The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 16, 1950, Page 18, Image 18

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    18 Th Etatotmcnv 8a!m, Orooon, Sunday. April 18,
1 T M I
Sunday sorties: i
The guy who really flattened the Dick Greco deal for the Senators
is Brillheart, Tacoma mgr. The Solons made a fancy trade proposal
to San Diego, through Portland, for the huge home run hitter. When
the Padres put it up to Brillheart,
skipper of their farm clu bat Taco
ma, he mixed it for ; fear Greco
would return to haunt him. Which
Big Richard could easily do. (Remember-the
Sinovic deal?) Padre
chiefs then told George Emigh that
the only, club in the WIL Greco
1 will play for will be .Tacoma . . .
Any of you guess "rain" on your
cards in the Breakfast club opening
night attendance contest? If so you
might win by quite a splash . . .
Hope this isn't a harbinger of things
to come: Two pitching Joes on the
8-deep Victoria staff Mishasek and
Blankenship held the .Vancouver
Caps varsity to four measly hits in
one of the final tunetip tilts the
other day . . . Question is asked, how
come Portland didn't try for Ken
Keltner since Cleveland let him go?
One answer could be that the Bevos
would rather wait five more years
and let Keltner play for nine other
clubs before they're ready for him
... Mebbe we shouldn't have said that, for Czar Mulligan actually
did send up a season pass to all Vaughn street games for us . . . WU's
Bob Hall, who expects to better 200 feet in the javelin this spring,
will participate in the annual Drake Relays at Des Moines, one of the
big track events iri the nation . ... In answer to a couple of requests,
that nails-anvil-sledge hammer act belong to The Great Atlas and
produced at the armory last Tuesday night is no phoney. Nor was the
hunk of anvil the doc dug out of our leg after knifing around in it
for 30 minutes afterward. Nary a nail pierced Atlas' manly chest, and
we belted the anvil as hard as we could. Fact is we hit it so hard it
chipped and shot a wad into what is now a right sore leg. (Yep, we're
the same Jerk who has many times warned others not to get in any
ring with a rassler.) . , .
Laff of the Dwyer's nirhtery for the past week concerns wh
eppened to Boss George's teeth. In some way or another George
lost his upper plate one eve and then swore up and down some
one copped it while he was yawning. (PS: He found the clackers
In a salad bowl three days later.)
Operation on Heel Over, Clint Eyes Comeback
Clint Cameron, the WU grad who led the WIL in hitting (.350)
last season for Wenatchee, has had the big operation on his ailing
heel and now feels that he's ready to again have his whirl at Triple
A baseball. It was the bad heel that slowed Clint down to a fast
walk and Cut his career, short with the Hollywood club. It was quite
noticeable that the thing bothered Cameron even if not his swinging
bat all last season. He's again with the Tri - City -elub (last year's
Wenatchees) and is playing; the oiitfield. If the heel comes around as
expected, he'll not be long; for tiis league. The guy wields too big
a bat for that fate . . J i .
Both Calgary and Edmonton In Canada will have Western In
ternational league franchise by 1951, it says In a Vancouver, B.C.
paper. Wonder If George Norgan has been popping off again?..'.
When (and if) the Senators get In their Tuesday night commen
cer with Tacoma. John (Moose) Clabaurh will officially be on the
Salem roster. Not as a player, but as first base coach. That will
be Clabaufh's farewell appearance until next spring, as his vaca
tion Is about over and he's due back at his Job on the Bonneville'
dam . . . Incidentally, the Senators will take 40-minute rest
atop every time they bus by the dam.. Reason: Ad Liska Is an
ardent fisherman and Clabaugh will by then know where and
when every salmon and trout will be,' for 20 miles either side of
Bonneville.' We've even heard that El Moose has detoured part of
we ran lauaer uireugn au back yard ...
How They'll Finish in WIL for 1950 (Ha!)
