2 The Statesman. Salem. Oregon. Saturday. April 15. 1950 Bishop Slated war . 1i nere;iiiocese Meet Monday The lit. Rev. Benjamin D. Dag wU, bishop of the Episcopal dio cese of Oregon, will give the ser mon Sunday at 11 ajn. at St. Paul's Episcopal church and will con firm a class of about 30 persons to be presented by the Rev. George H. Swift, rector. .Beginning Monday, local dele gates will attend the 62nd annual diocesan convention in Portland Trinity church. i Delegates from here are Justice Harry H. Belt, Dr. W. Wells Baum. Wallace P. Carson and Robert M Fltzmaurice. Mjs. George H. Swift of Salem, diocesan president, will conduct the woman's auxiliary business meetings at St. Stephen's cathe dral. .li Here Sunday Silverton Churches ASSEMBLY OF GOD Front tt Sunday school 1:41 i. m. Services 11 .m, 7,1 p.m.: Sunday. pjn. Tuesday and Thursdsy. CATHOLIC St. PanTa 1 " Pine and Grant Masses I. 10 a m. Sunday. I 30 a. m. weekdays. 7 JO aw m. Saturday. j .' CHKISTIAN Fire Z Park and lit Jundsy school 1:43 a. m. Services 11 a. m. JJOp m. Sun- CRKtSTlAN AND 1 MISSION AKfAIXIANCS OS N. 2nd. Sunday achool Ham. Service 11 a. m., 7:4S p. m. Sunday 11 p. m. Wednesday. CniSTIAN SCIENCE Srd and Lewis. Sunday school 10 a m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. CtTVItCH OP CHKIIT MWA hall. Bible class 10 a an. Serv ices 11 and 11 MS a.nu. 7 JO pjn. Sunday. CaTCRCH OP GOD Snd and A. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m, p. m. Sunday. p. m. Wednesday. ' catmcsi op jesus christ op lds Knlchta of Pythlaa hall: Oak and Services S p. m. Wednesday. Sunday school m. Sunday. S LUTHERAN ' -- Calvary 310 Jersey. ! a. m Services 11 i p. m. Thursday. Imaaannsl N. Church at. Sunday achool 10 a. m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday. trinity 2nd and A. Sunday school M a. m Services 11 a. m. Sunday. METHODIST Main and Flake. Sunday school 1:48 , m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. Marquis Stlverton-Msrquam hlfh- The Rev. C. Lowery Qulnn, ex ecntive secretary of the mission ary board. Church of God, An derson, Ind., who will speak Sunday mornlnr at First Church of God. Out ef the experience of visiting mission stations over the world, he will speak on "For . Their Sake. Church of God Leader Slated The Rev. Oral W. Clemens, pas tor of First Church of God, will be among ministers from 11 states attending the west coast minis terial conference of the' Church of God, whose headquarters is in An derson, Ind., at Portland Monday through Thursday. All phases of the church pro gram will be considered. An an nual event is a victory march for Pacific Bible college, Portland; For Sunday's services at the Sa lem church, the Rev. C. -Lowery Quinn, executive secretary of the church's missionary board, will speak at 11 a.m. John Bollinger will lead singing then as well as at the Youth Fellowship meeting at 6:45 p.m. Special Talks Set in Church For Silverton Statesman News Service SILVERTON, Apr. 14 Dr. E. E. Getzlaf f, returned medical missionary to Japan, will speak at the Seventh Day Adventist church, Saturday at 11 ajn. Go ing out to Japan at the close of World War I, Dr. Getzlaff founded the Tokyo sanitarium and hospital of which he was director until he returned to Salem to give his children better educational oppor tunities. When foreign missiona ries were permitted to return to Japan after the end of hostilities, Dr. Getzlaff returned to reorgan ize and rebuild the sanitarium. He has returned now to this coun try and is making his home in Aumsville. First Christian church revival meetings are to continue this com ing week each night but Monday. Evangelist B. Ross Evans will speak at both services Sunday, as well as during the week. Mrs. Evans leads in song service and is soloist. Both Junior and Senior Christian Endeavor societies are now meeting at 6:30 pjn. Luther leagues will meet at Im- manuel and Trinity Lutheran churches Sunday night at 7:30. At Immanuel church the Men s club will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock with Oscar Overlund, John Overlund, Anton Dahl and Chester Bjorke as hosts. The congregation al business meeting will be Fri day night at 8 o'clock. The Rev. Joseph Luthro an nounced that fellowship dinner will follow the 11 o'clock worship hour Sunday at Trinity church. Hosts are the A. G. Satrums, the Hans Vigelands, the John Klosters, Ole Sundes and Olaf Swenson. The Bible Story way. 11 a. Sunday achool m Sunday. 