-I S-l-Tho Statesman, Salem, Oregon, WedaMdaTr March 29. 1850 New York Stock Quotations NEW YORK, March 28 -(-T American Can -116V Am Power & Lt 204 Am Teh & TeLlMtt Anaconda . 28 Bendix Avia 424 Beth Steel 34T Boeing Air 27 Durxnt de I Gen Electric Gen Foods Gen Motors Goodyear lint Harvest Int Paper Calif Pack Kennecott r,;,n t 145iiTjbbv McN Case J I 43Vi!Lone Bell Caterpillar 36! Mont Ward 55 66!Nasn Kelvin 17 Chrysler - Nat Dairy Cons Vultee 13 Continental Can 38 Vi Crown Zel 32 Curtis Wr . SV Douglas Air 77 IN Y Central 12 Northern Pac Am Pac Gas P T & T Salem Market Quotations i (A et late yesterday) BUTTEKFAT Premium ' .63 .61 .55 M .71 No 1 hoi S BUTTER Wholesale Retail EGO fBaylai) (Waolesale prices ranges from cnta over During price ) to 1 I -ante AA JS JS2 33 31 J7 .12 M J2 My .11 JO .25 JS .13 ' jaa sn Lars A Medium AA Medium A Crack POfXTBY A Leghorn hens , B Lex horn hens C Leghorn hens A colored bens . B colored bens C colored hens A colored fryers B colored fryers . C colored fryers . A old roosters, B old roosters C old roosters IXVEITOCK ky Valley Pack Fat dairy cows , 13.00 to Cutter cows 10 00 to Dairy heifers U 00 to 14 50 1350 16.00 20.00 26.00 20.00 22.00 Bulla , 15.00 to Good veaL ISO to 300 lbs. 22 00 to Good calves Jl 00 to Wooled lambs Feeder Umbs 11.00 to 20.00 Stocks and Bonds Compiled by the Associated Press I March 2 BOND AVERAGES 20 16 10 lt J Rails Indust Util forgo Kef change A.l unch unch A.1 Tuesday S3 4 102 i 104 1U Prer day - 9i 102J 104 J 74.4 Week ago 5.4 1022 1642 . 74.6 Month ago MJ 102.6 105.4 73.7 Year i ago NJ 101 3 1024 68.4 I STOCK AVKKAGES 1 : Indust Net chang A J Tuesday 105.4 prey; day 105 J Week- 12 Month ago 102 J Year ago 604 15 15 60 Bails Util Stcks A.4 A2 AJ 42.1 45.4 75.1 41.7 452 742 42.0 45.4 74J 41J 44.4 " 73J 332 402 64-3 (WEDNESDAY'S Pacific Standard Time FM: Megacycles KOIN Kilocycles: KSLM 1396, KOCO 14M. ratter's note: The Statesman publishes t goad faith the swegrasas and fBss as provMed by the radio statteas, bat beeaase mtaaes pracraaas are chaaed wtthoat swtiacatlbu, this newspaper caaaet be responsible for the accuracy hereta). ' JIOVM. Ml tff:15 6 K8LM KOCO KOIN KGW KKX News . News Hodge Podge Farm News ekeeper I KOIN Klock I News IKeep Smiling Tioco lKOINi sKGWi,-' fcJUfJ Hemlna'way Tex Rt'.-B KOmTKJack 'BalUd' Wash. tKews Break. Gang; JKise & Shine txoco woijNewh ;m News I NeS Boh Garrei jBobjJ 8 Barg. Counter, Crusaders j Cons. Mews Eddie f Albert - Break! Chib lily AH KOCO Kor, iders News sew KEX Eddie 9 KSL Koca K.OIM, RO W i SMI N.W. wi Melodf Time . Wendy Warren Second Cup Second Bedell IStars of 10 KtLM KOCO KOIN K6W KEX Glen HsH News J 5 f Big SSjsej MarrUSe j Be Seated iMaPerkinM fjDn Maleno ICavallero 11 i KSLM -KOCO KOIN tK5W KSJC Fair IfLadies Fairfe HMukS Marti fperrv MasoM MusielMart Mrs. Burton Doub. jNotfu 1UOUD. NOUr :er Liadlahr Betty 12 KRLM KOCO KOIN KGW Tm Trad. H'wood Musis' News News Baukhage 1 K8LM 0. Nations IFaith In Times! Your Neigh. Bing Sings KOCO Mae's Melodies iMac's Melodies' Mac's Melodies Mac's Melodies KOIN Nona Allen Show I Allen Show JKirkham KGW Backstage Wife' Stella Dallas 1 1 or. Jones I Widder Brown KEX la HoUyweod tin HoUywood JCay West Kay , West. ?KSLM KOCO KOIM KXXl Bob Pooled Mac's Melodies Kirkhans U Bob Poole IMac's Mel (Moore SiMd Us'TstewaJ Girl way aiewarH . . i ' 3 KILM KOCO KOI!S BGWj KKX! WedlVusic fi Mac-b-Metodiea Kirkham it Travelers Bride. GrooOl Bride. 4 KSLM S-OCO SOIN ROW Fulton Hemingway Movie Time 4 fPhilosophei (Art. Godfr Woman's See Rhythm v (Life BeautS KKX Squirrel 5 KSLM KOCO KOIN GW' KEX Mark Trail Swing Time;; FollnrS S of, Us 3 I Yukon i IMark Trail Swing Time HUttie Show News (Yukon fr 6 KSLM KOCO SOIM, SOW; ! KX; Gab.? Heattex Can4leUht Grouch O; Mart YouriLifs-j tv c Hia ,i IN.W. New CandleUsh5 ICroucho jYour Llfe Home Ediuom 7 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Concert C. Thornhin Burns. Allen Big Story Lone Banger (Concert I Jackpot I Burns. ADea Big Story Lone Ranger KSLM Name of Song Name of Song I Lean Back. 1 David Rose KOCO Track 1490 (Track 1490 Track 1490 ITrack 1490 KOIN Lowell Thomas Uack Smith IDr. Christian IDr. Christian KGW 6inat. Klrstmv INews of World jGildersleeve iCUders "KXX fr"S Sber. Holmes "iSher., Hohries : IGreg. Hood. Greg. KSLRf - m loco M KOIN, B BOW tj kek Mr Glen Jffafdy I Fulton Lewis Airport Track7l40 ITrack 1490a flNews Adventures 1 1 Ad ventures? fl Beulah Break? Bank 1 1 Break Ban BuzzlAdlam Buzz Adlaat (There's Music jr r- ffewsreel otvgl America fKSCM Mystery KOCO Amera 'OiN SUrXFiaaJ I You U KGW . Sam HayeSA I Carson Slndj llntermezao M KEX Reportee V I iKSLM Net Ne 1 I KOCO?Nocturne (Music Cue Nocturne Ktii s Bandstand VI KGW Nm Bandstand : KEX Concert Houm Wax MuseiJ oacert tOACV-550 K-C fWednesdayi 100 u fxhe news and ealhern larlS Es- blsCjy WomlMll4i ttregon lot! oiAJt: Uf?TTw New3 11:13 on f arra nour, r w I naertmi l:ow ':fl:15iOTron S,rida ofsthd Air U oft)id Air; iorfi to Grow: i fhi 1-00 lVeomto Grow; tO Memo), Book oft Sksf 2:45 Ore enooi ftt vn s:Wiheiews; S:is of the Masters-. 4 Oregon Re- oday'i dosing quoUtions: Ne 68 i Penney J C 46 Radio Corp . 50 y4 77 Rayonier Rayonier pfd Reynolds Met Tire - 51 28 ! Richfield . 