4 i t " a it - . -a . . . . 4 si Sl" . Buy . , . To Sell . u . To To Trade . . . ied Ads! Rent 800 Real Estate tlO F For Sete ; 40 ACRES Located north.- AS . In Jfuttivatlon. . taJMloa bM. chick te. ate. Mod em 1 bdm h . .j.,11-80- r Stocked equipped If desired. .1. 110 ACRES 41 tent cultivated. Balaaee pasture and Mk timber. Timber worth abetst 910JO9. rm modem horee. Bjm. silo, ate. ae pn or -" 9-tJ09. Trade for Credo A dairy eo , n;CH Harry 'Lamroers STVe. WW HOLLYWOOD OFFICS COLBATH LAND CO. pw Fairgrounds Bd. ' Ph. M 11,330 PEOPLE MAT READ THIS! Only one; can BUY I LARGE STOCK RANCH (Mo acres) to be sold for ONLY 930 PER A. This is RICH. WELL WATERED VALLEY, borders state highway, short drive from Sa lem. Approx 200 A. in crops, mostly . perm, pasture trasses, bal food Gazing cut-over land. Yr stream, is of springs. 3 barns, old hse. Ab sentee owner OFFERS YOU an EX , CEPTIONALLY food deal & terms. Shown by appointment. Larsen Hoirft & Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Jc Personal Service 1WS. ComX Phone 3-4389 ti ACRES with old 3 Bedrm home. About E acres in cultivation. Lo cated about 7 miles S. of Salem. Price 94JQ0 or will trade for Salem O. V. Hume with - State Finance Co. Realtors 183 S. Hlrh . Phone 3-4IT1 I HAVX this day Just listed for sale " for the first tune this 409 acres ranch. 300 acre in culttvataoav balanee pe. - ture a d timber. Tbere is over X M. feet of sew timber. Roarinf River on one side for over mile. Lots of springs. All fenced. Has 3 sets of buildings, one food set end the one owner live in has 1 rooms bat be only is using 2 and the eti tea-one the rest. Also- the barn has fallen down and the silo is leaning. The place to stocked and equipped. 135 sheep, some . cattle,' 2 tractors, carabine, threshing machine, plows and the equipment that is needed to farm this place. Wonderful fishing and hunting and the price to only USJOO, Can give good terms at 4 "v. See A. A. LARSEN 11 S. High Ph. 39429 We spectoliae in GOOD farms and out of our wide selection we recommend the following; GRADE A DAIRY FARMS ' Our choice: Close km. M acres, food land. IS cows, bull good butterfat basic, excellent barn. silo, plenty of fine huikllngm. good house very complete set of practically sew fans Implements -all foes foe 219J0O, A wide selection tn MISSION BOTTON FARMS: 29 acres up ta 050 some Irrigated: Best buy: 3 seres, choice Newberf soil, excellent modern house, S bed rooms, tea new Ford tractor and implements, well producing poultry, also chicks Only 913.000 TOST BE SOLD THIS WEEK ON AC COUNT Or ILLNESS OF OWNER. CLOSE IN EAST election to excellent, some very fine farms 30 to 120 -acres We reeom- mend this: 51 acres, good soil, fine buildings. lovely home, modern, 4 ' bedrooms; plenty stock, consisting ' of dairy 'cows, beef cattle, sheep ' and lambs, very- complete set of " implements, tractor etc. a bargain et l"1 ft Money to still? being nude tat HOPS ! .ur selection tnctadee some of the moat attractive yards, small so large, that will snow good loturns on ."present purchase prase. Why not , talk this over? . Call B Nelte,. FsnsS Department.' Hutchison-Danielson - Realtors 4SS Court St i-' - Phone 1-3621 Eves. 2-4TB9. 