2 Th Statesman, Sfcflam, Oregon, Tuesday,- April 4, 1950 Truman Lauds JECAforHalting Red Aggression I i WASHINGTON, April 3 -&- President Truman said today the Marshall plan Jiasr stopped the threat of communist aggression in many countries.! It will be carried to a successful conclusion, he laid, adding that the -program has gone a long way toward achieving a peaceful pros v perous world. T I Mr. Truman made his comments In a special message from Key West to Paul G.j Hoffman, head of the economic cooperation ' admin istration, on the j occasion of the second anniversary or half-way point of the four-year program. The ECA Which handles the plan for provMijig economic help to western Europe, ana Korea, neia a special rally of its employes to ' observe the occasion. Various gov ernment officials land members of congress also attended. Former Secretary of State George C. Marshall, out of whose original suggestion the aid plan Crew, said it has produced one near miracle and another must be ' achieved. j I ! - , Approximately $8,714,668,000 in aid has been authorized by the ECA for western! Europe, another $97,459,000 for western Germany, and $98,818,000 j for south Korea. Nationalist China got $170,743,000 in aid. - j At the Washington rally Mar shall warned against reducing the program now but said it should end on schedule in 1952. Istel Flies to Sacramento From Salem The-' flying Frenchman who Tisited Salem Sunday night con tinued his leisurely small-plane ' flight to Mew York Monday. Jacques Henry! Istel, 21, took ff ifrom the city airport about 10 a.m. Monday and was reported by Associated Press as safe and sound In Sacramento last night. j Istel learned 'to fly two weeks .ago, bought a war surplus PT-26 In Seattle and I headed for New " York where he plans to sell the i plane and sail for Paris. , Istel, a 1949 graduate of Prince ' ton university, had been in Salem one summer as f dispatcher at a ' farm labor camp. On Sunday i night he stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bull, parents of a former classmate of Istel at a Long Island, N. Y- - boys school. Istel is the on of a French consular official tn New York. Silverton fOut Of Redji Budget rtphows ! SILVERTON. I April S The city of Silverton's financial outlook is rather bright, according to finan cial reports submitted here to night by the city treasurer, Althea Meyer, and accepted by Mayor Errol Ross and his councilmen at the regular April meeting of the group.- i- ' ; For the first tune since June 30. . 1943, the dry is put of the red in Its current finances. Miss Meyer stated that "we can thank our I parking meters for the present i good standing in city finances. The meters, i installed July 16, 1949, have grossed the city $7,312 since' men. i i . With tax funds lessening at this time or tne year.! current expens es, in some divisions, may slip back into the red for brief per iods, it was pointed out, but con over a year ago, when on the siderable improvement is noted same data the general fund was in the Ted $4.709. 1 At the beginning ef the fiscal year, July 1, 1949, the general fund was in the red - $8,080. . ' , i! I V Reports also I showed that the bonded indebtedness will be down to $39,500 at the! end of this fiscal year," Help Us Celebrate .Our-! J-! L 10th Anniversary Starting Tonito ONE FULL WEEK OF TOP NOTCH ENTERTAINMENT . Featuring 1 ' j Tbd Jlfaobill Trio 2 Floor Shows nightly: ORCHIDS TO THE LADIES ucS Kepo M. . 1 - Dhatt Edwin Dutscher Charged with Theft Edwin Carl Dutscher, 535 N. Winter st., was in Marion county Jail Monday night in lieu of $2,- 000 , bail following his arrest on a charge of larceny. Dutscher is charged with bor rowing a car owned Dy an un identified Salem woman and fail ing to return it, officials said. Police were put on the track when several parking violations . 1 . 1 - , . 