The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 05, 1950, Page 12, Image 12

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    irsi Dira'Toirafl
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Ye Olde Pepper Game in Salem Senators Spring Camp
flM pepper unH k m atueh a part
U lUclf. and la the aba
aaplraata la ahawa aacaflac la tha papalar aoadlttanlay aaaaavrcr
at Watara Held. That'a ntehar Ckaa Vateattaa Aoiii tha batttay. I
16 Teams Set
In Softy Loops
For 1950 Play
. Sixteen proepectlva foftball
teams were represented during tha
SMetlnf called by City Softball
ammisiloner Jim Dimlt at tha
h tcbool last night It was de
cided that a deadline for addition
al entries will fall April 17, when
i another meeting will take place.
All fees will be paid at that time,
i according to Dimit. ' ,
Representations wera made last
might by the following:
Gorc Hugctns (Randl Oil). Tharn
Cok (Naval Bescrv), D. I. XulNr
JCtear Like), frcd CaUr (HaUmark
Card Shoo). Ddon Cone (Btat Un-
npioymeni conunusioni, Kxufcr
fot Office). Hal Xtmpr (Mayflow
tin Ktmpr (Mayxiow
MUk), boo itnifnt trapcr mui
Apple rat iizui atrt juarxat
rwin Blwcr (Tcamiters Union), i
lack Wllaon (Salem SuDDcr ' elub
barren Miliar (Golden Pbaaaaat).
. The ' spring time Is spravttag
bads aa tha bashes and also
apreaUag plana fa tha minds af
that slseable grenp called ape
le MftbaUlaa. Jim Dimlt, city
director, saya the big-ball baach
have hopes af making this ana
af the biggest seasons sines the
palmy days af tha '10s. Dimlt,
a subtle eptlmlam la his eye.
reminds that the '41 eampalga
saw tha City leagae polling tha
blsgest erewds la a Ions, laag
time . . . 'Coaraa It's to be men
Ueaed that the local aottbaU set
VP ts still viewed la strictly a
KreaUonal light. There have
n na admission fees la ef
fect for a eeaple af years and
that bolda troe this aeaaaji aloe.
Bay anybody geta more kick oat
I playing before full rather
than empty seats. The lacreased
asteadaaee Uat aoaaoa haa pat
a new sest la tha pro cram, with
at doabt . .Dick Ilnorio
ild preUy mach af okay la bis
first wook of action with Seattle.
Ulghllghts far Dkk were a two
ran homer and a single that
, baasod over a pair of raae aad
broke aa ll-taatag fray tm fa
var of the Bads
Catchall Diamond Vet
baseball raster, tha name Frank f
(( i&nw Seems-
Gatehall Is to bo noted. rtanK t
M m spring chicken so far aa
diamond sport goes. He
8 Itched a season or so back la
to late Si's nader Spec Keene,
elnee taoa has acquired a fam
ily, aad now Is back la school
Working for degret and also
aloslng the opportaaity to da a
Uttto hurling. For, , yea see, he's
pretty erasy about this gams
called baseball . . . Frank at
no time waa one of the hottest
saonad prospects yoall find. Ask
Carl Mart about that. Tha stuff
Frank displayed la his budding
years had a lot of 'em ga-ga
and we mean a LOT af 'em . . .
Graduation will bite sharply In
to tha ranks at Salem high's tank
squad bat Doa Ullmaa and Dale
Sheridan are a eeaple of lads
Coach Vera ' Fersinger thinks
will carry soma af tha load next
eeasoav Uilmaa came la fifth
In the 2H-yard freestyle at tha
state meet last week end bat
nonetheless chalked the best
lima af his career la tha event.
And Sheridan, third la tha HO
yard freeatyle, pumped that dis
tance la 1:00.2 fastest a Vtk
performer has swum tha event
in recent years . . . improvement
that's what any
oat f or . . .
Slightly Wacky
The San Francisco and Oak
land clubs announce they have
abandoned tha Idea af going out- ;
taw. of drepptag out of the Coast '
loop. Where, may wa ask, weald '
the Acorns aad Seals have gone 1
U they HAD eheaea to drift oat
eg organised baseball? AH alone
aad leady they'd have been.
