0Tho Statesman. Salem, Oregon. Tuedary. March 23, I9S0 Portland Produce PORTLAND. March 27 -(AP)- But fterfat tentative, subject to im medi cate change: Premium quality, maxi mum to JI to 1 per cent acidity de livered in Portland. 81-84e lb.; first quality, 58-2c; second quality. 37-60c. Valley route and country points 2c less than first Butter Wholesale f.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA. 83 score. Cle lb.; A. S2 score. 60c; B. 90 score. Mc; C, 89 score. 96c. Above prices arc . strictly nominal. -1 Cheese Selling price to Portland 'wholesalers: Oregon singles. 35i-39'2C lb, Oregon 3-lb. loaf. 40-41 lie Ij Eggs to wholesalers: A grade, 'large, 39l.x-40c dor.; A grade, medium. W-M'ic; B grade, large. 34-3Sc dor. Live chickens (No. 1 quality, f.o,b, plants): Broilers, under 2 lbs., nom inal: fryers. l'i-J lbs.. 2S-29c: 3-4 lbs.. 31-34c; roasters. 4 lbs. and over, 31-34c; light hem under 4 lbs.. 18c: over 4 lbs, 21e: heavy hens, all weights. 24c; Id roosters, all weights. 13-14c. Turkeys ret to growers: Toms, 30 Slc lb.; hens. 44c. Rabbits (average to growers): IJ-e white. 4-8 lbs.. 20-26c lb.: S- lbs4 ls-ISc: colored, 3 cents lower; old or heavy does and bucks, 10-14c lb.; fresh dressed Idaho fryers, 40c lb.; lo cals 50-54c. some to 36c fresh dressed meats (wholesalers to . retailers, dollars per ewt): Beef Steers, good. 900-800 lbs, 142-43; commercial. 843-45: utility. 337 41; cows, commercial. 838-40; utility, $38-37; canner-cutter. $33-35. Beef cuts (good steers: Hind quar ters. 848-52; rounds, 848-31: full loins, trimmed. 863-87; triangles. 839-42: square chucks. 844-46; ribs, 855-60; forequarters, 840-43. Veal and calf: Good. 849-32; com mercial. 837-46.. Lambs: - Good-choice spring lambs, $47-90; commercial. $45-46; utility. 38 4L ? , Mutton: Good. 70 lbs, down. 828-30. Pork cuts: Loins. No. 1. 8-12 lbs, $41-48- shoulders, 16 lbs, down. 832-34; car casses. 120-170 lb$, 826-27; mixed weights 81 lower. Wool: Coarse, valley-medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair: Nominally 25c lb. on 12 - month growth. Country-killed meats: Veal: Top quality. 40-42e lb.; other grades according to weight-quality With lighter or heavier 34-36c. Hogs: Light blockers, 25-26c lb.; sows, Z0-22C. Lambs: Top quality springers. 42-44c lb.; mutton, l8-22c; rough heavy ones, 14-I6c. Beef: Good cows, 32 -38c lb.; canner eutters. S8-30C. Onions: 80-lb. sack Ore. yellows. No. 1. medium. 8100-23; Urge. $1.35-50; 10 lbs, 23-25c; boilers, 10 lbs, 20-23c; 3 lbs, 19-21c: onion sets. Oregon yel lows. 50 lbs, $3.25-50; white. 86.25-50. Potatoes:' Ore. local Burbanks. No. 1. 82.50-75; Deschutes Russets. No. 1-A, 83.00-25; 23 lbs, 75-85c; No. 2. 30 lbs, 81.29-39; Wash. Netted Gems. No. 1. S3 15-30; 23 lbs, 80-85c; 15 lbs, 0-62c; No. 2. 8U3-23; large bakers. $455-50; Idaho Russets, $355-50. New potatoes. Fla. Triumphs, size A. 83.00-225; -size B. 83.10. Hay: US, No. t green alfalfa, truck or earrotf.o.b. Portland or Puget Sound markets. 835-41 ton: VS. No. 1 mixed timothy, 842 ton: oast and vetch mixed hay or uncertified clover hay. nominally $23-28. depending on quality and location, baled on Willamette val ley farms. A school for Navajo children has been opened at the army's former gushnell hospital at Brigham, tah. TUESDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time KUeycies: KSLM 13M, KOCO U99. KOIN I7, KGW S20, KgX 11M "tM: Megacycles KOIN 101.1: KGW 1003; KEX 92 (Editor's : The Statesman publishes tm geed faith the programs and fJases as prevMed by tbe radle stations, but because ef (times programs are changed wttheat netlflcatle-, this newspaper cannot be responsible for the accuracy herein). HOC O.-M 0:15 6 BSLM KOCO KOIM GW KEX News Summary News Hodge Podge Farm News 7 KSLM . Hemingway ' Break. Cans? Break. Gang . (Too Trades KOCO, Tex Bitter KOCO Klock (News KOCO Klock KOIM Koin Klock tMacleod News fcoss News jFred Beck KGW , Early Ballads I Old Songs Kneass News Sam Hayes KEX ; Washburn NewslGarred News '. Bob Hazen IZeke Manners 8 KSLM Barg. Counter Family Altar KOCO Wildw. Church Harmony KOIN Consum. News Vaile News KGW ' Albert Show (Albert Show KEX Break. Club Break. Club 9 KSLM N.W. News Garden Guide Pastor's Call Dick Haymes KOCO Melody Time Melody Time Stars Sing 17. Thomas KOIN Wendy Warren'Aunt Jenny Helen Trent (Gal Sunday KGW Second Cup Second Cup (Hometowners Kneass News KEX News Stars Today Quick Flash Quick Flash 10 KSLM Glenn Hardy Devotion SongslOrganalities KOCO N.W. News Ivfeni. Musie (Tune Time KOIN Big Sister (Ma Perkins Dr. Malone KGW Marriage for 8 IC. Cavallero Reynolds Show KEX Ladies Seated Ted Malone True Story 11 KSLM Ladies Fair KOCO Music Mart. KOIN Mrs. Burton KGW Doub. or Noth. Doub. or KEX Betty Crocker I Vic Lindlahr Nor' westerners Northwesterners 12 KSLM Top KOCO Hollj Trades (News ivwd. Music Houywd. KOIN Macleod News KGW Kneass News KEX Baukhage 1 KILM KOCO KOIN KGW Un. Nations IHarding I Your Neighbor Blng Sings Mac's Melody Mac's Melody Mac's Melody IVUc's Melody Nona. Nowhere Allen Show 1 Allen Show Klrkham News Backs. Wife Stella Dallas ILoren. Jones liVldder Brown Welc to Hlywd-.Welc. to Hlywd.Kay West I Kay West 2 KSLM Poole Show Poole Show KOCO Mac's Melody- jMac'i Melody KOIN Klrkham News) Moore Show KGW Girl Marries Portia KEX - Jay Stewart lay Stewart 3 KSLM Tuesday Music ITuesday Music INews IKostelanetz KOCO Mac's Melody Mac's Melody IMac's Melody viac's Melody KOIN Klrkham News lArt. Godfrey lArt. Godfrey 4.rt Godfrey KGW Travelers I Travelers lAunt Mary Love, Learn I KEX Bride St Groom Walter KicrnanNational GuardPick a Date 4 KSLM Fulton Lewis Hemingway KOCO Movie Time friendly Phlos. KOIM