11 Tho Staimm, Salem, Oryon, Sahirday. April 23, 1950, The Bible Story--- SAI AH ( ? fry?- -.-.-: 2--l , ' i- - i -,. i , i " . -1 ' A x 7 v. ;l .iA...:;:.,," , , , , t Lutheran Men Start Oregon Conclave Here Two hundred Oregon . members I of Lutheran Laymen's league will begin registration at the Marion hotel at 10 a.m. today for the an nual state convention. Firstjes- sion will be at 2:30 p.m., with wel comes by local officials and ad dress by the Rev. W. H. Medler, I Burbanx, Calif., west coast pub lic relations director for the Lu theran Hour broadcast. - At a banquet tonight at 7:30 in the Marion, speakers will be IE. C. Jacobs of Cleveland, Ohio, national league president, and Gov. Douglas McKay. Church attendance and business meetings will occupy Sunday. DST Starts -Pastors Wary Ministers are accustomed to having some of their congrega tion arrive late, but they might look toward tomorrow with spe cial apprehension. Not that they necessarily oppose fast time it's just that people could get to church a full hour late. Since daylight saving time nearly always starts on Sunday, the confusion is not new to churches. But most churches will operate on prevailing local time, so in Salem their services will be an hour earlier by the sun. If you dor't set your clock an hour ahead tonight, you may be the one to arrive just as every one else is leaving church. Church Briefs Taoiica rf f Via T ntViAran Tv. I man's league state convention CHILDREN s rally may. i here, St John's Lutheran church Children's rally for Salem Child Will have three services Sunday Evangelism fellowship is sche- morning, according to the Rev. duled for Sunday, May 14, at 3 H. W. Gross, pastor. They will be pjn., in Parnsh junior nign scnooi at 9. 10, and 11 o'clock, with Rev. auditorium, according to Myrna W. H. Medler of Burbank Calif., Stover, city director. Guest speak convention speaker, giving the er will be Dr. Frank Phillips, sermon at 10 o'clock. Woman Evangelist Portland Youth for Christ direc tor. At Calvary Chapel (EdlUr'i Bote: This to the 2tth of a aeries from the Old Testament. The text Is condensed from selections y Houston Harte for the hook, , "la Oar Inure." Illustration hy Guy Re we also from the hook. Copy , right, oxford University Press, lac.) Ths spirit of the Lord God Is upon me; because the Lord hath annointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he bath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to reclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; to comfort all that mourn; to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of Joy for mourning, the garment of upraise for the spirit of heaviness. There shall come forth rod out of the stem of Jesse; and the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, and. shall make him 'of quiet understanding in the fear of the Lortf. With righteous ness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth. And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins. The waif also ahall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard hall lie dawn with the kid; and the calf and the young Ilea and the fatting torether; and a little child shall lead them. For the I earth shall be full of the knowledge f the Lord, as the water ever the sea. And that root of Jesse shall stand for an ensign ef the people; te It shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious. I 4 j 1 Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Say to them of fearful heart. Fear not: your God will come and save you. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. Behold, the Lord God will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him. He shall feed his flock ;like a shepherd: he ahall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently, lead those that are with young. The everlasting God falnteth not, neither Is weary; there Is ne searching ef his anders Undine He giveth power to the faint; aad to them that have no might he lnereaseth strength. They -that wait apen the Lord shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not taut. Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him ; while he is near: Let the wicked forsake hs way, and the un righteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS Picific Daylight Time KBeeycles: KSLM MM, KOCO 1499. KOIN 970, KGW 929, HEX 1199 FM: Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KGW 100.3; KEX 922 I HAMBLIN WRITES SERIES A manuscript by Dr. Chester W. Hamblin. pastor of First Tes byterian church, has been ac- MIt It Scriptural for a Woman to cepted by Westminister Press to Preach?" will be the subject of comprise the August issue of the Evangelist Mattie A. Howard at Presbyterian devotional booklet, Calvary chapel at 2:30 p.m. Sun- "Today." day. It concerns the Apostle Paul's Luther Youth Services Set At Silverton Statesman News Service SILVERTON, April 28 Inter national Luther League Sunday will be observed at Silverton's three Lutheran churches Sunday. The young folk will have a part in the 11 o'clock services in all three churches, Immanuel, Trini ty and Calvary. In keeping with the topic the Rev. S. L. Almlie will speak on "The Untroubled Heart" at Im manuel. Youth speakers at the morning services in Trinity will be Jeanell Gottenberg and Arm and Lee Riveness. Special programs Sunday night will be at Immanuel at 7:30 with parents and friends invited, and at Trinity at 8 p.m. with the pub lic invited. The North Pacific District Young People's Luther league convention will be at Tacoma, Wash., on May 5 and 7. Stephen Spaugh of Salem will be guest speaker Saturday at 11 o'clock at the Seventh Day Ad ventist church. A special song ser vice has been set for 9:15 to be followed by the regular Sabbath school at 9:30, with A. W. Bovee superintendent. Prayer service has been announced for Wednesday night at 7:30. Special services by the Rev. B. Ross Evans, evangelist, will close Sunday night at First Christian church. Music for the evening, wnicn will include solo numbers by Evans, is being arranged by Missionary J v statement, "Let the women be I LUTHERAN MEN TO ELECT silent in the churches. I tutt AMnrr. Tutharan T jiv. Services by Miss Howard, an men's league of Trinity Lutheran Mrs Peter Ployhart, choir direc- ex-convict and former associate church, east of here, will meet at W1 of eanesters. will continue at 7:45 8 D.m. Sunday in the parish hall. each night except Monday and George Schmidt will report on the j ti 1 dl Saturday of next week. convention of the district organi- Union JjlDie LilaSS i Totinn n fi it saiom mis wph end. Elections will be conducted. I fThnriarS T.rnfitirn t I, I .mavia,r m va,AUaLa, Dallas Churches APOSTOLIC FAITH Church and Court. Sunday school 1 9 jo a. m. services n a. m. tm p. m sunaajr. s p. m. Tnursaay. Suburban Churches ASSEMBLY OF GOD Birch and Stump Sunday school S:4S la m Services 11 a. m.. 7:45 p.m. Sun-I ANIENT COMMUNITY day. 7:45 p. m. Wednesday. BAPTIST First Washington st Sunday school 9:45 a. m services n a. m., 7:30 p. m. sun- , f. ait. uuisuaji CATHOLIC St. Phillip's W. Washington st. Masses 8:15 a. m, second and fourth Sundays. 10:19 a. m nrst. uurd and ttltn Sundays. CHRISTIAN First Jefferson and 1:45 a. m. Services Sunday Ankeny schoolhouse. Ltberty-Buena Vista road. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m p. m. AUMSVILLB BETHEL BAPTIST Aumiville Sunday school 10 a m. Services 11 a.m.. 7 JO pjn. Sunday, 7:49 p. m. Wednesday. AUMSVILLB WESLETAN Aumsvlll. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m, 7:45 p. m. Sunday Union Bible classes sponsored by Salem Christian Business Men's committee for the public have been moved from Salvation Army hall to Bethany Evangelical and Reformed church. The class is conducted at 7:45 p.m. each Friday by Dr. J. R. TurnbulL It is a follow-up to the Norman Olson meetings here re cently. About 50 persons are attending. Weaver IJess - BROOKS ASSEMBLY OF OOO A TT Clay. Sunday school One-half block south of Brooks T 51 751 'PP'TI P li a. m, 7:30 p. m. WhooL Sunday school 1:45 a. m. zrm-' x XA Services 11 a. m, 7:45 p. m. Sunday n m. Thuradav. CHRISTIAN AND I MISSIONARY ALLIANCE CLEAR LAKE EV ANGELICA!. th.ltf .- uin m,iAm a.vl a-4 1 ITNITEn BRETHREN wsia wm mtiM miu, w uuueir sviiwi w I - - - . m SirvirM ii m T-4S n m tun. I Wheatland rerry rd. una ay scnooi 11 a. m. Services ry ra 10 a. Uy. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE iiA riia c m a.n ' iiu iojlu. ounuiT scnooi t; ai. m. i . Services 11 a. m. Sunday. S p. m. first Tlc" " - aunu"7 m. Sunday. EOLA COMMUNITT Sola. Sunday school f:4i a. m. ser- and third Wednesdays. CHURCH Or CHRIST Levens and Mill. Sunday school 10 la. m. Services 11 a. m 1:30 p. m. Sunday. CHURCH OF GOD 1019 Ash. Sunday school S:4S a. m. Services 11 a. m., 70 p. m. Sunday. CHURCH OP JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAT SAINTS rnn cornfrs baptist Stat and Elma. Sunday tenooi : a. tn. Services 11 a m 7 JO p. m. Sun day. 7:30 pjn. Thursday. FRUTTLAND EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN S miles east of Salem. Sunday 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m. 7:30 Sunday. HALBERT MEMORIAL BAPTIST HayesviUt, one mile north of NE Dr. Weaver W. Hess, district superintendent of the Oregon Pa cific district of the Church of the Nazarene, will speak Sunday morning in First Church of the Nazarene. In the 7:30 p.m. ser vice, the Rev. Ralph C. Wyncoop, pastor of Brentwood church in Myrtle Hein i Evangelist Series At Bethel Baptist Continues to May 7 The Rev. H. Palfenier, North American Baptist church evangel ist, is conducting special "Word of Life" services at Bethel Baptist church in Salem at 7:30 o'clock each night except Saturday. The meetings-'- will continue through Sunday, "May 7, and in clude special children's sermons, according to the Rev. Rudolph Woyke, pastor. An extra service Sunday at 6:30 p.m. will have as speaker Myrtle Hein, missionary to Afri ca now home on furlough. Chapel Funds Solicited for Orphans' Home Because "You can't play all week in the gym and feel like it's a church on Sunday," an appeal has been announced for funds to build a chapel at the Children's Farm home, WCTU orphans' home hear Corvallis. The drive will be conducted through Sunday schools of Oregon on Mother's day. May 14. The chapel is declared to be the greatest present need of the home, which now has 174 boys ana girls from 5 to 18 years of age. Regular activities at the home include work on the 285-acre farm, a grade school and 4-H club program. Contributions may be sent to Children s Farm home, Chapel fund, 224 Park building, Portland. eight boys from troop 20 with their leader Bob Hartzell. Visiting at the Jacob Denny home this week is Mrs. Fred Mc- . Millan of Corvallis. Mrs. L. B. George has moved into her large house on Portland road and has rented her. small, house to Mrs. Boncelle Pak and -her husband. Joe Pak Is going to . school in San Francisco to get his . chief engineer's degree in the ' marines. Peace Expert Due at Albany Statesman News Service ALBANY, Apr. 28 Dr. Charles F. Boss, jr., executive secretary of the Methodist church commis sion on world peace, will speak at a public meeting Monday at 8 p.m. In Albany Methodist church Boss Is an accredited observer and consultant to the United Na tions sessions. He has spent con siderable time in Europe on peace missions, much of the time east of the "iron curtain." Three times during the past winter he has been in Washington, D. C, on invitation to participate in state department conferences on U. S. foreign policy. Portland, will preach. The Rev. Orville W. Jenkins is still in northern California in the interest of young people's work. school p. m. Sale did CDnDDircDnes (Sunday school at 9:4S a. m. Basement of city library. Sunday 5,7nH.. .rhoi s s m" Wunacrf tcnow ni km school 10 a. m. Service. 