The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 05, 1950, Page 3, Image 3

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The' Holy Week StoYy y
And They Mocked Him
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- (tMri ti l Holy Wk tcrlci fcy
Ar Ntwtteatvrea. ArV, from tbt
vaiauac ky GnsUvo Dorc. Text
Indciwt (roM Lako Z2:3-23:24.)
The -men that held Jesus
mocked Him, and smote Him.
And when ; they had blindfolded
Him, they I struck Him on the
facet and asked Him, saying,
Prophesy, who is it that smote
Thee? And many other things
bla sphemously spake they
gainst Him.
As soon as it was day, the
elders of the people and the
chief priests and the scribes
came together, and led Him into
their council. Then said they all,
Art Thou then the Son of God?
And He said unto them, Ye say
that I am. And they said. What
need; we any further witnesses?
for we ourselves have heard of
His own mouth.
And the whole multitude of
them arose, and led Him unto
Pilate. And Pilate asked Him,
saying, Art thou the King - of
the Jews? And He said. Thou
sayest it. Then said Pilate, I
find no fault in this man. I will
therefore chastise Him, and re-t
lease Him. '
1 And they cried Crucify Him,
crucify Him. And the voices of
them and of the chief priests
prevailed. And Pilate gave' sen
tence that it should be as they
Salem Has a Population of ?
To the Oregon Statesman,
Salem, Or.
East Sizzles
In Summery
Type Weather
By the Associated Press
Heavy April rains sent some
midwest streams spilling over
their banks again Tuesday while
parts of the east sizzled in sjim-mer-like
The Little Wabash river was on
its third rampage in three months
at ML Carmel, 111., lowland resi
dents fled to temporary quarters
in boxcars as the river rose live
feet above flood stage. Rlvermen
predicted a 2.5 inch rainfall for
the 24 hours ended at 7 a.m. Tues
day would send the waters still
A man was missing at Bernhart,
Mo., after Glaize creek poured into
his hnmp in a flash flood Mondav
night. Tom Marler, 42, was swept
away by flood waters after pe and
his wife left to seek help. Mrs.1
Marler managed to climb into a
tree. Rescuers removed the even
Marler children from the flooded
home. The stream was falling
The showers dumped from one
to two inches of water on Illinois,
Indiana, eastern Ohio, southern
Michigan, northern Kentucky and
along the central gulf coast.
The mercury shot up into the
80's in northern New Jersey. Rec
ord heat for the date brough these
other readings: Boston, 74; Wor
cester, Mass., 77; Hartford, Conn?,
71 and Concord, N.H., 64.
New York Gity policemen were
told they could leave their over
coats home Wednesday. The mer
cury hit 75.3 there, highest since
last Oct. 22.
Stiff winds lashed parts of the
southern Atlantic coast.
The southwest also enjoyed mild
weather but a mass of colder air
spread over the midwest south
ward to the western gulf.
In record to your cash-prise fun contest
My guess for Salem's official population figures far
1950 Is
(Pleas write or
I' 1
' -I" ' 1
Address . .
print PLAINLY)
1 : .
(Guesses, one to a person, must be received by April 15)
Jersey Cattle
Breeder Dies
TANGENT, Ore., April 4-(JPh
The body of Raymond Forster, 54,
prominent Linn county -jersey
cattle breeder, was found In his
barn near here Monday by a son.
Sheriff H. A. Southard said he
died from a self-inflicted shot
gun wound. The sheriff said sev
eral notes addressed to the family
indicated he had been ill.
Forster had been active in pro
duction marking association af
fairs for many years. The widow
and several children survive.
Grocers Take
Slap at State
Welfare Board
PORTLAND, April 4 -VP)-' The
state. welfare commission was crit
icized h e r e for favoring chain
stores in the distribution of food
The Oregon Independent Retail
Grocers association asked the de
partment to send word down the
line to local agencies to be more
fair in issuing the food orders.
Delegates at the grocers' annual
convention i said certain stores,
notably the chains, seemed to get
more than their share of this busi
ness, ;...; v
A record attendance turned out
for the two day sessions ending
toclay. Stronger labor and public
relations programs .were urged.
One resolution urged amendments
to sharpen Oregon's -anti-price
discrimination law at the next leg
islative session.
All officers were reelected. New
directors are Harvey W. Curry,
Newport; William Thurber, Al
bany, and George R. Winters, Cot
ttage Grove. j
Youth Loses
rm in meat
Plant Mishap!
j A 15-year-0ld Salem boy, Lloyd
Walker, had part of his left arm
amputated early Tuesday morning
as a result of an accident late
Monday night at the Mon Ark
Meat company, 1335 S. 25th St.
I Walker, son of B. K. Walker 285
McNary st.. was reported resting
well at Salem Memorial hospital
Tuesday night
The boy's father said Lloyd lost
his footing while grinding meat
shortly before midnight at the
plant While groping to regain; his
balance, the lad's left hand went
into the grinder, his father said.
Walker said his son was placed
on the regular payroll at the Mon
Ark plant last Saturday night,: al-
Farm Produce
Prices Rise
for Oregon farm commodities ave
raged slightly higher in March
checks than the month previous.
