: ' - J vlf rf ... V7c Max. - 61 .11 81 H . .SI ar aWy-s eat y-v f mm. i,-. lortand ..,',,. J'ortfnd .a f an iranclsco 41 .43 V 1 SI 'Y; I fninv 43 43 49 44 .04 .04 . .10 .03 ,r i i i i i t r j i v r , 7 Kin C-4 - n t i r t 't V t "t i n i l i if ; uo yam Cesrd ft tU Crtwti f Crea tu. VicNary field. Salem): Scattered cloudiness today nd tomorrow. Higher daytime temperature. High today v- U. low 33-3J. r ' Travel Letter No. v WINTER HAVEN, Fla. The citrus belt" of -Florida extends along the ridgepole of. the penin sula. It isn't much of an elevation .(max. 324 ft) but the soil is bet ter and the air drainage gives escape from frost damage. ; . : Here we are visiting a cousin who moved here from Kansas in 1820 our first meeting in 38 years. Hejs a grower of oranges, grapefruit and tangerines.' He has been a good source of informa tion nhnut citrus culture and took us to see a- packing plant, a can nery and a plant for frozen juJe concentrate. The latter ii a ft- rnt riAvflrtnmpnt as an outlet for citrus fruit and has given a big lift to the . market. . Toaucuon conforms to rigid standards as to quality and sanitation. ,v Citrus groves are long-lived 40 to 50 years and require com paratively : little attention: Some pruning, spraying, a limited amount of irrigation to supple- , mem tne rams. fifrae-rrmirinor mar be rock lng-chair agriculture. The grower may lorn a cooperauve wmcn wiu tend his grove, pick, haul, packer process nis iruu ana seu iu u w hurricanes ? . . (Continued on editorial page, 4) Daily Church Services Set For Holy Week A series Of daily interdenomina tional Holy-Week services will be gin today noon at St. Paul's Epis copal church, sponsored Jointly by Salem YMCA and YWGA. The worship' program will be from 12:20 to 12:50 pan. The service each day will In clude organists from different churches, invocation by the-Rev. George H. Swift, host pastor, two congregational hymns. v - The daily theme, speaker and vocal soloist will be as follows: Monday "The Day of Author ity"; the Rev. Dudley Strain o First Christian church; Victor " Wolfe, -.-.. Tuesday The Day of Contro versy"; the Rev. Brooks H. Moore of First Methodist church; Betty Starr Anderson. Wednesday The Day of Si lence"; Dr. Lloyd.T. Anderson of First Baptist church; Josephine Albert Spaulding. Thursday - "The Day of Fel lowshhip"; Dr. Chester . Hamblin of First Presbyterian church; Ron ald Craven. ; TUCKERMAN, Ark, April 2 -(ff)-Ten persons were injured, one fatally,, by a tornado today while most of Jackson county's doctors were attending a funeral. - Final rites for Dr. J. B. Ivy were delayed as physicians and nurses left hurriedly to treat the storm victims. - : I Mrs. Floyd Clayton died in a Newport, Ark, hospital about four hours after the twister destroyed the Clayton home.. Her husband was critically Injured. . BALES! PXXCIPrTATlON WfYear 7.M LaxtYear Normal 31.44 Ar.:n:1 Crcs!:cr3 T Vi'ATEN GOODRICH - 43 ,5 r.3 - U CD COOLS Tornado Hits Arkansas City 14 PAGI3 i Race . Access D mi til S a r NEWARK, N. Jv April 2 Dianna Newark, N. Jn airport (April 1) as they take off for Paris en the second lea- - of an attempt to better the round-the-world flight record. The husband and wife in seven hours, two minutes. (AT California Fliers Hope to JBeat Odom's Round-World Record landed at Karachi airport at 6:15 their attempt to set at new record took oil tor Calcutta, incua, at :u3 The flight from Cairo, Z.Z37 miles, took six hours and 12 minutes. : The Bixbys began their flight San Francisco.- They are trying to beat the globe-girdling record established in 1947 by the late Bill Odom 73 hours, live minutes and 11 seconds, 9f elapsed time. : The Bixbys had put their Mos quito bomber down at! Farouk field, Cairo, at 11:59 ami (EST). They took off from Cairo for Ka rachi at 1:33 pan. (EST). yester day. The couple said they hoped to fly from Calcutta over China di rect to Tokyo, an estimated 3,200 miles. ('"' I The Bixbys whose home Is at Santa Paula, Calif., both expres sed confidence in their chances to set a new record, despite the fact they are behind the schedule they had set for themselves, f i They had hoped to make the hop to Karachi in six hours