Rumor around Corvallis that
won't make KiD Taylor's eleven,
of lettermen, transfers, etc., for coming season. Big Sam is apt to
chase the lot of 'em into the hills If he's as good as a collegian as
he was a high schooler, however . . . Don't forget KSLM's fine major
league baseball feature opening Tuesday. The station will bring at
1:30 p.m.j daily the play-by-play on top major league game, starting
Tuesday with the New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox American
league opener. Good deal, that . . .. t
Comes now the annual dip into the dope bucket by the dope-who
dopes the WIL'ers sans the actual use of dope (no foolin'!). In other
words, our prediction on how the Western International league derby
will wind up come September 10 if it's stopped raining by then.
After having picked Salem to finish sixth a year ago, which is Just
where the Solons finished, we're qualified to try again. So
1. Yakima (Always stick with a winner.) 1. Vancouver (For no
particular reason other than they finished there last year.) 3. Vic
toria (We like that pitching staff.) 4. Spokane (Might be the sur
prise outfit of the loop.) ' 5. TrI-Clty (Pete will come up with
something fifth 'place.) C. Salem (Glad to apologise if we'ro
Sfn,A 7 fcm whlch wiU make Jim Brillheart mad.) I.
Wenatchee (They'll be moving te Alaska next year.) I
Bad news from Texas: Wally Flager is suffering from a sore throw
ing arm and figures his jdays are numbered with the Houston entry.
The shortstopper, good enough to play In the Texas loop when sound,
might have.damaged thdwing when he fell on some of last winter's
local ice ... I i
VFW Fistics at Armory
Special Mix
To Wednesday Card
J vIaAmak5r r ?lkej(I turday added the six-round special
t0 5 Wi5nf8dLboxinf how at the armory, but at the same time
was forced to add a, sad note for the custom Th.
again Eddie Kahut vs. Irish Johnny
ejju auv uifuivus, flitter VJKeali'
lning the 18 - year - old lad's da
maged nose, inflicted a couple of
weeks ago in training, refused to
allow him to fight Wednesday. ' -
So Salkeld will be forced to
find another four - rounder to re
place the Kahut - dDay bout"
The addition of the sixer to the
10 - round main event between
Portland lightweight sensation
Don Rogers and the rugged Joe
Pradon of San Jose takes care of
the bulk of the card. Salkeld will
add the trio of four-rounders later.
The six - round special will be
a rematch of the pairho swiped
the armory show two weeks ago..
In it Bobby Schaeffer 18-year-'
old Eugene lad goes against Al
Cliff, the persistent Portland ne
gro boy who has had many scraps
here, most of thenwood. Theirs
was a punch - packed draw two
weeks ago, with Schaeffer roar
. ing from behind in the final round
to gain the tie. It was the best
fight on the card, so Salkeld has
tipped it to fix heats this time
In the hope that one or the other
-will post a knockout win In the
later rounds. Schaeffer feels that
he can deck the negro if he has
more time than four rounds al
' lows.
The Rogers - Pradon mainer
figures! to be a good bout, inas
much as both the Portlander and
the tough Mexican from the bay
area can hit and hit turd. Rogers
was a first round kayo winner ov
er Mickey Cimmell in Don's de
but here a month ago. He'll have
to rack up Pradon if he is to re
tain hopes for a Portland bout
later on with, the noted Frisco
Ticket sales, at the new low I
prices, start Monday at Maple's.'
4:'vvHL A- .as -v ' k
Sammy Baker, the ex-prep whii,
as he fKini ha ninv in th
ODay grudge scrap is nov7off
Orange 'Blues'
Beat WhitesT
CORVALLIS, April 15-CT),The
Oregon State college football
squad ran through a game-cohdi-
IExDnnMilnDim CpoiiMies
NKW YORK. April 15 (AP Jo
DiMaggio socked his fifth borne run
of the spring to highlight a Ave run
firth Inning rally that enabled the
New York Yankees to beat the Brook
lyn Dodgers. S-4. before 12.000 fans to
aay. The triumph was the Yanks' first
of the year over their l9iS World Ser
Jet foes.