CIosm h important - ;
ach slinacw U miserable
"trefT L1 wa-
Cto tmprovo the - "aUthU"
dad tha FCU Tha feast ma-
txtrm. :?.'nvy- wt:-::c"y--'ir---y 11 1 BjaMw-. ' T V Z -. '..
f iprlnr tnlalnf m an achlnx
phot a map at lalem Saaatora I
Webfoota Down
Portland U9
KUQEKZ, April 4-(ff)-Tha Uni
versity of Oregon baseball team
rallied In tha seventh and eighth
Innings to defeat Portland uni
versity e-i today. Trailing 1-4,
tha Webf oots knotted tha score In
tha seventh inning on singles by
Don Kimball. Ray Color, and
Jack Smith. The Ducks won the
game in the next . frame when
Duane Owens singled, stole sec
ond, and scored on Kimball's dou
ble. Portland -..100 101 2005 6 I
Oregon . ..040 000 11X fl 14 3
Murphy, Hittner (2) and Drux
man, Brugato (6); Hanns, Rogers
(4), Mills (7) and Smith.
Henrr Girod (Maiia Dairy). Oo
Wilkinson (Marin Rcscrv). Othr
reprsntativca wcr looking lor ipon-
iori. It to also Ukely.both Campbell
Rock Wool and KpighU of Coiumbua
'will ntr bfor deadlin time.
gals . : eontlnne to be "major
leagae" conscious bat they had
better reatrala their ambitions
to became a third big league,
they'd best forget the shortcnts
smttl they have the class - re
ejalred to mix with tha Mae-
bloods . . . Undoubtedly the hap
piest gent around Is Buck Ha
sel after whammlu that ace at
8 GO the other day. Lifelong
ambition for Buck ...
Goheen Too Talented
T eang Harold Oohoen's abili
ty at two sports, skiing and Ja
velin throwing. Is fine and dan-
Big SaftkaU Saaaoo Bja
dy. but It probably would mako
bus TracE Mentor vera uumore
overlap ana wars at m cut-
der camDSJn ... Kecsiis the in-
atajiM Uat Tir lm nkn
IITl ".. TL 11
ra mu tut at an at araia. bush
sleep, from a Boa vauey aai
'yJ! Mam. "J" '.'Xy'v-':1"' urn.
mt- aramhll fram tha dnAtlJone I'i M 111 I 4
ta aa OUngor field daal sncct aad
oo - wrew CTtrjDMT n uc
anar ovriit . . . T1i flat boa-
lahUki kit II.paM H.nk mA
some or us hoop warriors oar- rjpBinki to poush to Rocco: Pol
las the sUto tourney la a Stab- tch to Baslnakl Lett Oakland S; Port-
bora critter so far aa Oordy
Sloan ts eoaeerned. Gordy baa
been laid up ever since and at
the same time la temporarily
lost to the Vik ball clab as their
regular third-sacked ...
.!:'-- 1 1 - : ;.
Spokes Canned Vets
- Spokane's Indians are at
least partially etat af the woods
now ln matter of playlr g per
sonnel, .bat for a speU lots of
falka wera trying to flaara last
wnas u neca sue jtidc waaia
do for performers this season. la
ana week the Indians cat laaae
tha carlaad af vets they had
working far 'can last year, la
cladiax Larry Bart an. Tack
Sf.iK",k mA. a dav er mm 1st-
Stalnbaca, esc. a oar mr wm uw-
er came wa repars irws w
Spaka general headaanert mat
h , dab had aniy mu 1
lined ta a caatract. tha waa
m -
ost a boat three weeks ago
Tha reasaB tha vets wens act
.sV 2u mb ba answered
the WladCW JIIVS
simply cnaoa-h: Tha greybearaa
wanied too niack daagk .
On tha raeclTlDX tnd (1-r), ara Oaiftelden Btcva Pauloa, CUadt
BaeklcT. John Alaxander and Mrr Dlereka. Pitcher Bab Steven
aan aad Oatflaldera Bad Shepard. Mel (Hambaaa) Waaley and! Hal
Carehar. (Stataantaa pbata)
"Grapefruit Opener
Dim Local
The Salem Senators bustled through another sizeable workout
Tuesday at Waters field, the second of tha training season! In which
they accomplished all that Mgr. Ad Liska wanted them to, Prior to
Monday's long tuneup the club had been stymied considerably by bad
PGA Slates
Peace Meet
AUGUSTA, Ga., April 4W;P-
The executive committee of the
PGA will meet here Monday
with the dissident "eleven play
er board af governors' to at-.
tempt again to bring peace to
professional golf. ,
Horton Smith, secretary of
the PGA, said today proposals
will be made to revise the tour
nament i committee to five the
traveling stars more represen
tation in affairs which directly
affect them.
