The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 16, 1950, Page 9, Image 9

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    Spinsters Tea
N-a. t JL. . -fj
Social highlight of the coming
weekend will be the Spinsters an
nual spring silver tea to be given
on Saturday afternoon, April 22 at
the North Summer street resi
dence of Mrs. William McGilchrist,
Jr. Calling hours are from 2 to 5
o'clock and the interested public
Is invited to attend. Proceeds will
go to the Marion county chapter
of the National Foundation of In
fantile Paralysis. The Spinsters,
philanthropic organization, plans
to raise $1,000 this year for the
1 Greeting guests at the door will
be Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod, Mrs.
Wayne Hadley and Miss Esther
Baird. In the receiving line will
be Miss Margaret Lovell, chair
man of the tea. Miss Betty Jean
Manoles, president of the Spin
sters, Mrs. McGilchrist, Mrs. Cur
tis B. Cross, Mrs. Robert E. Shinn
and Mrs. Henry V. Compton.
Presiding at the tea urns dur
ing the afternoon will be Mrs. Les
ter Barr, Mrs. George A. White
of Portland, Mrs. Linn C. Smith,
Mrs. Frank H. Spears, Mrs. Karl
G. Becke and Mrs. Daniel J. Fry,
Serving in the dining room will
be Mrs. Byron - M e n n i s, Mrs
George C. Alexander, Mrs. James
Armpriest, Mrs. Robert Elgin, Mrs
Peter Gunnar, Miss Sally Ann
.Barr, Miss Patricia Larson and
Miss Evelyn Johnson. Assisting
about the rooms will be Mrs
von't Cook Now.-
but . . . Happy Blossom Day!
Ho hum . . . Nothing to do around the
newsroom this week. All that's going on that
we can think of offhand is: Selection of
Cherry Court, fishing season opens, they're
moving into new state building, Catholic
Center opens, Blossom Day, Governor's
Youth Conference, Kid's Fishing Derby, be
gins, Soroptimist club convention and Horse
Floral Tribute . . . Though the reluctant
blossoms, supposed to be featured today,
will not make their usual sensational show
ing, we recommend a drive into the hills just
to see the hills. They alone are worth the
price of admission, with the bright green of
the spring grain contrasting with new-turned
earth. If the sun shines the sky will be
beautiful, if it rains, everything will look
glistening .clean,
at it, it's spring.
Likes U here . .
No matter how yoti look
Dr. Clifford Patton
of the
office of United Nations, New York City Bays
he has attendedj many conferences but
never enjoyed one like the one he atiended
this weekend He spoke to 200 Soroptimists
Friday, was one jman among 300 Women
at the Eyerly Ranph for dinner Frida night
and the lone man at the Soroptimist lunch
eon Saturday. Ark expert in UNESCO, an
agency which he admits ! works'", with
people, he complimented the ladies on their
hats. He ought to go into the diplomatic
service . . The way to a man's heart may
be -through his stomach, but the route to a
woman s is by way of her new spring bon
net . . . Maxine Buren '
Miss Zielinski
Reveals Plans
Miss Helen Zielinski, who will
become Mrs. James Crone on Sat
urday, April 22, is announcing
plans for her wedding. The cere
mony will take place at St. Jo
seph Catholic church at 10 a. m.
Frank Turner, Mrs. James H. Ni
cholson, jr., Mrs. Robert Drager,
Mrs. Roy Edgerton, and Mrs.
George Emigh, jr. Mrs. John
Steelhammer and Mrs. Vernon
Drye are in charge of the guest
with Father T. J. Bernards offi
ciating. The bride-elect, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Bliss C. Zielinski, will be
given in marriage by her father.
Mrs. Alan Townsend will be her
honor matron and Mrs. C. Dixon
Van AusdelL jr., will be the
The benedict-to-be, son of Mr.
and Mrs. G. H. Robinson of Port
land, will have his twin brother,
Jerry Crone, as his best man. Al
lan Martin will be the groomsman.
. A reception will be held at the
American Legion club between 1
and 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
Several pre-nuptial parties are
being arranged in compliment to
Miss Zielinski this week. Tuesday
night Mrs. Morrell Crary will en
tertain for her cousin at her B
street home. A miscellaneous
shower will fete the honor guest
and after an informal jtvenlng a
late supper will be served.