39ii!Safeway 50 ! Sears Roeb & L 7 So Pacific A 25!Stan Oil Cai Studebaker Sun Mining . Transaxnerica Union Oil .... 43 Pac 20 Un Pacific Fish llIUn Airlines Elec - 32 U S Steel 10G I Warner Bros Woolworth Rickreall Cliurch Sets Homecoming Statesman News Service RICKREALL Annual home coming is set for Palm Sunday, April 2, at the Oak Grove chapel here. A covered dish luncheon at 1 pjn. will precede a service of wor ship and music at 3 p.m. in the Methodist church. Students from Willamette university will provide the music Portland Livestock PORTLAND. Mar. 2S -(AP)-(USDA) Cattle salable 150; market rather slow but mostly steady; sorted load medium-good around 925 lb. fed steers 26.25: medium steers mostly 24.00 23 DO; common down to 20.00; cutter dairy type down to 17.00; cutter-common dairy type heifers 15.00-16.00; few medium heifers 22.00-24.50; good heifers Monday up to 25.75: canner eutter cows j Urgely 14.00-15-50; shells down to If. 00 and below; medium beef cows 17.00-20 00; odd good young cows up to 22.00; good beef bulls J 1,50-22 50; common-medium sausage bulls 17.00-20.50. . Calves salable SO; market fully steady; good vealers Urgely 28.00 31.00; odd choice 32.00 with 1 choice yealer at 34.00; medium grade 20.00 26.00; common down to 15.00 or below. Hogs salable 150; market fairly ac tive mostly ! steady: good-choice 180 230 lbs. IS 50-19 00: few fat type down to 1615; 250-315 lbs. 17.00-18.00: good 350-585 lb. sows mostly 14.5O-1J.00; feeder pigs scarce; good-choice quot able at 17.50-18.50. Sheep salable 100; market active, steady; scattered lot good-choice No. 3 pens to wooled Umbs 24.00-50; top Monday 25.00 for L lot 94 lb. wooled lambs, new: recent high; common grades down to 20.0O: few food-choice ewes 11-50-12J0; good 205 lb. wethers 12.75. TKADK MAKE NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Batner Manufacturing Co, a California corporation, of San Diego. Calif, has filed iU trade mark "RATNER" with the Secretary of State of Oregon. M-22-29-AP-S BROADCASTS 10L1; KGW 100 J; KEX 92 2 KOIN 70. KGW tZ9. KEX 11H Nil I March Time SKOCO Klock KOIN Klock Farm Time Keep Smiling iNe KOCO IUOCK KOIN Klock Farm Time Jack Norman ITpp. Trades. K0CO-K1 jiBszen RiblH0ur restera Met I Grand Slam IBli.Hour J Fiesta j Time (Rose awry I Sage Riders IBrsak Chib Altafsrl Haclt Berch 57 li 17 27i 31 22 42 34 44 53 66 29 4 9 17 27 86 15 32 - 144 50 kxrM Fred .Beck i Sam JHayer- Zeka-Manners irsak. Cluhi ftBoeaK. fcluD illl Gifden Guldei Pastor's Call Melody Tirae I tStartj Stag Aaat Jennyi E lHeJen Trent Walt Time 13. iC. -Thomas I Gal Sunday CuS" liHosoetown IN Toisy i Quick at Flash Quid Wash Singer tlConeert :4. I Rues Morgan 88- Xys Guid. Light House Party Tree i Story frm. Musi; H Tune Time i ft Hawas Party sd I RTntelStery I Queen ftsr Day Eddie LeMar llNorah Drake fi Today s Child Norttrwest IQeea-for Day IVoc. Variety I Brighter Day ILihHWorld I Northwest INews E-vlPa 0 f H'wood Musle'lNews I Come Get It I House Party I Road of Life I Pepper Young (News IMenJous Fberly ShowJ I Dave Ofttnkm House Party IHappiness I Art Baker etoje IJtiie, First Ladies First s Mac Mciodies ITUnaYuIly? H Front Page Haral. Cahb i Mac's Melodies 'Moore enow I Plain Bill IHaan. jCobb Wed. Musics fe!News ' 'Mac's Mekshes) Mae's Melodies (Art. Godlrty EJArt-. Godfrey (Travelers f I Aunt Mary I Three Suas IMac's Melodies I Art; Godfrey; I Love; Learn (Pick a Da to? GroGmt. Pick atDato (Behind Story IByer Bedlam I Curt Massey Variety B t Byef; BeoHanf cxi. t Morrow j Paula Stone I Firefiehters prpau -Bqutrrel Cage Cage IToaa Wx Bin Crosby News & I Songs ef Times ISky King Tom Miaj t Band oftPaf News Peterson r & ISJcy Kinf f. (Telle Test INewsfi Blag Crosby Serenade i Sonny TttftS j IBm Crosbs MarK V nea' . ww m FRoma&ees 'A. Andrews, IRotnances rCisco Kid I Cisco Kid I Sports (Music HaTl I Curtain Time iDr. L Q. Eve. Knight Music Hall Curtain Time i Dr. L Q. Hood Airport p. I Piano Pat nei Club 15 at i I Dial. Attor tDlst. Att I There's Music; ' I Sdni tNews N jSiMatl.Gaar Mus. You WanrlMos. Yen Mtmt C. Thornhili' iC4'ThonhCt & Sports U CiaVenti! Oioief J Concert Hdarf Concert i Hoar Weri FMelodies i Melodies I Nocturne Noetuie ! Melodies i News IWax Museum I Was Muse ami Hoar! (i Memos J Memo f fi porter: 4:15 KernjanK SIodrl 4;3Re pert from Cengress; &, DefeasejRe Dort:r50 Children's .'Thai tar: iS:lJ On tie Cpbeat; 5:50 550 35portsjClubj 66 Theto'ews; 60S Dinner Melodies 6:46 (To (Be Announced! 1:00 j Farthers Uaiok 1:15 Evenktg iFarM Hour; .if Artutrr in classics; tJ uuest start 8W5 iTNews fSrtC Wather; f :66 ateaiiatiohs; ioT5iA g 1 9. Icevwa rn a ensWl 9 Portland Grain PORTLAND. March 26 -(API- Cash grain: Barley No. 2-45 lb. B.W. 54.50. Cash wheat (bid) Soft white 224; soft white (excluding- Rex) 22A; White club 2.24. Hard red winter: Ordinary 225; 10 per cent 225; 11 per cent 225. Today's car receipts: Wheat 75. barley 1. fkmr 4, corn 10. hay 2. milUeed 13. TRADE MARK NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT P. E. Harris Sc Co a Washington cor poration of Seattle. Wash., haa filed Its trade mark "HARRIS" with the Sec retary of State of Oregon. M-22-29-Ap-S TRADE MARK NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Cohn-Goldwater Manufacturing Co., a California corporation, of Los Angeles, Calif., has filed its trade mark "PALM DA YL" with the Secretary of State of Oregon. M-22-29-Ap-S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed as ad ministrator of the Estate of Thomas Stephen Golden, deceased, by the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Marion County, sitting In probate, and has duly qualified as such admin istrator; all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent arc hereby notified to present the same, duly verified a required by Law. to the undersigned, at 605 South Commercial Street. Salem. Oregon, within six (61 months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, and first published this 15th day of March. 