Art. Godfrey Art Godfrey KGW Woman's Sec. Life Beautiful KEX ' More Out Life (Squirrel Cage 5 KSLM Straight ArrowiStralght Arrow B Bar B Ranch! B Bar B Ranch KOCO Swing Time 13 wing Time I Blng Crosby IBand of Day KOIM Feature Story I Little Show I Huntley News News KGW Three of Us (Foster News (Fanny Brice (Fanny Brice KEX Green Hornet . Green Hornet U. Armstrong 11. Armstrong 6 KSLM Gabriel Heater (N.W. News Tello Test KOCO Candlelight (Candlelight (News KOIM Luigl (Luigi - iMeditatJon KGW Bob Hope Bob Hope fibber McGee KEX Edwin C Hill iHome Edition (Romances 7 KSLM Medicine Time Songs (Aff. of P. Salem Aff. of P. Saleir KOCO Wayne King (Music Jackpot Evelyn Knight I Sports KOIM Spotlight . Spotlight Pursuit (Pursuit KGW Maisie iMaisie Funny People (Funny People KEX Counterspy Counterspy Rex Mauptn Rex Maupin 8 KSLM Monte Crista Monte Crista (Lean Back (David Rose KOCO Track 1490 Track 1490 (Track 1490 (Track 1490 KOIM Lowell Thomas Jack Smith I The Norths (The Norths KGW Sinatra. KirsteaJWorld News (Cavalcade (Cavalcade KEX Defense Time Defense Time The Press The Press 9 KSLM KOCO KOIM KGW Glenn Hardy 1 Fulton Lewis Track 1490 JTrack 1490 Theabe I Theatre Ron. Colman I Ron. Colman Town Meeting (Town Meeting 10 KSLM I Love A Myst-tTewsreel (News Here's to Vet KOCO Night Song INight Song (Musie Ton Want'Music You Want KOIM 6 Star Final You St World Your Word Your Word KGW Sam Hayes Downey Sines I Sports Page I Orchestra KEX Reporter Intermezzo Concert Hour Concert Hour ' 11 KSLM News . (Cue to Musie Mldn. Melodies Midn. Melodies KOCO Nocturne Nocturne Nocturne Nocturne KOIM Bandstand (Bandstand Organ Melodies Org an Melodies KGW Foster News (Wax Museum (Wax Museum Wax Museum KEX Concert Hour - Concert Hour Ifanot Memos . KOAC 59 kx. Tuesday 104)0 a.m. The News and Weather. 10:19 Fspceiaiiy for Women: 110 Oregon School of the Air;, 11:15 Tbe Con cert Hall; 12:00 News: 12:13 pjn. Noon Farm Hour: 100 Ride 'ens Cow dot: 1-13 Oregon School of the Air; IM Melodv Lane; 1:15 Reading Is Fun; 2:00 The World Is Our Affair; 2 JO Memory Book of Music: S:45 Ore eon School of the Air; 3.-00 The News; 3:13 Music of the Masters; 4:00 Ore NOTICE OF IBIUfff SALE On the 25th day of April. 1950. at the hour of 10 AO AJ. at the Court House in Salem. Marlon County. State of Oregon. I will sell at auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property located In Mar ion County. State of Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning at a point which Is East 13.37 chains from the quarter section corner between Sections 11 and 12 In Township 7 south. Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian, Marion County. Oregon, which said begin ning point is? in the center of the County Road, and on the North boundary of the Lawrence Eisen hardt and wife Donation Land Claim: thence South 11 East 8 344 chains: thence North 78 30' East 2.00 chains to an iron pipe; thence North 9 West 1.129 chains to an iron pipe; thence North 80 East 8.833 chains to an Iron pipe; thence North 12 30' West 257 chains to an iron ipe- on the North boundary of the ayrence Eisenhardt Donation Land Claim; thence West 10.884 chains to the place of beginning. . ALSO: Beginning at a point which is East 15.57 chains from the quarter section corner between Sections 11 and 12 in Township seven South. Range 1 West of the. Willamette Meridian. Marion County Oregon, which said beginning point is in the center of the County Road and on the North Boundary of the Lawrence Eisenhardt and wife Donation Land Claim: thence West 3.401 chains to an iron pipe; thence South 9 East 2.696 chains to an iron pipe; thence North 79 East 3.424 chains to the center of the County Road; thence North 11 West 2.06 chains to the place of beginning. ALSO: Beginning at a point which is South 89 V East 15.57 chains from the quarter section corner between Sections 11 and 12 In Township 7 South. Range 1 West of the Willam ette Meridian. Marion County. Ore- on. which said point is in tbe cen tr of the County Road; thence South 89 East 7.575 chains: thence North 15 54' West 1.38 chains: thence North 89 West 7.575 chains to the center of the County Road: thence South 15 54' East 1.38 chaios to the place of beginning; all situated in Town shin 1 South. Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian. Marion Count. Oregon. Said sale Is made under execution Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Mar ion to me directed in the case of -CREDIT BUREAUS ADJUSTMENT DEPARTMENT, INC Plaintiff vs Carroll M. Rold and Mary D. Bold, husband and wife, and the com munity .composed of the defen dants, Carroll M. Rold and Mary D. Rold Defendants r. W. Smith Attorney for Plaintiff DENVER YOUNG Sheriff of Marion. -County By A. I. Malstrom, Deputy 1st Publication March 28th. 1950. Last Publication April 18th. 1950. M.28-Ap.4-ll-18 CALL FOR BIDS County of Marion, State of Oregon, is asking for sealed bids for grading, gravelling, providing drainage, and surfacing with 0-11 penetration as phalt 18' wide on Bradley - Drive lo cated in Neef Sub-Division In Marion County, Oregon. Plans and specifications may be ob tained at the office of the County En gineer, Courthouse, Salem, Oregon. Bids will be opened by the County Court in the County Court Chambers at the Courthouse in Salem.' Oregon, at the hour of 10:15 A.M- April -7. 