10 a. m. Service 5 PILGRIM HOLINESS I 942 S. Water. Sunday school ) 8:43 a. m. Services 11 a. m 7 JO p. m. Sun day. 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. SEVENTH DAT ADVENTIST Park and 2nd. Sabbath school; 1:41 a. m. Services 11 a. m. Saturday,: 7 JO p. m. Wednesday. i SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time Kilocycles: KSLM 139t7OCO 1490, KOIN 970. KGW 620, KEX 1190 FM: Megacycles - KOIN 101.1; KGW 100.3; KEX 92.3 (Editor's note: The Statesman publishes In good faith the programs' and lames as provide fcy the radio " stations, but because olttlmes procrams are chanted without notification, this aewspaper cannot be responsible for the Mcuracy herein). hour 7KILM KOCO KOIN KGW "- :. KEX 00:00 I- 00:15 00:30 I Music 00:45 Music Church-of Air 1 Church of Air Radio Pulpit iRadto Pulpit . B Bon Revue IB. Box Revue Easter Family Time iFamily Time IB Box Revue B. Box Revue 8 KILM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX First Baptist River Boys A. Jackson Musle Revival Hour (First Baptist (News H. K. Smith ISerenade (Revival Hour IPhophecy up Tabernacle iFellowshl I Prophecy j I Fellowship Tabernacle: Home Church I Home Church Revival Hour Revival Hour 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Bible Class 'Bible .--To Learning News "v ap. Southernalres I Bible Class ILutheran IITo Learninf I Garden Talk (Southernalrea ILutheran I Ave Maria Hour! Lutheran Hr. Ave Maria II Playhouse News Yosemite Yosemlte iMessage Message 10 KSLM Hardy News Son its KOCO Wlldwd Church' Organ Loft KOIN Platform , ( iPlatform KGW Orfse Organ KEX Mews v (Highways (Wm. Hillman Sacred Heart Muaic Hall Round Table Vespers IVarleUes i IW. King 1 iMusic Hall Round Table Vesper 11 KSLM ConceratfKaU KOCO Sun, Service KGW KEX (Concert Hall (Dixie Four .1 Canaries ' ISun. Service Sun. Service Sun. Service Mimic for You.Mu.tc for YouGcstp News NBC Theater NBC Theater NBC Theater NBC Theater Foreign News Prank-Ernest I Piano Play. I Piano Play. 12 KSLM News KOCO Serenade . -KOIN Symphony KGW One Family KEX Hour of faith Cunningham Serenade ISymphony One Familv (Hour of Faith I Juvenile News ISymphony Quia Kids I Opera Album Juvenile ? V. N. (Symphony I Quiz Kids Opera Album 1 KILM KOCO KOIN SOW KEX' Hop. Cassldy Hop. Cassldy Church Church Symphony ISymphony More Life News Week's World I Week's World Private Eye Dream Musio IFesUval Adventure IProphecy I Private Eye I Dream Musie News Adventure IProphecy - 2 KSLM Shadow (Shadow I Mysteries IMysteries KOCO Dream Musle Dream Musle Showcase l3howcase ' KOIN Dinner at , Dinner at Dinner at I ' Dinner at I KGW Voices iVolces , I Star Harvest (Star Harvest KEX Mr. President (Mr. President (Greatest Story Greatest Story 3 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX 1 Roy Rogers Serenade My Husband Hardy Family Lutheran Hr. I Roy Rogers ISerenade My Husband (Hardy Family ILutheran Hr. (Nick Carter (Music Bos. BlacHe (Henry Morgan IMualc. Girls Nick Carter Music Bos. BlackJe Henry Morgan (Music, Girls 4 KILM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Falcon Don Stewart Jack Benny Glenn Ford ! . Research ' IFalcon pon Stewart I Jack Benny ; Glenn Ford fTo Vets I News I Congress i I Don Stewart (Don Stewart Amos "N AndyAmos 'N Andy Harris-Faye I Harria-Faye (speak of SonglSpeak of Song 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Alexander's ; Alexander's Murray Show (Murray Show MinUterial (For Living 1 P. M. Serenade IP. M. Serenade Bergen St Me. .IBergen a Me, IRocky Jordan Rocky Jordan Sam Spade iSam Spade iTheatre Guild Theatre Guild Stop Musle . I Stop Musle (Stop Muaie Stop Musle - 6 KILM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Reviewing Easter Drama Corns Arch. Theatre Guild 1 WincheU Reviewing Easter. Drama (Corliss Arch. Theatre Guild (Album Musle I Lou Parsons lUfe. Chance Theater News . (Horace Heldt fTheater St Francis I Horace Heldt I Album Musle Life. Chance 7 KILM Medical Riga. Songs of Times WOO Plus Itnoo Plus! KOCO tnin. Salon I Sun. Salon . (Naaerene INazarene KOIN Contented IContentest iWhistler rwhlstler i ao W Take-Leave tt (Take-Leave It (Bob Crosby Bob Crosby KEX J. Fidler I Chapel Mr. Malone iMr. Malone 0 KILM KOCO KOIN KOW , KEX SO Questions Nazarene Mi a Brooke Science Pearson 120 Questions (Nazarene IMlas Brooks I Pesca Kagan (Headlines .Top This Frank DeVot (Bergen 4c Me. Symphony I WincheU Top This ! (Prank DeVol Bergen Ac Me (Symphony (L. Parsona 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW News lEditoriaUy Guest Star (News Sun. Reverie ISun. Revert (Dallas Church Dallas Church Red Skeltoa I Red Skeltoa I Jack Benny Jack Benny Symphony (Symphony (Best SeUer Orchestra Think Fast Think Fast Hann. Cobb lHann. Cobb 10 KSLM KOCO Moon Dream KOIN l Star Final KGW Newe Reporter I Moon Dream Night Editor Mary Mercer tins (Moon Dream fMoon Dream (L. P. Record L, P. Record ICathoUe Hout Catholle Hour orchestra 11 KSLM KOCO KOIN KOW St rraaela News 'Bandstand 'Metadlea ' Melodies I wax Museum wax Museum Wax Mi NorSarne Church as Academy MS Vhm ScImoI 110 Svbjoctt Ihm TabUs of Srons" 7x30 Subfwch ; "TKs Asswrsncs) of Satvstlon i J. t. Twrnbutl, Acting Pastor Nocturne Nocturne JOB ; 1 - Wesley Group At Willamette Names Leaders New officers elected this week by Wesley Fellowship, Methodist student organization on Willamette umverity campus, were announced Friday by Stanley Aschenbren er, Spokane, now president. Both new and old cabinets will spend today in a planning retreat at the A. A. Schramm cabin on the Little North Fork, along with the Rev. and Mrs. Brooks H. Moore, sponsors. Those chosen were David Poin- Fdexter, Astoria, president; Ivan f (Bud) Corner, Bothell, Wash., vice president; Catherine K e n y o n. Junction City, secretary; Charles Harris, Vancouver, treasurer; Paul Jewell, Salem, community service; Mary Jo Wigginton, Evanston, 111 world friendship; Jean Crakes, Eu gene, program; Shirley Clifford, Portland, recreation; Marian Say re, Salem, worship; Phil Phipps, Salem, Methodist Student! move ment representative. First ol several appointments filled are Nancy Lawson, Bow, Wash., publicity; Joyce Edgell, Sa lem, Wesleyan editor; Jackie Chute, Portland," member-at-large. GIRLS ATTEND CHURCH Members of Chadwick assem bly 3, Order of Rainbow for Girls, will be guests at the morning ser vice Sunday at First Baptist church. i GUEST SPEAKER SLATED The Rev. Ray W. Branstetter of Portland will be guest preacher Sunday for the Southern Baptist meeting at Johnson Memorial church. Summer and Hood streets Sunday school meets at 9:45 ajn., and worship services are at 11 ajn. and 7:30 pjn. CHRISTIAN MEN ELECT Officers recently elected by the Men s Brotherhood of First Chris tion church are George Renshaw, president; Don Riches, vice presi dent; Lewis Dunn, secretary, and Sidney Van Dyke, treasurer. Suburban Churches AN KENT COMMUNITY Ankeny schoolhouse Ltberty-Buena Vista road. Sunday school 10 a. Services 11 a. m s p. m. AUMSVILLE BETHEL BAPTIST Aumsville. Sunday school 10 a m. Services 11 a.m.. 7:30 p.m. Sunday, 7:45 m. Wednesday. AUMSVILLE WESLETAN Aumsville. Sunday school it L a Services 11 a. m, 7:43 p. m. Sundsy BROOKS ASSEMBLY OF GOD One-half block south of Brooxs school. Sunday school I:4S a. m. Services 11 a. m, 7:43 p. m. Sunday 7:43 p. m. Thursday. CLEAR LAKE EVANGELICAL UNITtD BRETHREN Wheatland Ferry rd. Sunday school 