CHICAGO. April IS (AP) I The
Cubs opened the Chicago baseball sea
on by beating the White Sox.: J-l.
before S.MO persons la Comisksy Fark
today. It was the Cube' twenty-first
win of the exhibition season in 31
games and the North Siders' first In
three games against
their Chicago
1 hit hurling for six innings by Cliff
Fannin and Roy Siever's bat speUed
victory (or the St. Louis Browns, 5-3.
as they opened their two-game city
exhibition series with the St. Louis
Cardinals today.
BOSTON. April IS AP The Bos
ton Braves teed off against righthander
Joe Dobeoa for a 4-1 victory when
they resumed their Infra-city series
srith the Red Sox in a game halted by
rain after seven innings today at
Braves field. The American leaguer
were held to three hits and the Brave
pounded Dobeoa and JClUs Kinder for
eight safeties. .
.CLV1CFAND' Pii .u (AP)
.w fcJTct
Liska Names Kenny Wyatt
Starting Nine
Also Listed
Linfield Tilts Off;
Club at PU Tonight
Southpaw Ken Wyatt, who
spent most of last season tossing
snowballs at Eskimos in Alaska
while he resided on pro baseball's
inactive 1st, has drawn Manager
Ad Liska's opening night mound
assignment for the 1950 WIL. com
mencer with Tacoma at Waters
field Tuesday night Blond BUI
Beard, the Senators manager last
season will be behind the plate.
Wyatt was with the Salems in
1947-48, winning consistently for
the club both seasons.
The balance of Liska's opening
night lineup is practically set.
Dick Bartle, with the Club last
season, will be at first base.
Wayne Peterson, another hold
over regular, will be at second
if his ailing back has respended
to treatment sufficiently by then.
If not, Gene Gaviglio, who has
seen service with Wenatchee and
Yakima in recent WIL campaigns',
will take over.
Nick Muti, the Cal-State league
grad will be at shortstop, and Bob
Haddock, husky third sacker also
up from Cal-State will be sta
tioned at the far turn.
In the outfield will be Mel
tHambone) Wasley in left, Hal
Zurcher or Bud Shepard in cen
ter and Orrin Snyder in right
Wasley and Snyder are holdovers.
Zurcher spent most of last season
with .Boise of the Pioneer loop
and Shepard is a grad of the Sun
set loop. The fleet Zurcher, easily
the top defensive outfielder on
the squad swings from the right
side, and Shepard, a biggie at 190
pounds, cuts from the left" side.
There is the chance that Liska
may come up with some last
minute help' from, the parent
Portland Beavers. For example, if
Eddie Barr should be optioned
down, he'll open in center field.
The Tacoma Tigers, sailing un
der Mgr. Jim Brillheart, are
scheduled to arrive in town either
today or Monday from Bakers
field, where they underwent
spring training. Brillheart already
has nominated either Mel Knezo
vich or Clint "Huf ford as his start
ing pitcher. Knezovich was with
Tacoma part of last season and
has been looking sharp with San
Diego this spring. Hufford is the
big righthander who was a top
notcher with Hollywood during
the war but who was out of base
ball last season with a leg injury.
Other familiar faces on the Ta
coma roster belong to Outfielders
Glen Stetter and Dick Wenner,
First-baseman Wimpy , Quinn,
Shortstop Al Cohen, Catcher Bill
Sheets and Pitchers Gordon Wal
den, Vince Lazor, Bob Kerrigan
and Knezovich.
: Last night's scheduled, double
header at McMinnville with Lin
field went the watery way so
many other of the Solons spring
camp sorties have gone In this,
the worst spring the club has
ever encountered. Salem is sched
uled to button up the pre-season
exhibition slate tonight at Vaughn
street park In - Portland In an
eight o'clock game with Portland
U. A final workout is set for
Waters field Monday, before the
Tuesday opener.
Rook Golfers
Down Vikings
Oregon State's Rook golf team
racked up a 12-6 victory over Sa
lem high's Vikings Saturday on the
Salem course. Lindquist of the
Rooks was medalist with a 71 and
Bob Albrich and Kent Myers pac
ed the Viks with 76's.
