N 1 Ths Statesman. SoSo'inT Ofqon, Wednesdc; AfrHf SISSO Labor Unity Committee proposed by CIO Chief f WASHINGTON,! April 4-;p-CIO President Philip Murray to day proposed creation of a labor unity committee to work toward eventual merger of the CIO, AFL and other major segments of or ganized labor into a 16,000,000 member federation. , More immediately, it would Erovide for cooperation between ig union groups on economic, leg islative and political issues. I Murray made his appeal in let ters to the AFL, John L. Lewis' United Mine Workers, the Rail road Brotherhoods and Interna tional Association of Machinists. v' Declaring that repeal of the Taft-Hartley act and . other legis lative aims of labor have been blocked by '"powerful industrial ists' and their reactionary spokes men in congress," Murray said: "Only one thing can defeat them effective unity jot action on the part of our great organizations which speak for millions of Amer ican families." The CIO chieftain proposed "a permanent committee representing the various '. labor organizations with authority to carry out com mon program. : The establishment of such a Standing joint committee would provide much-needed inspiration and leadership for, the millions of liberal Americans Who are now so t Featuring Thd JibobiIlTrio With 2 Floor Shows . Nightly Prime Ribs Au Jut : Lobster attuc 6 GiaL eau H NO COVER CHARGE much on the defensive," he said "The activities of such a committee would be an assurance of better day for all our people." Similar moves by Murray in the past have failed to bring about any real cooperation. The last merger, discussions were held here in May, 1947, following a Murray peace bid. They got nowhere. Senate Tells McCarthy to ta Give Ud Da WASHINGTON, April 4 -(JPh Senators Investigating charges that reds are in the state depart ment told Senator McCarthy today they want the documents he says he has to back up his accusations. McCarthy quickly replied he would give them any information he considered pertinent, but none that would help the state depart ment locate the sources of his in formation. The senator, a Wiscon sin republican, explained he does n't want any of his informants to lose their jobs. Otherwise, he told the Investi gating group headed by Senator Tydings (D-Md), "Your comntft tee will be supplied with any ma terial which I consider of value in aiding you to perform the task assigned to you by the senate." Tydings promptly wrote Mc Carthy a second letter asking him to turn over to the committee by noon tomorrow what ever Infor mation he is willing to furnish. "We do not desire to know of any of your sources unless you feel you can give them to us," he as sured McCarthy. Senators' Easter . Vacation Clipped WASHINGTON, April -4 - (P) - Democratic Leader Lucas of Hi nois gave Senators the bad news today they'll get no long Eas ter vacation. The house has voted to drop work from April J to April 18 as a sort of vacation bonus for keep in cr ud with the Job. Lucas told senators they will have Friday off but must be back at work Monday. "We've got a tremendous am ount of work to do," he said. ENDS TODAY! (WED.) ! Larry Parks "JOLSON "SINGS AGAIN" In Color -nrr-nn m PHONE 0-4721 OPENS 6:45 P. M. T0II0DD0T7! 2 BETUM' HITS! Tnt Women's Story , - f Of Bataan and Correaidorl i -. w . tf, " 4 A SONNY TUFTS GEORGE REEVES WALTER ABEL CO-HTT1 THE FLAMING BATTLE FOR II "WAKE ISLAIID Brian DonleTy : MacDooald Carey Robert Preston i HOW 0PHI - - THE MEW Oust Belore You Get to the Hollywood Stoplights) Fanous Chinese d American Dishes ''Orden Open 4:30 P. M. to 2.