11 a. m. Services 10 a. m. Sunday. EOLA COMMUNITY Eola. Sunday school 1:41 vices 11 a. m. sundsy. FOUR CORNERS BAPTIST State and Elm a. Sunday scnool s:s m. Services 11 a. m 7:30 p. m. Sun' day. 7:30 p.m. Thursday. FRUITLAND EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN mUes east of Salem. Sunday school 10 a. m. Servicea 11 a. m. 7:30 p. m. Sunday. HALBERT MEMORIAL BAPTIST rdi tor's Note: This Is the 19th of a series from the Old Testament. The text 1 condensed from selections by Houston Harte for the book. "In Our I mace." Illustration by Guy; Rows also from the book. (Copyright, Oxford Unl- rersitv Pttn. ine.i 'II . ! Job feared God, and eschewed evil! and was the greatest of all the men of the east. i j; Now when the sons of God came before the Lord, Satan among. them, the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, a perfect and upright man, that iearem uod, and escheweth evil? Satan answered, Doth Job fear God for nought? Hast thou not blessed the work of his hands? But touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee. And the Lord said; unto Satan, All that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. And there was a day when there came a messenger to Job, say ing. The oxen were plowing, and the asses feeding: and the Sabeans took them; they have slain the servants with the sword. Another said. The fire of God hath burned the sheep, and the servants. And another said, The Chaldeans fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, and have slain the servants! Another said. Thy sons and thy daughters were eating and drinking,- and a great wind smote the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead. I ij ' f Then Job rent his mantle, and fell down, and worshipped: and aid. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name f the Lord. In all this Job tinned not, nor charred God fool- ;Teacli Religion' To Youth Accent In Legion Drive Boy Scouts of troop 9, sponsor ed by Capital ppst, American Leg ion, are distributing 50 : posters throughout the Salem area, calling attention to the Legion's national program of "Teach Youth Re ligion." Designed to encourage .parents to have their children attend Sun day school and I church, the pro gram has been commended by lshly. a. m. Ser- Church Briefs Child Evangel Meet Tuesday The Salem Child Evangelism no- host banquet will be Tuesday at Mayflower hall, with the Rev. Robert Waggoner, pastor of First Evangelical United Brethren church in Portland as speaker. Waggoner was formerly Youth for Christ director in Portland. Special music will be furnished by the Doerksen instrumental trio from Jennings Lodge. Reservations should be called to Mrs. Clyde Salisbury by Tuesday noon. . Presbyterians To Hear Two Missionaries Two missionary doctors, mem bers of a medical missionary team . traveling on the Pacific coast for the , Presbyterian church, will speak at a family night dinner at First Presbyterian church Tues day at 6:30. pjn. They are Dr. Monahar Ranbhise of Miraj, In dia, and Dr. Robert S. Sandilands. medical missionary, to Africa. Dr. Ranbhise is the leading In dian physician in the department of medicine at Miraj Medical cen ter. After his four-months speak ing itinerary ne is to take post graduate work at various medical . centers in this country. Dr. Sandilands? mother had been missionary nurse in Africa, and his father a missionary doctor in India, so in Choosing medical mis sions as his life work he is follow ing in their footsteps. He gradu ated from University of Washing ton and went into private practice in Seattle. In 1945 Dr. and Mrs. Sandilands were aDDOinted to th Weest Africa mission and assigned to Central hospital in ElaL church leaders on the national leveL Legion posts are conducting campaign of publicity, speeches and individual assignments to en courage response to the program. In Salem, Capital post 9, Salem post 136. Pioneer post 149 and Kingwood post 81 are combining their efforts to conduct the "Teach Religion" campaign. Jul conn Chuureliies The Lord said untd Satan, My servant Job still holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against him. And Satan answered. Touch his bone and his i flesh, and he wul curse thee to thy face. And the Lord said unto Satin, He is in thine hand; but have his life. So Satan smote Job with boils from his foot to his crown. Then said his wife, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die. But he saidi unto her. Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not; receive evil? Now Job's three friends came, Eliphaz, and Bildad, and Zophar, to comfort him. And they sat with him seven days and seven nights. Job cursed his day, and said, Let the day perish wherein I was born. Why died I not from the womb? Then jEliphaz answered, Thou hast Instructed many, thou hast strengthened the feeble. But now it Is come upon thee, and thou art troubled. Despise not thou the chasten ing of the Almighty. But Job answered To him that is afflicted pity should; be shewed from his friends. But ye see my casting down, and dig a nit for your friend! , i ! f :- Then answered Bildad. Doth the tAlmithty pervert Justice? If thou wert pure and upright, Sorely hi would make the habitation of thy righteousness prosperous. Then Job answered. How should I justify myself? He Is not a man, as I am, that I should answer him. Let him take away his rod from me. Then answered Zobhar. Should a man full of talk be lustrfied? HayesvUte. one mile north of MS o that I God would speak. God exacteth Of thee less thine iniquity de servtees""!! ?iS m. Sunday", "erveth!. And Job answered, I have 1 understanding, and I desire to 7 jo pjn. Thursday. reason Swith God. Man "born of a woman is of few days, and full of keizer church or chris trouble, He dieth and wasteth away O that thou wouldest hide me 1030 Dearborn. Sunday school 10 ajn. jn the crave, until thy wrath be oast. . Then answered Eliphaz, Should a wise man reason with unprofit able talk? Thy mouth uttereth iniquity; thou turnest thy spirit against God. Then Job answered, Miserable comforters are ye all. God hath taken me by my neck, j and shaken me to pieces, not for any injustice in mine hands. t Then the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said. Who is this jthat darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up now tny loins like a man; for I wip demand of thee, and answer thou me. Where wast thou iwhen I laid the foundations of the earth? de clare, if thou hast understanding. Who laid the corner stone thereof: When the morning stats sang together, nd all the sons of God shout ed for Joy? Wilt thou disannul my judgment? Wilt thou condemn me, that thou mayest be righteous? I ii ' ' Look on every one that Is proud, and bring Mm low: and tread down the wicked In their place. Hide them in the dust together; and bind their faces in secret Then will I also confess unto thee that thine own right hand can save thee. I ii I Then Job answered, I know that thou canst do everything, and that no thought can be withholden from thee. Therefore have I ut tered that I understood not; things too wonderful for me. which I knew hot I have heatd of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee, w heref ore I "abhor, myslf , and repent In dust and ashes, i - , Sq the Lord accepted Job. And the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning. (Sunday school at 9;4b a. m. unless otherwise noted.) ASSEMBLY Of GOD ( Evancellitlo Temple Park and Mar ket. 11 am 7:49 p.m. Sunday, 7:48 djiu Thursday. Central 315 N. Commercial. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m T:4S p. m 'Sunday. pel 12th and Ieslte. sun school 10 a.m. Services The Cha 7:43 p.m. Sunday, 7:49 p.m. and Friday. 11 a.m. Tuesday 11 a. m. 730 7:30 p.m. Sundays Services 11 a.m. p.m. Wednesday. KEIZER COMMUNITY Elizabeth and Churchdale. Sunday school 8:45 a. m. Services 11 a. m 7:49 p. m. Sunday. 