1950. Virgil T. Golden. Administrator of the estate of Thomas Stephen Golden. Deceased. Ronald C. Glover. Attorney for Administrator. 205 Oreffon Building. Salem. Oregon. M-15-22-2S-A-3-1J W THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION Probate Department ; No. 14051 t In the Matter of the Estate I of FRANK E. EVANS. Deceased.) NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, by an order of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion. Probate Department, duly made arid entered on the 15th day of February. 1950. was appointed Executor of the Estate of Frank E. Evans. Deceased, and has duly qualified .as such. All persons having claims against said estate sre hereby notified to present the same duly verified as re quired by law. with proper vouchers to the undersigned Executor at the office of Lawrence N. Brown. Attor ney at Law. 212. Masonic Building. Salem. Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. DATED and first published this 22nd day of February. 1950. LESTER R. EVANS Executor of the Estate of Frank E. Evans. Deceased. h Date of first publication: 22256 Date of last publication: 32350 j LAWRENCE N. BROWN Attorney for Executor 212 Masonic Building Salem. Oregon. F-22-M-1-S-15-22-2S. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Probate No. 14047 In the Circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Marion, in the matter of the estate of Gerald D. Watson. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Lucille Watson has been appointed executrix of the estate of Gerald D. Watson, deceased, by the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the County of Marion. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present such claims in writing with proper verification attached to said executrix, at 666 North High Street, Salem. Oregon within six months from the date of this notice, the same being dated and published for the first time this 22nd day of March. 1950. . Lucille Watson, executrix Elmer M. Amundson. ' , Attorney for the Estate of Gerald D. Watson. 66S North High Street Salem, Oreron M-22-29-Apr-S-12-16 300 Personal 310 M Hag Nottc A. Pacific Lodge No. SO. A.F. it TGUr AM. F C degree Friday, March 31st. 7:00 p.m. LOYAL Order of Moose meet Thurs. nite 2f4 N. ComL Ph. 3-5227. 312 Lost trad Found LOST: Ladies black hand stitched suede.- Kislav gloves. Sun. eve. at Sanctuary of 1st Meth. Church, ph. 3-3079. 316 Personal DID YOU KNOW that you can get a free Preview of 'that Spencer Sparkle? call 3-5072 for app' ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Ph. 35234. P. O. Box 724. YMCA Wed St Frt. B 30 p m MADAM GRAY. Fortune toller. Palm and psychic readings. Madam solves Jour problems. Advice. 173 S. Cora'L hone 2-9285. Hrs. S a m. to 10 pjn. 400 Agriculture 402 LireatocF Wsntod: AH types livestock. Ph. 4-2617. BULL Service any place. Ph. 42949.' WANT Fresh or Springer cows, cows giving S gal or more, all types beef cattle. Buy entire herd. Tom Webb Ht i. Turner, Ph. n. BONUti) livestock buver. Claude Ed- ward Rt 3 Bos 699E Ptl 3-114 BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E C McCandtlsh 1127 S 25th Ph 3-6147 LICENSED Livestock buyer. H E Snethn 1550 Lancaster dr oh 1-1345 BEAUTIFUL Palamino 4 yr. filly j spir lted. Ph. 2-7845. i 404 Poultry and Rabbits WING'S BABBITRY paying 24c for rab blts, 4 to 6 lbs. 3985 State. NEW Hampshire, day old and started chicks, also S other varieties. Hatches twice weekly. Ph. 2286L Lee's Hatch err. NEW Hampshire and Parmenter chicks available every Tuesday Fox's Kstrbev W30 state st. Ph. 54 90S PARM. REDS. New Hamps, Comics Cruss every wk 1-2000 heavy ckls. Circular Purine Hatchery. Silverton WINGS BABBITRY needs rabbits.' Top prices. 3985 State St. ph. 3-1480. 4 403 Pots SPAYED female dof to give away. children s pet. Ph. 2-3 5792. 412 Fruit and Form Produco EASTERN ALFALFA HAY. Ph. 31456. Ur.T.TXassJs D Dr.O.CaamJJ DKS. CHAN . . . LAM CIUNESB HERBALISTS Zl Nertb Uberty Castalrs above Deckers. 231 N. Lib erty. Office epea Saturday only 16 aja to I p.aL. 6 to 1 pjm. Consutta Oeav Bleed pressure and arlae tests sre free eg charge. Practiced since 400 Agriculture 42S Auction Solos LIVESTOCK & FTJRNTrURE AUCTION Wed March 29th at 10 a.m. St 7 p.m. Five rooms of good furniture to be sold with no reserve. ' Ivers 6c Pond Spinnett mahogany piano, 1950 model 1948 deluxe Frigidaire elec range 1945 6' Frigidaire refrigerator Elec Console Singer sewing machine New Hotpoint washer Ironrite Ironer 2 Rollaway beds, complete 3 piece breakfast set 9x12. SxlO. 6x9 wool rugs 2 pie crust tables 2 table lamps. 