Smith said the tournament
committee could consist of the
three national officers and four
traveling proa. The pros would
be elected by the golfers who
follow the winter and summer
circuits. National officers ara
Smith, President Joe Novak and
Treasurer Harry Moffitt.
Table of Coastal Tides
Tides for Taft. Orexon April. 1990
(compiled i by U.S. Coast St CeodeUo
survey. Portland, Oregon.
1:17 a.m.
I :U p.m.
1:08 a m.
S:6S p.m.
8:83 ajn.
1:10 p.m.
1:44 a.m.
6:31 p.m.
' 4 .11 a m.
T:48 pjn.
S:10 a.m.
1:50 p m.
7:31 sjn.
::34 pjn.
:4S ajn.
10:13 pJn.
Time Ht.
a.m. -1.1
i p.m. S.1
1.24 a m.
S:S3 pjn.
10:21 ajn. -It
:53 p.m. J O
11 'JO SJIU -U
il:07 pjn. 34
13:43 pjn. -0.4
12:40 a m. 1.1
1:31 D.m. -01
1:11 a.m. 1.0
S:49 pjn. -0.1
a :it ajn.
1:40 p.m. i
43 Bjn.
9:i9 sjn.
4 M ajn. IS
4:S7 pjn. 0.7
Boavor Box Scoros for Tuesday:
rinsT gamii
Wilson .aa 4 1 S 1 Uarqux.e( S 1
Galaajb I I 0! Ruckar Jf S i 4 t t li Meaner 4 1
1 0
e s
WathrlT i S 1 0 0 RoccoJb 4 S
Rappjf tS OlBroviajf t
paosett.o l I Pollen. s o
Fachlajb 4 0 11! Baslnakl J 4 1
BamrckJ 110 1 CUdd.a S 1
JooM.p S 0 0 0 Adami.p 4 1
Chrtphr" 1 Ml
Smcoff4 Ml)
0 0 0 0
Zmrmnji 1 0 Qi
0 9 0 0
ln 7th. x-fcimmerman filed out for
Nelson in lih.
I Oakland 010 000 0011
I Portland
pnrh,r: TP AB R H ER BB SO
Adams at a a a
Balka Adam 3. Jone. Errors wu
son. PoUch 3. RBI Padsett 3. Brovia
3. AOama 3. easuUKl. iD nucacr.
10. Loeer Jone. U Barbour.
BenU and Ford. T 1:16. AlQffU.
DBdDWDnDDg Sd?!!0
worth 480, Anderson SM, Harp SIT. Ire
(0) Infos 4S9. Grefory 919, Olney Jr.
914. Morey 407. Glodt 104.
m 4 is coiwen 49. Doerfler
VALLEY MOTOR CO. (3) Bullock
hoff 564, Wenger 418, Ayrea 379, Carl
son 4L
CXTtLVS DAIRY (31 Wriht 420.
Polk 411, Volk 37S. Edlund 438, J. Mil
ler 430. VALDEZ MEAT CO. 10) Mc-
Kinney 494. Lake 411, Bicler 480.
I holltcwooo ruACJ z ueoes
47x Kirthner 485. Albrich 510. Jones
i sao oiney Sr. ma. salem police i
Fries 393.- E$piin ' . Houser 433.
.r. "1,.r:
.1903. sours 47. stubblxfiixd's u
Myers 442. vinoa su, wcracr tit.
foot 4M Walker ass.
CAL PAK Laa 45. SlosA 408.
Heinke 471. Werbowstd 492. Schekief.
ger 488. snoboys (D xUagtsnoa 487.
weainer. u
Liska and Assistant Moose Cla
baugh Tuesday herded; the large
squad through running, batting
and fielding drills, with! accent on
batting. Wet grounds had prevent-
Manager Ad Liska will bo
principal speaker during the
Salem Breakfast elubj meeting
Friday noon at Marion hotel.