3-5820. 9-4-TO. 3-4833 i 10 ACRE DANDY! located north. Excellent soiL On Kvemeat. Very nice 3 yr old 2 bdrm me vKh knotty nine interior at brick 4 front. Sacrifice price only 7900. Good terms. Eve. Ph. X-06U Mr. Pyle . HOLLYWOOD OFFICE C6LBATHLAND CO. fg9 Fall wounds Rd. Ph. 3-OffH ' FIVE ACRES IAS Willamette astt. tee far herrtea. new 2 bdrm. home. LJL DJL comb. Oil fir. furnace. V. biUC kit. at-tty. deep weJL 85930. General Real Estate ,F55 Center St Phone t-C?i 90.500 - S seres Willamette sUt mod ern S bed rm home barn, .lite-ton - nouee. jos rt atrway mat in, pretty setting. . Call Mr. rreoerlcluoa Geo. A; Walters, Realtor I3MV TOO" iD IJUrD-25DI rich Tailing acres, dose to fee. Val ley town, , cultivated M, pasture, yr. sprsagB. g A caste besrles. aaosc of cult, lsaad is ieiLr esaaeed. F'gT IncL lovely 2 BR. home with fire place, awto. beat bwel. fieon. S en garage, pttry. hse. at ken. A meet attractive . place with SUPERB VIEW. tltOOO. TERMS. BIG FARM SMALL PRICE. M A. gentle rolling valley soil, well fone- ed. vr. water. mile from Hhn. jjiviiinea crops ineMoe - pasture, eeta and vetch, fruit aetd . berries. Lge. modernized older home. . barn. YouH have to see this to appredaie. Only (1100. Terms. Larsen Home k Loan Co. Exclusive Listings Personal Service 184 S. Com! St Ph. -38 BY OWN til: 30 A, no bW. IS, mi. N.E. f7000, terms. Ph. 3-2473. . ' Statesman CUmUitd AiTtrtWBff Classified Ads Call 2-2441 Three lauertieitt er Ua4w40 1 laaerttene, per n Ob BHth per T (OoUlde et SaJeas. tcB tbte 15e) Mlntm twn lines. Cent I words v WeV-- - Readers a city brtefx On Se The deadline tot classified e eadmie rot classified end it edvertistngte 145 pm. dally ' Wflksrfency Tost- ads will be Med site that hour. reader edvertfi Only- acre pted Tne Statesman ressrvee the right to relect questionable advertising It farther r nerves the right to place aQ advertising ender the proper classification. The Statesman, essumee no flnan elal responsibility for errors which may appear to advertisements pub lished to Its columns and to eases where thai oeper ts at fault wfll reprint that part of an advertise ment to which the typographical tils take eevurs. A "BUncT Ad am ad eontalntng a Statesman box number for aa address to for the protection of the advertiser and mast therefore, be answered by letter The irisHsmae is not at liberty to divulge infor mation as to the Identity of aa ad vertiser using a "BUnd" ad. 800 Real Estate til Zxchany Baxd Eakrto HOUSE on N. 20th to trade for from 1 to IS acres within 1 miles of Sa- William E. Moies 333ft State ' Phen 2-4981 til Wanted. Rexx! Estat XT YOU want to sell, exchange, er rent your property call 2-3591. CLUETT KEN YON REAL ESTATE I960 Fairgrounds Road Nils Quett F. E. Kenyon. Fred Freier 10 TO 40 ACRES, northeast. 1 10.000. within 10 miles, ti tH tllli not over rp dealers. WAWTtU CHEAP MOUSg. BIALL DOWN PAYMENT, rn. HSE with Base. $7000 to 1 1.000. WILLAMETTE REAL ESTATE. 37113 tire trrn riTcri We have buyers for low and medium pncea names. Msnr jieai Realtors. 