and 15 minutes.' From Calcutta they will hop to Tokyo, ! to Midway and back to Frisco, i : They left "Paris at 10:33 a.m. GMT (5:33 ajn. EST), thus mak ing their time tot the 2,015-mile flight to Cairo six hours and 25 minutes, seven . minutes better than they had hoped to do. i They left San Francisco at 9:03 ajn. (EST) yesterday. ! Their flying time Frisco- to Cairo 8,194 miles, or .'better than a third of the distance was 24 "hours and 32 minutes. They hope to make -it all the way around in 59 hours flying time and be back In California before midnight tomorrow night In Paris, the flying couple, sun tanned, grinning and tired, step ped from their red and silver plane named the Huntress in bright sunlight. Just ! after 4 heavy shower, i i "We haven't had any sleep yet," Mrs: Bixby told reporters, and ad' ded "we're a little less than an hour behind schedule.' ' Gdering Treasure Search Continues ' MUNICH, Germany, April 2 -Workmen will resume digging in an old Bavarian castle tomor row : in search f of more treasure buried there by the late No. 2 nazL Hermann Goering. A hoard of art objects and -rare liquors was found there last Fri day after a tip by" a former nazi concentration camp prisoner, SMALLPOX XN GLASCOIY GLASCOW, ScoUand. April 2- (VMore than 3,000 persons were vaccinated in uiascow today as health authorities fought a serious outbreak of smallpox. Two hun dred hospitals have been quaran tined in the west of Scotland. PASSrXGZKS tSXVTXO t ; iiaucii aru:;K, p, Apra 2 -CT- A shuttle train crashed into the rear of a 13-car passenger train today injuring at least 23 Wis cm iTi and Bob Bixby wave goodbye to team flew east from Saa Francisee Wirepnoto to The Statesman). a. m. today from Cairo, Egypt, In for m round-the-world flight. They a. m. (o:aa p. ro, eunoay tr&t). at 0:03 a. m. (EST) Saturday at Police Called To Prevent Teeth Brushing A Salem' telephone operator was startled Sunday night when . a voice yelled, "Give me the police department, quick." In the background a woman s scream was heard. -. Just as a city police officer picked up the phone at head quarters, the connection .was broken. The operator quickly re layed the information about the "scream" to police and. traced the call for them. - - ? iTwo squad, cars speeded to the scene, a house on south 12th street Officers knocked at the door. A woman answered. "Yes, my son called the police Jar help when I told him to brush his teeth before he went to bed," she said. "I screamed at him and cut off the phone.? -; Officers were led to the bed room The youngster took one quick look and then dived under the covers. He had nothing fur ther to say. ' . And his teeth, by the way, were brushed. ' . ; Realty Business I Shows Sharp Rise Numerous real estate transac tions contributed to a near-record volume of business for the Marion county recorder's - office during March, Recorder Herman Lanke reported Saturday. ' Fees for March totaled 12,778, about 50 per cent above the aver age for recent months. -. -: WASHINGTON, April 2 -(JPh The . republicans today boiled down their 1950 campaign state ment into 99 words to get it over to the voter. The statement was set forth recently as an outline of 'prin ciples and objectives supplement ing the 1943 party platform, The official digest: The republican party stands for (1) Reducing taxes. - 4 m : (2) Balancing budget (3) Eliminating government waste, especially along, lines cf Hoover commission reports. . (4) Fighting communism here Instead cf condenis it (5) Providing fair market pric es on farm products aided by price supports cooperative marketing. PCUI4DSD 1G51 Police Checldng Prints SACRAMENTO. Calif- April 2 Turman Wilson, wanted in Van couver," wash. along - with , his brother, - Utah, for the kidnap slaying of Jo Ann Dewey, tonight told ; law enforcement . officials from that city that . he will not waive extradition. . His. 20-year-old brother, how ever, said he will waive extradi tion when , brought into court to- morrow morning.. --. , .: Immediately after, he will . be taken by automobile to Vancouv er, in custody of four police offi cials. i : - Turman's decision to resist ex tradition came tonight after