Bidden to honor Misi Zielinski
are Mesdames B. C. Zielinski,
Charles Zielinski, Joseph Henny,
Arthur McKay, Dennis i Manning,
Ed Zielinski, Louis Zielinski, A. J.
Feilen, Joseph Domogalla, Charles
Domogalla, Alfred Domogalla,
Paul Zielinski, E. V. l Hammer,
Clarence Zielinski, Lawrence Zie
linski, J. B. Crary. William Bush-
ey, Z. A. Zielinski, Miss Betty Fei
len and the hostess.
Mrs. P. Dixon Van A,usdell will
be a hostess Wednesday night at
her Royal Court apartmjent for the
pleasure of Miss Zielinski and a
few of her friends.
TF ft
pnght spring
drapery fabrics I
?1 V
Now! 30th Anniversary Sale
of Finest
Drapery Fabrics
Roughtex, Homespuns, Cretonnes
Make your own drapes and save big money! White Botary and
Miller's combine to show you the way to real economy in having
good quality drapes at low cost. A special sale of Roughtex,
Homespuns, Cretonnes in one big group of drapery fabrics selling
regularly to $2.39 yard, showing a great variety of decoration
motifs and color schemes.
Queen's Pebble Cloth
48" widths
A very well known and popular drape is the Queen's j Pebble
cloth. A sturdy, smart-looking drape in such wanted shades, as
tile . . . leaf green . . . lacquer red . . . chartreuse . . . gold ...
delft blue, etc. Excellent for slip covers, too. Reg. $1.98!
Imported English
Linens, Roughtex
1.59 Yd.
1.89 Yd.
1 1
What a buy! Reg. $2.75, $2.98 yard! Im
ported English drapery linens in landscape
colorings! Novelty pebble cloth in decorator
shades. Gorgeous florals and moderns . .
11 are here in this anniversary sale at
big saving! See booklet on "How to Maka
Your Own Curtains and Drapes' m ap
pliance department
. i I . "
I FABRICS, Downstairs
( ;
i !l
Accomplish mort with an easy-sewing
White Rotary. Included with your machine
a White Sewing Manual, full set of attach-i
ments, and Instructions tn Whit Magic!
White Shrine
On Monday
Willamette Shrine, No. 2, White
Shrine of Jerusalem will hold in
stallation for the 105C officers on
Monday night at a formal public
ceremony at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Albert Rasmussen will he
installed as the new worthy high
priestess and other officers to be
installed with and serve for the
coming vear are as follows! Albert
Rasmussen, watchman of the
sneDnerns: Mrs. f.nppnia i.amtv
noble prophetess; Dorr Shreve,
associate watchman of shepherds;
Miss? Eva Ferree, worthy scribe;
Mrs.! Albert Walker, worthy trea
surer, Mrs. W. P. Lessard, wor
thy chaplain; Mrs. Stanley Brown,
worthy shepherdess; Mrs. Dorr
Shreve, worthy guide; Miss Flor
ence Garman, worthy herald; Wil
liam; Neimeyer, first wise man;
James Booth, kins: Mrs. Alfred
Lightner, queen; Mrs. James
tsoom, iirst hand maid; Mrs. Lau
ra Douglass, second hand maid;
Mrs.! Charles Morgan, third hand
maid; Mrs. Marie Conner, organ
ist; Mrs. M. F. Grub, worthy guar
dian; and Alfred Lightner, worthy
Miss Ila Austin, past worthy
high priestess, will be the install
ing worthy high priestess -and oth
er installing officers! include
T . . !
wayne nenry, installing officer;
Mrs. Maude Space, worthy her-
aia; miss Constance Kantner, wor
thy chaplain; Miss Ruth Moore,
worthy scribe;: Miss La Verne
Kantner, worthy guardian; and
Airs, zjna tnarpnack, organist.
The retiring officers are Mrs.
Wilbur Pintler. worth v hiph
tess; and Stanley Brown, watch-
uian oi uw snepneras.