1950. - The county reserves the right to ac cept any or reject all bids in the best interest of Marion County. BY ORDER OF THE MARION COUNTY COURT. M-28-Ap 4 130 45 Music XbnekprTMarch Time f KOCO Klock . Kola Klock Koin Klock Kneass Newt (Farm Time Keep Smiling Keep Smiling KOCO Klock Koin Klock (Farm Time 'Jack Norman Rest Haven Rest Haven West Melodies Fiesta Time iGrand Slam Rosemary (Jack Berch page Riders (Break. Club (Break. Club Russ Morgan 88 Keys Guid. Light -George Murphy True Story Ladies Fair Queen. Day Music Mart Jan Garber Perry Mason I Nora h Drake Queen. Day Variety Brighter Dav Noth. I Today's Child. iLight of World Bay 90's ' I Eberly Show MustclNews IDave Dennis Come Get It House Party House Party Road of Life Young Family (Happiness. INews I Meet Menjous Art Baker Ladies First Mac s Melody Moore Show Ladies First Mac's Melody Tunefully Plain Bill Front Page I Hannibal Cobb Hannibal Cobb Behind Story Byers Bedlam Curt Massey Dr. Paul Squirrel Cage Cavallero TByers Bedlam IMurrow Paula Stone (Firefighters Answer Man Starlight My Belief Fibber McGee Romances jFavorit Story (Favorite Story IMews I Piano Pattern IBeulah ICluo 14 Bi Town (Big Town 1 Monitor News (We Care gon Reporter; 4 :15 Favorite Hymns; 430 World of Tomorrow: 4:49 Home Street 80 Children's Theatre: 8:13 On tho Upbeat; SAO 850 Sports Club; 640 News; 6:13 Grace Berger at the Organ; 8:30 'Round the Campfire; 1:13 Evening Farm Hour; SAO Great Songs: 8:13 Research Report; 8 JO Artistry in Classics: S:45 The News and Weath er; 9.-00 Musie That Endures; 9:45 Eve ning Meditations; 100 Sign Off. In winter deer often become traffic, hazards . in the west by wandering; onto highways to seek food or get out of deep snow. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF ' APPOINTMENT ' Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Marion, sitting in Probate, as executor of the last will and testament and estate of Henry W. ZobeL deceased, and has duly qualified as such executor; all persons having claims against the estate of said de cedent are hereby notified to present the same duly verified as by law re quired, to me at 205 Oregon Building, Salem. Marion County. Oregon, within six (6) months from tbe date of this notice. Dated at Salem. Oregon, this 21st day of March. 1950. Mare Saucy. Executor of the Estate of Henry W. Zobel, Deceased. Ronald C. Glover. Attorney for Executor. 205 Oregon Building. Salem. Oregon. MJl-28-Ap.4-ll-18 300. Personal 310 Meeting Notices A Ins wort! y&fr Mar. 281 V 7:30 P.M Ainsworth Lodge No. 201. AM. special Tues. 28th, M. M. degree. LOYAL Order of Moose meet Tburs nite 284 N. ComL Ph. 3-5227. 312 Lost and found"' LOST: Black Shepherd dog. front feet white spotted, also chest. Name Freckles. Child's pet call 2-7298 Sa- - lem, collect please. 316 Personal ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Ph. 35234. P. O. Box 724. YMCA Wed U TrL B:3Q p. WIDOW. 52. like acquaintance elder gentleman owning own home. For tune hunters don t ans. Refs. States man Box 583. MADAM GRAY. Fortune teller. Palm and psychic readings. Madam solves your problems. Advice. 173 S. Com'L Phone 2-9285 Hrs 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. fT IS difficult to get comfortable supports for large breasts. Spencers will fit-comfortably on all types, large or small. Ph. 3-5072. 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock Wanted: AH types livestock. Ph. 4-2617. BULL Service any place. Ph. 42949 WANT Fresh or Springer cows, cows giving 3 gal or more, all types beef cattle. Buy entire herd Tom Webb Rt 1. Turner. Ph. 923. BONOsST livestock ouyer. Claude Ed wards Rt 3 Box 899E Ph 3-1144 BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E. C McCandllsh 1127 S 25th. Ph. 3-8147. LICENSED Livestock buyer. H E Snethen 1550 Lancaster or ph 2-1345 BEAUTIFUL Palamino 4 yr. filly, spur ited. Ph. 2-7845. 404 Poultry and Babbit WING'S BABBITRY paying 24c for rab bits, 4 to 5 lbs. 3985 State. NEW Hampshire, day old and started chicks, also 8 other varieties. Hatches twice weekly. Ph. 2286L Lee's Hatch- . erv, '' NEW Hampshire and Parmenter chicks available every Tuesday Fox's Hatphev 383f State Rt Ph. S4901 PARM. REDS. New Hampa. Comics Cross every wk. 1-2000 heavy ckls. circular ue.irtnr Hatcnerv. siverron WINGS BABBITRY needs rabbits. Top prices 3985 State St. Ph 3-148. THIS AD & 82 at Twin Oak Poultry Farm. St. Paul, will bring the bearer 100 W. Leghorn cockerels. Available - any Tues 6c Wed. Ph. 833. 408 Pete TO Give away t short haired female puppies, gold color with 1 black muzzles. 3 mos. old. Exceptionally good watch dogs, ph. 354. rails city. SPAYED female dog to give i away, children's pet. Ph. 2-5792. 412 Fruit and farm Produce EASTERN ALFALFA HAY. Ph. 31458. 425 Auction Sales Auction Every Thurs. 7 -JO pjn. Furniture and household articles. We invite you to bring your consignments to us. EAST SALEM AUCTION ' 1023 Lancaster Drive Ph. 3-1221 Appliance Furniture AUCTION TT7E. MARCH 28-7:30 pjn. GLEN WOOD BALLROOM. 4',, MILES N. SALEM ON 99 E. 1 e 1949 Deluke Refrigerator M Ar W Refrig. 7a' Speed Queen washer Maytag washer Westinghouse elect, range e 4 late model vacuums inc. Sanitizer, Ureka. Elect rolux & Hoover 4 Chrome Chairs Kentnore Ironer Electric Roaster Electric Heaters e Ithaca 16 gauge flyweight pump .run like new. Cross Air Pistol Montagu fly pole, reels, lines, bas ket, etc. i e 2 rods & reels 3.000 page Dictionary Duck Decoys (rubber) , - SteamomaUc Iron e 4 pc. Silver serving set r Garden tools 1 Rollaway Bed 8c Mattress 2 rugs Ac pads Tilting Arm Chair Walnut lamp table Biltwell Kidney Channell Back Dav. suite Walnut Bed Suite Box Springs 8c Mattress Enamel wood range Table lamps Budoir lamps e Floor lamps 2 Swing Rockers Occasional Chairs New Bed Suite Hi-Grade spring Ac mattress . Q Chrome Dinette Set 6 Scatter Rugs 7 pc. Brass Fireplace set 6 year Crib & Mattress Studio Couch Spc. Attention Several pieces of party room or patio furniture like new, 2 Heywood Wakefield sectional seta.' 4 Wake field Chairs. Bleach Comer lamp table. Bleach Cocktail table. 