1 fir lamp Walnut drop leaf extension dining table 6 pc. Birdseye maple bdrm set S piece dinette set Davenport and chair 2 reclining chairs Kneehole desk 2 beds "i size Ac size complete e Swing rocker and occasional chair 3 white dressers Miscellaneous tools 2 camp cots Chest of drawers ' Breakfast set Steel folding bunk beds Potatoes and onions Farm machinery Cars and trailers Chickens and rabbits Calves and veals Feeder and weaner pigs Cows, heifers and bulls LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD Located 1 block west of Lancaster on Sitverton Rd. Ph. 3-5096. Auction Every Thurs. 7 JO pjn. Furniture and household articles. We Invite you to bring your consignments to us. EAST SALEM AUCTION 1025 Lancaster Drive Ph. 2-1221 450 Merchandise 455 Hotuohold Goods For Solo WASHING Machine. Westinghouse. elec range. 7',s cu. ft. refrig. 433 Union. , NEARLY New 9x12 dark wine Mo hawk wool rug. $40 or trade for good light 2-wheel trailer. Write Box 636 co Statesman. HOTPOINT Eiec. range 140. Thor mangle $20. Wards Elec. sweeper $12.50. All good cond. 1004 No. Win ter. Used Studio Piano A like new" "44" walnut cased Instru ment, Bargain for cash or terms. Stone Piano Co, 1540 Fairgrounds Road. Linoleum $4.50 VALLEY FURN. CO. 283 N COMX. NEW 72 CU. FT. Crosicy deep freezer. Substantial reduction. Phone 2-5037. BENDIX auto, home dryer. Guaran- teed. Reas. must seU. 385 N. Summer. Phone 2-7740. NEW 32 model gray Maytag washer. Box 617. Statesman. USED Furn. cheap - trade - terms . Valley Furn Co, 2S3 No. Com! 2-7472. 466 Wantwd. Household USED FURN, Immediate appraisal. highest prices. Valley Furniture. 266 N Commercial Ph 27472 ALL CASH - TRADER LOUIE PAYS HIGHEST PRICES Household goods, furniture, bric-a-brac appliances, rugs, silverware, dishes QUICK SERVICE PHONE 3-85M GLEN WOODRY. Ph. 33116. PH. 2-5944. Willard Paynter. 458 BaUdinq Materiola Picket Fence S ft sections, walkway, driveway gates. St posts. Ready to install. Ph. 3-1369. No. 3 2x4' - Shiplap The best grade No. 3 you've ever seen. Jitney load price del. $46 per M. WEST SALEM SAWMILL 1050 Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-9593 Waterproof Wallboard Excellent material for bath St kitchen walls. Use for cabinet work, floor covering St other, plywood uses. 4x8 sheets. 3 different thicknesses. 7VaC ft. C. G. Long. ph. 2-5821. 1 ml H. Keizer. USED Lumber and shingles 2x4s it shiplap. no nails. $60 takes all. E. Wheakton. l'i mL E. of 99E from IUahec Sta. Rt. Z. Box 113. Turner. BOWSER BROS. Your power tool rent al heaquarters. 1410 S. 12th St Ph 3-3646. 100 SQ. Canadian cedar wan shakes, all colors, painted and carton-packed, with dry undercourse, $12.50 per sq. Also 100 sq. IS in. natural shakes and undercourse, while they last. $9.00. 8.000 ft. good grade Pecan flooring. $150 per M. Cedar gutter. 24c ft. Spruce and cedar siding. Red cedar shingles, all grades, delivered. Call Ted Muller. 21196. Salem, evenings. CRUSHED ROCK, ready mixed con crete, silt it top soU, pit run gravel, gravel, road St driveway gravel. Commercial Sand & Gravel Supply Co. Phone 2-1966 Save at Keith Brown ! ,x4" Cedar siding $23 M. WINDOWS Prices slashed In half on special shipment. Variety of sizes. some as low as $1.80. REJECT PLYWOOD: m. .". V'. starting at 4c for sealing tile plywood. Everything to build anything at that convenient KEITH BROWN location. Front and Court, S-lem. ON BUDGET TERMS You can buy lumber, mill work, hard materials, hardware, floor covering, electric appliances, paints, insula tion, roofing and house wares for as little as 10 down on a purchase of $20 up to $300. Small, easy month ly payments take care of the rest. Make it easy on your budget with budget terms from KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD at that convenient location Front and Court Streets. Salem. Salem Screen Shop 1444 S. 12th. Windows. Screens it door, frames St sash made to order. Glass replaced Ph. Clvde Moore. 2-6493. ALL SIZED kitchen cabinets and cor ner cabinets, also built-ins. Gilbert Cabinet Shop, 1965 Fairgrounds Rd. 460 Musical Instraxnsmts GRANDMA'S PIANO We've got It you can have itl (And It's In better shape than Grandma because we've reconditioned it.) (150 cash or terms. Stone Piano Co. The Valley's Finest Piano Store' 1340 Fairgrounds Road 4S2 Sports LrulpmemT NEW Fishing- boats at prices that cant be beat. 1170 Neb. Eves. itEN 'S" WHITE shoe skates, size 9D." Practlcauy new, very reas. 340 w. 14, 1948 SEA-HORSE 2, H. P. Johnson motor. Perfect cond. All tools, gas can. stand, flexible tube. Ph. 2-8618. PDD.EG HB9"' 6) COLON ...STOMACH tUrTUKECKeraia. Trsztsf nisst Itxatts! saisfka J MMW MS SiOO MM.nMk 9ti. Until MO p.m. Km.. WS.. Ml CJ. Dumm.M.B FREE wtM eZZ TII5 DEAN CLINIC in ons 40k tias M.L Cswisr K. Saimlea eatd ftaad Ave Tiliphiaa EAst 1918 PsfHaa 14. Ote, 3 450 Merchandise 466 Trad. Miscellaneous NEARLY New 9x12 dark wine Mohawk wool rug. $40 or trade for good light 2-wheel trailer. Write Box 636 co Sta teaman. - 1UK bALE OR TRADE: One Span ish rujtar. one Hawaiian ruitar. one electric pickup, one amplifier, one gas engine, one small arc-welder, two clocks, one electric lawn trim mer, one arbor, one 6-inch saw blade. Need turret lathe, drill press, etc. 2430 N. Church St. Phone 2-3935. 