The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, March 22, 1950, Page 9, Image 9

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    ... W 1 - J
A group of Salem Woman's dub members shown completing work on the 30,600
Easter Seal letters for mailing are left to right, seated, Mrs. John Can, Mrs. Charles Cole,
Mrs. K. H. Amot of the Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae, Mrs. Luke Johnston, Mrs. J. S. Murary
and Mrs. Frank Myers. Standing left to right are Mrs. Albert C Gragg, Mrs. Howard Hun
saker, Mrs. Grant Rogers, Mrs. Lee Ross, president of the Mill City Woman's club, and Mrs.
Glenn S. Parson. Mrs. Lawrence Osterman was chairman of the project for the Salem Wom
an's club and Mrs. George Ailing, was Marion county coordinator for the Oregon Society far
Crippled Children and Adults. -
Kitchen Aid I
Ready-Mixes Make Cooking Simpler,
Dry Milk Provides NeededNutriments
Rt Mulne Bares
Statesman woman's Editor
U;:;'l 7,.
rl v-rr,aw w,ow Mitm
rde at home usuif milk powder
. ' ..1,. i..r,.i C.m
:iH Am. hnw
r:""T.:Mh.ns' H,n.'rt;nt
tTSirtSuFS SffSft
" k., rr, Cffr much mar
SSf SLfiSsnftf
rT., c,,rh mlrP. ir inex-
pensire for the milk valua they
tatt,. cPbod. ready for ta
Ingredients: 8 cups sifted flour;
lcupATinilk.- whole or nonfat
i Jr kw-. Vv,
aklf 1 curiat7a kind that needs
!r-J,L:?L(f Trlv-n
dr tagredits' togee7 ihr Mak S.uflin
times. Cut or! rub in fat unUl . ZTtE ... ,
thoroughly mixed. Lift mix lightly l"f?l,-5JfP 5,AJitS,
Into glass jars or tin cans without Sir A fi! 5,!
pador Oom tighuy store on g ffwl
A cup of this miavis enough for t r waffles,
medium-size biscuits. To make. GrlMleeakea
measure 1 cup of mix and add Measure 1 cup ?. Add to 1
enough; water or fluid milk to cup water or fluid milk and 1
make a soft dough About y cup. beaten egg. Drop batter by spoon
(Evaporated milk, diluted half and fuls onto a hot greased griddle,
half with water; may be used). Cook slowly until surface Is corer
Turn onto a lightly floured board ed with bubble. Turn and brown
and knead a few times. Pat or roll on bottom. Makes' 7 medium-sized
to the desired thickness and cut griddlecakes.
Goodwill Club
. LINCOLN Violets, primroses
and daffodils were used as deco
rations about the rooms of the R.
J. Meissner home, when Mrs.
Meissner, Bin. L. I. Mickey, Mrs.
Fannie Emel and Mrs. Lois Craw
ford were hostesses for a St Pat
sick meeting of Lincoln Goodwill
club. Members are using the much
advertised dairy feed sack to make
attractive and economical articles
for a bazaar to be held In the fall
and spent the social hour working
on them. Mrs. Robert F. Yung en,
? resident, presided with Mrs.
aul Libby, devotional leader.
BDeakins! on the Lenten season.
Announcement was made of
"the Lincoln Home' extension unit
meeting April 7 at the home of
Mrs. T. L. Hicks when a no-host
luncheon will be served. Mrs.
Harold D. Burns led a discussion
on daylight saving time which -the
club as a whole rejected.
Little Irish maids, complete
with bare feet and shoulder shawl
which were made and painted by
Mrs. Paul libby, were on the In
dividual trays when dessert lunch
was served by the hostesses to
special guests, Mrs. Louisa Haus
ler and Miss Lillian Hausler, Port
land, and Mrs. Sarah Feller and
Mrs. H. Ward Ashford, Lincoln,
and sixteen members.
SWEGLE At her Garden reai
home Mrs. Jess Hatch, with Mrs.