7 JO p. m. wsanes day. . - KEIZER FAITH LUTHERAN 4505 N. River. Sunday school 1:43 a.m. Servises 11 a.m., 8 p.m. Sunday, p.m. Wednesday. LABI I H CENTER COMMUNITY (ETaneelleal United Brethren! si. miles east oi Brooka. sunaay school 10 a. m. service 11 a. m. sun' day. LIBERTY CHURCH OF CHRISI Liberty church. Sunday school 10 m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday. CHURCH OF GOD 979 Vista aye. Sunday school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m, a p. m. sunaay. MACLEAY COMMUNITY Macleay schooL Sunday school 10 a.m. MARION FRIENDS Marlon. Sunday school 16 a. m. Ser vices 11 a. m, 7 30 p. m. Sunday. MIDDLE GROVE COMMUNITY Middle Grove school. Sunday school is ajn. NORTH HOWELL COMMUNITY North Howell. Sunday school 10 ajn. Services 11 ajn- I p.m. Sunday. I pjn. Wednesday. PRATUM IMMANUEL MENNONTTB Pratum. Sunday school 1:93 a. m. Services 11 a. m, 7:43 p. m, Sunday. PRATUM METHODIST Pratum. Sunday school, II a. m. Ser vices 11 a. m. Sunday. PRFNGLE FRIENDS Baxter rd. west of MX. Sunday school 1:43 a.m. Services 11 a.m.. 7 JO pjn. Sunday. B pjn. Wednesday, ROBERTS COMMUNITY Roberts schooL Sunday school 10 Mission Airplane Use Sunday Topic 1 ' How l airplanes are used In mis sionary; work with Indians and Es- i kimos In Alaska will ; be pictured and described at Evangelistic Temple at 6: IS p.m. i Sunday by the Rev. Edward Baten, flying missionary for the Assemblies of i God. The public Is invited. Baten has served 14 Fairbanks, i Anchorage. Juneau and Fort Yu kon. He will return to the field soon in a new four-place, radio- eauiDped station wagon plane, rourui sunaays. tnm rnmiMi 11 I it weele schooL Sunday school 10 vntt Mills Service a. Us 0S1TWYI it SIS. SWMJ tALBOY COMMUNITY Talbot. Sunday school IS p m. Wednesday. Statesman News ferries TURNER CHRISTIAN I tCQTTS MILLS, Apr. 14 Turner. Bible Khool t:tf ajn. Serv Rai pin Lemmons isf conducting Tnursaay. TURNER CHURCH OF CHRIST Battle Creek rd. Sunday school 11 m. Seisk.es 11 ajn. Sunday. 7:30 pjn. Thursday. TURNER METHODIST Turner. Sunday school 10 ajn, Se else u sun. Sunday. SENA COMMUNITY Eena. Bwstdsy sehsel II a. Sk ROSEDALE FRIENDS Rosedale. Sunday school II a. m. Servicea 11 a. m. 7 JO p m. Sunday SALEM HEIGHTS COMMUNITY Liberty and Madron a. Sunday school IB a. m. services 11 a. m.. 7 JO p. Sunday. IdO p. m. Wednesday, SUMMIT METHODIST Orchard Heights rd. Sunday school 11 a. m. Services 10 a, m. second and Mr. Led by Ralph Lemmons Capilel Baplixi Sday Scbsl 9:45 AIL CSovthetn Baptist) Corner N. jSammw & Hood Sts. UOIISHIP SERVICES Bev. HAY W. BBANSTETTEB. Portland. Gnost Preacher Eyugelulic Tenple 1 Assembly ef G4 Market St. and rark Ave. 9:43 Sunday School I IKK) "Truth and CodMrvs " t:lS Rev. E. Baton, Flying i Mlssiofmry from i Alaska 7:45 ETanoolIsflc j Rally "The Hely Spirit in Hunan ExperteBee' Sat f:4S Tenple! EelMes. KOCO ) Kev. Walter S. Trederick. raster evangeustic services at Scot fa Milis Friends church at 8 o'clock each night except Saturday, ac cording to Calvin Hull, pastor. Lemmons will also speak at Sun aajf morning' service at 11 o'clock. Hej is assisted bv Bernir Mar, dock and Elsie Gehrke, musicians Religion Picture At 1st Methodist Beadlns ?5alt of the Earth" a modern film stressing the importance ol friendly visitation by church mem bers, will be shown Sunday at 8 p.m, at First Methodist church, according to the Rev. Brooks H. Moore, pastor. At the morning service Ken neth Van Cleve will sing "The Living God" by O'Hara, and the sanctuary choir will sing "O Lord Most Holy" by Franck. BAPTIST Bethel Cottage and D. D nv: Sunday. CaUrary Liberty and Miller. 11 a. m. 7:30 p. m. Sunday 7:30 p. m. ; Wednes day. , ! First Liberty and Marlon 11 a. m. I p. m. Sunday, 7 JO p. m. weanesaay. Immanuel Hazel St Academy, 11 m.. 7:30 p.m. Sunday; 7 JO p.m. Wednesday. ! Bible FeUowshlp Memorial hospital chapel 11 a. m. Sunday. j Southern Summer and Hood. 11 a.m., 7 30 p.m. sunaay. CATHOLIC . J It Joseph's cottafe ana vnemese- ta. Masses 8:30. I, 9. 