68 For Rent Miscsflansous PIANOS - INVESTIGATE our deferred rental sales plan. Tallman Piano S'ore. 395 S. 12th. GOOD USED Piano H L. Stiff U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT Blan kete furn. 197 S. Uberty. Ph. 2-9082 470 For Solo. Miscellaneous REBUILT PIANOS, like new Lee. selection as low as $25 dn. $10 per mo. See at Tsllman's 393 S. 12th. "A mile from High Prices." BEN S RUMMAGE, 2nd Band. 2083TN". ComT. STANLEY Home Products 535 N. Winter CHROME PLATING: Household, auto. A veX Plating Co.. 1430 S. 12th. 37771. UEA1 YOUR HOME electrically with Westingnouse or Wesix automatic electric heaters f eater Apoiiance Co 375 Chemeketa I SCD Radios and rei-wds players $9 Si and up Yeater Appliance Co.. 875 Chemeketa St. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads A driveway. Cement. Ready mix. Concrete Garden Sand Bull dozing, drainage and ditching. rd novel at drag nnc prone 3-VZ49 TEXAS Crystal Wax White Bermuda onion plants here now. Puritan Cider works. West Salem. DO NT BE a rug drudge Shampoo your rugs at home at one-half the cost Rent a Clark Rug Shampoo machine at Howser Bros 1410 S 12th Ph. 3-3646. PHILLIPS BROS. SPECIAL I Cow or chicken fertilizer, dry. Weed rree, steriuzed. dehydrated and pul verized. Ready for any use and will not burn. Made In Salem from cow and chicken manure. Call 3-1458 and Order now. Phillips Bros Rt. 6, Box 118, Salem Ore.. 4 mL East of State. Open weekends. HOSPITAL INSURANCE. No age limit. inc. Prs. call. MBHacA. Ph. 2-5692. USt-D Electric washers $1995 and up. Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa St. OIL Circulators at greatly reduced prices Yeater Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa St. KEITH BROWN has excellent used merchandise at great savings t WAFFLE IRON. used, fully auto. $15.95. USED ELECTRIC RANGE, double oven, six-burner, fully automatic Excellent condition. $195. ' LARGE USED REFRIGERATOR. Ap prox. 12 cu. ft. $65. USED WASH BASIN. $7 JO. Shop for these exceptional used items at that convenient KEITH BROWN location. Front and Court Streets, Salem. NO WAXING REQUIRED with PLAS-TI-KOTE. the cellophane-like finish for floors or linoleum Yeater Appliance Co. 37 Chemeketa St. FORMAL, srze 12. good cond. ph. 3-5612 USED Hospital bed, excellent cond. ph. 3-7641. SEW. Machines repaired, rented, eiec trifd: Davenport. 1930 N. 16th, 3-7671 DKY Poultry fertilizer. Ph. 22861. Lee's Hatchery. ATMORAVS Hariey Pugh Ph 1-Mltt'i USED Electric refrigerators $4924 and up Yeater Appliance Co- 375 Chemeketa St. Used Sewing machines priced to suit your budget Reconditioned St guar anteed. Ralph Johnson Appliances. pn. 331.19 WELL Rotted fert.. $4 yd in 2 yd or ders. $7 for 2 yds. 10 sack orders 50c sack. 353 Leslie. Ph. 2-6648. Phillips Bros. fertilizers, well rotted or fresh, any kind; by yard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work, cedar fence posts and tele and elect poles, any 'length, shinrles. yew st- Stmber Ph 3-1456. RL S. Box 118. Salem. Open weekends. RON VARIETIES. 946 S. 12th. SEWING MACHTNES. used $9.95 and up. Also new Free Westinghouse 88925 and up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chemeketa St. Ph. 34311 USED Electric ranges $19 95 and up Yeater Appliance Co. T7j chemeketa St. COW Fertilizer, fresh and old. Ph. 3-6021. NORGE DeLuxe range, daveno, radio, elec. appliances, swing rocker, bed. Kirby vacuum cleaner, table linen, curtains, glassware, aluminum ware u tens Ues. 580 Hickory. Ph. 2-2513 eve- ninrs UPRIGHT piano, good cond. Priced for quick sale. Phone 3-1569. LEAVING town - forced to sell late model refrig. St bedroom set with box spring it Inner spring, very rea- sonante. rn. aner o ju p m '38 PLYMOUTH radiator $15. transmis sion 615 Csll 2-2395. 750x15 TIRE and tube mounted on new wheel, eve. cond. Boy's maroon 26" picycie useq a days. Ph. 2-4gi. blSTON chain saw. 4' bar. Oregon cnatn. gd. shape. Ph. 2-393S. A-l USED automatic furnace, com plete with pipes, thermostat St blow er. 4120 Beck. Pen 4 Corners. Ph. 2-0098. 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous SewiNG machines, any cond. Ph 3-7671 40 GAL. ELEC. water heater, also have Mission gas water heater in excel. cond. for sale. Phone 2-3100. 474 Mlscelkrrc )us HEAR Chet Mulkey's Haunted Mill Dance Band. Station KSLM 8 to 8:30 every Sat, nite. SEWING Machine repairs guaranteed Reas Also used. Ph. 27380 WANT TO Buy used cameras St lenses McEwan Photo Shop. 435 State HUWSEK BROS. Your power tool rental headquarters 1410 S 12th St Ph 33646. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES) Bring or MaU Your Plates for Repels DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bide State Sr Com Ph 2-3311 Sewing lessons Day or evening New Home Sewing Center Ralph Johnson Appliances 255 Center St. Ph. 33139 476 Fuel SLABWOOD. 