,u I The Stoieeman. Salem. Orebiu Mondar. Aprfl 10. 13S0--1 To Buy . To Sell To Rent To Trade Use ied Ads! I 1M Glassif 600 Employment SIS Situation Wanted CHILD Car, ref . nurse, hr. or day. mv noroe. pn. z-vmi BOUaKEPlNG fosiUou. preferably tor gentleman In country borne. ph. 2-8537 -or ITS N. 5h. CAKULN Work, Heniiew, battle Creek Road. l'i mile. S. of Prinrle School. IRONIMG by the hour in my borne. , also plain sewing, call 3-5652. ivOriv Wanted lor power cnaui saw. I or will rent or sell. Ph. 2-3938. SLVvcKSand septic tanks installed and rerw'red. scnarrr bkw. r-n. a-oaow. LAN USC APING. Rose, snruooery. pruning, plantin1 latrmvork. Ph. 42831 TttlC MODERN DAY NURSERY,, Bow open Children supervised by nurse. Refined surroundings. Ph. 3-9075. MOinaAS Care to 1 cnud in my Plowing 6c discing, Al Mw P n. 2sf. TRi.c WORK toDmnc. .trimming. moving. Insured operator. Work , guaranteed. W. H. McAlliiter, 840 trade. Ph. 2-1496. AbV jtl'I'l'lNC by adu'.t. Ph. 3436TT PLACE wanted as com pan ion, house keeping for elderly person. Box 848, s Statesman. 0 GARDEN plowing, divan, etc. Perry Bartlemay. Ph. 22758. WANTED: Bookkeeping "r imaU businesses on monthly basis. Also typing of all kinds. Notary public. Leon A. Piscm W5 Pire. Ph. 3-5285. CH1'-l Care $2 per day. my home. Ph 3-7074 CUSTOM PLOWING and discing with Forrl tractor. Ph. 23829 or 37427. CUH' A INS WASHED, Mretd. 2-34481 PLUMBLING reaiPh. 3-8377. T " M-E. ROTARY TILLING "K- N tHui 3-83:a n a-snn . nanCy'S NURsErY SCHOOL DAYS. ACES t TO 8 17:30 TO 6 PH. 24940. GARDEN PLOWING, lawna start to finish It'll tractor on rubber with do7r Duane Wnlcott. Ph 28127 BAV SITTING. Ph. 2-02177 YAW't Work new lawns Ph r.m3 CEMENT work. All Hinds Ph 2-4SM1 Camenter work, new, repair Ph ?2093 CI HH.D 'CARE 1W3 5. 18th Ph 2-6876 DECORATING, reoair, reasonable Ph 3-S52Z REPAIRING rem-ideling. ro-f ina Pn 2-fft9 or 1-0218 GARDENS tilled with M E. Tiller Phono 2-2828 t SKVORK. Ph. b-tnre 8 arte- 5. 2-990l RPENTER Work Anv kind Rea- sonshle 1181 Union Ph 2-1487 F.XP Druner. nev lawn. Pil 3-6021 PAINTING, wallpaper, roofing, home modernization, kitchens remoaeiea. bunting. Ph. 3-9634. ROlOTILLNfl. 26- ME tiller. ' 2-2UL 118 Education LESSONS POPULAR PIANO 834 NORWAY. 820 Day end Comract TREE SURGERY, topping, trimming i removing. All kinds of yard work. free estimate. Painting decorating with brush or run. A. I. Rose, 1348 Mission. pn. 2493S. , XUTO PAINTIN6 lust a shade better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor CO. 3-9101. 1 Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work . Roads - Clearing - Ditching j Sewer 81 Basement Equipment Rental 19 B-' yds )0 B-i yds D-7 Cat Dozer D-6 Cat Dozer D-4 Cat At Dozer See us about ditching by tk-o root. Phone days 3-S40S t , Cvenlngs 8-4248 or S-4400 Salem Oregon! WATER WELL drilling. Dommaiioi Irrigation Duff leld Bro . ftt 8 box . 88 Phone 3-1313 or 8-1788 Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. . EXCAVATION CONTRACTORS fjind Clearing 8c ditching Basements 8c sewers : Roada and dams Equipment rentals Bavt us give you a tree estimate on . that Job you are planning. Ph 9-4681 dv or night. John Feldschau & Son! Central Contractor, Cement work. aO kinds, ettcavating Ph. 38F3 or 4-2429. Mimeograf)hins & Typing POE-S. 869 H. 18th SL Ph. S-9843. i 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board MICE Rm for 1 or 1 emo women. Priv ent. No smoking. 1418 S. Com PH. ' . r . ' Pleasant rm. 140 n. u oh. s-mto. HOTPLATE, refrt 2131 Center ' HOARD ROOM Phone 2-1028. CLOSE IN, pleasant room, double bed. 788 Hanon. 70S Apartments lor Rent S WELL Furn. rms. Close In ISO S. Cottse. Cheerful i rm. apt. 8 biks. No. of state 435 Division JiUPLEX Apt- S. t4th Ph. J-2518. CLEAN Lge. i rm. furn. nxxl. apt. 704 N CottaeeiL ' d RM. Furn. apt., heat, water, gar- bare disposal turn. $50 mo. ph. s-3130 sner a:3u a m. pion. B. R." Apt. Ph. 2516. partly furn. LEAN Light b&kp rm. pri ent, re- Trie. 4Bi . winter. v tVRH Apt. $44. Priv bath, ground :j fir. Priv ent. mn N. Coml, IInGLK UK. t rm apt sip rm. TraiW .space, two union, 3-STO. t, RmTTURN. apt. 830 STTttnT r Statesman ' ' ' - , ! Classified Ads Call 2-2441 Qaisified Advertising rer It" Three Insertions, per line 40 7 Inaertleng, per line ,.,,, , 7e One aeeatli per n t-&s (Ontside ef SaJean. esch ltae lit) Mlntiste tsre lines. Coant S srersls' ts line Renders U city briefs lint St The deadline for