7 p. m. Sunday, "h ''l' sund. Unless Oth.rwiSO notedj 7 JO p.m. Thursday. EPISCOPAL St. Thomas ASSEMBLY 01 GOD (altar's' BMtet The Statesman publishes la seed faith the programs aa kmea as prevMed hy the radl stations, tent because fftlmes procraaas are I EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN I ServlS 11 jn- chanced wttheat notification, this newspaper cannot be responsible for the Church and Mill. Sunday school 9:49 pm- weanesaay. accaracy aereta). rhr t Sunrfav arhnnl 10 and 11 I a. m. Service, a a." m. Sunday. rrrc,,", . m. . !-.- Service. 11 ajn, 7 JO pjn. Sunday; S hour KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX aw 7 00:0t I- 00:15 00:30 I Music 004S Muslo a m. Services 11 a. m, 7:ft p. m. Sun- KTOEIl C0MMUIfrTT D.m. Thursday. Central 313' 4 N. Commercial. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 Elizabeth and Churchdalo. Sunday """'..r 7.A KllUUl a am. aaa, oci tiws si Church of Air I Church of Alt Radio Puloit iRadlo Puloit B. Box Revuo IB. Box Revue IB Church of Air Church of Air lEter. Llfht lEter. Light Box Revue iB. box Revu 0 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX I nrst Baptist: IPhophecy Tint Baptist River Boys News H. k. Smith Taberaac Church Homo IChurch Homo Music Revival Hour (Revival Hour Revival Hour I News ! I Fellowship CM r 224 Ml!) Sund.y school 9:49 a. m. I V" . Sunday. 730 p.m. W.dnes- Stnrices 11 a. 7:49 p. m. sunaay. LUTHERAN Trinity 210 Washington. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m. Bunoay. The Chapel 12th and Leslie. Sun day school 10 a.m. Services 11 a.m., 7:49 p.m. Sunday. 7:49 p.m. Tuesday and Friday. f Prophecy Fellowahin TabernacU I MENNONITE iMusic I Brethren Washington and Hayter. Revival Hour I KEIZER FAITH LUTHERAN 4505 N. River. Sunday school :5 a.m. Servises 11 a.m.. S p.m. Sunday, ribtiit ib p.m. weunesuay. n..w.iM..- .A n It i: m. IlABISH CENTER COMMCNITT B . S"nd,aT- ... . m VlifUJ UUCIIJ WJJKi. m .... KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Bible Class Bible To Learning News College Choir IBlble Class ILutheran j To Learninc (Oarden Talk J Lutheran Hour! Lutheran Hr. Ave Maria I Ave Maria Playhouse !News . DlMacglo J. DiMagglo College Choir M)es.of Israel IMes. of Israel 107 -fvM o4 m'sunday erVlC T m"eV Jit of BftSoks? Sunday J JO p. m. Sund.y 7 JO p. m. Wedne. U&SLS2!?iL Sun. fchool 10 m. S.rvic. 11 m. Sun- day. 10 KSLM Hardy News Songs i Wm. Hillman koco wiidwa uturcni organ Lon sacrea Heart koin PUUorm iPUtform KGW Orcaa KEX Mews I World of Ours Vespers (Varieties fW. Kins L. P. Parade IL. P. Parad i organ , mu. comedy imus. com I World of Ours Vespers Veers X. day school 9 33 a. m. Services 11 a. m.. I v I ' E- m: S""idV-.. i 1 1 LIBERTY CHURCH OF CHRIST la a m SarvirM 11 a. m gundlT. I ynuw.. buj .w . - i m n. K.rwlu 11 a m imii.v METHODIST First I A- nn M1U near. Main, Sunday school 143 o,, v . c,T. a. 1:40 p. m. 11 KSLM Concert Hall . (Concert HaU ; KOCO Sun. Service Sun. Service KOIN Chorallers Choralters KGW . NBC Theater NBC Theater KBX Foreign News Frank.Ernest I Dixie Four IS I Canaries Sun. Service (Sun. Service Rom. Hi-WaytNews NBC Theater NBC Theater i Piano PUT. I Piano Play. la. m. services 11 Sunday. PRESBYTERIAN First Court and Levens. Sunday school ll:4J a. m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday. 879 Vista ave. Sunday school 10 a. m. services 11 a. m, a p. m. Sunday. MA CLEAT COMMCNITT Maclcay school. Sunday school If s-m. MARION FRIENDS Marion. Sunday school IS a. m. aer- 12 KSLM News Cunningham I Juvenile Juvenile KOCO Serenade Serenade News V. N. KOIN Music Date (Music Data (Music Date IMusic Date KGW One Family One Family Quis Kids I Quia Kids KEX Hour of Faith (Hour of Faith (Parade Hits (Parade Hits SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST Washington and Jefferson. SaDBaui I " school S:49 a. m. Service 11 a. m. Sat- Tit" - - urday. MIDDLE GROVE COMMUNTTT S-trat TJhortv and Marion 11 a. m. I p m Sunday. 