1 ere reierrea xo me owner ui me car; reported to De a paueni in e tuberculosis hospital. Lattimore Tells Old Memo on China Policy WASHINGTON. April 3-UPV-A confidential memorandum to the s t apt e department, advocating m&s'imum flexibility" of U. S. policy in the Far East as a means of i stabilizing relations with Rus sia, was made public today by Owen Lattimore, who wrote the memo seven months ago. He counseled against "prema ture or excessive deployment" in the strategic Far Eastern area, and said that U. S. .support for Chiang Kai-Shek does moie harm than good to U. S. interests. Lattimore made the memoran dum public after Senator Mc Carthy (R-Wis.), who has charged that Lattimore is a Kremlin agent, announced that he himself was prepared to release the document in the interests of the American people. Denounces McCarthy Lattimore, who has denounced McCarthy as a "madman" and his charges as ridiculous and untruth' ful, said it had been his purpose all along to make the memo public when he testifies later this week before a senate foreign relations subcommittee which is looking in to McCarthy's charges. He said he was advancing the release date "because Senator McCarthy in typical fashion is seeking -by in sinuation and concealment - to spread some of the poison of which he has an inexhaustible supply. Asks New Probe In other important related de velopments today 1. Senator Lodge (R-Mass.) pro posed the creation of a bi-partisan commission to investigate Ma Carthy's charges that communists are , infiltrating the state depart ment Lodge said the present sys tem of Investigating the charges is damaging the United States be lore the world. ( 2. President Truman, vacation the heads of government agencies to imarm the mbnnaiai hv nuani of which the senate committee 1 sottght to obtain the secret loyal- ty files of government employes accused by McCarthy. Woodburn Raises Red Cross Fund Annual Donation Red Cross donations from Wood burn totaled Sr.468 this year, the Marion county Red Cross chapter reported aionaaj. ine sura w about $200 more than the amount coueciea mere a year ago.' inree county ea i-ross repre- sentatives will attend a regional blood center conference at Port- una toaay. mey are uiancne m. L-urne, cnapier manager; unaries H. Huggins, chapter chairman; and George Wilcox, eo-chairman for donor recruitment. ' The . bloodmobile will come to Salem twice this month. A stop next Tuesday will be sponsored by the First Christian church; organ- ized labor will sponsor a visit on April 29. Deadline for Salem Election Filing Passes The deadline for filing petitions for city offices passed Monday here is expected to start immedl with no last - minute candidates ately, it was reported today, entering the field. City Recorder 'V . . , . Alfred Mundt reported. The bond issue was approved Competition appeared in .only four positions mayor, municipal judge and two alderman positions, A three-way run for the-position Don't Hiss Wall Disney's "Cinderella" How Playing al ike ELSIIIOBE THEATDE Re-live this delightful motion picturo with cm RCA VICTOR album featuring the ORIGINAL Cast , You'll want to hear these soncjs ' over and over crgainl "A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makea" Th Cinderella Work Song" "Bibbldi Bobbidi Boo "So ThU I Lora Y-39S (78 RPM) WY-399 (45 RPM) Victor Bluebird (78e 45 RPM) DewnsUlrs Oregea The Holy Week Story Agony in the" Garden If I .T.v.'--.. ""it I Second ef a Holy Week series y i AP Newsfeatares.. Art from tao vainUnc fcy GuUTt Dor. Text eon ensea from Luka'22 JS-S4.) lie came out and went to thai Mount of "Olives; and His dis ciples followed. He said unto them, Pray that ye enter not into temptation. He kneeled down, and r prayed. Saying, Father if Thou be willing, remove this cup ; from Me; nevertheless not Mr; will, but Thine be done. And there appeared an angel unto Him from heaven, strengthening Him. And when He rose up from prayer, and was come to His! disciples, He found them sleeping for sorrow. And said unto them, i Why sleep ye? rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. And while He yet spake, be- hold a multitude, and Judas went before them, and drew near unto Holman Building9s Tenants Told To Evacuate Structure hf June Tenants of one of Salem's old est buildings Monday were