-00 A. M. ISet. Til 3 A. M.) J WI CLOSE MONDAYS 2055 Fairgrounds Road i s f fhona 24596 Membership Drive Leaders, Cited in 0SEA Four members of Marion county chapter 18 of the Oregon State Employes association were cited Tuesday night for bringing five or more new. members into the chapter. They were Aver Wins who se cured 22, Ed Kinney with 8, Lil lian L. Hartwig with 6 and Tillie Albers with 5. Max Rogers, a longtime mem ber, was presented with a pin for outstanding service to chapter 18 which comprises mostly tax com mission employes. The chapter Tuesday night vot ed to donate $10 to the cancer fund and $10 to the polio fund. Presi dent Robey S. Ratcliffe commend ed members for their support of the recent Marion county' polio drive. It was announced at the meeting that the Oregon State Employes Association Choral group would present a program May 26 and 27 at the Salem high school auditor ium in support of the polio fund drive. Frank Hutchinson, of chap ter 18 was commended for ms outstanding work with this group. . A. Bamford, jr., state issoci- ation vice-president, discussed proposed presentation to the state legislation of a study of state re tirement benefit increases. Finletter Gets Air Post Nod KEY WEST. Fla.. April -V Tnomas. Knight Finletter, long time - champion of a 70 - pound group air force, was named, by President Truman today as secre tary for air. A distinguished New York at torney and frequent state depart ment advisor, Finletter succeeds W. Stuart Symington, shifted by the president to the lone-vacant chairmanship of 'the national se curity resources board. Mr. Truman signed Finletters nomination this afternoon at the "Winter White House" and for warded it to Washington by air for submission to the senate for its confirmation. Census Chief i Enumerated CINCINNATI. April 4-WVThe tall man looked a little startled when the census taker asked, "what kind of work do you do?" The secretary of commerce Charles Sawyer laughingly re plied that part of his job was run ning the census bureau, as well as the department of commerce, the weather bureau, several j radio stations, a newspaper and : a law office. i And when census taker Don Brannen asked Sawyer i at his home here "are vou lookine for work?" the government executive shot back, "definitely noil" Diver Cheatls Death by Son's Quick Decision OYSTER BAY. N.Y- April 4 -Jfy-A 51-year-old diver 'cheated death for the second tune; in two years today because his son made correct split-second decision. When Edward Christiansen was pinned by a huge timber in 14 feet of water, his son, Norman, 23, guessed his father's air; release mechanism might be Jammed. If it were, and air continued down to him, it would explode tne diver's suit l So young Christiansen! stopped the air intake . A little later he got a message from the diver: "Air release Jam medI d&n't reach it" ! Twenty-five minutes later Christiansen was released and brought to the surface. He was treated at a for bruises. On April 22, 1948, Christiansen coolly, directed by telephone his rescue from tons of mud in which he was trapped for three and a half hours at the bottom ! of New York harbor. Police said; today's trouble resulted from the release of a block and timbers Under a newly launched tug. j j More Astoria Houses Slip ASTORIA, April 4-flVWeek- end rains caused the Irving street residential hillside to slip further and three more homes were aban doned. I The Lawrence Jackson home, high on the hilL was moved sever al feet and given up for lost. It is tne lourtn destroyed In the earth slides since January. A stream of mud and water poured across the yard of the Rob ert Mclntyre property, which was one of those abandoned. The Peter Anderson and Mrs. Lucy Lyman families, living at the bottom of the slid area, moved out y ester day. mmmn At Th . GAPITOLA HOLLER RWK Tonight 8 lo 10:30 AO You Old Timers Be Sure To Com ! : : And Pom Ta Word Aroundl HURRY ENDS SOON1 Walt Disney's Greatest! DisneyS SSO) ffcfcwM. lac. 4 Next Blr Attraction! MM IMH MB " j. dougus-bacall dak id NOW! ; t Great Repeat Hits! "GUADALCANAL DIARY And "THE PURPLE ! HEART t m STARTS TODAY OPEN C:45 I mcopV- ' vu goii:g w w- -v mm - I k. . 