The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 26, 1950, Page 11, Image 11

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    Residents Hold
Parlies, Visit
At Falls City
lutcMBM New Senrfce
Jones of Dallas and Mrs. Sadie
Jones of Yakima, Wash were
guests of Mrs. B. E. Freer, Thurs
day. '.
Mrs. Neele Mack, Mrs. Neva Po
land. Mrs. Ora Wilson and Mrs.
Lillian Kitchen attended the in
itiation of Elvira Rebekah lodge
In Dallas Tuesday night.
Mrs. Ora Wilson was hostess for
the Lark club Tuesday afternoon.
A no-host luncheon was served
to the following members: Mes
daraes George Loftus, Willis Friak,
George Kitchen John Gilbert,
Floyd Jones. John Teal. William
Poland. Clarence Lehnert, William
Powers, Ora Wilson and Jesse
Mr. and Mrs. Ed York. Mr. and
Mrs. Chet Bur bank, Mr. and Mrs.
G. E. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Max
Hatcher. Mrs. Jesse Moyer and
Mrs. Nelle Mack attended the Odd
Fellows and Rebekah association
in Monmouth Friday night.
Mrs. Lulu White underwent
major survery at the Dallas hos
pital Wednesday.
J. M. Doke is seriously 111 at
the Barteli hospital in Dallas.
The blue whale may be 23 feet
long at birth and 100 feet long
when mature.
See the
. . w mm. w --t
Compact Tank Type
Reg. 52.75, Now
A beauty! New Kenmore tank tya cleaner with full set ef
attachment cleans rata, draperies, npholstery. dusts wed
werk. rewerf ul H H jr. meter quickly and easily dees the Jeb
Cor yen. Call l-tlll for heme demonstration, either day er
Plenty of Free Parking
jwm Muf fact' iUk.ll
Shop Fridays tilt 9 p.m.
550 N. Capitol St.
Phono 3-9191
Birthdays Obsfrvd at ' ;
Mill City Gathering
SUiesmaa News Service
MTTJ. CITY A group , of old
time friends and neighbors gath
ered at the home of Mrs. Ida
Geddes Saturday mght for their
annual get - together in honor of
those celebrating their birthdays
during February and March. Fol
lowing a buffet supper the eve
ning was spent playing canasta.
Present were Mrs. Edith Ma
son, Mrs. Delos Hoeye, Mrs. C E.
Mason, Mrs. Bertha Shepherd,
Miss Nona McDowell, Miss Isa
bell Mason, Miss Ida Geddes, Mr.
and Mrs. Curtis Cline, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Shepherd, Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Kelly, Al Geddes,
Frank McDowell, BUI Shepherd,
Franklin McDowell and Mrs. Ida
Mrs. Bone PEO
Chapter AJ3. of PEO will meet
Monday at the home of Mrs. Ralph
Nohlgren, 375 W. Salem Heights
ave., at 7:45 o'clock.
At the last meeting of the group,
election of officers was held. Mrs.
Arthur H. Bone was elected pre
sident for a second term -and Mrs.
Nohlgren was re-elected recording-secretary.
Other officers elec
ted were Miss Lillian Davis, vice
president; Miss Etta Pearl White,
corresponding secretary; Mrs. E.
C Richards, treasurer: Mrs. Glen
E. Odle, chaplain; airs. C E.
Bates, guard.
Mrs. Bone and Miss Davis were
elected delegates to the state con
vention this spring and Miss Lois
Latimer and Miss Ann Boentje
were elected alternates.
Alumnae Attend
Province Meet
Of interest to Alpha Xi Delta
alumnae is the biennial province
convention to be held in Eugene
March 31, April 1 and 2 at the
chapter house on the University
of Oregon campus. Attending from
Salem will be Mrs. M. E. Knick
erbocker, president of the Salem
alumnae, who will be in charge of
the roll call, Mrs. William Healy,
a member of constitution revision
committee, Mrs. Eugene Laird and
Miss Elise Schroeder.
A formal banquet at the Eugene
hotel will be held Saturday night
and initiation is slated for Sun
day. The province includes Ore
gon, Washington, Montana and
Auburn Women
Will Sponsor
Social Program
IUUoui News trrict
AUBURN The Auburn Woman
club voted to sponsor a new so
cial evening program for adults of
the community in a meeting this
It is to J folk dancing with
records for music and the calling
by Mrs. Marjorie Thompson, vice
principal of the schooL The first
in a series was held Tuesday night
and the second will be Tuesday
night, March 28, at 720. After this
they will be held .every other
Tuesday evening.