pre- paring to move to new locations une 1 the Holman building on the northwest corner of Commercial an Ferry streets. "eP .r .current that uie ouiioing sue wm dc usea ior on street parking, but definite plans for It have not tx.en disclosed. Harry Hawkins of Portland and T. A. Roberts of Salem have a 50- year ground lease on the proper ty, owned by Dr. Frank Prime of Salem. They announced more than a year ago that the brick structure would be razed to make way for parking in connection with the Marion hotel, which they own. Tenants who must move include Kuey Welding Supply company. m this site about five vpars new one not yet secured; Owl club, n m.Tnr waa early filing of Harry V. Collins, Alfred W. Loucks and Walter Muserave Seeirin the munirinal iud- ship are Elmer Amundson and Peery T. Buren. Albert H. Gille, incumbent, and Don Madison are candidates for alderman from ward- 12 and Incumbent Thomas Armstrong and Elmer J. Church will vie for the ward 6 position. Marion School Project to Start SUUtmui Ntws ferric MARION, April 3 Construc- Won on a new $67,605 grade school w xo oz Dy voters rnaay. 1 em- porary plans call for a modern structure of about five rooms and probably of one-story construe- -3.57 -2.60 1.31 -it- v- IT Jesus to kiss Him. But Jesus said unto him, Judas betrayest thou tne son ox man witn a kiss: When they which were about Him saw wha would follow, they said unto Him, I Lord, shall we smite with the sword? And one i of them smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right 1 ear. And Jesus "i answered and : said. Suffer ye thus far. And He touched' his ear. and healed him Then Jesus said unto the chief priests and captains of the tem ple, and the elders, which were : come to him, Be ye come out, 'as ! against a thief, with swords and staves? When I was daily with 'you in the temple, ye stretched forth no hands against Me: but this is your hour,: and the power of darkness, j Then took they Him, and led Him, and brought Him into the high priest s house, owned for five years by Averill E. Reaney, but iii this location since 1922, to move to 275 K. Com mercial st; L. B. i Tripp, barber, here since last July and as yet no new location. ji : The building was erected about 1857 and housed! Oregon's terri torial legislature land capitol and was the first state capitol, from admission until about 1876. ! Upper floors oil ithe three-story structure have been condemned for several years.! Although badly Show evidences It was built by pioneer Salem deteriorated, they! of past grandeur. Joseph Holman, mrechant. Hawkins and Roberts also have leased the adjacent building which houses McDowell's meat market. Clay McDowell reports this busi ness will not be moved. The build ing front is expected to be remod eled, he said. tion. It is hoped to have the build ing completed foi- pccupancynext fall. ! I !i It will be built !on the site of the present four-room school building, which was described as "old and inadequate" to handle its 118 pu pus. Two Persons Hurt as Gars Hit in Salem : M ii Two persons; fwere lniured. neither reported seriously, when two cars side-swiped and one of them careened into a ditch at 4090 Portland road about 11 p. m. Monday. i j j At Salem Memorial nospital with facial lacerations and cuts to fingers of the right hand was Mrs. I. i. Severin, 2500 Fair grounds rd.; and Fred McGee, 817 Mill st- facial lacerations. Robert Weaver. i Winton, CaliL, driver of a northbound Hudson. told state police that his car was struck near the left front door by the machine occupied by the in jured pair. The j driver of the southbound car! apparently lost control and skidded across the highway and into a telephone pole on the east side of the road. The car then turned Over in a five foot ditch. Weaver's car iwas only slightly damaged. Neither he nor his three passengers were! injured. The second car wu heavily damaged by tbe crash. : ; Mil ConsumDtion of wine in southern Europe, beer in northern Europe and tea in China is often a sanitary measure because jof the lack of pure water. j . RIGHT NOW! Trumah Urges