0 The Stcrt man, Salm Oregon. Monday. March 27. 1950 -Oregon Joins 22 . Slates in Planning Government Study CHICAGO Jfh The machinery of government may be overhauled in about half of the states. The Council of State Governments says reorganization studies are under way in at least 23 states. The gen "eral aim is to step up efficiency and to save money by eliminating duplicating functions and overlap ping operations. ; The surveys are being made by special commissions in some states and legislative councils in others. States that have authorized such studies include Arizona, Calif or- nia, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Mi chigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Ne vada, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Okla homa, Pennsylvania, South Caro lina, Tennessee, Texas and . Wisconsin. NICE TO KNOW CLEVELAND -(INS)- You can breathe easily now. It's here a Good-rite alkylated aromatic am ine! Designated Good-rite p, p' Dioctyl dipreneylamine, it is now available in experimental quanti ties, according to the B. F. Good rich company. It is-oil soluble and has ' been designed by Goodrich for uses where a relatively color less, oil soluble anti -oxidant Is re quired. - Salem Market Quotations f As f 1st yesterday) BOTrtftr AT Premium ' No. 1 No. t . ' buttik Wholesale ' Retail .. n .65 J9 .n . ... .u RGO Bvtat) (Wnoleeal prices ranges from I to 7 ttnti over Buying price) Large AA - Large AA M Medium AA .33 Medium A Jl Crack 4 POULTRY A Leghorn hens .17 B Leghorn hens .IS C Leghorn hens ' .08 A' colored hens , .22 ? colored bens , .22 colored htm .It A colored fryer -31 B colored fryers M C colored fryers .16 A old roosters .13 B old roosters .08 C old roosters j07 LIVESTOCK fcy TaHsy rack Fat dairy cows 13.00 to II SO Cutter cows 10 00 to 11.50 Dairy belfers 11.00 to 16.00 Bulls 1S.00 to 10.00 Good veaL 150 to 300 lbs. .21.00 to 26.00 Good ; calves 11.00 to 20 00 Woo led lambs 23.00 reeder Lambs If .00 to 20.00 BOOKMARKS porttand i INS) Any pub lic library gets an odd collection of bookmarks1 in returned volumes. Portland's oddest were a strip of fresh Taw bacon neatly iticxea l tween the pages, and "another one that still has 'em talking was a pais, of socks. Such "bookmarks" as paper money, bankbooks, un mailed letters, photographs, driv ers licenses, or others of any value are usually returned to the owners- if possible. BLACK CAT ; HOLLYWOOD -(INS)- Eliza beth Taylor is not the least bit superstitous. Asa matter of fact, she has a pet black cat named Jeeper. Portland Produce PORTLAND, Mar. 26 (AP Butter fat tentative, subject to Immediate change: Premium quality, maximum to .35 to 1 per cent acidity delivered In Portland. 64-67c lb.; first quality, 62 65c lb.; second quality. 60-63c. Valley routes and country points 2c less than first Butter wholesale F.O.B. bulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA. 93 score. 6c lb.; A. 02 score. 61c; B. 90 score. 60c; C. 89 score, 59c; above prices are strictly nominal. Cheese selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles. 37-40c lb.: Oregon 5-lb. doaf. 42-43c. Eggs To wholesalers: A trade, large, 39li-40c doz.; A grade, medium. 38-38,.c: B grade, large, 34-35c doz. Live chicken (No. 1 quality. Lo b. niantt): Broilers, under 2 lbs nominal; fryers. 2',i-3 lbs.. 23-29c; 3-4 lbs., 31c; roasters. 4 lbs. and over. 31c; light hens, under 4 lbs.. 18c; over 4 lbs., 21c; heavy hens. aU weights. 24c; old roost ers, all weights. 13-14c. . Turkeys net to growers: Toms. 30 31e lb; hens. 44c. Rabbits (average to growers): Live white. 4-5 lbs, 20-26c lb.; 5-0 lbs., 18 lSc; colored. 2 cents lower; old or heavy does and bucks. 10-14c lb.; fresh dressed Idaho fryers, 40c lb,; locals, 10-54c. some to Sec. Fresh dressed meats (wtiolesalers to retailers: Dollars per cwt): Beef Steers, good 500-700 lbs.. S43-46; commercial $42-44: utility. $30-40: cows, commercial. $37-39: util ity. $35-37: canner-cutter. $32-34. Beef cuts (Good steers): Hind quarters, $44-52: round. $48-51; full loins, trimmed, $63-67; triangles. $39 42: square chucks. 44-46; ribs. $55-60: forequartent. 40-43 Veal and calf: Good. $49-52; com mercial. $37-46; calves, good-choice. $43-47. Lambs: Good-choice spring lambs. $47-50; commercial. $45-46; utility. $38-41. Mutton: Good. 70 lbs., down, $28-30. Pork cuts: Loins. No. 1. 8-12 lbs.. $44-48: shoulders. 