341 Chomekcta. Ph. 233T7. Wanted HOMES. FARMS AND ACREAGES Due to our location we are getting many out of state buyers. List your place now. Over 2 million dollars to mope. ty sold by - t. Sullivan Realty Co. 3385 Portland Rd. Homes, farms and business property wanted. We offer prompt efficient MURPHY & KENT 454 North Church Ph. 4-2283 (In the Greyhound Depot Building) 850 Antomotive 852 Uaexl Cora Fog Sol lSdO "SERIES" Packard deluxe sedan; radio, heater, overdrive, very low mileage. Private party, wm take In car; arrange saims up tor 24 months ' Phone 31060. . - OLDS. sed. U Ph. 1-606L 46 Durbin Ave. 4 CHEV. Fteetmaster. 4 dr. acd, exe. cond.. only 14.000 miles, $1400. See at $30 Ford. Ph. 3-0947. 37 FORD, good motor. $100. 1705 N. Winter. Mobil Gas SUtion. '4$ PLY. club cpe, fully equipped $1245 '4$ Hudson chib cpe, fully equipped, $103. '42 Old. sedanette ti, fully equipped. $4S. '41 Cadillae sdn. 41 fully equipped, $43. Mobil Station. 1703 Center. LIKE NEW 4f Cher. S pass., loaded with extras. 11,000 mites, xa norm Liberty. i37 LaiALLt Tudor s75. Ask ior Ur. Smith. 583 S. th Apt. 11. 4S DODGE 4 dr deluxe undereoated. fluid drtve. nylon A plastic eeet .eovers. Plan fixuafc and heater, 2100 . snL Good cond. Sell equity for $1075 cash. Bal $37J0. See 1241 Chemek ets. Ph. S406. "CROSTTT sUllon waron. sood cond. Original SJZ3. Ph. J-76X. SUB3 warner. '41 DOKI 1U-T. U4l Chev. Both have produce bodies. 2550 S. Coml. Ph. 3-7441. , . . $30 USED CAB lot Any ear on the lot $50 and your old one 11th St Junc tkn Open evenings until 10 pjn. FOR SALE er trade for late model pick-up. '42 Dodge sdn. in excellent j- cond. Phone 2-T155. We Are in the Market FOB LATE MODEL CABS ELSNER MOTOR CO. 352 W Hlea Ssjem Oveeon 47 CHEV. R a H, new ton. rubber, must sell. 1500 Berry, a FORD 4 dr. Radio, cieeV HM. Grove at. Ph. llClg . CHECK THE SPOT O Marion Motors 3S3 CENTER ST. PH. 2-Ff 3S FORD Coupe with club, radio. heater, Sacrifice $110. Out ME aa from Dickson's Market Rt. lr BP. GOOD '42 Dodae Custom eeJanT cash or wQl sell equity. See at 01$ Mth Delia. Sea eves and all day Sat at Sun. , 1S4S FORD 4 dr as to $195. HerrsJl-OwesBS Co. s Business ADDfNo mr"jyt All makes bMssaacBMS, sold, tesje- repaired. Jteea, aM APtfJANCS OTSYTCB Kelvuaasoe and Hsapossl ervtee. Ralph Jshnsna Ato stendtxT dee and pllvnce. 333 Center St Ptiofa l-T3t. vlAttk Appaaee Cev. Li Ke. LQL Ph. 3-431L .. - J . at Tora rxxx gHajtrrwrw btXtlA. CenterT Phone APTOMOBTXR BEPAES Comp4ete Chevrotef set nee. Douglas McKsy Chevrolet Co.. $10 N. Coml, BULLPOZTNO I Buli dosing, land clring with teeth A logging so. jsuaaaa a or 423. 21244 Cr.MT.HT CONTRACT OB LAIYEwAVs. siLEwALKf, rouW- PATTON3, anything concrete. Ph 24890. CHIMNEY SWEEP CSlMKtY sweep. Northness. Ph. $-4439 TXECTRICAL CONTRA CTTMO VUiCX-S Cectrie for electrical wtr trig, contractlnr-repairing, 137 S. lib erty 'Phone 9-9230. rURNlTL-RE RgrtVlSHtNa SPECIALISTS at reflnlshlng modern A antlrue fern. Lee Bros. Ph. 3-700L GARDEN PLOWING Nolen Bathurst Ph. 22907. HEATlWft ' Judson s. 379 W. Com! Ph. POUT DRAWING fcouse plana. Ph. MdH" huvskhulo raueucTi I R. VYalklM Co. preducu 1711 Cen ter St, Salem Ph. 9-1395 ' Free del INSURANCE Joe W. Hutch fire. auto. ttabO- itv Ph. 23429 i.AUNURIE9 Deluxe Serve-Self Laundry. 