yr. old 3 B.R. mod. plastered home, fireplace, lge. garage. I work shop, extra storage shed just -3 mi. - N.E. City LimiU - You cant beat It for $10400. - CRAWFORD, i BURT PICHA, Realtors ' 379 N. High St. 1 1 Evei Mrs.' Blanche Isherwood Realtor . I. announces the opening of another Branch Office In the home of Mrs. Hazel Watts. Saleswoman, at 1011 ELM ST. CORNER PATTERSON, in West Salem. A convenient location! Phone 3-7236 " BEACH COTTAGE r Fully furnished - huge rock fireplace, complete living room furnishings. five beds, two stoves, lovely! ocean view. Take it all for $5000. ! - , ELEVEN ACRES j Good dark soU east of Salem (no bldgsK A fine value at $2500 cash. Approximately one half acre -north - two large bdrms, basement, furnace. double garage. A most attractive property, priced at $10,500. ENGLEWOOD ' Three, bedrooms, basement, fireplace, HW floors, tUe kitchen, V. j blinds. call for particulars. j LARGE EIGHT ROOM; Close in Court street property - big lot, fine Income possibilities i- sen ' sibly priced. Come in for further in formation. - j j Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N.fHigh St. Phonei 3-7660 kfar srNm.Ewonrj school Master Craftsmen built this 4 bed room home, has built-in cupboards In dining room, nice brick fireplace In living room. Basement with a room for hobby shop. Large lot where children can play. Only $11.- ; 000. 1 NEAR 'NEW SHOPPING CENTER 2 Small rentals Plus nice I room "Partment for owner. Fireplace. Good basement with, oil furnace. Price $13,200. j KEIZER DISTRICT ! Nice clean 3 room house, can easily be enlarged. Sets on lot 87 x 110. Price $3200. i V. OMER HUFF 361 Chemeketa. Ph. 2-5091 or 2-6942 BEST BUYS Your Heart's Desire in I Homes $800 Down 3 yrs old, large rooms, attached garage. COI uei 101. x oik w dih. uwntr jcbv ing state. Total price only $7500. Payments $60 mo. Including taxes and Insurance. j . iWant a Basement? 3 - JR. home located in Englewood Dist, Full basement, fireplace, dble garage. Insulated and weatherstrlp ; ped, forced air oil furnace. Part hardwood firs, separate dining room, lawn, shrubs, paved street. Tot price only $9500. terms. j ' - Home and Income 3 B.R. home plus 4 rental units. 3 units rented for $50 each; 2 rented at $45 each. House would rent for $50. S blks from center of very prosperous town close to Salem. Attractively priced at $19,500. . . , Instantly Appealing Very attractive home in Englewood district. 3 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces, good Biz ed living room plus separate , dining room. Bui Kin garage, patio, nice backyard with fishpond. Can be used as 3 bedrooms with party room , in basement or part can be rented for $50 month. L Eve. phones 2-7674 or 3-3558 Acreages and Farms $730 down. Modern S B.R. home on 1 Acre. Chicken bouse, walking dis- tance to school. Immediate posses sion. The only thing this place needs Is a well. We believe this it well worth $5750. 15 Acres No waste land. Very modern S rm . home. Close to small town. Attrac tively priced at only $8000. Terms. Owner will sell cows with farm for only $400. ,.. j . 20 Acres, Come jSee Close in East, modern room home. Only miles from Salem. Good sou, no waste land, very close to school. Owner leaving state. This Is well worth $1200. , I 11 Acre Ranclio With S BJt. home built In 1948. Dble garage, chicken hse. 3 acres berries. r Only 7H miles to Salem. See this one for $8750, terms.. . i Evening phones 3-4745 or 3-355$ ' Al Isaak ' & Co., Realtor 3033 Portland RLPh. 3-7820 or 2-4596 710 Wanted To Rent, Houses YOUNG Couple, prospective parents. want apt. or court cottage. , 714 Business Rentals ! DOWN TOWN Sales business location for lease 19-55, suitable' for