Frank assistant hostess, served a
luncheon on Friday to members
of the Garden Road Neighborhod
club. Present' were Mrs. E. W.
Richardson, Mrs. Paul Lynch, Mrs.
A. C Schaff er, Mrs. Mary Swingle,
Mrs. Julia Jennings, Mrs. Glenn
Larkins, Mrs. Floyd DeLapp, Mrs.
Ed Brakndle, Mrs. R. B. DeLapp,
Mrs. William Hartley. Mrs. Rick
et and Mrs. Hatch with a guest,
Mrs. W. E. Brown, who assisted
In serving. For the program Irish
songs were sung by the group with
Mrs. Hatch at the piano.
To Women With
Nagging Backache
W mr fmil ilium Mr Molt
Iriiawlaiirsgrutia mmmU.
jtmmuma mr timmrr IbmihiIii
amtic Vmi ! fTTy kr aulliM far
txmZZ2im,rha tbsMSl-r W
k i tit .Tir I nhlaa r'avaiiai
aU HIwh 4mw kUmtr fM-
Umm. Tfcte mm In4 mmmr Mb to mm-
mrnmwr. tulirin Ml Urtil,
with a floured cutter. Bake In a
hot oven (450 F.) 12 to 15 minutes,
quick BEEAD MX
Tor muffin., waffle, griddle-
cake. Ingredients: 8 cups sifted
flour; 1 cup dry mitt; cup bak-
in powder; 2 teaspoons salt;
cup sugar, cup 1st a sand
needing no refriieration, (For
f dry mgredlenu together three
Um- Cut or rub in fat until
uEhly mixed pft mix lighUy
into glass jars or tin cans without
Pn- clos uKhUy and store on
- i."
; Mafflns. ......
Measure 1 cup of mix. Add
w,ter 1
beaten egg. Fill greased muffin
tins two-thirds full. Bake in a hot
(400 to 425 r. about 20 in.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester D. Green
will arrive in Salem tonight from
Eugene to spend the remainder of
the week at the home of her par
ents. Governor and Mrs. Douglas
McKay. Mr. Green Is completing
his senior year at the University
oz Oregon.
Miss Sara An Ohliag, efeagkter
of the Merrill D. Ohlings, hat re
turned from Seattle, where she
nas completed her graduate work
at the University of Washington.
' Jflsa Mary Kay Derrls, a Uni
versity of Oregon coed, arrived in
Salem Tuesday night to spend a
few days at the home of her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Mai
son. .
e) Wbea yo pass yoor doctor pre
scription across counter, yoa want
to know that It is in mfmukU hands
hands that will consider this pradoos
bit of paper as the direct command of
professional associate. Here, In this
''Reliable pharmacy yoa hart thai
assurance. May we have the privilege
of compounding your doctor's next
prescription? Thank job sincerely.
Recital Held
Highly Pleasing
One of the most pleasant re
citals to be given in Salem this
winter was that of the Alicia Mc
Elroy Ensemble from Portland on
Saturday night at Roberts' studio.
Those who attended agreed that
Miss McElroys selection of num
bers was a happy one. A group
of short pieces featuring trios se
lected from the ensemble were
especially appealing. Miss McEl-
roy s selections on the celesta were
another feature of the program.
Mildi Roberts Dawes' violin
solos nleased tha) litnra vhh
found her playing of unusual I
quality and her handling of the
instrument exceptionally fine.
Professor Roberts assisted in the
program, playing the organ.
After the recital, members of
the Salem Music Teachers' asso
ciation were hosts at a reception
for the performers. Many of the
guests attending the concert were
old time friends of Miss McElroy
and Mrs. Dawes.
Spinsters Will
Present Check
Miss Betty Jean Manoles. pre
sident of the Spinsters, will pre
sent a thousand dollar check to
Miss. Gertrude Acheson. executive
secretary of the YWCA, today on
behalf of the Spinsters, chilan-
thropie organization, for the YW
building fund. . , 1
For the past two years the Spin
sters have given a series of bene
fit bridge parties and teas, with
all proceeds having gone toward
the building fund.