classified and reader advertising is 8:43 p m. daUy. Only emergency "Josf ads will be accepted after that hour. The Stateaman reserves the right te reject questionable advertising. It further reaervea the right to place all advertising under the proper The Statesman assumes no fin ancial responsibility for errors which may appear in advertsse snestavubiSBhetf in Its columns and In cases where this paper Is at fault wtil reprint that part of aa advertisement in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. A "Blind" Ad a ad containing e Statesman box number for an address is for the protection of the advertiser and must therefore be answered by letter. The States man as not t liberty to divulge information as to the Identity sua advertiser using ''Blind ad. 700 Rentals 70S Apartments for Rent 1 B R. 1-URN apt close in. ph. 2-156S between JO mm. & 9:30 p.m. Also 2 B R unfurn apt, garage, close in. URN. APT. light 8c water 830 mo. 364 N. 21st. LARGE 3 RM. furn. apt. nicely furn. aU utilities, priv bath. ent. walking distance, working girl pret. pn. z-7aaa UUA Rm dc autcnenette. uui uicl. S. rnml hiw (. blk. Ph. 3751. jxciuuve new court apt. Range, re- me. launarr, sou, aouih. rn. xiun 3 KAlS Furn. 824.50. Near 12th & State. 1 woman. Ph. 35222. bltuiO Apt with kitchenette 8c 3 rm i furn apt. 1370 cnemeiteia. cau ai- ! trrnoons. it RMS. Also upstairs t. 1397 N ConVl. s flat. Low rent Liv t Better at the Ambassador 830 to 873 550 N. Summer. AND 3 RM. turn. apt. No drinking. No pets 2310 N. 4th. 707 Houses For Kent RM Furnished cabin 85 week. Call Jefferson 506. . Hii t urn house. 830 mo. Rt. 4. Box 6,-3 Boone ltd. 3 blks E of 99E. HM House. mo. CaU alter 7:30 p.m. or Tues 8c Wed all day. Rt. 4. Box 288. 710 Wanted To Rent Houses BMP. ' fnnnl wants 1 B. R. hse. UD to mi call 3-B464 aner p.m AiVIIUj to occupy May 1: 2 bdrm hse or apt with range 8t refrig. State employee, wife 8c baby. Ph. 20561 after 5:30 p.m. C'OCVLE NEKD strictly mod. unfurn. 1 1 B.R. house oy April . rn. -wiu xftpr 5:30 OUPLE with baby want unfurn. 2 bdrm. house oy May 1st. mmancm prefer Hollywood Dist. Reas. Ph. 3-4679. 714 Business Rentals OFFICE Space. Livesly Bldg entrance. Pli 3-HW'i nayit lor appointment. OFF ICK Rooms. Ph. 25692 iiUMiM&sa Room ti. u. SUX1. 800 Real Estate SULLIVAN REALTY CO. ESTATE DELUX Here is the home that every woman ana man aime ureama oi. a built pre-war home conveniently located on five level acres. Has a L.R. and D.R beyond reproach. S B.R. down and one extra large B.R. and 'i plumbing up. A full dry bsmt. with large rumpus room, extra sleep ing room, shop end utility. Has auto, oil furnace. dbL fireplace and well cared for and expensive - landscap ing. Full dbl. garage and separate guest apt. with bath and house keeping facilities. The fuU price is $22,500 and shown by appointment only. Eve. ph. 3-1778. ESTATE DELUXE CiMfftnna T hwlmnm home. Two fire- places, dbL garage, xinisnea xnony pine Basement, ana luwmcuc - vu heat. Built by one of Salem s better builders. 816.000. I 1615 N. 4th fttia Wttla hnnu eoes for lust 82100. riis lull bain, sutcnen lacimies. uu circ.. gas stove, lawnmower includ ed, only ssio on. BEAVERDAM 4 acres beaverdam and 4',i acres wsp- mto S room house, water system. barn.- Land has been in mint. It isn't often you are given a chance to buy beaverdam for this price, but it must be sold. $10,000 with terms. Eve. ph. 2-4479. TWO ACRES EAST Stone's throw from Auburn grade . . . a , , 1 srnool, city ous py. aoor. xou wm rind lots of living in this one story. 3 BR home. U x 23 L.R.. dandy elec water system. dbL garage and l'a a. Of filberts. All for $8500. Terms. 4 MILES South of Salem all under cultivation. 3 acres. 3 seres strawberries, bal ance seeded to fescue and sub clover. 8 room modern house completely fur nished Including deep freeze ret. and elec. range Barn, chicken house, tractor, truck, plow. disc. etc.. 1 cow. 1 heifers, 250 chickens, all goes for 113.000 Eve. oh. J-4478 or J-1009, SULLIVAN REALTY CO. 3369 Portland Road. Phone 3-3258 Eve. Ph. 3-1778. Jf-8012, 2-3727. J-7365 Business APrMNO MACH1HS8 i AL makes used machine, sold, lent ed repaired. Roen. 456 Court. Phone 8-6773. APPI IANCB SERVICE I Bendix. Kelvlnator and Hot point Sales and Service. Ralph Johnson An pliance. 355 Center St. Phone 3-3139. ti TXATER Appliance Co. 253 No, Lib. i 3-4311. AT VOtTR DOOR gHAKPENTMO tifcXTKR. 