meat market, delicatessen, appliance shop. Available now. Box 718, Statesman. RNTOR LEASE business bldg. on tSZ r rood location for store or restaurant. FOR RENT: Used-car-lot with saraee. splendid location, Fairrrounda road. en amoen, pn. s-woi. i 800 Real Estate Rudy Calaba Insulated and weatherstrlpped and has room -. uon i miss seeing this 4 we NEAR McKTNLEY SCHOOL There's a lot of living in this English style 3 BJt. Home - just a block from school - lovely den. nice yard, dou ble garage; full bsm't with sawdust , furn. and priced right at $10,500. -CRAWFORD. IDEAL LOCATION For Auto or Residence Court. 190 ft. frontage on 99 E and extends thru to Lancaster Dr. with the same ami of frontage. Now has 3 B.R, Home on the same lot. Kiggins. 2-8390 1 Office: 2-3649 $3000 $500 down, smaU pleasant living home, south, full plumbing. E. A. McGlauflin, ph. 3-5211. Eve.y2i3203. OPEN HOUSE . 2393 Claude St. $800 down, $45 a month 2 to 2 Sunday . $7500 ' .'. 2 (possibly 3) bedrooms, automatic forced air oil heat. Inside utility, garage. I Alfred Krause - , '. ' Builder - E. A. McGlauflin. Broker 328 N. Com'l St.. Ph. 2-5211. Eve. 3-3203 If You Work at Dallas. Independence, Rickreall or way points, you will be interested in this well built Hi-story 3 Bedrm. home. Over li Acre. Corner lot. Lge. Liv. rm. SmaU chicken hse. ONLY $7800. Call Mrs. Schultes. PH. 8-8836. First Time Offered NEW 2 Bedrm. home in Keizer District. Built for their own home but own er's plans changed. Has bsmt. with sawdust or wd furnace. Good water system. Mermaid Green snaked ex terior. Lge. corner lot with nice view. $8400. Call Mrsi Watts. PH. . 3-7238. . --T" Owner's Plans Changed Bought in Salem so wilt sen fine U ' Acre In Keizer Dist. j Good water system. Bldg. is 14x28 ft. with kitch en and 3 rms. upstairs.f All plumbing In. Wired for elec. range. Abo has extra bldg. for storage and several rabbit hutches. 6 lge. (Walnut trees. Berries. A G.I. can (buy this for $650 down. ONLY $3150. Own the House You Live in A comfortable rent-beatier with 3 bed rooms. Screened back) porch. Corner lot. Garage. In West Salem. 2 lots in cluded $5950. CaU Mrs. Watts or Mrs. , Schultes. .. j B. Isherwood, Realtor Rt, L. Box 243. Wallace Road. Ph. 2-2147 Branch Offices at , 1011 FJm St., Corner Patterson St - 1289 Sixth Street. West Salem 1 - 802 Business Property 10 UNIT COURT CLOSE TO NEW SHOPPING CENTER and all State Bldg, each hse. has 1 BR, nice LR, Hdwd firs, FirepUce, Kit with nook, large bathrooms, new Elec. - ranges, refrigerators, one of Salem's . best buys, shown by appt. only. Conven ient terms arranged. j Larsen Home & Home Co. Exclusive listings - Personal Service 164 S. Com'l St. Ph. 3-8389. Eve. 2-4661 BUS BLDG, liv. rms. 2083 N. CmaX 804 Suburban BY OWNER: 3 B.R. home, 8 acres or less, 6 blks. from east city limits. Ph. 2-1159. May trade. 3630 Garden rd. SEE THIS f By owner leavjng state, cute I1 bdrm modern home completely furnished, - knotty pine. Lv. rm and kitchen. Located on V Acre with 10 Fran quette walnut trees, also 2 kinds of berries. School bus. by door. Immed iate possession. See on Boone Rd, Rt. 4, Box 660. Approx 3 blks east -off S9E. Will take good car '41 or '42 model as part payment on my equity. Full price $3450y- ' NEW ALL ELECTRIC HOMg. lge. LR. St Dinette, hdwd. firs, 1 BR, Kit, bath, utility Rm. Located at College Drive. West Salem. $5250. Terms $250 down, bal. $50 per mo. . I A. IN FIJI GROVE, near Salem Heights SchL, 2 BR, LR, Kit, Bath. $4500. Terms $250 down, $43 per mo. Larsen Home & Loan Co: Exclusive Listings Personal Service. 164 S. Com' St. Ph. 3-8389, Eve, 2-4661 808 Houses For Sale BY OWNER: 2 B.R. house, liv. and din. rm, kit. and bath, att, garage; hdwd. firs, thruout, plastered. 