Congress Try Brannan Plan By Ovid A. Martin WASHINGTON, April 3 - (P) - President Truman pressed con gress today to put a stop to piling up enormous farm surpluses and use Brannan plan methods instead of "artificially high price peg pin?. It was his third appeal this year for a "fundJlmental, overhaul of farm legislation. It came at the height of worry in congress over criticism of its farm aid methods Mr. .Truman said, 4n effect. there is need for legislation which would: (1) Tighten production controls on products being produced in ex cessive amounts, and (2) Allow use of the adminis tration's Brannan plan production payments system of supporting producer prices of perishables, his system would allow perish ables such as meats, poultry products, milk and dairy products. potatoes, fruits ad vegetables - -to seek their natural price level. If prices averaged less than that deemed to be fair to farmers, the government would make up the difference therough payments to tnem. Long Messaxe The president's suggestions came in an 1800-word message to the lawmakers devoted largely to an explanation of why he signed a bill last week increasing cotton and peanut acreages under price supports, and authorizing supports for potatoes in 1951 only if rigid controls are. in eiiect. So ' far congress has turned i cold shoulder to the Brannan tiro posaL The only farm legislation it has passed has involved modifica tions of the present program. Disappearance Of Portland Girl Reported PORTLAND April 3 -PV- The disappearance of a 14-year-old girl after Palm Sunday morning church services was reported to police today. Mrs, Hattie Anderson reported her niece, Donna Marie Swank, was last seen by a girl friend as she left a downtown bus. The companion. Gertrude Puckett 18 said Donna told her she planned to get something to eat at a cafe. The aunt reported the girl had planned going to the afternoon service at the Foursauare church in the southeast part of town. She did not appear at the church nor return home last night. The girl was described as 5 feet tall, weight 109 pounds, brown curly hair cut with banes, blue eyes, a round face and of slender build. She was wearing a dark skirt and ligured blouse, a green coat witn Diack lur collar and cuffs and open-toed wedgie type sandals. The church and the aunt's home are in the southeast part of the city. The girl had crossed the Wil lamette river bridge into the mid- town area on the bus and left it at S. W. Third and Madison streets. The U. S. Department of Agri culture says "sap wood" used on the exterior of houses should be protected from moisture by flash ing and gutters.. Tear Biggest Show Bargain! I! 1 NEW TODAY! 2 all-time greats returned to thrill youl i mm! Isi ixdms Cdjfi twti Fain fcanr Irm rasta larrf Iratf Rjrsnl EXTRA! 1 5 Cm hits! y- 8 V Rupert Jeffers Extradited Rupert Morgan Jeffers. 1235 S". 19thsst, was enroute to Rochester. N. Monday night after being extradited to face a charge of abandoning his wife and three children there. Jeffers was arrested by Salem police several weeks a 20 on a charge of obtaining money by false pretenses involving checks. ine case was dismissed in the in terest of justice at a hearing Monday to permit officers to re turn Jeffers to Rochester to face the abandonment charge. Supreme Court Rule Asked on Segregation WASHINGTON, April 3 -UP- Attorney General McGrarth asked the supreme court today to outlaw segregation of the races as "a form of inequality and discrimination" which violates the constitution. Arguing the first of three major cases dealing with the racial' issue, McGrath urged the court to strike down the 54-year-old doctrine that "separate but equal" facilities for Negroes are permissible. Russian-Type Planes Used by Chinese Reds By Spencer Moot T A I P EI. Formosa. Tuesday. Apru 4 -ww- The Chinese nation alists announced today that planes of Russian , origin shot down two nationalist fighters over red China Sunday. 