1140 Center. Phone 3-6833. t'TOMOBn.F. REPAIR 1 Complete Chevrolet service. Douglas cKay Chevrolet Co 819 N. Coml '.MKNT cNTsiAcnom nnnrnvaVS SltiKWALKS fOUN. AT10NS. anything concrete Ph 34850. rtuMNtrr sweep ; ' CHIMNEY sweep. Northneea. Ph. 8-4488 Electrical contra ctino I VINCE'S Electric for electrical wtr Mig. contracting -repairing. IJ7 S. Lib eety Phone 3 -9239. ' j 14 MKERT - Brock. 884 Norway. Ph. 3-8JW7 sPfc4JlALlSTS at refinlshing modern A antique furn Lee Bros. Ph. l-raot FAROES PLOWING iolen Bathiirst Ph. 22907. MKATINO j Tudwn's. 278 N Cowl Ph 3-4141. HotMC PLANS : CRXwWaouse Plans. Ph 3-8621. OI'SKHOLU PRODUCTS i H Watklns Co oroducU 1717 Cen St. Salem Ph 8-S399 free det list I RANCl : ' Joe W. ButchuMe. fire. auto. UabU- Itv Ph 23629 : ' i.Ai hhuies luxe Serve Self Laundry 348 Jef- terson St. Ph 2-3452. i 4KNMllWm HARPENLNG-uaraateed serviee New power and hand mowers Call Ham W Scott 141 So CQfnT St L4KNNilKf8 SHARPENING "So PARKING worries or lugxuig it eownttrvn. Dsxter at your door Serv. e- 1149 Center. Pn 3-6833 LKiHTINti FIXTV i Salein's exclusive Ughtlng etoro. 89a J Hit h Sena I or Hotel Bide S-osis MAlTTt$$t9 s8attrMsaaCapltal Bee Co Ph 8 408B siiTAL PL A TING Avek Putting Co.. 1430 S. 12th. 37TI1 I Silver' repaired it refinished. Lamps wired.' repaired, burnished, chrome. tilcltel. copper, press, tin. ! Stlair LKSSONS bpantah and Hawaiian gaiter, snan- Aftiin muni etc 1533 Court Ph $-7388 Sit. KSS.SHBS Landscaping 8t deatgnlBg. . A. Doer ner at none. ae ate. I aaraeiae. Pn, ml. tiRct iAToa ssAVue Cs'H Cv Younger Pn $-887$ ' " paIntino 1 ' " 800 Real Estate BEST BUYS Your Heart's Desire in Farms Cows, calves, chickens, furniture and all wltn wis zz acres, aaoaem a bdrra home; house needs paint, but other i than that this is a buy for $8500. 3 M mi. from small town. Am ity soil, no waste land, if you are an Oregon GX and have $1500. we can fihance this for you. 143 A. Grade A Dairy 8 rm home. 40 x 60 dairy barn. rnUk house; extra 3 rm nouse, pavcu in. 17 cows Willamette and Amity soil. 133 A. under cultivation. Only 12 miles from Salem. See this one for $35,000. j Chicken Farm Very cle an modern home. 30 x 30 barn. 22 x ! 60 cmcxen nouse, i brooder house, only 4 mi from Sa lem. 1 'i A. boysenberries. wonder ful well of water, total S acres for only $9000. Evening phones 3-4735 or 3-3558. The Buy of 1950 3 furn apts. plus a remodeled very clean & neat 3 bdrm home, wanting distance from State Capitol. Paved St.. bus at front door, very close to stores, income $270 per mo. Very low expenses. Total price $22.50. Terms. Here's a Hot Motel $8000 down on a 10 unit. 1 yr. old motet, approx. i a. il "'"s m"-"-ters, units aU furn. Approx 2 biks from good trout fishing. Total price only $22,000. Restaurant ! One of Salem's leading 1st class equip ment; SimOSl new, raw rein. leaj ovner orced to sell, draught and package beer license, no tickets, priced below its value at $14,500. A Gold Mine Very well equipped business. Bldg. property, ana equipment mciuoni price, good location, a real money maker. Owner reports a net of be tween $15,000 and $18,000 annually. Total price only $40,000. Lone For a Home? Very spacious rooms. 1450 sq. ft floor space; au on i iioor, o bwiu. m; tra large corner lot. fireplace, hdwd firs thru-out. radiant wall heat, lots of built-ins, garage, breeieway, pav ed sts.. F.HA. loan for $10,000 avail able. Total price only $13300. 1 Bargain Almost; new home 1092 sq. ft. floor space.-fireplace, electric heat, insu lated walls, lovely kitchen, Vene tian blinds utility side house. 80 x 130 lot. close to school, this home is underpriced. $1500 down, total price only $9000. Evening phones 2-7674 or 3-3558. i We have added a new loan service, FJLA. ! 100 G.I. Come in for details. We are accepting orders again for houses of 780 sq. ft. floor space for. on ly $300 down, to be built . on Vour lot. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 303 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 or 2-4598 802 Bnslness Proueity WHY PAY RENT? Service! station, grocery. 2 car garage. 8 rm.; mod. house on hwy, grossed over $57,000 last year. Stock, fix tures,! furniture and property, full price j $12,750. Take house .trailer or house up to 86000 in trade. Ph. 146, 287 NL Main St.. Independence. 313.000 i- SELF SERVICE laundry in good Valley town. New buildiflf and equipment. Call Stanley Brown with State! Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High ) Phone 3-4121 806 Houses For Sale" FOR CHOICE clean modern home, see 990 Nj. Church St. Owner 2-4777. Directory PA1NTTNG DECORATING Chuck Clark Co. 253 N. Liberty 27694 PAINTING St l!?ecorating. Ph. 37552. PAPERHANGING EXPERT paperhanging. reas.. free est. H. J. Woodworfh. Ph. 3-9807. Papering painting JERRY Johnson Phone 2-9348. Painting; 8c paperhanging. Reas. 3-3059. FREE Estimate. Phone 2-3720 PAINTING 8c paperhanging. Free es timates. im snipping, pn. 3-9513. plumbing supplies Capital Bargain House. 145 Center St PLl'MBING ' GENERAL repair and pumps. De- camr ati Maer 70 s Comx pn. 3-C223 REPAIRS, sewer and drain cleaning. w. A.Mcewn piumning. Phone 34gon, Judson's. 27$ No. Com'l. Ph 3-4141. PUMPSi Stettler Supply Co. Phone 2-89317 ANO AND GRAVEL WALLING SANfi and GRAVEL CO Ctushed rock For roads and drive way, i Cement Ready-mix conrrete. Garden sand Bulldozing dratnagr 8c ditching yd. shovel and drag line Phone 3-9249. AWgj " Salem Saw Wks. 1293 N. h. 3-703 IIWC8 SERVICE Electric Roto-Rooter exclusive oat- ent raser sharp cutting blades Cleans sewers drains, septic tanks Ph 3-8327 SKPTIC TANKS K. f Uamet Septic Unks and tines cleaned, guaranteed work. 1143 8th St W Salem Ph 1-7404 alike-. Septic Service Tanks cleaned. RoO -Rooter Service on Sewers 1079 Pm St. W SaJem. Ph 3-8468 3-5327 VACUL'M Pumping. No mileage charge CaU us collect Todds Septic Tank service, aso Larsen st pn 1-Q734 rWING MACHINES LYKEi Sew. Mach. Repairs. AH makes. reouut. electrified, pttone 3-422S. COMPLETE Repair Service- AU Make? Free estimate - Work Guaranteed. Ralph Johnson Appliances, nh 3-3139 Ait makes repaired free est Singer! SM Co. 130 N Coml Ph 3-3812 SIGN A SHOW CARDS R L Eifstrom Co, 340 Court 3-2493 IPRAttNO and pruning L. W Caudle Ph 3-7909 Nolen Rathurst Ph. 22907 TOOLS" ? Howser Bros Your power tool rental headquarters, 141$ S 33644 12th St Pn VKNM1AN BLlNDi Ei-MFR The Blind Mtsn Ph l-TX'l" WASHING SEWWG Curtains washed 8t plain sewing $-54"5" WATCH SirslSlKO Claude Mis 348 N Coml Ph. 2-4o34 wAIHrRTRJPPLSG Kit estimates T Pullman. 3-S96S. S l l a. P KH-I.1 Q R J WEST. 4244 Sunnwiew Ph. 2-2773. C H. Saunders Sm Water, Ph 2'7H SNKEZ) A son 2505 Brooks St ph. f6ci weu u ruung - wnntiuc. ungaooit a. av sMessaBsa, sue at r- n 800 Real Esta 806 rlonses Far Sale I ONLY 2 bedroom borne. Large living room location on bus line and ; close to $7,250 Attached garage. 2 year old 2-bedroora house. see ins one. now. HERE'S THAT ENGLEW00D HOME! lovely! home in choice neighborhood. Fun basement with 2 bedrooms or playrooms for children. Automatic sawdust furnace, five spacious rooms. House in good condition.! Price $10,500. Terms I 1 n HERE'S ANOTHER WITH A BASEMENT And wh4t do you think not i one fireplace but TWO I One of them in the basement Five lovely rooms and attached garage on corner lot in new JTl.PJLJii0 J41"1- ibre-las Insulation and practically new. Price $18,000.00. Terms, j j ALMOST 6 ACRES AND A NICE HOME ' Only 3 years old and with knotty pine Salem and close to grade school. Ground has been used aa truck garden and Should be good. Only $2,000 down and $78 per month. DENTON & ! REALTORS S44 STATE STREET Evenings Call Mr. oorhees 808 Houses For Sale $8750 - CLEAN modern 2 bedrrn home close to school & bus. Fireplace. Full basement, sawdust furnace, fire- yard. $1500 down, Immed- session. i II Stanley Brown with inance Co. Realtors High Phone 3-4121 NEW HOMES. Ph. 2-6757 Eve BY OWNER: Garage hse. St I north. 11020 Shady Lane. j lge. lot DRIVE By this 3 year old ! home at 330 Columbia, then see me! for ap pointment. Do not disturb occu pant. G. I. loan St only $8250. OUf Thonstad Real Estate 941 N ICaPitol St. Ph. T7903 l'a YRj Old 2 bdrnw home, llge. lot. variety trees, good location, south of Ratcliff Drive, no calls; Sat. ph. 2-003& Z745 PeeK Ave. $360 Takes care of the down payment and finance costs on this new.! Imodern. subuibsn 2 bedroom house with hdwd floors, ven. blinds, completely Insulated and weatherstripped. Bal ance like rent. Full price $7850. Drive out State St. i mi east ! pi Four Corners Ph. 3-6468 or 3-1125. GOOD BUY ! I 4 bedlroom home. North. Suburban. Large lot. High and dry. Large ga rage! suitable for work shop. All in gooq condition. Close to bus. $7500. Ask! Mr. Ruberg. Mft ;DW A. 11 Y ClV, REALTOR North Commercial St. 2-5211 Eve or Sun 2-88 ST BUiTS onTt Miss This One We believe this to be the most unique home in Salem, 2 blocks from High School. 