Iks'-'.! !-Vf4ifi..TlfcWi THE VALLEY NEWS COLUMNS ini i . i , 'a A A 'A A From The Oregon Statesman's Valley Corrospondente 7 n 'i I -f Volley Brief a SUtesm Newt Servtc Turner Residents have re ceived word announcing the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pflug, Jr., in Williston, N. D. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pflug of Turner are the grandparents. Sweet Same The Sweet Home high school band and chorus un der the direction of John Lyons will present its second concert of the year Friday, April 7, at 8 p.m. in the auditorium. i ' , ,'''-' t ( ' ,. Sweet Home The Junior Cham- ber of Commerce will sponsor an Easter egg hunt Sunday at 3 pjn. in the timbered area ot OaK Heights district. Zena Hostesses for the pre Easter meeting of Spring Valley Home Missionary society will be Mrs. Elwood Copper,? Mrs. C. F. Merrick, Mrs. Ben McKinney, Mrs. Henry J. Meiger and Mrs. Lois Crawford. The meeting will be at the Elwood Cooper home Thurs day, April 4 at 2 pjn.j ; Bnena Vista The Buena Vista Methodist church will observe Good Friday with special services at 7:30 Friday evening, April 7. There will also be an Easter pro gram on Sunday morning during the Sunday School hour. ITnlaa mil Mrs. Roy King will entertain the members of the Union Hill Woman's dub at her home Thursday afternoon, April 6. Mrs. Adoiph Heater and Mrs. W. i H Mollet are in charge of the ' program which is the early history i of the club. ,. r " ! Union Hill Guy Scott, Rollin Heater and Walter McElhSney . went to Seattle on Monday on a i business trip. They will return home on Tuesday. j M Bracks Mrs. Anna Dunlavy will be hostess for the Brooks Sewing club in her home Thurs day afternoon. -.j.';; Brooks Harmony Rebekah Lodge ot Gervals met Monday night in the Quinaby halL The 65th anniversary" will be celebrat ed April 24s with a special pro gram. Refreshments were served by Margaret Jones and Anna Dun- Brush 'College Mrs. Anna . j! Boyer, - who is confined at the Salem General hospital Is report ed as Improving. . - Brush Collere The Brush College Helpers will sponsor a food sale, Wednesday at 10 o' clock In the basement ofElfstrom's at Salem. Lunch will also be I served. Proceeds will bo used for school kitchen supplies. Polk Voter Registration Increasing Statesman News Servlcs MONMOUTH Steady prog ress in registration of voters was reported at the Polk county demo cratic central committee rally Fri day night In Monmouth IOOF haH, according to W. C. Heise, Salem, chairman. : Mrs. C. J. Enstad, Dallas, vice chairman of the committee, re ported on behalf of the Women's Democratic club of Polk county, which is conducting the registra tion. Ed W. Eggan, Portland, state registration chairman, spoke to emphasize the importance of reg istering in order to be able to vote, j Several candidates for office were introduced to a large audience. Roberts Group Sets Luncheon Statesman Newt Service. ROBERTS GT club will hold a no-host luncheon Thursday, Ap ril 6, at he home of Mrs. Frank Sollenberger. , Mrs. Harriett Fry and son. Har ry. Fry, have returned to the Fry home on River road for a short stay and then will leave for Ma- lad City, Idaho where Mrs. Fry will continue to make her home with her sons. Melvin Trindle Is visiting his mother in Seattle this week. t Mrij. Jesse Forster is visiting her son, Frank, in Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fast, West Salem, were guest speakers at the Sunday morning services of the Roberts Union Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. Fast, who are mission aries,' will leave soon for India to engage in mission work. Scotts Mills Man Improves Statesman News' Service SCOTTS