he had undergone full day's ques tioning by Washington officers. The 24-year-old prisoner said he would not waive under any cir cumstance "until I am provided I counsel," Vancouver Police Chief Harry Diamond said. 1 " 1 T Prepare .Papers - ' .L . Clark county Sheriff ari An- De Witt JoneS, Clark county pro secutor, .to prepare the necessary requisition papers. They will then have to be signed by the governor of Washington, Arthur B. Langlie. Upon arrival here, Gov. ; Earl Warren of California will have to approve Turman's extradition.; Deputy William Scott will re main here until Turman's extra dition can be; effected. . - The Wilson brothers are chare ed with kidnaping the girl from a Vancouver street March 19. The detectives said j the unconscious girl was placed in the Wilson's car.and died of monoxide poison ing from a xauity exnaust pipe. Thrown Into Creek Her nude body was thrown in to Wind creek, about 50 miles from Vancouver. v The brothers i have steadfastly denied connection with the crime since their arrest in downtown Sacramento last Thursday. - PORTLAND, Ore., April 2-flV City police technicians continued working today in their attempt to link Jo Ann Dewey's fingerprints with a sedan the murdered girl was believed abducted in. Technician! Joe Morgan said the car in which the girl was believed to have died bad been eliminated. But he was I still working with prints from the black Buick se dan and those - taken from the girl's corpse.rl Other Evidence Detectives r l Capt William D. Browne said other evidence indi cated the girl had been in the cars. But linking of the prints would help the state In any -trial of brothers Turman and Utah Wil son, charged. With murdering and abducting the girl.. : . He said police had not yet re ceived laboratory reports from strands of hair and a bone splinter found in the pontiac. This car al so had human blood on the rear seat, Browne; reported. Post-EGA Plan KEY WEST, Fla; AprU 2-JPh Fresident Truman tonight ordered quick action I to create dollars abroad to keep international trade alive when Marshall plan aid ends ift 1952. ! ! ; ' . He directed Gordon Gray,' re tiring secretary, of the army, to formulate a plan to help foreign countries find the hard currency necessary to pay for United States exports. The trade! balance is now be ing maintained by annual United States grants totalling $5,000,000,. 000. I. . ; - Gray will; undertake the study as a special assistant to the presi dent relinquishing his army post to budget , director Frank Pace, Jr. .. . : L rural electrification no Brannan Alan. " ( " J . , . . (6) Continuing and improving Taft-Hartley law to protect public from excessive power of labor and management (7) Developing an adequate social security system that does not limit opportunity ncr dis courage initiative and saving. - " (8) Protecting rights of veter ans and minorities. (9) developing United Ameri can foreign; policy for peace world trace without undcrr:r.:rg American livins standards. ' (10) Safeguarding liberty axr'nst socialism. . Tbs direct zs ccrr-pHsJ frcn the statement of republican prin ciples and objectives adopted here ftbruary 6 at a cecUrj cf party Truman Asks Sclera, Oregon, Monday. April 3, IZZO i . C00Dg on raiiisy Nazi-Helper sterious ' AVALON. Catallna Island. Califs . 4- My faced Theodore Donay,-51, Detroit-who went to prison in 1943-for helping shield the escape of a German flyer, was identified tonight as that of the man who vanished at sea last night a few hours before a mystery submarine was sighted off the southern California coast' : constable &, jvicuavia said 99-E Wreck A- A Portland man was killed and three other, persons, two of them Salem residents, were hospitalized Sunday in a head-on auto collision on the Pacific highway near Hub bard. " Dead is: Frank B. Chessmore. 60, Portland, driver of one auto.. Injured are: Mrs. Eva L. Chessmore. 54. wife or tne deceased and a passenger with him, facial lacerations and internal injuries. ; r : Theron Harvey Field. 30. Salem route 2, driver of the other auto, serious Knee bruises. . Harold K. Field, 28. Salem route 2. fractured law. Jack Bowman. 776 N. Commer cial st, racial lacerations. .