2pc Red Kroehler sectional. Many other Items. GLENN WOODRY AUCTIONEER : Ph. 3-3110 450 Merchandise 455 Household Goods' For Sale Used Studio Piano A Tike new" "44" walnut eased Instru ment. Bargain for cash or terms. Stone Piano Co 1340 Fairgrounds Road. Linoleum $4.50 VALLEY FTJRN. CO. 285 N ' COM'L. NEW 7.2 CU. FTCrosley deep freezer. Substantial reduction. Phone 2-5037. BENDIX auto, home dryer. Guaran teed. Reas. must seU. 383 N. Summer. Phone 2-7740 NEW 32 model gray Maytag washer. Bo 617. Statesman. USED Furn. cheap - trade - terms Valley rum Co, 285 No. Coml 2-747X 456 Wanted. Houaehold USED FTJRN. tmmedlate appraisal, highest prices. Valley Furniture. 288 N Commercial Ph. Z7471 ALL CASH - TRADER LOUDi pAVS HIGHEST PRICES Household goods, furniture, bric-a-brac appliances, rus. silverware, dishes QUICK SERVICE PHONE 3-S55S 450 Merchandise 456 Wanted. Household Goods GLEN WOODRY Ph. 35118. PH. 2-5944. Wiliard Paynter. 458 Building Materials HOWSER BROS. Your power tool rent al heaquarters. 1410 S 12th St Ph 3-3646. 100 SQ. Canadian cedar wall shakes. 11 colon, painted and carton-packed, with dry uhdercourse. $12.50 per sq. Also 100 sq. 18 in. natural shakes and undercourse. while they last, 89.00. 3.000 ft good grade Pecan flooring. (150 per M. Cedar putter. 24c ft. Spruce and cedar siding. Red cedar shingles, all grades, delivered. Call Ted Muller. 21198. Salem, evenings. CRUSHED ROCK, ready mixed con crete, silt 6c top soil, pit run gravel, gravel, road 6c driveway gravel. Commercial Sand & Gravel Supply Co. Phone 2-1968 Save at Keith Brown! ix4" Cedar siding 825 M. WINDOWS Prices slashed In half on special shipment Variety of sizes, some as low-as 3180. REJECT PLYWOOD: V. i". 4". starting at 4e for sealing tile plywood. Everything to build anything at that convenient KEITH BROWN location. Front and Court. S-lem. ON BUDGET TERMS You can buy lumber, millwork, hard materials, hardware, floor covering, electric appliances, paints, insula tion, roofing and house wares for as little as 10 down on a purchase of 820 up to 8300. Small, easy month ly payments take care of the rest. Make it easy on your budget with budget terms from KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD at that convenient location Front and Court Streets. Salem. Salem Screen Shop 1444 S, 12th. Windows. Screens 8c door, frames Ac sash made to order. Glass replaced. Ph. Clyde Moore. 2-649.1. ALL SIZED kitchen cabinets and cor ner cabinets, also built-ins. Gilbert Cabinet Shop. 1963 Fairgrounds Rd. 460 Musical instruments GRANDMA'S PIANO We've got It you can have ltl (And it's in better shape than Grandma because we've reconditioned it.) 8150 cash or terms. Stone Piano Co. "The Valley's Finest Piano Store" 1540 Fairgrounds Road 462 Sports Equipment MEN'S WHITE shoe skates, size 9D. Practically new, very reas. 240 N. 14. 1948 SEA-HORSE 2i H. P. Johnson motor. Perfect cond. All tools, gas can. stand, flexible tube. Ph. 2-8618. 466 Trade, Miscellaneous FOR SALE OR TRADE: One Span ish guitar, one Hawaiian guitar, one electric pickup, one amplifier, one gas engine, one small arc-welder, two clocks, one electric lawn trim mer, one arbor, one S-inch saw blade. Need turret lathe, drill press, etc. 2430 N. Church St. Phone 2-3933. 168 For Rent, Misceuoneous PIANOS - INVESTIGATE our deferred rental sales plan. Tallman Piano Store. 355 s. lzth TRAILER Houses and trailer space, one small trailer suitable, for bach elor. 1730 Water St GOOD VSTJ3 Piano H L Stiff U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blan kets furn. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 2-9062, 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous $10 DISCOUNT on Ed. Hamilton's fur coat before March 20. 840 Gaines St.. Salem STEEL Clothesline poles, ornamental iron work made to order, ph. 2-8658 1057 2nd st BOY'S 28 in. bicycle, good cond. 812. 525x18 In. tire, nearly new 84-50. 304S Portland ko WESTERN Saddle, blanket Ac bridle, excel, cond. 14i" tree. Price for outfit 880. Inquire at 75 Williams Ave, ph. 3-7712 24X3',4 BUSCH Precision, pressman. hke new, ph. 2-2240. GOOD Practice piano, electric Easy washer. Reasonable. 147 N. 18th won, p.m. or iues. a.m. or weo p.T REBUILT PIANOS, like new Lge. selection as low as 823 dn. 810 per mo. See at TaHman's 395 S. 12th. "A mile from High Prices." BEN'S RUMMAGE. 2nd band. 2085" M. Coml. -V ' STANLEY Home Products 835 FT Winter CHROME PLATING: Household, auto. Avek Plating Co.. 1430 S. 12th. 37771. HEAT YOUR HOME electrically with Westinghouse or Wesix automatic electric heaters feater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa I'SED Radios and records players 8SJ9 and up Yeater Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa St. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crushed Rock For roads Ac driveway. Cement. Ready mix. Concrete Garden Sand. Bull dozing, drainage and ditching. 'A yd shovel & drag line. Phone 3-9249 TEXAS Crystal Wax White Bermuda onion plants here now. Puritan Cider Works. West Salem. - USE ORGANIC FERTILIZER The right way to re build the soil. Free of werd seeds O Odorless 6 sacks $ 5.00 Bulk 1 ton 10.00 2 tons 17.50 Free delivery anywhere in Salem area Phone 3-8127 DONT BE a rug drudge. Shampoo your rugs at home at one-half the cost. Rent a Clark Rug Shampoo machine at Howser Bros. 1410 S 12th. Ph. 3-3648. PHILLIPS BROS. SPECIAL Cow or chicken fertilizer, dry. weed free, sterilized, dehydrated and pul verized. Ready for any use and will not burn. Made in Salem from cow and chicken manure. Call 3-1458 and order now. Phillips Bros RL 8. Box 118. Salem Ore.. 4 cot. East of State. Open weekends. HOSPITAL INSURANCE. No age limit. Inc. Drs. call. MBHAcA. Ph. 2-5692. USED Electric washers 819 95 and up Yeater Appliance Co 378 Chemeketa St OIL Circulators- at greatly reduced ortces Yeater Appliance Co 375 Chemcfccta St. KEITH BROWN has excellent used merchandise at great savings! WAFFLE IRON. used, fully auto. 315-93. USED ELECTRIC RANGE, double oven, six-burner, fully automatic. Excellent condition. 