The musical program iwill in
clude solos by the Revi Walter
Naff and a trombone solo by Dr.
Leslie J. Carson. Mrs. Naff will
be the accompanist. , A reception
will follow the installation.
Miss Polster
Married at
St. Joseph's
Et Joseph's Catholic church was
the setting for the marriage of
Miss Florence Marie Polster,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
J. Polster, and Eugene Peter Di
Loreto, son of Mr. and Mrs. An
gelo DiLoreto, on Saturday morn
ing. The Rev. T. J. Bernards per
formed the 9:30 o'clock nuptial
mass. Wayne Meusey was the so
loist and played the wedding mu
sic. The altar was decorated with
Tho Statesman. Salom, Oregon, Sunday,-April 18, 19508
bouquets of stock, snapdragons
and greenery. : ' : ' m.
Mr. Polster gave his daughter in
marriage and her wedding gown
was of white slipper satin with
side peplums extending into the
full skirt and train. The fitted bo
dice was made with long sleeves
and a "yoke of nylon net edged
with a bertha of Chantilly lace.
Her imported French net veil was
trimmed in chantilly lace and cas
caded frcm a tiara of seed pearls.
She carried a bouquet of yellow
rosebuds and stephanotis centered
with a white orchid.
Miss Rose Angela DiLoreto, sis
ter of the groom, was the honor
maid and wore a pink taffeta faille
frock with tiered skirt of accordi
on pleated ruffles. Bridesmaids
were Miss Joann Polster, sister of
the bride, in maize taffeta faille
and Miss Gladys Zielinski, whose
frock was of mint green. Their
dresses were also made with tier
ed skirts of pleated ruffles and
their matching sweetheart hats
were open crown and adorned
with pastel ribbon rosettes. They
all carried net pouffs of carna
tions and spring flowers.
Robert Crimps, cousin of the
bride, was best man and grooms
men were Patrick Moran and John
Tiemessen: Ushers were Leslie
Enge and Kenneth DeLap.
For her daughter's wedding Mrs.
Polster chose an old rose gown
with navy accessories and Mrs.
DiLoreto attended the ceremony. U
on aqua sown wnn nayy accessor
ies. Their corsages were of rose-
A wed din breakfast was held
in the Copper room of the Sena
tor notei lor tne bridal party and
immediate family. In the after
noon a reception was held at the
Salem Woman's club. The tiered
cape was topped with a bride and
grocm ornament made by the
bride's father. Pourinc were Mrs.
Abrcr Kline and Mrs. Kenneth
Thornton. Mrs. George Grimps
and Mrs. Edward Zack cut the
cakes and Mrs. J. A. Wiltsev serv
ed the ire?. Assisting were Miss
jeaneue waser. Miss Dona Zener,
Miss Suzanne Howell, Miss Lou
ella LaFountaine, Mrs. Steven
Baurr n. Mrs. La Verne Otjen and
Mrs. Ralph Baribeau.
The newlvweds have von smith
to California on their honeymoon
ana tor going away the bride wore
a gold suit with cocoa brown ac
cessories and a white orchid eor.
sage. The couple will live in Port
land, wnere ne is witn tne Mult
nomah county road department
Dr. and Bin. Frederick Bill
Thompson are being welcomed
Thome from a two months trip
south. They spent most of their
time at Eyerly'i Flying E ranch
at Wickenburg, Arizona. They re
turned home by way of the can
yons and Salt Like City.
! -
The Biggest Bargains of the Season!
of Reg. 39.95 to 5v.vo
. , Twmvbrooks . J Whit-
4 . . Famous: - Schneider m rH
i ' , . . Style Garment , 5 -
and others in tweeds, gabardines -
iuits. Men's wor.eedsjnovel.
29 suits ... Your Choice
of Reg. $69.95 to $89.95
... Youlmo SterUng. j
TgLSrig? including
iome hall sizes.
Bargains On
All Floors!
Reg. 5.95 to Sh
- Long
Short ttvw
While '
biow you'll Tg'Sbm "J
A special Pcrice Finest rayon crepe,
way less to hoW long ses.
washabjel ShoAJJ .te and colorsl
earel 2nd floor.
White Sewing Machines, Downstairs