16 In. Hand picked, 2 cord load, no. pn. zrai SLAB WOOD 1 cord load. 116. Hand picked, also "Gravel all sizes. Ph. 265, Turner, ore, Capital Lumher-Fuel Co. Phone 37721 or 36024 Bone dry second growth fir Why Suffer Any Longer Wheat ethers fan. use our Chinese reaaedles. Amasiag s access fee 666 years u China. Ne matter with what ailsaents ysw are affUete disorders, siBasitls. heart, laags. Ov er, kidneys, gas. eonsti pattern, eleers diabetes, rbeassarism. gall and felad- aer lever, ssiau tssasis CHARLIE CHAN CHINESE HERB CO. 84 N Commercial Phoae S-1R36 SALEM. ORB. office Beers S to 6, Tues. aad Sat, essly. eosapiatsna ft 450 Merchandise 476 Fuel West Salem Fuel Co. 16-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER DS Old growth block wood IS lau cieaa mm erk SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE Oil. Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at IS25 Edaewater St. W Sales. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 2-7721 or 3-6024 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACE it HEATER Tri City Fuel PHONE 2-9442 i IS -In. slab wood and edging Freah cut screened sawdust 12-ta. inside mill wood Dry wood ASK FOB I It H GREEN STAMPS Oregon Fuel Co. Dry slab or dry edging fresh clean sawdust, green edging $5 50 Id. dbL 810 Also !' green slab or 4' Phone 3-5533. Highway. Fuel Co. Clean sawdust, wood green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny Saver Stamps. Ph. 36444. 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to dalem $1200 For orders please call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company IndeDenoVnee Oregon Phillips Bros. Old dr. ash. maple, oak 4 Or IF tab and edsnne p 3-1458 DRV VkOOD most kinds Phone 2-4276 DRV Trasn burner St cook stove wood. . Clesn, no bark R H Allen 1266 Candlewood Dr. Ph 22332. 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportunities Grocery Store $4950 Well located neighborhood grocery store stocked itc equipped. Good lease. This store grossed better than $38,000 this last year. Call Mr. Bragg. H. E. Corey, Real Estate 1365 N. Broadway Office ph. 2-OS52 ' Day or eve: 2-5138, 3-3816 SERVlcfe STATION for lease at Hub bard, Oregon. 5 rm. living quarters connected, pn. 1413 Hubbard GROCERY STORE. . cabins. RL 7. Box 145 on hwy. 99-E. Ph. 2-4319. BUS BLDG.liv rms ' 2085 N Com! MAJOR OU Co. service Sta. for lease. P.O. Box 46. Eaiem. Ph. 2-5526. BEAUTY SHOP for sale in good grow- Inr town, statesman Box S39. SALEM APT. House shows good re turn. Mostly furn; For sale or cash rent. P.O. Box 93, Amity. 510 Money To Loan WE Make loans up to S0 of the appraised value on qualifying mod ern homes. Sam and vicinity. Also see us for FHA construction loans State Finance Co, 152 South High St., Salem, Ore ron i CASH Up to $1500 Call or phone today PACIFIC Industrial Loans 11S S. Liberty Ph. 4-2203 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. IBS S. Church St Ph 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie- M199-S154 CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need itl You can pay anytime to reduce net cost! No endorsers, or help from friends f On cars, trucks, trailer homes to $500.00 On furniture, livestock, equipment, salary or other personal property up to (300.001 Phone or visit our office today I Hear "Top Trades' 12:05 daily KSLM. 1390 KC'SlI General Finance Corp. Lie. No S138 and M33S PHONE 3-9161 136 S. COMX ST. f ARM and CITY LOANS 4s and Your own terms of repayment wtthla reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO. 207 Pioneer Trust Bios. Ph 4-2283 $ CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. I960 Fairgrounds Road Next to bank. 'Free parkins. Ph 2-7032 -Lie. NO, M369-S2SL Floyd Ken von. Mgr. PRIVATE Monev to loan Ph 2-0794 Private Money On Cars Trucks St Trailer Hornet Long or 8hort Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 S. Commercial St Phone J-81B1 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted PERSON With drawing experience to do paste up worx tor onset prun ing. Apply In person only. 464 Ferry SL 606 Help Wanfa, female WANTED: Dependable woman for Room, board St wages. References. HOT pjt co atatcyman. BFI.IAm.F. girl or woman wanted for housework at care oi a cnuaren. mu at The Shoe Box. 357 State St. WANTED bESPERATELY: SOMEONE IN NEIGHBORHOOD OF 1209 Si, 24th, CHILD CARE DAYS. 610 Sales Persons Wanted OPENING for one real estate sales man. Experience helps out not nec essary. . Omer Huff. 361 Chemeketa. 61S Situations Wanted PERFECT Seed bed. rotary tilling. Phone 22720 day or evening, neios. FOR Sewing, alterations, drapes, see the former Mrs. Hsrtman; now asrs. Roberts, 1150 N. I"tn bt. EXP. Practical, will leave city. ph. Z-SB64 IRONING or cleaning, ex p. good refs. WANTED Work with Ford Ferguson .n, (, mo MA TLaneaster Dr. CORTALS WASHED, stretched. a-344S. TREE Sorayinc and light tractor work. Nolen Bathurst. Ph. 22907. PLL'MBLING real. Ph. 3-6377 li. AvTi'n4 4'il I rxiA mn. - r . xiw a . . M mm . .v.. NANCYS NURSERY SCHOOL 6 DA VS. a. Mdstasi as svw-h m a V TD1fl eatAatA AVFaVO af A J 9 l.mlV iU gf. STaTE. SttyTn. ROTOTILLING M. H. BROWN. PHO. 2-7500. GARDEN PLOWING, lawns start to finish Hrh tractor on rubber with dozer. Dusng woyott. pn. 3Biz7. CHirp CARE. 945 S. 12th." TREE WOftK topping, trimming, re- RlOVUlK. uuum upvriwr, nvim guaranteed. W. H. McAllister. 840 fVBri Ph e.l4M BABY SITTING. Ph. a-024T SEWERS and septic ianks installed and repaired. Scharff Bros. Ph. 2-5568. WILL Do ironing, my home, or Fair mount Hill Pin, pn. zwma YARD Work, new lawns. Ph. 23943. i CEMENT work. AM kinds. Ph. 2-4650 Csmentcr work, new, repair Ph 22093 CHILD CARE, 1S3 S. lth. Ph. 2-6876. 