Albrich 0)
Mytrm 2'i)
Sundin (1)
Hazel ,)
Hoxie (Ut)
Sebern (k)
(3). Lindquist
(i) Keisinger
( MathU
2'i Ead
V Hillstrom
(J'i) Barney
tion scrimmage here today with
Quarterback Gene Morrow and
Halfback Ralph Carr starring.
Their efforts produced an 18-13
victory for the blue-shlrted team
over the white shirts. Morrow
threw two touchdown passes .to
Carr, who also turned in several
nice runs.
Arsenic sprays are the most
harmful to bees of all Insecticides.
and lost to their cross-country rivals
in an exhibition. S to 0. The Giant
pitchers were Larry Jansen. Dav
Koslo and Sheldon Jones.
Clark Griffith's $70,000 investment,
rookie outfielder-first baseman. Irv
Noren. made an auspicious debut be
for SODS frasen fans today at Griffith
stadium. He slammed a home run
over the right field wall wnh one man
aboard in the first inning and helped
Washington down Pittsburgh. 4-a,
Home runs- by Eddie Joost and Sam
Chapman helped the Philadelphia Ath
letics blast two of the Philadelphia
Phillies' most effective pitchers Robin
Roberts and Rus Meyer for a 1 to
4 victory in the opening city series
game today.
The Indianapolis Indians of the Amer
ican association edged Cincinnati's Na
tional league Reds 3-3 here today in
a snappy one hour and 43 minute con
test before 2) patrons.
Art Houtteman. a possible starter for
Detroit in its Amx league opener
Tuesday, was impressive today as the
Tigers defeated the Louisville Colonels
f the American association la aa
exhibition contest. S to 3. Houtteman
took a three-inning workout and set
down the nine batters he faced la
easy fashion.
Kids Had
The opening- of the 1950 trout season Saturday and particularly that
parti of it concerning Mill creek, which is closed to all but juvenile
anglers found these lads hard at it on and under the bridge near
the penitentiary On the bridge (1-r) are John Cavender, Ron Chris
toff erson, BiU Kauffman, Richard Allen, Bruce Hall, Don Hanson,
nn nn u
inJoiivw(DO(Di peireaus isevos
earcats, IPotots Svide
Stars Victors
8-1. 5-1
PORtLAND, April 15-(rVRain
showers failed to cool off! Holly
wood bats here today and the Stars
pounded out 8-4 and 5-1 wins
over the Portland iBeaverk; in a
damp doubleheader. , i j
The Stars walloped 14 hits in the
opener, 'including five doubles. The
Angels Rout Bevens
LOS ANGELES, Apr. 1$-4JP)-The
Los Angeles : Angels I routed
big Bill Bevens with a five-run
explosion In tbe first Inning to
day and went on to clip the Sacra
mento Solons, 10-7. Bevens was
charged with the defeat, i
outcome never was in doubt after
a five-rjun outburst in the j second
inning, in which Hollywood com
bined five hits with three Portland
errors and two balks by Pitcher
Roy Helser. !