Ad will have some of his players
with him, and Senators Gen.
Mgr. George Emlgh, according
to Club Proxy Al Louicks. I
ed the batsmen from 'doing any
swinging at all until Monday. So
they've plenty of it to do if they're
to catch up with the pitchers, who
have been throwing since last
Thursday, rain or shine. t
Liska and Gen. Mgr. George
Emigh plan to cut the 42-man
squad sometime this week. As in
any spring camp, there ; are a few
ballgamers trying fori) the local
team who just aren't cut out for
professional baseball. These will
bo lopped oil today or tomorow
so that more time can be given
to those remaining.
All hands are looking forward
to the opening of the "grapefruit"
schedule Friday at Corvallis with
Oregon State. The Senators play
the Beavers at 3:30 o'clock Friday,
and then tangle with them again
Saturday at 1:30 p. m. in a double
header. Liska. hopes to get a good
line on most of his pitching pro
spects during those -three games,
and also In the one planned for
Sunday afternoon when . Portland
U is scheduled to play j at Waters
field. j
Liska has not yet named his
pitching choices for the Friday
game, but one is sure to bo Jack
Kemphill, the rookie righthander
from Olympia, Wash.,: who has
shown plenty In his camp tuneup
stints thus far. Liska likes what he
has seen of this 20-year-old.
Scarlet and gold art tha offi
cial colors of the U. j C. Marino
'Corps. !j
The nlffht nma boa:
Wilson, aa 4 t i i Martji. I i 1 0
Lavge. )bl 1 t SIRuckerj If i 0 $ 0
a. aa 4 1 1 I
!. sb s i a
cf I 0
Rapp. cf 1 0 Metnr,: Sb 1101
Weath; rf 4 1 0 ORocco. lb 4 lit 0
Zlmer. lb t 1 I 1! Brovia. ;rf Sill
Galan. ii S 1 1 0 Poliehiaa 4 0 i J
Noble. 4 O S 3 Basins ; Zb ill
Hamk. lb 1 4 Richer
Gettel. pill O DiBlasi
H f
a p I o o
dp to 1
Thmps. pi It 1 Helser,
Christo. a 0 W
Uueza. t i o o w l i
Totals ii 10 24 12 Totals 20112711
a -Christopher walked for Hamrick
in Sth.
b-Duezabou struck out! for Thomp
son ln Sth, !!
Oakland 010 100 000-1
Portland ,003 111 10 7
Gettel 2i 11
S 3
S 1
DiBiasi S 18 2
Thompson 5' IS 4
Helser 5 II 0
C-Weatherly. Marques.
8 4
Baainski 2. Rite hey. Zim:
Hiernrun. Roc
co. Marques 2. Brov
tail) 2B-Ritchey.
Zimmerman. Rocco. Galan. SB-Mar-qucz.
U-Benti. Ford and Barbour.
f-2:31. A-8J29. : if .
Both Brown Leghorn and Black
Minorca chickens lay White eggs.
R. Aleshlre 910. Schuster ; 111. D. Ale
shire 440. McMeU 481. j
maa 324. J. Craycroft 430; Wilder 922.
Parley 933. B. Craycroft SOI. SCIO li
Kreld 883. Schrunk Sttti Btfler 913.
Dcnonora 403 Main 413. 1 if
WHITTAKER'S 1) Elwood 431. Law?
1ms 4M. Whittaker 422J Myers 431.
1 C1M 44S. Tbompaon !4iL, acitten
dorf 427. Shurtleff 530, Anderson 467.
SALEM AUTO 0) Dunnican 399,
RandaU 904. Dourhterr 341. Williams
2M. LeDoux 104. Werer 117. CHRIS'S
MARKET 1) Aleshlre 4S7. Evans 4 IS
Vittoae 901. Craycroft 481. Walt 390
438. Gray 439. Kechter 819. Moms 919.
1 Larsea 932. Turner I $23, Gardner
914. McGuire 339. Hammond 43.
LODLR BROS. 2t Downey 947.
Chakarua 91S. Surra tt 444. Shuck 48.
Buarh 4SS. MOBILOIL ! ilk Foreman
46C. P. Pruett 453. Jaskoskl 414. Buck
ley 430. W. Pruett 440.