3il TZT tenon St Ph. 2-9453. SHARPEN UiO Guaranteed New power and hand mowera Call Hsrrv W Scott 147 So Coral St LAWN MOWER 9BARPKNINO .NO PARKING worries or luffing it downtown. Dexter at your door Serv ce. 1140 Center. Ph. 3-4833. LIGHTING FUTUESO - Salem's exclusive lighting store. 230 1 Htrh Senator lotei Bldg 3-S413 MATTftE$$t9 slsttressea. Cspital Bed Ca Ph. METAL PLATING Avek Plating Co, 1436 S. 12th, J777L Silver repaired A refinlshed. Lamps wired, repaired, burnished, chrome. nicKei. copper, press, nn. MUSIC LESSONS Spanlab and Hawaiian guitar. mta rtolin hsnto etc 1533 Court Ph. 2-7M0. NCKSERIXI . Landscaping designing, t. A Doert fler A Sana, 199 No. Lancaster. Ph. 1-1 3Z3 OIL CIRCULAToa agBvTCa Call Cv Younitf Ph 3-40?f" 'AINTINQ AL&MAN Patotlaj aerviee,' fa. 1424C 850 Antomotive tS2 Uawd Cora Tor Sole) 1947 CHEVROLET 4 DOOR SEDAN TBTS CAB TS ABSOLUTELY IMMACULATE. RADIO. HEATER AND DE FROSTER. SEE THIS CAB DRIVE XT. THERE WILL BE NO DOUBT IN YOUR lsXND AS TO HOW NICE IT REALLY IS. Only $1245 SAM'S MOTOR CO. 270 NO. CHURCH ORVAL'S LOT NO. 2 $25.0) and $25.00 Down Payment You name the payments 33 CHEV SEDAN $25.00 DOWN PAYT 35 CHXV TUDOR $25 JO DOWN PAYT 30 CHEV TUDOR $25jb0 DOWN PAYT 35 CHEV CPE. $25.00 DOWN PAYT 33 CHXV TUDOR $2500 DOWN PAYT 29 MODEL A ROADSTER $2500 DOWN PAYT 38 PLY. SEDAN $35 JO DOWN PAYT J5 PLY. TUDOR $35 JO DOWN PAYT 33 CHEV SPE. $3SJ0 DOWN PAYT Payts to suit your budget ORVAL'S LOT NO. 2 T85 S. OTH PH. 2-2503 Every Day Is Sale Day AT OUR USED CAR LOT ALL MAKES ALL MODELS. ALL PRICES We invite your comparison for price with Bka snake model anywhere. Herrall-Owens Co. TRADES TERMS WO N. Liberty Ph. 1-4113 1947 Chevrolet $1195 ONE OWNER McCALLS 1297 State Dial $-$108 SPRING IS HERE... Days are Longer SO ARB YOUR TRADES AT YOUR STUPEBAXZR DEALER'S 194$, Chevrolet eedaa. RAH I10M 1947 Chevrolet Station Wagon, RAH ; JUtt 1847 Studobafcor Chamreon. BAH $134$ tnsa thuWuVar fwriTn.nt.- RAH , -PWI 1941 Stadebaker CTiamntnaT. BAH $ 098 194i-Carx5lsS-Pas. coupe 9 80S 1937 Chevrolet todor . : 9 173 1S37 Ferd Sedaa $ 299 1834 Chevrolet todor $ 79 1947 Stadebaker ft ton pickup BONESTEELE'S USED CAR SIART A FRIENDLY PLACE TO BUT 3T0 No. Church St Ph. 3-1603 w'w a.v maavaj aril. eagwap 37 DODGE Cpe. $225. Rebuilt trans- mission, ga arse, , runs weu. xwys 23933 1947 CBEV. ConvertibU. 1 A g. air ride tires A many other arrassnrias, Has had the best of care to to excellent condition. 1939 N. Winter st. (reasonable). 39 OTPS. 4 dr! sedL. HAH. new paJnf aauu. zjoo aroaaway. Directory PAZWTTwa a nrroeirrvo ; ciars: co. w. uoerry vW a. 1JJL i at iecvrvm. rn. HANGINO rj.p.rfc.. Wood worth. Ph. free eei. JtHRY Johnson. Phone 3-tHA. Painting A pa g A DiMrhanria. P BeaV 24A!. IFRIE ftrnate. Phone H-S730. EPAINTING A paperhaaging. free J. timswe.,B3T snrpgtrtg. Ph. 2-0513. rXtJMiBiNjt gjgmf Capital Bargain Rouse. 