8&COND FKATURK -ttmm't Desert Mystery" hospital Weather, Terrain Make Enumerator Travel Difficult LaGRANDE, April 4 -UP)- Mrs. Gertrude Weiss, who takes the census in the hills back of Sum- merville, has to use a jeep and hiking boots to get to I all the houses. ! J At that, it's easier than; the Job of another census taker, Mrs. Franya Young. She needs a pack tram and a guide. i j Mrs. Young, who uvea at Im- naha, won't be able to start until spring is further advanced. Then she will begin a number of week- long trips into the wild Snake river country. Her husband will serve as guide on some of them. Naval Priority On Destroyers, Patrol Planes WASHINGTON, April 4 -JPK Admiral Forrest P. Sherman said here that an increase in thte num ber of destroyers and patrol planes is the navy's first priority; The chief of naval operations talked with reporters shortly after Senator Hill (D-Ala.) had predict ed in an interview that congress will act quickly to strengthen the weak links he said Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower has pointed out in American defenses. Sherman's concern over destroy ers and patrol planes is in line with Eisenhower's call for a build up of defenses against submarines. Not Satisfied The admiral said the recent re duction of active destroyers from 170 to 140, and the reduction of patrol plane squadrons from 30 to 20, do not represent a situation we're satisfied with." He said he intends to do every thing possible within the funds available. Reporters asked the admL-?l about suggestions by Gen. Eisen- ower last week that funds for submarine operations be increased in President Truman's budge: for 1951. Sherman said Eisenhower was aware, at the time he made his comment, of $78,000,000 added to the budget last December for anti submarine warfare. Not Strong Enough "General Eisenhower feels. I be lieve, that the forces ior anti-sub marine warfare are not a strong as they should be,". Sherman said The admiral returned only yes terday from a visit to England, France and Germany. He expressed hope that 17. S. naval bases abroad be Detter man- ned and equipped in the future by shifting funds to them from navy estaDiisnments in this country. Soon after Sherman? return the navy announced it w 11 increase its strength In the southwest Pa cific near areas that are under strong communist pressure. It ordered the seventh fleet In creased late this spring by two de stroyers, two antisubmarine de stroyers and three submarines. The additional ships are now bas ed elsewhere in the Pacific. U. S. marine detachments form a part of the complement on all American battleships, aircraft carriers, heavy cruisers, and on the later types of light cruisers, as well as on other types of com bat ships. Construction of the temple of the Latter-day Saints (Mormon) church in Salt Lake City was be gun In, 1853 and completed 40 years later. Spokesman for Celilo Indian Tribe Visits John Whiz, interpreter and spokesman for the Celilo Indians, was a visitor in Salem Tuesday in the interests of a movement to assure retention of the tribe's identity as a separate group. ' Leaf Torn from Betsy Ross9 Family Bible PHILADELPHIA, April 4 -UPV- Vexil D. Weisgerber, curator of the famed Betsy Ross Flag House at 23 Arch , street reported here that a page had been stolen from the Ross family Bible. Weisgerber sard the page, bear ing records of the Ross family, apparently was ripped out during visiting hours Sunday. The same page disappeared in 1853, and was returned in 1897. t The Bible is displayed in a glass case. To reach the bible, Weis gerber said, the thief or thieves had to remove several screws from a brass edging which held the glass to the table. - The page contained entries' In the 'handwriting of John Clay poole, husband of Betsy Ross, listing the births, marriages and other data of their seven children. Weisgerber said records in the house in which Betsy Ross made the first American flag show that the same page was "lost" in 1853 and recovered In 1897. Then the Bible was rebound to fit the page into its old place. Whiz and one or two other In dian leaders plan to leave for Washington, D. C next week end to oppose a bill under which the Celilo self-supporting tribe (made up of Ceiflo and Rock Creek .In dians) would be placed under the jurisdiction of other tribes. Whiz said the bill "would de stroy our Indian traditions." 