Eddie's Injury
Forces Change
Wickersham, Ortiz
Clash in Main Event
Joltin Joe Kahut, the North
west heavyweight boxing champ
will be the big thunder on to
night's VFW card at the armory
as he tangles with Tom DeMers,
Sand Point, Ida., heavy who last
Friday night posted a one-round
knockout over Gale Williams in
Portland, But despite the famed
Woodbum farmer's appearance in
the exhibition, the card suffered
a severe setback' Tuesday when
Matchmaker Tex Salkeld report
ed, sadly, that Young Eddie Ka
hut had suffered a broken nose
and will bo unable to show in
his four - round grudge scrap
with Irish Johnny O'Day.
The busted beak was suffered
in Eddie's last tuneup scrimmage.
It was only because of Eddie's
bout with O'Day that the elder
brother Joe "volunteered his ser
vices on tha card. The show was
about to bo canceled last Friday
when tha local boxing commis
sion suspended Dean Abney, who
was to fight in tha main event
with the hard - punching Bill
Wlckersham of Portland.
Joe Kahut then offered to go
on exhibition with any heavy
weight Matchmaker Salkeld
signed for him, as Joe wanted
young Eddie to have his shot at
O'Day, the cocky pug who ended
Tony Kahut's ring career hero a
year ago.
When Eddie was forced to
withdraw yesterday, Joe informed
Salkeld that it would not alter
his appearance. The Joe Kahut
DeMers four - round feature will
go on tonight as advertised, even
though Joe wanted very badly to
see his young brother take his
crack at O Day.
Furthermore, Joe insists he will
not merely go through the mo
tions with DeMers even though
the four - rounder is billed as
an exhibition.
What with the Eddie Kahut
O'Day mix sidetracked, Salkeld
has inserted a four - rounder fea
turing Warren Hegge, Portland
140 - pounder turning pro, -and
Jimmy Weeks of Astoria, These
two were stopped from fighting
in a street brawl the other day.
The card's main event, for eight
rounds, lists Wickersham against
Luis Ortiz, young San Jose, Cal.,
prospect who looked good in beat
ing Al Cliff in Portland last Fri
day, and who previously won a
kayo victory at Eugene. Both mid-
dleweights can hit, and hit hard.
Wickersham proved this in his
two local fights to date.
Other fights on the card: Al
Cliff, 161, Portland, vs. Bobby
Schaeffer, 159, Eugene, six rounds,
and Jimmy Huckaby, 128, San
Jose, vs. Brave Junior, 127, Port
land. The latter will open the
show at 8:30 p. m.
As for Joltin Joe, his appear
ance in action will be his first at
the local Ferry street Garden
since the prewar days when he
got his pro start here.
Popular prices prevail for the
show and the armory doors will
open at 7:30 p. m.
WLPct. W LPct.
RoDywood 1 .750' San Fran 4 4 J00
LosAngelo S 1 .730 Portland 4 .45S
Seattle 4 4 .500! Oakland 3 S .333
&an Dicro 4 4 .600 Sacrament S S MO
Tuesday results: At Portland 7-7,
Oakland 1-1. At Seattle 0. Holly wood
4. At San Francisco S, Sacramento 4.
At Los Angeles S. San Dief o 7.
sMWpaByB1 JyWwwaysaaMs
S. T. Jackson Recommends
The 2-in-l Kaiser Traveler
Wty - M
S. T. Jackson of Salom, Orayon, is vary much aoM i Ms
now 1949 Ksiter Traveler. This is what ho has o soy
abovt Hi
"I am a steel contractor and I require a car that it very stur
dy and dependable. I telected Kaiser Traveler after look
ing at other cars because this type of a body give me a dual
purpose automobile, for business or for pleasure.
"I take real pleasure in recommending the Kaiser Traveler
fo anyone as the best buy of all."
Over 400,000 big, stylish Kaiser and Frazers have been
sold. Hundreds of Oregon families enjoy their comfort,
safety, performance and economy.
JSS N. Liberty Street. Salesa. Orea .
