The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 05, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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    - Valley ;
; Obituaries
Georre Mlnshall Knox
ALBANY Funeral services for
: George Minshall Knox, 90, who
died at the i family home April 3,
yvi)l be held from the Fortijnller
Frederickseh Chapel at 2 : p.m.,
Wednesday, April 5. The Rev. Or
ville Mich, pastor of the ! First
Christian church of which I Knox
was a member, will ofriate. Bur
lal will be in Knoxf Itte ceme
Knox txQ twim nt
box Butte,
Aug. 6. 1859. the son
lames and
Merinda Parrish , Knox, Oregon
Sioneers, and had lived his entire
fe In Linn county. ; For many
years he was in the transfer busi
ness with the late George Hughes.
Knox had been an active member
In Woodmen of the World. Mr.
Knox married Mollie H. Gear
hart in 1886 In Salem. She survi
ves along with three children,
Mrs. W. J. Tohl of Albany, Cecile
Knox of Salem, and John D. Knox
of Ashland; and one brother Alex
ander Knox of Greenville, Calif.
Mrs. Bettie Barber,
ALBANY Funeral services for
Mrs. Bettie Barber, 29, who died
at her home In Coos Bay March
SI after a short illness will be held
from the Fortmiller-Fredericksen
chapel in Albany at 2 p.m., Tues
day, April 4. The Rev. Orville
Mick will officiate. Burial will be
In Willamette Memorial park.
Bettie Abraham was born in
Albany March 6, 1921. Se attended
.Albany schools and was graduat
ed from Oregon State college in
1941. She was a member of Delta
Theta sorority and was named a
member of the professional jour
nalism society, Theta, Sigma 'Phi.
She was also a member of the
' Christian church, t
On July 4, 1941, in Albany, she
was married to Donald C. Bar
ber. He survives along with i three
children. Franklin, j Monte Jean
and Bruce Cameron: Barber. Also
surviving are her parents, Mr. and
: Mrs. Herman Abraham, and one
brother, Thomas, all of Albany.
' and one sister, Charlotte Abraham
Richland, Wash. '.p. '
Albert Raymond Forster
1 ALBANY Albert Raymond
I Forster, 54, died at his farm home
on route 1, Tangent, Monday. Fun-
eral services will be held from the
' Fisher Funeral home at 11a.m.
Thursday, April 11. The Rev. Mar
ion smitn oi foraana win oinc-
; late. Burial will be in Willamette
.Memroial park.
Forster was born at Tangent
: Dec 3, 1895, a son of Martin L. and
; Georgiana Settlemier, He was a
farmer and Jersey dairyman, and
i was past president of the Linn-
: Benton Jersey club. 1 He .was also
i member of Western Star grange,
' of the Shedd Masonic lodge, A.F.
& A.M., and of the Tangent Meth
!; edist church.
M He married Ira B. Maas In Al
bany Dec. 13, 1917. She survives
: as do four children, Mrs. Irene
! i O. Cooler. Arlington, Vav Waldo
Forster, Corvallis, and "Lloyd and
j Leonard both of Tangent Also
i surviving are two brothers, Fred
jH. Forster, Albany, and Everett
i Forster. Portland: two sisters. Mrs.
i urace v. weoer, ibaiem, and Mrs.
; Zella G. Moody, Merser Island,
! Wash.; and four grandchildren. :
i Lyndell Patrick .
r ! ALBANY Funeral services for
ix-year old Lyndell Patrick who
died near Klamath Falls, March
31. will be held from Fisher Fun
era home at 1:30 p.m Thursday,
! April 8.' Lyndell was born in Den
ver Colo., May 7. 1943. He had
.lived in Jefferson the past two
! years, surviving are his mother.
Mrs. Lola Patrick of Jefferson, his
j father Lyndell Patrick of Denver,
; Colo, and his grandparents, Mr.
