The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 13, 1950, Page 8, Image 8

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Etatoesnan, Niwau Qregroou .Vmndajj Aptfl ,13, 950
Guests Bidden
To Pre-Dance
Party Friday
( Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Fish will
be hosts for pre-dance party
. Friday night at their North 17th
street home in compliment to a
group of their friends. The affair
will precede the Wisteria club
dance at the Veterans hall.
The hosts sent but invitations
to the affair and calling hours are
from 8 to 10 o'clock. Pink will be
used in the decor throughout with
pink flowers and candles center
ing the buffet table. :
Bidden by the hosts are Mr. and
Mrs. Max Alford, Dr. and Mrs.
. E. E. Boring, Mr. and Mrs. Fran-
vis (joigan, Mr. ana airs, ttooen
priscoll, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fish
of Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. Car
roll Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Evert
Givens, Mr. and Mrs. John Gra
ham, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoff-
i man. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett
Kleinke, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Lorenz. Mr. and Mrs.' Hugh Mor
row, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McCabe,
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Post, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Quistad, Dr. and
Mrs. John Ramage, Mr. and Mrs.
Averill Reaney, Mr. and Mrs. J.
, Edgar Reay, Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
Rossner, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Soos,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Walker, Mr.
and Mrs. Douglas Yeater, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Lucas, Mr. and Mrs.
H. J. Wenderoth, Mr. and MrsI
Mark Wilbur. Mr. and Mrs. Adam
LeFor, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stewart,
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Zwaschka, JUr.
and Mrs. H. M. Boesch and Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Remington of
Grants Pass, formerly of Salem.
Mlsa Patrlda Fish at Portland
formerly of Salem, has lust re
turned from a nlan trln &mitVi
"where she spent a fortnight in
fian Jose, Calif, with friends. She
Is with, the United Airlines in
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air- . .: i
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Mrs. Russell Sahli (May
cello Turner) who was mar
ried on April 1 at the First
Church of the Nazarene.
The bride is the daughter
of the G. T. Turners and
the groom is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sahli.
The couple will live in the
Macleay community. (Mc-
Ewan photo).
Mr. and Mrs. Charles 8. McEl
ninny will entertain members of
their club at dinner and bridge
this weekend at their Court
street home.
Ted Will Follow;
Blossom Tour
On Sunday
Closing event of the Northwest
Region Soroptimist conference to
open !here Friday at the Marian
hotel will be an informal tea at
the Kingwood Heights home of
Mr. ad Mrs. Glenn McCormick on
Sundaty afternoon. The affair will
follow the annual Blossom Day
tour on which convention dele
gates Will be taken. The tea hour
is from -2:30 to 3 o'clock. !
Mrs. McCormick, president of
the Salem club, will be assisted by
members of the club. I
Final plans for the three-day
conference were completed at the
club's; regular luncheon meeting on
Wednesday at the Golden Phea
sant. ' All committee chairmen
gave their final reports on the con
Mrs. Donald Reinke, clul
member, will have as her guest
during the conference her cousin.
Miss Vivian Re of The Dalles, who
will be the soloist at the banquet
Saturday night at the chamber of
Next Wednesday the club will
be entertained at a social meeting
at the Mormngside home of Mrs;
E. H. ! Kennedy at 7:30 o'clock.
20-30 Club Hobo i
Party Saturday
Salem 20-30 club members are
sponsoring a hobo party at the
Mayflower hall Saturday night,
April 15. A dutch lunch will be
brought by the men and an auc
tion will be held with girls' buy
big their box lunches. Proceeds
will go to the Foundation of
Rheumatic Fever, a project of
the club.
Members of the McMinnville
20-30 club and friends of the
Salem club are invited to attend.
Prizes Twill be awarded for the
best -costumes.
Mary Senter
Is Engaged
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Senter are
announcing the engagement of
their daughter, Mary, to William
Harold, son of Mrs. Sarah S.
Harold of Sara, Washington. No
date has been set for the wedding.