16 lbs., down. $33-35: soareribs. $45-48: carcasses. 120-170 lb.. $27-28: mixed weights. $1 lower. Wool: Coarse, valley-medium grades. 45c lb. Mohair nominally 25e lb on 12 month growth. Country-killed meats: Veal: Top quality, 40-42c lb.; other grades according to weight-quality with lighter or heavier. 34-36C. L Hogs: Light ; blockers. 2526c lb.; sows, zo-zzc. Lambs: Top quality springers. 40 42c lb.: mutton.- 18-22c; rough heavy ones. 14-16C. ' Beef Good cows. 32-36c lb.; canner cutter. 28-30c. Onions: 50 lb. sack Ore.-Yellows. No. 1: medium. $1.00-25: large. $1.35-50: 10 lbs 23-25c; boilers. 10 lbs- 20-23c: 8 MONDAY'S BROADCASTS Pacific Standard Time Kilocycles: KSLM 1399, KOCO 14M, KOIN 7t, KGW 628, KEX 11M FM: Megacycles KOIN 101.1; KGW 100.3; KEX 92.3 (Editor's Bote: The SUtescnaja publishes la good faith the programs and t-aaes as provided by the radio stations, bat because ofrUmes programs are ehaaged without ae-tiflcati.n, this aewspaper canaet be responsible for the sxearaey hereta). nous 00:09 00:15 00:30 00:45 6 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW , KBX News News Hodge Podgo Farm News J N.W. News IKO (Timekeeper (March Time I KOCO KJocX KOCO KJOCfc Kotn roock IKoin Klock IKoin Klock Kneass News I Farm Time I Farm Time (Keep Smiling I Keep Smiling jjack Norman 7 KSLM Hemingway Break. Gang I Ray Bloch Top Trades KOCO Tex Bitter JKOCO Klock News IKOCO Klock KOIN Koin Klock (Macleod News )Goss News Fred Beck KGW Early Bird fold Socgs (Kneass News I Sam Hayes KKX. ''Washburn NewslGarred News I Bob Hazen IZeke Manners 8 KSLM Barg. Counter I Family Altar KOCO Crusaders I Crusaders KOIN Consumer News Va lie News - KGW Albert Show I Albert Show Break. Club I Break. Club Bible Institute Bible Institute I West Melodies I Fiesta Time I Grand Slam I Rosemary (Jack Berch (Sage Riders I Break. Club I Break. Club 9! K8LM N.W. News (Garden Guide (Pastor's Call I Waltz Time OCO Melody Time IMelodv Tim I Stars Sins; Uohn Thomas on Wendy Warren' Aunt Jenny I Helen Trent Gal Sundav KOW " Second Cup I Second Cap . I Hometowners (Kneass News KKX Mildred Bedell Stars of Today I Quick flash Quick Flash 10 KSLM Hardy News Gospel Singef Concert I Russ Morgan KOCO N.W. News (Memory Music Tune Time 88 Keys KOIN ; Big Sister I Ma Perkins Dr. Ma lone (Guiding Light KGW Marriage for tICavallero Reynolds Show George Murphy KEX Ladies Seated iTed Malone ITrue Story I True Story 11 KSLM Ladles Fair (Ladies Fair (Queen a Day Queen a day KOCO Music Mart I Music Mart I Eddy LeMar Vocal Varieties KOIN 2nd Mrs. Burton Perrv Mason Norah Drake Brighter Day KGW Dble- or Noth. Dble. or Noth. Today's Child. (World Light KKX Betty Crocker I Vic Llndlahr N'westerners IN'westerners 12 KSLM Top Trades New$ Gsy 00's Jlm Wakely KOCO Hollyw. Musie I Hollyw. Music (News I Dave Dennis KOIN Macleod News Come Get It House Party IHouse Party KGW Kneass News (Road of Life (Pepper Young 'Happiness KKX Baukhage Mews I Meet Menjous Art Baker 1 K8LM Vn. Nations Harold Turner Tour Neighbor (Bing sings KOCO Mac's Melody IMac's Melody I Mac's Melody I Mac's Melody KOIN Nona. Nowhere (Alien Show I Alien Show I Kirkham News KGW Backstage WlfelSteUa Dallas (Lorenzo Jones IWidder Brown KEX Welc.toHlywd.Welc.toHlywd.Kay West Kay West 2 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW KEX Poole Show ! Pool Show Maes Melody IMac's Melody Kirkham News I Moore Show Girt Marries Portia's Life Jay Stewart Jav Stewart ladies First (Ladies First (Mac's Melody (Mac's Melody (Moore Show ITunefully Youn Plain BiU Front Pag Hennibal Cobb Hannibal Cobb 3 KSLM Farm tt Horn I Polka Tim News l Hawaiian KOCO Mac's Melody IMac's Melody' IMac's Melody IMac's Melody KOIN Kirkham News Art Godfrey Art Godfrey (Art Godfrey KGW Travelers 'Travelers (Aunt Mary (Love. Learn KBX Brio Jc Groom Bride Jc Groom Pick a Date Pick a Date 4 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Fulton Lewis Hemingway (Behind Story Movie Tim I Philosopher I Brers Bedlam Art Godfrey lArt Godfrey (Curt Massey Woman Secret I Life Beautiful Dr. Paul Rythm-a-tiks Squirrel Cag Squirrel Cage (News i Brers Bedlam Ed Murrow Paula Ston I Firefighters 5 KSLM Mark Trail (Mark Trail KOCO . Swing Tim tSwtng Tim KOIN B'rny'rd FoIllesUtUe Show ' KGW Three of Us IFoster News KEX Yukon ChaL . - Yukon Chat Kom Mix Tom Mix ling Crosby I Band of Day IHuntley News News I Concert Concert (Sky King Sky King 6 KSLM Gabriel