12 Tha Stcrioamcm, Salem, Orocjon, Wednesday. April 5. 1950
'Sanjiy' Part May Be
College Men Meet;
CHICAGO. April ,4-6P)-Athletlc
leges met today amid growing indications something would be done
to change the sanity code": that
motion. The National Collegiate Athletic association's executive com
Vik Trackmen
Down Albany
Salem hlxh's track and fielders
cot their 1950 duel meet season
under way Tuesday on sunny
Olinger oval with an 85-36 victory
over Tommy Drynan's Albany
RniitfoffK. Vik Boss Vera Gilmore's
Jayvec thinclads also same through
a . .. . Jaw's rwfnffa VkV
in ineir px uiw j u"ii"
topping the Albany jv s, oj-o.
Times and distances in most
events were expectedly poor. Sa
lem'a Dick Adams' 4:36.8 in win
ning the mile was on the sharp
side, however, as was bub Se
van's winning time of :52.4 in the
Salem nailed down 11 of the
14 Dlaces. including the relay.
Double winners were Salem's
Bruce mathis in both hurdles and
Albany's Ben Salvon, who copped
the century and 220. nummary:
120-yard high hurdle: Won by;
Bruce Mathis S): 2nd. Redd (A); 3rd.
Rnh.rti ISL Time 16.5.
100-yard dash: Won by Ben Salvon
(.A); 2nd. cK.enzie ia; aru, uui:jr
I A 1 Tim. 11 fUT.
Mile: Won by Dick Adams (S). 2nd.
Ranks rA: 3rd. Stronc S. Time 4:36.8,
440-yard dash: won dv buzz t-ovai,
(S): 2nd. Crocker (A); 3rd. Booze (S)j
Time 52.4. , .
200-yard low nuraies: won dv oruce
Mathis (S): 2nd. MaudUn (S; 3rd
Mnrria fAi. Time 24.7.
220-vard dash: won by tsen aaivon
(A): 2nd. Paulua (S; 3rd. Duano
Rankin (S). xime a.i. -
880-yard run: Won by Ron Walters
(S): 2nd, Casebeer (S); 3rd, Herring
(St. Time 1:11.3. . j
hnt nut? Won br Lavton Gilson S):!
2nd. Doerfler (A); 3rd. Lay (A), Distrj
ance 44 feet. S,4 inches. j
tnl vault? Won bv Davo Shepard
(A): 2nd. Goheen S); (no third)
Height 9 feet. 8 Inches. i
ninii- Won hr Al Kleinsmith S):
tad. Lipoert (S): 3rd. Larson (S).
Distance. 122 feet. t inch.
Hifh lump: Won by Larry Paulus
rs- 2nd. McKenzi (S): 3rd. Schulzo
and Roberta (S) tie. Height feet
tW inches.
Javelin: Won by Harold Goheen (S)
2nd. Ragle (A); 3rd. Marun (S). uv
nM 1,M fwt 7 .Inches.
Broad jump: Won by Burt Harp
(91; 2nd, Uelesay iai; ara. jnauuu
(S). Distance 18 feet, 8 inches.
880-yard relay: Won by Salem fMc
Kenzie. Mathis. Rankin. Covalt) in 1 :3.
High hurdles: Don Davis (S) in :20.9.
Century: Larry Larios (A) in 11.1.
Mile: Dick Claseow (S in i:
Vern Rouse St in 57.1. Low hurdles:
Don Davis (S) in 29.7. 220-dash: Lar
loa (A) in 25.9. 880-run: Bruce Burns
(S) ln 2:18.5. Shot: Bill Scott (A) at
36 6". Pole vault: Drummond A and
Rector (S) tie. Discus: Ed Clard (A)
at 90" 1". High Jump: Vern Rouse 5.
Javelin: Id Clark (A) at l"',?1
Broad lump: Larios (A) at 17' 1".
Relay (Salem).
(CP)-Rotund Bobby Love sparked
New Westminster Royals to a 4-3
overtime victory over Vancouver
Canucks tonight, scoring a goal at
3.58 of the extra session that put
the Pacific Coast league's northern
division final all even. Both squads
have won one game in the best-of-seven
policy makers of American col
has caused so much campus com
mittee, disposing first of routine
business, will be joined tomorrow
by the commissioners of 19 con
The "sanity code" governs how
much help can bo given athletes
by colleges. Right now it limits
this fundamentally to tuition. The
south wants to broaden this to in
clude at least meals. Everyone is
anxious to arrive at a compromise
that will avoid such a split as
tnreatened the NCAA at Its win
tcr New York meeting when seven
schools cited for violations were
almost expelled.