The betrothal of the j young
couple was revealed at a j family
gathering on Saturday at the ap
artment of the bride-elect sis
ter. Miss Barbara Senter. Aj heart
shaped cake with the names of
the engaged duo disclosed the
news. j
Miss Senter is a graduate of
Salem high school and Cascade
college in Portland. She is now
teaching at Portland Christian
grade school. Her fiance is a stu
dent at Cascade college.
Fourth Birthday;
Party Today
Kenneth Sherman wiU i cele
brate his fourth birthday at a
party this afternoon at the! South
Church street home of his! par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth! jSher
man. After games, birthday cake
will be served the youngsters.
Honoring Ken will be Mrs. Al
bert Currey, Billy and Kathy of
Eugene, Mrs. El wood Ball, Janice
and Judy, Mrs. Roger Ky Put
nam and Marcia, Mrs. Seth Pay
son Smith and MichaeL Mrs. Rob
ert Brownell and Kathy, Mrs. C.
Ronald Hudkins and Johnny,
Mrs. Burton C. Selberg and Eric,
and Mrs. Robert Rieder, jNeena
and Robert, of Portland.
Charter CB of PEO. dessert; St 7:30
p.m.. with Mrs. D. M. Gruber. 1775
rir Street j
coiourners dessert luncheon, 1 p.m..
Salem Woman s clubhouse.
Salem Voastmistress dinner! meet
In Golden Pheasant. 5:43 D.m.l
Dint and Do club with Mr$i Mary
Sloan. 735 Cummlngi Lane, no-host
luncheon. 12:30 p.m. !
rMolay Mothers luncheon. Mason-
ie Temple, U o'clock.
... .
Salem Woman's clut. iz:is Doara
meeting-. 2 p.m. meetins. i
Merry Time club, with Mr.i Mary
Schomberr. 143 Abrams Avenue. 1:30
dessert luncheon. . I j
North Salem WCTU, Calvary Chapel
church, 2 p.m. '
! Neighbors of Woodcraft, advanced
night, Salem Woman's club. p.m.
; PEO Reciprocity luncheon. Council
im-etinf. Golden Pheasant. 1 ;p.m.
i Rotni 35. Job's Daughters.: meet
at Beaver hall. 7 P-m. j j
Spring Miscellany
Variety oi Recipes on Hand Sound
Good for Trying on Family in Spring
i By Maxine Buren
Statesman Woman's Editor
Looking over a list of recipes we've saved for future use, we
find these, untried, but sounding good.
- 3 cups chopped cooked yams 1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons flour V4 teaspoon pepper
V4 cup milk ' 3 tablespoons fat
Combine potatoes, flour, milk, and seasonings. Heat , fat in
skillet, and turn yam sweets into. Carefully press potatoes into
two or more cakes. Brown 15 minutes over a low heat, turn and
brown on the other. Serve hot with breakfast sausage, ham or
Peel fresh yam sweet potatoes, cut in fourths and slice. Have
the fat in a heavy skillet quite hot. Add potatoes and salt a little.
Fry rapidly, turning once. Remove to absorbent paper and sprin
kle lightly with paper or granulated sugar, as desired.
4 to 6 ounces dried beef 2 cups cooked fresh peas
3 tablespoons butter drip- 2 cups milk
pings Dash of pepper-
3 tablespoons flour Biscuits or toast
Melt fat In frying-pan and cook dried beef until crisp. Add
flour and blend; stir in milk slowly. Cook until thick, stirring
constantly. Add peas and heat thoroughly; Serve on biscuits or
toasted oread. 6 to 8 servings.
Ingredients: Hi cups sifted all-purpose flour, Vi teaspoon salt,
cup shortening, Vz cup sugar, 1 egg, 1 six-ounce package semi
sweet chocolate pieces (melted), teaspoon peppermint flavoring.