5 spacious rooms, auto oil heat, fireplace, patio, beautiful fenc ed yard on top of this, it has a swell 3 rjn apt in basement with fireplace, which is in demand at $65 per mo. or lean be used as a deluxe party room. LOCATED AT 1045 NO. 13TH. Don't Just drive by. owner will be glad 1 to show it anytime. Under priced at $13,500 FHA terms. Eve nings pn. 2-7674 or 3-355. Al Isaak & Co., Realtor 3030 Portland Rd. Ph 3-7820 frr 2-4598 BY OWNER in best location, nearly new 2 B. R. home, garage! outside patio 8c fireplace, fenced : In back var4- Call 2-5348 BY Y Owner: 3 bdrm plastered .home, fireplace, hdwd firs, tuo shower, large fenced yard, garage, garden, . 22821. berries, scs Eima Lane. Building Site$ At Sacrifice Prices! .Dickson's Addition. We need money NOW for our remodeling ! program, ing sites at a ridiculously low figure We are offering. choice home build but YOU MUST ACT AT ONCE I Water and Power already Inliclose to shopping center and biii $5,000 building restrictions. 1 1 Lots at a bargain for cash only I E. Dickson ' ii DICKSON'S SHOPPING CENTER Sdut $7850 - in iztn ana sse. rn. j-iiw FAIRMOUNT HILL DIST. - Small neat attractive! home on laige ot. Double plumbing.! fireplace. nardwooa floors, tseauuiui snruo bery and trees. 2 fireplaces ii in back' yard. $1,000 down. $60 00 per mon. I Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High Phone! 3-4121 DONT DRIVE BY STOP IN Take your time Inspecting this very attractive three bedroom ' aome at Ege of city northeast. You swill see large living room with! lovely cture window and circulating fire place, a family size dining room, lirge kitchen with generous work ing space and built-ins. a cheerful nook off the kitchen. Note also the mirror-like oak floors. We'll be pleased to give you the ! location. Purchaser will need at least $5500. clash balance pays off at $55.00 per ion in. run price sia.aoo. ; i Salem Realty Co. REALTORS i t! 149 N. High St. Phohe 37660 EVC. Phones 26605-2459 $7960. i room Englewood dist. home. has fireplace, basement : jj sawdust . beat Garage, garden space. Call O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors - This 153 S High Phone 34121 3 BEDROOMS ,! BEDROOMS 8 room home In the Engelwood district has 3 bedrooms on the first floor. Second floor la partially com pleted and could be made into two Bice rooms. Oil heat. Insulated and weatherstripped. $2,900 down, bal 1 mice at $37 per month. Full Price i TRADE I ji Two bedroom house on 1 aero near Swegle schooL Has 2 chicken houses. 2! brooder bouses. Price ss.srw or win trade for 2 bedroom bouse in town. I ONLY $4280 Good S bedroom house on a Urge lot Electric heat Living room, large kitchen, bathroom with shower. A good buy at only $4,350. 31.000 down. neiance at sou per momn. j u you do not see what you want! adver i Used, call us and we will find It for you- - - - I MURPHY & KENT - I REALTORS i 458 North Church Phone 4-2293 (In the Greyhound depot BWg ) Eves: 2-1744, 3-7478! " " WANT ENGUTWOODSi On north lath streetf Need three bed rooensr Basement? Fireplace? Tale kitchen? Dining room? If above fits your needs - call us - wanay' it The price is 811.750. fil ' Salem Realty qi. REALTORS I 149 It. High St Phone 3-7860 Eve- Phones 3-6608 - 8-4M1 $3ue - New i rttom piastered home with attached garage, j Salem HeiKht Dist Lot 64x130 10. i $3,954 - 3 Bedrrn home lust outside city Kt Garage. Lot 100x312. f 84.500 . e Yr. old 2 Bedrm heme south. place in late nds State F 153 S. 3 328 r BE D Garage. Lot 80x132. $1009 down will handle. pi I CaU O. V. Hume with State Finance Co. Realtors 183 St 2UaV Phone 3121 800 Real Estate 806 Houses Fox Sale $5800 with fireplace and full basement Good store. Utility room. Dont wait finish. Approximately 12 miles from DENTON OFFICE PHONE 2-3663 Mr. Brennan 3-4948 2-4007 806 Houses For Sale BY OWNER 2 BJL sub. home, nice (X B. B, Home 2 yrs. old. hdwd. firs.. fireplace, att. gr oil frn., unfin. upstairs, insul, -ven. bids., yng. trees, berries, Ig. lot 2030 Fisher Rd. 2-8274. NEW 3 B. R. home. Englewood. ph. -oia eves, also z rJ. n. homes. FOR RESIDENTIAL BLDG. Vi A. Building restrictions, new homes going up in vicinity. Nice view. City waiter. Just outside city. Near bus. $1100. V A. North. Good soil. Some building restrictions. Close to City $790 $35 down $15 to $20 per month. 