Heater) N.W. News ' ITeUo Test Serenade KOCO Candleli ght I Candle Ught iNews (Science KOIN Radio Theatre I Radio Theatre I Radio Theatre (Radio Theatre KGW Boston St, p. Boston Symn. Living 1950 Living 1950 KEX Edwin C. Hill (Home Edition I Romances Romances mm KSLM f KOCO f KOIN B KGW SIX Murder Experts Murder ExpertsfClsco Kid I Cisco Kid F. Martin I Music Jackpot T-ve. Knight ISports Friend Irma (Friend Irma (Hawk Show I Hawk ' Show Night Beat (Night Beat Brian Donlevy (Brian Don levy Lone Ranger ILon Ranger I Ethel Jc Albert Ethel Jc Albert 0 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Geo. Do It (Geo. Do It (The Saint (The Saint Track 1490 (Track 1490 (Track M9 Track 1490 Lowell Thomas Smith Show Talent Scouts Talent Scouts Sinatra. Kirsten! News of World: Railroad Hour I Railroad Hour Solo-Soliloquy ISolo-Soliloquy (Henry Taylor Weed Trio 9 KSLM KOCO KOIN KGW Hardy News Track 1490 Fulton Lewis Track 1490 !C. of C INews C. of C. I Plana Pattero Inner Sanctum! Inner Sanctum. Beulah Club IS Phone Hour I Phono Hour lOlsen Orch. Olsen Crch. Arts Orchestra lArt Orchestra lArts Orchestra Arts Orchestra 10 KSLM I Love a MysLINewsreel News (Marine Band KOCO America Song America Song Music U Want Music V Want KOIN S Star Final I You Jc World ChamberFo m Chamber rorum GW Sam Hayes I Carson Sings ISports Pag Choice -. KKX Reporter llntennezzo I Concert Hour i Concert Hour 11 KSLM Net News KOCO Nocturne KOIN Bandstand KGW Foster News (Cue to MuslO IMldn. Melodies (Mldn. Melodies I Nocturne Nocturne ( Nocturne I Bandstand Organ Melodies Organ Melodies I Wax Museum (Wax Museum Wax Museum KEX Concert Hour Concert Hour I Memos. I Memos. KOAC SS' Sue. Monday 1040 a.m. The News and Weather. 10:13 Es pecially for Women: 11 00 Oregon school l the Air; 11:15 The. Concert Hall; 11:00 The News: 12:15 pjn. Noon Farm Hour: 1:00 Rid 'em Cowboy; 1:15 Oregon School of the Air; 1-S3 Kern and Sloop; IMS Melodr Lane; 100 Let s Get Acquainted; 230 Mem ry Book of Music; 1:44 Oregon School of the Air; Sao The News; 1:15 Music of th Masters: 4:00 Oregon Re porter; 4:15 Errand of Mercy; 40 Take to the Air; 4:45 A Story for You; 5:00 Children's Theatre: SdS On the Up beat; $0 S50 Sports Club; IM The News: S:15 Dinner Melodies; M Music of Czechoslovakia; 7:15 Evening Farm Hour: S.-00 Artistry in Classics; 8:1$ Miscellaneous: 8:30 Great Songs; IM Music That Endures; 9:45 Eve ning Meditations: 10:09 Sign Off. lbs.. 19-2le: onion sets. Oregon Yellows. 50 lbs.. $5.25-50; white, $8.25-50. Potatoes: Ore. Local Bur banks. No. 1. $2.50-75; Deschutes Russets, N, 1A. S3 0O-1 V 9 IK- SSSOc: No. 2. 50 lb.. $1.29-39; Wash. Netted Gems. No. 1. S3.15-30: 25 lbs., 80-85c: IS lbs., 60-62e; No., 2, $1.15-25; Large bakers, 4-u; Idaho RusseU. waxed. 9J.75-4.O0; new potatoes. Fla. Triumphs, size A, S3.2S; size B. $4.00. Hav: New crop, stack bales, u s.no. 2 green alfalfa, truck or car-lots F-O-B Portland or Puget Sound markets. S34.UO-3U.00 ton: U S No. 1 mixed tim othv. $44 ton; new crop oats and vetch mixed hay or uncertified clover, hay. nominally $25-28 depending on quality and location baled on Willamette val ley farms. Filberts: Wholesale prices: Jumbo 19-2-c; large 17-20c: medium 15-18.c. Grower prices: Orchard run. S-lOc. Walnuts: Wholesale prices, per pound in 100-lb. lots: First quality Jumbo. 31-32.c; large. 29-30','2c; medium. 28 26J.ic: second quaUty Jumbo. 29-29ic: large - 27-27 4c; medium 24k-25.c; baby, 19 i-20 'e. Grower prices, or chard run: Franquettes. 10-13C lb. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO IM PROVE SOUTH SUMMER STREET FKOM 4UUSUN STKtKT, SOUTH TO CITY LIMITS NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that the Common Council of the City of Salem. Oregon, deems it necessary and ex pedient ana nereDy aeciares lis pur pose and intention to improve South Summer Street from the south line of Judson Street, south to the city limits, in the City of Salem. Marion County. Oregon, at the expense of the abutting and ad jacent property, except the street in tersections the expense of which will be assumed by the City of Salem, by bringing said portion of said street to the established grade constructing ce ment concrete curbs, and paving said portion of said street with a IVi Inch asphaltic concrete pavement thirty feet wide, in accordance with the" plans and specifications therefor which were adopted by the Common Council March 13. 