Harry Johnson,- assistant super
intendent of the Salem schools,
was the guest, speaker for the
mothers club meeting. He spoke of
"Questions Parents Ask School
Personnel As no money is avail
able in the general cafeteria school
fund at this time for the purchase
of dishes for the kitchen the mo
thers club appointed Mrs. Arthur
Fiske, Mrs. E. J. Baker and Mrs.
Dale Sullivan as a committee to
check on the number needed and
purchase them. Hostesses for the
social hour were Mrs. Carl Lind
berg, Mrs. E. J. Baker and Mrs.
Loran Richey.
Mrs. Hugh Williams was hostess
for the Wednesday meeting of the
Monroe Avenue Sewing club.
There were seven members pre
sent. Recent guests of Mrs. Helen En
loe were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chilcote
of Klamath Falls, Mrs. John Moe
of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. L.
E. Greenwood of Corvallis.
(Three Links Club
Meets at Mill City
lUUnau New Service
MILL CITY Mrs. Fred Duffy-
entertained the Three Links club
at her home Tuesday night
Members voted funds for the
purchase of the Theta Rhe Girls
regalia. Plans iwere made fora
card party which the group will
sponsor at the I OOF hall Sat
urday night, April 1. The com
mittee for the party includes Mrs.
Floyd Flettwood, Mrs. Jennie
Davis, Mrs. Bert Morris and Mrs.
Walter Brisbin.
Union Hill Woman's
Club Gives to Fund
futcsmsa Nwi ferric
UNION HILL The Woman's
club met with Mrs. A L. Kosten
border and Ruth Johnson as co-
hostess at their home on Thurs
day afternoon.
Donations of money was voted
to be sent to the Children's Farm
Home and the Red Cross. A grab
bag was auctioned off among the
members during the afternoon.
The next meeting will be April
8 at the home of Mrs. Roy King.
Mrs. Adolph Heater and Mrs. W.
H. Mollet will be in charge of the
program which will be the early
history of the club.
Hainan Island has considerable
copper, some gold, silver, tin, lead
and zinc.
tm to HENfT J. TAYLOK. ABC Nmtwort. mr? Uomday f-mmmg.
ow about it cot that faew-ai
fever? .
Got a hankering to take hold of a
brand-new wheel touch off the power
in a smooth, firm, lively new engine
set out to meet spring in fresh new
styling and sparkling colors?
Got a suppressed desire to make it
really something good this; time and
step away in Fireballing new Buick,
with all its room and comfort and
standout styling?
nx youn noon
TM. Slk n
why not?
You know there's no better buy voa
can make and no wider choice than
you're going to find among Buick's
array of beauties for 1930.
You know there's no livelier action
no smoother ride no roomier com
fort for the money than youll find
tight here.
de luxe versions a bit richer in trim
and outside finish.
You can have si Coupe, two-door or
four-door models sleek-lined jetbacks
or tourbacks with roomy luggage com
You can dress them up, if you like, with
a long list of added equipment includ
ing 1950 Dynaflow Drive for instance
hold the list down to the essentials
d if you don't know it
we'd like to repeat this:
If you can afford a new car,
you can afford a 1950 Buick.
The SPECIAL'S prices start just
above the lowest bracket. You
can choose between thrifty
standard -finish models and
everyone wants.
.nd your budget is going to find
continuing reason to be content that
you blossomed out in a Buick.
For in the hands of owners, the SFSCLAX
is proving thrifty to run as well as
thrifty to buy and what more could ,
you ask? .
Which suggests why not see your
Buick dealer now and ask him the
exact details and prices, trade-ins,
delivery and terms?
st txtnt m m SVfEM mmd SPECIAL mtdth.
r l-.- sj r i r j jus
row Ktr to
FUmm fMf fCICX dlttt m efes MtntUa -Might Jfew
388 N. Commercial St.
Phone 2-3621
Fire Destroys
Amity Home
AMITY A fire of under
mined origin completely destroy
ed a Email farm house and ffa.
rage on a prune ranch owned
0; Postmaster Earl Burch and
Ralph Wood Wednesday night.
The house was vacant, but camp
ing equipment stored there was
destroyed by the fire. The Amity
lire department answered the
call and saved the other farm
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vasev of
Puyallup, Wash4 were recent
guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Fre
mont Faul.
Mayor Frank Chambers has
been advised that th Oregon
state highway commission has ap
proved street improveikent for
Woodson street east fnpm 99W
highway to Oak, and Oajk north
of Nursery street through the
high school block. t
Circles 1 and 2 of the Wom
en's Society of Christian Service
of the Methodist church held
meetings at the Ed Cochran and
Royal Cochran homes Wednes
day. Mrs. Lillian McKee was as
sistant hostess for circle 2, Mrs.