8195. LARGE USED REFRIGERATOR. Ap prox. 12 cu. ft- 985. USED WASH BASIN. 87 JO. Shop for these exceptional used Items at that convenient KEITH BROWN location. Front and' Court Streets. Salem. NO WAXING REQUIRED with PLAS-TI-KOTE. the cellophane-like finish for floors or linoleum Yeater Appliance Co. 273 Chemeketa St. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sole. Miscellaneous DRY Poultry fertilizer. Ph. 22861. Lee's Hatchery. A1MURAVS Harley Pugh Ph 1-miWi UED Eiectne rclruecrators 84894 and up ' Yeater Appliance Co. 375 Chemeketa St AL.L sewing machines Servc-e. sale rentals. 1930 N 18th. Ph 3-7671. USaiJ sewing machines priced to suit your budget Reconditioned Ac guar anteed. Ralph Johnson Apphances. Ph. 33J.T9 WELL Rotted fert. 84 yd in 2 yd or ders. 7 for 2 yds. 10 sack orders 50c sack. 353 Leslie. Ph. 2-8648. Phillips Bros. Fertilizers well rotted or-fresh, any kind by vard or sack. Flagstone for all rock work, cedar fence posts and tele and elect poles, any length shineles. yew ost lumber Ph 3-1458. Rt 8. Box 118. Salem. Open weekends. APRON VARIETIES. 946 &. 12th. SEWING MACHINES, usea$9i5ind up. Also new Free Westinghouse 889.93 and up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 373 Chemeketa St. Ph. 34311 UsED Electric ranges . 819 95 and up Yeater Appliance Co. T'a jinneaeta St. COW Fertilizer, fresh1 and old. Pn. 3-6021. NORGE DeLuxe range, daveno. radio, elec. appliances, swing rocker, bed, Kirby vacuum cleaner, table linen, curtains, glassware, aluminum ware utensiles. 580 Hickory. Ph. 2-2513 eve- nines. UPRIGHT piano, good cond. Priced for G.E. ELECTRIC roaster 820. Oil blower tor wood stove szo. z5 s. Elma Ave. LEAVING town - forced to sell late model refrig. & bedroom set with box spring Ac Inner spring, very rea- sonaoie. i-n. z-3i4 alter a 30 p. '38 PLYMOUTH radiator 815. transmis sion 815. Call 2-2395. 750x15 TIRE and tube mounted on new wheel, eve. cond. Boy's maroon 28" pgrvcie usea J oavs. m. Z-4VZ1. WASHING machine 818. good cond. Vaughn garden tractor with attach ments 8125. L. Bonn, Rt 2, Box 259C. rn. z-izez. DISTON chain saw. 4' bar. Oregon cnam. gq. snape. pn. Z-3338. A-l , USED automatic furnace, com plete with pipes, thermostat Ac blow er. 4120 Beck. Pen 4 Corners. Ph. 2-0098. 472 Wanted. Miscellaneous SEWTNG machines, any cond. Ph 3-7671 40 GAL. ELEC. water heater, also have Mission gas water heater in excel. cond. for sale. Phone 2-3100. 474 Miscellaneous HEAR Chet Mulkey's Haunted Mill Dance Band. Station KSLM 8 to 8:30 every Sat, nite. SEWING Machine repairs guaranteed Reas Also used. Ph. 27380. WANT TO Buy used cameras Ac lenses McEwan Photo Shop. 435 State HOWTEK BROS. Vour power tool rental headquarters. 1410 S 12U St Ph 33846. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES Bring or Mall Your Plates for Repel DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldg State Ac Com Ph 3-3311 Sewing lessons Day or evening New Home Sewing Center Ralph Johnson Appliances 255 Center St Ph. 33139 476 Fuel SLABWOOD. 16 in. Hand picked. 2 cord load, lio. pn. Z77M. LAB WOOD 2 cord load. 810. Hand ticked, also Gravel all sizes. Ph. :65, Turner. Ore. . Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 27721 or 36024 Bone dry second growth fir West Salem Fuel Co. 18-IN. DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER ENDS Old growth block wood IS taw elsae no bark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OTL Phone: Salem 2-4081 Alee ptck up wood at 1523 Edgewate St W. Salesn. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 2-7721 or 2-6024 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACE At HEATER Tri Gty Fuel PHONE 2-7442 16-ln. slab wood and edging Fresh cut screened sawdust 12-in. inside mill wood Dry wood ASK FOR 8 Ac B GREEN STAMPS Oregon Fuel Co. Dry slab or dry edging fresh clean sawdust green edging 85 30 Id. dbt 810. Also 18" green slab or 4' Phone 3-5533. , Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust wood green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ask for Penny Saver Stamps. Ph. 38444. 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS DeUvered to Salem 812.00 For orders please call collect Independence -42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Independence. Oregon Phillips Bros. Old fir. ash. maple, oak. 4 Or. 18" iat and edgings pw a-nsa DRV WOOD, most kinds. Phone 2-4276 DRY Trash burner Ac cook stove wood. Clean, no bark. R H Allen 1260 Candiewood Dr. Ph. 22382. 500 Business & Finance 502 Business Opportunities i BEAUTY Shop well located In good business section of Salem, ph. 2-3867 eve. or Sundav. SERVICE STATION lor lease at Hub bard. Oregon. 5 rm. living quarters connected. Ph. 1413 Hubbard. For sale trucking franchise. NO. 1 PERMIT. Lloyd L. Ferschueil- er. cervais. Oregon Phone 2204 GROCERY STORE, gas. cabins. Rt 7. Box 145 on hwy. 99-E. Ph. 2-4319. BUS BLDG.. liv rms ' 2085 N Com'l. Attention Hasher! 83500 Buys this cafe; business stock Ac fixtures, north, very good busi ness, living quarters included. Call Clarence. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-5260 MAJOR Oil Co. service Sta. for lease. P.O. Box 46. Salem. Ph. 2-5526. BEAUTY SHOP for sale in good grow ing town, statesman box 635. SALEM APT. House shows good re turn. Mostly furn. For sale or cash rent P.O. Box 93. Amity. SiO Money jo Loan WE Make loans up to 80 of the appraised value on qualifying mod ern homes. Salem and vicinity. Also see us for FHA construction loans State Finance Co.. 153 South High St Salem Oregon NEED CASH For Bills! Get cash to consolidate bills and re duce expenses. Loans 825 to 8500 on auto, up to 8300 on salary, furniture up to 20 months to repay. Charges only for the time you use the money. No co-signers required. . Let us try and arrange a loan the same day. . We like to say -Yes." Come in or pone. .- PERSONAL Finance Company of Salem 818 Stat St.. Rm. 123 Ph. 2-2484 Lie No. S-122 M-163 C R. Allen, Mgr. 500 Business & Finance SIO Money To Loan AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 S Church St Ph 2-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie M19S-SI54 CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem s largest ,and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need ltl Vou can pay anytime to reduce net cost I No endorsers, or help from friends I On cars, trucks, trailer homes to S5O0.O0 On furniture, livestock, equipment salary or other personal property up to SJOO-00! Phone or visit our office today I Hear Top Trades" 12X3 daily KSLM. 1390 KCsll - ; General Finance Corp. Lie. No S138 and M338 PHONE 3-9161 136 S. COM'L ST. FARM and CITY UOANS 4',, and Tout own terms of repayment srlthia reason Cash for Real Estate Con tracts and Second Mortgages. CAPITOL SECURITIES CO TOt Pioneer Trust Bide Ph 4-2283 S CASH $ Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road Next to bank. Free parking Ph 2-7032 - Lie No. M369-S291 flnyd Kenyon Mgr PRIVATE Money to loan Ph 2-0794 Private Money On Cars Trucks Ac Trailer Homes Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 S Commercial St Phone 3-9161 BE THRIFTY IN '50 A "Bill Consolidation" loan may make you Thrifty In M." Pay off your bills. Lower your month ly payments. $50 to $1500 Call or pnone today PACIFIC Industrial Loans 118 S Liberty' Phone 4-2203 512 Loans Wanted Wanted to borrow tisooo.oo good Security Box 627 Statesman. SMALL Established business needs 83000 for expansion. Will give lease hold mortgage as security. Pay 8 interest. Box 612 Statesman. 600 Employment 604 Help Wanted, Male PAINTER, paperhanger. with panel truck and all equipment wants work ing partner. Must be ?ood mechanic. Small investment Allen. Ph. 2-3720. 608 Help Wanleq female EXPERIENCED Stenographer for re sponsible position with attractive starting salary 8 day week, perma nent if qualified, write full details as to education, experience, age and references. Box 630 Statesman. RELIABLE girl or woman" wanted for housework Ac care of 2 children Call at The Shoe Box. 357 state bt. ( WANTED DESPERATELY: SOMEONE IN NEIGHBORHOOD OF 1263 N 24th. CHILD CARE DAYS. j 610 Sales Persons Wanted! INCREASING sales of electrical home appliances have created 2 well paying sales positions on our staff. We are looking for a man who must have had sales experience. Selling nationally famous Mavtaa. Easy and Friaidaire home appliances. Salary and commis sion. Transportation furnished. Apply Hogg Bros.. ll s. com u Ex. Real Estate Farm salesman wanted. Sullivan Realty Co. 336g Portland Rd. LOOK? We are Interested in men who are good workers, we do not expect you to be a super salesman, what we want la your confidence, your en thusiasm and willingness to work. If I can't show you how you can make from 8250 to 8750 a month, there Isn't a cow in Texas. If you are in terested in getting experience, back ground Ac good wages, see Mr. Mont agne. Tues Morn. March 28, 10 ajn. sharp at Senator Hotel. OPENING for one real estate sales man. Experience helps but not nec essary. V. Omer Huff. 361 Chemeketa. 615 Situations Warn ted PRACTICAL nurse available, live in, will leave city. Statesman Box 631. WANTED -Work with ford Ferguson tractor. Ph. 37706. 290 Lancaster Dr, CARE for children days. Would con sider boarding baby or small child full time. Keas. rates, rn. zmoz. AVAILABLE for baby sitting week nights Ac weekends. Call 33181 ent 13. after 5:30 33696. CURTAINS WASHED, stretched. 7-348 PAPERING pa per hanging. Ph. 39694. TREE SDray ine and light tractor work. Nolen Bathurst. Ph. 22907. PLUmBLInG reas. Ph. 3-8377. M-E. ROTARY TILLING E N DeHut. Eves. 3-8333 Dav 3-6081 NANCY'S Nt'RSfiftV SCHOOL 6 DAYS. AGES 3 TO 5 7:30 TO 6). PH. 24940. ROTOTILLING M. H. BROWN. PHO. 2-7500. GARDEN PLOWING, lawns start to finish lirh tractor on rubber with dorer. Duane Wolcott. Ph. 28127. CHIL6 CARE. 845 S. 12thT TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re- moving. insured operator, won guaranteed. W. H. McAllister. 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1496. BAbV SHTINC. Ph. 2-6247 YOUNG MAN wants yard work. Call 2-0582. ask for Bill. SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired, scnam Bros, pn. z-aseg. HOME Alterations. Ph. 39694. WILL Do ironing, my home, or Fair- mount Hill Dist. Ph. zboob. YARD Work, pew lawns. Ph. 23943 CEMENT work. All kinds. Ph 2-4850 Carnenter work, new, repair Ph ?2Q83 CHILD CARE. 183 s! 18th. Ptf 2-6876 CARPENTER Work. Ph 39694. DECORATING, repair, reasonable. Ph 3-5522. REPA1KLNG. remodeling, roofina Pn 1-1339 or 3-0218 GARDENS tilled with M E. Tiller. Phone 2-2828. HSEWORK. Ph. before 8. after 5. 