"I personally have never believ
ed that the code was in its final
form, I believe it should be revis
ed, and I believe it will be," Hugh
C. Willett of Southern California,
president of the NCAA, told news
SEATTLE, April 4 -JPh Horse
hide fever may overcome Jeff
Heath's yen for his: Bow, Wash,
cows. General Manager Earl Shee
ly of the Seattle Rainiers disclosed
today that Heath, hard-hitting ex
big league outfielder, called him
last night and said "I think we can
get together this time." .
AUSTIN, Tex., April 4-MVA
three-run double by Eddie Rzend
zian in the bottom ! of the ninth
let the Austin Pioneers of the class
B Big State league beat the Chi
cago White Sox, 6-5, tonight. Bill
Wight of the Sox Ijad been reliev
ed after walking three straight
batters when Rzendzian's double
cleared the bases.
nessmen who cut prices in an at
tempt to recover decreasing vol
ume of sales are likely to come
out losers, according to a Uni
versity of Tennessee survey for
the state's building material as
sociation. Prof. William C. Henry
of the U - T Bureau of Business
Research directed the survey, ob-
tfi vibrant, virile shade for spring t
I ,
Time to climb out of those dull winter blacks and
browns, and get into this colorful tawny tan toot,
snan! It's the color to briofrout the best in your
smart spring suit or sport jacket. j
Notice tlK handsoine, ncarty line of thiiRoblee.
too. It's actioo-cnginccrcd! Put a pair on
tout feet today. J ,
Open Friday Night Until 9:00
Both Clashes
- a
Taken by 7-2
Wins Hike Marvels '
From PCL Dungeon
PORTLAND. Anril 4 4iPUTha
Portland Beavers started their
1950 home season bv.winninff both
the afternoon and evening Paci
fic Coast Baseball league games
against uaiuana oy identical 7 to
2 scores.
Red Adams Ditched the
in the day contest when the Beav
ers piled in five runs in the sev
enth inning. In the night game, a
uiree-run outburst in the third
inning sewed up the contest.
A night crowd of 9,329 brought
the attendance to 19,392 for the
two-game inaugural.
Veteran Southpaw Rov Helsei
got credit for the night win. He
relieved Vince DiBiasi in the
fifth. The Oaks started the second
game scoring with a second inn
ing run. but the Portland third
inning scoring wiped this out and
was trie clincher. In that inning,
Steve Mesner walked and Mickey
Rocco reached first when hit by
Pitcher Al GetteL After Joa
Brovia. grounded out, Joa Polich
waixea to ioaa tne bases, and
Second Baseman Eddie Basinski
singled to score two runners.
Catcher John Ritchey'g double
scored the other.
Oakland was off to a 1-0 lead on
Roy Weatherly's single, a balk
and two infield rollers in the day
game, utfielder Joe Brovia tied,
it with a home run in the third,
and Portland went ahead ln tha
sixth on doubles by Catcher Jim
Gladd and Adams. Then in the
seventh Portland put the game
beyoTid recall.
In other league games today
Hollywood's Pinky Woods limited
Seattle to three hits for a 4-0 vie-
tory before 13,494 at ..Seattle. At
San Francisco, before an opening
night crowd of 11,132 fed free'
peanuts by the management tha
Seals downed Sacramento 6-4.
with Pitcher Elmer Singleton re
tiring the last IS Sacs in order. -
Sacramento checked in a triple
play. Los ' Angeles came through
8-7 over San Diego at Los Ange
les. Max West hit a homer for the
Hollywood and Los Angeles
still lead the league standings
with 6-2'' records. San Diego.
Seattle and San Francisco are tied
at 4-4 and Portland, now out of
the cellar, is next with 4-5. Port
land plays no game Wednesday
Sacramento 022 000 0004 7 1
San Francisco ... 010 104 00 10 1
Evans, Conger (I) and Steiner; Sin
gleton and Partee.
Hollywood 110 000 2004 SO.
Seattle 000 000 0000 3 1
Woods and Paepke; Fletcher, Kindi
father (8) and Williams.
San Diego 000 100 221 7 11 1
Los Angeles 110 210 30 S 10 1
Savage. MarshaU (S). Row () and
Moore; Besse, Muncrief t8) and Nov
otney. taining financial data from 20
representative building material
dealers throughout the state.