12 Th Stflteamcmi Solent Oreoon. Thursday. April 13. -1950- Airrj ! - 1 Designs iort Light itions 11 -PI 1 i Listed by UVA The civil aeronautics authority Wednesday designated the Salem aliDort beacon light as an offi cial "truelight" to aid coastal air traffic navigation. The announcement came from Airport Manager Charles Bar clay, who also disclosed that oth er lighting changes have been made to improve the field's fa i dlities. . T . ' Under terms . of a temporary certificate issued by the CAA, the flashing beacon will be ope rated by CAA control tower per- .sonnel on i a dusk-to-dawn basis. The light has been operated by a time clock which had to be et to coincide with seasonal light conditions. Effective immediately, a flash ing signal will be ; operated at night within the lighted "T" at the field to warn pilots of planes not on instruments that landings are not permitted because of bad weather conditions. When the field is blanketed ly .bad weather during the daytime, the large rotating beacon will be turned on to prevent landings. Girls Get into Print, Prints and Raindrops O SHIPMENT LANDS OK EH NAPLES. Italy. April 12 -UP) The first shipment of Atlantic pact arms for Italy arrived in this heavily guarded Italian port from the United States Tuesday and was unloaded without incident, despite communist exhortations to work ers. - ' f Public Records PROBATE COURT . Patricia J. McGovern guardian ship estate:. Order authorizes com- Dromise of claim ior injuries ai legedly received in auto accident Oct. 22. 1949, near Mt. Angel. Jim G. Theodorian guardian ship estate: Order approves guard ian's' annual report. Elizabeth ! A. McFarlane estate Order sets time for final account hearing at May 15. ' Henry Lloyd estate: Final ac count hearing set for May 15. R. L. Eisenhart estate: Final ac count hearing set for May 15. Miles W. Barber estate: Fina decree closes estate. MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS John T. Morris, 44, casket com pany official. San Francisco, Calif., and Verzelle Brenner, 35 stenographer, 730 Waldo ave., Sa Jem. I CIRCUIT COURT " Bert Hoyt vs Harold Radke and I. M. Radke: Defendants file reply cf complete denial.' E. D. and Grace E. Cooke vs Lloyd L. and Emma Lou Clough Defendants file answer of denial. Augusta B. Paschke vs Richard W. Miller: Order denies defend ant's motion for new trial. Marie E. Weil vs Paul A. Weil Order of default Issued. Theodore and Irene Pullman vi Henry P. Woodbury and others Order dismisses plaintiffs' suit and enjoins them from interf erring with right of way use by K. J. and Mildred E. Peterson. Charles F. LaDeRoute vs State industrial i accident commission Suu seeKS compensation ior in tfury allegedly received May 28 1948, on a log raft in the Willam ette river. i . MUNICIPAL COURT Duane T. Rold. Oreeon City pleaded guilty to charge of driving ; while intoxicated, fined $250 driver s 1 license suspended one year4 received 30-day suspended jail sentence. Jack J. Holt 2420 N. 5th it pleaded guilty to charge of driv lng while intoxicated and with out a driver's license; received suspended 30-day Jail sentence fined total of $260, driver's license revoked for one year; also charged with disorderly conduct, held In lieu of $50 bail, DISTRICT COURT Carrol A.! Peterson, 1811 N. 4th at, charged with obtaining money by false pretenses, waived prelim inary hearing, held to answer to grand Jury; posted $1,000 bail. Warren Jay LannifTg, Lebanon, pleaded innocent of charge of driving while intoxicated, trial set May 25; held in lieu of $350 bail. Jimmie A. Gordon, Salem route I, pleaded Innocent of charge of driving while intoxicated, trial set May 24; posted $35T bail. James Oliver Darby, Silverton, pleaded innocent of charge of fail ure to stop at the scene of an ac cident, trial set May 18; posted $100. bail. I T ! f ; ; jt H t-' i 1 n ! I T Will .fjW fiK -O x -v , v v . - . '-w , - wr,,--- ' 1 - - ,WllMt,ln-rT' .in. I Proliibition Slated Town Meeting Topic "Prohibition the Answer to Al coholism?" will be this week's topic, for Salem's Town Meeting, sponsored by Toastmasters clubs, at 12:30 p.m. Saturday in the city ball council chambers. The panel ox speakers will com prise the Rev. Orville Jenkins, pastor of First Church of the Na zarene; Ruth Tooze of Portland, state director of Woman's Chris tian Temperance union; Dr. Horace Miller, Salem psychiatrist, and an unidentified "Mr. A" of Alcoholics Anonymous. Richard Schmidt will be moder ator for the public forum, whose final half hour will be open to discussion from the floor. Camp Leave Requested or Guards Spring cmes annually to Salem high achool !"offlcially" on the day set aside for cotton print daywhen all the girls put on their brightest and sprjghtliest spring dresses. But aU these print-clad girls could tee Wednesday were dark clouds and lots f rain. Looking at