Hollywood Starter Pinky: Woods
coasted along on the slugging, giv
ing up seven hits and four runs in
the first seven Innings before be
ing replaced by Gordon Maltzber
ger. ii
In the seven-inning second game
big Lee Anthony limited the Bea
vers to three hits, while his; team
mates continued to, blast away at
Portland pitching. In the fourth a
walk and an error put two Stars
on base and Catcher Mike Sand
lock lofted a home run out of the
park to put the game beyond re
call.' , K
Another doubleheader! Is on
schedule tomorrow, with Jim Hug
hes and Glen Moulder listed to
start for Hollywood and Red Ad
ams and Jack Creel pitching for
Honywood Portland
Hicks 4 0 1 IMquei.m & 1 S 1
Bundyr I I 1 0 Rucker.l 4 1 1 0
Sauerjn '4130 Mesner J 4140
Kellher J S 3 4 0 Bocco.l 1 7 1
FraklinJ S S 0 1 Cherry r 4 0 3 0
HndleyJ ,5 3 0 0 Basins ki J & 2 2 3
Stevcns.l 4 011 0 Polich S 1 2 5
Dspper.c S 1 S 0 Ritchey.e 3 13 0
Woods.p 3 S 0 2 Helser.p 0 0 0 1
Sdlockjc 0 0 0 0 Felming.p 3 0 0 0
Fsllon.xx 0 0 0 0 Shupej 110 0
Malter.p OOOO Prowse.p 0000
Skrskljn 10 10 Barrzz 10 0 0
Elbert p 0 0 0 0
ToUl 41 14 27 6 ToUls 38 9 27 11
x Sandlock walked; for Woods in Rth
xx FsUon ran for i Sandlock ' in 8th
s Shupe hit home ; run for Fleming
In Sth ; - i i
czz Barr lined out for Brovis In 7th
HoUywood - : 051 100 010
Portland . . 000 202 0004
Error Hicks 2. Mesner. Rocco. Bos
lnskl. RBI Hsndley. Dapper; i Bundy
2. Kelleher 3. Woods. Marque; Ruck
er. Shupe. Mesner. 2B Sauer " Frank
lin. Hsndley, Kelleher. Woods, Bas
tnski J. Mesner. 3B Msrquex. MR
Shupe.i DP Msrquex to Mesner. Left
Hollywood 10: Portland 13. i
Pitcher: IP AB R H ER BB SO
Woods 7 30 4 Si
Helser , 13 S 10 1 :
Fleming 4's 1 1 4 3 0 0
Prows 1 $01 0 0 0
Elbert 2 7 13 1 3 0
Maltzberger 2 S01 0 0 1 i
WP Elbert: balk Helser J. Fleming j
2. Woods. Elbert. Winner Woods: log- j
er Helser. Umps: Somers and Mu tart;
Carlucci. Time 2 39. i j
Second game (seven tnningsil
HoUywood 100 301 OU-S t 1 '
Portland l 000 010 0l 3 3 :
Anthony and Sandlock; Lynn. Di- ,
Biasi: (Si and Gladd. if !
Sacramento 030 000 211 5 10 2
Las Angeles 500 400 Olx 10 11 1 I
Bevens, Dreiserwerd 1. Thoxpson i
(Si. Conger 7. Dobernic (St Sc Raid- j
mondi. Casinto (; Adkins. Mallory
ili St Novotney. !
San Ihege 10 630 001 04 13 0 i
Saa francisco .200 000 000 01-i-S 10 :
Barrett. Kipst ll. Kenxovich i41. Em- )
tore (Si. Rowe Sth and Moor Dtmp- i
sey. ! Partee ilO), Buxton ill) and
Their Inning During Saturday's Opener
.V" :v I I J
n n?v e?
Kid Fish Derby
The Mill Creek Kid Fishing
tourney held Saturday went over
with a big bang both from the
standpoint of catches and aa a
first-rate adventure for a host
of youngsters, many of whom
fished for the first time in their
The highlight of the entire day
was the prize award for the
youngest boy angler which went
to three-year-old Steven Cross
ley of 1275 Vista Ave.. Salem,
for his catch of two fish. Other
winners are as follows, based
upon the decision of the Judging
committee comprised of Pat
Crossland, Lions club; Dick Wy
att, ; Fur, Fin and Feather club;
Emory Lebold, Izaak Walton
league: and The Statesman Fish
ing editor.
1st prize (Fly rod,, reel, line, ny
hook, leather bound creel and strap)
Jisa Richmond, ace 14. of Menama,
Ore. Flsk measured 13 Inches.
2nd prise Tie between Donald
Emmons, ace 13, 1S87 N. Summer St..
Salem and Barton B. Edwards, ago
10, 1S5S SUU SC. Salem, whb each
turned in a 12V4 tnch trout.
4tb prize Ti between Eddie Bart,
Elks Tourney
Action Looms
Qualifying action in the annual
and big Mid - Willamette Valley
links tourney, sponsored by the lo
cal, Elks lodge, is slated to open
at Salem Golf club next Sunday.