3700 Thorn dale Rd. south of Center oft Haw thorne. $8800. Tcrna. Englewood. m, yrs. old. 3 brs, hdwd. firs Living St dining rm car peted. 3 fireplaces. Full basement. Attached garage. Radiant heat, $15,500. 1390 Olive st, off 15th. Ph. 24419. NICE- DUPLEX, basement. Oil ht, . close to State Bldgs. and new Sbop- ptng center. 89500. pn. 3-9617. owner. FOR CHOICE clean modern borne. 9o n criurcn st owner s-4771. kODERN HOME, lot lOOxisi, young filberts, good garden spot, 4 bdrms, 2 up. 2 an. Outside ent. to upstairs . could be rental. Close to- college ana schools. 375 W. Main. Monmouth. $STDOWN. $23 a mo. $2000 2 bedroom home, north, electricity and well. E. " A. McGlauflin. Ph. 2-5211 Ev?. 2-3203. A COZY little 4-rooia cotuge. partly furn. Leaving state, must sacrifice. $1900 cash. Macieay Kd. KOUSETrORSATT" 1 bdrm. house, hdwd. firs, fireplace. Kngiewooq oit. ibo wsaison. MONMODTH. ANCHTYT All electric 2 bdrm, home, not 3 yrs. old, weatherstrlpped and Insulated, - elec. heat, firepLI ven. blinds, built bv owner. In rood Dart of town. Call after S p u Monmouth 2110. 443 & ' College. . . j 800 Real Estate 8C3 Houses For Sale ONE OF OTTO Ttii l"l n ttnurrm 3 bdrms, liv. rm. din. rm. kitchen. nook, hall, full bath down, 't bath up. fireplace, full basmt, new $1,000 heating system, dble. garage, auto sprinkling system, patio with fire place, uisuuiea At weather-stripped . lew?2 Sc001 District The Price . Is Right Call Roy Ferris. 1 - JUST REDUCED Very clean 4-Unit court located in valley town, income $160 per mo. self-operating, utility rm. $6000 will handle owners equity or will con- f-durBr.'defop 00 Salem Home. Call Peter Geiser COUNTRY PARADISE Beautiful mod. English type horns witl 8 tee. rms, b nook, unfln tehed attic., lge. dble. garage St tool nse. lge. rumpus rm. in basmt. fin ished in knotty pine with fireplace. Shower St bowl In basmt. 1 ac. of ground, beautiful shade trees dc yr ' around creek. Shown by appoint ment only Call George H. Graben norst Jr. ENGLEWOOD HOME 10.T,r- old 2 bdrm, aU plastered home lull basmt, with good sawdust t furnace. Fenced in 'yd, good garage. ; k. WEirV WesY6 7 GRABENHORT BROS. REALTORS ) 134 S. liberty St I Phone 2-2471 yenings ana Sundays Call Peter Geiser 3-9968; Roy Ferris 2-801S aan west 3-0608 GLENCREEK DRIVE Here is a home built for a family to live in and enjoy. Haa a fenced In 11 yard for th children, but not too mucn vara ior oad to take care of. 2a?. 3 bedrooms, one of them in the full basement. Large kitchen with apace for breakfast table. Dining room for Pop and the kids to play in i I?.5tment and ,UF warm with H1. MONTAO oU furnace that was installed 3 years ago. This home was b,H,Uta-JM1 ,nd Prtced today at $12 JOO. Shown by appointment only. Eve. and Sunday ph. 2-4479 or 2-8012. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3363 Portland Rd.' Phone 3-3259 $2150 SM. HSE. $650 DN" ,i A. city bus. nrr. m-a j . $4500-4 RMS. $1000 DN. LGE. LOT. 4850-4 RMS. NR. STATELGE7l.bT, $35008350 DM. SOME rimy ffSS5 5MS- NEW. $2000 DN. SUB. $65006 RMS. (3 B.R.'NR. HOT.T vi . .S?P-t.9irHOL1C SCHOOU VERY LARGE LOT. 13200 nv. ISMOEAUTIFUL. NEW HOME. SUB. . EAST. 12 FT. SQ. FLR. SPACE. BUS. SOME TERMS, i f $9750 LOVELY NEW HOME. CORNER. "WV sut- AK.E GOOD LOAN. W'lLLAM-ETTE REAL ESTATE l7 IjBERTY PH. 3-7113. SALEM A HOME Wat RHfttn.ri flAt-ffcirv- On Fairmount Hill Large spaeious rms. on one noor. norms, parlor, dining rm. and nook-kitchen. Attic with in. auiaiiun. 