the dismal weather are, left to right, Bernlce Raph. 1630 N. 20th st; Carole McMickle. S095 Silverton rL; Mae Salisbury, 3194 Teas ave.; Shirley Kimble, iwito X, Turner; Janet HilL 1865 N. Capitol st; Mary Flalesj 825 N. Winter at (States man photo.) ' 1 " 1 jj Gov. Douglas McKay Wednes day urged employers to permit all Oregon national guardsmen to attend summer camp without prejudice of their civilian work. "These are Critical times for our government," Gov. McKay averred. "With' the knowledge that the national guard and the air national guard represent the backbone of our national prepar edness, I earnestly call upon em ployers in Oregon to release their employes who are national ffuardsmen for two weeks this ChbWjyFcistlVtil'' Court Candidate Health iQfficer Outlines New Practices in Disease Curbs X." -4 Eva Jean Miller. ; Dallas high achool senior, one: of the 14 girls from j schools of Marion and Polk counties who will vie for ulaces in the court of the 1950 Salem! Cherryland festival. Court selection will be made at a public program Friday night at Salem high school auditor ium. Lyons PTA To Organize Scout Troops i Statesman News Service LYONS Dorothy Wilson, reg ional supervisor of Girl Scouts, will be in Lyons Monday, April 17, to assist with organization of several troops here. The Girl summer so they may attend the Scouts troops are being organized Development of new practices in the isolation of communicable diseases were outlined to Marion county physicians this week in a letter from Dr. W. J. Stone, coun ty health officer. Dr. Stone called attention to pending revision of Oregon state health board's booklet "Control of Communicable D i s e r s e s." The statements are from the American Journal of Public Health. The letter acc m p a n i e s the weekly report of communicable diseases for April 2-8, which shows no new cases of whooping cough for the first time in about a month. Chicken pox, however, showed an increase to five new eases, all in Salem. Others, with county to tals, include impetigo 1, measles 1. mumps, 2, bronchial pneumonia 4, virus pneumonia 2, ringworm 1, scabies 4, scarlet fever 2 and scep tic sore throat 1. Fifty of the county's physicians reported, com' prising 54 per cent of the total. The letter concerns the virus diseases measles, German meas les, mumps and chickenpox pointing out that any affective means of prevention are In the ex perimental stage. New regulations tried out In New Haven, Conn., use Isolation to protect the patients from sec ondary bacterial infections rather than to protect other children from infection. Contacts are not excluded from school but are ob- 0 - ! i !) II Carnival Date Set by West Salem's PTA I 1 1 ' , 3 West Salem Parent-TeacHer as HOUSE ORCAN WO R K I RDr. Hunter Mead, pro feasor of philosophy at Pasadena, Cal., Institute of Technology, Stands among some of 940 pipes ea organ he is building at home. r Quiz Kid Program Tops Daughters, Sons Bill at Rotary A quiz kid program Wednesday highlighted the annual daughters and sons luncheon of the Salem Rotary club. Other attractions included a baritone horn solo by Charles annui sociation will sponsor its carnival Friday, Apr'l 21, Mrs. Kenneth Dodge, chairman, said the carmval in the gymnasium would include!! a tal ent show, athletic display;! men's style show and booths for cookies and candy. Funds will go for a loudspeaker system for the school. Officers for the coming year are Gus Moore, re-elected ; presi dent; Maynard Tweet, vice; presi dent; Earl W. Smith, treasurer, and Mrs. Harold Elbert, secretary. i j FORESTRY SERIES PUBLISHED 1! Two men on the staff ji of the Oregon; forest products' laboratory at Oregon State college are joint authors; with two other men, of a new book, "Forest Products, Their Sources, Production and utiliza tion." W. J. Backer andj B. P, Proctor are the local authors, to gether with A. J. PanshiiLj Mich igan State college, and E. S. Har rar, Duke University. The large. illustrated book is published by McGraw-Hill as one in an Am erican j Forestry series. encampment.' Maj. Gen. Thomas E. Rilea, state adjutant general, reported that many employers were grant ing their employes military leave with full pay. Other employers not in a position to follow this program are being asked to, grant annual vacation leaves during this period, Rilea said. All Oregon national guard units will attend camp from June 10 to 24 this year. The 41st Infantry division will move by truck and train to Fort Lewis, Wash., while the Oregon air national guard will fly to Walla t Walla, Wash., for a two-week period. Oregon and Washington anti aircraft artillery will, meanwhile, be training at Camp Clatsop near Seaside. Jefferson Woman Told of Charges by the Lyons Parent-Teachers as sociation. Mrs. Anna Johnson was hostess for a meeting of the Women's Society of Christian, service