7 JO p m Wednesday immanaei riazei oc Aciarmy, u a.m.. 7:3a p.m. bunaay; tuM p.m. Wednesday. Bible FeDowthlp Memorial hospital chape) II a. nv Sunday, leathern Summer and Hood. 11 I a.m 7:30 p.m. Sunday. CATHOLIC Ot Joscph's-Cottag and Chemeke- ta. Masses 8 JO. S. 9. 10. 11 a. m. Sun day. DevoUona 1 -30 p. m. Sunday and Tuesday ..... . St. Vincent ae paw Myrue ana Co lumbia Masses 7 JO. 9. 10:30 a m. sun? p.m. Sunday. 7:49 pm. Wed- Silvorton Churches 1 KSLM Hop. Cassldy Hop. Casskly Private Eye t Private Eve KOCO Church Church Dream Muslo i Dream Musis KOIN Music Data (Music Date ISymphonetts Bymphonetto KGW . Mors Life News A a venture Adventure KEX Week's World (Week's World I Prophecy (Prophecy . 10 ajn. NORTH HOWELL COMMCNITT North Howell. Sunday school 10 a jn. Services 11 .m pjn. Sunday. S pro, Wednesday. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Front st Sunday school 041 a. an. Services 11 m-. P p- Ounday. 0 1 pratI'M IMMANCEL MENNONTTS 2 3 4 KSLM Shadow Shadow iMystertea I Mysteries KOCO Wonderland JSL Francis Showcase I Showcase KOIN Serenade (News (Bandstand ; Band stand KGW Voices ' (Voices I Star Harvest I Star Harvest KEX - Mr. president (Mr. President (Greatest Story! Greatest Story KSLM Roy Rogers (Roy Rogers I Nick Carter I Nick Carter KOCO Serenade (Serenade ; (Music - IMusic KOIN Mv Husband Mv Husband Bos. Blackie iBoa Blackle KGW Hardy Family (Hardy Family IHenry Morgan Henry Morgan avn iuuicran nr. ' uumeran Hr. imuhc, uuia 'Idustc, utris pjn. Tuesday and Thursday. CATHOLIC St. Paars ptna and Grant. Masses s. io a m. Sunday. 10 a. nv weekdays. 7a0 la. m. Saturday. CHRISTIAN First Park and 1st. Junday school 0:49 a. m. Services 11 a. m., 7 JO p. m. Sua day. Middle Grove school. Sunday school day . Confessions 4J0-9J0. 7-8 JO n. m. aaturaay. CHRISTIAN Court Street 17th and Court. 10:50 a. m 7 JO p m. Sunday First Center and rugn. io:w a m.. 7 JO p ra. Sunday. 1:00 p m Wednesday. CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Sth and Gaines. 11 a m 7 JO p m Sunday. 7 JO p m. Wednesday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Chemeketa and Liberty, eunoay school 11 a m Services 11 a.m . D m Pratum. Sunday school 9M a. m. Services 11 a. nx. 7:49 p. m. Sunday. PRATUM METHODIST pratum. Sunday school II a. m. Ser vices 11 a. m. Sunday. KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX . Talcon . ' Ifalcon , I Newt ICorurrets Don Stewart Don Stewart : I Don Stewart 'Don Stewart Jack Benny IJack Benny Amos "N Andy Amos 'N Andy I uienn rora uienn rora Hams-rays ttarru-l aye Research fTo Vets ! (Serenade Serenade Alexander's Alexander's i Murray Show IMurray Show Ministerial (Tor Living P. M. Serenade IP. M. Serenade Bergen Ms. Bergen At Me. I Rocky Jordan Rocky Jordan Sam Spade (Sam Spade ; I Theatre Guild I Theatre Guild Stop Music I Stop Mualc r I Stop Muaie I Stop Musio CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE SOS N. 2nd. Sunday school Ha. m. 1 . services 11 a. m, i : p. m. sudoij 7:49 p. m. Wednesday. 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW . KEX 10 a: KSLM . Reviewing . Reviewing; Theater KOCO Ted Date Ted Date News KOIN " CorUss Arch. rCernas Arch. I Horace Heldt KGW . Theatre Guild Theatre Guild Album Musi KEX ' WinchnU I Lou Parsons I Life, Chance (Theater Tropicana I Horace Heldt I Album Musis Life. Chance 7 KSLM Medical High. I Songs of Tunes WOO Phis I WOO Plus KOCO - bun. Salon 1 Sun. SaJoai , I Pranie de Vol Franic do Vol KOIN Contented (Contented ' Iwhutler IWhtstler KGW Take-Leave It (Take-Leave R I Bob Crosby (Bob Crosby avaa. . 4. iwier ichspei iMr. Maions istr. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Srd and Lewta. Sunday scnooi a. m. Services 11 a. nv. Sunday. CHURCH OF CHRIST MWA hall. Bible class 10 a.m. Serv Ices 11 and 11:45 a.m 7 JO pjn. Sunday. CHURCH OF GOD 2nd and A. Sunday school IS a. m Services 11 a. m p. nv. Sunday. S p. 83. Wednesday. CHCRCH OF JESCS CHRIST OF LDS Knights of Pythias hall. Oak and MiU. 11 a.m. and 1 pjn. Sunday. LCTKKKAN 8 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 20 Questions Reverie Miaa Brooks Living 1 20 Questions Reverie (Miss Brooks J Living (Headlines ! ,Top This, Top This I Reverie (Reverie IBergen At Ms. Bergen Si Ms isympneny iSynipnony f I IWlncheil IL. Parsons 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX News Revert Red Skeltoa Symphony Think Fast I Edltartally i iReverte (Red Skeltoa i (Srmphoay j think Fast I Guest Star (Jack Benny Bast Seller nana. Cobb I News I Reverie ' IJack Benny Orcneatra (Hanav Cobb 10 KSLM - -KOCO Moon Dream KOIN S Star, Final KGW News j KEX . Reporter I Moon Dreant JMosa Dream Vmoc Dream I Night Editec ( Hr. St. Francis! Martin Oren. Mary Mcrcsr line, but True tCathohe Hour I llntemetss i Orchestra Orchestra 11 KSLM 1 KOCO I , i I KOIN Organ MeledieaXOrgaa MelodiBadatan4 ItiW catnoue Hour I Wax llnaanna IWn km Psarsoa JVbcturns Noctum BandetsM !naavdstan4 (Was Mussuot MoctaxM PR INGLE FRIENDS Baxter rd. west of 99 E. Sunday school sunda a d m. Wednesday. Reading 9:45 a m. Services 11 a.m.. 7 JO pjn. room. 14S S High auiwaj ay tf-saa. rv juiausij i I CHURCH Or CHRIST " ROBERTS COMMCNITT central Cottage and Chemeketa Roberts school. Sunday school 10 1 Sunday school rO a m. Services 150 in.. 7 JO pjn. sunaay; i p.m Thunnav ROSEDALE FRIENDS Rosedalc. Sunday school 10 a. m. I rsrirs or c.OD First Services 11 a. m. 7 JO p m Sunday I Cottage and Hood. 11 am.. 7:49 pm I Sunday. 7:45 pm Wednesday . SALEM HEIGHTS COMMVNITT I Liberty and Madrona Sunday school CHCRCH OF JF.SCS CHRIST 10 a. m. Services 11 a m.. 7 JO o. m I or i attfr dav SAINTS Sunday, 7 JO p. m. Wednesday. I sth and Madison Sunday school 10 I a m. Services 11-30 a m mj pjn. SUMMIT METHODIST (Sunday Orchard Heights ra Sunday school II a m. Services 10 a. m. second and I crtNCREGATTONAL fourth Sundays. I First Cottage and Marlon. 11 a m liinKlf SWEGLE COMMCNTTT Knight MemerUl 19th and Ferry swtkxw wnnw. suwiir ioww m i ii m m nunoay Services 11 a. m. Sunday. I B-tacrtaaf. t PanTs TALBOT COMMCNITT I Church and ChemekeU Sunday Talttna- StilMtaw aeKoaJ ta a m - 1 a-Wl m w Krv1ra 7 30 B:4a. 11 vuvary ie eravy. nunaay Know Mm 11 a m T-xo tk an- main TX IS a m. Set vtoes 11 a. m. Sunaay. 1 1 n m. Widnraiir i a. tn. Thursday. I I nimr.niriL and REFORMED net If. Church St. Sunday I TI'RNESl ASSEMBLY OP GOD I awh.a. u.riaa and Caoltoi Sun school IS a. ai. Serrtoe 11 a. nv Sunday. I Turner. Sunday school S.-4S a.m. I meul is am Services 11 am TTtnlty bid and A. Sunday scnooi I "Utvu w 11 a m . T-s n m Sunday. I t -as k h Ruiutav 1& nn. Wednesday ie a. m. asmces ii a. m. aunoay. I 7:45 pjn. Wednesday ana msay. I RV ANGELICAL C NIT ED BRETHREN METHODIST 1 TTKNEK CHRISTIAN EncleweW 17th and Nebraska. 11 Mam and nit, aunoay Scnooi S:4JI Turner. Bible ar-hool S:4S a m. Berr- la v-aa n nt Sunday S. m. Servioes 11 a. m. Sunday. I lev ll ijtl. T JO djb. Sunday. 7 njn. I rtraa Marion and Summer. II a m Marsaaas suverton-Marouam high- I Thursday. 1M p nv Sunday. 7 JO pm Wednesday U a. am. Sundav. I rt'vrs carrmrsi or Christ I nrtvni Battle Creek rd. Sunday achool IS I Highland Arena Church ana nurn- Stinday. 7 JO land. 11 am.. 7 JO OJn. sunoay. i FULL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL Calvary Chapel 1143 N Liberty. Sun dav school 10 a.m. Services ll a.m 2:30 p.m. Sunday. 7:45 nightly except Monday and Saturday. Church of God 040 S. 22nd. Sunday school 10 a. m Services 11 a. m.. S p.m. Sunday. C p.m. Wednesday and Friday. Faith Gospel f aberaacls 1309 N. Ith. Sunday school 10 a m. Services 11 a. m.. S p. m. Sunday. I p. m. Thurs day and Saturday. Foarsqoars 490 N. 19th. 11 a.m. 7:49 p.m. Sunday. 