9 A. Tract Good view. Fruit trees. Not far to bus. $200 down $20 per month. EDW. A. DYCK, REALTOR 328 North Com'l St. Ten 2-5211 Eve or Sun 2-6688 $8800 - NEW MODERN 2 Bedrrn home close in North. Fireplace. Auto oil furnace. $1500 down. . Call Stanley Brown with State Finance Co. Realtors -Jj3 -S Pigj Phone 3-4121 IDEAL SPOT for court 1 acre. 2 nses 1 lgr, 3 B.R. furnished, 1 small 2 B.R. hse. Bus at door, nice location. Price 818.000. Phone 33881 or 24612. WORTH THE MONEY $3.000 Clean four room home, close in northeast, $750 down. Call Mr. Fredrickson. GEO. A. WALTERS, REALTOR Ph. 2-3849 960 Si Coml Eve 2-5260 Owners Tranferred This is a mighty fine 2 yr. old bung. Englewood Dist., lge. live rm.. full din. rm, breakfast nook. 2 spacious bedrms., heated garage, a real buy. Englewood 1 yr. old 3 B.R. home on a nice corner lot close to school, all new homes adjoining, price $10,500. Worth your inspection. Call Bon Cleary. Walter Mus&rave Realtors 1211 Edgewater Ph. 3-5109 Eve. 3-9939 SEE THIS Nice 2 BR home - full basement with oil. furnace - weatherstripped and insulated. Close to stores and schools. OWNER SAYS SELL - A real buy at $8,000. Salem's Real Estate Exchange 468 Court St. Phone 24791 ' Res 23738 or 26525 $3950 Full Price Nice. mod. 1 B. R. home, on ',i A. good soil. 1 blk. to bus. Sale or Trade $9800 Mod. 4 B. R. home, spacious rooms, fireplace, full basement. S A. excel. soiL family orchard, will accept small home in trade. . Home and Income This is a very attractive piece of property and shows excel, returns oh investment H. E. Corey, Real Estate 1365 N. Broadway Office ph. 2-0552 Day or Eve. 2-5138. 3-3816 $7600 New house, corner lot. ready for oc cupancy about 2 wks, 2 bedrms, lv rms. bath, kitchen, garage. Call von Perti "Dansk Tales" GEO. A. WALTERS, REALTOR Ph. 2-3849 960 S. Coml Eve 2-5260 WE NEED LISTINGS On good clean 2 bedroom homes in or near ttalem. REALTOR GEO. A. WALTERS, Ph. 2-3849 840 S. Coml Eve 2-5260 FOR A LARGE FAMILY $14,5002 t old T room home lust 2 blocks from Englewood school, full basement oil furnace, fireplace in liv rm 6c bsmt. hwd floors, bath down. s bath up. nice back yard. GEO. A. WALTERS, REALTOR Ph. 2-3849 960 S. Coml Eve 2-5260 $7.700 Modern 2 bedrm home on 4 acre north, family fruit double gar age, chicken house, beautiful setting. Call Mr. rrederiexson. .GEO. A. WALTERS, REALTOR Ph. 3-3849 960 S. Coml Eve 2-5260 A lot of Income $16,000 8 unit all furnished apartments. Walking distance to City Center. With income of $338 a month. A good buy for anybody. Eve ph. 3-0473 1 family home $7,500 8 miles from Salem. 3 bedrm apart ment Downstairs living rm, fire place, dining rm, breakfast nook, kitchen, bath and utility rm. Up stairs 2 bedrms, living rm. kitchen and bath. l acre. All you need is 81,500 down, balance $48 a month. A fine place if you have your mother hiring with you. Eve. 2-0473 Suburban 1 Acre - 88.600 Ideal home for large family, handy to school and bus. 3 bedrms. full bath, large living rm. dining rm. kitchen and breakfast nook. Utibty rm in house, backyard ail fenced. Real nice place. Eve. 2-4473 Call Mr. LeClerc J. F. Ulrich Co. 317 Court St. Ph. 2-7758 $4950 Full Price Modern 1 BR. home, about A. ex cellent soil, lots of trees, $500 down. $30 mo. Immed. pose, $2500 Full Price WeU located ' ladies' apparel shop, stocked St equipped, small bvutg quarters. Joe Noonchester Real Estate 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sale BY OWNER: Large house, wired for elec. hot wtr. heater, 2 lots. 497 S. 18th. 7 Just Off Statt St. A nice little mod. 1 BR. home, liv rm. din rm. bath, cement founda tion, ramp roof, wood furnact gar age, lot SOxlSO. Richmond zcl dist Price 85500 la cash. 15 Acres 4 Mi. Out No buildings but dandy building spot dandy view over city. 1 acre of timber. 4 acres, balance in grain, new homes surrounding. $4750. Art Madsen Realty Co. 1338 State St Ph. 3-5580 or 2-8812 808 Lots For Sole 108x179 FT. Lot on Livingston near Lansing, paved at. $700 .Terms, ph. 2-6722. ! LOTS $10 down. $15 mo. Water, lights, dose to school It bus. General Real Estate 255 Center St , Phone 3-3289 810 Farms. Acreage For Sale IMPROVED 3 A. boysenberries. Ave! den soil, 1210 Alder out Cherry BY OWNER: 20 A- no AZ 2&! mi. N.E. $7000. term. Ph. 2-: -26 1 73. 