-; Flora Ann Chessmore. 12. daughter of the Chessmores, minor .cuts and bruises. .- ,J.Irt. Chessmore. Harold Field and Bowman all wcra conftnd Sunday night 'at Salem Memorial hospital.. Attendants s aid Mrs. Chessmore'a . condition was "ser ious" and termed the other two 'fair.. , The accident occurred about 4:30, pjtn. just south of Hubbard. State police said both autos were nearly demolished, Stomachache Delay s Bridges Jury 's Debate (Picture on page 10) j SAN FRANCISCO. Anril l-(JPi A stomach upset abniDtly ended today's Palm Sunday delibera tions jot the Harry Bridges per jury trial Jury after only three 'hours. - - The indisposition of a Chinese juror, halted at 40 p. m. until 9 a. m. tomorrow the efforts of eight men and four women to de cide whether the CIO longshore leader lied in 1945 when he said he never was a communist ; The jurors, departing from fed eral court custom by continuing the third day of their delibera tions into a Sunday, had resumed work on the case about 1:30 p, m. after morning of relaxation. . - The ailing juror, Yick Kuen Wong, was not in any serious con dition, physicians advised. , .. The Jury had been scheduled to deliberate at least until 6 p. m. and the unexpected develonment caught Bridges by surprise. 5 -- The longshore leader, charged with committing perjury at his naturalization hearing, was play ing cness wnen the clerk, dward Mitchell, appeared. . Bridges had seemed to be en grossed in ' the ; game but when the clerk came in the. defendant looked up quickly and said: h "Hey, wait; let's listen. J ' . Two union aides, accused of conspiracy, for their supporting testimony at the naturalization hearing, also looked up. one from a game of canasta, the other from reading a magazine,: - There were quick smiles when the clerk stated his business. - v - The three-hour deliberation to day ran the Jury's total since get ting tne case to is ft hours. QUAKE SHAKES ISLAND - LISBON, April 2-fAVFogo Is land, in the Cape Verde archi pelago. was reported shaken by a four-minute earthquake today. Serious damage to buildings and ssvere panic were reported, but no casualties. Rocks blocked the main road leading to the port xronv inland. -, - . COAST LEAGU2 At KollTWood a-3. PortTaml 1-1. At 5-crTinto 3-4. Loa Angeles 4-S " At ian Iie;o S-S. f 'a rratMaaco i-l Man Killed, 5 Injured in l momnii I Pi - t- - - -. '' - , ; ii ii Lost at Sea; Sub Nearbv ApriL ZWVA picture of scar- an .Associated Press wirepnoto or Donay had been identified by Ray Dodge, boat rental dock . attend ant as the man who rented a boat from him last night McDavid said Dodge told him the man left his wallet with, him as security for the boat - : ' - The wallet McDavid said, con tained a driver's license and busi ness cards identifying the man as Theodore Donay, 51, Detroit and indicated he worked for an im porting and exporting concern. ' ; McDavid . said ' a printed- form, with the top half torn' off, was found in the man's hotel room. He said the paper carried the words: "Delivery over the counter in Berlin or by parcel post in Berlin to the Russian zone from stock in Berlin, by parcel post from New York: : . , "No. 265, lard in tins, sugar, rice,' roasted coffee, cocoa whole milk powder, $5.60 lb." ' McDavid said several other si milar items were listed on the printed form. . McDavid quoted Dodge as say ing a man with a scar on the left side of his face rented a boat from him at 3:30 yesterday afternoon and promised to return in an hour. After several hours passed a search was begun. McDavid fi nally found the boat with its run ning lights on and its engine turned off some eight miles north east of Avalon. - The spot where the boat was found, is about 125 miles south of Point ,' Arguello, where coast guardsmen said they saw a craft they believed to be a surfaced sub marine at 620 ajn. today. The navy said there were no American submarines In that area McDavid said the coincidence of the man's disappearance at sea and the sighting of the mystery submarine had been noted by in vestigating officers. He said, how ever, there was "no concrete evi dance", that the two ' incidents were related in any way. ; , ; The