145 Center SL PLVMBtNO GNAAL renalr and numn. I I eatwr A Maerr 970 S. CoviT. Ph. 34233 REPAIRS, sewer and drain cleaning. W. A. Sfcewta Plumbing. Phone 34600. Judson t. 179 No. Coml. Ph. 3-4141. PUMPS Stettier Supply Co. Phone 9-ioiT" lANb aM6 r.iAVri WALLING SAN Ii and gAaV&L C6 Crushed rock. For roads and drive way. Cement Ready-mix concrete. Garden sand. Bulldozing drainage A ditching yd, shovel and drag Una : Phone i-8249. SAWS Salem Saw Wka lril Ki ki. 44c.f mK.wwK.rn Dfcjfc T AC Si aaecine aoio-Hooter exclusive pat. eat raaer sharp cutting blades. Cleans sewers, drains, septic tanks Ph. 3-5327 SEPTIC TANKS 1L F tiamei. Septic tanks and lines cleaned, guaranteed work.' 1143 sth St. W Salem Ph 3-7404. atuej Septic Service, Tanks cleaned. Roto Mooter Service aa Sewers. 1079 . J Bim- Pa. 9-9469. 9-9OT VACUUM Pumping. No mileage charge Call as collect Todds Septic Tank aemce. asp Larsen St. Ph 2-0734 Irwrvn Mirnrvri COMPLETE ke pair Service. AH Uakes Free estimate Work Guaranteed. itaipn jonnson Appliances, ph. 3-3139 AU U makes repaired, free est Singer o aa im n. t oni l ph. 3-3512. SICK ROOM IfttlPMENT Equipment ior rent. 3-3T74. SIGNS a SHOW CARDS R L. Eirstrora Co. MSVixirt al4S3 9PrAt1ngx and pruning. L. W. Caudle. Ph.3-7900 Nolen Bathurst Ph. 32907. Trwii a Howser Bros. Your power tool rental beadoiiarters, 1419 S 12th St Ph VENETIAN BUND8" ELMER The Blind Man. Ph. 9-73"ST WOHI.NU a SEWING Curtains washed St plain sewing. 3-4546 WATCH REPAIRING Claude MU . 34$ N Coml Ph. 9-4030 WKATHtRSTRIPPINO rRZE estimates T Pullman. 3-S945. R J WEST. 4240 Sunnyview. Ph.3-lt773T C. H. Saunders. 5i4 Water. Ph. 26711. SNEfcP A son iii 6rook St Ph. -eM Well Druiing OomesUc Irrlsatton todostriaL H. A ftebtogea KU4 9L Front Salens, Ph, 2-7393, rri 850 Automotive S52 Uaexl Cm fog Sato PHONI 3-7817 WILSON'S BETTER USED CARS YEAR AFTER YEAR A GOOD USED CAR FROM THE OTTO 3. WILSON CO. IS A BETTER INVESTMENT TN MILES OF TRANS-, PORTATION THAN ANT NEW CAB. Buy With Confidence Drive With Satisfaction OTTO J. WILSON CO. COMMERCIAL AT CENTER CMEVROLETSl PLUS!! 1949 CHEV PICKUP - SHARP. LOW MILEAGE 1949 FORD SEDAN . 31493.00 . 1990 J 1295X0 sudor, 1941 CHRYSLER SEDAN J BAH. overdrive, loaded 117 UltV AXKU sedan, extra sharp 1947 CHEV AERO 1249 M sedaa. RAH. low miles 1949 CHEV CLUB COUPE . 1195.00 Radio end heater, tops 1941 CHEV CLUB COUPS - 973X0 Radio and heater 1949 CHEV CLUB COUPE 979.09 2 of these. Your choice of either one 1939 CHEV COUPS " 423.09 RAH. clean and good 1990 FORD COUPE New motor 1939 PLYMOUTH CONV. '47 Dodge anotor 1937 CHEVROLET COACH 999 JO Above average 1937 CHEVROLET SEDAN Radio aatd heataa MJXBUICK SEDAN I79J0 UecTseBle3aiy-J5a: -TONT1AC OOACH 1937 190 JO 99 JO Radio and heater, good 1937 PlymouUi coupe Runs tope 1929 FORD SEDAN Good transportation ISO MASH COACH 99J9 Worth every dollar Terms Of Course AYNBEE MOTORS 940 UNION PHONE 2-0703 SPECIAL 1949 Kaiser Traveler THE CAB THAT LEADS A DOUBLE LIFE. 9600 ACTUAL MILES. LIKE . NEW. SEX JOB SPPRIOCK. Teague Motors . USED CAB LOT 333 No. Commercial '42 DODGE Tudor, no radio, no heai er. Just a good buy at 9445. 