Speaker f-Th ttcrtoexncm, Salem. Prow Friday. Iteck Set April 29 at Monmouth lUUaui Neva - MOffUOUTH The annual Oregon College Conference en -He- EUULCUUIl. rVPTIT m I milAn MtlMtlMl nrill ' AunarecU ox teachers, administrator am k campus here for an pensive study and analysis of some real problem In elementary education Saturday. April 28. Emphasis will be on nm- sac Mrs. Beatrice Perham Krone, of the school est rmislr at TTSf wm be a main speaker. Mrs. Krone. Is auwor 01 tne doojc music in The New School- and Is noted lor her presentation of workshops for teachers af music I Alice pendlebury, English ex- o ' um at vn..fi, will address the conference on "A Limey Looks at American Educa tion." lit. xienry 4. otto, of Uni versity or Texas., will be a main speaker lor the conference. Slayton Area Girls Attend Rainbow Meet r SUtMmaa Ntwt Sarrlea STAYTON Tha inmul rnt assemDiT ox ttatnhnw hairf inrt Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Corvallla. Ore- u tfnHwi k 20 girls from the Acacia Order of Clayton. a . - Accompanying tne girls were were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil TueL Mrs. Tuel is Mother advianr nf Acacia: Mrs. Sam Draper and Kfrt Keith Miller, members of the ad visory board who acted as chap erons ana drivers. Girls eolnff Wr Marlon. t . w w ii .i v Deck. Wflrlh ufvlcnr n A t. Jacqueline Calvin, Lavocme Hum-! poreya, n inwn Drager, Leila Kel- ler, uroiee iTirdy. who was grand religion during tKm bly, Shirley Hennies. Pat Hennies, Carol Newkirk, Irene Thomas, Darlene Hn, rvmT rm t,,.- ita Morris, Novadean Bruce, Idon- ua oenne vm.m Anna Mae lfitchel, Pat Miller. Ardith Jones and Betty Craver. Patricia Cree was present on radar night to receive the grand wwss cojon wmca was award ed to her. For the year of 1950 and 1951 Shirley Hennies was made a grand representative. The meeting will be held at Seaside. -'' ' ' Hi,.., V " f MONMOUTH BeaMaat noted California edaeator and author, who will address the annul Oreroa Colles Confer ence on Elementary education nere April Z9. DeanhaPTA ToNciminate New Officers tatesaata Raws Service IDANHA The grade school lib rary was the scene of , the regular meeting of the Deanha PTA Mon day night, with a large attend ance In spite of the blizzardy weather. The basic school law was ex plained by Mrs. C. Bancs and Otis Write talked an fh school law. S. T. Moore, fhainM naased Ida Hansen chairman with Ede GJrod and Boselle Vicken the committee lor lf5(M31 offi cer nominations. Wison Vlckers, O. A. Hasnlck, . ju. x-ayne ana Mrs. C Snyder were deHtaf rf.f.. the PTA eonventtnfi iwi.j April 23, 28, and 27. Stanley Wip- ie spoke oo sports and hobbies. In. Russel Hoyt displayed her BW bells and told a few things ft theau Thaw grade school enfldren demonstrated two ex periments pertaining to air-ores-aum. Eight Jmdor M bora ad Uri. did three dances. Mrs. Leach's mm the attendance prixe. Hefreah menta were served by the sixth Circuit Judge iU Address Andty lions .ItatesBMw Haws Scrrica . AMITY The Amiry lions dub entertained the district goveiuoi, Dr. Ployd South of Portland, tn a dinner meeting this week. The dub will meet April 18 when Cb euffc Jwdaw Walter Tooxe of Port land wiU . be guest. Amity Boy Scout troop 1 and its laader, Joe Barr, assistant