2-9901. CARPENTER Work Any kind Rea sonable 1161 Union Ph 2-117 EXP, pruner. new lawns. Ph. 3-6021. ROTOTILXXR work, call 2-2801 after 5:30. H. Miller. LADY experienced in silk finishing de sires emp. Box 634 Statesman. EXP. General office clerk needs perm'. job tmmed. Ph. 3728 Dallas, collect. EXP. farm hand needs work, must have living accommodations. Phone 2-4753 after 8 pm. 618 Education VETERANS 18 to 65 Train for refriger ation or air-conditioning St taking heat from the earth with reverse cy cle heating Ac cooling In our well equipped school shop. Regardless of race or education, come for informa tion on housing, jobs Ac starting dates. See Mr. Ray M. Carson, Sen ator Hotel. 11 ajn. to 1 P-m. Wed. Ac Thurs. 620 Day and Contract AUTO PAINTING lust a shade better by Ray ETTER. Call Shrock Motor co. a-vioi WATER WELL drilling. Domeetie or trrieatHMt Duffiekf Bra-. Rt 8. boa 88. Pbooe -13l3 of S-278C 600 Employment 620 Day and Contract Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work Roads Clearing Ditching Sewer At Basement Equipment Rental 15 B-', yds 10 B-a yds D-7 Cat Ai Dozer D-4 Cat it Dozer D-4 Cat 6c Dozer See us about ditching by the foot. pnone days -9408 Evenings 3-8248 or 3-4400 Salem Oregon Lloyd M. Hill, Inc. EXCAVATION CONTRACTORS I-and Clearing Ax ditching Basements 6c sewers Roads and dams Equipment rentals Have us give you a free estimate on that Job you are planning. Ph. 2-4691 day or night. 700 Rentals 702 Sleeping Rooms. Board ROOM for gentleman. Call after 8:30. 632 N. Winter. Ph. 37054. NICE lge. clean rooms, running water. xitcnen priv. inq. i rerry. NICE Front sleeping room, heat, hot, cold water in room. 255 Center. HOTPLATE, ret rig -131 Center SLPING KM. for desirable young man. Ph. 3-7794. 338 S. 18th. - PARTLY Furn. hsekeeping rms. 702 N. High. Ph. 3-4622. eves. 3-8280. 705 Apartments for Rent 8 RM. furn. apt large rms- close In. Ph. 2-2532. 3 RM. unfi.rn. apt., elec. stove, batiC aO mo. 1368 S. 15th. Fh. 3-B43Q. NICE furn. apt. Priv. bath. 1073 N. Capitol. Ph. 38708. CapH 3 rm. furn. apt- refrig. priv. patn. in. inurcn St. FURN. duplex, dn. stairs, 2 BR, bath, lge. Iv. rm. kit., 375. Ph. 2-5463. 1. j ik 3 ftMrAPT7T3iOS. 13th. ONE Bdrm large uniurn api.. auto oil heat, will take children. 1437 N. 4th. 2 APIS completely turn. Close in. Ina. h l. uti f urniture, pn 3-ibs LIVE Better at the Ambassador. 850 to 875 550 N. Summer. NEWLY decorated 2 rm. fully furn. apt. inc. elcc. ref. and gas range, close in downtown, North. Inq. Burt Picha, Realtors. 379 N. High SU, 2-3648 or Z-5240. I UNFUKN. APT. Inquire at 844 S. Coml NICE 3 rm furn. apL priv. bath At ent, refrig. No pets or drinkers. 1775 N Front. Ph. 3-08Q8 4 RM. APT. uniurn. main fir. 1210 Tile Rd. Phone 3-7814. i RM. APT. Modern, clean, furn. Front Ac back porch, utility rm., large yard. S. ComX Adults only, no pets. 850. Phone 3-7506 2 RM. FURN. apt., priv. ent & bath. 825. Apply 845 S. 12th. 3 RM. Furn. apt., priv. ent. Ac bath. heat At light furn. 419 S. 19th. ONE OF Finest 1 bdrm uniurn apU. In city. 860 .per mo. Ph. 3-53S5 eves. SMALL 2 RM furn apt. 825 mo. Also slping rms. 86 to 810 wk. May use hotplate. 385 N. Summer. Ph. 2-7740. 707 Houses for KanT 7 RM. HSE LR., DR.. 4 BR- bath, large light kit., wired for elec. range. $50 mo. uv at.- r I wii. 1 RM. partly furn. Lights and water furn.. $25 mo. Also 3 rm. hse. with . . - m tir.it i . at a mo. zzue n. rToni 2 RM Mod house, wired for range, garage, suiiaoie ior cwpw, m m -dren or pets, also 2 rm furn cabin, not modern, lights Ac water, suitable for single man or elderly couple. No pets, nmiwiT r. fURN.' 1 rm. cabin. Ph. 37018. 2 RM. MOD, furn. cottage, ph 2-6618 MOD. 5 RM. furn. 375. No children. Phone 2-7672 or 2-1626. NEAT 2 rm. cottage, partly furn. 825 mo. Phone 3-6214. CLEAN 2 rm. cabin. 822.50, not mod. Rs. Ac wtr. furn.. 3 blks. N. underpass. i, m v wuj. w y. ' 1 MODERN 2 bdrm. hse, 1 mod. 1 Adults oniy. no pets, aa m-wmr . u i i i . r bdrm hse. 2175 Mspie. SMALL furnished bouse. 1242 6th EL Call after a pi 3 BEDRM. home, completely furn., lo cated in North Salem. Call 2-3031. ask for Stanley, 800 .Real Estate BEST BUYS 35 Acres Near small valley town; beautiful bldg site, walnuts, cherries, liberal terms or will trade for city property, no waste land. A buy for 88500. 3 Acres Close in. East, older type 3 bdrm home, completely redecorated Ac remod eled Inside, paved highway, private well, only 1 mile from city limits of Salem, liberal . terms. Total price 88400. 4!i Acres Close In east, very close to school, bus at front door, all bldgs on cement foundation, irrigation weU. family orchard. 3 milk cows, garden tractor. 2 wheel trailer, everything goes for 811.000. Owner will accept city prop erty as part payment. 2V2 Acres Almost new home. Family orchard & berries, good well, this place is be ing offered for its appraised price or ssauo. HVi Acres 4 rm home, all cultivated. "4 ml to school. 45 ft. well. 65 walnut trees. Ideal for semi-retired couple. Pur chase price of 87950 Includes farm equipment & furniture. Office phones '3-7820 or 2-4596 Evening phones 3-4733 or 3-3558 Real Hot No. 4 cone, 4 rm house In back of 58 x 130 ft. lot we believe this lot Is well worth the asking price of 84800. $1500 Down Almost new rental on back of lot. very neat. Englewood Dist, Enough room on front of lot to build nice home. Electric heat, garage, total price only 85800. Bird's Eye-View of Salem Very neat home on Kingwood Heights, only 2 yrs old. Forced air oil fur nace, hdwd firs, attached garage. 73 x 173 lot, this home haa had very good care. Total price 113,500. FJLA. loan available. Fair Loc. Good Value Very clean neat home well worth the money, location Isnt choice, but would like to show you this one for ,87400. Paved St- bus at front door, walking distance to Bush school. 3 Bedroom Special Owner leaving city. 3 bedrooms and 1 floor. 