They were still below a year ago-.
The federal cron renortintf serv
ice said meat animal prices led
At 1 - ... MA
uie aavance. caiue was up vu
cents at an average 119.20 a hun
dred pounds; hogs up 40 cents to
$18.40; veal was up $1.50 to $24.
30; lambs $1 to $21.70. Chicken
prices hit an eight month high of
26 cents a pound but eggs drop
ped a cent to 37 cents a dozen,
lowest in nearlv four veam !
Wheat was up 1 cent, oats down
a cents and barely down 2 cents a
though he had worked at intervals
six or seven times during the past
lew monins. !
Is your present toilet
smIsj? Stow draining? Cracked? A
baiard to the health end comfort
of your family ? Theoi now's s good
time to replace it with a Crane
Neudar. ;l ' i ,
Made of glisteaiof .
desQ vitreous china. Anracuvd
Efficient! Quiet! Inexpensive!
This is only one of the line of
new Crane plumbing fixtures now
Available. I Let help you select
your new bathroom fixtures stow.
Ym11 he uum4 na yo HEAR tow
inch bar ih aw 19)0 BUob it!
Ycm'11 bm thrilled, too. when yon FEEL
bow mack more comfortable it it to
wear Actually 26 amallcr than jibe
malUat Bcltoa crcr mad before! 1
KEW Features Fer ttTTEI KEAtlNCI
Thil awat Bclioac grvca 1 9 great atw,
advantages for wonderful clarity, adclirr,
comfort, power. It may make a wonder
f al difference in yoM whole lite. j.
Hide you deaf nets wub tb new Bcltoae
PbaatonMld.Tbaakt to tbi t utterly trana.
parent, alnoat ianaibla device, no but
ton neen show la yoar earl
laat off tbe nreaa. Valuable,
laaciaatiag. kclpfat facta.
Profuaely uiaatraied. Coean
in, phoan or aaail coupon
lot your f&EI copy today!
'i 1
fm SUdtJ "IT
Nnortnf KM
J:n::$ Taft & Assoc
22 1 Oregon IMg.
Ph. 2-4491
Salem, Orteesi : '.
Oswsi Samroas nftemean till S pun
I Fresh ftafreries fer all Aids.!
Id i
fcsl Liko
Chucking That
Cluck of a Clock?
Forget itl Just think
about your Nohlgrtn's
you're going to have. Start
with vitamin vital tomato
Juice then try a couple of
poached eggs shimmering on
' i '
buttered toast ... plus that
nut brown coffee.
Happy opening gambit.
The Statesman. SoJem, Oregon, Wednesdcry. April 5, 1SS0 3
177 north liberty
!t t-
iljj UneJ
Open Friday Nites
'Til 9 p. m.
Double Stamps
Pillow Cover
Size 21x27
Qeat plastic
Neatly fitted
Double Stamps
Nylon Priscillas
e Practical nylon
o Buifled style
Double Stamps
Sport Shirts
Values to $2.98
Colorful prints
All sizes
Values from $50 to $60. Julliard gabardines, sharkskins
Juilliateen and crepe. Full length toppers beautifully tailor
ed. Special purchase enables us to offer this unbelievably
low pricel
Double Stamps
Gowns - Slips
Special purchase
o Rayon Jersey
An slies
Zl 81 x 108 (double bed size)
Double Stamps
ij :
Famous Name
Nylon or satin
All sizes
Excellent value
A special sale of Cannon first quality percale sheets at a low
$2.98 each Cellophone packaged, strong, sturdy and fine
percale sheets just In time to replenish your linen closet.
Cafes, 65c each.
Double Stamps
Decorating Kit
Complete Idt
Six : colors
Easter buy
Double Stamps
Table Cloths
54x54 size
e Lace or striped designs
88c value
A glorious array of 15 new Spring colors in this fine quality
rayon gab-42 inch width in this sheen fabric-ideal for
slacks, suits, dresses and sport shirts.
Double Stamps
Ladies Suits
e 100 wool
Four styles
Values to $43.93
Double Stamps
Sheet Blankets
66x76 size '
Fine quality cotton
e $1.59 value
Double Stamps
Nylon Panels
42x81 size
$189 Talue
Double Stamps
Sweat Shirts
Grey color
Sizes S-M-L
1 Slight irregulars
Double Stamps
Boys Jeans
$1.39 ,.
e Zper fly
Saniorlzedf 10 ox.
All sizes
Double Stamps
Girls Dresses
; I
' i
Colorful Easter print.
Sizes 7 tol2
Easter styles
Double Stamps
Towel Pieces
Hemmed 16" to 14"
Values to 39c
Limit 10 pieces
Double Stamps
Fine rayon
e Size 71x84
e $7.95 ralue
A huge purchase of 15 denier 51 gauge first quality nylon
hosiery at this low pre-Easter sale price. Lovely Spring shades
and all sizes in both 15 and 30 denier.
Double Stamps'
Oricffs-T Shirts
33 yKfc
e Fine knl! cotton
Sizes S-M-L
59c Talue
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