800 Real Estate 802 Business) Piopertf FOR GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR, WRECKING AND PART BUSINESS Located In down-town business district. Bend, Oregon, on highway ittO. near highway JTS7 . 26 years established business I tnjOOQM average gross Income for' past ten years, on two-man operation basis 1 610.000.00 average net profit for past ten years e 50 x 140 ft lot ! SO x 72 ft brick building, new concrete floor. ' block addition in rear i All necessary equipment, 'Including pickup, for ' operating repair and wrecking business, also good stock In parts Estimated current market value of property ' S25.000 S30.D00.0O - ' Total price, business and property 433,000.00 , t ' Must Mve I172O0 00 cash for business, equipment and! stock; would give bank or loan company terms or long term lease with option on property. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT OR WRITE DIRECT TO I Ivor T. Jones j . . - 4132 Glenwood Drive. Salem Oregon Entriken Brothers j 129 Greenwood. Bend. Oregon 600 Employment 615 Situations Wanted DECORATING, repair, .reasonable. Ph 3-5522 hbfAIKLG renvioeiina. ruoftna Pn "4-1334 or 7 0216 GARDENS tilled with M E. Tiller Phone 2-7828 h'K()KK Pn. before 6. after 5. 2-i)l CAKHLNTtK work Any Kind onMe I ll Union Ptl 3-1467 EXP, pruner. new lawns. Ph. 3-602 f. BOTOi 1LLER work. caU 2-2801 alter 5:30. H. MiHer. LADY experienced in silk finishing de wire rmo. Box 634 Statesman. EXP. General office clerk needs perm, job Immed. Ph. 3726 Dallas, collect. EXP. farm hand needs work, must have living accommodations. Phone 2-4753 after S p.m. 618 Education VETERANS IS to S3 Train for refriger ation or air-conditioning St taking heat from the earth with reverse cy cle heating St cooling in our well equipped school shop. Regardless of race or education, come for informa tion on bousing. Jobs Sc starting dates. See Mr, Ray M. Carson. Sen ator Hotel. 11 a.m. to T pjn. Wed. St Thurs, 620 Day and Contract ADTO PAINTING lust a shade better by Ray ETTER, CaU Shrock Motor Co. 3-9101. WATER WELL drilling Domestic oc trrtfattun Dulfield Bros Rt box 66 Phone 3-1313 or 2-276S Mimeographing & Typing PQg-S. 665 N 16th St Ph. 3-3643. Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer Si Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-U yds 10 B- yds D-7 Cat It Dozer D-4 Cat St Dozer D-4 Cat St Dozer See us about ditching by the foot. Phone days 3-S40S Evenings S-624S or 3-4400 Salem Oregon Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. EXCAVATION CONTRACTORS I .and Clearing St ditching Basements St sewers Roads and dams Equipment rentals Have us give you a free estimate on that job you are planning. Ph. 2-4691 day or night. 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board 2 GOOD Clean rooms, double beds, breakfast St dinner privilege, ph. 3H38S. ROOM for gentleman. CaU after 5;30. 632 N. Winter. Ph. 37054. KIC1E Ige. clean rooms, running water, kitchen priv. Inq. 754 Ferry. HOTPLATE, refrie. 2131 Center. SLPING RM. lor desirable young manT Ph. 3-7794. 338 S. 18th. PARTLY Furn. hsekeeping rms. 702 N. High. Ph. 3-4622. eves. i-280. 70S Apartments For Rent 3 RM Furn apts. Clean, close In, utilities, adulu 248 Marion. Ph. 38950 CLOSE In furnished apts for employ ed girls, refrig. private entrance 669 N. Liberty St. Phone 2-5539. . 7 RM. Basm t. furn. 1840 Court. NICELY Furn. 3 rm. apt, utilities furn., 2 blks. from State office bides. Ph. 3-9083. 2 RM. Furn. apt, ph. 2-5093. " NEW Apt furn. utilities furn. S39 N. Winter. 2 BD. Rm. unfurn, close in, adults. ph. '2-1719. CLEAN, quit, 1 room apt. Lady preL 645 rerry. FINEST Furn. or unXurn. one bdrm. apts. Ph. 3-5355. fWn. apT.. 1165 c6UrT. NICE furn. apt. Priv. bath. 1S N. Cspltol. Ph. M70S. K1C rm. furn. apt., refrig, priv. pain, ass w. cnurtn st. 1. 11 3 RMTAPTS. 1310 g. 13th. ONE Bdrm large unfurn apt auto oil heat, will take children. 1437 N. 4th. 2 APTS completely furn. Close in. Inq. HL. Stiff Fgrniture, ph. 3-9185. LIVE Better at the Ambassador S3o to S75 550 N, Summer. tJnFITRN. APT. Inquire st 644 S. Comj 4 RM. APT. unfurn. main fir. 1210 Tile Rd. Phone 3-7814. 4 RM. APT. Modern, clean, furn. Front Sc back porch, utility rm., large yard, S. Com'L Adults only, no pets. $50. Phone 3-7500. 3 RM. Furn. apL. priv'. ent. St bath, heat it lights furn. .419 S 19th. SMALL 2 RM furn apt. $25 mo. Also slping rms. $6 to $0 wk. May use hotplate. 389 N. Summer. Ph. 2-7740. 707 Houses For hens FURN. 1 rm. cabin. Ph. 37018. MOD. S RM. furn.' $75. No children. Phone 3-7672 or 2-1626. NEAT 3 rm. cotuge, partly furn, $25 mo. Phone 3-6214. CLEAN 2 rm. cabin. $22 50, not mod. Its. Ac wtr. furn, a bias. N. underpass. Adults only, no pets. 55 Hlwsy Ave. l"' MODERN 2 bdrm. hse, 1 mod. 1 bdrm he. 2175 Msnle. SMALL furnished house. 1242 6th SC Call after 6 prn DOWNSTAIRS Duplex, 1 B. R, LR, DR. Kit. bath. $63 mo. all utilities Paid. 155 H. 19TH St. pn. 3-13X9 APRIL 1st. Mod. duplex, uBlura, call 2-4708 S TRAILER Houses and trailer space, one small trailer suitable for bach- elor. 1730 Water St. NEW FURN. duplex. 460 N. Winter. 710 Wanted To Rent House 3 B. R. Houe. partly turn, ph. 2-1543. 