40 Acres - EQUIPPED and DIVERSI FIED in Zena uisirici. a yr oia a on house with basement, lovely yard and unsurpassed; view. Springs may be used for irrigation - Cherries, some prunes, strawberries, rasp berries, and boysenberries. Perma nent pasture - barn and machine shed. Owner will take city property In trade - or ierms $16,800, Salem's ;1 Real Estate ; Exchange 468 Court St. Ph. 2-4791 Rag 2-3738 or. 2-6523 Howell Prairie 420 A. Dairy ranch. 300 A. cult new irrigation 60 A. Beaver Dam. bides 70 Head cattle all stocked 8c equip ped, one of the: best Dairy farms in Valley. For price & detail see. A. N. Duncan Realtor 12-14 Ladd 8c Bush Bldg. ONE Acre. 2 bed rm. house with elec. stove, elec. water system. V mil west of Aumsvllle on Turner High way. Best offer takes It by Wed. T. R. Dodson. Rt. 1. Turner, j A Going 2 Acre chicken ranch.;, in cluding 300 layers. 4 bedroom house, modern. BeOus of sickness owner says sell all for $5000. Terms. If you can beat that I will buy you a dinner. - OUf Thonstad Real Estate i 941 N, Capitol St. Salem. Oregon CHICKENS A 10 acre chicken farm. Three deck house, with 1500 or more laying hens, brooder house (1000) capacity, gar age, machine shed, older two bed room house, pressure water system, some fruit and nuts. The whole property goes for $10,750. including chickens. Salem Realty Co. REALTORS 149 N. High St. - Phone 37660 Eve. phones 26605-24591 6 A. 6 Roorq modern house, fruit berries, hen house, wood shed, cows, barn, work shop, 2V'a A. wheat 8k oats, electric water pump, house furnished everything new, also elec tric range 8c deep freeze. Reason for selling, going back east. $7500 i cash Bat terms: V Mi. E. Monitor. Oregon. Thomas E. Smith. Rt 2 Box 249. Wood burn. Oregon. GRADE A DAIRY i 50 head of catUe. 30 milking at all times. ISO acres fine high type soil, full line of good equipment. $1200.00 and better per ' month income, A real buy at $50,000. Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS ! Phone 3-4707 383 Court Eve. 2-4773 - 3-6554 31 ACRES $ miles from Salem.. 20 Acres can be cultivated. 5-rm home, good barn, garage, etc. Family or chard. Price $9,500. Call O. V: Hume with , State Finance Co. Realtors 153 S. High. Phone 34121 ' ONE ACRE. 2 bdrm: house, elec. stove, elec. water system, now vacant. $3000. Small down pymt BaL like rent. mile West Aumsvllle on Turner Hi- wsv. T. H. Dodson. 35 ACRE i FARM Close in east Crops all in. Attractive 2 bedroom home In nice setting, double garage. 7 ' stanchion barn, chicken bouse, hog bam. Good soil, well drained. Owner will consider trade for income property. MURPHY & KENT REALTORS 458 North Church Phone 4-2293 (In the Greyhound Depot Bldg.) Eves 2-1744. 3-7473 ! 812 Exchange Real Estate 2 ACRES. Mod. 2 rms. with electric pump 8c bath. WeU in Hayfork, Calif, oh. 3-9307. TRADE . My equity in older 4 B. R. mod home wltn ven blinds. sawdust furnace for smaller house. Ph MS87. 2 RM. gar. house. 2 lots, trade for small bouse, on l jot uiv Aiaer. 818 Wanted. Real Estate WANT to buy 2 B. R. house with basement under $8000 cash. States man Box 0 : WANTED to purchase property ax ranged for t family living, ph. 36519. Wanted HOMES. FARMS AND ACREAGES Due to our location we are getting many out of state buyers. List your place now. Over 2 million dollars la property sold by Sullivan Realty Co. 338) Portland Rd. i Have Client that wants two or three bedrm home or older type borne, within the City limits. Close to bus. Not to cost over $8,000. Eve. 2-0473 Call Mr. LeClerc J. F. Ulrich Co. 317 Court St Ph. 3-7736 Homes, farms and business property wanted. We offer prompt efficient service. MURPHY & KENT 498 North Church Ph. 4-22S3 (In the Greyhound Depot Building) 850 Automotive 852 Osed Con For Sale CHECK THE SPOT Marion Motors TO CENTER ST PH $-2S4 XI CHEV. Moving Van l,s 1353 2nd It Oh' J-03 ton $125. &44 HUDSON 4 dr 1 "H. white sidewan tires. perfect cood. 81073 1255 N 18th 1947 ARROW Sed- 700 mil on over haul. Radio, beater, very clean. Sisae. 424 5. 20th. Ph. ' -XJ 1840 PLYMOUTH 4 door sedan in ex ceUent condition S494. MrCalls. 127 850 Automotive 852 Osed Cars Fat Sale OLDSMOBILE "ROCKETS" AHEAD OLDSMOBILE ROCKET NEW LOW PRICES i FACTORY DELIVERY "88" 4 door sedan . $1988 DELIVERED TO YOTJ AT LANSING, MICHIGAN COME IN OR PHONE 2-41JJ LODER BROS. 465 CENTER 852 Used Cars For Sale 852 Deed Cars For Sale LATE 47 Buick spd. Radio, heater tt a c. 1 other extras, low mileage, original A Meal 34CHV 'a'rm mood, cutv In Prtvate party selling 1949 Cher metal soVn. MadhKlK. $3$ & .X.WdgSee,7.it0 WaTieV 25932 after 8 or all day Sat 8. Sun. 2.8088 Warner, ph. 4947 CHEVROLET Fleetmaster 4 door foag CHictf itt. i i - Sedan. very fine condition. One l2ood83S rubber wU? DiaTsOs"5- McCU- 1287 State" SfF'ord oChevTP.t.S 01,1 YOUR PICK TLlZ PmlleT.". ST g a Studebaker 3 speed with .3500 j7 runVci t-o k "' o 1 . miles. Will sell either one for $150. 