162 H N. Commercial Yea walking ng erer paint store W fit Oht yes very very tird today, guest I am what you call "houa wU". afy friends who are coming up here to "my place of eating' re telHng m a home wife is Amer ican person who aometimes fets very very tired, that's me I am thinking. If you are housewife you come up my place and sit down and rest, bring your wife too. I cook for both of you very nice Chinesa food, you order anything I win cook. I bet like verythinf you will Hkinf it. If you want to take Chinese food home to eat you conn up and get. I have nice con tainer, no need to bring pot. This place is open every alto in week, lots place close Monday, you hung ry you come up I fill you up with very good food. TEE SiNO (that's my name. sure) PL Picture not of me, this my cousin frank Flying Frenchman Heads for Phoenix .BAKERSfTLD, CaliL, April 4 -fPr-Jacaues Andre IsteL the "fly ing Frenchman,' arrived here this afternoon following a three-hour flight from Sacramento and left after lunch for Phoenix, Ariz. IsteL on a tra itinental flight in his little $600 plane, hadd. barely enough gasoline to reach the local airport. Insurance Refund Payments Said In Latter Stages WASHINGTON. April 4-GP)- About 12,500,000 insurance refund payments have now been made to World war II veterans.. Treasury officials said tonight the total amount paid out so far is about $2,250,000,000. Approxi mately $550,000,000 remains to be 'X39 000 00S t!8 tno pred ans. The huge job Is going faster than was expected, officials said. Free Square Panting Crystal Gardens Tonighi 8 to 9 P. M. Instructions and Dandno; CRYSTAL GARDENS Degular T7ed. ITile Dance Begins at 9 P. M. Old Time and Modern Music By Pop Edwards Orchestra Admission 74c QncL Tax) T Salem Serontimist Club presents ROBINSON CRUSOE Friday, April 7, 1950 SALEM HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 8:00 P. M." I. Children 50, Tax 10 Adults 75, Tax 15t Tickets en Sale Heldcra : Stevens Arbackles Benefit Bash FlaygTn4 Portland Fringes Split on Merger PORTLAND, April 4P)-Eight suburban districts split 4 to 4 to day in balloting whether to merge with the city of Portland. One small southeast district and three southwest areas I approved the move. The southwest: area re jected the plan Included the heav ier populated sectors near Multno mah. . i Sk SmtBm i Setter sr jr-? .a " ( 2-7823 New Show Tonite! Open C:4S ; . Start at Dusk; IP; mm ST ACfaiss iSTw i Olivia DeHavUlaad Montgomery Clift THE HEIRESS" Preston Foster, William Bendix "GUADALCANAL DIARY" j i Not in any other fine car at any price can you get what a 195Q Nash Ambassador offers! Weather Eye Conditioned Air ... super-toft coil springs on all four wheels. A : 1 i j Mai. Dally fraa 1 P. M. NOW! THMLXNG! With all this, you will find that America! Most Modem Fine Car, even in its finest Custom modeL costs as much as a thousand dollars less than others. See your Nash dealer and get the thrill of an Ambassador ride, j Yon can see it's big, but look inside! The Nash Sky-Lounge interior alone has Twin Bed room . . . and there is luggage capacity double that of some fine cars! , No other fine car only Nash has Airflyte Construction a welded body-and-frame that's double-rigid, free from squeaks and rattles. No other only Nash offers top High-Compression per-jNash Selecto-Lift Starting, is available as an optional formance in a valve-in-head engine that uses regular extra. There no clutch, not even a starter button. Just E50""6 lift a lever and go! ? No other only Nash has the streamlined design that . u CrmU Cr Eammmy Kmm, tk 1950 N-k AmUwi ends wind roar ... the Airliner Reclining Seat . . . la6.iuJa.i'"'"H'- Hydn-Matic Drfvc The best of all automatic transmissions, with exclusive Adventure Ca-IDU BlRBflRY J1 SSJPJSBSBBBBBJBP9 WSSBBBSBSSSS1 1 - - SMrtMjnon Svper 2 -door $1927.00 $2282.00 i f StfmUUmltmmm T m. B) Mw Dim il.Ml mm rt, fr. AmmtmmwmtglmwmmmmrmmmMt. Wkmm iKwillliw. AirUmm Irtiwi S i iln i Wmmmtmwt-rm Si mm iinmiltlim fntm mm y wmry Utrtaty m 41 m Massaioh - 0 is irtm Cmrm I 9 Newt OsM r.4f r. M. Bod Cameron "PAKHANKLE Tronn D Carlo "BLACX BABri Color THERE'S MUCH OF TOMORROW IN ALL NASH DOiS TODAY '- 'I ' .1 r i ' ' " MARION MOTORS 333 Confer Strowt, Salom ; J