1960. which are now on file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are mad a part hereof. The Common Council hereby declares its purpose and Inten tion to make the above described im provement by and through the street improvement department. Written remonstrance against the above proposed- improvements may be riled with tne city recorder at any time within ten days after the final publication of this notice by the own ers of the property affected. By Order of the Common Council March 13. 1950. ALFRED MTJNDT. City Recorder Date of first publication hereof is March 17. 1950. Date of final publication March 27, 1950. M-17-18-19-20-21-22--3-24-25-28-27 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned executor of the estate of Myrta E. Tyrrell, deceased, has filed his Final Account as such and that Monday. April 24. 1950, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said date has been fixed as the time and the Circuit Court Room, Marion County, Court nous at saiem. Oregon, has been fix ed as the place for the hearing of objections to said final .account. W. M. UAKUNEH Executor of the Estate of Myrta E- TvrrelL Deceased M 20.27. Ap 300 Personal 310 M ttnq Nottc KIngwood- Lodge No. 204. AT. Jc A.M. Special com munication Monday Night Mar. 27 FC degree. 5 Ainsworth Lodge No. 201. AF Jc AM. Special Tues. Mar. 28th. M. M. degree. 7 :30P.M. LOYAL Order of Moose meet Thurs. nit 284 N. ComL Ph. 3-5227. 3L2 Lost cmd Fcrund" LOST: Black Shepherd dog. front feet white spotted, also chest. Name Freckles. Child's pet. call 2-7298 Sa lem, collect please. 316 Personal ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. Ph. 35234. P. O. Box 724. YMCA Wed Jc Fri. 8:30 p.m. MEN I McCoy air cushion shoes in all sizes and widths, expertly fitted in the comfort" of your own home. Call The Shoe Box. 21047 for! ap pointment. Let us bring you solid root comrort- WIDOW. 52. like acquaintance elder gentleman owning own home. For tune hunters dont arts. Refs. States man Box 583. MADAM GRAY. Fortune teller. Palm . and psychic readings. Madam solves your problems. Advice. 173 S. Com'L Phone 2-9285 Hrs 9 a m. to 10 o.m IT IS difficult to get comfortable supports for large breasts. Spencers will fit-comfortably on all types, large or small. Ph. 3-5072. 400 Agriculture 402 Ii-estocJr FOR Sale: 1 fresh Guernsey, 3 Spring ers to freshen within 30 days. Heavy milkers. 2130 Chemewa Rd. U mi, Ea. of Keizer School. Wanted: All types livestock. Ph. 4-2617. BULL Service any place. Ph. 42949. WANT Fresh or Springer cows, cows giving 3 gal or more, all types beef cattle. Buy entire herd. Tom Webb. Rt 1. Turner. Ph. 925. &ONDED livestock buyer. Claud Ed wards Rt S Box 899E. Ph 3-1144 BONDED LIVESTOCK buyer. E C". McCandHsh 1127 S. 25th. Ph. 3-8147. UCENSf-D Livestock buyer. H E Snethen. 1550 Lancaster dr. ph. 8-1343. 404 Poultry and ftabbits WING'S BABBITRY paying 24c for rab bits, 4 to 5 lbs. 3985 State. NfcW Hampshire, day old and started chicks, also 8 other varieties. Hatches twice weekly. Ph. 22861. Lee's Hatcb- NEW Hampshire and Parmenter chicks available .every Tuesdav Fox's Matrhev 3-3P State St Ph. 349W PASM. REDS, New Hamps. Comics Cross every wk 1-2000 heavy ckls. Circular Ge.inng Hatcherv. silvery i WINGS KABBITRY needs rabbits. Top twice- 395 State St. ph 3-1489. THIS AD Jc $2 at Twin Oak Poultry Farm. St. Paul, win bring the bearer 100 W. Leghorn cockerels. Available any Tues Jc Wed. Ph. $35. 408 Pots TO Ghr away S short haired female puppies, gold color with black muzzles. 3 mo, old. . Exceptionally good watch dogs, ph. 394. rails city. SMAU. Hiding pony; For sale or trade. Ph. 22986. 412 Fruit and Farm Produce) EASTERN ALTALTA HAT. Ph. 31458. 425 Auction Scum Auction Every Thurs, Tt30 pjn. Furnltur and household articles. We invite you to - bring your consignments to us. EAST SALEM AUCTION 1025 Lancaster Drive Ph. 3-1231 .Farm Will Be Sold March 28 at 2 pm. at th farm at auction bid. 291',. A. loc 8 mi north. I ml W of Eugene. 50 wheat land, 50 rye grass land. J. C Clay, 1st National Bank. Harrteburg. Clerk. Robert Harper, Rt, L Junction City, Owner. - 450 Merchandise 45S Household Goods For Sal Used Studio Piano , . A "Ilk new" "44" walnut eased Instru ment. Bargain for cash or terms. Ston Piano Co 1540 Fairgrounds Road. TWIN Beds with innerspring mat-tres-es. New. Ph. 20024. : Linoleum $4-50 VALLEY rURN. CO. 285 H. COM X. 450 Merchandise 455 Household Goods For cd NEW 32 model gray Maytag washer. pox on, oiaiesman USKU furn tneap'- trade - terms vaitev r urn t,o 285 Wo ConnT 2-747' lAV-ViUKi Ac chair. tasy wasning machine. Must sell. 576 N. Church. 