. and Mrs. George Hayworth of Jef
: ferson. i -
: Alphens J. Tucker '
ALBANY Alpheus J. Tucker,
84, a resident of Oakridge for the
past year, died Monday morning
i after an extended illness. Funeral
j services will be held from Fisher
funeral home at 2:30 p.m Wed
nesday, April 5. The Rev. James
W. Neeley, pastor of the Albany
: Baptist church, assisted by the
Rev. Leland Wilkeson of Oak-
ridge, will officiate. Burial will be
In Willamette Memorial park.
: Born Dec. 28, 1865, in Spring
field, 111., Tucker moved to Iowa
when he was five years old. In
. 1900 they moved to Nebraska, and
In 1928 he came to Albany where
i he lived until a year ago. He was
"x a retired farmer and was a mem
ber of the Methodist church,
j At Council Bluffs, Iowa, March
31; '1897, Tucker married Rose
Wright, who survives. Also survi
ving are rive children, Lloyd and
i Lester Tucker, Albany, and How
; ard and William Tucker and Mrs.
: M. A. Hopkins, all of Oakridge: a
; brother Frank Tucker of Hardin,
j Mont, and 11 grandchildren.
i j: ;- 11 ' "
i survey teanf of the United States
public health service has recom
' mended that the state department
of public health consolidate its 14
divisions into five bureaus. The
f recommendation was made at a
i meeting called to signal the com
pletion of the preliminary sum
' mary report of a management sur
vey of the Illinois department of
e puDuc neaiin. i
illcusebrii j
Easy Without
Am w rt aUcr. trw k4 atrmia.
mmrOmm. iitiK Mwn
mU MHtiMi W kMhwy m
tkm. Tfcia mf iA folk M aw
. pkmim mt unf harkaca. loas af aa4
; mmunrt, aiatora aa4 4iiiaaav. bttia
awau ar f raauaat aiay nml
from ilair alaaair Imotwa 4m to anU.
I ar awtary imiiimi.
aUurvtM. U4 iMnaliiUr ar tillinai fc
ar M Waila thin araiataaai mar
fin aiaarviaa ' aaautae aaw
Dar aaw uaw ana mmpwv rmtmt
a tka It mOm af kUy taaw tJtefa
Thcyll Do It Every
Ihere Aint no justce!twose BiRPS
' Y "-"" N for, ..-, m:;u KTlit tYMPirnTl, t-o. QlB lcim urstimi n Wv!
Nineteen Hours
One New Law
By Arthur Edsn
At the current rate of exchange,
it takes 19 hours of congressional
talk to equal one law.
This statistic crept out of the
"Congressional Record" today, in
Its monthly report 'card on con
gress. The report ihowed that during
the past three months the senate
has been in session 940 hours and
three minutes, the house 247
hours and 25 minutes.
The result: A total of 587 hours
In the legislative mines, 31 bills
actually passed into law, and
enough oratory ot spill over 4,634
pages of the "Record." .
Some of these 31 laws .are na
tionally, even internationally, im
portant i But you may not be aware that
you also are living under such
new laws of the land as:
An authorization for a monu
ment in honor of Henry Milton
Brainard, at Cape ; Arago light
house station in Coos county,
Of Talk Equal
' - ; ' v.
w'Hitiiiiiiimm ' r i 1 1 ii i ' ii iii r-7T""' i ii i ii in i i ,rrnTTHTTniiwipnrnrTrni'nirTiriiimiw n juu.,j
' ' " - ' - ' K ' i t - s
j ' ' "" ' ' '
Fords ih fatcsrttvrto ncthm t,
CmvAn frtwUft fashion AcoJtmy mdd
All the work! of Fashion looks jo New York's
famed Fashion Academy as an authority on
style. So it's no onder Ford is proud to re-1
ccive their medal as "Fashion Car of the Year
for the second urmight year. Never before was
a car bono red by two Fashion Academy
Awards in a row! Here's proof that .Ford has
succeeded in bringing style to the low-price
cki-uyl e vca far costlier cars cant match.