4Ltf5f "XSJt. iJi " PMJ. CD- Ph 2-4479 hyox. trans, good tires, aU desir- 36 LAP A Y K'i'i'ai cpe. will seU or trade -tt JZ d for bldg. materials: Rt. 3. Box 871 E. - wgeJc A Factorv Deliverv We Arc in Alarket raciory delivery for late model cars 1950 EISNER MOTOR CO. ) Studebaker JZ w calls. 1297 State. Dial 38108. 2-D00R SEDAN 854 Tmctt, Tmn.ni FdT S 1 OAO '48 CHEV. dump truck. Make offer. Ph. Amity 3SS- T- , 1 ' '.S9DGS' ekup, ph. 2-211$, Leo KnnP5TPPlP C .Miller, 290 Fisher Rd. IJUlie&lWlC t 1946 1',' T. flatbed Chev. truck with T70 N CHURCH PH 2-9277. SAt.FM Brownie. Call 3337$ eves and Sat SAClUnCX equity in '46 Ford station ; wagon or trade for older car. Russ 856 WrminH. Cots-.Tswa-m- DeUno. 888 N. Coml. space No. 9. w aracaar 36 HUDSON S. 5 good tires, good mo- .U tor. $85, Ph. 3723$. . Calling All Cars 1930 MODEL A 2 dr. sda. 3723 Mon- Drive to 3388 Portland Rd. where yon . roe Ave. Phone 2-5922. can get the most cash for your car. Everv Dav Is Sale Day Security Motors AT OUR trSED CAR LOT 3385 Portland Rd. Ph 2-0681 ALL MARIMODELS ALL ZEEB'S USED CARS We invite your comparison for price Brr , n. . . with like make & model anywKre r'.lSvotnu. plli34 H"0weJ0 858 Motorcrciee TRADES TERMS f i 860 N. Uberty Ph. t-4113 This Time It's HUDSON f Indian C ifJr ' Motorcycles - Scooters - fitcyelee Service SALES Parts CUSHMAN WHIZZER Home of Good Used Cars Spedrlsee air cooled engtoo rsantT. Shrock Motor Co. Shrock Motorcycle Sales Church and Chemeketa Sts. Ph. 3-9101 $007 Portland Rd. Ph. 2-1423 '47 CHEV. Conv.. R St H. new top. l . sa, rubber, make offer. 1680 Berry 860 AutO MlSCelcmOUS 3T FORD Tudor, good cond.. R St H. 8170. 1430 McCov. Phone 3-9688. CHROME plating to dress your car. CHECK THE SPOT iu puttag 1430 - 862 Hotiee Trcdlere . 47 NORMAL 22. $1250 or best car eV Marion 1,1 Motors SSko"?. p'ano " CvmLt XL j- 50 Kit and Universal Trailer Hornet 22. 28. 27 and 28, ft 833 CENTER ST PH 8-9298 Elect refrig. h.w. heater and shower. 1941 CHEV special dlxe. 2 dr. sedan. Tnvriasvlr TVnIl'r 3n1a heater, defroster, clean $595. 1820 N. jaynaWk. iraiier SRieS 20th. ph. 2-0927. 2840 PORTLAND RD. fy rcfioutateimaa MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press 1$ entitled excnslvelj to tot ase for repabllcatiea ef all the local news printed In this newspaper, as well aa all : AP news dispatches. MEMBER PACIFIC COAST DIVISION OF BCKEAU OF ADTCKTUIXCI I Advertising Representatives Ward-Grif fits Ce, New York. Cdeac. ! San Francisco, Detroit . MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CTRCULATION SUBSCRIPTION RATED ' Dally and Sunday Week-days Only Sundays Only By carrltr In cities $ 120 month 8 LS9 month JO week SO month M month By mall m Oregon 4.50 six mos. t-2S six men, (In advance) M year ' 4.00 year By special Sunday Se-en-day rate (week-day by man, .19 week delivery on many motor delivery Sunday) $1X54 a year. 4J0 year rural routes. (In adv.) (la adv.) By man In VSJL 1-20 month JO month outside Oregon 7 JO six moa. 8.75 six men, tin adv.) 14.40 year 8 J8 year Available in eertala areas DAILY CROSSWORD DOWN I. Sticky mud J 2. Schools for very young; - children 3. Biblical name 4. Loads 8. Greek Utter I Land measures T. Revoked 5. To render beloved II. Handle of joiner's plane X. Straw beehive 9. A step In walking; 9. Silver cola IL) 10. Meui lLLong; blouae-llke farments 13. Soapy water 1. Strange IS. Toung; coat Iff. Born 19. Mature 20. Enemy scout ILSplrot 22. Tenure 24. Scoffs 2$. PracUca Joke 25. Blunder 29. Sacred beetle (Egypt! S2. Nurse (OrienL) 3S.Crg;gy ttin SlMlat 3S.l4aK beverare St.Notta 40. Enemy dl.NoUtlnr 42. Songbird t Spread gTasatodry 4. Winter pre- cfpiUUoai 4a.Obeerved 4. Serf MFtendiee 850 Automotive 852 Deed Cars For Sale 1Z Small drinks 14. Serpent Uzard 17. Unit of force (COS. system) . 23. DUflgure 23. Epoch 27. Hook on end of a pole 29. Pack away 30. Direction taken 31. Instrument of torture M. Foreirners 34. Grasped Yesterday's Answer ST. Web-footed birds 43. Not (prefix) 43. Lair 47.Proaotm few fur iV-an EeU0S Vt 1 iTggtyL-i?gfL,.. f " WJ I' fWf ; w - i " r 22 ? -1 aa !ZZa as . ; IIHIIIII 4 ZEST 4 i 4i " 4-e