1 The announcement Imnlied that the7 planes bore Chinese commun ist insignia but gave no clue to nationality of their pilots. This was the first aerial op position encountered by the na tlonalists In four years of civil war. Nationalists air headquarters saia tne attacK occurred over Chapu, on Hangchow bay 45 miles southwest of Shanghai, as the na tionalist Mustangs were strafing red junks at low level. U.S. Jobless Ranks Reduced WASHINGTON, April 3-(tfV The commerce department today reported'an "encouraging" drop of 561,000 in the nation's unem ployed. '? Secretary Sawyer estimated the total number of jobless dropped to 4,123,000 for March after hit ting an eight-year high of 4,684, 000 in February. He said this seemed to be an early start on an anticipated improvement in employment. Phona 3-34B7 Marina Dafly From 1 P.M. STARTS TOIIORDOU! )00 STORY r OVTVV fCrf ) OF NEVADA'S UhIIM ii I TERRITORY! DCJTHY VJUlI BBRBnm Bridges Case Jury Recesses Again for Night By katherlne Ptnkham SAN FRANCISCO, April Z-(JPh Weary and showing signs of dis sension, the jury in the Harry Bridges perjury trial recessed for the night at 10:15 a.m. (PST) tonight after approximately 28 hours of deliberation since taking the case Friday noon. The eight men and four women looked grim and tired. There were angry faces among them. Theirs was the task of writing the finish to a record-breaking 81-day trial and deciding whether Bridges lied, as the government contended, when he testified at his 1945 citizenship hearing that he had never been a communist. t,t n Haw Keserve Chiefs Preview Inspection With Thursday. April 13, un derlined for the annual district inspection of Salem's naval re serve training center and person nel, top officers in the local train ing program were in Portland Monday night to observe inspec tion there. Lt Comdr. Coburn L. Graben- horst, commanding officer, and Comdr. D. N. Morey, jr inspec tor-instructor, made the .trip. in.. A 1 l ,4w val district headquarters person nel will have evalution of train ing as its primary purpose, said Morey. The center facilities and active duty personnel will be viewed in the afternoon. Reserve personnel, records and the train ing program will be inspected in the evening, followed by a confer ence of inspectors with officers, top enlisted men and instructors.! The Seattle party will Include Capt G. F. Galpin, district reserve director; Comdr. M. Lousey, dis trict training director; Comdr. W, Bauer, organized reserve planning officer; Lt. L. B. Scribner of the personnel office; Lt. Pomel of the supply office; Chief Hospitalman Johnson and Chief Radioman Pit- ner. Sand in Boy's Eyes Not Due to Sandman Seven-year-old Billy Rohr, 742 N. High st., should know all about the work of the sandman after his experience Monday. First aidmen were called to re move the sand from Billy's eyes as a result of a little throwing while at play near his home. ICElPlfuIZZJ Ends Today Open 1:45 "MIL LANDINGS BUILDS HIS DREAM HOUSI" with Cary Grant, Myrna Ley. Melvla Doaglas SMnd Feature "FORBIDDEN STREET Dana Andrews, Maureen 0Hars FCEST T can u K iv (X ADVENTURE CO-HTTI Commercial 'Street Repairs Start Repairs are being started this weekon the portion of North Commercial street that was dis rupted by installation of an in terceptor sewer, it was reported at a meeting of the North Salem Boosters club Monday night Problems of North Commercial street in relation to traffic in north Salem and the rest of the city were discussed. The new group will meet again April 24. Lm Times Tonite! Open 6:30. Start 7 pjm. Edmund Gwenn Donald Crisp and Lassie in Color Ii Challenge to Lassie" Barbara, Stanwyck Wendell Corey THELMA JORDAN" Opens (:4S P. M. March ef Time Newt Ends Today! :45 F. M. William Powell ' Senator Was Indiscreet" Donald O'Connor ARE YOU WITH IT TOMORROW1 Bod Cameron TANHANDLT Ttoob D Carlo "BLACK BART Color ENDS TODAY! CTUEJ Gn Tiarney -WHIBLPOOL- - . DON BARRY "RED DESERT COLOR CARTOON -JUST A LITTLE BULL" II0Y7! 0 Swill SSst JUtSS 55&y ,aB,aa suae The Aeademy Award COLOR CARTOON Waraer Bros. 8CENT-XMENTAL REASONS' WARNER NEWS NEXT . ! I i!" ' "Young Man With A Holm" jnumj AffiMAu- rox MOVIETONE NEWS M Pku S-S43S are ait DeaotfW009WiUUQaAU