10. 11 a.i m. sun- day. Devotions 7 JO p. m. sunaay ana Tuesday . . . St. Vincent as rw mttui ana Co lumbia Masses 7 JO. 9. 10:30 a. m. Sun day. Confessions 4:30-9 JO. 7-SJO p. m. Saturday. CHRISTIAN i Coart street lTtn. ana coun, m ou m. 7 JO p. m. Sunday. First Center and High. 10:10 a. m 7:30 p. m. Sunday. 1:00 p. m. weanes- day. CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 8th and Games, ll a. m.. i jv p. m. Sunday. 7 JO p. m. Wednesday. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First , ChemekeU and LlDeny.i aunoay school 11 ajn. Services 11 a.m , a p.m Sunday. I p.m. Wednesday. room. 141 S Mlgn rntTRrn OF CHRIST Central cottage anq LnemeKd SundiT school 10 a.m. Services 1:60 a.m.. 7:30 pjn. Sunday; 7:30 p.m. Thursday. CHURCH OF GOD First i , Cottage and Hood. 11 a.m..,7:4J pjn. Sunday. 7:44 p.m. Wednesday. CHURCH OF JEICI CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Sth and Madison. Sunday school 10 a m. Services It JO a.m, SJO p.m. Sundsy. CONGREGATIONAL . First Cottage and Marion. 11 a.m Sunday. ' Knlcht Memorial 1Mb. and Terry 11 a m. Sunday. - EPISCOPAL It. Paul's Church and ChemekeU. S u n d a y Khool I JO ajn. Services 7 JO. I;4a, 11 a.m. Sunday. EVANGELICAL AND REFORMED Bethany Marion and Capitol. Sun day school 10 ajn. Services 11 a.m., 7:4J n m Sunday 7:45 pjn. Wednesday EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Eatlewooa 17th and Nebraska. 11 a m.. 7 JO p m. Sunday. First Marion and Summer. 11 a m 7: pm Sunday. 730 pjn. Wednesday. rarrvns HKhland Avenee Church and High land. 11 ajn, 7 JO pjn. Sunday. 7 JO o.m. Wednesday. . Knuf h lilin i Commercial and Wash metan 11 a.m 7 JO Dm. sunaay. s p.m. Wednesday.; FREE METHODIST Winter and Market 11 p. m Sunday. 7 JV pm Dallas Churches APOSTOLIC FAITH Church and Court, fliinifav wKwtl 1:30 a. m. Services 11 a. m. 7 JO p. m. Sunday. S p. m. Thursday. AS8EMBLT OF COD Birch and Stump. Sunday school 1:41 a m Services 11 a. m.. 7:43 n m. San- day. 1:45 p. m. Wednesday. haptist rirst Washington st Sunday school S 49 a. m. Services 11 m t an m e.m. day 7.30 p. m. "hursday. CATHOLIC St. PhUllp'a W. Washineton st. Maaaea S IS a m aecond and fourth Sundays. 10:11 a. m. first, third and fifth Sundays. CHRISTIAN First Jefferson and Oi. Runila a1 9:45 a. m. Services 11 a. m 7 JO . m. bunaay CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Shelton and Mill. Sunday school 9 48 a. m. Services 11 a. m- 7:4S n.m. Bun- day. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE rth rmmI Taheraarle 130S N. Ith Sunrfav achool 10 i. m. Services 11 a. m, I p. m. Sunday. I p. in. Thurs day and Saturday. Fonrsanare 490 N. 19th. 11 a.m. 7 -45 n.m. Sundsy. 7:43 p.m. Thursday Jmh Nana Pentecostal 1 173 Lewis Sundav achool 10 a.m Services 11 a m.. 7:45 p.m. Sunday. 7:43 p.m. Wed nesday United Pentecostal 441 Ferry. 11 a. m.. 7:43 n. m. Sunday. 7:43 p. m Friday. INSTITUTE OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE 460 N Cottaie Sundsy school II a. m. Service 11 a. m. Sunday. JEWISH Temnla Beth SholOBB Madison and Broadway. Church school 11 a.m. Services I p.m. Friday KINGWOOD BIBLR 1123 Elm tt 19:45 a. nv. T JO p. m. Sunday 7:30 p. m. Wednesday. LUTHERAN Central (American Conferenee) Capitol and Gaines. 11 ajn. Sunday. I 3 m Wednesday. Christ (American Church) atate ana llth. I and 11 a.m. Sunday, St John's (Missouri Synod) llth and A. aervices 9 and 11 a.m. Sunday. Sunday school 10 a.m. St Mark Evangelical (United) 343 N. Ch.rh. 11 a.m. Sunday. METHODIST First Church and State. 11 a.m Sunda 7 JO p.m. Thursdsy. Jason Lee Memorial Winter and Jefferson. 11 a.m.. 7 JO pjn. Sunday. Leslie Commercial and Myers. 11 a m.. 7 JO pjn. Sunday, 7:30 pjn. Thursday West Salem Srd and Gerth. 11 a m Sunday METAPHYSICAL CENTER 163 N. Cottafe. I JO pm and Wednesday. I p Friday. 