4S Wanted. Household Goods NEED at once large quantity used household goods.! all kinds. Ph. Woodry 35110 today for the best deal in town. ! GLfcN WOODRY Ph. 35110 UatLO i'UKN immediate appraisal highest prices Vallev Furniture 285 N Commerrlal . Ph r747J ALL CASH - iRADEK LOUIE PAVb HIGHEST PRICES Household goods, furniture, bric-a-brac appliances, rugs, silverware, dishes QUICK SFHVICE - PHONE S-BSSS PH. 2-a944. Willara Paynter. T" 458 Building Materials HOWSER BROS. Your power tool rent al heaquarters 1410 S 12th St Ph 3-3646. 100 SQ. Canadian cedar wall shakes, all colors, painted and carton-packed, with dry undercourse, $12.50 per sq. Also 100 sq. 18 in. natural shakes and undercourse. while they last. $9 00. 8.000 ft. good grade Pecan flooring, S150 per M. Cedar -gutter. 24c rt. Spruce and cedar siding. Red cedar shingles, all grades, delivered. Call Ted Muller. 21190. Salem, evenings CRUSHED ROCK, ready mixed con crete, silt Jc top soil, pit run gravel, gravel, road Jc driveway gravel. Commercial Sand & Gravel Supply Co. s ; - Phone 2-1968 Save at Keith Brown ! ix4- Cedar siding $23 M. WINDOWS Prices slashed In half on special shipment. Variety of sizes. some as low as $1.80. REJECT PLYWOOD: . starting at 4c for sealing tile plywood. Everything to build anything at that convenient KEITH BROWN location. Front and Court. S-Iem. ' ON BUDGET TERMS You can buy lumber, millwork. hard materials, hardware, floor covering, electric appliances, paints, insula tion, roofing and house wares for as little as 10 down on a purchase of $20 up to $300. Small, easy month ly payments take car of th rest Make it easy on your budget with budget terms from KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD at that convenient location Front and Court Street. Salem.' Salem Screen Shop 1444 S. 12th. Windows. Screens L door, frames Jc sash made to. order. Glass replaced. Ph. Clvde Moore. 2-6493 New Windows Save money on first quality windows. complete with balancers, water pans, aluminum grip caps, stool strip, win dow stop and hardware. Windows Bel dipped and nailed up complete. C. G. Long, ph. 2-5821, on mil North or jteizer 460 Musical Instruments GRANDMA'S PIANO We've got it you can hav it I (And its in better shape than Grandma because we've reconditioned it.) $150 cash or terms. Stone Piano Co. "Th Valley's Finest Piano Store" 1540 Fairgrounds Road 462 Sports Equipment MEN'S WHITE shoe skates, sire 9D. practically new. very rex. 240 N. 14. 468 Trade, Miscellaneous FOR SALE OR TRADE: On Span ish guitar, one Hawaiian guitar, on electric pickup, on amplifier, one as engine, on small arc-welder, two clocks, one electric lawn trim mer, one arbor, on 8-inch saw blade. Need turret lathe, drill press, etc. 2430 N. Church St. Phone f-SSOS. 168 For Rent M-sceilaneous PIANOS - INVESTIGATE our deferred rental sales plan. Tallman Piano Store. 395 S. 12th. TRAILER .Houses and trailer space, one small trailer suitable for bach elor. 1730 Water St. MODERN Garage. Union St. between Liberty and Com'L Pri driveway. SO. Ph. .Z-474. GOOD USED Piano H L. Stiff. U DRIVE TRUCKS FOR RENT. Blan kets fun-. 197 S. Liberty. Ph. 1-9062. 470 For Sole. M-sceilaneousT $10 DISCOUNT on Ed. Hamilton's fur coat before March 30. 540 Gaines St.. Salem. ' APT. Sire Norge refrigerator. 245 Union St. STEEL Clothesline poles, ornamental iron work made to order, ph. 2-8656 1067 2nd St. BOY'S 26 in. bicycle, good cond. $12. 525x18 in. tire, nearly new $4.50. 3U45 Portland Kd. USED DAVENO. good cond. cost f 120. SeU for $50. CaU after 8 pjn. ph. Z-3744. SINGER electric walnut cabinet sewing machine with stool and set of attach ments. Little used. Free sewing les sons, a bargain. Singer Sewing Cen ter. 130 . com I. WESTERN Saddle, blanket Jc bridle. exceL cond. 14i" tree. Price for outfit 880. Inquire at 75 Williams Ave, ph. 3-7712 2!4x3',4 BL'SCH Precision pressman. like new, ph. 2-2240. GOOD Practice piano, electric Easy washer. Reasonable. 