in which plans were completed for a tamale sale at the clubhouse Wednesday evening, April 12. Mrs. George Huffman was host ess for a card party at her home this week. Mrs. Ida Free held the high score and the traveling prize was won by Mabel Bass. Ray GilL executive committee member of the state Grange, was guest speaker in a meeting of the Santiam Valley Grange here. The local organization received the flag for being the outstanding Grange in Linn county from Hector McPherson of the Morning Star Grange. The Women's Society of Christ ian service will meet at the home of Mrs. Jim Lande Wednesday afternoon. April 19, instead of April 18. Bids for Brooks School District No. 31 Bids on construction of kftch on. Installation of equipment, plumbing, wiring and paint ing. Bids alosod April 24th, 1950. Contact Orn Sturglr, Chairman, Phono 1-f lte served daily and sent home at the first sign of illness. The city haa renewed emphasis on immuniza tion and provides for booster shots every few years. The article points out that spread of such diseases has not been halted by keeping at home children other than those sick. The ban on Quarantines end shortened isolation periods pre vents loss of so much school time and is more convenient for the families. The health office Is seeking comments and sug"estions for Oregon's revision of regulations, said Dr. Stone. rir1 "r TrUngWi amasing new chic, starter hi KrambUaed form ia mkkf new Noorda for healthier, fMtar grow ing . chicks. Tbim , is eoorw enough tor easy feeding yet small enough to be aaJ for the email- fakka. Give your chicks m good tart with TrUngW Krumble. SoU locally fcy YOUR TRIANGLE DEALER Willamette Feed A Supply D. A. WHITI ft SONS Earlv matches were called "lu KLAMATH FALLS, April 12- dfers" or "flamers" because they (P-ola Patrick, 26, Jefferson, has been notified that she faces a first degree murder charge. She is ac cused of slaying her 6-year-old son March 31 The blonde divorcee, who was seriously wounded in what police called a suicide try. was read the murder warrant in her hospital room late yesterday. The woman was wounded and her son, Lyndell, killed in a ser vice station rest room at Beaver Marsh sputtered so badly, according to the National Geographic Society, I oohl!eeper--lypisl Pormancnt Position J u wrlla lib bJi l( jj The Slalezssa Dahlen, ia clarinet solo by Loren Bartlett and a trombone quartet featuring Glenn Benner, Malcolm Peeler, Bob Doughton and Gary Tippets. At Wednesday's business ses sion, Gardner Knapp was named chairman of the nominating com mittee to select officers for the next ar. John Walker, an English apoth ecary, invented matches. mm QGC-flQQ. j. 1 -v The Amazing New Miracle Lustre Enamel! that LOOKS and WASHES like Baked Enamell O FOR KITCHEN AND BATHROOM WALLS O FOR FURNITURE AND ALL WOODWORK I -ii ii I ?$L - I Look to your i TtiSOX Nothing you possess h of greater value than sound health. Guard well this precious asset. At the fcrst suggestion of illness, visit a physician. Obtain his diagnosis and give him your complete co operation. Then, bring the doctor's prescript ioos to this pharmacy for cars f , prompt eompouadingt I j f.t. ... CAPITAL DRUG STORE State at Liberty - "On the Comer You'll never know how easy it is to paint with Kem-G'o and get really professional resblts until you try it. To make It easy for everyone to try this rernarkable new miracle lustre enamel that looks and washes lik baked enamel, the makers of Kem-Glo are making this introductory try-a-pint offer of Stay White at the money-saving price of only 98c. Kem-Glo Stay White i the whitest white you've ever seen. And It stays whiter long after ordinary white paints and enamels have lost their whiteness. So, clip the valuable coupon below today. Save 41c bring It to us with ohly 98c and get a pint of Kem-Glo Stay White. Try it on you i refrigerator, on window sills, on a cup board or bookcase, n shelving or on en indoor or outdoor chair. This money-saying offer is good only through May 31, 1950. This Coupon Is worth 41c to you REGULAR PRICESt $1.39 pint $2.39 quart $7.91 gallon SPECIAL irnv a nil it acccd l II I -H-riii i vrrcu 98c a pint of Marvelous lPii AI A STAY WHITI . KEM-GLO j only . : Take this coupon it your Kem-Gle i Dealer Redeemable trom April 1 te j May St. MS I 3 rrm r r V m A r"T TV VAT A Tl C 11 TTs with this coupon Regular Value $1.39 Fair-Trade Price Redeemable at Withslow Hardware r SherwiiviWilliams Paint Service Center 1 M AT YOUR STORE lQtl OR AT YOUR DOOR Irtlll f0 I ondard Paiteorlxtd Milk V. 3E? IV1)! flMl 1 PaatewrlxedMlIk U ssJ V'N-A 1 VL Creemten CIO) Milk Vl ifeA 1 V 1 Chocolate Drink nSSllU I J oSklmMIlk Vi SsrA 1 I 1 Iff It I Homogenlxed Milk ralll tiilot 1 Ewttrml,k W lLrV rJml AU Mayflower Producti are 1 M mdo rom Pur 'r P,tfur Phona 3-9205 1 1280 STATE Phone 3-9S32 Convenient Parking