2 B. R. House, furn. or partly turn. Pref W. Salem; Refs. Ph. J 2-8076. WANT TO RENT: 2 BJL unfurnished house. Csll 2-3406; WANTED 3 bdrm. unfurn. hse. Wired for range, year lease, close to trans portation, to $65.1 Adults. CaU Miss Franklin. 2-2463. between ajn. and CPLlTat CHILD desire 1 or i bdrm. apt. or hse. Not over $50. Ph. 2-8676. 714 Business Rentals OFFICE Space. Livesly Bids, entrance. Ph. 3-9801 days for sppolntment 5FF1CE Rooms. Ph. 25692. atuhiMKb itooas. at, u stUC 800 S Real Estate 802 Business Property SALE: 800 Real Estate Best Buys Boom! Goe the heart strings. This Jl acre farm will do this for you. 2 very spacious bedrooms. Bright and cheerful. Living room, kitchen, elea range, all furniture, else pump, chicken house, utility room, garden tractor, cherries, strawberries, prun es. Near school. AH goes for $7aoo, $800 down. baL $50 per month. No phone inf. please. Call for Mr. Leav ens, j Choice V Acre Modem S room home built In 1938. Paved road, 2 chicken houses. 99 ft wru. inis is; well worth $6250. 10 Acres1 Chehalis Soil Modern borne, ! chicken house, dryer tamuy i run ana nuts, modern room home, well, 8 miles from Salem. Total price $12,000.00. 5 Miles to Salem Modern ranch type 2 bedroom home 16x18 new outbuilding. Deep well. 4'i acres, paved road. Total price : f juu. imni a t alia Die. Neit Home Partly furnished. S - acres, well, ne waste land. , mile from school. ' This would make an excellent berry farm. Total price only $6500. (Eves, phones 3-4739 or 3-3558) Owner; Sacrificing This Is a real bargain. 1092 square feet floor space, i circulating fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, ward robe closets, beautiful kitchen, double ear lot, mile to schooL Private wen, S room bouse joining. A real buy for only $9000. Owner may consider i $1500 down. Excellent Value i. Almost new. Very good condition. 1mm . poss. oil heat, att garage, very elos to' school and bus. Paved street,' Only $1373 down, BaL 4. . Total price only $7973. This Is It - Almost new. Northeast Englewood. Could be made into 4 bedroom, att garage, bus block, owner leaving city, large lot paved street, hard wood floors. Owner may accept $1508 down. Total price only $9500. Evening phone 2-7674 ' AI Isaak tt Co., Realtor 3030 Portland! Rd. Ph. 2-7220 or 2-4598 804 Suburban $230 DOWN. Bal S30 per mo. Full price unumsnea 2 pearm nouse, liveable, on ;4 acre, 6,i miles out on S9E Hobson's i Real Estate. Phone 2-4226. 5 miles worth on Highwsv 99. j 4 B R. SUBURBAN Located on South River Rd. home on' bank of lake, ;;1 acre, nicely land scaped. "13 yrs bid, plast up and dn. LR. DR. and neok. chick hse. Priced at only $9250. ) C. W. Reevey. Realtor . $43 S. Commercial Ph, 3-4590 Eve. 3-9536 or 2-4312 2 Bedrm Suburban $1000 dn will buy 3 yr old f BR. home attacnea gar. sxcated en a. la Keizer Dist. Full price S8500. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 43 S. Commercial Ph. 2-4990 Eve. 2-4X12 or 3-9536 808 Houses For Sals ENGLEWOOD Dandy 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors, fireplace,, lots of closet space, many built-ins th the kitchen, full -basement, sawdust heat, truly a nice place and worth the money. N 2080 BRUCE STREET 2 bedrooms with room upstairs -for S more If needed. There la a fireplace, Venetian blinds, oak floors, connect ing garage, large lot. Madison street bus by the door. - Vacant key In office. ; Goodwin and McMillin REALTORS Ph 3-4707 484 Court Eve 2-4773 3-6713 M.JL 1 -. .11 Ask to see this lovely new 2 BR. home. LR. DR. K. nice i utility, att gar, un fin attle (3 large rms), large lot. Only $9500. Ask jfor BUI Jones with Allen C. Joines, Realtor 231 N. High f Ph 3-5838 2 B. R. Home, garage, garden space. in city limits, small down payment. FuU price $4759. 3150 Cooke Ss, ph. 3-0190. ' SACRIFICE by owner: Beautiful colon ial 3 B R. home, completely mod. i baths. full bsm't, recreation rm. 1 A. ground. Inquire 1865 cnilds Ave. MODERN 7 rm. house, double plumb? ing. basement, wood furnace, elec, water heater. 407 N. Church. Silver ton. Ore. Phone 473. $750 DOWN - $37.50 per month, com fortable home. North, unm. posses frion. $950 Down. N.E. Suburban. $43 a month. New house. A. jot, some linuning to be done. S4450. Duplex.. c lose in. good return on the investment, l-arge vaiuaoie tor. , ioo DO Large house, near State bldgi.. best el location. Dasement, furnace neat, double garage. No. 3 cone. For quick -ul. Sli 600. Terms. Trade. R. E. Meredith, Kit, or B. M. Mason 178 S Cornl. rnone -wii S BJt. HOUSE, basement. $38507 "4521 N. Michigan, portisnd. ure. Building Sites ' At Sacrifice Prices ! Dickson's Addition. We need money NOW for our remodeling program, ing sites at a ridiculously low figure We are offeriov choice home build but YOU MUST ACT AT ONCE I Water and Power already In. Close to shopping center and bus. $3,000 building restrictions. Lots at a bargain for cash only I E. Dickson DICKSON'S SHOPPING CENTER South 12th and 99E Ph. 2-114S MOD. 1 B.B. home, insulated. Newly redecorated Inside and out. East.' Ph, 20210. BY OWKER 1 BJL sub. home, nice dlrt $1000. Ph. 21569. FOR CHOICE clean modern home, see 990 N ; Church St. Owner 2-4777. $ ROOM Cotuge - Offers being r ceived for building only, to be re moved from premises at 1137 Union Street. W. M. Hamilton. 420 North Capitol SL irearl Phone 2-44-52. '.