7:49 p.m. Thursday Jesna Name Pentecostal 1175 Lewis. Sunday school 10 a.m Services It am.. 7:49 nesday Called Pentecostal 449 Ferry. It a. m., 7:45 p. m. Sunday. 7:49 p. m. Friday. INSTITUTE OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 400 N Cottage. Sunday school 10 a. m. Service ll a. nv Sunday. JEWISH Teaapls Beth Sholsa Madison and Broadway. Church school 11 a.m. Services S pjn. Friday. KING WOOD BIBLE 1129 Elm st 10:49 a. m , 7:M p. nv Sunday. 7 JO p. m. Wednesday. LLTHERAN Central (American Conference) Capitol and Gaines. 11 ajn. Sunday. im Wednesday. Christ American Church) State and ISth. 9 and 11 a.m. Sunday. St J3ha'i (Missouri Synod) 16th and A. services 9 and 11 a.m. Sunday. Sundav school 10 a.m. St. Mark EvaaftUca! (United) 043 N. Ch rh. 11 a.m. Sunday. METHODIST First Church and Stats. 11 a m Sunda i JO p.m. Thursday. Jasoa Lee .Memorial Winter and Jefferspn. 11 ajn.. 7:M p.m. Sunday. Leslie Commercial and Myers. 11 am.. 7 JO pjn. Sunday. 7 JO p.m. Thursday West Salem Srd and Gerth. 11 a.m. Sunday Church Stages Costume Party At Hayesville Statesman News Service HAYESVILLE The BY group from the Halbert Memorial church met with their leaders. Iris and Ivan Reischke; Friday evening at the church for a costume party. Prizes for best costumes went to Enetta Adkins, who was dressed as Lattle Bo Beep and to Bob Carrow as Aunt Prunella. Present were Donald and Kenneth yan Cleave, Beverly, D a r 1 e n and Johnny Brickwedel, Wilma and Laurene Karsten, Ennetta Adkins, Jo Ann Beard, Lois HalL Velva Clark, Arlyss Zeeb, Fern Legler, Bernita Tuers, Charles Clark. Bob Carrow, Junior Strozut and Rev. C. E. Brockwedel. The Hayesvillo Woman's club held their April meetine at the home of Mrs. Herschel Robertson on Blossom drive with Mrs. Edith Ray and Mrs. Harriet Christoffer son assisting the hostess. The an nual "white elephant and riant sale" were held with tha proceeds going to the club funds. A nomi nating committee was appointed consisting or Mrs. H. Robertson, Mrs. Charles Garrison and Mrs. B. Reiman. The May meeting will De a noon luncheon to be held at the Lyle Carrow home on Lan caster drive. Mrs. Charles Andresen enter tained at a birthday Dartr Sun day for Mr. Andresen's mother, Mrs. Georgians Andresen. The oc casion was the 76th birthday of xvirs. ueorgiana Andresen. Also celebrating her 76th birthday Sun day was Mrs. William Powers of Portland road. Mrs. .Wayne Powers Is teaching at ciear lam this week as sub stitute teacher for Mrs. Carol Long 1 MM a a a - wno suuerea a Droxen ankle Sun day. Fred Fisher. 4115 Portland rd suffered a permanent Injury to 1 I V - aV4. a a a - "V nis leu uiumD in an accident at his work at the Salem Iron Works. Bob Carrow has recovered from a burn on his left leg suffered at his home recently. Mr. William Powers is recovering from a severe infection suffered on his face. Officers elected at tha April meeting of the Hayesville PTA were president, Galen Siddall; vive president, Mrs. wayne .Pow ers; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Alice Bellinger. Camping out over the weekend at I nomas creek near Scio were West Stayton Visit, Entertain, Hold Picnics Statesaua News Service WEST STAYTON Mrs. Neota Poltz, Mrs. Maxine Lee and Mrs. Nadyne Moreland are among tha many women who are working in the fields. The trio are hoeing strawberries on a farm In Coon Hollow Road. Richard Snider from Anchor- . age, Alaska, and Orville Snider from Buffalo, N. YM were recent : visitors renewing old. acquaint ances. Both graduated from Aums- ville high school. The freshmen of the Turner high school entertained the Aums ville freshmen students Fridav night with a weiner roast held on the Turner Tabernacle picnio - grounds. .Attending from West' Stayton