scoutmaster, Sidney Norton, made o ovenugnx nice to Camp Rrrrfth CjaoooonopoD west of MrMmnvflle, Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. N. Cyche oCBlythe, Calif, has leased the George W. Massey property and are settled in their new home. Mrs. Earl Johnson and daugh ter. Susie and Kare. are in South Gate, Calif where they were call ed by the illness of Mrs. Johnson's granazainer. The sixth grade of Amiir. school made a field trip to Salem recent ly where they visited a radio sta tion, a mur processing plant and the state f penitentiary. ' MTVtle eirete tt. NeUhbm at Woodcraft, entertained the Amity grade school basketball team with a covered-dish dinner. Twelve boys and Coach James McCoy at- tenaea. t t -itl'M, Hastie rFarade Set April 8 In Dallas SU: DALLAS, Mar. 29 For the sec ond year an Easter parade and egg hunt for children of. this area will take place Saturday, April 8. the anoiiaarsbin af tha Chamber of Conmieioa merchants committee. M to John Greenwood, ctudrman. ' Children narmrfine In mffrmu wifl be ciigibte for prizes along witft wiuneia of other events. The parade will precede the egg hunt. Another feature for the .delight of the children wm be a free car toon show, if the weather is good, a jrawd of LOOO to L500 children is expected. Dallas merchaaiia win be anllrit. ed for prizes, the Camp lint Girls wui dou and color me eggs and the Boy Scouts win hide and Patrol the rrnravfa fK mnmh. of the hunt , AUXXLIAXT. TOST TfL SILVERTOTf Anwrloaii T. gion., Delbert Bamm mt uui auxiliary, axe boats Friday night, March 11, to tthe Marion County Council and assembly. The Antarctic m sea spiders. wxtn (etueeru y 0 GIVES S&H G RE Bil STAMP 1 o c 0. , ..l, udaaaSakiikrfNaBku. mm.-- ml Be sure to check HeRneJGA Brands ! Smmr Man Cdiee Five Silverton Boys to Attend Scout Jamboree SILVERTON Five m rd Brekke. Kirby Brown, Bob ""V5r Kenneth Warrrlf and Bona Id Lambert. ,r TT r" KwmZT T JVT Valley Ixpense funds an h-fn. by various local organizations and kViI. D,rmeter In downtown registering the pro freas of the funds. -! ,ut, themlves are spon frtn the appearance of MitcheU WMelV kllfTi mtt "Wt the fund. CaJauTSear S-12 Savton!SaS announced. . CEZDXSTEX DIES BmVERTON j- Ma Ben T. ChSL "rfiSS Jam Neuto K ted r5 the home of the Bv Brownings a matnber of ttetl' gthe latter took WTS pastorate hfS lwnlnfk1fc fcC Xor luZZZZ Under Grads To Give Play ay At Silverton SUtcsmaa Mmmm In ilc SILVERTON The recent stage adaptation of Louisa M. Alcott's famous story, "Little Women", has been chosen by the Junior-Sophomore classes of the Silverton high school lor their spring presenta tion. Taimm V IT mml lev Anrfl 27 and 2S at the high school gym nasmm. Presentation is under the duettlou M Merl Frtowll, high scnooi lacuity member. The cast will include Janice Sederquist as Joe; Louise Smith as Amy; Laura Sturges as Meg; Melba Norton as Beth; Mary Anne Woodard as Marmee. fta ( mother part; Richard Brekke as. Mr. March; Arlene Pederson as Aunt March; Bobert.Burr as Mr. Laarenee;xMvid nnlay aa Laurie; Bobert Feckhaam as John Brook; awa ijeaTnean as xiazmah, Zdsoa Montgomery as Profcjsoi Bhair. Biscuit Baking Demcmstrated by 4-H Goking dub Biscuit making was demonstrat ed bv Jeanette Duntrnmr ml Barbara. Lafky to members