1200 aq ft. floor space, electric heat, wea trier-stripped, insulated, fireplace, 1 yr old. Extra adjoining lot. TM-Al. terms available. This is a buy for 310.000. Office phones 3-7K20 or 2-4596 Evening phones 2-7674 or 8-3558 Al Isaak & Co- Realtor - 3030 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-7820 or 2-4598 :ionnnoms (FILES) I e FISSURE FISTULA PSOLAFSE and other Rectal Disorders Ne nosplU UlzaUoa Dr. II. Deynolds Clinic Natv-Kcctal Specialist 1144 Center St . Ph. 3-4ft 700 Rentals 707 'Houses For Rent NEW FURN. duplex. 460 N. Winter. 7)0 Wanted 1o Rent Houses WANT TO RENT: 2 B R. unfurnished house. Call Z-3408. WANXkUJ 4 Dorm, unfurn., hse., wired for range, year lease, close to trans portation, to 865. Adults. Call Miss Franklin. 2-2485. between t ajn. and 5 p.m. PLRMAMEtVf residents desire 1 B RT unfurn. apt. or house. Mr. Cameron. 2-37l bet. 8 k 5. CPLE. CHILD desire 1 or i bdrm! apt. or hse. Not over 850. Ph. 3-8678. 712 Wanted To Rent Apte. WANTED t rm. apt. with itovt and refrlf . only, near Memorial Hosp. Box 829. Statesman. ' 714 Business Rentals OFFICE Space. Livesly Bldg. entrance. Ph 3-moi dars for appointment. OFFICE Rooms Ph25692 1 ttUbLSEba Hoom. it. i fetuu. 800 Real Estate T- 802 Business froperty 100x100 business frontage and 200x200. Ideal for Courts. On South Commer .'cial. Call for more information. Eve. . 2-0473 I Plex 312.500. Just being finished. Good location, all have private baths. Eve. 2-0473 Call Mr. LeClere J. F. Ulrich Co., Realtors 317 Court St Ph. 3-7758 804 Suburban 8250 DOWN. Bal 830 per mo. Full price 83250. Unfinished 2 bedrm house, liveable, on i aore. 6V1 miles out on 99E. Hobson's Real Estate. Phono 2-4226. 5 miles north on Highwsy 89. 4 B R. SUBURBAN Located on South River Rd. home on bank of lake, 1 acre, nicely land scaped. 12 yrs old. plait up and dn, LR, DR, and nook, chick hse. Priced at only 89250. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 845 S. Commercial Ph. 8-4590 Eve. 3-9538 or 2-4312 2 Bedrm Suburban 81000 dn will buy 2 yr old 2 BR. home attached gar. Located on ' A. in Keiier Dist. FuU price 88500. C. W. Reeve, Realtor 84S S. Commercial Ph. 3-4590 Eve. 2-43U or 2-9538 806 Houses For Sale 2 B.R. HOUSE, basement $3830. 4528 N. Michigan. MODERN 3 B. R. home. $7500. else' 1 B. R. home, 84500. Englewood Dist. Phone 3-8747. - Building Sites At Sacrifice Prices I Dickson's Addition. We need money NOW for our remodeling program. Ing sites at a ridiculously low' figure We are offering choice home build- bat YOU MUST ACT AT ONCE! Water and Power already in, close to shoppings center and . bus. $5,00$ building restrictions. Lota at bargain for cash only I . E. Dickson DICKSON'S SHOPPING CENTER South 12th and 99E Ph. 2-1141 Plenty of. Room 4-bedroom home with full basement . 1400 sq ft of floor space. 1 baths. Living room, dining room, hard wood floors, corner location. Only $10300. j Spa cious 3-bed room home with large full deep basement 2 fireplaces, double gar age. All hardwood floors. 120x10$ lot. Englewood District. A wonder ful home and a good buy at S23.ono, No. 820 Ranch Style 3-bedroom home with 1950 sq ft of floor space. 18x24 living room. 12x1$ dining room. Fireplace. - Hardwood floors. Double garage. Patio. I's acres of ground, f 14400. $4,000 down. $78 per month. Ho. 304 Reimann For Real Estate 201 South High St. Ph. 3-920$ Eve & Sun. 2-8241. 2-1327. 4-2874 . Lots!!! 2 large lots, northeast. Lone Oalf Village. FH.A. restrictions, pave ment sewer, water. $1300 each. No. 80S South!! 85x150 lot on pavement, city water, bus by door. block to school. Only 8850. Will go F-LA. Terms. No. 801 Reimann For Real Estate . 301 South High Street Ph. 3-9209, Can You Top This? $700 DOWN. 1 small 2 rm hse. 1 4-rm. hse. unfinished. A. Full price $3200. Some furniture. $1000 DOWN. 8 bedrm. hse. Furnished. Fruit Chicken hat. Lumber for gar. Full price $4300. 8500 DOWN. Unfinished hse In Keize dist. Wiring roughed In enougn,- Plumbing for roughing in. Full price $2950. $500 DOWN. Very attractive nearly new plastered. Hwd firs, fir fur. Large lot. gar. chicken hae. north. Full price $4,850. 1 $500 DOWN la Turner. Good 4 bedrm modern home. 2 lots. Full price $4254 C. W. Reeve, Realtor 845 S. Commercial St Ph. 2-4550 Eve. 2-4312 or 3-9538 RANCH STYLE HOVlf ' Rambling ranch-style in good location, 3 extra lge bdrms. 2 complete baths, beautiful liv rm & din rm, wall-to-wall carpeting, lovely den with fire- J place, past basmt hot water radiant . heat. TO SEE caU Earl West. GOOD SUBURBAN HOME NORTH 2 bdrm home on lge lot 88x252 ft. ttnm condition thru out, lge kitchen, hdwd firs, patio, beautiful yard, attached garage with plenty of storage space. $9000. Call Roy Ferris. INCOME SPECIAL ' Located close in. 8 bdrm, owners quarters plus 2 apts with 888 Income per mo. Price $13,000. Call Peter Celser. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS . 134 S. Liberty St Ph. 1-2471 Peter Q?"2-g9gi Roy Ferris 2-801 3 BY OWNER a B- sud, noma, n dist.. 310.500. pn. ip9- CUU1TV In 1 yr. old 2B.R. house f of sale or trade. Inq. 1385 Bines. Ph. 27993. FOR CHOICE clean modern home, see - N Church St. Owner 2-477T. $ ROOM Cottage - Offers being re eeived for building only, to be re- moved from -remises at 1I-T7 Unto Street. W. VL Hamilton, 42a Nort foc pi tot SL (rear) Phone a-44-sz. Or T.T XamjSD. Dr.actuaJVO DKS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINXSK gEEBA LISTS ' Z41 Nsrtb Liberty Cpstalrs abeve Deekefs, 231 N. Lib erty. Office epen Saturday only 14 a-aa t I pan- 8 to 1 pjn. Cewulta tien. Btoed pressmre and arlne tests are free eg charge, Practiced s-tee 1911. i5- Vt 1