Sift flour and salt together. Cream shortening, add sugar and
continue to cream well. Beat in egg. Blend in chocolate, flour,
and peppermint flavoring. Drop by half teaspoonfuls on an un
greased cookie sheet. Bake in a moderate 375 degree oven about
15 minutes. Makes about 40 cookies.
1 egg
V4 cup sugar
IVi tablespoons flour
y teaspoon salt
H teaspoon cinnamon
V teaspoon cloves
k teaspoon nutmeg -Vz
cup molasses ;
Vt cup sour milk or butter
milk 1 cup seedless, raisins,
chopped ,
Beat eggs; add sugar, flour, salt, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and
molasses; mix well. Add sour milk and raisins. Line 9" pie plate
with pastry; pour in filling. Arrange strips of pastry on filling,
lattice fashion. Bake in hot oven, 425 degrees, 30 to 40 minutes.
To EntraimforvMil
East Coast
Mrs. Laura Johnson will en
train Sunday for the east coast,
where she will remain until early
September. Mrs. Johnson, whose
main destination is Hartford.
Connecticut, will stop enroute at
several places to visit friends and
relatives. In Hartford she will be
the guest of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George
Fletcher and three sons, who left
Salem last summer for the east.
On the return trip Mrs. Johnson
will come via the southern route
stopping In- Washington, D.C., New
Orleans, Los Angeles and San
Francisco. Mrs. Johnson is leaving
tonight for Portland to be the
guest of her children until she
Mrs. W. E. Thornton of Dan
ville, Virginia has arrived in the
capital for an extended visit with
her son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Gordon Thornton.
The H61Iywood Merry-Go-
Round club met at the home of
Mrs. Harold Bunn with interior
decoration the topic of discussion.
Mrs. E. Warner was a guest Mem
bers attending were Mrs. Keith
LaDue, Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mrs.
Russell Proudfit, Mrs. Oscar For
gard, Mrs. Harold Holler, Mrs.
Melvin LaDue, Mrs. Edward Cur
tis, Mrs. Gil Blankenship, Mrs.
Clayton Gibb, Mrs. Harold Bunn
and Mrs. F. W. Rehfeld.
Your orders for AMERICA'S most wanted "JUNIOR MISS"
plain pumps - with the MEDIUM high heel - must be In no
later than APRIL 25th.
' 5 ' " 7 7 '.
tfimim!mfy m,i,f im ni.g: ww jm ..MiHiltt-!WBr!iaiwi.',.,W''P -.'W J'J.'. "i"-turn '.m.-u. in f i.' .ii'iiin m..j.iiujiiw
I Ml III 1 fl I I l I I:: H 1
lig 7 cu. ft. refrigerated storage in
space of an old 4 and 6 cm. ft. Cold
Top to Toe - every bit of space inside
the cabinet is refrigerated. Froien food
storage compartment keeps froien
foods .makes ice cubes fasti
i n 1
Right or left hand door optional of
no extra cost choos to fit yewr
kitchen arrpngement.
f II I
Snop-Sol door lotcfi genHe, firm pos
itive seal. Airtight keeps cold inside.
e II I i I "
r ,L. WL It 1 f .
V economical proven in wie throughout
: rh world. I
j 1 I !
oun PaymeDl
0 n
pi) nmm mm
Qk i?rnfiipn5i
Ql 1 IS I r
kS& NrZ) CI ,, II
yfr rc xz) 'jldLdUUIJu
V ' n n
7 'isil c J., .
. Mrz yft mv;
Va - "
m u ' ...r -m is. iv' n . a m
9-yAi Bi V JJ
Spring hits in brief, mart topper coats. Not fust
a ftw, but a big selection of styles and colors!
Every topper is rich wool covert or sueded
wool; fully rayon lined. Belted backs, yoke
backs, flared and boxy types with plenty
of fashion details. All sizes indudedl
O gray
o dacia
O red
O pink
o n avy
o skipper
O groen
o Kelly I
O black
! i
i " ! ' ; .1
Good Housekeeping
550 N. Capitol - Ph. 39191
4S7 Court
DUd 9-8611