1 uii Dasement Wltn new oil burner and tank. Interior and outride like new. FirepUce. Lot 60x150 with fir trees and fine shrubbery thereon. Just one grand place to live. For appointment to see calt - ULLMAN REAL ESTATE. PH. 3-8P03 " LEAVING TOWN. MfTsT SELL " By owner: Comfortable home. $40 mo. xtasemeni rental, z ts.KS, lge. dining rm, lge. liv.. rm, Venetian blinds, i basement, auto, oil heat, unfin. upstairs, dble. garage, corner lot 50 x 120, fruit k nut trees. Near Englewood sch. Ph. 3-7641. , u OWNER in best location, nearly new 2 B. R. home, saraae. outside' patio -8c fireplace, fenced in back vara. 1 an z-5348 $7,850 CLEAN modern 2 BedrrA home Enelewood Dist. Firenlacc Full basement. Sawdust furnac. Immedi ate possession. CaU Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High ' Phone 3-4121 $1500 DOWN, $52 per mo. 1 B.R. subur- nan nome, 2 yrs. Old, acre, x mi. out of city. See at 1970 Fisher Rd. E. ss sin; srxi. -o. BY OWNER: 3 BR. house, furnace hestl good cond, nice neighborhood, neaf school It bus. See daily from 8 to li a m, 3 to 9 pjn. except Sun. 365 S, 24th. SULLIVAN REALTY CO. SUBURBAN EAST Large liv. rm, din. rm, kltch, 3 E R, ! aU on I floor. Plastered, H.W. floors. Inside utility, att. double garage. Big L. playroom and concrete patio. 117 190 well. Landscaped lot. A wonder ful home at $14,750. ENGLEWOOD Brand new. beautiful ranch type. The nest ox construction in this 3 B.R. home on a large corner lot. 1350 st. ft. floor space plus larg att. garsgi. Many fine features. Make an arpi, to see this one. SOUTH 3 year old 2 Br, bath. TR, kitchen. built-ins. wired for elec range and; water heater, garage. Bus at door. Only $3800. 33 ACRES AD level and in cultivation. Would make ideal berry farm. 30 x 40 barn. chicken house, machine shed. Has seven bedroom home and has ad outside entrance that would make six rooms ideal to rent. Would ex change for a house in Salem. Pries $16,000. half , cash. Eve. ph. 3-1008 er 3-4479. ; 1 LISTINGS WANTED We need listings on 2 arid 3 bedroom home, city and suburban. For fast action call 3-3253. . SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3369 Portland Road Phone 3-3259 3-8012 Eve, ph. 3-7563 Mahbrin Gardens 2 B.R. fenced yd, oil furn, $8950. B owner, 430 Manbrin Dr. Ph. 2-014: $5,900 CLEAN 3 Bedrm home one noor. Close in Norm. Lot B6XI20. $1,000 Down. . Call ; Stanley Brown with , State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High ' Phone 3-4121 Large Home i and Income Close to state buildings on Court St. Basement.- fireplace, lot so x 120, shrubs, sprinkling system. A bar gain at $13,800. Art Madsen Realty Co. . 1326 State St. Ph. 3-5580, 2-812 ENGLEWOOD CAPE COD 2 bedroom home situated on quiet street., Finished basement, oil fur nace, fireplace. Peaceful backyard full of flowers, greenhouse. Outdoor "fireplace. $10,500. ' LARGE SUBURBAN LOT; 69 z 300. NORTH !- i A nice place for s smaU peaceful horns , in the country.- Owner will put in s well where you want it. $750. $39, down and terms. 1 ' Edw. A. Dyck, Realtor! 328 N. Commercial St. TeL 2-5211 Eve. 2-6686 Neat 2 Bedroom Home This neat home with large - garage. transportation by door, 2 blocks from Lincoln SchooL on almost . acre. Only $4950. . ; ;. For Exchange Have client with t acres of Will, silt loam soil with good 3 bedroom house which has bath, electricity, and fur nace heat. Barn . and poultry house. Went 3 or 4 bedroom noma in town. Furnished Hime Nice S room home on S 63x158 lot with wall to wall carpet. 'garage, and work shop. Only $6,900. terms. Near Hayesville acre with good 6 room4 home, dou ble garage, fine soil, forjonly K.OcO. ' A real snap. . . Car for House Have client with good Buick sedan to : trade for a good house equity or will nay cash difference. See us for de- MURPHY & KENT - REALTORS 43$ North Church - Phone 4-2291 Anderson 3-1744; Humphreys 2-7988