147 N. 18th Mon. pm. or Tues. a.m. or Wed. REBUILT PIANOS. Ilk new Lee. selection as low as S25 dn. 810 per mo. See at Tallman's 395 S. 12th. "A mile from High Prices." BEN'S RUMMAGE.4 2nd band, 2085 N. com i. STANLEY Home Products 5-3 RT Winter f CHROME PLATiNtf: Household, auto. Avex fisting Co., 1430 s. iztn. tun. HEAT -YOUR HOME electrically with Westtnghous or Wesix automatic electric heaters V eater Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa t'SED Radios and rcu-ds players 8945 and up Yeater Appliance Co 375 Chemeketa St. Walling Sand & Gravel Co. Crashed Rock For roads Jc driveway. Cement. Ready mix. . Concrete Garden Sand. Bull dozing, drainage and ditching. k yd. shovel Jc drag tine. Phone 2-9249 Bargains If you are looking for a bargain In ?our household needs or something or your car. shop at Hardman Bros. Jc save. 4',i miles north of Salem on Port, hiway. open 7 days a wk 8 nil a. TEXAS Crystal Wax Whit Bermuda onion plants her now. Puritan Oder Works. West Salem. ur t.T L4UB.N O Or a.CbanJN-D DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE HERBALISTS Z41 Nertb Liberty Upstair above Decker's, 837 N. lib erty Office pea Satarday ly 19 aai t I p. am. lit! p.sa. Coasulta Uon. Bld prcssnf and nrln tests are free f ckarg. rracMced atae 1917. 450 Merchandise 470 For Sale. Miscellaneous TAVERN Owners Attention. 40 ft. practically new reach in cooler. $350. Ph Sunday 2S010. 185 E. Nob mil. I Jay Pftone 35S80 fa. W. Tiller, used approx 0 nrs. Priced reasonable. 2310 Kapph-hn BH. Ph. 2658. OO.NT BE a rug drvdae Shampoo your rugs at home at one-half the cost Rent a Clark Rug Shampoo machine at Howser Bros 1410 S 12th Ph. 3-3648 PHILLIPS BROS SPECIAL Cow or chicken fertilizer, dry. weed free, sterilized, dehydrated and pul verized. Ready for any use and will not burn Made in Salem from cow and chicken manure. Call 3-1458 and order now. Phillips Bros Rt. 6. Box 118. Salem Ore 4 mi. East of State Open weekends. "kx Poultry iertiiirer. Ph. 228S1, Lee's hh i rnrrv A I'MORA YS Harlev Pugh Ph if-insV HOSPITAL. INSURANCE No age limit Mut of Omaha Ph 2-5682 inf. ur. cans USKD Electric washers 91995 and up Yeater Appliance Co. 3 is Chemeketa St. OIL. Circulators at greatly reduced prices a Yeater Appliance Co jo cnemeiteta St KEITH BROWN has excellent used merchandise at great savings! ,WAJTLE moti' "s5' 'uI1y uo. $1555. USED ELECTRIC RANGE, double oven six-burner, fully automatic. Excellent condition. $195. LARGE USED REFRIGERATOR. Ap prox. 12 cu. ft. $65. USED WASH BASIN. $7.30. Shop for these exceptional used Items at that convenient KEITH BROWN location. Front and Court Streets NO WAXING REQUIRED with PLAS-Tl-KOTE. the cellophane-like finish for floors or linoleum Yeater Appliance Co.. 4 33 Chemeketa St. 1 ALLLN Cash resist- l ..n . . " MWMSK ! how cases & misc. items. Phone Clvde Moore. 2-0493. USED Electric refrigerators $49 94 and up Yeater Appltanc Co.. 33 remeketa St. ALL Sewing machines. Service, sales r amis, isjp M isth. Ph 3-7671 USED Sewing machines priced to suit your budget Reconditioned Jc guar Pht33l39R,ph Johnn Appliances WiLL Rotted fert $4 yd in t yd or eTir l.JOT 2 yd 19 Mck orders 50c -" jjj i-esne. n. Z-B84B. Phillios Bros. FertlllzerB. wen rotted or fresh, any kind, by yard or sack. Flagstone for H rock work, cedar fence posts and tele and elect poles, any length shingles, yew osf lumber Ph 3-1458. Rt 8. Box 118. Salem. Open w4lr-iri SEWING MA ClllS 5, used S9 iJTnd HO AltA i u. .1 ' . mk , esiingnous $391)5 and up. 373 Chemeketa St. Ph. 34311 USED;. Electric ranges $19 95 arid up seaier Appliance Co.. '73 Chemeketa St, 472 Wanted, Miscellaneous 1 WHEELBARROW. Cement mixer. Phone 3-4571. SEWING machines, any cond. Ph i-76?i 474 Miscellaneous HEAR Chet Mulkey's Haunted Mill Dane Band. Station KSLM 8 to 8:30 J31- nue. SEWING Machine repairs guaranteed Reas Also used. Ph. 27380 1X7 1 XT' Tr. r . . . . lv D"J usea cameras Sc lenses McEwan Photo Shop. 435 State HOWSEK BROS. Vour power tool f111.' headquarters 1410 S 12U St Ph 33648. Dental Plate Repair TWO-HOUR SERVICE IN MOST CASES BrtSl t .M" Vour Plates for Repair DR. HARRY SEMLER, DINTIST Adolph Bldg gtat J, Com Ph 3-3311 Sewing lessons Day or evening New Home Sewing Center Ralph Johnson Appliances 855 Center St Ph. 33139 450 "Merchandise 476 Fuel SLABWOOD, 18 in. Hand picked. 