federal bureau of investiga tion declined to , comment on whether it was investigating the case. t ; Donay was the first man in the history of the United States to be convicted of misprision of treason. The charge technically is not trea son but is akin to it Donay was accused of failing to report the presence in Detroit in 1942 of an escaped nazi flier, Hans Peter He was convicted at Detroit in 1943 and sentenced to six and i half years. Last October, he start ed an action in the U. S. court of appeals at Cincinnati for restora tion of citizenship. ? v The tall, saber-scarred Donay described himself as a "Prussian aristocrat" at the time of his trial, who built up a small .fortune in the export-import business. Court records showed he was born in Germany and his name originally, was Thaddeus Dona He served as a German army cor poral in world war L As a stu dent at . Altenburg university in Germany he received a saber cut that left' a deep scar on one cheek. Government witnesses testified that Donay often asserted "Ger many was run by Jews ard Hit ler was right the Jews should be exterminated.' Politico on Who's Running for 7hat in the May Primaries! (Xditor's note: Comments tat this ser- not rcfiact tb opinion el UUS paper.; ; ' - ' Today's subjects . ' - Krs. Joe Kegera (r) ' Candidate for" . t State Kepresentative (Pelk) " In answer to your' letter and invitation to write (for the Politi cal Parade): . - I am Mrs. Joe Rossrs, sr., of four rdles north r "- of Independence.! X have filed for; representative for j Polk county in ' the state legisla ture. I have four j children, three, aonaand a dacrttcr. Ozn ci the tzzs vrz r"-fer-"cr la Ar'i lai I-ih schocl. sevtrcl yt:.rr;t' j j.r. torf ctl:r t.va izt irj:t ca s-.: la- - i i w Ml Man in Morgue Dead Drunk DAYTON. O, April 2-VA ; strange "body" turned up to-: aayin the morgue-garage of a Dayton funeral home.; Guy Magetti. operator of the ; funeral home, called police and ; told them there was a . "dead . man"in the morgue he ' knew : nothing about ; , t - When police- arrived,' he led I them to a hearse in the garage, i They opened up a rubber bag 1 used ' by morticians. Aaron E. Talley, 40, of Dayton, clad in underwear, blinked his - eyes ! and asked: . ; ; : "Where am 11" Police gathered UP his cloth es, piled in the . garage, and booked him on an intoxication charge. ,.: ' ..: ' Destroys Block WILMINGTON. DeL. April 2- W- A fire probably the worst in the history of this city swept through an entire city block and portions of another at Second and Madison streets late this after noon. Fire official estimated the damage at $1,000,000. : One death from a heart attack and eight injuries were attributed to the general alarm fire, which destroyed the mammoth lumber yard of the Wilmington Sash and Door company where the-flames originated. - A total of 18 homes in the area were either damaged or destroyed. . ; . - No official, cause for the fire could be obtained late today. -' Virtually every piece of fire ap paratus in northern Delaware i . i suppiemeniea Dy companies rrom nearby Pennsylvania communities was . thrown into the battle which seemed almost hopelessly beyond the best efforts of hun dreds of firefighters in its early stages.,? v -. r , j At least 18' families within four-block area were carried. threatened or cajoled out of their homes as flying embers dropped as xar as eight oiocks distant. Spitting, flashing,- high voltage electric lines came crashing to the street in the midst of firemen and spectators as the flames ate through the poles. ' The Red Cross set up an emer gency station to care for injured and homeless. . Left-Handed Cups Ordered SYRACUSE, N. Y April 2-tfV Chicago's left - handed coffee drinkers have been recognized. ...The - Onondaga Pottery com pany disclosed today it had re ceived an order for 300 "left handed" cups for a Chicago hotel. The southpaw cups, said Edwin R. Henrichs, director of products design, are part of an order for new china for the hotel. To make the cups left-handed, he explain ed, the crest will be imprinted to the right of 'the handle so it will face the drinker. Parade lug farms; the daughter a part- are married. Aiy nusDana oiea four years ago.