The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 26, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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To Honor
Visitor . .
Miss Gloria Spencer is
entertaining as her house
guest this weekend Miss
Martha Walters, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
J. Walters of Portland.
Miss Spencer and Miss
Walters were classmates
at St Helen's hall and
the latter is now a fresh
man at the University of
Oregon. The visitor was
here for the Freshman
Glee presentation at Wil
lamette university Satur
day night.
This morning Miss
Spencer, a freshman at
Willamette, will enter
tain at a brunch at the
Oak street home of her
mother, Mrs. C. B. Spen
cer, for the pleasure of
her house guest. Bidden
to honor Miss Waiters are
a group of Willamette
coeds including Miss Sue
McElhinny, Miss Kathy
Person, Miss Elizabeth
Morley, Miis Amarylis
Lilies, Miss Janet Rog
ers and Miss Bonnie
One Will Be Oueen...
Outstanding event of the school year at Salem
high school is the annual Civics club carni
val and thf climgT of the evening will be the an
nouncement of the queen, chosen from a field of
eighteen princesses who are pictured on our page.
Jim RotH, president of the Civics club, will crown
the queen at the carnival Friday night Above are
four of the princesses, Jeanette Sullivan, who rep
resents Commercial club; Joan Marie Miller, Girls
Letter club; Betty Cooley, Tri-Y; and Nancy Mil
ler, Philhistorian.
Tea to Foto Wives of Bar ...
' By Jerjnne English
' Statesman Society Editor
Outstanding social event on the calendar for this week will
be the informal tea at the Fainnount Hill home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Spaulding Thursday afternoon in compliment to the wives
cf the Marion county bar members. The tea will also be a get ac
quainted, affair for the women and calling hours are from 2 to 4
o'clock. ' ' "
Special guests at the tea will be wives of the board of gov
ernors of the state bar, who will be in Salem with their husbands
for the annual meeting, and wives of the supreme court justices.
Mrs. Spaulding will greet guests .at the door and introducing
to the line- will be Mrs. George Rhoten. Receiving will be Mrs.
Wallace Carson," whose husband is president of the board of gov
ernors, Mrs. Norman Winslow, whose husband is president of
the Marion county bar association and Mrs. Hall S. Lusk, wife of
the chief justice of the Oregon Supreme court
Presiding at the tea urns the first hour will be Mrs. Rex
Kimmell and Mrs. George R. Duncan, wives of the circuit jud
ges, and Mrs. Douglas McKay and Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrom will
pour the last hour. Mrs. E. M. Page and Mrs. Frederick Lamport
will invite guests into tea and in charge of the dining room will
be Mrs. Paul Hendricks and Mrs. Donald A. Young.
Assisting about the rooms will be Mrs. Bryan Goodenough,
Mrs. John Helteel, Mrs. Steve Anderson, Mrs. Brazier Small, Mrs.
Urlin S. Page, Mrs. Allan Carson, Mrs. Lawrence Brown, Mrs.
Peery T. Buren, Mrs. Lawrence Osterman, Mrs. John Carson,
Mrs. Charles HeltzeL Mrs. Edward O. Stadter, jr., Mrs. Reginald
Williams, Mrs. Sam Sperstra, Mrs. W. W. McKinney and Mrs,
Joseph Felton.
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Leona Todd of the Latin club and Marlon Haering of the Palateers club, are
two more of the eighteen princesses in the running for the Civics club car
nival queen. Skits will be presented by the various dubs following the ccr
onatlon. ." " - . - - " ., .
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The princesses were caught by the photographer one day in their
cditon dresses as a prelude to spring and going up tr.9 steps left
to right are Edna Manning, Crescendo clubJo Anne Ma; ek. Home
Economics club; and Lajune Rahtz, French club. Leclyn Burdette is
general chairman of the carnival with Eernice Imlah the co-chairman.
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Harriet Huston Engaged
Taking the romantic spotlight today is attractive, bru
nette Harriet Huston, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Oliver B.
Huston, whose engagement to Richard William Laird, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Laird of Portland, was revealed at
an informal tea on Saturday afternoon at the Huston's sub
urban home on North River road.
The wedding of the young couple, who have been a
steady duo for sometime, will take place in August The
bride-to-be is a .graduate et Salem schools and attended the
University of Oregon. She is a member of Gamma Phi Beta
sorority and the Spinsters.
Mr. Laird graduated from the University of Oregon in
1948 and his fraternity is Beta Theta Pi. For two years he
served in the naval ah corps. He is now engaged in the ad
vertising business in Portland, where the couple will live
following their marriage.
A few of the bride-elect's friends were bidden to the
announcement tea with calling hours between 3:30 and 5
o'clock. Parchment scrolls, bearing the names of the en
gaged duo were passed to the guests. Mrs. J. Lyman Steed
presided at the tea urn and assisting .were Miss Huston's
two sisters, Miss Virginia, who is home from the University
of Oregon and Mrs. Maurice Fitzsimmons, who is here vis
iting from Coos Bay (Picture on page 8.).
Reveals Plans .
Attendants for the wedding of Miss
Beverly Kenney, daughter of the Nor
man A. Kenneys, and Gerald BulL son ,
of Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Bull, are being v
announced this weekend by the engaged
couple.1 The ceremony will take place
at the First Baptist church on Monday, -April
10 with Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson
officiating at o'clock.
Miss Roseanne McMeekin will sing
and Mrs. John M. Schmidt, jr. will be v
the organist. Lighting the tapers will
be Miss Betty Twedt and Miss Doris
. The bride-elect has asked her; sis- i
ter, Mrs. ' Donald Johnson (Dorothy
Kenney) of San Francisco to be her
honor matron. Bridesmaids will be Miss
Patricia Larson and Miss Lois Mulcahy.
Kenneth Bull will be here from -p
Minneapolis to be his brother's best mas
and ushers Include Daryl Willecke, Ro
bert Guenther, Walter Judd and Don-
aid Wagonner., A reception will follow
In the church parlors.