4M E. Ewgjq arior ijd or sat, art, at gun. BY Owner: '47 Chev a dr. aero sdo. Heater. A-l cond. Low mileage. Ph, 25390. - - Factory Delivery 1950 Studebaker 2-DOOR SEDAN $1523 Bonesteele's 370 N. CHURCH PH. 3-9277. SALEM CHECK THE SPOT Marion Motors 333 CENTEK ST- PH. 3-9299 This Time It's HUDSON! Service SALES Parts Home of Good Used Cars Shrock Motor Co. Church and ChemeksU Sts. Ph. 2-9101 854 Trucks, Trcr-tars For Sola '49 KB- T Int. pickup, clean, low mileage. 1949 life T. &tbedChev. truck with Brownie. Call 93379 eves and Sat 85$ Wcxnted. Cxzrs Tracks Callin g All Cars Drive to 3399 Portland Rd. where yoa can get the most cash sor foot car. Security Motors 3383 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-0883 ZEEB'SJBSED CARS BUT - SXttT- TRADB - i LOTS 3325 Fairsiounds Rd P -e 3-Q4Sa We Will Buy YOUR LATE MODEL USED CAB ' MARION MOTORS USED CAB LOT Marioa A Front Sts. Ph. 9-3040 858 Motorcyclea '47 CUSHMAN Body, good tires. 939. Ph. 4235.- t Indian : MotOTpyciee - Scooters - Bicycles CUSHMAN WHIZZER .9toeok'Ued air cooled engine repair. Shrock Motorcycle Sales SOOT Portland Rd, Ph. 9-1423 850 Automotive U2 Vd Can Tot Sale) FROM EVERY ANGLE . . . HERES MORE FOR YOUR MONEY A-l USED CARS A-l . . A-l in appeaiicerr . A-l in Safetyrr; -1 in Value. . l. A-l in Mechanical condition. . . ALL WAYS LOW PRICES ALL WAYS 1940 FORD CUSTOM CONVERTIBLE Color sea mist green. Heater, Radio, undercoat WS. tires. 11J00 miles. A-l $1795. 1949 CHEVROLET FLEETLDTE Convertible, radio, heater, sig nal lights, color cream. Very dean, low mileage. A-l $1345 1949 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN Radio, heater, overdrive, sun visor. This is a really nice car. Yea will be proud to ewa this A-l $1695 MANY MORE A-l QUALITY CARS TO CHOOSE FROM Valley Used Car Mart " "USED CARS WITH A PERSONALITY' Phone 3-3147 High at Center Salem 12 MONTHS WRITTEN GUARANTEE FOR FINE BUYS CHECK OUR LOT 1949 KAISER SEDAN (Uke new. 9000 milesf 1949 PONTIAC 9-PASS. CPE. (Fully Equipped. Torpedo Type body). - Many more Our 12 Month Warranty and price sell our can. TEAGUE MOTOR CO. Salem, 352 N. COMMERCIAL RAIN OR SHINE! WE'RE HAVING GOOD BUYS EVERY DAY! 1949 Plymouth Deluxe Cluh Coupe 1948 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4-Door Sedan 1949 Chevrolet Master 2-Door Sedan 1949 Ford 4-Door Custom Sedan 1947 Mercury Cluh Coupe 1946 Dodge Club Coupe 16otW445 1947 Dodge Panel Delivery (extra good) ALL OF THE ABOVE CARS ARE TN THE FINEST OF CONDITION. GUARANTEED AND PRICED TO SELL. COMB TN OB CALL TO SEB ONE OF THESE FINE CABS. SALEM AUTOMOBILE CO. CHRYSLER Home of Service PLYMOUTH 409 It. COMU ST. 499 N. COMX. ST. 439 N. COMX. ST PHONE BEST USED CARS ' . IN TOWN COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF 1949 FORD CUSTOM 4 DOOR SEDAN. RADIO. HEATER, WHITE WALL TIRES AND UNDERCOATING 1949 FORD DELUXE I DOOR SEDAN. LOTS GT ZXTBAS 1949 LINCOLN 4 DOOR SPORT SEDAN. FULLY EQUXPPXD 1049 BUKX ROADMASTXR SEDANET, FULLY EQUIPPED 19a PACKARD DELUXE 4 DOOB SEDAN. FULLY EQUIPPED ltt BUICX BOADUASTXR COWVJ-tTIBL-. DTNaFLOW. LOTS OF EXTRAS. 194T PLTMOUTH SPECIAL DELUXE CONVERTIBLE. RAH 194T PACKARD 4 DOOB SUPER. CUSTOM CX-PPKB, FULLY EQUIPPED. 