375 Center Stmt
Are the
A transfer to the attorney gen
eral of portions of an ordnance
plant near Terre Haute, Ind., for
use by the U. S. penitentiary
An authorization for the re
moval oof sludge in the District
of. Columbia.
Statistics, of course, rarely go
far enoughli
The "Congressional Records"
reports only on time spent in
session. j
Most, if jnot all, congressmen
spend far more .time in commit
tee work than they do in the
house or senate chamber.
It is the committee which hears
the witnesses say why they are
for or why they are agin the bill.
It is the committee which actual
ly drafts the bill's wording. It is
the committee which shepherds
the legislation once it reaches the
floor fordebate.
Just thought you might like to
know that, contrary ot .some im
pressions, a congressman's life
isn't ail a whoop and a headline.
TOKYO(INS)-A new design
for skis, embodying the principles
of the law of dynamics, has been
developed by two Japanese engi
neers. Prof. Ichiro Tani of Tokyo
university and Ken Omori, an
aeronautical engineer, have built
a pair of hickory skies eight feet
in length and moved the bindings
v r
same little so-and-so's
AT $ 3.00 A ROUKP
Owner Draws Ffne for
Allowing Dog to Run
A recent city police warning
that dogs will not be allowed to
run at large this sprihg in Salem
was enforced Tuesday with the
levying of a $10 fine.!
Everett Zink, 1132 Ruge st., paid
the fine in Salem municipal court
on a charge of permitting his dog
to run at large withiii the city.
,Many spring gardeners have
asked the. police department in
recent days to enforce the ; city
ordinance which bans canine
wandering. jl
Young Linn Dairymen
Top Cow Palacephow
Youthful dairymen of Petaluma,
Calif, high school's Ftfture Farm
ers of America club today domi
nated every entry id the dairy
stock judging at the Current Cow
Palace exposition.
Four Oregoon entires among
winners represented Lounty , 4-H
clubs. . . -
Among them:
South Down senior lambs: Ver
non Holmes, Linn county; Robin
McKinley, Linn county.
14 inches , forward of their con
ventional position. They claim this
By Jimmy
should make skiing easier and
fster. , ! !
Katmdlfxssfuon Car o Hit Yoor9
tocond yar in a. row
And handsome is as handsome does. A "Test Drive"
will ihow'you the quality that makes the '50 Ford
the one fmi car in its field. Youll feel the smooth,
quiet getaway power of Ford's new V-t engine (or
advanced "$ix" if you prefer). VouTl feel the 35
easier acting King Size Brakes. Youll feel the
"Mid Ship"!comfort ot
guard" Body . . .1 now
here quality youll ttt,
Driva" the
'30 Ford-
IPimMie llecoirds
Harry R. Jones vs- Luanna
Jones: Complaint or divorce al
leging cruel and inhuman treat
ment. Married Jan. 7, 1950, at,
David and Martha Korb. vs
James Dutton and others: Order
overrules demurrer of defendants
Dutton and Lavon O'Brien.
Gene Lebold and others, by
Ralph E. Moody, guardian ad li
tem, vs school district 24: order
denies plaintiffs' application for
continuation of temporary re
straining order and dismisses com
plaint, denying rebel sought;
plaintiffs file notice of appeal to
state supreme court and under
taking on appeal. ,
James A. Wallace estate: Hear
ing On final account set for May
Elizabeth Ann Roan guardian
ship: Order vacates order of con
firmation of sale.
Edna White estate: Order de
crees inheritance tax redetermined
to be $1,749.59; on stipulation by
Ludvik Adolph Ask . estate: or
ders set aside exempt homestead
and personal property to widow,
correct inventory and grants wid
ow's allowance of $3,000.
Irl S. McSherry estate: Order j
admits will to probate, appoints J
Ellyn McSherry as executrix and j
S. Johnson as appraiser. ,
Ralph Propeck, 31, truck driver, ,
3810 Cherry ave., and Alta Lowry,
20, cylinder clerk, 4235 Filbert St.,
both of Salem.
