The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 16, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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A i a prelude to National YV week the Trl
Y girls will entertain with their annual ;
Cotton Ball on April 21 at the Salem high
school. The committee, above, in their cot
ton dresses and by a blooming magnolia
tree, Include left to right, seated, Margaret
Miller, Anne Forristel, chairman, and Eliz
abeth Jane Johnson. Standing left to right
are Bemice Imlah, Mary Polales and Bon
nie Stewart.
Completing plans for National YWCA,'
week, April 23-29, are. members of the gen-1
eral committee, pictured at the right in the
gardens of Mrs. Chester Cox, who is gen
eral chairman far the week. Left to right are
Mrs. E. Fi Andresen, president of the Tri-Y
Teen mothers; Miss Jean Sieber, of the Sa-
lore club; Mrs. Cox, Mrs. George Gregor, in
structor in figurine painting; and Mrs. Alfred
A. Schramm, president of the YWCA board.
QCennell-ELlis photos). '
Bidden to Parties . .
Among the hostesses this week will be Mrs.
Coburn Grabenhorst spd Mrs. Jack Price, who
will entertain with two affairs on Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings at the Grabenhorst's Can
dalaria Heights home. Sixteen guests have been
Invited each night and late suppers will be serv
ed by the hostesses.
Mrs. Grabenhorst and Mrs. Price are arran
ging two more parties for the following week
on April 25 and 28.
Mrs. Roy Houck is planning a series of
bridge luncheons this spring at her North 20th
street home in compliment to a group of her
' friends. Mrs. Houck entertained at luncheon on
Friday afternoon for 12 and will be hostess for
a similar affair on Tuesday afternoon. Bouquets
f spring flowers and daphne provide the dec
orative note.
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Members of the directorate who met at the Orchard
Heights home of Mrs. Willard N. Thompson,
where the Salem Memorial hospital auxiliary annual
spring benefit tea will be held on Thursday afternoon
APri 20. are left to right, Mrs. A. C. Haag, Mrs. C. Ron
old Hudkins,-chairman of the affair, Mrs. Thompson.
Mrs. Hugh Adams, Mrs. Maynard Sniffer and Mrs.
P. C. Anderson, co-chairmen. (Kennell-Dlis photo).
Dances on Week End Slato . .
By Jeryme English
Statesman Society Editor
A number of dancing clubs are planning dances for
April with four scheduled for this coming weekend.
Saturday night will be the Waverly club's formal din
ner dance at the Marion hotel at 9 o'clock. Dancing will fol
low to the music of Wolfer's orchestra.
The decorating committee includes Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Smith, chairmen, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gibson and Dr. -and
Mrs. Richard Upjohn. The host and hostess commit
tee includes Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferris, Mr. and Mrs. William
L. Phillips, jr., and Mr. and Mrs. J. Marvin Ritchie.
The Cama dance club will hold its monthly dance Fri
day night at Crystal Gardens with Claude Bird's orchestra
playing between 9:30 and 12:30 o'clock. The snack bar will
open at 9 o'clock. On the committee are Mrs. Eddie Schmidt,
Mrs. Fred A. Davis, Mrs. Harry Needham, Mrs. Jack Bow
den, Mrs. Gordon Bowden, Mrs. Arley Markin, Mrs. F. G.
pavey and Mrs. E. W. York.
The door committee includes Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lor
enz, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Johnson. Election of officers will
be held during the evening.
Bon Heur club members will dance on Friday night at
the VFW hall between 9 and 11:30 o'clock to Wayne Strach
an's orchestra. Refreshments will be served following the
dance hours. The committee includes Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Tindall, chairmen, Mr. and Mrs. John Harger Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Goodwin, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. B4
N. Harrison and Mr, and Mrs. H. I. Rohland.
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Dinner Dance Friday
Event of Friday night will be the serai-formal distort
dance at the American Legion club being sponsored by the
wives of the AVUA, USNR-0 and USMCR-O. This will be
the first get-together of the group since stationed 1a Seiem
and the 8 o'clock dinner will be preceded by a 6:30 o'elork
tocial hour. Dancing and a floor show will follow. Bob Hug
will be master of ceremonies for the show and the nisn
ist. Caroline Miller will give a pantomime and Mary
Bourkke will give a group of impersonations.
Blue and gold will bt used in the flowers and candle
on the tables. Over two hundred couples have been bidden
and special invitations were sent to Captain and Mrs. A. E.
- Buckley, Commander and Mn. D. A. Mclsact and Captain
and Mrs. Gilpin.
Graduating seniors of Mu Phi Epsilon, national music honorary, will b assisting cn the program jnd
silver tea to be given by the honorary cn Sunday, April 23. Left to right axe Mrs, Frank Burlilng-h-m.
chairman of the patronesses of Mu Phi, who are arranging the affair, Eemice Isham. Betty Kijihl-
jt.d.t, C enhis Allen and Beatrice Nagi. The, tea will be held at University House) following the program
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Four cf the-Spinsters, who will be assisting at the group's annual spring silver tea on Saturday afternoon. April 21
are Jeft to right. Miss Margaret Lovell general chairman, Mrs. Vemdn Drye, Mrs. John Steelhammer and Mr.
Roy Edgertcn. They are pictured on the steps cf the North Summer street home of Mrs. William McGilchriat. )r,
the tea will be held. CfCenneil-EUis photo). I
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