MILLS Marion Gro shong is recuperating from a re cent major surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gowie have returned to their home in Scotts Mills after spending the winter in Minnesota. Lawrence McCrackin has recov ered from a badly fractured leg and has returned to his home. Oran Main is moving his lumber mill from this vicinity to Califor nia. : , The Scotts Mills garden club will attend the primrose show Sunday at Mt. Angel. EBffiflEMS STEEL TRAY WHEEL BARROWS tAt 4x16 Pneumatic Tire tAt Hardwood Handles 7r Heavy Gauge Steel Tray -rfr Sieel Ddnp Bnnper Slnrdy Ilelal Crosx Bracing IIo.5Sizo . ..... 24.50 Ho. 6 " . . . . . , -25.95 At FOB THE GADDEIIEE 33 Beanly 1 Barrow 'dL GEORGE Il U N. COMMUCtAi ST. SAUM, OtfOON h ovorYthing w , . il.'kvAOi including menu nd "c'Krent nd delightfal! Tb. AP y to 1 w SAFEWAY WASTE-FRSe Fancy FRYERS AH SafowaV atoroa In Satan aro opon Frldar Toolnas until P. M. Safowcrr toro In Hollywood cmd 142S Stat SU opn Ttry WMk-day Tning until 8 P. M. Shop UUutoIy in th Toning aroid th rush of daytim crowda. GUARANTEED MEATS Vii7iie Buys ffH EVISCERATED PAN READY lb. 69' Fancy RABBITS BACON HsS u. READY FOR THE PAN lb. 65' 53 SWIFT'S Premium Beef Short Ribs lb.29c Beef Pot Roasts lb.59c i Pure Ground Beef lb. 45c Hen Turkeys lb. W tom Turkeys '& lb. W Picnics Jtl, lb 37c - i, ! ' . ' Cranberry; Jelly 1;7 Ocean Spray Ready to Sorvol No. 300 can THIN MINTS Torry brand 1 -lb. Pkq. 39 CHERUB MILK Evaporatod Tall t 114 Fancy Peas H5C Sugar iBello Brand No. 303 can Cattlo Crest Halves or Slices JELLO DESSERT A gc Custard flavor 2 Pkgs. Q PUDDING 2-pkg 0P Royal Custard Deal jU RIT2 CRACKERS 29c Fresh & crisp 1lb. Pk?. ; j DISQUICK 40. 39C A hot roll mis, fool ox. No.2Vj Can 19 TOMATO JUICE 29c MAYONNAISE BIST FOODS Pint 39CQuart 69C SHORTENING Royal Satin 3-lb. Caa SWEET PICKLES OCc Libby, whole' llVst. 03 PITTED OLIVES Lindsay, Ige. No. 1 Caa RIPE OLIVES Orc Ebony, mod. No. 1 Caa - 3 Strained HONEY Bradshaw, 3 bears 24-os. Canterbury TEA OAc Orange Patoe. b'k. V-i-lb. Sweet POTATO PINEAPPLE ES TAYLOR BRAND No. 3 can HILLSDALE HALF SLICES No. 2Vi can MARSHMALLOWS FLUFF-I-EST Fresh and fluffy pkg HormcV I ' '.OH 35c : ; . una ( ;3r ; 31e ! CUDAHY S PURITAN MORRELL'S PRIDE UAnuei ic iini invii DEL MONTE'S o CENPACK ... :! j o RATH'S DLACICH AVK . ARMOUR'S STAR . . . SWIFT'S PREMIUM . lb. PER LB. k J c. :::::::2)5) PRODUCE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY -Tender, green spearf rushed to N you at their peak of goodness! - O OFa? Enjoy this vitamin packed vtga C table often. I : LETTUCE Crtsp, Crinkly Leaves lb. 14s TOMATOES Red and Rtpa 14-os. Pkg. 27c RADISHES OR Per GREEN ONIONS Bu 3J0c Mb. A-c ZD ITTY CROCKllr Cake Mixes 1! Devil's Food or Party CaW Mii 20-ox. Ptg. 35' NEWTOVM APPLES 9k SAFEWAY'S PRE-PAKT POTATOES I I O All Purpose Sizes O IIEDIDII SIZES O BAKIIIG SIZES !OIi- moe-i bog 594 U. S. NO. 1 GRADES IIET7 POTATOES . 8c YAMS B fur the eggs yon decorate for Caster are at good to eat at they axe to look at -choose the quality ended eggs priced low at Safewayj Grade a D AU WHITI PrfKt for COIOIINSI Lge. Sizes Doz. 43c Extra Lgc. Doz.47c lied. Sizes Doz. 41c Smiill Sizes Doz. 39c Paas Egg. Dyes ItioTack PKG 15 KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR 24b. Pkg. 54b. Pkg. 104b. Pkg. 254b. Sock 504b. Sack 25t not S1.95 -S3.C9 FECIAL QFfl $1.75 slicing knife--only 50c . . i sod words "Kitcbcn Craft" from bag. Order blanks at store. - Navel Oranges 59c Grapetrxdl Aftc AVOCADOS raorta lb. 18c IIET7PEAS riusy lb. 12c CELEOY o". 12e AnncaoHEsk.isc BnOCCOU JS15c Triem la this 4 mr iya tira tbTMdi UUy. Aft. is. SilTeriM. DtllM Saicwar Btmrm ' i; M V t : i '' 1 I