1949 PACKARD 4 DOOB DELUXE SEDAN. FULLY EQUIPPED 1949 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER 4 DOOR SEDAN. OVERDRIVE, NEW SKAT COVERS ' 1929 BUICX SPECIAL 4 DOOB SEDAN. BAH 1939 FORD DELUXE i DOOR SEDAN. B A H 1939 FORD STANDARD 9 DOOR SEDAN. BAH 1939 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE COUPE. BAH 1939 CHEVROLET DELUXE COUPE. BAH 1939 LA SALLE 4 DOOB SEDAN, BAH These are all clean, good automobiles and we have many more older, less expensive models LEE'S USED CARS OUR REPUTATION DEPENDS ON YOUR SATISFACTION 240 No. Church Phone 2-1527 854 Trucks. Tra-srs For Sals VALLEY MOTOR TRUCK DEPT. A-l USED TRUCKS A-l FARM TRUCKS 11944 FORD 2 TON LWJ., 2 SP 9-9 TTRES -1949 CHEVROLET. 1ft TON, L.W3. S 1941 CHEVROLET It TON LW3. e-0930 FORD 1ft TON, L.W3. DUMP TRUCKS 11949 FORDS TON, 4-4 YARD BODY. 2 SPEEDS. 2J9 TIRES 1 IMS FORD 2 TON. 4-9 YARD BODY. 2 SPEED. X I TTRES. BROWNIE '91940 FORD 2 TON 2-4 YARD BODY, 2 SPEED. 4 SPEED CLARK 11940 CHEVROLET 2 TON 2-4 YARD BODY. 2 SPEED PICK UP AND PANELS 11949 FORD TON PICKUP. 13.000 MILES 11940 FORD SEDAN DELIVERY PHONE WRITE DROP IN WE HAVE A TRUCK TO FIT YOUR NEEDS VALLEY MOTOR CO.. 375 Center St. Ph. 3-3147 850 Automotive 852 Ussd Cars For jSaU 1949 CHEVROLET FLEETLDTE ' ; Convertible. Color red. Heater, Uke new. A-l $1565' 19a FORD SUPER DELUXE B-tn V--- a pin. Has only 20J00 dandy. A-l $1295 1949 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN Radio, heater. Seat covers. This A-l value Is the best bay eC the day. A-l $1495 1949 BUICX SEDAN (Dynaflo, Perfect condition). 1949 STUDEBAKER CHAMP. (With overdrive). cheaper cars Oregon PHONE: S-il73 2-4117 854 Tracks. Tra-trs For Sals 850 Automotive 852 Oswd Cars For SaU ; SHROCKSl April Fool just around the corner, but the years vrtj; have been in the automobile business is one wdU cation that we don't fool the public. Our can ar priced right. r WHERE ELSE TN TOWN CAN YOU ALL STEEL. LESS THAN 1LO0O 1949 CROSBY 1 H- IMA RtTDSoif rvrtnur rrrrit fvw OVERDRIVE AND THAT MOST T' 1 ' -mm mm -mmm i-n . . . R 1449 OLrJSMOBXLx! SDN. EXTRAS. YOU BET. JUST LOOK. HYDRAMATTd DRIVE, RADIO. HEATER, SUNSHADE. FOG UGHT BACKUP LIGHT WINDSHIELD WASHER WHITE TIRES AND I MZAN ITS OUT oV THIS WOUO FKICZ IS LOW. "5" 1949 FORD PORDOR CUSTOM SDN. ANOTHER ONE-OWNER AUTOMOBTLB SFLSJ-S- MOST BEAUTIFUI. CAR ON THE ROAD TODAY, Ta3 A. aUajSOIb , i 1 t - t Aftat C Ita-t VAjetT arVVTVa SMsJsT JT A Vr-kF m aaa-va-e. agvvn ?THAJ"TSL YOU ALL OF MAA lOU UI1A K LOW PRKTED CARS THAT YOU CAN BUT ON SMALL PAYMENTS, WsT HAVE LOTS OF THEM. PONT FAIL TO COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. YOU WONT BE FOOLED HERE. SHROCK MOTOR CO; Your Hudson Dealer Where Chemeketa Goes to Church in Salem . C HIGHWAY LOT AT 9029 Portland Bead Pbosss 2-7023 BUDGET STRETCHERS Pint-size prices for jumbo size bargains . ' 1941 STUDEBAKER 1 DR. SEDAN. MECHANICS SPECIAL : j 1941 NASH 909 SEDAN. A REAL BUY 1939 CHEVROLET MASTER TUDOR, GOOD MOTOR 1939 FORD TOBDOB SEDAN A DANDY ' ' ' " 1940 FORD DELUXE TUDOR . 1937 CHEVROLET TUDOR '. 