2 'oar. SIP. Ph. 27751. SLAB WOOD cord load. $i0. Hand picked, also "Gravel all sizes." Ph. 263. Turner. Ore. Capital Lumber-Fuel Co. Phone 37721 or 36024 p-n rv e"ond growth fir West Sale-m Fuel Co. IS-IN DRY OR GREEN SLAB WOOD DRY PLANER "WDS Old growth block wood IS tn. clean no nark SCREENED SAWDUST RURAL DELIVERIES DIESEL AND STOVE OIL Phone Salem 2-4031 Also pick up wood at 1525 Edgewati itrw "Salem Capital Lii!nbfr-f,'uel Co. Phone 3-7721 or 3-0024 OLD GROWTH BLOCK WOOD FOR FURNACE tt HEATER Tri City Fuel PHONE 2-7442 16-ln, slab wood and edging Fresh cut screened sawdust 12-in. inside mill wood Dry wood ASK FOR ft H GREEN STAMPS Oregon Fuel Co. Dry slab or dry edging fresh clean sawdust green edging $3 50 Id. dbL $10 Also 16' green slab or 4' Phone 3-5533 Highway Fuel Co. Clean sawdust wood green or dry. Stove-Diesel oils. Ask . for Penny r Saver Stamps. Ph. 36444. 16" Wood Old and Second Growth Fir 2 UNIT LOADS Delivered to Salem $12.00 For orders please call collect Independence 42 Independence Lumber and Manufacturing Company Independence Oregon Phillips Bros. Old fir. ash. maple, oak 4 Or IS in -nd edging Ph 3-1450 DHV WOOD most kinds Phone 2-4276 DRY Trash burner Jc cook stove wood. Clean, no bark R H Allen 1268 Candlewood Dr. Ph 22382. 500 Business & Finance S02 Business Opportunities BEAUTY Shop well located in good business section of Salem, ph. 2-3867 eve. or Sunday. SERVICE STATION for lease at Hub bard, Oregon. 8 rm. Irving quarters connected. Ph. 1413 Hubbard. FOR SALE: Restaurant. Lease equip ment. In Industrial area. By owner. Box 624. Statesman. FOR SALE TRUCKING FRANCHISE. NO. 1 PERMIT. Lloyd L. Ferschueil er. Gervais. Oregon. Phone 2204. GROCERY STORE gas. cabins. Rt 7, Box 145 on hwy. 99-E. Ph. 2-4319. BUS BLDG.. liv mil' 2085 N ComL NEW ELEVEN unit apt. house $47,500. Income 8630 per month. Half fi nanced, will consider horn on part of balance. Write Box "806 co States- Attention Hasher! $3500 Buys this cafe, business stock Jc fixtures, north, very good busi ness, living quarters included. Call' Clarence. Geo. A. Walters, Realtor 960 S. Commercial Ph. 2-3849 Eve. 2-5260 510 Money To Loan AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 188 S. Church St Ph. 8-2457 Parking Aplenty Lie- M159-3154 WE Make loans up to 80 of th appraised value on qualifying mod ern homes. Salem and vicinity. Also see us for FHA construction loans. State Finance Co- 153 South High St. Salem. Oregon. 500 Business & Finance 510 Money To Loan CASH - NOW $25.00 to $500.00 Salem's largest and oldest home-owned loan company offers money when you need tt I You can pay anytime to reduce net cost! No endorsers, er help from tTtend! On cars, trucks, trailer homes to 8500 00 On furniture, livestock, equipment, salary or other personal property up to 1300.001 Phone or visit our office today! ! Hear "Top Trades" 12 TO daily KSLM 1390 KC'SlI General Finance Corp. Lie No S138 and M338 PHONE 3-9161 136 S COM'L ST FARM and CITY UlANS , 4', and 8 Your own terms of repayment within reason Cash lor Real Eslat Coa tracts and Second Mortgagee CAPITOL SECURITIES CO 207 Pioneer Trust Blr.f Ph 4-2283 $ CASH V Hollywood Finance Co. 1980 Fairgrounds Road ' Next to bank. Free parking Ph 2-7033 - Lie No M369-S291 Floyd Ken yon Mgr PRIVATE Monev to loan Ph 2-A794 Private Money I On Cars Trucks Jc Trailer Homes Long or Short Terms Payments Roy H. Simmons 136 S Commercial St Phone 3-9161 BE THRIFTY IN 50 A "Bill Consolidation" loan may make you "Thrifty in 'SO." Pay off your bills. Lower your month ly payment. $50 to $1500 Call or phone today PACIFIC Industrial Loans 118 S Liberty Phone 4-2203 S12 Loans Wanted WANTED vtp borrow $18000.08 good security Box Z7 statesman SMALL LtaDlifcna -business needs $3000 for expansion. Will give lease hold mortgage as security. Pay 8 interest. Box 612 Statesman. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted STENOGRAPHER or dictaphone oper ator for private office. Experience not necessary. State age and qualifi cations. Box 621, Statesman. i 604 Help Wanted. Male Exceptional Opportunity for a man between ages 25 and 43 who wants to consider opportunity with a reliable national firm as po tential Regional Manager after thor ough training, proper experience and ability proven. College education preferred but not required. Prefer ence given those having teaching, coaching, sales, public relations or some executive experience. Must hav excellent local reputation. Sal ary plus commission with future earning, limited only by personal ability. Give fun details of your qualifications In letter to arrange for interview. Replies win b kept con fidential. Box 620 Statesman EXPERIENCED display man. Ask for Mr. Blakely, Montgomery Ward. Salem. 