The Waaaaa's Bible class ec the
First Methodist church will meet
Friday with Mrs. A. A. Lee at
ISIS State street. Mrs. Myrtle
Heard, Mrs. Zero Polaire, Miss
Gertrude Barnett and Mrs. E.
Hamann are to assist Mrs. Lee
and Mrs. Emma Bedford will lead
George Bartruff (Barbara Rich
ardson) was honored at a post
nuptial shower Monday night by
Mrs. Fred Scharf and Mrs; Gerald
Jaffa at the latter home. Guests
were Mesdames J. E. Scharf, Per
rydale; Bert Krager, Valley Junc
tion; James Croker, Portland; W.
C Kichardson, John van Laanen,
William Massey, Grant Wikoff,
Thomas Ross, Lena Bartruff, Cleo
Keppenger, Dan Scharf, Leonard
Malm and W. H. Scharf.
1 - cr
Miss Ellsworth
Sets Date
Of interest to the many Oregon
friends of the bride-elect is the
news from Washington, D.C.,
telling of the coming marriage of
Miss Jane Ellsworth, daughter of
Congressman and Mrs. Harris
Ellsworth of Roseburg. She will
become the bride of Thomas
Francis McKenna, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James A. McKenna of Pouglv
keepsie, New York, on May 20 in
the nation's capital.
The date was announced at a
luncheon and shower given for
Miss Ellsworth by Mrs. Wayne
Morse in her Westchester apart
ment recently.
Mrs. William O. Douglas was
among those present at the party
and both Mrs. Homer. Angell and
Mrs. Guy Cordon, who were bid
den, were unable to attend due to
illness. Amy Morse came in after
school to see the bride-elect open
herV gifts. Sister Judy, was not
present as she had a singing les
son. Bosses Guests
At Breakfast
Eeventy-five were4 present for
the annual "bosses' " breakfast
given Tuesday by the Salem Cre
dit Women's Breakfast club at
Nohlgren's. Mrs. Verne Robb pre
sided. Mrs. Francis Welsh was in
charge of the program and table
arrangements. The invocation was
given by the Rev. Dudley Strain.
Mrs. Robert Jones gave the wel
come and RusseH Bonesteele the
response. Mrs. Darrel Walker,
junior past president of the club
introduced members who intro
duced their guests.
Mrs. Clifford Schmidt played
piano numbers and Miss Dolores
Friesen, Miss Shirley Bosell and
Mrs. Clifford Schmidt sang sev
eral selections. James Kuhn of
the state tax commission spoke on
"Oddities in the Matter of Death
and Taxes." Ford Watklns intro
duced the speaker.
Mrs. Lue Lucas, conference
chairman, told of the district con
ference to be held on May 14
through 17 at Spokane.
The board of directors meeting
was announced for March 28 at
the home of Miss Nila Cluett at
8 p-d'and the next regular break
fast session for April 4.
Surprise Party
For Feltons
Judge and Mrs. Joseph Felton
were honored at a surprise house
warming party on Saturday night
at their new country place on the
Homestead road when a group of
their friends entertained with a
no-host party.
A dinner was served with danc
ing and cards following later in
the evening.
Honoring the Feltons were Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice Heater, Mr. and
Mrs. Loring Grier, Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. McCafferty, Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Brown, Mr.' and Mrs.
Bert Walker, -Mr. and Mrs. Harlan
Judd, Mr. and Mrs. Peery T. Bu
ren, Mr. and Mrs. Denver Young.