1999 TERRAPLANE SEDAN. CLEAN r- 1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN COUPE 1939 FORD DELUXE COUPE. NEW RUBBER , 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN, TWO TONE. A BUY ' 139 CHEVROLET TUDOR. BUNS GOOD . ' VALLEY MOTOR ECONOMY LOT 3600 SILVERTON ROAD MONROE CHEEK PHONB 1-993, CASH or terms: '41 Okta. sdn. Phone FORD V-0 aaotor 1930, for verts to rebuild. 912J0. Ph. 30941. CAB PARTS for sale. Phone 373897 1939 CHEV. Motor, complete. Phone i-n. C ROmJt plating to drees your car. Avek Plating Co, 1430 B. 12th St. tin i. BODY AND FAPJT "SSI- 2490 Cherry Ave. Ph. op JJn-Jrr4Jf7W-. mmmkrwm I 4 4MIV llWIil ls4aW mtaaxm. OF TTII ASSOC1ATTTJ PXTSS Tits Asssdstei Frtss b tntiUc. xd-dtolF U tho bm for rFRUieUs af all thm local saws pcinteel la Chia aawasasog. aa wall aa an AT mwi -lspatcAaa, tU-MBEB PACiriC COAST 01TISI02f 07 BUXXAU OT' ADTESTULa s AJlTertisi-s BepreseaUUves Warel-43rimtB Ca, Now Yerk. i Sab IrsBdseav Dttrslt, UOXSXX AUDIT BUSZAO OF CIbCTXAXIOX BCBCBXTTION BAT B By carrltr la ati By niO ta Oragoa tia advance ) Br eeedal Sundav delivery on meoy ratal routes By man la DJA ouUt a Oregoa (la adv.) AvallaUe la eertata areea. DAILY CROSSWORD Acacoss t. Animal endoguro 8. Expression I ofoorrow t. Employed 10. EdlMe i rooUtock 11. Block of itone 13. Kind of wine 15. Pigpen IS. Ha Ifpenny (Enr.) DOWN L Common usage 2. Like ashet 3. To jellify 4. Dutch cheeses 5. Close to S.Uekup 7.SUrrtngup 8. A tally of troops 11. Xreat . continent 12. A marsh hatintinf bird If. Shoshonean Indian 19. Peacock - -butterfly 20. District (Ear.) 22. L-Tfc pulpit 25. Scarlet parrots (Austral. aaia) 28. Sphere 2S.GAia , 2S.SO-T 32.Urs;ea (on) 35. Rubbers at pencil ends 27. Exclamation 55. Wayside hotel 39. Iateo rodent 40. Afflrrnatlva vote 41. Measure ment - 41 Outmatched 45. Caution 4T. Epic poetry 4S.OBth " OCttB.,... 49.XTOMd 850 Antomotive 852 Usexl Cars For Sob S- GET A 1949 MODEL STATION WAGON 4 MILES ON IT Ktiim - I a ill Tmrn nv tf s :-.. mmm Sinfl gLnXJItl. gl A CIW AI T. nrwr-.wnTja r, " -vww 4.UUJIU, A - T t1M - nlTlM ae a s w - wa mm m mm mini -SaTaA.i UlliX LAIL '' J THE CAS MILEAGE. DON'T FAIL - GARAGE PH. 291 DOWNTOWN pa. 27i AT ' -9329 -9U9 -9ta -94Z9 J 49 j 52 H(XLM TrtS 'Clll W Ti liZtr- house. t0. Fir Cress Trsller Parte- No. Rtver Hf. SCHULT Ltrrorr liner, M TraQ true dolly. Tandem wheal. eisil tli aa. like new. 130 Lane Ave. N. J. O Hsrra, See the new 1950 Kit Hot water heater, f ft - elee . refric shower A toilet. 23 24 A 29'J la? snediata delrrery. Jayhawk Trailer Sjdes 2440 PertlaM Bd. Dally tad Sa-tlay WesE-dayg Only SwadayS-OAly 0 L90 larifai 9 -00 ainath . O Wi ISI i i a - J9 moath AO moo i- 4J9 sis moA - IJSstS RMsV 9-0 year 1 - AOOyssa. Kva-drf - rate (weeky ay aaaO, JO weeh - tBM4or delivery Saaday) 9-L99 year. 4J0 ysaev. . (la advj . UaadaJ ' 1-30 moath I JO snassth 1 Je six ntea I . AT9 abi sasss 140 yea? I SJ9 yeaa 14. Afternoon receptions lT.C4eam 21. One of the Crest Lakes 22. Rich mines . 24. Grampuaes 2T.Ctln -29. Coins (BrA 30. An herb 3LDull . " 33. Merriest S4. ean-to 36. Guide 40. On top 42. Before TH. TseteraaVoAasves 44. Resort 41 Cod Of waters (BabyL j iZmZmmmmmmmm. IIEIlIIIIll I?rl!l. iAUmm