Robert F. DeSantis, 30, farmer,
Silverton star rote, box 50, and .
Neltje . Anne Saucy, 19, student,
Salem route 7, box 205.
James P. Moisan, 25, box com
pany, employe, 2295 Maple ave.,
and Lucille C. Hoffert, 21, state
employe, 1065 Jefferson st, both
of Salem.
D. Richard McMullen, 20, clerk, j
795 N. Capitol St., and Dorothy i
Gardner, 20, student, 4160 Gardner j
rd., both of Salem.
Ray A. Bovee, 26, construction
worker, Portland, and Mary H.
Bekebrede, 19, secretary. Wood
burn. i
Gerald E. Bull, 25, of 1950 Maple ;
ave., and Beverley Mae Kenney, I
21, secretary, 1295 Market st, both !
of Salem. !
Gerald D. Bullock 330 Mission
st., pleaded guilty of reckless driv
ing charge, fined $25, $10 suspend
ed. Robert C. Kennen, Beaverton,
pleaded guilty to charge of driving
Ford's l-way stronger Life
"tound-coodittoncd. Yes,
hear and feel when you I en
"nsrcsas'ifc dt
i . !
Phone 3-3147
while intoxicated, fined $250, re
ceived suspended 30-day jail sen
tence, driver's license revoked for
one year.
John Brennan, 1823 Broadway
st., fined $25 on disorderly conduct
Everett Zink, 1132 Ruge st, fined
$10 on charge of permitting dogs
to run loose and be at large.
Edward Maynaraharlow, Oak
land, Calif, charged with posses
sion o stolen property, hearing set
April 8, held in lieu of $1,500 bait
Frank W. Hickman, Salem route
4, charged with obtaining money
by false pretense?, hearing post
poned to April 5, held in lieu of
$1,000 bail.
Edwin Deutscher, 535 N. Win
ter st, charged with larceny, con
tinued for plea to April 5, held
in lieu of $2,000 ball.
George Hiram Brownell of Elk
horn, Wisconsin, is the country's
leading expert on the bibliography
of Marks Twain. Mr. Brownell di
rects the Mark Twain Research
Foundation and publishes The
Tainian from Elkhorn.
no other detail
does so much
for a suit as
. v rss . I N h
111 ULllUUll " : oc )
to gain an "edge"
in the competition
for admiration!
And hand-needled edges
is but one of many reasons
why you'll fall m love j
with the superbly tailored
gloriously colored and
expressively styled
Vajty-Town Suits
we're featuring for Spring.
50.00 and more
41 State SrrMt
Tha Skrtman, Salem. Oregon.
Zoners to Hear
On Change Bid
The pro and con of a proposed
zone change permitting a $1 300,
000 apartment house at South
High and Kearney streets will be
heard by the Salem planning and
zoning commission tonight
Public hearing has been set for
7:30 p.m. at city hall on the re
quested change from residential
to apartment zoning. '
Cont r o v e r s y among nearby
Senate Recess Forced
F or Lack of Speeches
WASHINGTON, April 4 - (JPt
The senate ran out of i speeches
today and had to recess about two
hours before its usual! quitting
Vice President . Barkley told
senators "It ought to be regarded
as a notable historical event that
the; senate has run out of some
thing to say."
The senate was debating a dis
placed persons bill, on which mem
bers have agreed to vote tomor
J ' 'ii iff I)
Wednesday. April 5. 19507
property owners is anticipated.
Owners of more than half the
affected property area have
agreed to the change in petitions
to the commission, but some p -tition
signers have since asked to
withdraw their names.
The zone change is asked by
William E. -Healy and Paul F.
Murphy, sponsors of the pro j t
which would inc lude 122 apar -mcnts.
The site is across Hi'-1
street from Euh'e pasture, a
block south of street
Salem, Or9n
, M waaa a rua aaaari