were Marthene HankeL John Lucas, Albert Chicklers, Bil- : ly bhaier and Eddy Forrest Mr. and Mrs. Faite Foltx and children were guests of Mr. and First Church of the Nazarene Center at 13th Rev. Orville W. Jenkins, Pastor 9:45 run. Sunday School 10:50 run. Dr. Weave W. Hess 6:15 pjn. Young' People's 7:45 pjn. Rr. Ralph C Wyrdroop THE SINGING CHURCH" Mrs. lem Gordon McAllister in Sa- Sunday. ".Ti I. A. ..1- Hum . . ' i visitors ai maj wiuiam anaier home were two sisters and bro ther - In - laws, Mr. and Mrs. A. Swanson from Sheridan and Mrs. A. L. Holdredge from Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Saymour Stewart are- grandparents of a boy bora to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Maddux (Pauline Stewart) of Silets. Sun day, April 23, at the Toledo hoe pitaL Ionanael Bapiixi Church Center Hasel A Aeaieiy 9:45 Bible) School 11:00 AM. Subisctt The Golden CalT r 7:10 PjVL Subiect: "Sin's Wtqs & God's Gift J. K. TunibalL Acting faster Worship Willi Ux :4S and 11: AJC Twe Marning Services This Is Oar Task" germsa by the Minister t:45 AJM. Church Schsal Flrit Prcibylcrian Church Chemeketa at Waiter Chester W. Hamblla, raster ETacgeliiilc Teaple Asseambly ef tied Market St. and Park Ave. :4S ajn. Soaday Schawl ll:tt a.m. The Frwspertag ChBTch- ! f :4I p.aa. Tovth greaae aad vwspsr service) 7:41 pjm. Ths Awfal Lenelliiess' :4I p.m. Sat.- Kadlo KOCO A real welcwsae to all Rev. Walter f. Iraderiek. MFTAPHTSICAL CfVTEB 262 N. Cottage 2 30 pm Tuesday a. m. rtLtaaUIS bOLDiBSS ajn. Services IX S43 s. water. Sunday scnooi I:UIbju Thursday, a. nv Set U.es 11 a. mu t M m. ss Sun-1 Say. 1 JO a. m. Wednesday. TTTfUm SCmODIST I Turner Sunday acrtool It a m VK!rrsi bat anvsirxisw l vtee ll ajn. aunoay. rars aaa ana. mbbsui scnsei ss a. at. Service It a. at, Saturday. 1JI IA COMMCNITT S. as. Wednesday. I Xena. Sunday scans IS a. as. and Wednesday. S pm Tuesday and Friday. 12 US pm. daily. OPEN BIBLE STANDARD 1232 N. Commercial. Sunday achool 13 a m. Services 11 a m.. 7:45 p.m.. Sundav. NAZARENE First Center and 13th 10 to am. 7:30 p.m. Sunday. 7 JO p.m. Wednesday. PILGRIM HOLINESS 140 Carlton 11 a.m.. 7:30 pjn. Sun day. 7 30 pjn. Wednesday PRESBYTERIAN riru Chemeketa and Winter, s 4J ana 11 am. Sunday. 130 pm. Wednesday. REORGANIZED CHURCH OP ESCS CHRIST OP LATTER DAT SAINTS 17th and Chemeketa sunaay scnooi 10 ajn. Services 11 a m.. 7 JO pjn. Sun day. SALVATION ARMT 241 State. Sunday school IS sjh. Ser vices It am. 7 JO pm Sunday. 1JS pjn. Thursday and Saturday. SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST Jeansen Measertal Hood and Sum mer. Sabbath school JO a m. Services 11 a m. Saturday. SPIRITUALIST first ' S4S N. Commercial. 741pm. Sunday. UNITARIAN PELLOWSRIP . VWCA. 7 JO pjn. first and third Sua-days. m Vedneadav lasts salaam commercial ana wasn- tnctnev 11 am. 7 JO nm. Sunday. S PRER METHODIST Winter and Market II s nv. 7 JO as Sunday. I Jv pjn. Kconesaay FAITn TABERIIACLE North 8th at Gaines SATURDAY NIGHT RALLY , VERA AND FLOYD BACKLE A rail eh arch each week SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School It A.M. Morning Wership 11 A3L Sermoa Snbjeet: "WE ARE ABLE" Erealsuj Evangelistic S F3L THURSDAY. MAY 4TH SPECIAL MISSIONARY NIGHT With Fren Knlsbt ef Arsentlna. S-A. Colored pietarea ef his 7 years there. WELCOME TO EVERY SERVICE rvrrrr urrnXN Ptret (Old Constitution) 1145 Mission Sun. dav scnooi 10 am Seivtcea 11 am. 7 JS pjn. Sunday. 7 JO ja. Wednesday- WESLETAN METHODIST UUi sad MiQ Sunda srhsol IS la Semees U ajsu. 7 JO pjn. Sunday. Revival Continues FROM PRISON TO rtLPIT Evangelisl Ilallie A. Howard AT CALVAHY CI1APEI, 114S N. LIBERTY ST. Eyery Night Except Monday cmd Sarurdar Sunday School 10:00 Morning Worship 1! "By tho Hcdx ol my Head" Sunday Aitornoon 2:30 poo. Is 1! Scriptural ior a Woman to Preach?" San. Ero. 7:45 "Wharo is Hnr Everybody Well 1 1 Boo this Unkps) Pisxxcher