SILVERTON Marjorie Miles and L.T1C Brennaman of the First Christian church will attend the Youth Planning conference te be .held In Eugene Friday and Sat urday, March 31 and April 1. They wui represent tne yoatn ox the local Christian Endeavors. SXLYERTON Trinity Ladies Aid Society wm hold a food sal beginning at 10 sun. Saturday, April 1 at the Block Electric shop mi zoo uaK street, Nettie Hatte- oerj; president, is, announcing. -.SILVERTOSr Zion Circle of tne inunamtri r church will meet Tuesday, April 4, at 2 o'clock at me noma ox Mrs. ti. a. Jorenson with Mrs. Ed Zitzwitz as co-hostess and Ladies Circle will meet Thursday at 2 o'clock at the church j irenae room. . EILVERTON Dr. A. J. McCan nel is at Sweet Home this week ' substituting for Dr. Robert Lang mack who has gone to California for a few days. Dr. McCannel, who retired from active practice fol- lowing the wmr, has been substitut ing for Dr. Langmaek during the tetter's vacations tinea then. SILVERTON Mrs. Wm Tgmn has received word of the death of her ; sister-in-law, Mrs. D. C Bower i in St. Cloud. Florida, March 21. Mrs. Bower, who was about 60 years of age, has visited1 at Silverton Witt. Mr. Bower, who was reared here. Last summar. sua. gmn spent sometime with her brother and his wife at St. Uoud. Funeral services were held at Akron, Ohio, where the Bowers uvea iur udw Dexore reaxina xb ca ob uoua. SILVERTON The Her. and Mwm C? T a 1.1. u j . lunuw un at xtev. and Mrs. Josenh A. . Tjithm tended a meeting at Oswego Tues- "j ior pasiors ana wives of the yregon urcuw of the Evangelical Lutheran church. Tha muHn. combined a discussion of church matters m, tne forenoon and in formal visiting during the after. noon. Pastor arid . Wn m- T . . - . ormgsima oz our Saviors Lutheran cuurcn at uswego -entertained the group, Macleav - Thm MaoU ...... will 0 to Ankenv Siturrf, nit. w x eric Liiiir vmrnnrtn n 4 1 j have asked everyone to attend. BABIES "aMIVE verton hospital March 28 were danrfitm mt-m u.n Robnett of MolaHa and Mr. and Mrs. Rrrr TTsht en vt. yh ion: April 27, daughters to Mr. and Mrs. E. H MrvMi9i4 and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Living, none of Woodburn, and a son to Mr. and Un nr m . Snverton. i . Legion Women Plan Program At Silverton SILVERTON Ina Harold was hostess Tuesday night to the Past Presidents dub of the American Legion Auxiliary, when plans were discussed for the annual program which the dub presents at an auxiliary meeting. This program wCl be riven Mav 1 at rniia Auxiliary meeting. A jitney sup per follows, proceeds of which are used for the past. presidents pins. . Dr. A. L. V. Smith ihaw1 n! hires durin the vmlnf a t. prise feature of the program was the plarine of a recordinr wWioh Dr. Smith took earlier in the eve ning unknown to the women guests. :v Silverton Boys Honored At Birthday Party Earl Spencer shared honors at a birthday nartv at tha Ala nm home Saturday night. Clark's an- niversary ieu on .Friday and Spen cers on aaxuroay. Present for tha nart m mr and Mrs. Clark, Mr. and Mrs! spencer, ur. and lira nwv ura w aa ana sars. ?"ipn "midt. - tr. ' 7 - tSk - ; 1 1 1 ) tjyy, - rV jet: Yqj J 'J y - I ' !iJ preLdlai for feiasl Votir friends will not only prtlst 'jtem? I TOtycmrrJiriftinc$s,tc Fn kr-ft cot Md llntnj becauj- if, 4. thaxdes to n exdiisiyt fonnidTprotccrid bjV.S.puttxu So taike your - -wu. viauiuuj, too; mc exzr>ntj uorox way! 13? m9 ?A mnqm ciH Frcf8tII5a f8r taiai It's ncrcr too caxly for a Kttlc lady to W about the fw health protectic yWg horne ccatcn with dorox. Por Oorox does a flicker, better ob of djiinfecrinir ' than any other product of its kind! Join the millions who use Oorox daily in routine kitchen and bathroom cleaning. See directions on label m : i 3 If ) ;2 ( 11 I thm Etotomasa. Saftq, Oregon, Friday, March M. Yoa nlgki eaU ihls car "Colcaal Cleaa Up Sale" Iccotm we'ra ocira "M Ocl" wlii S-Hd Fesf-rci xi tllTCIJCrj QUGCCJ FLOUn Itj Ibe. BUY TODAY 25 Ibev-Prlat Bog . 0 Ib-Popr Bog 51.75 79 PUBES OLD DUTCH GHoDE "Mr LAEGS F 1 0 E3Z. . 1 Weight GLOVES SI PMD DOG F00I PEIIIIA PLilSTIC flALLEY'S TiUIG 2 . 27c Tcdsb Jc!:j 15c J O OTT7 Jl mat Star 8oQd Pack SOS COFFEE EETUl'S nOODY'S snrm's m? Cna rnTTTTi7nc vlJAi&Jsat&l a H'a tsa cansuGAn 20 St 24o bk69o - 1 JL 23o .11 M. ICM 38 3.25 -3 Cat 25 100 ,$8.49 tfffltf 0BS Sfc 1 9 THE CXYZ C3 dZZT C7JU.!73 Glob Mdi Soosngo n. BZiGEiJinmm n. Kebeegaa'a--Wa3 Trlraune4 rsst Mil BflGOli VolFek&aad -Flat V 2 Ibe. 57c ALL GUI Carton. S9C DICE SL. 2 35?c BDE21D 'riS'kiorfi. Op:a Snndays Fron 10 A. IL TO 8 P. II BOODLE GDEEII STMIPS EVEBY UEDIIESDAY Oil J5.C3 OBDEBI BSTM1 QUilUTY L017EB PBICES SEE PADKE'S