Mr. and Mrs. Holly Jackson and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mink.
party was given for Linda Smiley,
Saturday, March 11, at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ora
Those helping her celebrate her
third birthday were Lona and
Dona Morland, Donna Walker,
Pinkey Perkins, HershaU Perkins,
Derrel Perkins and Earnest
Mrs. HareU
ess to the members of the Salem
FL club. After the meeting re
freshments were served to the fol
lowing guests: Mrs. Forrest Green
field, Mrs. Victor loop, Mrs. Keith
Rebo, Mrs. Harry Way, Mrs. Wil
liam Jensen, Mrs. Coiene Louns
bery and Edlyn Kolmquist.
and waea rea KXAK hew
rack kaoac tkm acw 199 ftaboM itl
YoaH t lluilUd. mm. wlmm yom RSL
aw awca mmtm coaafaraMa fc is
wear., AcraaUy 26 ssttllar thea the
KW fial in Far RTTDt KTJJBKI
This acwMt Brisaet giva 19 am
aavaaagM tor weasaal curicr, i
comfort, mmmmt. U aw aaaka a w
fvi diferaax ia rmmt waolc Jm.
HioW rov imtos wkk tk ataw Baltataa
PhaatataMU. Taaaaj to chij aatrir tnmm
fmnmt, ahaeet sanaiala dtica s bat
tea aaadsaow la yew serf
hew mi COOK
Jaat aaT tW mm. Tatoaato.
iaacaaauae, Wpral facta.
IXE1 cmpf
Jzzzzs Trfl ft buzz
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Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wolf (Shirley Rockafellow) who
were married on March 10 at St John's Lutheran church. The
bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Rockafellow
and the groom's parents are the E. Wolfs of Circle, Mon
tana. The couple will live in Salem, (McEwan photo).
itad was guest speaker Thursday
at the Women's Missionary fed
eration at Immanuel church. She
told about the Lutheran church
starting at tswego as a mission
church and of its development and
establishment as a self-supporting
Soloist Thursday at the program
hour was Miss Inga Selga, ac
companied by Miss Mary Beth
mn i-. 1-....
eae m pedoL It aaajflt
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72 kt
I A ' fir
cms wnaa. rw xaru
J aw-eci nOno-Sza- Irokas mmd Ferafs "i
At the business session Mrs. C.
J. Halvorson was named secretary,
replacing Mrs.' Elmer Johnson.
Mrs. Tom Anderson, Mrs. Harold
Satern, Mrs. Stanley Swanson,
Mrs. Clarence Halverson, Mrs. P.
A. Loar, Mrs. S. L. Almlie, Mrs.
Otto Dahl, Mrs. R. J. VanCleave,
Mrs. Oscar Loe and Mrs. R. Pove
rud were appointed to buy a
Chancel rug.
The next meeting win be April
Ford AwtoaMSc OardrWe
ravnaniwi vrjm. not
toof ofoag at 35 rnLpM. toi
501 And Mf mom low
oo yen.
m - Vi ti nana
off art (Uk!U oparoHow Hm
aJru wmfmy to oo waw For!
Isey mow 11
The Staietman. Salem. Oregon.
Ceremony Read
In Eugene
SHERIDAN Mrs. Sabina
Merewether, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Allen, Sheridan, and
Paul Halweg of Eugene were mar
ried March 12 at the First Luth
eran church in Eugene.
The bride wore a navy blue
suit and white accessories and
carried e white Bible with a bou
auet of kiim v.h..-
wether, daughter of the bride, was
her only attendant. n aii
Every ana Is looking far a saviors. TOD
wlU be surprised hew lew mr AaU,
Truck, and Fire Insurance rates are . . .
we tavtte comparison, gee us at 4SC
Court St.
4SI Court SL
Guess the Voice
On KSLM Mystery
Voice Program
6:30 P. M.
'. Omy rerd Is fs
cuH yow
yow ford k
""' A 1 mMmJl
Wednesdcry, March tZ. 19SQ f
Merewether, son of the bride, was
best man.
A reception was held In the
church parlors with Mrs. Ken
neth Bude, Eugene, sister of the
bride, cutting the cake, and Mrs.
Carl Wuorinen of Eugene in charge
of the gifts and the guest book.
I&iMiM, Zlovtrv
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Dist Maaager
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mA mart
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Till SO POftO
at roua roao riAicra
Maf fee 3 Aldsv
375 Cnter Strtjtt
Phons 3-3147
Sna mmt wmf. Gat Dmmm tOm Saaarl
htm Um IS mOm ml kiimm I