Entrants will have two weeks in
which te post their qualifying
scores, deadline being Sunday
night. May 7th.
Registrations can be made at the
club. Entrance fee is $1.00.
CORVALLIS, April 15--The
University of Oregon golf team
defeated Oregon State here today,
164 to 104- Oregon's Dom Pro -
vost set the pace", shooting a 32-37
69 to defeat Dick Yost.
; ' . - : - : I M
i i i - ' !
In complete protection combines auto, personal liability
and fir insurance in a HOUSE-HOLDERS TJTRA POLICY
.written by
373 N. Cburch Phon 3-S119 , Salens
OSce In: Salem. Coot Bay. Myrtle Point Gold Beacb
Customer Parking at our New Location
to Face Tacoma
Devern Puhlman, Rollin Schlmlmln
Bedweil, Bill Jones, Gordon Moore
had pretty good luck too. Stephen
proudly presents three "beauties
Aumsvule station.
n rs
Winners Listed
aire 14, 1S4 S. 18th St., Salem and
Jim Allen, a(e 12, 1230 N. Church St.,
Salem. Both checked in with trout
measuring 111 inches.
Sth prise Marilyn Pearson, ace 13,
Turner, Oregon. : Trout measured
11 H Inches.
7th A Sth prizes go to Kenneth
Kendall, ace 14, AumsviUe, and Le
roy Shower, ac 16, Stayton for
turning in the onsy tacscd i fish of
the day.
' 9ta prize (Best catch Judged on
uniformity of size, total undressed
weight and condition of ftsh) Har
old Mitchell, age 14, Turner. Mit
chell's catch of S fish' welched I lbs.
13 'i ozs. .
10th prize second best catch)
Merle Boedlgheiraer, ace 14, Stayton.
Merle cheeked in a limit catch but
the weifht, 2 lbs.,' 7 ozs. feU CH ozs.
short of the S fish catch of Mitchell.
llth prize (Youngest girl to en
ter) Martha Ray Pierce, age 11,
Turner. Martha checked in with a
2 fish catch. i
12th prize (Youngest boy) Stev
en Crossley, ace 3, 127S Vista Are.,
Salem. Tbe toddling an tier palled
two fish out of the creek, i
Prizes wiU be swarded next Sat
urday st 10:00 aja. at the Grand
Theater in Salem. Outdoor and en
tertaining moTles wiU be shown the
Souncsters as a final wind-up of the
Ml Creek Tournament Entrants are
reminded aot to fercet their entry
blanks which will admit them te the
Grand Theater.
W L PctJ W L Pet.
Holywod 12 4 .750 Lot Ang 910 .474
San Die 13 .084 Oakland S .471
San Fran 0 .500 Sscram S IS .333
Portland 8. S .300! Seattle S 12 .294
Saturday results: At Portland 4-1,
HoUywood S-S; at Los Angeles 10.
Sacramento -7; at San Francisco S,
San Diego 4; at Seattle-Oakland, rain.
Table of Coastal Tides
Tides for Taft, Prefon April. 1950
(compiled by VS. Coast At Geodetic
survey. Portland. Oregon).
Time Ht.
0:13 a.m. 03
:00 p.m. 15
49 a m. -0 1
29 p.m. 19
7:22 a m. -0 3
57 p.m. 2.3
7 :58 a m. -0 4
7:28 p m 2.7
12 .19 p.m.
12 01 am.
1:01 p.m.
12:25 a.m.
1:43 p.m
12:50 a.m.
2:23 p.m.
; 17
and Don Wright Under It are Roy
and Maylon Heindricks. The kids
Highley (inset) of 1460 Broadway
he hooked and checked in at the
u WDce
Ws Capture
1st Tilt 4-2
PORTLAND. Anr. 15 -(Soeclal
Willamette's Bearcats grabbed the
first game of a twin-bill from the
Portland Pilots today by t 4-2
count but the Portlanders, helped
by Bearcat boots, came back to
snatch the second tilt by a 6-2
Frank Gatchell and Claude
Nordhill combined to check the
Pilots in the opener, though the
PU's outhit the Methodists , 9-6.