- My son, his wife and myself operate the large grain and dairy farm where we ail live together. I have been Community Club president , and also 4-H club leader, having wth the members' help sent 13 youngsters to' OSC summer schooL - Some of them have been -outstanding. X have been chairman of several political meetings.' In Independence and Dallas present I work in co-cperation with Wilbur Rich and wife of McLOnnville, Dick Rice of IliHs- boro, I "arc Groesbeck of Albany, Gus Elayton of Oregon City, Al Ofcriest cf Woodburn. So I meet treat r.;r.y rccrle. If X an ncrJ- rated r-i latfr elected I fsel qual ified for Cis tmportaxtt Job to isrve ar.l cxrerata wllh all, tra; a r-tr-j x?.zzct cf Ilea mouth. I would do the best of my ttlLty to ell, made no presumes w tr.y c:r.: la rrcvp. Wilmington, Delaware Fire TED isin Amateur Pilo I Lands in Salem; On Trip East left Seattle Saturday night bound, on a zig-zag flight for New York' with m ' $400 - plane . and one-' ed Sunday night in Salem. y . The pilot Jacques Henry IsteL: ia vwn expeciea at u roruana airport where he . previously an-' nouncea ne would stop on taM', crosarC9untry jaunt Istel, a pilot of twa weehs. Is t ! -to a zig-zag start on his pretest ! ter his initial takeoff, he -wsasr- about 200 miles south, right tiere In-Salem; ;.; '-...,:;-.','-,.,); -, The flight began Saturday from1 Seattle. The first leg. a hedgeOwp' by most pilot's figuring, took Mm about 30 miles to McChord field near Tacoma. ; - TaeoEBSv to Olympla . Sunday he left Tacoma andv From Olympia he headed for Sa lem and dropped here at 6:15. a . device mot Istel took hl first flvim 1m.'- sons one month ago in Vancouver, B. C He secured his'pilot's license two weeks l?n Ha ulrl lact Knt. urday he couldn't read a map pro-' periy until mat tune, i He plans to fly to New York,' ell hia nlana anrl fair kna back to France. The Parisian had been in Canada on a business trip. At . the Salem airport control tower Sunday nuzht. Edwin R- Fisher, control tower operator. said he noticed nothing unusual about Istel's arrival in Salem. ' -."His radioing r procedure waa- ' definitely that of an amateur," Fisher said. "But many filer never do master that chase of it with any skilL" . Perfect Landing ' .He landed perfectly into a cross-wind, ha added. - d The flier's bright-red PT-20. a war surplus, two-seated armT. trainer, was tied down. Istel left no word of his Dlan ecrm-it that ' he expected to take off this morn ing. .. Usher talked with the airport manager at Olvmnia Sundiv ntirht and was told that Istel had plan ned to come to Salem, Instead of. to Portland as he previously had announcea, - ' p urvive RXAMATH FALLS. Ore. Arril 2-6P-Blonde Divorcee Lola Pat rick was still alive today and may survive bullet wounds of her at tempted suicide and face trial in the murder , of her 6 year old son. reported Mrs. Pairick, . who snot herself in the bosom with a .22 caliber gun, has "ho wul" to live. She tried to take her own Iff after shootiing the boy while tn an auto service station rest room last Friday. ' Klamath county aherizTs depu ties remainedon duty in the boar pital room guarding against an other suicide attempt ; . , Prisoners Vanish Througli Hole In Alichigan Jail MT. CLEMENS. Mich- April '4 -(ffV-Four prisoners worked them selves out of tne MacomD county tail last night through an 18-iiKh kole. They had carved it in the wall in three weeks of effort There was no trace of the fugi tives today.. V - "They've just vanished,? Sher iff Harley Eensign said. . '-. . -A fifth prisoner became wearl in the jagged hole. Otherwise, tire sheriff said, the break might taw involved all 10 inmates . in t' south ' section of the 63-year-cl TheScripturai Of Holy X7eeh The scriptural story of Jesus from the triumphal entry to the resurrection, from Luke's ver sion, will be presented each day cf Holy Vi'eci, bexmtn today, in Tfaa Statcrr-on. Lei i selection will be accompanied by a copy of a Custave Dora rdntl2 cf the Ills cf Cri... Lcr.r.lng today ca pare I ta rtr- .- Lola Patrick Ik If - v : C :v-v '. lyiaya sjf -) jenens, ncca seriously. ;; soil conservation, reclanatlca. At v&JLiana "r-i, u-a