Edwin Waddell had the devotion
al, and the afternoon was spent
informally. Mrs. James L. Payne
is chairman for this group.
Mrs. Herman Wood presided
for circle 1 and Mrs. Elmer En
gelland assisted. This group will
have charge of church decora
tions for April. Mrs. Waddell and
Mrs. H. N. Wilcox will be hos
tesses for April 28. ,
(71 aa btti atmaU7s m btdll JSUJCS wOJ build tb
Cracked Walls
I -fieaotifDlly-
f without replastenng
ma ring new product fills
cracks, mende small breaks
... give you a NEW, beau
tifully colored and finished
wall surface. Mixes with wa
ter and stays mixed without
reatixrinf. 8 lovely color and
white. So uniform you can
atop and start again hours
later without color change.
Dries in 4 hours becomes
plaster-hard. Try DRAMEX
today! If a quick! It'a easy!
from your Local Doctfor
ytisterh union
lit Your Town tie
rf AMT
mUa4m ii m
S. Ll Chla
Monmouth Red
Cross Offers
StateMuw N Serrle
nursing class will be offered here
starting the middle of April, with
Mrs. Maxine Hartmen, Indepen
dence, and Mrs. O. A. Macy,
Monmouth, both registered nurses,
as instructors. Unit 1, "Care of
the Sick," wiU be the first class.
Mrs. Hugh Van Loan, Monmouth,
win have charge of registration.
Mrs. Kent Farley, Monmouth, Is
Polk county Bed Cross chairman.
Mrs. Pearl Buss who "has been
a recent patient at Salem Gen
eral hospital is now Improving at
her home here. Her son, Donald
Buss, with Mrs. Buss and their
two young sons from Myrtle
Point, are spending a week with
Mrs. Metz Hubbard who re
cently underwent surgery at Sa
lem General hospital. Is now at
home with her daughter Nancy.
Conser Sells
Acreage Near
IIiIwmi Ktws ttrvlea
ALBANY About 500 acres
fjfarm land at Conser station
near MillersSurg has been sold by
Rockey Conser to V. C Nofziger.
The new owners do not plan on
taking possession before faTL
The land is part of the origin
al land holdings of the lat Mr.
and Mrs. John Conser, who at one V
time owned more than 1,000 acres
in that community. John Conser
was a son of Jacob Conser, pio
neer of 1848, and for whom the
bridge over the Santiam river at
Jefferson was named.
Conser has reserved 32 acres of
his farm near Wilson lake. He and
Mrs. Conser are building a home
in ' Albany to which they expect
to move in the fall. Conser! bro
ther, Lester, is also a prominent
farmer in the Conser community.
The Statesman, Salem, Orocjon, Sunday, March 28; 1850 U
Pre-Easter Services
Set at Liberty
Stttwia Niwt ScrvW
LIBERTY A series of pre
Easter meetings will be conducted
every night from March 28
through to Easter Sunday, April
9 at the Liberty Christian Churhc
of Christ on Skyline road.
Two weeks of inspirational ser
vices with the Rev. Elery Parrish
doing the preaching and Albert
Brownie In charge of the musi
cal program, will be held. The
meetings will start at 7:49 to 9:00
p. m. with special features of In
terest nightly. There will be aa
Easter sunrise service.
Th Jewel Box
44s State
One Deor from Western TJalea
AureuAfic cil i:iati::D
One of tht few completi oil-fired furnace to
pasa such rigorous, scientific tests. Look for the
seal of approval on Supreme furnaces your
assurance of efficient and economical htatinj.
for Complete Automatic Heating Comfort
immediate Instillation See It Today!
. a
r- n V
1 $1. . e a k P I ,
3t your chance to put new color into your home at a real saving I Simply
come Into our store, buy one quart of lustrous Boysen Tru-Lite Enamel at regular
price of only $1.49; get a second quart for only 1c additional. Ten glorious
pastel shades ... easy to handle ... dries overnight to a beautiful gloss ...
won't chip ... washable as a chine dish.
ierseaimrVelleeaefaiat (fS fey TOMCOTE ITet I
ySX Wall Palat I
1 M catoft. atw MW w4 Stock. I WjY , j , -- WmMH. I
S4.G0 S4JS0 P $1-04 $3X3 I
dr . f - . it i
Peck aai near saMi
t mwt. DM CMC
' I -
Jo Mo Co)Ii)m VsMsfe
349 So. 12th St.
Ph. 3-9183
520 Wallace Rd.
Ph. 35627
M. J..