Two tallies in the fourth frame
gave the 'Cats their margin, that
pair coming as Hurler Gatchell
uncorked a two-run single with
the bags loaded. The WU's earlier
had registered in the second heat
h's the roughest, toughest,
sourest work shoe you ton buy I
How come? No ofhor shoe in the
work! is made with these 8 ex
clusive 2-fcted features,..
t, Yi" Nopf Crp Solas.
OowWa stitdiea. Oe-rastoe. Seff, fof
osy waktinfl mn4 mottkid sofety.
S. 1 Tktckaswsi of Heory Cowfcjde
roppe oren4 your ttnkles. Tke W
doMtla paw shoe a4t I
SU Lstced te To.l ssolecdw
vt Mm lees ond kick of tte skoo.s
... v
da U0 wori.C
fcard work.. .dangerous wort
for row
' " '''
Wo have too "BRUISER" In the right sise to ftt your toot. Com
in and pwfl on a pair, today. You'll walk .out in 'em I
Club Here
llth Campaign
Takeoff Ready
Tacoma vs. Senators
In Local Commencer
By Al LIghtner
Statesman Sports Editor
The Western InternatfanaT
league's 150 - game schedule for
1950 is booked for embarkation
Tuesday night. The circuit's llth
opener win Iind Tacoma at Sa
lem, Victoria at Spokane, Yakima
at Wenatchee and Vancouver at
the new Tri - Cities (Richland
Pasco - Kennewick). But unless
the weather does a turnabout
from its nipups of the nast counla
of weeks, league officials will ab
sorb a severe setback to their as
pirations of having the 1950 cam
paign off to a flying start toward
a one million attendance year.
Three new managers will make
their WIL debuts Tuesday and
two others in the holdover de
partment will be guiding differ
ent teams than they had last year.
The newcomers are Marty Kug,
sr., at Victoria, Rupert (Tommy),
Thompson at Wenatchee and Ad
Liska at Salem, Alan Strange,
boss at Bremerton a year aeo. is
now herding the Spokane Indians.
And Jim Brillheart, who ad the
Tribe last time, is back at Ta
coma where he held the reins in
1948. Joe Orengo is back again at
Yakima where he won the pen
nant last season. Bill Brenner is
once more with Vancouver and
Charley Petersen is at Tri-Cities,
the outfit that now holds last
year's Wenatchee franchise. The
Bremerton club was moved to
Wenatchee this season.
With many of 1949's topmost
stars now gone, prospects point to
a wide - open chase for the 1950
bunting. All clubs in the league
lost many of their outstanding op
erators of a season ago. Gone are
such remembered stalwarts as
Larry Barton, Dick Sinovic, Jack
Warren, Al Libke. Hal Rhyne.
George Stainback, Edo Vannl, Bud
Sheely, Gil Dougald, Keith Sim
on, Bill Taylor, Dick Briskey, Dick
Greco, Ray Orteig, Len Tran, Bud
Peterson, Bob Cherry, Jack Parks.
Ted Jennings, John Marshall, Cal
Mclrvin, .Vera Kindsfather and
others of equal hue.
Taking their places are many
graduates from Class C and D
circuits, plus a sprinkling of hand
downs from the neighboring
Coast loop. Among the returning
veterans are Clint Cameron the
league's utmost hitter - last year,
Brenner, Joe Rossi, Jim Robin
son, Bill Sheets, Mey Wasley,
Walt Pocekay, Charley Mead, Jim
Warner who set a homer record
of 43 with Wenatchee. Vic Buc
( Continued on next page)
PULLMAN, Wash, April 15-;P)
Washington State college's tennis
squad blanked the Idaho Vandals
7 to 0 today in the northern di
vision season opener.
on an error and Gordy Leru's
single. Coach John Lewis' gang
plckea up their final tally In the
sixth as Chuck Bowe scored via
Dave Pearlman's blngle.
(Continued on Page 19)
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