12:15 p.m. di OPEN BIBLR STANDARD 123J N. CommerclaL Sunday school 10 a.m. Services 11 a.m.. 7:45 p.m, Sunday. NAZARENE First Center and 13th. 10 50 a.m. 7:30 p.m. Sunday. 7:30 p.m Wednesday. PILGRIM HOLINESS 140 Carlton. 11 am.. 7:30 pm. Sun day. 7 JO p.m. Wednesday. PRESBYTERIAN First ChemekeU and Winter. 9 45 and 11 a m. Sunday. 7 JO p.m. Wednesday. REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JSSII CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 17th and Chemeketa. Sunday school 10 a m. Services 11 a.m.. 7 JO p.m. Sun day. SALVATION ARMY 241 State. Sunday school 10 a m. Ser vices 11 a.m.. 7 JO p.m. Sunday, 7 JO p m. Thursday and Saturday. SEVENYH DAY ADVENTIST Johnson Memorial Hood and Sum mer. Sabbath school I JO a m. Services 11 a m. Saturday. SPIRITUALIST First 141 N. CommerclaL 7 JO p m. Sunday. UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP YWCA. 7 JO pjn. first and laird Sun aays. UNITED BRETHREN Firs (Old Constitution) 1141 Mission, tun- day school II a m. Services 11 a.m 7 JO pjn. Sunday. T JO pjn. Wednesday, WESLEYAN METHODIST IStH arul Mill Sunday school II Services 11 ajn.. 7 JO 0.m. Sunday, eiu asui. sunaay scnoot 9:4 a. m. Services 11 a. m. Sunday. I p. m. flrsl and third Wednesdays. CHURCH OF CHRIST Levens and Mill. Sunday school If s. m. Services 11 a. m lie p. m. Sunday. CHURCH OF GOD 1019 Ash. Sunday school 1:49 a. m. Services 11 a. nr. 7:30 p. m. Sunday. CHURCH OF JESUI CHRIST OF LATTER DAT SAINTS Basement of city library. Sunday school 10 a. m. Servicea 7 p. m. Sunday. EPISCOPAL SC Theeaas Cherry st. Sunday school 10 and 11 a m. Services 11 a. m . Sunday. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Church and MUX Sunday school :4S a. m. Services 11 a. 7:45 p. m. Pun day. FREE METHODIST 224 Mill. Sunday school 1:43 a. m. Services II a. m.. 7:43 p. m. Sunday. LUTHERAN Trinity 210 Washington. Sunday achool St a. m. Servicea 11 a. m. Sunday. MENNONITE Brethren Washington and Ha v tee, Sunday school 9.45 a. m. Servicea 10:48 a. m.. 7:45 p. m. Sunday. Evangelical Brethren Howe st. Sun day achool 9:35 a. m. Services 11 a. m, I p. m. Sundsy. Grace 207 Jefferson. Sunday school 19 a m. Servicea 11 a. m. Sunday. tinuuiiT rirst Mill near Main. Sunday school 1:41 m. Sen-ices 11 a. m- 7:45 p. m. Sunday. PRESBYTERIAN First Court and Levens. Sunday school 45 a m. Servtos 11 a. m. Sundav. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Waahineton and Jefferson. Sabhatli school 9:45 a. m. Service II a. m. Sat urday. Tuesday Tuesday and a. m 7 JO Wednesday FULL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL Calvary Chapel 1143 N. Liberty. Sun- , dav school 10 am. Servicea 11 am 7:45 pm. Sunday". I pjn. Tuesday and Friday. ' j Charch at God 940 S. 12nd. Sunday ! school 10 a. m. Services 11 a. m.. I p.m. Sunday. C pm. Wednesday and Friday. 1 SATURDAY ONLY Shoppers' Special Sundae 14c The Pike Your Ice Cream Store 138 S. Liberty 2234 Fairgrounds Rd. THE GLORY ROAD! Is, there mere than one road to heaven and will mere human desire, however sincere, be sufficient for the soul's salvation? Are there certain precise steps which a person must take if he is to be saved? Hear this irnportant subject discussed SUNDAY NIGHT, APRIL 16, 7:30 P.M. JOHNSON MEMORIAL CHURCH Corner North Summer arvd Hood Streets Worship With Us 1:45 and 11;0 A3L Two Mornlnr Services , "The Risen Christ Commands'1 Sermon by the Minister 9:45 AM. . Charch Seheel First Presbyterian Church ChemekeU at Winter Chester W. Hamblln. raator Saturday Night RALLY FUyd and Vera lchl f Detrelt. Mich. A leal Latter Kaia Meaeafe Thy Shall Never Die" Sunday. 11 A.M. by M. VTyatt Ssnday Seheel 10 AM. The IT Besab ef Eellslen" EranfeUstie t:tt TM. FAITH TACEIUIACU No. Ith at OaIam e1 . ' 4 - Hear Evajellai IIATTIE nOUAIlO "Girl from GasglawT Al CaDone and Dillinier. ber fanner companioaa. She ape4 7 years In prison . . . day ha dungeon 7:iS PJL Naghilr (coccct 8st) 7ii3 Calrary Chapsl 1141 N. Iibetty St. 1 htt. mt Nerth Csmsarrrtil Bet szaxses