606 Help Wantoo, female EXPERIENCED Stenographer for re sponsible position with attractive starting salary 8 day week, perma nent if qualified, writ full details as to education, experience. Sg and references. Box 630 Statesman . - OFFICE stenographer, bookkeeping and typing required. Can 39191. ext 43. 600 Employment pssansaasaa mm nsssH mm m mm msoim- nwaiB 60S Help Wanted. Female - LADY for stenographer position. in cludes miscellaneous office work.' Must have typing & shorthand ex perience. Permanent position. Ap ply Hogg Bros, 115 S. Com'L 510 Sales Persons Wanted INCREASING sales of electrical horn appliances have created 2 well paying sales positions on our stiff. We are looking for a man who must have had sales experience. Selling nationally famous Maytax. Easy and Frlgidair home appliances. Salary and commis sion. Transportation furnished. Apply Hpfg Bros., 115 S. Com'L Ex. Real Estate Farm salesman wanted. Sullivan Realty Co. 3365 Portland Rd. - i LOOK? We are interested in men who are good workers, we do not expect you to be a super salesman, what w want is your confidence, your en-' thusiasm and willingness to work, if . I can't show you how you cao-anak from S250 to $750 a month, there lsnt a cow in Texas. If you are in terested in getting experience, back ground Jc good wages, see Mr. Mont agne. Tues Morn. March 28. 10 a.m. sharp at Senator HoteL 615 Situations Wanted PRACTICAL nurse available, liv in. win leave ciiv. statesman box 631. I I ..I I . ,.i m I u WANTED Work with Ford Ferguson tractor. Ph. 37706. 290 Lancaster Dr. RANCH HAND, all around, cattle or rarming. icq union. Ph. 29839. PRACTICAL nursing, live in. Mrs. wnr-T. can z-7bms. 4za n. winter. CARE for children days. Would con sider boarding baby or small child full time Reas. rate-. Ph. 2005?. AVAILABLE for baby sitting week nights Jc weekends. Call 83181 ent 13. after 5:30 33696. t UWTAiXS WASHED, stretched. 2-:u-6". PAPERING k paperhanglng. PhT396$t7 '1HKE .'"ravin- ana- light tractor -b- tii nt...--. tu rnn . W. .. ..VlIM Pil .IMW . ,. . . rTUMBUNGreiiTPh. 8-8371. M-rROTARY TILLING , ' T. N' OeHuV Even. 3-8333 Pay 3-SPM NANCY S NURSERY SCHOOL 6 bkSS. t AGES 3 TO 9 (7:30 TO 8). PH. 24940. ROTOTILULNG M. H. BROWN PHO. 8-7500. GARDEN PLOWING, lawns start to finish Hh tractor on rubber with dorer. Ditane Wolcott. Ph. 28127. WILD CARE. 945- S. 1-ihT TREE WORK, topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. Work guaranteed. W. H. McAllister, 840 Trade. Ph. 2-1498. , . BABY SfmN'grPnTT-0-47. " YOUNG MAN-wants ard work. Call 2-OSS2 ask for Bill. SEWERS and septic tanks installed and repaired. Scnartl Bros. Ph. 1-5568. HOMP. Alterations. Ph. 39694. WILL Do ironing, my home, or Fair- T)ou-t Hill Dirt. Ph 28008. YARD Wor'; new lawns. Ph. 23S43 CEMENT work. All kinds. Ph 8-485 Camentgr work, new, repair Ph WOO CHILD CARE 183 Si 18th. Ph. i-li CARPENTF.R Work Ph 39694. DECORATING, repair, reasonable. Ph. I'p.HAlKiNO remudeiinx. roofinx Ph. 3.1-3 or -0?18 GARDK.NS tilled with M. E. . Tiller. HSEWORK. Ph. before 8. after .5. 2-9WI CARPENTER Work Any kind" Rea--onahle 1191 Cnhm Ph 2-1487 . CHII U CAR: Mrs. Cone. Ph. 2-9027. MAPLEION NURSERY, day or night, all ages. Phone 2-8183. 620 Day and Contract Salem Sand & Gravel Co. Contract Work ' Roads - Clearing - Ditching Sewer 8c Basement , Equipment Rental . is B-u yd 10 B-i yds D-7 Cat 8c Doxee -D- Cat & Dozer D-4 Cat 8c Doxer Be us about ditching by th foot. Phone days 8-9408 1 Evenings 8-8248 or 8-4408 Salm. Oregon l(o)KiQl o o o not Jut a house, but a homo of your own . . . just the way you've always dreamed of It . . . just what you've always planned for. . . one that you can raise your children in, without fear of eviction, secure in the knowledge that W yours to make what you will out of. . '. . one that will reflect your good taste, provide hours of pleasant re laxation, and be a oy to your whole . family. 1 . . . look no further than today's classified pagtsl FIND IT IN TODAY'S CLASSIFIED SECTION! You'll find many homes advertised In to day's Statesman. Homes from a few thous and dollars up. Homes that may be had for small down-payments and long term loans What-ever your house need may be look first in The Oregon Statesman Classified Col umns . you'll find the answer therel - there's no time like the' present to find your SEE TODAY'S X