Lfegidn Pbst ! Holds Meeting At Sheridan Statesman Newt Service WILLAMINA The American Xegion post and auxiliary met at Sheridan. Elsie Eckman of Port land, state child welfare chairman, was a guest, and spoke to the post and auxiliary. She was introduced by Nellye TitusT, Sheridan Legion auxiliary child "welfare chairman The FL Girls met Wednesday right at the home of Ruth Skop hammer, with President Avis Brock presiding! at the meeting. A motion was passed to sponsor a local girl to attend Girl's State, which will be held beginning June 12, for a week, at Willamette uni versity in Salem. It was announced that the Amity Rebekah lodge will have a party April 26, to which all members of the lodges in the district are invited to attend. It will be a hobo party. A'gifJ was resented to Joyce Lessick, who las moved to Junction City. t Door prize was won by Nettie Wise. and. those who could not attend the Rebekah lodge Valen tine party were presented with ! their gifts. A game was played with Ann Denton winning first prize and Dorothy McNamar, con solation. Refreshments were served by i the hostess to Nettie Wise, Joyce i Lessick, Jere Boundy, Etta gene ! Thompson, Joan Shetterly, Kath ryn Parrett, Dorothy McNamar, Avis Brock and the guest, Ann Denton. Couple Moves To Portland .Statesman New Service JEFFERSON Mr. and TUrs. Jack Knight have moved from Portland to Jefferson and Jack is employed at the Freres Building Supply yards here. They have moved into the Oliver Stephenson house next door to the E. B. Knights. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Hoeffley of Salem are on their way home from a motor trip to San Antonio, Tex., and are ex pected to arrive sometime this weekend. The Heffleys visited her f on in Texas and Mr. and Mrs. If arris were guests of Mrs. Har ris' aunt, Mrs. Hugh Acock, and Mr. Acock. Achievement Day Set at Halsey -. Statesman News .Service ALBANY May 6 has been set as the date for the annual achievement day at Halsey, with Mrs. Omar Falk as chairman of the junior parade. Lela McAlis- ter will reign over the affair as queen arid princesses will be Virginia Nichols, Martha Taylor, Marlene Muller and Helen Wal ton. . Escorts chosen by. the queen and her princesses are Duape Muller, Kenton ..Muller, Vern Vannice, Gary Holmes and Dick Vannice. The usual program will . follow the parade- and field games will he held during the afternoon. SEWING CLUB MEETS LABISH CENTER The Lab- Jsh Center 4-H Sewing club met with Gaymelle Metheny Thurs day to discuss the spring 4-H show that will be held in Salem on April 28. Miss Metheny and Carolyn Haslebacher will make posters for the show. Group will meet at Miss Haslebacher's home April 19. Timely advice HAVE WARDS CLEAN YOUR FURS BEFORE STORING THEM ' '--.'V 1 . Wards cleans the furriers' WAY Keeps fur Soft and lustrous! Wards stores and repairs furs at low cost, too CLEANING A QC As lew as f HERE RIGHT NOW! THE CARPETS ww "kcm i . . m .-.. . r I viK Ml lew i f"V A- - -''"'77 ' Mi- . .' ' s1"". rir-N YOU'VE DREAMED OF FOR SEE MAGNIFICENT WOOL CARPETS! ; IN EVERY PRICE RANGE SO YOU CAN MAKE Shut your eyes and visualize the carpeting you'd like for your home! Now pen. wide - and look! Those very carpets are here right now! The new 1W0 fashions bring a welcome selection of fresh new colors, patterns, textures 1 An important, exciting fashion showing - finest creations of America's famous carpet manufacturers. i - , ' Excellent Values! Best Selection! See them displayed at our store April 17-27th Mannequins & Garments through Courtesty of Johnson's Ladies' Ready to Wear v . t ... . . J 4 v'fi " AX 340 Court 'The- StcUstocm; SoItl' Oregdn; Scnrfer. April' II.' ltSflU-g YOUR HOME! THERE ARE IEA0TIES - THOSE DREAMS COME TRUE! k4 STORAGE As low as 2.50