of the n iiiiwaiirq coaxing club at the home of Mrs. g. P. Houser, leader, at the regular club meet- Durfng the demonstration the two members worked together as a team. One member explained step-by-ecep how to make the bis cuits white the other mexnber ac tually made them. Other dub French. Georria KV1 nA erly Steia. At the swxt meeting, to be held at Mrs. Homer's home, 333 E. MQ- l . . I . . . I j, imujuij aaarca v m ; o'clock, Georgia Kyle and Beverly aiena wui osoonstrate brownie cookies. - l iMliMJliSi a a a a a a o a D D a a Ifs in the whole bean. Have it IGACaae wamm 1 Graham p Sobers f t o OBSSteSf- rrN n SPECIAL L0T7 PfllCEJ 5 '-.sssaw mrfjm-mm i Oaisuis Tiso ofiea la baking and 41b. beg 3C Syrnp IGASali ok. tube IGACat Green Beans 2con IGA Whole sternel Colli Ka.2can. " KSA Ipe aatl Kacred , .IGA Jell-It n"an 4 SaJlyMay C.--, Wish wash doth pkgs.230 4bar. 290 TSc V2 I - Borden's Instant , , t: I 2 os. Jar 490 I Ik j(" i ' a COIIE STYLE " Belled Hsdles Wide-narrow $2503X3 la Prizes Tide Boer CAXC 390 Oevfie FWre, White. GeJdea CSAR SYI SAILfflODJ Salsd Dressing S lb. paS Blue Label Full Lb. Can CapUoI rJcg. CrennolUteal Cairo Flour SwYxasdown. Fkg. K Ib.pka. I1M. Chocolato or plain 8mcdl Jox IL SI I mmmtmn rsr rwwwff lore dug Feaches, Kraft Cottage Chscaa 9L If c rensy f es.2JC HOT CR03S DUIIs "! iiiii i " yr t r n. - r Yomr DtUckmt MADE WITH pie ci Pkg. 350 ter Jest add Paddings Ire-Mel 3 23c Asserles's favorite dessert. Asserted flavors. Lensa Jcics ft ea. mxut. Concentrated Jolee f freak 17c Deviled Han 190 Try this delidoos deviled ham with scrambled errs. , o- IIAIILETS ul-FOF . J?il?EBE Tb movie bcnase popcorn. V2T Voa.cana SUl HiGHEST QUAUTV Spcciali far Friday and Saturday LEIIOIIS Snnkiat dozen 23c Save at this low-price and keep some on hand, always. APPLES Wlneecrp Extra fancy Sno-Boy brand. CALAVOS 3 & 29c Dress up your fresh fruit salads. TOIIATOESr Solid, ripe Bhie Bird brand. cnit new aJUlUiflJU Yellow lb The delicious Crookneck variety. 2 2 tor 25c tube 35c 17c SAVE AT TUESE KA STOHES E7E3Y DAY lliqtld Ilarttl EcaE:!II:l fttf Hixhland Are. Mebaaaa. Ore. Open aaw Brcdli7ay Grcstry Pcirna'i Ted Brewy. A KtL-Oaen Saaw . . IJIll. " Scb Feed Irkci r.M ' v0-- Ildel Feci IiL CealrsI C?t!i IHxL m yarih eu si. iten, Bcaacr'i Gfcccry Qnaliiy Feed IikL ; 0 Carter's tlarkcl Eqnall 1 Grocery nth and Market bu T-fT Slaia Sired IHd. fcdepeadeace ! ate st , Feed Ilaxbd Lennca'i Hariri Indeaendence. Oregon 5SS Ne. CosaX . While or yellow. 2 Dr. Bess Dcg Feed Ic Sale Bar 2 cons for 28e Get 1 can for le - ' BVaaaaaTrSSaW fW fc L' .-dy" JaV -fy V.VAV.". .V.VAV' ar V.TVAV.i 1 ' frjaaa .Bfy Br V.V...V. . V. w' ; k Laaakava asr gf ey ' ' V- a a a asVsSBBBW aW S . ,affFp 4aW aw sT aW an " AA ATA .dBBBBBVBBBaaaaaW Ahmmm W V.V.V...7.1 lift in aT - i MrTPW gaaeea W '""'VAVil ' S , .J . aSaaaaa Lr ' gMBSHaafjlwaaTaSSeMr. SftaWaaBaaa HigiCTTal 37c 269' 4fi 0 M$z& SPECIAL OFFEQ 2 plcs. Scotcb Cleanser' f PalMf..! . -22 pi 6 it 1 o n n a a a a a a a a fti- 1 !laSA.3 " -' fjeaW " 3 cm fsr 29c- vv loMWU A AUfsrcalv D iinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniidnnDnnnnncncnnnncacacaannnnnnnannnnnnnnrjnnnnonnniJnnnnnoEn . , a 1 I 1 f a i " J 1 -.11 i iA T 1 F i i V . - - s ik m " ' hi i a. awiirun ..- a Si SI